Summary of the paragraph Great Britain the end of the Victorian era. Great Britain late Victorian era

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Today you will learn: Why the “workshop of the world” is becoming a thing of the past; What form of government has developed in Great Britain; What reforms have been carried out in this state; Which state was called the “rebel island” and why?

3 slide

We are working according to plan: the “Workshop of the World” is becoming a thing of the past. Two party system. The era of reform. "Trade follows the flag." Protest movement. "Rebel Island Gets Home Rule"

4 slide

By the end of the 19th century, there was a slowdown in industrial development in England. This was due to the export of capital. The World Workshop is becoming a thing of the past

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English entrepreneurs and bankers preferred to invest capital in countries. Where raw materials and labor were cheaper. The World Workshop is becoming a thing of the past

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Domestic industry often did not have the means to update outdated equipment; The competitiveness of goods began to decline. “Workshop of the World” is becoming a thing of the past.

7 slide

German goods with the “Made in Germany” mark appeared on the markets of all countries and were cheaper than English ones. In the 90s, England's role as the “workshop of the world” became a thing of the past. The World Workshop is becoming a thing of the past

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The situation in agriculture remained difficult - farmers could not compete with the flow of cheap food. The World Workshop is becoming a thing of the past

Slide 9

Two-Party System During the 1960s, the old Tory and Whig parties became known as the Conservative and Liberal parties. In the 1970s, they were divided into separate camps in parliament.

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The era of reform. Benjamin Disraeli became the leader of the Conservative Party, and William Gladstone became the leader of the Liberal Party. Benjamin Disraeli William Gladstone

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The era of reform. Electoral reform of 1867 Destroyed the “rotten towns” Provided vacant seats to large cities Property qualifications decreased The number of voters increased

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The era of reform. The right of trend unions was legalized, giving them the right to judicial protection and holding strikes. A law on secret voting in parliamentary elections was introduced. School reform was carried out. A law on a 54-hour work week. Councils were created that had the power of local authorities.

Slide 13

The era of reform. In 1884-1885 Liberals carried out a third electoral reform, according to which 100 “rotten towns” were destroyed and granted rights to homeowners and rural workers.

Slide 14

“Trade follows the flag” Read the material on pp. 159 – 160 and answer the question: “What does the expression “Trade follow the flag” mean?

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Protest movement: In 1900, the Congress of Trend Juniors created the “Workers' Government Committee” In 1903, the number of members of the “Committee...” was almost 500 thousand people In 1906, the “Committee...” was renamed the Workers (Labor) Party »

Slide 17

Protest movement. The six-week general strike of coal miners in 1912 was especially powerful. As a result, the government adopted a law on minimum wages for miners.

The era of reform. Electoral reform of 1867 Destroyed more than 100 “rotten towns” And granted the right to vote to all homeowners and rural workers Provided vacant seats to large cities Property prices decreased The number of voters increased and grew to 5.5 million people and amounted to 13%

The era of reform. The right of trade unions was legalized, giving them the right to judicial protection and strikes. A law on secret voting in parliamentary elections was introduced. School reform was carried out. A law on a 54-hour work week. Councils were created that had the power of local authorities.

The era of reform. In Liberals carried out a third electoral reform, according to which 100 “rotten towns” were destroyed and granted rights to homeowners and rural workers.

Reforms in the name of “class peace” His social legislation gave workers the right to compensation for accidents at work, old-age pensions from the age of 70, social insurance for sickness, disability and - for the first time in history - unemployment, the working day for miners was limited to 8 hours by D. L. George

Today you will learn: Why the “workshop of the world” is leaving for
What form of government developed in
Great Britain;
What reforms have been carried out in
this state;
Which state was named
"rebellious island" and why?

We are working according to plan:

1. "Workshop of the World" goes to
2. Two-party system.
3. The era of reforms.
4. “Trade follows the flag.”
5. Protest movement.
6. "Rebel Island Gets
Home Rule"

By the end of the 19th century
has emerged
pace of development
It was related
with removal

The World Workshop is becoming a thing of the past
and bankers
capital in
countries. Where
it was cheaper
raw materials and workers

The World Workshop is becoming a thing of the past
often didn't have
funds for
equipment; became
competitiveness of goods

The World Workshop is becoming a thing of the past
German goods with
stamp “Made in”
appeared on
markets of all countries
and were cheaper
English In the 90s
years the role of England
like a workshop
peace" goes to

The World Workshop is becoming a thing of the past
position in
farm -
farmers couldn't
compete with

Two party system

In the 60s old
Tory and Whig parties
began to be called
conservative and
in batches. In the 70s
years in parliament
they represented

The era of reform.

