What does the name Sergey mean? Sergey - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Many people are sure that a person’s fate is directly related to his name. You can, of course, argue. However, young mothers are looking for information about how the word they will call it will affect their future child. Agree, they have the right to their own beliefs. Moreover, there are more and more supporters of this theory. Let's look at the name Sergei, its origin and influence on its owner. This topic is not easy. Interesting?

Origin of the name Sergei

We probably need to start with the fact that our topic is quite complex. It causes a lot of controversy. The fact is that the name Sergei has ambiguous origin. Some sources claim that its origins are in Troy, others are confident in the Slavic roots of the word. All theories have the right to exist. After all, the very name Sergei, whose origin we are trying to determine, has many synonyms. The words are similar in pronunciation. This is what confuses researchers. And each term discussed below could actually become the basis for creating a name. After all, how does it work? Ancient people (and the origin of the name Sergei undoubtedly has ancient roots) did not particularly bother themselves with all sorts of inventions. Their thoughts were not in the clouds. A person was named based on the qualities that he demonstrated. For example, if his body grew longer than others, they said “long.” This word after a certain time became a name. Only later did they begin to unify such words. That is, special terms appeared that we perceive as names. By the way, the process was connected with religion. But let's return to the name Sergei.

Roman version

The theory presented is considered the most widespread. It is believed that the name Sergei originates from Sergius. There was such a family in ancient Rome. They say that its roots go back to the Trojans. If the given word is translated from Latin into Russian, we get “high”. It's not really about growth. When the name Sergei, the origin and meaning, and the fate of its owner are considered, the emphasis is placed on his nobility. It is in this sense that the translation “high” should be read. The term speaks of the authority, significance, and fame of the owner of this name. Naturally, many people like these characteristics. Therefore, the name remains in demand and popular for many centuries. Mothers really want their child to achieve a high position in society. And such an ancient name, it seems to them, will contribute to achieving this goal. It's nice to dream that the boy has some connection with the Roman patrician family. Let it be just sound. However, it is through vibrations that the name influences the personality. After all, a person hears it all the time. We can assume that the baby will receive through this connection some of the talents of his “old ancestors.”

Another Roman version

There is another theory that explains how the name Sergei came about. Its origin and meaning in this version are somewhat different from the previous one. Moreover, the theory so radically changes the meaning of the word being described that you should definitely familiarize yourself with it. Then you will begin to better understand the meaning of the name Sergei. Its origin and meaning, as they say, must be sought in the phrase servi dei. The literal translation from Latin is “servant of God.” Do you understand what the difference is? The first theory speaks of the importance of the individual in worldly society. And this one takes us into spirituality. It turns out that this name is very deep. It defines a person who has the opportunity to express his will in almost any area that is significant to humanity. Maybe this is the essence of his popularity. There are things that people feel intuitively without having specific information about theories and historical facts.

A little fly in our honey

There are researchers who have discovered the following fact. They rely on the word Servus. From Latin it is translated as “servant”. There is no spirituality or sublimity in him, these people believe. The word meant one who served the rich and noble. Not a very pretty theory. Although, it may also turn out to be fair. However, there is no reliable information about where the name Sergei came from. Some linguists insist on its Russian, Orthodox origin. The name Sergius is cited as proof. Apparently it was this that was later changed. It turns out that how the name Sergei actually came about is a mystery. Its characteristics and origin are nevertheless described in various sources. To be sure this information is correct, it seems necessary to do your own “research.” Namely, to watch Sergei’s acquaintances. It is believed that they will definitely have similar traits. Let's get to know them.

Sergey: name meaning, origin, characteristics

Openness and creativity are the main characteristics of people named after Roman patricians (according to the first theory). These are sociable, active, inquisitive individuals. At a young age, Sergei is distinguished by some naivety. They are sometimes deceived. But this does not happen on purpose. It’s just that Sergei has a heart that is open to the world. They strive to learn as much as possible. They have great faith in people and their good traits. But a couple of lessons, as a rule, is enough for a boy to gain worldly wisdom. No, they don't become withdrawn. They just treat people more carefully and thoughtfully. Think and observe before making a decision. Because of such early maturation, these individuals have every potential to become high-ranking leaders. They know how to understand people.

What a friend and colleague he is

Sergei is capable of creating something new. These people are often inspired by ideas with a capital letter. If they themselves are passionate about a certain project, then only a select few are allowed to implement it. They are able to assess the internal and business qualities of others at one glance. Consequently, only the best will be attracted to their project. Each will be assigned exactly the role that Sergei will cope with almost perfectly. Sometimes Sergei shocks those around him, going beyond the bounds of morality. This is not due to any tendency to be shocking. It’s just that their moral principles are narrow and do not allow them to develop. Sergei, by the way, themselves suffer from this property. But they can't do anything. They need to constantly develop, create, improve. People around you should listen to Sergei they know. They won't recommend anything bad. And to become business partners with such people is real luck. They always achieve results.

