Who is the Chairman of the Russian Government? Procedure for appointing the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

The procedure for appointing the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is defined in Art. 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and Article 7 of the Federal Constitutional Law “On the Government of the Russian Federation”. The question of the procedure for appointing the head of the Russian Government is of great importance, since the named position is one of the key and leading in the state.

Part 1 of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation contains the initial norm: The Chairman of the Government is appointed by the President - this is one of the most important constitutional powers of the President of the Russian Federation. The same part of this article refers to the power of the State Duma - “with the consent of the State Duma,” which corresponds with Article 103 part 1, which provides that the State Duma gives consent to the President to appoint the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The following is the procedure for nominating a candidate for the post of Chairman of the Government provided for by the Constitution. Let's highlight the most important points. Firstly, only the President of Russia has the right to nominate a candidate for this position. Secondly, the nomination of a candidacy to the State Duma must occur within certain periods: a) no later than two weeks after the newly elected President takes office; b) no later than two weeks after the resignation of the Government, if any; c) within a week from the date the State Duma rejected the candidate for this post. Part 3 of Article 111 establishes a certain period for consideration by the State Duma of a candidacy for the post of Chairman of the Government - within a week from the date of submission of the proposal for the candidacy Constitution of the Russian Federation. M., “Legal literature”, 1993.

The Rules of Procedure of the State Duma (Chapter 17) define in detail the procedure for giving consent to the President for the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The President of Russia or his authorized representative in the Federal Assembly officially nominates a candidate for the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The candidate reports to the State Duma the program of the main directions of activity of the future Government of the Russian Federation. Before discussing the candidacy, during the time determined by the State Duma, but not more than 30 minutes, the candidate answers questions from deputies. After answering questions, representatives of factions and parliamentary groups speak out for or against the nominated candidacy. Consent to the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is considered received if a majority of the total number of deputies of the State Duma votes for the proposed candidacy.

Article 111 part 4 provides that after the State Duma has rejected the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation three times, submitted by the President, the President independently appoints the Chairman of the Government. This is explained by the fact that the state cannot do without the Government and its head for a long time.

In legal literature, Article 112 Part 1 of the Constitution is sometimes considered as the President’s right to determine the structure of federal executive bodies. This, however, is not indisputable due to the lack of regulation in legislation (including in the Constitution itself) of this issue, which is intended to be regulated in the law on the system of federal bodies of legislative, executive and judicial power, the order of their organization and activities. Currently, the issue, for example, of federal executive authorities is regulated by a number of decrees of the President of Russia Collection of legislation on the constitutional (state) law of the Russian Federation. - Rostov-on-Don. "Phoenix". 1997

1. The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation with the consent of the State Duma.

2. A proposal for a candidacy for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is submitted no later than two weeks after the newly elected President of the Russian Federation takes office or after the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation, or within a week from the day the candidacy is rejected by the State Duma.

3. The State Duma considers the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation submitted by the President of the Russian Federation within a week from the date of submission of the proposal for the candidacy.

4. After three times the State Duma rejects the presented candidates for the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation appoints the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, dissolves the State Duma and calls new elections.

Commentary on Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

1. This article determines the procedure for appointing the Chairman of the Government, from which the formation of the highest executive body of state power of the Russian Federation begins.

The considered part of the commented article correlates with paragraph “a” of Art. 83 and paragraph "a" part 1 of Art. 103 of the Constitution.

The procedures for appointing the head of the Government reveal elements of a mixed form of government, combining the features of presidential and parliamentary republics: The Chairman of the Government is appointed by the President, but with the consent of the State Duma. The competence of the State Duma in this matter is to express agreement or disagreement by voting. Consent is given by a majority vote of the constitutional number of deputies of a given chamber of parliament (at least 226).

The State Duma does not have the right to nominate its own candidate for this post. The Federation Council does not participate in the formation of the Government. This has certain reasons. In presidential-parliamentary republics, when appointing the head of government, as a rule, the party composition of parliament is taken into account. In the Russian parliament, it is the State Duma that reflects political (party) diversity due to the order of its formation.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in Resolution No. 28-P dated December 11, 1998 “On the case on the interpretation of the provisions of Part 4 of Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation” * (1033) emphasized that the need to obtain the consent of the State Duma to the appointment of the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government proposed by the President of the Russian Federation is due to fundamental provisions , underlying the organization of power in a democratic legal state: in the conditions of the division of state power in the Russian Federation into legislative, executive and judicial (Article 10 of the Constitution), do not allow their confrontation, which is not consistent with the fact that the only source from which they stem, and the bearer of the sovereignty they embody is the multinational people of the Russian Federation. The procedures for appointing the Chairman of the Government reflect the coordinated functioning and interaction of government bodies, which involves seeking agreement between them in order to eliminate emerging contradictions regarding the candidacy for this position, which is possible on the basis of the forms of interaction provided for by the Constitution or those that do not contradict it, developing in the process of exercising the powers of the head state and in parliamentary practice.