Leaders from
party became
liberal -

The era of reform.

Electoral reform of 1867
Destroyed “rotten places”
Provided vacant seats
major cities
The property qualification was reduced
The number of voters has increased

The era of reform.

We legalized the right of trend unions, which gave them the right
for judicial defense and strikes
A law on secret voting was introduced
parliamentary elections
School reform carried out
Law on 54-hour work week
Councils with power were created
local authorities

The era of reform.

In 1884-1885 liberals
held the third
reform, according to which
100 were destroyed
"rotten places" and
granted rights
homeowners and
rural workers.

"Trade follows the flag"

Read the material on page 159 –
160 and answer the question: “What
means expression
"Trade follows

Protest movement.

Protest movement:

In 1900, the congress of trend juniors
created the "Workers' Committee"
In 1903, the number of members of the “Committee...”
was almost 500 thousand people
In 1906, the “Committee..” was
renamed to Working
(Labour) Party"

Protest movement.

Was especially powerful
six weeks
miners' strike in
1912 Based on the results
adopted a law on
minimum wage
payments for miners.

Reforms in the name of “class peace”

material on page
161-162 and
find out which
adopted reforms
David Lloyd
D. L. George

"Rebel Island" gets Home Rule

movement for
Irish autonomy
at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries.
own parliament
nt and organs
self-government under
over the isle of british
whose sovereignty.

Great Britain: end of the Victorian era - page No. 1/1

Great Britain: end of the Victorian era. Paragraph 20

  1. “Workshop of the World” is becoming a thing of the past

  • By the end of the 19th century, there was a slowdown in industrial development in England. This was due to the increased export of capital. English entrepreneurs and bankers preferred to invest capital in countries where raw materials and labor were cheaper. The export of capital gave a profit five times higher than the income from foreign trade. The competitiveness of British goods also began to decline. After the unification of Germany, the young empire began to squeeze England in the world market.

  • German goods appeared on the markets of all countries and were cheaper than English ones

  • In the early 20th century, monopoly capitalism developed in England. Powerful corporations and monopolies emerge, but family firms play a significant role.

  • The difficult situation in agriculture - farmers who leased land from landlords could not compete with the flow of relatively cheap food into the country from the colonies.

  • The unenviable position of an agricultural worker did not attract young people, and they went to the city.

  1. Two party system

  • In the 60s, the old Tory and Whig parties began to be called the Conservative and Liberal parties.

  • The landed aristocracy and leaders of the English church supported the conservatives, some on the side of the liberals

  • The opposition created a “shadow cabinet”, ready to replace it if the government resigned. There were no fundamental differences between these parties.

  1. Era of Reform

  • Conservative leader Benjamin Disraeli

  • Liberal leader William Gladstone

  • The electoral reform of 1832 in England did not solve all the problems

  • On August 15, 1867, at the initiative of the Conservatives, parliament passed an electoral reform law that abolished electoral districts in 46 “rotten towns” and represented seats in parliament for Manchester, London, etc.

  • In the 70s, liberals and conservatives carried out reforms through parliament that legalized trade unions, giving them the right to judicial protection and holding strikes; law on secret voting in parliamentary elections; excluding the opportunity for wealthy deputies to influence voters; school reform - schools were created throughout the country, many of them were free; the law on a 54-hour working week and the ban on employing children under 10 years of age and self-government reform.

  • Women did not have the right to vote

  1. "trade follows the flag"

  • As European countries imposed high customs duties on imported goods, politicians, pushed by bankers and industrialists, rushed to expand the colonies.

  • In 1875, the government acquired a 45% stake in the Suez Canal from the ruler of Egypt, and bought part of the shares from small owners. Received a controlling stake and could control the route to India.

  • In the 80-90s, colonial conquests intensified: they captured Burma, Nigeria, Somalia, Kenya, etc.

  • The British Empire was emerging. In 1876, at the initiative of Disraeli, Queen Victoria was proclaimed Empress of India.