In family life

For his wife, he is an obedient and kind friend. Sergei are very good husbands. Apparently, this is due to their ability to understand people. Only balanced, non-scandalous persons become life partners of such a person. He is fair with children. By the way, they adore their dad Sergei. He takes them to the movies and takes them to the sea. Such a father calmly and without unnecessary fuss solves any family problem. He is a real man, in the most noble sense of the word.

In this article we will describe the full meaning of the name Sergei for a boy. The origin of the name Sergei originates from the Latin language, is a Roman generic name, translated means - highly respected.

Character and destiny

The most important qualities for Sergey there is a certain balance between softness and hardness, its inner vein, irreplaceability. Oddly enough, with such a common name, there are not so many political figures with this name, only a couple of people, and the reason for this is not the inclination of this name for leadership. Thanks to his characteristic balance, Sergei’s pride can rarely be harmed. He has no need for painful self-affirmation, unless this is related to any other reasons, therefore his ambitious plans are quite rarely associated with confrontations and struggle; in psychology, this is defined as the absence of a goal to be a leader. In general, Sergey will prefer to be on an equal footing with someone, or simply on his own.

What does the name Sergey mean for every man: The owner of this name is inclined to live as normal a life as possible. This name serves as a good support in difficult times, and this in turn gives strength when defending one’s personal interests. It is sensual and humane, but due to the fact that its sensuality and gentleness are in a certain balance, much will depend on Sergei’s upbringing.

As a child, Sergei tended to get sick often. But with age, his health will become stronger, as, in principle, he himself, and here the formation of his character is also characteristic. He grows up to be a rather caring boy who is prone to empathy. But as for the manifestation of feelings, here he is restrained, preferring actions to emotions. In business, he is very obligatory and conscientious, always trying to fulfill his promises. He always remembers everything, so you don’t have to remind him twice. Sergei prefers not to express his opinion about someone, he is a man of few words.

Hobbies and profession: He loves cinema, music, and is not against taking part in amateur performances. As for professional activities, Sergei can be composers, actors, artists, musicians.

Sergei is quite accommodating and flexible; he generally behaves in such a way that he would never offend anyone, although he himself is quite easy to offend. But Sergei will not show his resentment; he has good self-control and is somewhat secretive. I'm used to dealing with my problems myself.

The history of the name Sergei is connected with Sergius the Roman and Sergius of Sinai, who died for the faith and are therefore considered holy martyrs.

What does the name Sergei mean for a family: For marriage, he chooses homely, calm women, and does not refuse them help with housework. Sergei is not picky when it comes to food. Likes to joke in groups. But he is quite jealous, so he can marry twice.

Sergei has many friends and is always on fairly good terms with those around him. As for success in business, everything will depend on his own efforts.

Sergei in history

A fairly famous namesake of Sergei was Sergei Korolev (1906-1966), the founder of astronautics. When he proposed parallel placement of two rocket stages, he was considered an eccentric, but the scientist still managed to prove that he was right, spending a lot of effort on it. And after a certain number of years, American designers, using the trial and error method, came to the same discovery, which had been used in Russia for a long time, thanks to Sergei Korolev.

The Soviet government relied on him, and it was on him that the fate of the USSR in the space race depended. This man is deservedly called the father of astronautics, since it was under his direct leadership that the path from the creation of geophysical and ballistic missiles to a manned spacecraft was made.

Korolev spent all his time at work. Maybe that's why he did so much in his life.

Description of the name Sergey from his place of work: Thanks to Sergei's level-headedness, he is a good diplomat and stubborn in an argument, but it is not so easy to get him angry.

Name in horoscope

Meaning of the name Seryozha in astrology:
  • Zodiac sign corresponding to the name: Libra;
  • Patron planet: Jupiter, Venus;
  • Character Traits: Reasonable, balanced, independent;
  • Name Colors: Silver shade of grey;
  • Lucky colors: All shades of red;
  • Patron saints of the name: Sergius of Valaam (July 11, September 24), Sergius of Radonezh (July 20, October 8);
  • Talisman stone: Ruby.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Sergey- highly revered, respectable, clear (Latin, from the Roman family name Sirius).
In the calendar and Church speech it is pronounced as Sergius.
A reliable name that balances hardness and softness. The name has always been and is now very popular and loved.
Zodiac name: Scales.
Planet: Venus.
Name color: pearl grey.
Talisman stone: pearls.
Auspicious plant: birch, heather.
Patron name: brown hare.
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main features: peacefulness, emotionality.


