Goals, principles, functions and types of marketing. Purpose, essence, functions and basic principles of marketing Basic concepts in financial marketing

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Subjects of marketing in a broad sense, they are the state, consumers, enterprises (market entities).

Marketing Goals can be classified depending on the subjects. So the goals of the state in the field of marketing are:

Maximum consumption;

Maximum increase in quality of life.

The objectives of marketing towards consumers are:

To provide the widest possible choice;

Achieving maximum customer satisfaction.

From an enterprise point of view, the following marketing goals can be distinguished:

Increasing income;

Increase in sales volumes;

Increasing market share;

Creation and improvement of the image, fame of the enterprise and its products.

Marketing Principles- these are the fundamental provisions, circumstances, requirements that underlie marketing and reveal its essence and purpose. In accordance with the essence of marketing, the following basic principles are distinguished:

Production of products based on accurate knowledge of customer needs, market conditions and the real capabilities of the enterprise;

The most complete satisfaction of customer needs, providing them with goods and services that meet demand;

Effective sales of products and services in certain markets in the planned volumes and planned terms;

Ensuring long-term profitability of the enterprise, which involves the formation of a certain backlog of scientific and technical ideas and developments for preparing the production of market novelty goods;

Unity and continuity of the company's strategy and tactics in order to ensure rapid adaptation to changing market conditions and consumer demand.

Marketing mix Marketing is a set of controllable marketing variables that a company uses in an effort to elicit a desired response from its target market.

One of the marketing mix concepts (4P) includes 4 components:



Marketing functions- individual types or complexes of specialized activities carried out in the process of organizing and implementing marketing.

There are four blocks of integrated marketing functions with a number of subfunctions.

1. Analytical function:

Studying the market as such;

Consumer research;

Study of corporate structure;

Product research;

Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise.

2. Production function:

Organization of production of new goods, development of new technologies;

Organization of logistics;

Management of quality and competitiveness of finished products.

1. Sales function (sales function):

Organization of a distribution system;

Service organization;

Organization of a system for generating demand and stimulating sales;

Carrying out a targeted product policy;

Carrying out a targeted pricing policy.

2. Management and control function:

Organization of strategic and operational planning at the enterprise;

Information support for marketing management;

Communication function of marketing (organization of the communication system at the enterprise);

Organization of marketing control (feedback, situational analysis).

Types of marketing activities classified using various criteria.

According to the object of influence, the following types of marketing activities are distinguished.

Product-oriented marketing, is used when the activity of an enterprise is aimed at creating a new product or improving an existing product. The main task in this case comes down to encouraging consumers to purchase new or improved products.

Consumer-oriented marketing, is used if the enterprise’s activities are aimed at meeting needs directly emanating from the market. Here the main task of marketing is to study potential needs and search for a market “niche”.

Integrated Marketing is a combination of the first two types and provides a comprehensive analysis of the enterprise’s capabilities from the production and market side. In modern conditions, only this approach can ensure real commercial success of an enterprise.

Depending on the specific situation in the market from the point of view of the state of demand, eight types of marketing activities are distinguished.

Conversion Marketing associated with the presence of negative demand. Negative demand is a situation in which all or most potential buyers reject a given product or service (for example, vegetarians reject meat).

The task of marketing management in the event of negative demand is to develop a marketing plan that will help generate demand for the relevant goods (services).

Incentive Marketing associated with the availability of goods and services for which there is no demand due to complete indifference or disinterest of consumers.

The promotional marketing plan should take into account the reasons for such indifference (for example, the buyer does not know the capabilities of this product) and identify measures to overcome it.

Developmental marketing associated with emerging demand for goods (services). It is used in situations where there is potential demand (the consumer feels the need to purchase some thing, which, however, does not yet exist in the form of a specific product). Management of this type of marketing is aimed at turning potential demand into real demand.

Remarketing. For all types of goods, demand decreases at a certain period of their life cycle.

The goal of remarketing is to revive demand using new marketing opportunities, for example, extending the life cycle of a product or service by giving it new market properties.

Synchromarketing used in conditions of fluctuating demand (for example, seasonal goods, transport during the working day) to stabilize sales and minimize fluctuations in demand.

Supportive Marketing used when the level and structure of demand for goods (services) fully correspond to the level and structure of supply. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a well-thought-out pricing policy (not to allow, for example, prices to be higher than those offered by competitors), purposefully carry out advertising work, stimulate sales activities in the right direction, and control production and marketing costs.

