Family as a social group and institution. Family and marriage: role and legal basis Family and marriage social studies Unified State Examination

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presentation on social studies Sociology. Family. Right. Marriage. (Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies) Codifier: 3.10. Family and marriage 5.10. Legal regulation of relations between spouses. Procedure and conditions for concluding and dissolving a marriage E.N. Krivonogova, history teacher, first qualification category

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Family is a community of people based on a single family activity, marital ties, carrying out population reproduction, continuity of generations and socialization of children. The family as a social institution - the activities of which are aimed at satisfying a number of the most important human needs. The family as a small social group - is based on marriage and consanguinity, connected by a common life and mutual responsibility.

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Family functions: reproductive - biological reproduction and preservation of offspring, procreation; economic - includes feeding the family, acquiring and maintaining household property, clothing, home improvement, creating home comfort, organizing family life and everyday life, forming and spending a household budget; regenerative - (lat. regeneratio - revival, renewal). Means inheritance of status, surname, property, social status. This also includes the transfer of some family jewelry; educational and upbringing - (socialization). Consists of satisfying the needs for fatherhood and motherhood, contacts with children, their upbringing, self-realization in children; the sphere of initial social control is the moral regulation of the behavior of family members in various spheres of life, the responsibility of family members for the behavior of its members in society, their activities; recreational - (lat. recreatio - restoration). Associated with rest, organization of leisure, care for the health and well-being of family members. spiritual communication - personal development of family members, spiritual mutual enrichment; social-status - providing a certain social status to family members, reproduction of the social structure; psychotherapeutic (emotional) - allows family members to satisfy the needs for sympathy, respect, recognition, emotional support, psychological protection.

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1. Establish a correspondence between family functions and their manifestations: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. 21231 MANIFESTATIONS OF FAMILY FUNCTIONS FAMILY FUNCTIONS A) distribution of family responsibilities B) spending leisure time together C) family budget planning D) transmission of traditions and values ​​E) relieving psychological stress 1) recreational 2) economic-economic 3) educational A B C D E

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Classification of families by type 1. The nature of the distribution of household responsibilities: – Patriarchal (traditional) family – household responsibilities are performed mainly by the woman, but responsibility for the family to society and the main power belong to the man. – Collectivist (partnership) - responsibilities are performed by spouses jointly or in turn. 2. Depending on the structure of family ties: – Extended family – a complex family that includes representatives of several generations of relatives (grandparents – grandfather, grandmother, parents – mother, father, children – son, daughter, etc.). – Nuclear family – consisting of two generations – parents and children. 3. Depending on the number of children in the family: - childless; - small children (1–2 children); - large families (3 or more children). 4. Depending on the size of the family: - single-parent families (families with children, but without one or both parents), - complete families.

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Classification of families by type 1. Nature of upbringing: - Authoritarian - based on the authority of the parent. - Liberal - is built on the self-determination of the individual, regardless of traditions and habits. - Democratic - characterized by the gradual formation in the child of such a trait as involvement in the destinies of other people.

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2. Establish a correspondence between the examples and types of families: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. 21122 EXAMPLES OF TYPES OF FAMILIES A) the wife of citizen K. decided to get another education, and the spouses agreed that the husband would take on most of the housework so that the wife could combine study with work B) in family C. the wife does all the housework ; the husband believes that he earns money, and the wife’s responsibility is household chores B) the father of the family decided to send his son to study in the cadet corps, and ignored the mother’s objections D) at the family council it was decided that the wife would go on vacation with a friend, and the husband will stay at home and start renovating the apartment E) husband and wife decided to spend the money saved for a joint summer vacation on a trip to a sanatorium for the wife’s grandmother 1) patriarchal 2) partner A B C D E

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3. Establish a correspondence between the needs of society and the social institutions that satisfy these needs: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. 12221 NEEDS SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS A) the need for primary socialization of the younger generation B) the need for security and social order B) the need for management D) the need for coordinating social processes E) the need for population reproduction 1) the institution of family and marriage 2) the institution of the state A B C D E

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Another social institution is closely related to the institution of family - the institution of marriage; most often it is the married couple that forms the basis of the family. In sociology, marriage is a historically changing social form of relations between a man and a woman, regulating sexual relations. In the legal sense, marriage is a voluntary and free union of a woman and a man, concluded in the manner prescribed by law, aimed at creating a family and giving rise to mutual personal, as well as property rights and obligations of the spouses. In accordance with the Family Code of the Russian Federation, only a legally formalized, concluded and registered marriage with the civil registry office is recognized.

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Family Marriage = Marriage is a family relationship officially registered by the state (church) A family is possible without marriage A marriage is possible without the purpose of creating a family (fictitious marriage)

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Conditions necessary for marriage: a) mutual voluntary consent of those entering into marriage; b) personal participation in filing an application, registering a marriage; c) reaching marriageable age, i.e. 18 years; if there are good reasons (pregnancy of the bride), at the request of the couple, the age of marriage can be reduced to 16 years; in some regions of the Russian Federation, for example, in the Rostov region, marriage is possible from 14 years. For minors, written consent of parents or persons replacing them is required; d) none of those entering into marriage should be declared incompetent by a court due to a mental disorder; e) the absence of another registered marriage among the persons entering into marriage; f) absence of close relationship between persons entering into marriage. Marriage is prohibited between parents and children, grandchildren and grandparents, between siblings, between adopted children and adoptive parents.

