Linda Goodman's horoscope is Taurus. Linda Goodman's male horoscope - Taurus Taurus man in Love from J. Martin

Relationship between Taurus and Cancer

I'll tell you where they are... they are already in their underground house, where they are so comfortable...

Cancers love their mothers, their home, money, children and food. Taurus people love money, their home and their mothers, food and children. You see how similar everything is, the only difference is what comes after what.
Both want people to treat them well. Moreover, it is vital for them, although you may not guess it from their behavior. The nicest thing a Cancer can do for a Taurus is cook a sumptuous dinner (which they will both enjoy eating) and then sit and talk about how to make more money (which they will both enjoy too). The nicest thing Taurus can do for Cancer is to buy a calendar to keep track of the phases of the Moon and treat Cancer's mood changes accordingly. Cancers feel the changing influence of the Moon constantly. Practical Oxen have too much common sense to allow the Moon to push them around. That is why they sympathize with Cancers so much, and they like it extremely. It's not that they are consciously looking for pity, but they do want to know that people understand their problems, instead of always accusing them of exaggerating the everyday tragedies of life. My God, how can you exaggerate the tragedy? A tragedy is a tragedy, just as a rose is a rose and another rose. And Cancers take their tragedies seriously. They have bouts of the kind of black melancholy that would make Edgar Allan Poe's Raven fly into the fireplace. They'll make wisecracks after that, but doesn't a moody comedian make people laugh? Sometimes “moon” people are silent and timid, and sometimes they chatter so much that it is impossible to bear them. I would say that they are easily susceptible to mood swings, and this can be difficult for Taurus to understand. Crying and complaining about life is a waste of time and a lack of common sense! Taurus people rarely cry or complain (though they sometimes moo) and are rarely in a bad mood. However, when Taurus is stubborn or in a bad mood, they mean business. They are seriously moping.
On the other hand, the mood of a Cancer (there is no Libra in the room?) usually lasts no more than a few hours, or at most a few days, and there is such a range of emotions in it: from gentle humor to eccentric criticism, from intelligent, lively conversation to incredible timidity ! They go from laughing to crying, from one extreme to the other, and then they attack you: “What do you mean I get mood swings easily? It’s impossible to get along with you!”
Cancers know a lot because they feel it (this also applies to people’s souls). They are usually compassionate. However, their sympathy may be short-lived, especially when they themselves are seeking understanding or when sympathy must be expressed in money. Crabs think twice before parting with money and wait even longer to make sure they are doing the right thing. Both they and Taurus are truly generous to children and the elderly. When it comes to relatives or a best friend, Cancer and Taurus lose their financial caution. This also happens when they are in love.
The reason these two are so reluctant to part with money is not because they are stingy. They think about the future. There is always a rainy day for which you need to save money, right? (I can imagine the Crabs and Bulls reading this, shaking their heads and quietly, almost hopelessly asking themselves: “Isn’t it so?”)
From an astrological point of view, this is true. There is always a rainy day for which you need to save money (or for which you need to save). And if you really want it, it will inevitably come, sometimes right on schedule. The ancient truth is: “Be careful what you wish for, because that’s what you’ll get.” There is no doubt about it. If you focus on saving for a rainy day, sooner or later you will find yourself in complete darkness. How about instead imagining love, happiness and peace?
Humor always resists tragedy, which is why serious Crabs and Bulls value fun so much - especially if they are together, be it business, love, friendship or family. True, the Ox can sometimes remember his stubbornness, but Cancer has enough patience for this; they have their own experience here, you know!
Both of these signs love to eat, and both love to cook. And if they spend a lot of time together, sometimes diet issues arise. If you know a Taurus-Cancer couple, then the best Christmas gift you can give them is a cookbook. When it comes to champagne, Cancer is much more able to enjoy it than Taurus. How can a Water sign not understand drinks? If Cancer tempts Taurus with champagne too often, it can end badly. The Ox hates overdoing in any form and rarely allows himself to do it, but when he breaks down, he does it as thoroughly as everything else. Taurus feels better in a milk bar because he has what you might call a longing for the good old past...
Taurus and Cancer usually get along well with each other. If they have to sort things out, it happens without much noise and rarely comes to explosions. Both of them react normally to insult and try to understand what is happening. Of course, there is never complete calm between them during a quarrel. From time to time, quiet sounds will be heard: the Ox will sit in the corner, turning into a block of resentment, and mutter something under his breath, and the Crab will lock himself in the bathroom, sobbing into large paper napkins and periodically making choked sobs. As a result, all this is more peaceful than that of zodiac signs with other temperaments. There are, however, chilling stories when Bulls imagine that they are in a china shop and someone is waving a red rag at them, but they are very rare!
The meeting of the Ox with Cancer is often fatal, with the hidden influence of Karma. This is more than a casual interest in each other - this is something that is sometimes remembered for a lifetime.
Taurus and Cancer are a great match for any business, be it stockbroking or banking, gardening, farming, politics or a real estate campaign. The Ox will be able to lay a solid foundation and organize everything wisely, and the Crab will have a keen sense of what exactly needs to be done: this is how maximum efficiency is achieved through joint efforts. And although Cancers are not very interested in the external side of success, it is not difficult for them to get a place on the front page of the newspaper or appear on the TV screen. So the Cancer-Taurus business partnership has great opportunities. Since Taurus is an Earth sign and Cancer is a Water sign, it is more likely that the Crab will gradually adopt the habits of the Standing Ox rather than the other way around. Water is pliable and yielding, and this is its wisdom. It takes the shape of the vessel into which it is poured. When the “vessel” is Taurus, it takes on a form that is both correct and pleasing to the eye, because Taurus has a sense of form and Cancer has a sense of color!