When demand for a product (service) exceeds supply excessively, demarketing. So that the consumer does not have a negative impression of the enterprise’s ability to satisfy consumer demands, prices are raised, advertising work is curtailed, etc. At the same time, measures are taken to increase the output of products that are in excessively high demand (expansion of production space, sale of licenses for the production of these products to another enterprises, etc.).

Adversarial Marketing used to reduce demand, which from the point of view of society and the consumer is regarded as irrational (for example, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products). If demarketing is aimed at reducing the demand for a good-quality product, then counteractive marketing is aimed at reducing or even stopping the release of an undesirable, harmful product.

Types of marketing are also classified depending on the scope of marketing activity. Distinguish marketing of consumer goods(consumer marketing); marketing of industrial and technical goods; service marketing.

The likely and ongoing regulation of marketing on a worldwide scale begs the most fundamental question: what is the true purpose of the marketing system? There are four alternative answers:

  • 1. Achieving the highest possible consumption. Many business leaders believe that the purpose of marketing is to facilitate and stimulate maximum consumption, which in turn creates the conditions for maximum growth in production, employment and wealth.
  • 2. Achieving maximum customer satisfaction. According to this point of view, the goal of a marketing system is to achieve maximum customer satisfaction, not the maximum possible level of consumption.

Unfortunately, customer satisfaction is difficult to measure. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate a marketing system based on the satisfaction it brings to the public.

3. Providing the widest possible choice. Some market players believe that the main goal of a marketing system is to provide the greatest possible variety of products and provide the consumer with the widest possible choice. The system should give the consumer the opportunity to find products that best suit his taste. Consumers should be able to maximize their lifestyle and therefore experience the greatest satisfaction.

Unfortunately, maximizing consumer choice comes at a cost. First, goods and services will become more expensive, since greater variety will increase the costs of producing them and maintaining inventories. Higher prices will entail a reduction in real consumer incomes and consumption levels. Secondly, increasing the variety of products will require more time and effort from the consumer to become familiar with and evaluate different products. Thirdly, an increase in the number of goods does not at all mean for the consumer an increase in the possibility of real choice.

4. Maximum increase in quality of life. Many people believe that the main goal of a marketing system should be to improve “quality of life.” This concept consists of: 1) quality, quantity, range, availability and cost of goods, 2) the quality of the physical environment and 3) the quality of the cultural environment. Proponents of this view tend to evaluate a marketing system not only by the degree of direct customer satisfaction it provides, but also by the impact that marketing activities have on the quality of the physical and cultural environment. Most agree that for a marketing system, improving the quality of life is a noble goal, but recognize that this quality is not easy to measure, and its interpretations sometimes contradict each other.

The activities of manufacturers working on the principles of marketing are based on the motto: produce only what the market and the buyer require. The starting point underlying marketing is the idea of ​​human needs, requirements, demands. Hence, the essence of marketing is very briefly as follows: you should produce only what will definitely find a sale, and not try to impose on the buyer products that are “inconsistent” with the market.

Basic principles follow from the essence of marketing, which include:

  • 1. Focus on achieving the final practical result of production and sales activities. Effective sale of a product on the market in the intended quantities means, in essence, mastering its certain share in accordance with the long-term goal outlined by the enterprise.
  • 2. Concentration of research, production and sales efforts in critical areas of marketing activities.
  • 3. The focus of the enterprise is not on the immediate, but on the long-term result of marketing work. This requires special attention to predictive research and the development, based on their results, of market novelty products that ensure highly profitable economic activity.
  • 4. Application in unity and interconnection of strategy and tactics of active adaptation to the requirements of potential buyers with simultaneous targeted influence on them.

Marketing was initially associated with the sale of physical products (consumer goods, industrial products). Now it is used in relation to all types of activities aimed at satisfying consumer needs. In particular, they talk about marketing of services, marketing of organizations, marketing of individuals, marketing of ideas, marketing of places.

Marketing of an organization refers to activities undertaken to create and maintain a favorable image of the organization. This approach is practiced by all organizations, and not just those that exist at the expense of their profits. An organization's marketing is traditionally handled by public relations departments. Opinion management is essentially marketing management that has shifted from the product level to the entire organization level. This also includes the so-called political marketing carried out by authorities and political parties.