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Task 25 (Unified State Examination) 4. What meaning do lawyers give to the concept of “civil marriage”? Using knowledge from a social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the conditions of marriage, and one sentence revealing the features of the property rights of the spouses. The correct answer must contain the following elements 1) the meaning of the concept, for example: “Civil marriage is a form of relationship between a man and a woman, when they live together, run a joint household, their relationship is legalized legally, but not in the church.”; 2) one sentence with information about the conditions for marriage, based on knowledge of the course, for example: “One of the conditions for marriage is the mutual voluntary consent of a man and a woman to enter into a marriage relationship”; (Other sentences can be drawn up containing information about the conditions of marriage 3) one sentence, revealing, based on knowledge of the course, the features of the property rights of spouses, for example: “The property that belonged to each of the spouses before marriage, as well as things for individual use are theirs.” personal property and is not divided upon divorce.”

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Grounds for declaring a marriage invalid: a) non-compliance by persons entering into marriage with the conditions established by law for its conclusion; b) concealment by the person entering into marriage of the presence of a sexually transmitted disease or HIV infection; c) entering into a fictitious marriage, i.e. without the intention of starting a family. There are two procedures for divorce: 1. In the civil registry office (simplified procedure) 1) with mutual consent to the divorce of spouses who do not have common minor children; 2) at the request of one of the spouses, if the other spouse is recognized by the court as missing, incompetent, or sentenced to imprisonment for a term of more than three years for committing a crime. Divorce in these cases is carried out regardless of whether the spouses have common minor children. 2. In court 1) in the event of disputes arising between spouses during divorce in the registry office (for example, about the division of property), they are considered by the court; 2) if the spouses have common minor children, with the exception of the cases noted above; 3) in the absence of consent of one of the spouses to divorce; 4) if one of the spouses avoids dissolving the marriage in the registry office, although he does not object to such dissolution (for example, he refuses to submit an appropriate application, etc.). The law establishes a number of restrictions on the husband’s rights to file claims for divorce (in particular, he does not have the right to initiate proceedings for divorce without the wife’s consent during the wife’s pregnancy and within a year after the birth of the child). Divorce is carried out if the court determines that further life together of the spouses and preservation of the family is impossible. In this case, the court has the right to take measures to reconcile the spouses. If there is mutual consent to dissolve the marriage of spouses who have common minor children, the court will dissolve the marriage without clarifying the reasons for the divorce.

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Task 26 (Unified State Examination) 5. Name and illustrate with examples any three grounds for declaring a marriage invalid, provided for by the Family Code of the Russian Federation. ANSWER: 1) if the marriage is concluded between persons, at least one of whom is already in another registered marriage (Mikhail, being outside the Russian Federation, entered into marriage while being in another marriage registered in the Russian Federation); 2) the marriage was concluded between close relatives (Alexey and Svetlana got married, being half-brother and sister); 3) the marriage was concluded between the adoptive parent and the adopted child (Vladimir married Nina, whom he adopted); 4) at least one of those entering into marriage was declared incompetent (Ksenia, declared incompetent by the court, married Nikolai); 5) the marriage was concluded without the purpose of creating a family (Pavel married Valentina in order to obtain registration in Moscow (he refused to live and run a joint household with Valentina after the marriage).

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Task 26 (Unified State Examination) 6. Name and illustrate with examples any three grounds for divorce in court. ANSWER: 1) the presence of common minor children between the spouses (Ivan and Elena filed an application for divorce by mutual consent. Since the spouses have a common daughter, 6-year-old Vera, the marriage will be dissolved in court); 2) lack of consent of one of the spouses for divorce (Valentina filed an application for divorce from Mikhail. Since Mikhail objects to the divorce, the divorce case will be considered by the court, which will examine the possibility of reconciling the spouses and preserving the family); 3) evasion of one of the spouses from the dissolution of the marriage in the registry office (Irina filed an application for divorce with Vladimir to the registry office. The spouses do not have common children, and Vladimir does not object to the dissolution of the marriage, but does not appear at the registry office for divorce. In connection with Vladimir’s evasion of divorce in the registry office will cause the divorce case to be considered in court).

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Task 26 (Unified State Exam) 7. Name and illustrate with examples any three circumstances that prevent marriage, provided for by the Family Code of the Russian Federation. Answer: 1) being in another registered marriage (Fyodor invited Svetlana to marry him, however, since Svetlana was married, the marriage between her and Fyodor could not be registered until the official dissolution of Svetlana’s previous marriage); 2) close relationship (Ivan and Sophia cannot marry, since they are brother and sister); 3) marriages between adoptive parents and adopted children are not allowed (Semyon cannot marry Ekaterina, whom he adopted, despite the lack of blood relationship between them); 4) incapacity of a person as a result of a mental disorder (Nikolai and Tamara cannot register their marriage, since Nikolai was declared incompetent by the court as a result of a mental disorder).

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Personal non-property rights and obligations of spouses Personal rights and obligations of spouses are regulated by Art. 31 and 32 of the RF IC. Such rights and responsibilities mean the rights and responsibilities of spouses regarding intangible benefits, regulated by the norms of family law. Personal non-property rights and obligations: spouses have the following features: a) arise only after registration of marriage; b) are deprived of economic content; c) possible only between spouses; d) inalienable and non-transferable; e) cannot be the subject of agreements between spouses, including through a marriage contract.

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The personal non-property rights of spouses include: 1) the right to free choice of occupation and profession by each spouse 2) the right to free choice of place of residence 3) the right to free choice of place of stay 4) the right to jointly resolve issues of family life 5) the right to choose a surname upon marriage and divorce 6) the right of the spouse to divorce (clause 2 of article 16 of the RF IC) 7) the right of each spouse to give consent to the adoption of a child by the other spouse (clause 1 of article 133 of the RF IC).