All around - frost, blinding snow
And empty as in the desert.
We have joy, children's laughter,
The fire is burning in the fireplace.

The Taurus woman is the embodiment of those qualities that a man always looks for in a woman and rarely finds. She sometimes experiences bouts of uncontrollable rage, but for this she needs to try very, very hard. As long as you don't test her patience too much, she will remain even, calm, and affectionate.
Her natural honesty does not combine with the usual feminine tricks and cunning. The Taurus woman has more fortitude than the strongest man, but we are smart enough not to demonstrate this “unfeminine” quality to our partner. The Taurus woman is a true woman, so she is looking for a true man.

Men have always been attracted to her because she accepts people as they are. She can communicate with equal success both with a scientist unraveling the mysteries of the universe and with an ordinary clerk. Her friends can be a variety of people, sometimes too original, but they are always living people, not walking dummies. The Taurus woman is absolutely indifferent to her enemies, she simply does not notice them, but for her friends she is capable of making sacrifices. She will forgive her friend any shortcomings and will never leave him in trouble. But in return he expects the same attitude towards himself. And if you do not justify her trust, she will be offended and withdraw into herself.

Taurus is not very jealous. Unlike other women, who may become furious because their husband admires the lovely figure of a young girl, Taurus will not blame her husband for this, but will most likely share his delight. But this applies only to innocent admiration. If you allow yourself real betrayal and she finds out about it, you will be in trouble. Therefore, try not to provoke her.

Taurus cannot be called super-intellectual; she is not one of those who read abstruse philosophical treatises and is interested in the theory of relativity. The presence of many diplomas and academic degrees leaves her completely indifferent. She believes that one is enough. For her, it is much more important to have common sense and the ability to understand the deep essence of things. She herself is a purely rational and practical creature, standing firmly on the ground. But for all her earthiness, she is undoubtedly artistic, with a finely developed sensuality.

Taurus will never put artificial flowers in a vase - and not only because he considers it unaesthetic. Her flowers should be alive, with a delicate scent - be they luxurious garden flowers or simple wild ones. Taurus loves good, expensive perfumes, and the range of aromas is very wide - from exotic to cold, fresh. She loves the smell of freshly washed and sun-dried clothes and freshly baked bread, morning newspapers and mown grass, burning candles and autumn leaves. Remembering how sensitive she is to odors, use a good shaving cream and expensive cologne. Nothing will turn her away from a person more than an unpleasant smell. Color also means a lot in the life of a Taurus. She is impressed by all shades of blue, from pale blue to indigo, as well as pink. She has a highly developed sense of color harmony.

Taurus loves delicious food, richly seasoned with spices. Try to invite her to a restaurant from time to time, but always with good cuisine. If you're lucky, she'll invite you over for a home-cooked dinner. And here you will be completely defeated. Taurus women, as a rule, are excellent cooks, and, as you know, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

Taurus people love music, painting and nature. They themselves sometimes draw well. When courting a Taurus, invite her to a concert or exhibition. This will give her pleasure. For a honeymoon, given her love of nature, it is better to choose something like Niagara Falls or the Grand Canyon.