Marketing of an individual (personal marketing) is an activity undertaken to create, maintain or change public attitudes or behavior towards specific individuals. Many people use personal marketing to increase their popularity and expand their business: politicians, artists, doctors, athletes, lawyers, businessmen, etc. The process of personal marketing is similar to the process of marketing physical products and services. It also starts with market research, identifying market segments and needs. Next, product development begins, i.e., determining to what extent the personality’s qualities and its “design and packaging” correspond to the needs and to what extent this personality needs to be transformed so that it better satisfies these needs. Finally, a program is developed to promote the personality and “deliver” it to consumers.

Marketing of ideas is usually interpreted in relation to such social ideas as reducing smoking, drinking alcohol, stopping drug use, protecting the environment, etc. (in a broad sense, any marketing is the marketing of certain ideas).

Place marketing refers to activities undertaken to create, maintain or change customer attitudes or behavior towards individual locations. Here, first of all, it is necessary to highlight: marketing of areas of economic activity (location of factories, shops, offices, etc.), marketing of vacation spots (attracting vacationers and tourists to specific cities, regions, countries); marketing of housing and marketing of investments in land property (development and sale of land plots as business objects and investment of capital).

When marketing is carried out at the level of individual organizations, it is sometimes called micromarketing. Marketing implemented at the level of the state as a whole and its regions is macromarketing.

If the owner of the land is the state, then this type of marketing refers to macromarketing. Here, first of all, we can talk about the marketing of the country as a whole. In relation to a country, marketing is focused on increasing (maintaining) its attractiveness for other countries, their economic entities, other social institutions and population, and prestige in international organizations. Country marketing, of course, does not aim at specific acts of purchase and sale and is non-commercial. These are the effects of the implementation of geophysical, financial, technical, technological and human resources (use of internal resources outside the territory and attraction of external ones), growth in volumes and intensification of foreign economic activity, results of participation in international projects, etc.

Recently, in the development of place marketing ideas, marketing of entire regions, cities and other settlements is increasingly being used, aimed at attracting capital and ensuring the sustainable development of a given region. This type of marketing is called territorial (regional).

Territorial marketing is marketing in the interests of the territory, its internal entities, as well as external entities in whose attention the territory is interested. It is carried out with the purpose of creating, maintaining or changing the opinions, intentions and/or behavior of entities external to the given territory. Territorial marketing is aimed at creating and maintaining:

attractiveness and prestige of the territory as a whole;

the attractiveness of natural, material, technical, financial, labor, organizational, social and other resources concentrated in the territory, as well as opportunities for the implementation and reproduction of such resources (tourist and commercial attractiveness of the regions)

Speaking about territorial marketing, attention is focused on the motives and goals of entrepreneurs, on the advantages that they seek to obtain in the new region where they are transferring their activities, as well as on reducing the difficulties that may hinder their desire to enter this territory.

Depending on the size of the market covered, we can talk about mass marketing, product-differentiated marketing and targeted marketing.

Mass marketing is a type of marketing that is characterized by mass production and marketing of one product intended for all buyers at once.

Product-differentiated marketing refers to a type of marketing that is characterized by the production and marketing of several products with different properties, intended for all buyers, but designed for their different tastes.

Target marketing is a type of marketing that is characterized by the production and marketing of products developed specifically for certain market segments.

Industrial marketing - ensures the interaction of the company with consumer organizations that purchase goods and services for their further use in production or resale to other consumers.

Test marketing is associated with the sale of a product in one or more selected regions and observation of actual developments within the framework of the proposed marketing plan.

The type of marketing is also determined by the state of demand.

When demand is negative, conversion marketing is used. Conversion marketing is a type of marketing whose task is to change the negative attitude of consumers towards a product (negative demand) to a positive one by redesigning the product, reducing the price and promoting it more effectively. Conversion marketing is used, for example, by tobacco companies when the activity of government health authorities, education, social insurance, and the public leads to a sharp decrease in the number of smokers.

If there is no demand, consumers may be uninterested or indifferent to the product. Reasons for lack of demand: lack of information, novelty of the product, mismatch of the sales market, loss of value of the product. For this type of demand, incentive marketing is used.

Incentive marketing is a type of marketing whose task is, in the absence of demand, to find ways to link the inherent benefits of a product with the needs and interests of potential consumers in order to change their indifferent attitude towards the product. Incentive marketing is aimed at overcoming the possible reasons for this situation: complete ignorance by consumers of the capabilities of the product, eliminating obstacles to its distribution, etc. The main tools of incentive marketing are sharp price reductions, increased advertising, and other methods of product promotion.