In this regard, various kinds of political agreements are possible with the President that when he appoints members of the Government, representation of political parties that have entered parliament will be ensured. Let us recall that according to this scenario in 1998, the formation of the Government headed by E.M. Primakov. This situation is more likely to be possible in conditions where the President and the majority in the State Duma disagree on their political positions, but it is obvious that in any case this does not imply the formation of a Government in opposition to the President.

2. Since the formation of the Government is the exclusive prerogative of the President, the Constitution, in order to prevent delays in this process, establishes not only cases that oblige the President to begin procedures for the formation of this government body, but also the deadlines for taking actions.

The President's nomination of the Chairman of the Government to the State Duma must take place:

1) no later than two weeks after the newly elected President takes office;

2) no later than two weeks after the resignation of the Government, if any;

3) within a week from the date of rejection of the candidate for this post by the State Duma.

3. For the same purpose of timely appointment of the Chairman of the Government, the Constitution obliges the State Duma to consider the candidacy submitted by the President within a week. The procedure for considering this candidacy is established by the Rules of Procedure of the State Duma and begins with the immediate notification of deputies of the State Duma of the fact of submitting a proposal for the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government. This is followed by: adoption of a preliminary, then final decision on a specific day for consideration of the issue in the State Duma, official presentation by the President or his authorized representative in the State Duma of the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government, presentation by the latter of the program of the main directions of activity of the future Government and his answers to questions from deputies. The final stage is the voting procedure when deciding to give consent to the President to appoint the Chairman of the Government. The decision of the State Duma to give consent to the appointment of the Chairman of the Government is made at the discretion of the State Duma by secret ballot by submitting ballots or using an electronic vote counting system or by open voting * (1034).

If a candidacy is rejected, discussion and approval of a new candidacy takes place in the same order and within the same time frame.

4. The constitutional and legal method of resolving the conflict between the President and the State Duma when it three times rejects candidates submitted by the President for the position of Chairman of the Government consists of dissolving the State Duma and calling new elections to this chamber of the Federal Assembly and aims to ensure the timely formation of the Government (see Resolution of the Constitutional Court RF dated November 11, 1999 N 15-P*(1035)).

The general formulation of constitutional norms does not give an unambiguous answer to the question: should the President each time present a new candidacy for the Chairman of the Government in the event of failure to obtain the consent of the State Duma?

In this regard, in the spring of 1998, a controversial situation arose when the President three times nominated the same candidacy (S.V. Kiriyenko) for the post of Chairman of the Government * (1036). The State Duma proceeded from the interpretation of constitutional provisions in which the President must each time present a new candidate for this position * (1037).

The uncertainty that arose in the understanding of constitutional norms was removed by the Constitutional Court by Resolution No. 28-P of December 11, 1998. In accordance with it, in the literal sense of Part 4 of Art. 111 of the Constitution, a three-time rejection of the submitted candidates for the Chairman of the Government may mean a three-time rejection of the candidacy for the position, and a three-time rejection of the submitted persons proposed for the position.

According to the legal position of the Constitutional Court, largely based on the teleological (target) interpretation of constitutional provisions * (1038), the constitutional legislator in this norm pursued the goal, in the conditions of the division of state power, to prevent confrontation between its branches, providing for ways to overcome possible disagreements that would not allow the process to drag out formation of the Government and blocking its activities. Considering also that the President is the head of state and is vested with the authority to determine the directions of the Government’s activities and control it, it is the President who plays the leading role in the formation of the Government and the selection of a candidate for its Chairman. This determines the President’s right to choose any option for presenting a candidacy for the Chairman of the Government to the State Duma: each time presenting a new candidate for the position of Chairman of the Government, or the same one twice or three times.