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Property rights of spouses are the rights regulating relations regarding marital property. rights regulating relations regarding mutual material content. Property rights are determined by law or a marriage contract. Marital property = joint property: - property acquired by spouses during marriage (dishes, furniture, household appliances, cars, housing, income of each spouse from work, pensions, cash deposits, securities); - property acquired by each spouse before marriage, if during the marriage funds were invested in this property that significantly increased its value. Property of each spouse: - property acquired before marriage (if the spouses did not make investments in this property that increased its value); - personal items (except for jewelry and other luxury items); - awards and gifts (even if they are made by the other spouse); - property received during marriage by right of inheritance and through gratuitous - - transactions (under a gift agreement). Division of property upon divorce: 1) exclusively common, joint property is subject to division in equal shares; 2) things acquired to meet the needs of minor children are not subject to division. And cash deposits in the name of common minor children.

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A marriage contract is an agreement between the persons entering into marriage or an agreement between the spouses that defines only the property rights and obligations of the spouses during the marriage and (or) in the event of its dissolution. Features: 1) Concluded (before registration or during marriage) in writing and subject to notarization. 2) Can only be concluded with mutual voluntary consent of the spouses. The dissolution of the marriage contract does not lead to the termination of the marriage contract, but the dissolution of the marriage leads to the termination of the marriage contract. Establishes: - a regime of joint, shared or separate ownership of all property of spouses, of its individual types or of the property of each of the spouses; - rights and obligations of spouses regarding mutual maintenance; - ways of participating in each other’s income and the procedure for each spouse to bear family expenses; - what property and in what shares should be transferred to each of the spouses in the event of divorce. Cannot establish: - limit the legal capacity or capacity of spouses; - limit the right of spouses to go to court to protect their rights; - regulate personal non-property relations between spouses, their rights and obligations in relation to children; - provide for provisions limiting the right of a disabled spouse in need to receive maintenance; - include other conditions that put one of the spouses in an extremely unfavorable position or contradict the basic principles of family law.

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Task 27 (Unified State Examination) 8. Matvey and Arina decided to enter into a marriage contract. Matvey insisted on including a clause in the contract prohibiting the wife from going to work without her husband’s permission. The notary refused to certify the marriage contract precisely because of this clause. Are the actions of a notary legal? Explain your answer. Name any two aspects of the relationship between spouses that can be defined in a prenuptial agreement. ANSWER: 1. answer to the question: the notary’s actions are legal; 2. explanation, for example: this provision of the marriage contract limits the constitutional right of a citizen of the Russian Federation, i.e. we are talking about limitation of legal capacity; a marriage contract cannot limit the legal capacity or capacity of the spouses; 3. two aspects; spouses can define in a marriage contract: − their rights and obligations regarding mutual maintenance; − ways to participate in each other’s income; − the procedure for each of them to bear family expenses; − determine the property that will be transferred to each spouse in the event of divorce; − any other provisions relating to the property relations of the spouses.

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Task 27 (Unified State Exam) 9. Spouses, citizens of the Russian Federation, Frol and Aksinya decided to enter into a marriage contract. Frol insisted on including a clause in the contract that the wife must inform him about all her telephone conversations, tell him their content, as well as the content of postal, telegraph and other messages. The notary refused to certify the marriage contract precisely because of this clause. Are the actions of a notary legal? Explain your answer. Name any two aspects of the relationship between spouses that can be defined in a prenuptial agreement. ANSWER: 1. The actions of the notary are lawful. 2. Explanation. A marriage contract defines the property rights and obligations of spouses during marriage and in the event of its dissolution. It cannot limit the legal capacity and capacity of spouses, or contain provisions that place one of the spouses in an unfavorable life and legal position. 3. Marriage agreement - may establish a regime of separate ownership of all property of the spouses; - can regulate the procedure for dividing property in the event of divorce; - may regulate property rights in relation to the future property of the spouses.

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Task 27 10. Citizens of the Russian Federation Anastasia and Dmitry decided to enter into a marriage contract on the eve of registering their marriage. By mutual agreement, they included in it clauses on the rights and responsibilities in relation to their future children, on ways to participate in each other’s income, on the procedure for each spouse to bear family expenses, as well as a clause on the wife’s obligation to necessarily agree with her husband on all issues related to her employment. The notary whom they contacted to certify the marriage contract indicated the need to exclude two clauses. Which of the points listed above are we talking about? Justify your answer. What condition is necessary for a marriage contract drawn up in writing and certified by a notary to come into force? ANSWER: 1) two points: - about the rights and responsibilities in relation to their future children; - the wife’s obligation to agree with her husband on all issues related to her employment; 2) explanation, for example: the marriage contract regulates only the property relations of the spouses; (The explanation can be given in a different formulation that is similar in meaning.) 3) condition: state registration of marriage

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Literature and Internet resources of the Unified State Examination 2018. Social studies. 50 practice versions of exam papers. Baranov P.A., Shevchenko S.V. M.: 2017. - 486 p. Social studies: Unified State Exam textbook / P.A. Baranov, S.V. Shevchenko / Ed. P.A. Baranova. – M.: AST: Astrel, 2014. Unified State Examination 2017. Social studies. Workshop. Economy. Sociology. Korolkova E.S., Rutkovskaya E.L. M.: 2017. - 144 p. Unified State Exam 2017. Social studies. Workshop. Policy. Right. Korolkova E.S. M.: 2017. - 144 p. I WILL SOLVE the Unified State Exam social studies

The family is both a social institution and a small group.
The family is the main social institution that contributes to the satisfaction of the most important human needs, first of all, the reproduction of the person himself.
A family is a small social group based on marriage or consanguinity, connected by personal relationships, common life and mutual responsibility.
Family functions:
— reproductive — biological reproduction of the population;
- socialization of the individual - is the primary agent of socialization, under its influence the personality is formed;
— economic and household — housekeeping, caring for children and disabled family members;
— economic — accumulation and transfer of property, material support for family members;
- social status - endowing a person with hereditary status, for example, nationality, belonging to a certain dynasty, class;
— psychological — providing emotional support to family members;
- protective - physical, economic, psychological protection of family members;
— spiritual and moral — personal development of family members;
— leisure — organization of rational leisure, family vacations.