Currently, in connection with the increase in the social status of a person and the expansion of his rights, the concept of enlightened marketing has appeared.

Enlightened marketing is based on the philosophy that the organization's activities should be aimed at the effective functioning of the marketing system over a long period of time based on the following five principles: customer orientation; the use of innovative marketing, according to which the organization must continuously improve products and marketing methods; use of value marketing (marketing activities should increase the value of the product for the consumer); awareness of the social mission of the organization (the organization’s personnel experience greater job satisfaction when the organization in its activities proceeds from its social role, and not from narrowly defined production tasks); following the concept of social and ethical marketing.

The concept of social and ethical marketing is based on the fact that the organization should not only most fully and effectively satisfy the identified needs of consumers, doing this more effectively than its competitors, but also maintain and improve the well-being of both individual consumers and society as a whole. The concept of social and ethical marketing is generated by doubts about the suitability of the concept of pure marketing to our time with its problems in the field of environmental protection, lack of resources, and rapid population growth. Does an organization that satisfies a need always act with the long-term benefit of consumers and society in mind? This concept requires a balanced alignment of three factors; the organization’s profit, the level of satisfaction of consumer requests and consideration of the interests of society.

Product-oriented marketing is used when the activity of an enterprise is aimed at creating a new product or improving an existing one. The main task in this case comes down to encouraging consumers to purchase new or improved products.

Consumer-oriented marketing is used if the enterprise's activities are aimed at satisfying needs directly emanating from the market.

Marketing of the second type is an indispensable part of commercial activity as a whole, since an entrepreneur cannot do without studying consumer requests. As for marketing of the first type, it is not always necessary, because in some cases you can do without “attacks on consumers,” especially if we are talking about a scarce market. For the economic activities of an industrial enterprise, it is advisable to use both types of marketing simultaneously. Only a comprehensive analysis of the enterprise’s capabilities from the production and market side can ensure real commercial success. This combined marketing activity is called integrated marketing.

(English “market” - market) is a market concept for managing the production, marketing and scientific and technical activities of an enterprise.

Philip Kotler defined marketing as a type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange. Peter Drucker formulated the main goal of marketing - to make sales efforts unnecessary; its goal is to know and understand the client so well that the product or service will exactly suit the latter and sell itself.

Marketing principles and goals

A company operating in the market in a complex, very changing situation can count on success only if it constantly reviews its target, strategic and tactical guidelines. At the same time, its activities should be based on very specific principles (fundamentals), among which the following are considered the most important:

  1. Before starting an organization, you must first determine what product, with what consumer properties, what quality, at what price, in what quantity and in what places the potential buyer wants to purchase.
  2. Marketing is designed to improve the quality of human life.
  3. The guiding principle for the functioning of a company should not be episodic benefits or results, but long-term goals, which will allow the company to occupy a prominent place in the market, and therefore, successfully work for its own.
  4. The company must not only adapt to market requirements and customer demands, but also actively influence them, which is very important when creating and promoting a product of market novelty.

Including in the field of marketing, it must be targeted. Among general marketing goals The following are distinguished:

  1. achieving the highest possible level, which in turn creates conditions for maximum growth and enrichment, achieving maximum consumer satisfaction;
  2. providing the widest possible choice, the greatest possible variety of goods;
  3. improving the quality of life, which means:
    • quality, quantity, availability and cost of goods;
    • quality of the physical environment;
    • quality of the cultural environment.

It is possible and necessary to analyze the goals of a company’s marketing activities against the backdrop of the multiplicity of other tasks that characterize its functioning. These tasks are also not permanent; they should be constantly reviewed, especially in cases where:

  1. the company's values ​​do not correspond to environmental requirements;
  2. the results are not at all satisfactory to the company;
  3. The industry and the company's field of activity are changing rapidly;
  4. Significant amendments are being made to the management system.

Along with marketing problems, the company needs to solve a set of problems in the field of production, supply, jurisprudence, engineering and technology, and computer information processing. Only in this set of activities can we consider the combined diversity of development of the company, its intensive, integration, diversification growth.

There are three main types of capabilities intensive growth:

  1. deep market penetration, which involves constantly looking for ways to sell existing products in existing markets using more aggressive marketing efforts;
  2. expansion of market boundaries, which involves increasing sales by penetrating existing products into other markets;
  3. increasing sales by improving existing ones, as well as the formation of new products in already conquered markets.