The position justified by the Constitutional Court allows for the development of political practice in a different direction, without excluding the possibility of the formation of a constitutional custom based on any one variant of interaction between the head of state and the State Duma from those allowed by the Constitution and adequate to the goals of the stable functioning of the constitutional system, taking into account the historical context: approval of the proposed candidacies for the Chairman of the Government at the first presentation, presentation of the same candidate three times, as well as the use of conciliation procedures after a candidate was rejected twice.

In the scientific literature, the opinion was expressed*(1039) that after the elections of the new State Duma it is necessary to obtain the consent of its new composition for this appointment, however, the election of a new composition of the State Duma does not entail automatic resignation or resignation of the Government. The decision of the State Duma to give or not to give its consent to the appointment of the Chairman of the Government as part of the appointment procedure can entail legal consequences only before the President makes this decision. The new legislature of the State Duma can express its attitude to this fact in another form provided for by the Constitution - to initiate the issue of confidence in the Government (Part 3 of Article 117).

The formation of the Government of the Russian Federation begins with the appointment of its Chairman.

The appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation occurs with the consent of the State Duma and his right to propose to the President of the Russian Federation both to appoint and dismiss any member of the Government and make him an official who enjoys indisputable authority in relation to any member of the Government.

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 92 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in all cases when the President of the Russian Federation is unable to fulfill his duties, they are temporarily performed by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

It was previously said that the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation with the consent of the State Duma. No one other than the President has the right to nominate a candidate for the Chairman of the Government. The Duma can give consent to the appointment or refuse consent, but it cannot discuss any candidacy other than that submitted by the President of the Russian Federation.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation obliges the President of the Russian Federation to observe certain deadlines for submitting a candidacy for the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

There are three main cases with the establishment of appropriate deadlines for submitting a candidacy to the State Duma:

No later than two weeks after the resignation of the Government;

Within a week from the date of rejection of the candidacy by the State Duma.

However, the State Duma is also bound by certain deadlines. So in accordance with part 3. Article 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it is obliged to consider the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation submitted by the President of the Russian Federation within a week from the date of submission of the proposal for the candidacy.

Disagreements may arise between the President of the Russian Federation and the State Duma regarding the appointment of the head of the Government. Their overcoming is defined in the Constitution. Thus, after the Chairman of the Government of the State Duma has rejected the presented candidates three times, the President of the Russian Federation appoints the Chairman of the Government, dissolves the State Duma and calls new elections. The Constitution does not indicate whether the President of the Russian Federation, after rejecting the first candidate, must propose another candidate the next time or whether he has the right to nominate the same person. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation supported the latter.

After the appointment of the chairman, the formation of the Government of the Russian Federation is carried out in a simple way: the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation proposes to the President of the Russian Federation candidates for specific positions in the Government, and the President considers, selects and appoints them. This process is not public.

  1. Issues within the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation

One of the main functions of the Government is the function of executing federal laws, systematically monitoring their implementation by executive authorities at all levels and taking the necessary measures to eliminate violations. This task predetermines the content and nature of the powers of the Government.

This relationship between the power of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation does not mean that the Government has no independence. So it independently resolves issues and bears full responsibility for its actions. The Government of the Russian Federation heads a unified system of executive authorities. It issues its own legal acts, i.e. engages in lawmaking, without asking the consent of the President of the Russian Federation. Independently interacts with the Federal Assembly and the judiciary.

The Government of the Russian Federation, within the limits of its powers: organizes the implementation of the domestic and foreign policies of the Russian Federation, carries out regulation in the socio-economic sphere, ensures the unity of the executive power system in the Russian Federation, directs and controls the activities of its bodies, forms federal target programs and ensures their implementation, implements the law legislative initiative.

The government, by agreement with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, may transfer to them the exercise of part of its powers, if this does not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation by law.

The government regulates economic processes, ensures the unity of economic space and freedom of economic activity, free movement of goods, services and financial resources, develops and implements programs for the development of priority sectors of the economy. In addition, it manages federal property, develops and implements state policy in the field of international economic, financial, and investment cooperation.

In Art. 114 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation defines the role of the Government in organizing the budget process, that is, in the legally regulated activities of public authorities in the preparation, consideration, approval and execution of the federal budget. The responsibilities of the Government include developing and submitting the federal budget to the State Duma, ensuring its execution; The government submits a report on the execution of the federal budget to the Duma.

Without the conclusion of the Government, bills on the introduction or abolition of taxes, exemption from their payment, the issuance of government loans, and other bills that provide for expenses covered by the federal budget cannot be submitted to the State Duma.