Taurus people love to visit the amusement park, ride horses, and travel outside the city. Everything that is somehow connected with nature attracts them with extraordinary force, because their sign is Earth. Taurus has increased tactile sensitivity. She may not like your sweater because it's scratchy. She can guess the color of an object by touch, with her eyes closed. Taurus herself prefers soft, fluffy or silky materials, although her clothing style is never pretentious, but rather simple and strict.

Once you get to know her better, you will understand that she is an even, calm and strong type, with whom you always feel comfortable, as if in a warm bath. This comparison is very apt, since she loves the bath. Her bathroom is something luxurious, with mirrors, filled with bottles and jars of shampoos, lotions, colognes, creams and more. It seems that a little more, the door will open and a black slave with a fan will enter.

Don't forget that Taurus does not tolerate objections, especially in public. Well, don't do that! Know that she is quite slow, but this is her usual pace, do not rush, otherwise it will be worse for you.

Motherhood suits Taurus very well; it goes well with her calm, balanced character. She happily nurses babies and fusses with little ones, but with older children she can be too strict and demanding. Her inflexibility and stubbornness play a negative role in this case. Mother Taurus cannot tolerate disobedience and disobedience; it is difficult for her to come to terms with the fact that children, especially in adolescence, have a strong spirit of contradiction. Such misunderstandings sometimes greatly complicate her relationships with her children.

Taurus's natural love for beauty, comfort and harmony makes her completely intolerant of disorder, which also cannot but affect relationships with children, who always scatter toys, books and things everywhere. Otherwise, Taurus is an almost ideal mother, especially for babies and adult children who have passed adolescence. Responsive, kind, loving, strong and even, able to joke and encourage, caress and give confidence to herself. Taurus does not belong to the category of sissies. She will not whine and complain if her husband has financial difficulties at work, but will calmly go to work until the situation stabilizes. Taurus are excellent workers, they are never lazy, however, they prefer to work slowly, with frequent breaks for rest. (They need such rest to recuperate.) Taurus women are proud of their husbands and often help them in their work. Being strong by nature, they despise weakness, especially in men.

Taurus women patiently endure pain and emotional stress.

By choosing a Taurus as a wife, a man will make an excellent acquisition. She loves security and therefore manages money correctly. Despite her love for good clothes, food and surroundings, she will not demand everything at once, but will patiently wait until the time comes. Taurus can sacrifice immediate interests in order to create lasting financial wealth. Being a good housewife, she will try to encourage her husband to invite the right, influential people to her house.

She belongs to the type of woman who will tirelessly nurse a sick child night after night; she will breathe hope into her husband who has lost faith when he comes home completely broken, with the feeling that the whole world has turned its back on him. The Taurus wife is a real family god, capable of creating everything: from a cherry pie to a cozy, well-kept home and curing any illness: from the common cold to mental trauma. In short, she really is a “person.”

Linda Goodman
Zodiac signs or astrology with a smile

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Keywords for Taurus:
deep assessment of current physical sensations, possession, retention, constancy, certainty, nutrition, practicality, perseverance, sensuality, safety, strength, voice.

(lat. Taurus) is a zodiac constellation lying between Gemini and Aries, northwest of Orion. The brightest stars are Aldebaran, Natus, Alcyone and ζ Tauri, respectively 0.87; 1.65; 2.85 and 2.97 apparent magnitude.

This constellation is highest above the horizon in November, December and January, and then it is best observed. Around it are the constellations Gemini, Orion, Eridanus, Cetus, Aries, Perseus and Auriga.

The constellation Taurus is multi-starred. On a clear and moonless night, up to 130 stars can be seen with the naked eye. Two open star clusters, the Pleiades and the Hyades, are also clearly visible.
You need very little imagination and imagination to see an angry bull in the configuration of the stars. The bright red first magnitude star Aldebaran glows like a blood-red eye (right). The head and especially the nostrils of the bull are outlined by the Hyades star cluster, and weaker stars seem to form curved horns, at the ends of which bright stars shine - β of the second magnitude and ζ of the third magnitude. On the back of the bull is the open star cluster Pleiades.
The Pleiades (the Bulgarian people call them the Mother Hen) is the most famous and most spectacular open star cluster. 6-7 stars are visible to the naked eye, but there are over 500 stars brighter than the seventeenth magnitude. In space, they occupy an area with a diameter of approximately 25 light years. This beautiful star cluster is located about 450 light years away from us.
The Pleiades, as well as all open star clusters, is characterized by the fact that all stars in the cluster move in space synchronously and at approximately the same speeds.