Concerning integration growth, then this is first of all:

  1. the implementation of regressive integration, when a firm seeks to either subjugate or place its own under tighter control;
  2. progressive integration, when the goal is to strengthen control over the distribution system;
  3. horizontal integration, when the company intends to strictly control competing enterprises.

Diversification growth The company chooses in cases where:

  1. replenishment of the assortment occurs with goods similar in terms of technology or marketing (concentric diversification);
  2. replenishment of the assortment occurs due to new products designed for existing customers (horizontal diversification);
  3. the production of goods is organized using new technology, and sales are planned to be carried out in new markets (conglomerate diversification).

It is possible to achieve the goals set by the company if the management system is properly created and operates effectively. This process is permanent with a closed cycle, which includes:

  1. situational analysis;
  2. marketing analysis;
  3. implementation of marketing control.

Marketing functions

In order to delve deeper into the content of marketing activities, consider main functions of marketing, that is, a set of tasks that must be carried out to achieve the set goals, which will allow the system to be transferred to a new, more progressive state.

Marketing functions are individual types or complexes of specialized activities carried out in the process of functioning of an enterprise as a market participant.

Marketing functions are specific - complex and economic conditions, analysis of the enterprise's production and sales capabilities, development of a marketing strategy and program, implementation of product, pricing, distribution and communication policies, formation of marketing service structures, control of marketing activities and evaluation of its effectiveness.

Focusing on the fundamental methodology of marketing as a market concept of management and sales, it is advisable to distinguish four blocks of complex functions, each of which contains a number of subfunctions in its structure:

  1. Analytical function:
    • studying the market as such;
    • studying ;
    • product research;
  2. Production function:
    • and product competitiveness.
  3. Sales function:
    • organization of a product distribution system;
    • service organization;
  4. Control function:
    • Information Support;

Analytical Marketing Function

Analytical Marketing Function is implemented by using a number of market analysis tools and its components to carry out various scales and target directions, the result of which is the development of sound strategic, tactical and operational levels.

The main content of the analytical function of marketing— conducting marketing research to reduce and make informed marketing decisions.

The analytical function contains the following components:

  • studying the market as such;
  • consumer research;
  • study of corporate market structure;
  • product research;
  • analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise.

Studying the market itself- this is analytical work to select from a variety of potential markets those that will be attractive to the enterprise, taking into account the needs of consumers, market potential, the presence of competitors and ensuring the profitable operation of the enterprise. The purpose of market research is to identify those priority markets to which it is advisable to primarily direct marketing efforts.

Consumer research aims to conduct and identify consumers, for which an attractive product offer is formed and a marketing program is developed. Such market research creates awareness among marketers about the sociodemographic characteristics of potential buyers, their level of material security, characteristics of desires, motivations and behavior patterns, which together make it possible to effectively influence the target group and shape the enterprise’s products.

Studying the brand structure of the market allows you to identify counterparties that will contribute to the marketing activities of the enterprise (, ) and those counterparties that will create problems and counteract effective marketing activities.

Product research carried out to determine the degree of satisfaction of market needs with the product offering provided by existing ones, and to determine the direction of its improvement.

Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise involves studying the internal environment of an enterprise to assess its compliance with market conditions, the availability of adaptation tools and flexibility in adapting to changes in the external environment.

Production function of marketing

Production function of marketing is intended for the formation and implementation of the innovation component in the product policy of the enterprise through the development and support of programs for creating new products and improving existing ones.

The production function of marketing contains the following components:

  • organization of production of new goods;
  • organization of logistics;
  • management of product quality and competitiveness.

Organization of production of new goods is aimed at making and implementing a decision to develop and put into production such new products, the sale of which will increase the level of consumer satisfaction with the enterprise’s offer, strengthen or form a competitive advantage and ensure receipt. Particular attention is paid to organizing the production of those goods that are capable of providing consumers with the highest consumer value, fundamentally new satisfaction of existing needs or satisfaction of new needs.

Organization of logistics correlates with the organization of production of new goods, since, using marketing and logistics approaches to the resource market, it is possible to organize the logistics of both already produced goods and new ones with less time and money.

Product quality and competitiveness management aims to create a competitive offer taking into account similar products available on the markets. Since the competitiveness of a product is a set of product properties that ensures its ability to compete with analogues in a competitive market in a certain period of time, the marketing department is faced with the task of creating a competitive offer and managing this competitiveness.