Classification of family structures:

  1. Monogamous families are based on the marriage of one man to one woman.
    Polygamous- multiple marriage, there are two types:
    polygyny- marriage of one man with several women (harem);
    polyandry- marriage of one woman with several men.
  2. Patrilineal families- inheritance of surname, property and social status is carried out through the father, matrilineal- by mother.
  3. Patriarchal families- the head is the father;
    matriarchal- the mother enjoys the highest authority and influence;
    affiliate— spouses have equal rights, rational distribution of responsibilities.
  4. Nuclear- consisting of a married couple and minor children dependent on them.
    Advanced- cohabitation of several generations of relatives (parents, children, grandparents, aunts, nephews).
  5. Childless, small children, large families(three or more children).
  6. Authoritarian(based on the strict authority of parents), liberal (based on the self-determination of the individual, regardless of habits and customs), democratic (based on the equal participation of all family members in resolving the most important family issues).

Main trends in the development of a modern family:

— predominance of nuclear, small families;
— distribution of partner-type families;
- increasing the average age of marriage;
- the spread of cohabitation, trial marriages, the emergence of same-sex marriages in some countries;
- reduction of the leading position of the family in the socialization of the individual (associated with the active participation of women in social relations: career, business, politics, working grandmothers).
Another social institution is closely related to the institution of family - the institution of marriage; most often it is the married couple that forms the basis of the family.
In sociology marriage- a historically changing social form of relations between a man and a woman, regulating sexual relations.
In a legal sense marriage- a voluntary and free union of a woman and a man, concluded in the manner prescribed by law, aimed at creating a family and giving rise to mutual personal, as well as property rights and obligations of spouses.
In accordance with the Family Code of the Russian Federation, only a legally formalized, concluded and registered marriage with the civil registry office is recognized.

Conditions necessary for marriage:

a) mutual voluntary consent of those entering into marriage;
b) personal participation in filing an application, registering a marriage;
c) reaching marriageable age, i.e. 18 years; if there are good reasons (pregnancy of the bride), at the request of the couple, the age of marriage can be reduced to 16 years; in some regions of the Russian Federation, for example, in the Rostov region, marriage is possible from 14 years. For minors, written consent of parents or persons replacing them is required;
d) none of those entering into marriage should be declared incompetent by a court due to a mental disorder;
e) the absence of another registered marriage among the persons entering into marriage;
f) absence of close relationship between persons entering into marriage. Marriage is prohibited between parents and children, grandchildren and grandparents, between siblings, between adopted children and adoptive parents.
The marriage is concluded after one month from the date of filing the application. If there are extenuating circumstances, the marriage can be concluded on the day the application is submitted.
State registration of marriage is carried out by any civil registry office on the territory of the Russian Federation at the choice of persons entering into marriage.

Grounds for invalidating a marriage:

a) non-compliance by persons entering into marriage with the conditions established by law for its conclusion;
b) concealment by the person entering into marriage of the presence of a sexually transmitted disease or HIV infection;
c) entering into a fictitious marriage, i.e. without the intention of starting a family.
Grounds for termination of marriage are the death or declaration of one of the spouses as deceased, as well as divorce in the manner prescribed by law.
Exists two procedures for divorce:
1. In the civil registry office(simplified order)
1) with mutual consent to dissolve the marriage of spouses who do not have common minor children;
2) at the request of one of the spouses, if the other spouse is recognized by the court as missing, incompetent, or sentenced to imprisonment for a term of more than three years for committing a crime.
Divorce in these cases is carried out regardless of whether the spouses have common minor children.
2. In a court
1) in the event of disputes between spouses upon divorce in the registry office (for example, about the division of property), they are considered by the court;
2) if the spouses have common minor children, with the exception of the cases noted above;
3) in the absence of consent of one of the spouses to divorce;
4) if one of the spouses avoids dissolving the marriage in the registry office, although he does not object to such dissolution (for example, he refuses to submit an appropriate application, etc.).
The law establishes a number restrictions on husband's rights to present demands for divorce (in particular, he does not have the right, without the consent of the wife, to initiate proceedings for divorce during the wife’s pregnancy and within a year after the birth of the child).
Divorce is carried out if the court determines that further life together of the spouses and preservation of the family is impossible. In this case, the court has the right to take measures to reconcile the spouses. If there is mutual consent to dissolve the marriage of spouses who have common minor children, the court will dissolve the marriage without clarifying the reasons for the divorce.
When considering a case of divorce, the court decides the issues of which of the parents the minor children will live with after the divorce, from which of the parents and in what amounts to collect child support, as well as the division of property owned jointly by the spouses. On all these issues, the spouses themselves can conclude an agreement and submit it to the court for consideration.
The court dissolves a marriage after a month has passed from the date the spouses filed an application for divorce.