Myths and legends about the constellation

Among the ancient peoples, the most important constellation was Taurus, since the new year began in the spring. In the zodiac, Taurus is the most ancient constellation, since cattle breeding played a huge role in the life of ancient peoples, and the bull (Taurus) was associated with the constellation where the Sun seemed to conquer winter and herald the arrival of spring and summer. In general, many ancient peoples revered this animal and considered it sacred. In ancient Egypt there was a sacred bull, Apis, who was worshiped during his lifetime and whose mummy was ceremonially buried in a magnificent tomb. Every 25 years Apis was replaced with a new one.

In Greece, the bull was also held in high esteem. In Crete the bull was called Minotaur. The heroes of Hellas Hercules, Theseus, Jason pacified the bulls.

There are many legends about the constellation, here is one of them.

The ancient Greeks left behind exciting myths about the constellation Taurus, testifying to their rich imagination and poetic fantasy.
The owner of the Phoenician city of Sidon, King Agenor, had three sons - Phoenix, Kilik and Cadmus - and his only daughter Europa, the most beautiful girl on Earth. Only immortal goddesses could compare with her beauty.
Joyfully and carefree all day long, Europe played with her friends in the green meadows near the city of Sidon. From the heights of bright Olympus, almighty Zeus saw Europe on a green meadow and, enchanted by her divine beauty, decided to kidnap her. But how not to scare Europe and its friends? For Zeus this presented no difficulty. He turned into a snow-white bull and quietly joined the herds of Agepor.
Young girls frolicked carefree in the meadow. But when Europe walked away from her girlfriends to pick a terry peony, a snow-white bull approached her and began to tenderly look at her with his big eyes, as if he wanted to tell her something. Europe began to stroke and caress his snow-white back, admiring his long horns, curved like a crescent moon. The bull began to caress her even more tenderly and lay down at Europa’s feet. She took him by the horns and sat down on his broad back. Quietly and meekly the bull rose to his feet, and Europe laughed carefree. Suddenly the bull, like a whirlwind, rushed towards the sea. Europe burst into tears, her frightened friends screamed, but the bull had already rushed into the sea and, like a fish, swam across the boundless blue waters. The god Poseidon himself, surrounded by all the sea deities, raced in a chariot across the sea waves and tamed them with his trident so that the path of his great brother, the thunderer Zeus, would be smooth. The stormy winds died down, and only a light breeze fluttered the golden hair of Europe, and all around were only the endless sea and blue sky. No sign of land, no island was visible in the endless expanses of the sea... But then the shores of the island of Crete appeared in the distance. A bull was heading towards it and soon swam to the shore. He came out of the sea, went ashore and left his precious burden there. While Europe was tidying up her scattered hair, the bull disappeared, and instead of him, Zeus appeared before her in all his majestic beauty.
Europa became the lover of Zeus. She gave him three sons - Minos, Rhadamanthus and Sarpedon, whose fame spread far around the world.
The constellation Taurus reminds us of the act of Zeus and of the beautiful girl Europa, whom Zeus kidnapped from Asia and carried to the island of Crete. Europe was famous not only for its beauty, but also for its good character. She loved people, helped them, and they were so grateful to her that they named a whole part of the world after her.

Taurus Talismans

Taurus is an Earth sign.
The patron of Taurus is Venus.
A sign of wisdom, prudence and wealth. Taurus is best protected from the machinations of ill-wishers by an elephant or a bull, which strengthen their position in society and help increase prosperity. The talisman can be a plush toy, a figurine made of wood or bronze. Those objects that have aesthetic value can also become a talisman: boxes or caskets decorated with stones or carvings, inlaid furniture, copper frames and bracelets, copper kitchen utensils, paintings, figurines, etc.

Lucky numbers: 2, 4, 16 and all multiples of 6.
Colors: lemon, orange, green, blue. Red is contraindicated.
Stones: sapphire, emerald, rose quartz, onyx, aventurine, agate.