Sales Marketing Function

Sales Marketing Function is aimed at creating an effective sales network to maintain a competitive offer of the enterprise and its implementation with the greatest benefit for the enterprise. Effective implementation of the sales function of marketing is a rather complex and problematic task, given the scale of the modern market, spatial and temporal obstacles on the way from the manufacturer to the final consumer, the need to involve intermediaries in sales, etc.

The marketing sales function includes the following components:

  • organization of a product distribution system (product promotion);
  • introduction of targeted product policy;
  • service organization;
  • implementation of a targeted sales policy.

Organization of the product distribution system- contains all the processes and procedures that occur with the goods of the enterprise from the completion of production to the start of consumption. The product distribution system provides the enterprise with the creation of conditions so that goods are available exactly at the time when they are needed, where they are needed, and in the quantity in which they are needed.

You must understand that product distribution significantly influences the size and structure of an enterprise’s sales expenses, therefore an effectively organized product distribution process is the key to a profitable enterprise.

Introduction of a targeted product policy involves certain targeted actions to manage the product offering in the sales of products, which ensure the availability at each sales point of exactly the product range that the target group of consumers needs, its periodic updating and the removal of outdated or irrelevant products.

Service organization important in cases where an enterprise offers complex technical products to the consumer market or organized consumers. In both cases, an integral component of effective marketing activities is the organization of pre-sale and especially after-sales service, available in sales networks, which is capable of creating consumer commitment and is a valuable source of marketing information.

Implementation of a targeted sales policy involves the organization and formation of sales networks capable of covering the target market, as well as quickly and efficiently selling volumes of products adequate to production capacity. Sales policy is associated with the problems of attracting intermediaries, contractual relations, determining the forms and types of sales of the enterprise's offer, taking into account the specifics of the product, the conditions of a specific target market and the sales policy of competitors.

Marketing Management Function

- this is a systematic, targeted impact on marketing activities through, and to achieve the marketing goals of the enterprise.

Marketing management includes the following components:

  • planning marketing activities;
  • organization of marketing activities;
  • Information Support;
  • control of marketing activities.

Marketing planning aims to establish the maximum possible systematicity of the enterprise’s marketing activities, especially within the framework of its long-term strategic goals. At the same time, the management of the enterprise is trying to reduce the degree of uncertainty and risk, basing planning on the results of marketing research, and to ensure the concentration of resources on selected priority areas of marketing development of the enterprise.

Organization of marketing activities is aimed at the formation of organizational structural units at the enterprise, which are entrusted with the implementation of marketing functions. As part of the organization of marketing activities, the place of the marketing structural unit in the overall structure of enterprise management, its place in the management hierarchy, subordination and accountability are determined. It is important to formulate the job functions of marketing department employees, their powers and responsibilities.

Information Support is the key to the effective implementation of all marketing functions through the operational organization of information support for the enterprise with diverse marketing information. The solution to this problem at the modern level involves the creation of marketing information systems that facilitate the processes of collecting, processing, analyzing marketing information and its use in real time.

Control of marketing activities is aimed at measuring and assessing the results of implementing strategies, plans and programs, identifying corrective actions that together ensure the achievement of marketing goals. Control completes and at the same time begins a new cycle of planning marketing activities.

Basic concepts in financial marketing

Today, many financial market entities (banks, insurance companies, etc.), setting certain goals for themselves, use marketing to achieve them. Such goals can be, as already mentioned, making a profit, winning a larger market share than competitors, developing a new product (service) to solve pressing consumer problems with its help (for example, creating a new banking product or service), achieving a favorable image in in the eyes of target consumers (clients), as well as the general public, etc.

Financial marketing can be represented as a systematic approach of investor-sellers to managing the sale of financial assets (money, securities, precious metals and stones) and investors-buyers to manage the accumulation of financial assets.

Financial Marketing- this is a specific management function aimed at flexible adaptation of the financial and commercial activities of the investor-seller to the constantly changing conditions of the financial market. He studies the main types of marketing - banking marketing, insurance marketing, securities market marketing, investment marketing.

Purpose of financial marketing - creation of new financial assets and new financial markets, as well as expansion or retention of its market share. The volume of activity of the investor-seller, the volume of proceeds from the sale of financial assets, the level of profitability, and the rate of return on invested capital depend on this.