In the field of public finance, the most important problems solved by the Government include reducing the federal budget deficit and preventing uncontrolled growth of budget expenditures.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation ensures the implementation of a unified financial, credit and monetary policy in the Russian Federation. The government creates conditions for free enterprise on the basis of a rational combination of all forms of ownership and the implementation of the legal mechanism of a market economy. It develops and implements measures to implement a unified price policy. In a market economy, the Government, naturally, does not directly manage enterprises in the free business sector, but carries out extensive measures to financially stabilize the country, government securities, foreign exchange relations, customs affairs, and investment. At the same time, state-owned enterprises, state orders and others remain within the scope of the Government’s powers.

In addition to these areas, the Government of the Russian Federation ensures the implementation of a unified state policy in the Russian Federation in social areas, such as culture, science, education, healthcare, social security, and ecology.

The government carries out: control over the implementation of state programs to support culture, science and education, and measures for the social protection of citizens, environmental protection, and to eliminate the consequences of major accidents and disasters, natural disasters. An important responsibility of the Government is to ensure guarantees of legally established wages and the level of social security. It provides support for the least socially protected groups of the population, develops directions for state social policy and takes measures to ensure the social and legal protection of citizens and their right to work. Other equally important areas of the Government's activities are defense, security and foreign policy.

The Government of the Russian Federation carries out measures to ensure the country's defense, state security, and the implementation of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation. The heads of ministries and departments managing these areas are subordinate to the President of the Russian Federation, but at the same time, significant powers and responsibilities are assigned to the Government of the Russian Federation. Thus, the Government of the Russian Federation deals with issues of equipping with weapons and military equipment, providing material resources to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and military formations, and takes measures to protect the State border of the Russian Federation; directs civil defense.

The powers of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of security are also significant. The government provides leadership to security agencies, organizes and controls the development and implementation of security measures by executive authorities. This is how it coordinates the activities of the FSB with executive authorities.

When solving foreign policy problems, the Government conducts negotiations and concludes international treaties on issues within its competence, and takes measures to implement international treaties of the Russian Federation.

According to Art. 114 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the scope of powers of the Government of the Russian Federation includes the implementation of measures to ensure the rule of law, the rights and freedoms of citizens, the protection of property and public order, and the fight against crime.

The government resolves issues related to the financing of law enforcement agencies, ensuring the activities of the judiciary, and analyzes the state of the rule of law in the country and the effectiveness of the fight against crime.

Respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens is under the control of the executive branch.

Based on the above, it is clear that the main functions of the Government are organizing the implementation of federal laws, systematically monitoring their implementation by executive authorities at all levels and taking the necessary measures to eliminate violations.

One of the important issues of the Government’s activities is rule-making.

In Art. 115 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that on the basis and in pursuance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, regulatory decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, issues resolutions and orders and ensures their implementation. This determines the nature of by-laws issued by the Government, their mandatory compliance with the Constitution, law and regulatory decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Art. 104 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation The Government of Russia has the right of legislative initiative, which means that it can independently prepare draft laws and submit them for consideration to the State Duma.

Legal acts of the Government are an important link in the legal system of Russia, and their main forms are established in the Constitution. The Constitution determines that the forms of legal acts of the Russian Government are decrees and orders that are binding throughout the Russian Federation. Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation must formalize decisions that are of a normative nature or of the most important importance. Decisions on operational and other current issues are issued in the form of orders of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The resolution is adopted at Government meetings in the presence of a quorum and by voting. The Government Resolution is signed by the Chairman of the Government or his First Deputy.

In addition, the Presidium of the Government functions as a permanent body of the Government in its apparatus, which is designed to resolve current and operational issues.

It should be noted that, while establishing the legal forms of acts issued by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation at the same time imposes on the Government the obligation to ensure their implementation. This helps their prompt and accurate practical implementation, since most often the burden of execution falls on the same executive authorities that prepare the relevant acts.

Decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation are mandatory for execution in the Russian Federation, i.e. throughout its territory and by all subjects and local governments. The obligation applies to all citizens and officials, all public associations, state and private enterprises. Thus, the constitutional status of acts of the Government puts these acts, in terms of their mandatory nature, on a par with the laws and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. Although in legal force they are lower than the latter, since they are adopted on the basis of higher-ranking acts.

Resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, if they contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, can be canceled by the President of the Russian Federation. Although the initiative to repeal an unconstitutional and illegal act of the Government is in the hands of the head of state, it is clear that even without his decision, any act of the Government that contradicts the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws is legally void from the very beginning.