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Diet according to horoscope: Taurus

None of the diets help in principle... But what if you resort to another one - the stellar one? That is, a diet according to the horoscope, the meaning of which is to choose for yourself a certain list of products with which you can eat tasty and satisfying without adding a single extra centimeter to your waist. Dreams? Not really. It turns out that in order to eat without harming your own figure and body, it is enough to know... your zodiac sign. Well, shall we try?

These charmers have an enviable appetite, they love to eat heartily and... quickly, so they are often prone to being overweight. In addition, Taurus’ metabolism is too slow, so any excess in meals threatens to instantly turn into fat, and innovations from delicacies or exotic foods threaten allergies.

A logical conclusion follows from this: firstly, Taurus should learn to chew properly, or rather, chew. Only in this way can you avoid digestive difficulties and not cause irreparable damage to your figure. For meat, prefer beef; for side dishes, prefer rice, barley or corn grits. Secondly, include in your menu dishes rich in fiber - salads from cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli and sea cabbage), apples, carrots, beets and, of course, celery. Don't forget about seafood - iodine is essential in your menu, as are foods with a slight laxative effect - prunes, raisins.

In view of the increased risk of allergies, it is useful to arrange detoxification sessions for yourself at least once a year - gentle cleansing of the body with the help of a special diet of low-calorie dishes that have a “cleansing” effect. This “rapid response squad” includes an oatmeal diet, apples, spinach, persimmons, cabbage, prunes, green tea.

This is an earthly, sensual person. You can also note his slowness and caution. But for all that, this is a rather romantic sign. He needs...

But if he decided that you were suitable for him and decided to conquer you, then he will surpass any man. This is a sensitive, practical, slow person, capable of sending you flowers until he gets his way, i.e. you. He can be very gentle and attentive. It will respond to your perfume, the smoothness of your skin, the softness of your hair. He may not tell you openly, but he will find a way to show that he notices all this. He has a developed sense of touch and touch. He likes to see you beautifully dressed, he responds very easily to music, it gives him a loving mood. Surely he has a favorite song that reminds him of you. A typical Taurus will give you gifts, maybe offer you a walk under the moon and others.

As a father, Taurus is pure perfection. He treats his daughters with special tenderness. He is firm in discipline. He treats his wife’s whims generously, giving her the opportunity not to deny herself expensive things: perfume and other little things that are important to a woman. He rarely spares money and nevertheless always thinks about tomorrow. He works a lot, so he needs rest. Being tired can be unbearable. He can be lazy at home, don't scold him for it. He cannot be pushed or rushed.

Taurus prefers large groups of friends and is very hospitable. His house should be calm, cozy, quiet. Be his woman and you will find a better man. His love is simple and honest. His loving nature and attention will give you loyalty. Indeed, he is stubborn, but this can also be called patience. Take care of him and everything will be fine. When he's courting you, he won't look around. He won't forget the day you met or your other anniversary. But he won't promise you castles in the air. Most likely, he will immediately bring a design for a house where he will introduce you as the hostess. This man is the epitome of a businessman. When a Taurus brings you into the house, you can be sure that he has the ability to feed you. This man is for a woman who values ​​true values.

This is a calm, stable nature. He always plans for tomorrow. As a rule, this is a business person who knows how to make money. But Taurus has its flaws. First of all, you need to polish your behavior as a woman. Not one Taurus will be reconciled with a woman who has a loud voice or a woman whose manners resemble a man. If you have your own opinion on something, don’t try to hammer it into Taurus’s head in public. Deep down, he respects a woman with intelligence, although he puts simple common sense first. But at the same time, you better leave it in bright light and not overshadow it. An emancipated woman is not suitable for him; he can have two reactions to such women: a primitive Taurus (and by the way there are many of them) can shake you and hit you, a more sophisticated Taurus will simply object to you in front of everyone and become a block of stone, ruining the rest of the evening. Your friends will also be in a difficult situation, this situation cannot be corrected until Taurus “moves away” himself. If you want to return it to normal, leave it alone.