  1. Protest movement. The birth of the Labor Party.

  • In the 80-90s, economic crises led to a decline in the living standards of unskilled workers

  • Gradually, trade unions are drawn into the political struggle, raising the issue of moving to an 8-hour working day, introducing pensions from the age of 60, and electing workers’ representatives to parliament.

  • In 1900, the “Workers’ Representation Committee”, which was tasked with facilitating the election of workers’ candidates to parliament

  • In 1906 it was transformed into a workers' party.

  • In 1912, a six-week strike of coal miners

  • The strikers forced the government to pass a law on minimum wages for miners.

  1. Reforms in the name of “class peace”

  • From 1906-1916, liberals were in power, taking the path of moderate reforms with the aim of creating “class peace”

  • Entrepreneurs were prohibited from demanding from trade unions losses incurred by corporations during strikes

  • At the expense of entrepreneurs, they introduced benefits for industrial accidents and pensions for old people over 70 years old, and established an 8-hour working day for miners.

  • Introduced the law of insurance for illness, disability and unemployment

  1. "rebel island" gets home rule

History of Modern Times 8th grade

" Great Britain:


Victorian era"

Today you will learn:

  • Why ;
  • What form of government has developed in Great Britain;
  • What reforms have been carried out in this state;
  • Which state was called the “rebel island” and why?
We are working according to plan:
  • The Peace Workshop is becoming a thing of the past.
  • Two party system.
  • The era of reform.
  • "Trade follows the flag."
  • Protest movement.
  • "Rebel Island Gets Home Rule"
By the end of the 19th century, there was a slowdown in industrial development in England. This was due to the export of capital.

The World Workshop is becoming a thing of the past

English entrepreneurs and bankers preferred to invest capital in countries. Where raw materials and labor were cheaper.

The World Workshop is becoming a thing of the past

Domestic industry often did not have the means to update outdated equipment; the competitiveness of goods began to decline. Domestic industry often did not have the means to update outdated equipment; the competitiveness of goods began to decline

The World Workshop is becoming a thing of the past

German goods with the “Made in Germany” mark appeared on the markets of all countries and were cheaper than English ones. In the 90s, England's role as the “workshop of the world” became a thing of the past.

The World Workshop is becoming a thing of the past

The situation in agriculture remained difficult - farmers could not compete with the flow of cheap food. The situation in agriculture remained difficult - farmers could not compete with the flow of cheap food.

The World Workshop is becoming a thing of the past

Two-Party System During the 1960s, the old Tory and Whig parties became known as the Conservative and Liberal parties. In the 1970s, they were divided into separate camps in parliament. The era of reform. Benjamin Disraeli became the leader of the Conservative Party, and William Gladstone became the leader of the Liberal Party.




The era of reform.

Electoral reform of 1867

Destroyed “rotten places”

Provided vacant seats

major cities

The property qualification was reduced

The number of voters has increased

The era of reform.

We legalized the right of trend unions, which gave them the right

for judicial defense and strikes

parliamentary elections

School reform carried out

Law on 54-hour work week

Councils with power were created

local authorities

The era of reform. IN 1884-1885. Liberals carried out a third electoral reform, according to which 100 “rotten towns” were destroyed and granted rights to homeowners and rural workers. “Trade follows the flag” Read the material on pp. 159 – 160 and answer the question: “What does the expression “Trade follow the flag” mean? Protest movement. Protest movement: In 1900, the Congress of Trend Juniors created the “Workers' Government Committee” In 1903, the number of members of the “Committee...” was almost 500 thousand people In 1906, the “Committee...” was renamed the Workers (Labor) Party » Protest movement. The six-week general strike of coal miners in 1912 was especially powerful. As a result, the government adopted a law on minimum wages for miners. Reforms for “class peace” Read the material on pages 161-162 and find out what reforms David Lloyd George adopted.

D. L. George

"Rebel Island" receives Home Rule movement for Irish autonomy at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. It assumed its own parliament and self-government while maintaining British sovereignty over the island. Let's summarize the lesson. Questions on page 163 Homework:

  • Paragraph 20, notes, questions 2.6 in writing
template source : Vitaly Viktorovich Tatarnikov, physics teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 20, Baranchinsky village, Kushva, Sverdlovsk region.* Background picture *

Resources used

Antonenkova Anzhelika Viktorovna

History teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Budinskaya Secondary School

Tver region