The Federal Constitutional Law on the Government of the Russian Federation establishes that resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation are subject to mandatory publication in the Rossiyskaya Gazeta and the Collection of Legislation in the Russian Federation no later than 15 days from the date of their signing.

Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation affecting the rights, freedoms and duties of man and citizen come into force no earlier than the day of their publication.


As the main task of the Government of the Russian Federation, legislation establishes the implementation of adopted laws and control over their compliance. The legal status of the Government and its members is revealed by such legal acts as the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On the Government of the Russian Federation” - it must be guided by the same laws when exercising its powers.

According to the Constitution of Russia, the Government has the following composition: the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, his deputies and ministers of federal ministries. The prerogative to appoint the Chairman belongs to the President of the Russian Federation - this is his exclusive right. True, for this he needs the approval of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Article 111 of the country's basic law states: The President of the Russian Federation must propose a suitable candidate for this post to the State Duma within the first two weeks after he assumed his duties. In case of resignation of the Government or its dissolution, the deadline for proposing a new Chairman is the same. The State Duma has a week to accept or reject his candidacy. If the State Duma rejects a candidate three times, the President has the right to dissolve its composition.

After the Chairman of the Government takes office, he is obliged to propose to the President, within a week, the most suitable candidates for ministers of federal ministries in his opinion. The President decides to appoint them or obliges the Chairman to nominate new ones. Ministers can leave their posts independently, by order of the Chairman of the Government or the President of the Russian Federation. Elected in this way, the cabinet of ministers in the Russian Federation retains its powers during one presidential term - after its end, a new Government is formed in the same manner.

To understand how decisions are made in power structures, you need to know the principle of their formation. This also applies to the Russian government. Having studied its composition and the principle of personnel selection, you will be able to better understand the political system of the country as a whole.


The Government of the Russian Federation consists of the chairman, who coordinates the activities of the state body, his deputies on various issues, as well as federal level ministers and heads of federal agencies.

The head of this government body, otherwise called the prime minister, is appointed through the joint efforts of the president and the State Duma. First, the head of state submits a candidacy for discussion by parliamentarians. A possible head of government must meet a number of conditions, such as not having foreign citizenship. Then, if the candidate receives a majority of Duma votes, he can take the desired post. If the State Duma rejects three presidential candidates, the latter has the right to dissolve parliament. In this case, early Duma elections are called.

Deputy prime ministers, or vice-premiers, are first selected by the prime minister and then must be approved by the head of state. There can be a maximum of eight.

Issues of economic development of the country are of concern to many of its citizens. During a crisis, the situation of ordinary people worsens, which forces them to look at the political Olympus and wonder who is responsible for this state of affairs. And this is where the confusion begins. Some point to the president, others argue that the government is involved in the economy. Which one is right? To understand, let's look at who appoints the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. In any case, this is what makes the decisions that affect our lives.

Studying the documentary base

When it comes to the distribution of powers between the top officials of the state, one should rely on the basic law. This is true for all democracies, Russia is no exception. Who appoints the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is written in detail in Article 111 of the Constitution. This section of the basic law consists of four points, which we will study in detail, using tips from experienced lawyers. We will immediately say to the hurry-ups that the Chairman of the Government with the consent of this is an almost complete quotation from the specified article of the Constitution. It contains “step-by-step instructions” for the actions of government institutions involved in the process under study. The fact is that it is easy to tell at first glance who appoints the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. In fact, there are many nuances to this issue that need to be explained in order to get to the point. The head of government in a democratic state has a number of powers, the execution of which depends on achieving consensus in society. But this is not a question for today’s consideration; we are studying the legislation.

Who appoints the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

In the matter of choosing the prime minister, the initiative belongs to the president. The Constitution specifies the period when the country's top official is obliged to voice his proposal. The President of the Russian Federation is given exactly two weeks to think about it. During this time, he is obliged to submit his candidacy to the State Duma. There are two cases when the head of government changes. They are:

  1. Inauguration of the new President of the Russian Federation.
  2. Resignation of the old prime minister.

In the first case, the two-week period is counted from the day of inauguration. Although in practice, any person fighting for the right to lead Russia already has candidates for the main positions. In the second case, two weeks for reflection are counted from the date of resignation of the old head of the executive branch.