The marriage is considered terminated:

a) in case of its dissolution in the registry office - from the date of state registration of the divorce in the civil registration book;
b) in the case of divorce in court - on the day the court decision enters into legal force (however, in this case, state registration of divorce is necessary).
Spouses do not have the right to enter into a new marriage until they receive a certificate of divorce from the civil registry office.

Target: define the social and legal aspects of family and marriage

- understand the classification of types of family structures (family type);
- find out the conditions for concluding and dissolving a marriage, determine the personal and property rights and obligations of spouses;
- organize knowledge in the field of rights and responsibilities of parents and children.

Question: why did the king make this particular choice (the opinion of the boys, the opinion of the girls, the opinion of adults)?
Everything you said is true. Indeed, the reasons are different, but the goal is the same - creating a family.
And the topic of our lesson is “Family and Marriage.”
I state the purpose of the lesson, the objectives of the lesson.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy also wrote: “Happy is he who is happy at home.” And really, where do we spend most of our lives? Of course, in the family! I don’t think that Leo Tolstoy was an absolutely happy person, but based on his quote, I’m sure that he knew the path that leads us to happiness! Everyone has their own. And to find it, it is necessary to rely on the centuries-old experience of a person’s life in a family. What is family?

Family is...
What are the functions of the family in the modern world (independent work of students with a course of lectures)? From the lecture document “Family and Marriage,” highlight and briefly describe the functions of the family.
Student answers.
What does the family give to the person, to the state?

Throughout the centuries-old history of the family, there have been various types. Let's focus on those that are currently common.

Explanation of the slide. All of these types of family structures have something in common. This is marriage. And for the most part - legal, i.e. registered with the Civil Registry Office.
Work in pairs with the text of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

Group 1. Assignment (pdf)
- What are the conditions for marriage (student answer)?
- Name the circumstances that prevent marriage (student answer).

Group 2 (no slide) Assignment (pdf)
- State the grounds for ending the marriage.
- List the conditions for divorce in the registry office or court.

Group 3 (no slide). Assignment (pdf)
- Indicate the personal rights of the spouses.
- Name the possible options for choosing a surname.

Group 4. Assignment (pdf)
Legal regime of marital property.

Group 5 (no slide). Assignment (pdf)
- What is a marriage contract?
- What provisions cannot a Marriage Agreement contain?

Group 6. Assignment (pdf)
Rights of minor children (the rights themselves are highlighted after the student’s answer). Then the Rights and Responsibilities of Parents immediately come out.
- Article 61 part 1
- Article 63 parts 1, 2
- Article 64 part 1
- Article 65 part 2

The lesson plan comes out.

Independent work of students with the test.
Final test (pdf)

1 student works on a computer (electronic test, Social Studies CD).

I give ratings. D/z.

I'm telling a parable.
“As a token of gratitude for the healing, the Shah offered the doctor one of his three wives. Before making a choice, the doctor decided to ask the girls a simple question: “What is two and two?”
The first one answered:
- Four.
“Smart, you won’t get lost with someone like that,” the doctor thought.
“Five,” said the second.
“Generous, and that’s wonderful,” the doctor thought.
“Three,” the third answered.
“It’s economical, and that’s also necessary.”

Which of the three girls do you think the doctor chose as his wife? (listen to different answers from students)
- And he chose a beautiful one.

Then the words “Happy is he who is happy at home.”
My final words: I wish you happiness and do not forget the famous expression of L. Tolstoy, “Happy is he who is happy at home.”

Family and marriage are studied in sociology, psychology, religious studies and law. Social science as a complex discipline examines this phenomenon from several points of view simultaneously. In the Russian Federation, the foundations of family and marriage are enshrined in the relevant relevant law. We are talking about the Family Code, which in specialized literature is most often abbreviated as the Family Code.

The legal foundations of marriage and family are regulated by a separate branch of law. Regulatory legal acts establish the property and non-property rights and obligations of members of the same family in relation to each other. And if someone commits a violation, the injured party (or considers himself such) can seek protection in court.

Marriage and family are close concepts; sometimes they coincide, for example, when it comes to a childless couple. But in reality they are not identical to each other. Family as a concept is much broader; it can include persons related by blood ties. The concept of marriage under family law is quite clear.

So, by law, marriage is understood as a voluntary union of a woman and a man for the purpose of jointly running a household (household), raising children and starting a family. It should be noted that the Russian Federation has been repeatedly criticized for this definition. It is believed that the legislation on marriage and family is discriminatory, since it infringes on the rights of people of non-traditional orientation.

However, this is not the only reason for dissatisfaction. It is often pointed out that the modern importance of family in a person’s life should not be tied to the compulsory or socially imposed desire to have children. Critics believe that the institution of marriage is in crisis and that it must change in order to fully meet the modern needs of society.

Nevertheless, the Federal Law (federal law) still gives just such a definition. Perhaps in the future some regulation or amendments will change the situation. Now the concept and legal nature of marriage in Russia are built around heterosexual unions.

Why is legislation needed?

It seems that the concept of marriage and family is largely personal. People must decide for themselves how to live and with whom. And the state’s desire to regulate such a phenomenon as marriage seems inappropriate.

However, at its core, all this is aimed at protecting those who are in vulnerable situations. For example, a child who may suffer from the arbitrariness of relatives. The law is on his side in most cases. It prevents parents from selling real estate without taking into account the interests of minors, for example.

And children under 18 years of age are heirs by law. And even deprivation of parental rights does not always mean automatic release from related responsibilities. Of course, when reading these lines, someone might think that it is impossible to imagine government intervention in my family.