Hence, two directions of financial and commercial activity of investor-sellers are possible:

  • orientation towards mass, stable demand, which implies relatively low prices (rates, interest rates) for a financial asset, limited maintenance services and a large coverage of small investor-buyers;
  • orientation to unstable demand, those. into separate groups of investor-buyers (for example, differentiating them by income level), which implies relatively high prices (rates, interest rates) for a financial asset, a wider range of servicing services and a smaller coverage of investor-buyers.

When setting prices (rates, interest rates), they must be oriented not at the average buyer, but at certain typical groups. The typology of consumption of financial assets should be considered as the basis for increasing the effective commercial activity of the investor-seller.

Financial Marketing Concepts characterize the goals of an investor’s activity in the financial market and consist in the fact that this activity should be based on knowledge of consumer demand for financial assets (products and services), on knowledge of the laws according to which the financial market develops. Buyer investors have different interests, needs, financial resources and varying degrees of risk. Consequently, they have unequal demand for financial assets (products and services). Therefore, the investor-seller, when offering his financial assets to serve clients, must clearly understand what group of buyers these assets are intended for and how many potential buyers there may be for them.

Historically, the so-called production concept of financial marketing or production improvement concept. Its emergence is associated with the initial stage of development of the financial market, when the creators of financial products and services occupy a strong position due to high demand and limited supply (seller's market). The philosophy of the sellers was to offer a product (service) to an anonymous clientele. Financial market players created and tried to sell their product (service) to consumers unknown to them. The sales system was located at the end of the technological chain and played a supporting role. Under these conditions, their efforts are aimed mainly at the development (rationalization) of production and, to a lesser extent, at sales, which is not difficult under such market relations. Thus, a financial market entity at this stage spends little effort on attracting potential consumers. The concept is effective in two situations: demand for a financial product (service) exceeds supply; its cost is too high and needs to be reduced, which requires increasing productivity.

Almost simultaneously with the production one arose product marketing concept or product improvement concept, and for financial market entities - concept for improving financial products and services. This concept is also characterized by a situation in which demand exceeds supply, and it is necessary to improve the quality characteristics and properties of products (services). However, excessive passion and love for one’s product (service) cannot always end well for a financial market player: there is a danger of so-called marketing myopia, when the same need can be satisfied with the help of products (services) belonging to different industries.

Management concept of marketing or intensifying commercial efforts is due to the fact that financial market players begin to focus on this concept when they experience sales difficulties. This concept was a natural result of the development of production and product concepts, which, while paying maximum attention to increasing production and improving financial products (services), are not engaged in a thorough study and formation of the market. In such conditions, sooner or later, the problem of sales will definitely intensify, when a financial market entity tries to sell its products (services) by all means and methods available to it. The financial markets of the United States and especially Europe faced this problem with all its severity towards the end of the 20s and beginning of the 30s. XX century and found its end in the powerful economic crisis of 1929-1933. The crisis led to the emergence of fascism, which unleashed the Second World War, which forced entrepreneurs to forget about marketing in general and financial marketing in particular for a long time. Almost the entire world plunged into acute shortages for many years and decades.

Market, or marketing, concept asserts that products will be sold only if you study people’s needs well and satisfy them better than competitors: “Love the client, not the product (service)”, “Find needs and satisfy them”, “You are our boss” , "Let it be your way." The marketing concept is focused on detailed knowledge of customer needs, factors and trends in their changes in the near future. This concept places the creation and sale of financial products (services) in direct dependence on consumer demands, financial market research, consumer assessments of assortment and quality, to which financial market entities adapt their production and marketing strategy. The concept of financial marketing is characterized by its focus on offering the consumer what he needs, rather than on selling what the seller has in stock. The main difference of this concept - the focus on meeting the needs of the buyer - characterizes a relatively new approach to financial marketing.

Currently, the evolution of marketing is associated with the development trends of the modern market, in particular, with the growing importance of such factors as the quality of financial products and services, consumer commitment to a trademark (brand), the development of electronic communication lines, focus on high technologies, the creation of strategic alliances, ethical standards in the activities of financial market entities, etc.

Social and ethical marketing concept is the most important for the financial market and is associated with ensuring the long-term well-being of not only an individual subject of the financial market, but also society as a whole. Therefore, when managing financial marketing, it is necessary to take into account: the needs and vital interests of the buyer (consumer), the interests of the financial market entity, and the interests of society. It would not be an exaggeration to say that all the latest trends in the development of public consciousness in Russia, in the gradual understanding of the principles of the formation of a socially oriented market mechanism, are completely consonant with the social and ethical concept of financial marketing.