Duties of the State Duma

Let's go in order of the procedure so as not to miss a single nuance. When the president made his proposal, the State Duma, guided by Art. 137 of its Regulations, is obliged to organize hearings. The candidate will be asked to submit his program to parliament for consideration. That is, our elected representatives will listen to this person, evaluate his opinion about the prospects for the development of the state, begin to ask questions, and the like. The State Duma is given a week for this “interrogation”. The deputies will make a decision only after the views of the candidate for one of the highest posts become clear to them. The State Duma has only two options: agree with the opinion of the President of the Russian Federation or refuse. In the first case, the candidate is appointed by decree of the head of the country, in the second the following paragraph of Art. 111 of the Constitution. He explains how the president should proceed next. He is given a week to propose the next candidate. She is again heard and questioned and so on, until a decision is made. In total, the President of the Russian Federation can propose three candidates for approval by the State Duma.

On the responsibility of deputies

People's representatives, of course, have quite broad powers, including on the issue under study. By agreeing on the candidacy of the head of the executive branch, they share responsibility to the people for his work with the President of the Russian Federation. However, doubting for too long is risky for them. The fact is that three times rejection of the proposals of the President of the Russian Federation ends with the dissolution of the State Duma. According to paragraph 4 of this article of the basic law, the head of state is obliged to announce the calling of new elections if the deputies were unable to resolve the issue of the chairman of the government. That is, the deputies’ task is not an easy one; they need to think about the country and not forget about their own destiny.

As it was before?

In fact, the process by which the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is appointed to the post today has always been approximately the same, however, there are nuances. Thus, before the adoption of the latest version of the Constitution, if parliament refused to agree on the head of the executive branch, then the first person of the state appointed a single acting person. He could again initiate the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (then called the Council of Ministers) in three months. The subtlety here was in two points. Firstly, the executive branch worked regardless of the presence of consensus between government institutions. Secondly, there was no provision for the mandatory dissolution of the representative body. It was believed that both of these nuances were undemocratic, since they could give unnecessary powers to the head of the country. The creators of the new version of the Constitution took this into account when they prescribed the procedure by which the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is appointed to the position.

Subtleties of voting

In the State Duma, the issue is decided by a simple majority. is agreed upon if more than 50% of deputies cast their votes for it. The procedure is documented in a corresponding document, which is submitted to the President of the Russian Federation. By the way, voting is secret. That is, the opinion of each deputy is not announced to the public and is not reflected in statistics.


The appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation is carried out by the President, taking into account the opinions of deputies. In order to avoid unrest in society, in 1993 the voting procedure was slightly improved. We are talking about the so-called soft ranked voting. The procedure is somewhat different from that set out in the Constitution, but does not contradict it. invites deputies to evaluate several candidates. After studying the opinions of the people's representatives, only one candidate with the highest rating is put to the vote. The letter of the law has been observed. But before the official determination of the candidate, a survey is conducted, allowing the elites to reach a consensus without scandals in society. In this development of events, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation receives the support of the deputy corps, which allows him to work more effectively. And this is extremely important for the entire country and the peoples inhabiting it.

Powers of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

People who have never encountered the activities of government agencies will think that the subtleties described above are not of serious importance. However, it is not. The head of the executive branch of the Russian Federation is a political figure. This person influences the development of the entire country; the situation of the population, the growth or decline of the economy and other important points depend on his decisions. In addition, traditionally the head of the executive branch gets the blame from the people. YES. Medvedev, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, of course, does not deal with minor problems. There are local officials for this. The Prime Minister organizes the work of government bodies. This is his main task. He exercises general management of all executive power structures created for the development of the country, with the exception of specialized ones. The list of his responsibilities does not look impressive if you look at the official version. It is worth paying attention to the point that the Prime Minister is entrusted with participation in the determination and implementation of government policy. This phrase describes all the difficult work of thousands of people to organize the life of the country. According to statistics, more than 146 million people live in the Russian Federation. Everyone has their own needs. Some require work, others require social benefits, others require the development of technology, culture, education, healthcare, and so on. The government is dealing with all these issues. And its chairman is responsible for every federal civil servant and his activities. The Prime Minister reports on his work to the President of the Russian Federation and people's representatives; people send him complaints and requests. He is the center of the vast machinery of executive power.


Appointing a prime minister is a political process. The person holding this position must meet the high demands of the times. The situation on the planet is changing rapidly, and this must be taken into account in order to develop the country. In addition, the candidacy must suit all participants in the political process; this is why the appointment procedure was so strictly prescribed in the Constitution. All its stages are aimed at developing a consensus solution that suits society.