And this is good. Spouses living in peace and harmony, as a rule, do not face any legal claims against them. The law usually helps to resolve conflicts and understand difficult situations. The institution of family and marriage also applies to distant relatives, or rather, its legal regulation, since the institution itself is primarily a sociological concept.

And one moment. There is such a thing as “legal families concept and types”. This has nothing to do with marriage and relatives. We are talking about legal systems, which in science are called families. For example, a Romano-Germanic family, an Anglo-Saxon family, etc. These concepts should not be confused.

What types of families are there?

The classification of the family is quite interesting. They are considered by the number of children: childless, one-child, small, medium-sized and large. It is curious that mainly only the first and last terms have taken root in journalism.

There is also a difference in gender composition: opposite-sex marriage and same-sex marriage. It is more competent to talk about marriage relationships, even if they are not officially recognized by the state, because, as already mentioned, family is different. In fact, a same-sex family can be called a daughter and mother or a son and father.

It should be noted that the traditional concept of family and marriage does not imply recognition of homosexual relationships. This is largely due to the consequences of the influence of religions, when the union between people was reduced to reproduction, which was the main or one of the main goals. Descendants and heirs had to be given official status.

However, family and marriage as social institutions in the modern world in most civilized countries do not boil down to this. And in many countries the law protects same-sex relationships. A striking example is Canada, Spain, USA, Great Britain.

Historical forms of marriage

There are also historical forms of family and marriage. This is monogamy, that is, a union of exclusively 2 people, polygyny, which involved a large number of wives and one husband, and polyandry, where there were several men for one woman. It should be noted that the number and position of people in the family, family, family, family depended largely on the dominant religion.

In particular, a careful study of the history of mankind makes it clear that severe discrimination based on gender was supported by Christianity and Islam, which is close to it in this regard. Modern law looks much more progressive in comparison with these norms. Even in Russia.

Affiliate family

The specialized literature repeatedly mentions the partner type of family. What is it about? This is the customary name for marriage relationships built on the equality of women and men, on the same scope of rights and responsibilities. Some believe that this is regulated by law.

In fact, the legislation emphasizes only the voluntary nature of the union. That is, each spouse can file for divorce at any time if they wish. However, equality is not specifically mentioned. Therefore, it is believed that such a moment is regulated behind the scenes.

What other options might there be? There is a patriarchal type of family, in which the man is considered the head, and all major decisions remain with him. It has been traditional for a long time. There are matriarchal ones, here the role of the leader goes completely to the woman.

And finally, the sociology of family and marriage also identifies a competitive one, in which the husband and wife are actively engaged in pulling the blanket over themselves. In this case, the marriage either turns into a partnership (which is also called democratic), also, as an option, someone can win this fight, or the union breaks up.

What other forms of marriage are there?

Researchers also highlight the concept of civil marriage. In the common understanding, this is unregistered cohabitation. However, historically, this definition began to be used precisely to designate a ceremony that received official recognition from the state, as opposed to a church wedding.

There are also forms that involve a union of 3 people. In Russia, this phenomenon is most often called the “Swedish family”; in Europe it is called ménage à trois. This is a relationship of three, which is given different assessments, most of them negative. But there are those who believe that in certain situations such unions are quite acceptable.

Family functions

The role of family in a person’s life is very clearly visible through functions. Please note that in certain historical periods some may come to the fore, while others, on the contrary, may turn out to be almost irrelevant. Moreover, it is about what should be.

However, not all families are functional, that is, not everyone fulfills their functions. These are called dysfunctional in the specialized literature.


The sociology of family and marriage considers the social unit as a reliable way to provide children with the most necessary things. A baby can also be born to a single, unmarried mother. But then he will be unprotected.

Now the public attitude towards people has softened; it does not depend on whether their parents were in a registered marriage or not. But in many countries, especially those where the religious structure is quite strong, this still matters.


The role of the family in shaping a child’s personality cannot be overestimated. This is where moral values ​​are laid and strengthened. Children from their parents receive a general idea of ​​the world around them. They also see the first example of behavior with other people.

If there is a healthy climate in the family, then the baby is more likely to grow up prosperous. However, if the parents have constant problems, they are embittered, and everything is difficult for them, then the child will get the impression that the world is a gloomy and unsafe place.

It should be noted that the role of the family in a person’s life in the future is also determined by the first experience of encountering such relationships. If parents value each other, then adults will strive for open, smooth relationships built on mutual trust and respect. Otherwise, they may avoid marriage.

However, some psychologists believe that family functions are periodically overestimated. Of primary importance is the choice of the person himself in how to relate to the world around him, what relationships to build on a personal level.

Parents do have a certain influence. But in the process of growing up, a person evaluates existing attitudes and the experience of older relatives. And if he doesn’t suit her or doesn’t agree with her inner beliefs, she can refuse them.

Educational function

Children within the family receive the very first skills: they are shown how to walk, talk, and are helped to acquire further knowledge. At the same time, the following question often arises: are the following judgments about the functions of the family correct, say, only here can children explore the world around them, learn basic values, and understand their social role? Not really.

Don't forget about kindergarten, as well as school. In addition, as modern technology spreads, every person has access to the Internet from a fairly early age. As a result, he can engage in self-education. That is, the functions of the family in terms of learning are important, but it is not the only source of acquired knowledge.

Please note: the educational aspect concerns primarily children, but not only them. In a large and friendly family, everyone can give something to each other in this regard, show what exactly they have learned, and pass on knowledge.