You can make him angry if you try to calm him down. But despite all this, Taurus will never leave a woman alone, no matter how angry he is. I advise you to apologize to him. I don't advise you to complain about him. A woman should always reassure a Taurus man and keep her mouth shut. He should not be humiliated or jokes made at his expense. He is extremely patient, but he can't stand it. But you don't have to stick to it like a vine. He is too practical and loves his freedom to allow a woman to encroach on him. He does not mind female individuality, but he is intrigued and balanced by his own stability of nature. No one can be kinder, gentler and more tolerant than a Taurus when his manhood is safe. He does everything for the woman he loves. Except for one thing - he will not allow her to behave like a man.

Taurus will look closely at you for a very long time. He will never start serious courtship right away. This may be surprising: too long courtship and no action. He needs time to understand that he needs you. The typical Taurus is usually blind to any warnings about personality incompatibility, and the more his friends tell him about it, the more he resists. Consequently, Taurus often make mistakes in their choice of partner. But they go through a divorce for a long time and difficultly, and they spend even longer looking for a new girlfriend.

The financial side of life with a Taurus is excellent. He loves the countryside, fishing, nature. He prefers to read books about heroes of the past, biographies of great people. The Taurus man embodies masculine qualities more than others. Therefore, he must be fed nourishingly, at home.

...Hanging their heads down, they will become
call: “get up, darling, to
us". If I like it I will
I’ll get up, and if not, I’ll stay here...

Stubbornness and the desire to insist on one’s own will appear in your child early, most likely in the maternity hospital. Try putting him in a vest or blouse if he doesn’t want it. He will stubbornly press his arms to his body, and you will not be able to straighten them to insert them into the sleeves.

If you still manage to insist on your way, then the baby, who just a second before was silently smiling, will spring up all over, his face will turn purple and he will raise such a roar that all the nurses and nurses from other floors will come running. With this cry, your little Taurus shows that he does not like being pressured.

This will happen whenever you try to force him to do something against his will. At the same time, being strong, he will desperately resist. I advise Taurus mothers to build up more muscle to cope with their headstrong offspring.

But stubbornness is perhaps the only negative trait of your baby. Both Taurus boys and girls are surprisingly affectionate and love to be tender. They often ask to be held in your arms and on your lap, to be cuddled and kissed. Taurus will treat your friends with the same pleasure, of course, if he likes them. The father will have difficulty resisting the somewhat clumsy grace of his Taurus daughter, while the mother will adore his handsome, strong son. Taurus children are usually well developed physically and boast excellent health. Moreover, boys, from an early age, are future men who are strong, strong, strong-willed, fit, while girls are real women, caring, affectionate, gentle, neat. Some girls, it is true, have boyish ways, love to fight and climb fences, but as soon as you remind them that they are future women, they instantly transform into exemplary young ladies.

Even in early childhood, Taurus children are more independent than other children. They are strong not only physically, but also mentally, and are rarely subject to changes in mood. The usual mood of Taurus children, when nothing makes them angry, is calm and friendly. In them, even in childhood, one senses some kind of adulthood, maturity. They usually behave well in the company of adults, as long as you don't pay too much attention to them. If Taurus becomes the center of attention, he fades away and seems to swallow his tongue.

Taurus usually do not meddle in other people's affairs, preferring to take care of their own. But don't try to pressure them into doing anything. It won't make any sense anyway. Usually a Taurus child who is severely bullied as a child grows up sullen and cruel. When dealing with a Taurus child, you must use only one remedy - love. Do not raise your voice at him, speak to him softly, logically, persuading him to do what you want. Never give him orders. You can spend hours in vain trying to force him to obey your desire, while a minute of affectionate conversation and a kiss will be enough for him to do everything in the world for you.

From an early age, Taurus is distinguished by common sense. He will do everything that seems reasonable to him, only you must first give a sensible explanation. The phrase: “I told you, go to bed now” will not have any effect on him. The words will work better: “Get ready to sleep, my friend. Soon the lights will go out and you won’t be able to play in the dark anyway.” Or you can offer another option: “Now our baby will go to bed, put on wonderful warm pajamas with pink elephants, and his mother will read his favorite book for the night.” I assure you, no matter how stubborn he may have been before, such words will not leave him indifferent, and he will rush to lie down quickly to listen to the fairy tale.

Color and sound are of no small importance for his emotional development. Bright orange-red tones will make him restless. Pastel shades of blue and pink will have a calming effect on him. By the behavior of Taurus, you can always guess the influence of a particular color on him. Gentle tones in tune with his nature make him calm, and flashy tones excite him. The same with sounds. Loud sounds have the same effect on him as bright colors.