Financial marketing concepts are developed and implemented on the basis of a strategic analysis of the activities of subjects and objects of the financial market.

Financial marketing has certain functions.

Financial Marketing Functions - this is a set of types of marketing activities of an economic entity for the sale of financial assets (products and services). The main functions of financial marketing are:

  • collection of information;
  • marketing research;
  • planning activities for the release and sale of financial assets (products and services);
  • advertising;
  • sale of financial assets.

In Fig. 1.3 and 1.4 financial marketing is presented as a process.

The financial marketing process begins with studying the needs of the investor-buyer of each specific marketing instrument (asset) (for example, a deposit in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, 500 thousand rubles, etc.).

The second stage of the financial marketing process is a comprehensive study of the financial market. It is conducted for each market sector (for example, demand for ordinary shares, preferred shares, etc.) in order to identify demand, its capacity and market opportunities, as well as determine prospects for further improvement and expansion of financial assets (products, services).

With the help of studies of the state of the financial market and taking into account the study of the needs of buyers, the possibility of selling a specific financial instrument (asset) is determined. After this, a financial marketing plan is drawn up. It is a written document that includes the necessary information about a financial asset, about the sector of the financial market for this asset, about competitors, about the goals and objectives of the investor-seller in the field of marketing and the means of solving them (labor resources, material resources, etc.). P.). The financial marketing plan is a fundamental document that should give clear answers to the questions: who, when, where and how will participate in the sale of a specific financial asset and who will buy them.

Based on the financial marketing plan, an organizational action plan is drawn up, namely, it is planned

Rice. 1.4.

life cycle of a financial asset and promotional activities. The life cycle of a financial asset is a certain period of time during which a financial instrument (asset) is viable in the market and ensures that the buyer and seller of this asset achieve their goals.

For the investor (both the investor-seller and the investor-buyer), investing capital means his investment costs with the aim of generating income on them. In this case, income on invested capital can be generated in parts (for example, daily, monthly) or all at once (for example, every other year). Therefore, it can be considered cumulative (from Latin - increase, addition) income.

For an investor, when receiving cumulative income on invested capital, three factors are important:

  • 1) the maximum amount of invested capital;
  • 2) the speed of capital turnover (i.e. the speed of return on invested funds);
  • 3) the amount of cumulative income in the last period of operation of the invested capital, for example in the last year.

The next stages of the financial marketing process include organizing and conducting advertising, organizing the work of points for the sale and purchase of financial assets (departments of banks, companies, stock stores, currency exchange offices, etc.).

When organizing the work of points for the sale and purchase of financial assets (products and services), one should proceed from the basic principle: creating convenience for customers, which presupposes, among other conditions, the establishment of optimal operating hours and location.

Financial marketing as a function of financial management

Financial management is aimed at managing the movement of financial resources and financial relations that arise between economic entities in the process of movement of financial resources. The question of how to skillfully manage these movements and relationships is the content of financial management. Financial management is the process of developing financial management goals and influencing finances using methods and levers of the financial mechanism to achieve the goal.

Financial marketing is associated with the study of the characteristics of demand for financial assets, their size, factors influencing this demand, the degree of satisfaction of demand and implementation of supply. Therefore, financial marketing can be defined as a function of financial management, the content of which is the transformation of the needs of investors-buyers into the income of investors-sellers of financial assets.

Financial marketing as a function of financial management:

  • aimed at the effective sale of a financial asset on the market;
  • applies program-targeted and systemic approaches;
  • involves studying the financial market, adapting to it and simultaneously influencing it;
  • presupposes the active actions of investor-buyers and investors-sellers, their creative initiative and entrepreneurship.

In general, financial marketing means the activity of a subject by specifying the subject of the financial market and the scope of implementation of the financial concept, which helps to improve and clarify the conceptual apparatus of financial management, allowing the term “financial marketing” to be used in a broad sense.

Financial marketing is defined as an activity to realize the own interests of financial market entities, based on overcoming market contradictions between demand for products and supply. It involves the use of marketing tools to identify financial market requirements, develop financial products and services, and change prices as part of managing financial relationships.

  • Litovskikh A. M. Financial management: lecture notes. Taganrog: Publishing house TRUTU, 1999.
  • Encyclopedia of Marketing //marketing.spb.ru.