Communication function

In a prosperous family, most of all its members communicate with each other. And when a person feels bad, he only has the strength to maintain contact with those closest to him. However, there are some nuances here: blood relatives are not always included in this limited circle of people. Sometimes we talk about best friends.

Psychologists draw attention to the fact that communication within the family also affects how a person relates to the world around him and how he builds relationships with it. If he feels good, he is happy, he receives complete acceptance, trust, love from his partner, children, parents, then he will be more confident in himself, softer, kinder, more open. And vice versa.

However, the responsibility for building contacts with the outside world cannot be placed solely on the family. Firstly, in any case, the choice of how to treat others is made only by the person himself.

Secondly, the attitude towards the environment also depends on the latter. If a person is doing well in his family, but the rest of the world is perceived as dangerous and hostile, then this will influence his behavior. That is, he will try to defend himself and protect his loved ones. For example, the civilian population in a country where the war began. This example is one of the extremes, but it is very clear.


The family influences a person’s spiritual life, his views, attitude towards the world, and his place in it. As a rule, people get married who, if they do not hold the same positions, can at least come to terms with each other’s differences. If the rejection of relatives or other family members regarding views is too strong, then they will be connected only nominally for the most part.


Any emotional experience is much easier to bear if you have support. Experience in curing depression and other fairly severe disorders shows that loving relatives and other loved ones can greatly help in such a situation or significantly alleviate the situation, at least. But this doesn’t only apply to patients. Everyone needs support from time to time.

Entertainment and recreational function

Spending time together, the opportunity to relax with a loved one, is what allows a person to fully relax and feel satisfaction from the work done. Which makes it possible to return to it in the future with new strength and ideas. In addition, a person has an inherent desire to spend his free time with those who are dear to him, to share pleasure.


Statistics show that those who are in regular relationships live a full sexual life. They have more sexual intercourse than singles, even if the latter are very sexually active. The level of satisfaction with this side of life is also higher on average.


Financially and economically, it is much easier to solve some problems together. Even if one of the spouses does not work, the other can take on some tasks that would require money to complete. Or time that could be spent completing a paid task. A large number of people means increasing expenses, but if a significant part is able to earn for themselves and not only, then it becomes easier to ensure a decent standard of living.


In the family, a person is taught the first skills related to everyday life, maintaining the house and his things in a functional state. Relatives can also take on some of the tasks around the house, which becomes especially important in situations where someone is sick, feels unwell, is too tired or busy. As a result, family makes life easier.


Both women and men have shown in numerous surveys that they feel more secure in marriage. Medical statistics are also eloquent: bachelors die earlier and get sick more. There are no special secrets here, because loved ones often remind you to take medications, motivate you, or simply ask you to seek medical help.

The family can support you, lend you money, or simply give it to you for basic needs. And sometimes the protective function is realized literally: relatives are able to directly get into a fight or protect themselves from hooligans, armed robbers, from a dangerous animal, etc.


Belonging to a particular family is also a matter of status. The children of Hollywood stars and ordinary people are not on the same level in the eyes of society. The material wealth of parents also matters. True, this has its own specifics: not all researchers believe that a rich and famous mom and dad are definitely good. Why?

There is also the other side of the coin. Family members may receive increased attention, especially when they appear in public with a famous relative. It’s more difficult for them to simply communicate, and stars often don’t have enough time even for those closest to them. A child may become a victim of a crazy fan, so additional protective measures must be taken. As a result, all this creates a peculiar atmosphere.

Primary social control

It is the family that is one of the main limiting factors. Someone may have a negative attitude towards the law, but refrain from committing a crime out of fear that it will have a bad impact on loved ones or upset parents. Families often help criminals and drug addicts return to normal life.


Primary socialization in a person occurs within the family. Adaptation after a long absence of normal contact with others due to illness, quarantine, caring for the dying, or being in prison or in a pre-trial detention center also often includes communication with relatives. However, even without such examples, communication with family, the nature of these contacts affects a person’s socialization.


Family is a great way to join forces with someone and gain confidence that you are working towards a common goal. Acquaintances may have other things to do, while friends may lose interest (although not always).

It is convenient to cooperate with relatives, at least, because people know each other well, their strengths and weaknesses. This is precisely what family businesses in the West are often built on. But trying to do business together has its downsides. Which is a separate topic for discussion.

Of course, entrepreneurship is just one example. You can unite to achieve a common goal. In marriage, a couple usually works to achieve financial (and other) well-being together.

To summarize, it is worth noting that the meaning of family is still debated. However, in many respects it depends (like all these functions) on what kind of family we are talking about, whether it can be called full-fledged. And what matters here is not even the presence of both parents, but the internal climate, the nature of the emerging relationships.

Subject: social studies 10th grade

Topic: “Family as a social group.”


    Systematize students' knowledge about the social role, norms, values ​​of the family, interpersonal relationships in the family, ethics of family relationships, family duty, caring for family members.

    Develop interest in the subject.To draw a conclusion about the functions of the family as a social institution and a small group, to reveal the causes of the family crisis in modern society and ways to overcome it;

    Continue to develop the skills to analyze educational material, draw conclusions based on the knowledge gained, collect, accumulate, store, process and transmit the information received

Equipment: textbook, visuals, handouts.

Lesson type: learning new material

Methods: problematic, partially exploratory or heuristic, partially exploratory

Means of education:

2. Interactive whiteboard.
3. Presentation
4. Media materials and Internet resources.

Lesson Plan

    Organizing time

    Preparing to study new material.


    Checking understanding


    Lesson summary

During the classes:

    Org moment: Setting the topic, goals and lesson plan.