It’s good to start teaching Taurus music and singing in early childhood. Almost all Taurus have a low, melodic voice with a soft timbre, and some have considerable musical abilities. Therefore, the sooner they start studying seriously, the better Taurus prefer classical music over pop and folk music. Test your child's artistic abilities as well. Time will tell whether he will become a professional artist, but the fact that he learns to understand painting and draws well will not hinder him in life.

Usually at school, teachers set the Taurus child as an example to the whole class. Taurus are most often hardworking, collected and good at studying. They rarely turn out to be prodigies, like Gemini, Aquarius and Aries, but they are never in bad standing. Taurus does not grasp everything on the fly, but remembers the lesson learned for a very long time. Usually they carefully prepare for classes, so they pass tests and tests well. Taurus's incorruptible honesty, strength and common sense win them the sympathy of the class and make them leaders.

Your Taurus baby, due to his stubbornness, can cause you some troubles in his youth and adolescence, for example: eating the fried chicken that you were going to treat your guests to in the evening, tearing his Sunday suit while climbing on the fence, trying to cut a beautiful pattern on the furniture with a knife. But these are all the costs of tender age. But in his youth, having rented his father’s car, your Taurus son will not only not break it, but will not even scratch it. He will never forget your birthday.

And your Taurus daughter will have a cozy, well-kept home and will be happy to invite you to a wonderful Sunday lunch, and her children, your grandchildren, will be well brought up.

Taurus works a lot and therefore needs good rest. Make sure he gets enough rest, otherwise it will make him irritable. Never nag him for being slow. This is akin to waving a red rag in front of a bull. Taurus lives according to his own schedule and rushing him is not only useless, but also unsafe. Taurus loves to receive guests in his own home, but these should be people close to him in spirit. Taurus avoids large noisy companies.

He also cannot stand loud sounds (be it people's voices, radio or TV), disorder and chaos, scattered things. Let quiet music, beauty and comfort reign in your home. Try to be a real woman and you will not find a better husband. No one can surround you with such affection, attention and love, and if you take into account the stability and strength of his financial position, then what else can a woman dream of?

Taurus woman
All around - frost, blinding snow
And empty as in the desert.
We have joy, children's laughter,
The fire is burning in the fireplace.

I once had a chance to talk with a writer who, remembering her mother, said: “She was a great person.” Taking this phrase literally (the writer was short), I assumed that she had a short father. “No, I'm not talking about growth. Mom was a person." The writer's mother was a Taurus.

The Taurus woman is the salt of the earth, the embodiment of those qualities that a man always looks for in a woman and rarely finds. She sometimes experiences bouts of uncontrollable rage, but for this she needs to try very, very hard. As long as you don't test her patience too much, she will remain even, calm, and affectionate. Her natural honesty does not combine with the usual feminine tricks and cunning. The Taurus woman has more fortitude than the strongest man, but we are smart enough not to demonstrate this “unfeminine” quality to our partner. The Taurus woman is a true woman, so she is looking for a true man.

Men have always been attracted to her because she accepts people as they are. She can communicate with equal success both with a scientist unraveling the mysteries of the universe and with an ordinary clerk. Her friends can be a variety of people, sometimes too original, but they are always living people, not walking dummies. The Taurus woman is absolutely indifferent to her enemies, she simply does not notice them, but for her friends she is capable of making sacrifices. She will forgive her friend any shortcomings and will never leave him in trouble. But in return he expects the same attitude towards himself. And if you do not justify her trust, she will be offended and withdraw into herself.

Taurus is not very jealous. Unlike other women, who may become furious because their husband admires the lovely figure of a young girl, Taurus will not blame her husband for this, but will most likely share his delight. But this applies only to innocent admiration. If you allow yourself real betrayal and she finds out about it, you will be in trouble. Therefore, try not to provoke her.

Taurus cannot be called super-intellectual; she is not one of those who read abstruse philosophical treatises and is interested in the theory of relativity. The presence of many diplomas and academic degrees leaves her completely indifferent. She believes that one is enough. For her, it is much more important to have common sense and the ability to understand the deep essence of things. She herself is a purely rational and practical creature, standing firmly on the ground. But for all her earthiness, she is undoubtedly artistic, with a finely developed sensuality.