The teacher activates the children's attention: today we must find out


Lesson epigraph (on the board): « Happy is he who is happy at home." . (L.N. Tolstoy)

The teacher poses the problem: “How to help a young family?”

Family - a small social group based on marriage and (or) consanguinity, whose members are connected by a commonality of life, mutual responsibility, mutual assistance, and a unique set of emotional relationships.

Marriage - a social institution that is a set of norms, standardized patterns of behavior regulating the mutual rights and obligations of spouses, relations between men and women, parents and children.

Types of marriages: monogamy is the union of a woman and a man, polygamy is polygamy.

Family types: complete, incomplete, extended

Game: Consult a lawyer

Solving problems and repeating from the 9th grade course on the Legal basis of the family.

1. The parents of citizen M., through blackmail and threats, forced citizen B. to marry their daughter. Is marriage considered legal? Justify your answer.

2. During the marriage, Sergei created his own company. During the divorce proceedings, Irina, his wife, raised the issue of dividing property, including the company owned by Sergei. He objected, citing the fact that Irina did not work during the marriage and was only involved in housekeeping. Are Irina’s demands legitimate?

3. Ermek bought a house in the village before marriage. While married, he built a garage, bought a car, and purchased furniture. What is Ermek’s personal property and what is the joint property of the spouses?

4. Citizen D., born in 1996, and citizen S., born in 1997, decided to get married, but they were denied registration. Is the refusal justified?

Conclusion: You have successfully completed the tasks, we have reviewed the legal foundations of the family. You must register your marriage with the registry office and know your rights in the event of a divorce.

Logical minute (solving riddles)

1. In a friendly, large and happy family - seven brothers have one sister. Match the master key to the lock - how many sisters are there in this family? (one)

2. Two fathers and two sons bought three oranges. Everyone got one, no one was left without a piece of fruit. How could this be? How could they divide it like that? (grandfather3, father and son bought the oranges).

Family functions: each satisfies individual and social needs




    Economic security

Look at diagram 10 whatsatisfies individual and social needs

“Solving problem situations.

Family relationships. Family education.

Situation 1. Mother asks her son to take out the trash. He doesn’t react and continues to watch TV. When the father appears at the door, the son jumps up and takes out the trash. How did mom feel? What do you think at such a moment?

Situation 2.

Are you going to the cinema or something? I know with whom. - says the parent

And what not?

Do you know how such walks end?

How is your daughter feeling? What way out of the situation would you suggest?

Conclusion: The ability to communicate is one of the main features of family education. We must learn to understand our relatives, be patient, and share responsibilities equally. You need to take the position of your parents, understand them and listen to their arguments.



    Primary social control

    Social status

    Spiritual communication



In the modern family, changes have occurred in marital and family relations. The most common form of modern family is the nuclear family (parents and dependent children)

Select from the functions those that play a special role in your opinion -

    Moral and legal


The main thing for the state and society as a whole is to provide the opportunity to best perform its functions

Project on the topic: “How to help a young family?”

Problems in society:

The difficult demographic situation is determined by the crisis of the family institution. There has been a tendency to reduce children in the family. The number of unregistered marriages is increasing. The number of registered marriages is decreasing. Mortality still exceeds the birth rate, but there is a trend towards a decrease in mortality and an increase in the birth rate. The main age of mothers is from 18 to 30 years old. After marriage, young families face many problems. Many noted that the main problem is the problem related to housing and few families can afford to buy their own apartment. The mortgage lending program is not at all effective, because... this amount is not enough to buy a home, and young families do not have additional funds. Also, even those who take out these loans cannot always repay them. The next problem is the child. Many would like to have one, because children help strengthen the family, but uncertainty about the future and lack of support from the state give rise to fear about whether the parents will be able to provide for the baby. Of course, the state is taking action to improve the demographic situation in the country by issuing benefits to mothers, both one-time and when the child reaches 1 year of age, but in most cases this again turns out to be ineffective. There is a problem of mutual understanding between spouses, as well as with parents. Also a big problem is employment and education


1. A housing program that provides preferential housing to families planning to have two or three or more children.

2. Increase cash benefits for children

3. Create a preferential tax program for young families.

4. Create a service for employment and retraining of young specialists in order to help young spouses find work.

5. Make a young family a more secure unit of society (provide the possibility of state insurance in case of unemployment to repay the loan)

6. Oblige the employer to provide “Parenting time”

7. Introduce a “Fundamentals of Family Life” course at school for high school students.

8. Create a service for psychological assistance and family support.

9. Develop a system of preschool institutions.

Conclusion: The family as a social institution of society will not lose its significance and will retain its value and significance in people’s lives. Therefore, getting married, starting a family, having children and raising children will continue to be of great importance for each person personally.

IV. Reflection.

What did you learn about in the lesson? Did you like the lesson? What exactly did you like?

Teacher: The roots of goodness and morality are born and sprout in the family. Parents are at the origins. The future of the children will depend on how they treat a woman - a mother, a wife, a daughter, and that they will be able to take positive things from their families.

Let's return to the epigraph of the lesson. How do you understand Tolstoy's words? What did you take away from today's lesson?

Homework: write a reflective essay:“How do I see my future family” or“The family is the crystal of society” (V. Hugo)

Teacher: In conclusion, I would like to remind you of the popular wisdom that a person is the creator of his own happiness. To build a family, find your happiness, and give it to your loved one, you need constant and tireless work of the “soul.”

Prepared by history teacher Klysheva Ainamgul Kamataevna

State Institution "Boris-Romanov Secondary School" of the Akimat of the Kostanay district of the Kostanay region.