Sergius of Radonezh, Rev., October 8 (September 25).
Sergius Obnorsky, Nuromsky, Vologda, Rev., October 20 (7).
Sergius of Petrogradsky, archimandrite, holy martyr, August 13 (July 31).
Sergiy Pechorsky, Obedient, reclusive, in the Near (Antoniev) caves, October 11 (September 28), October 20 (7).
Sergius the Roman, Rosafsky, martyr, October 20 (7).
Sergiy Savvait, Venerable Martyr, April 2 (March 20).
Sergius Sinaisky, Venerable Martyr, January 27 (14).
Sergiy Shukhtomsky (Shukhtovsky), schemamonk, June 1 (May 19).
Sergius of Valaam, Rev. The Wonderworker, founder of the Valaam Monastery on Lake Ladoga, spread the Orthodox faith in Karelia, July 11 (June 28), September 24 (11). The monastic brotherhood gathered by him became a beacon of Orthodoxy in this wild land. The indigenous inhabitants - the Karelians - began to again trust Christianity, the authority of which was undermined in the 13th century by the Swedes, who instilled Catholicism with fire and sword.


If dry snow falls on Sergius of Radonezh, this promises a good summer.
They pray to Sergius of Radonezh for chicken stock. On St. Sergius Day, cabbage is chopped.


Little Seryozha perceives the world optimistically and joyfully. Sometimes he has changes in activity: sometimes he runs around like crazy, sometimes he starts to act up. Parents will have to come to terms with this, so the child’s energy reserves are restored.

Seryozha is peaceful and sensitive, capable of empathy. He studies well at school, conscientiously fulfills all assignments, he doesn’t even need to be reminded - he remembers everything, he takes care of everything. He loves music and cinema very much, and always takes part in amateur performances.

Having matured, Sergei does not change in the main things: he is still obligatory, he can also listen, understand, and sympathize with a person. Sergei is fair and calm. He is often offended, but he keeps all the grievances to himself and does not burden anyone with his problems.

Sergei is unusually rich emotionally. He is very sensitive, able to evaluate a person at first sight. He has wonderful intuition. With such imagination, Sergei can be an actor, composer, writer, journalist, broadcaster, inventor.

Sergei cannot be called a great intellectual, but he is a reasonable, restrained person, he has enough firmness and skill to solve complex and intricate problems. He can have a brilliant military career, and since he is able to put forward an interesting idea and, what is especially valuable, bring it to life, he can have a career as a leader at all levels. In any case, Sergey knows his business perfectly.

Sex for Sergei is an obsession. Its potential is great. After meeting him, a woman is left with a feeling of happiness and peace for a long time.

As a rule, Sergei does not know unrequited love. There are many women in love with him, but he unshakably believes that he deserves it and that he is entitled to it in life. Moral standards seem too strict to him. Such bright personalities as Sergei live in another dimension and do not fit into the usual framework.

Sergei is married several times. Beautiful, sophisticated wives eventually give way to a calm, homely woman, whom Sergei helps with household chores. He is not picky about food, he eats what he gives. It happens that he is addicted to alcohol, but gets drunk slowly. Loves to receive guests in a grand manner. Dresses very elegantly.

For Sergei, marriage with Valentina, Victoria, Galina, Daria, Dina, Elizaveta, Irina, Lyubov, Nina, Rimma, Tatyana will be successful.

Surname: Sergeevich, Sergeevna.


Venerable Sergius of Radonezh (1313-1391).

The Monk Sergius, in the world Bartholomew, the son of the Rostov boyar Kirill, who moved to Radonezh, was born in 1313. After the death of his parents, 10 versts from Radonezh, he laid the foundation of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, glorious in the history of Russia. The fame of the holiness of Sergius's life attracted disciples to him, who almost by force forced him in 1354 to accept the rank of presbyter and the title of abbot of the monastery. With the blessing of Saint Metropolitan Alexy Sergius introduced a hostel in his monastery. Saint Alexy used the advice of the Monk and wanted to see him as his successor; Grand Duke Dmitry visited him more than once, was inspired and blessed by Sergius for the war with the Tatars; He made peace with the other princes among himself and with the Grand Duke. During his lifetime, Sergius became famous for his gift of miracles and foresight.

He was a man of exceptional moral purity and warmth. A penetrating mind was combined in him with infantile simplicity. “Meek in soul, firm in faith, humble in mind,” his contemporaries said about him. We admired his unselfishness, integrity of character, loyalty to his ideals, and devotion to his calling in life. Sergius amazed everyone with his quietness, his readiness to act not with violence, but with conviction, with his conversations “about the benefits of the soul and about peace and love.” Stories about how he befriended a bear, tamed it and shared a crust of bread with it add another endearing feature to his human appearance.

The main source for reconstructing the life path and teachings of Sergius of Radonezh is his “Life”, written in 1417-1418 by the disciple of the Monk Epiphanius the Wise. The life tells us that the Psalms of David were always on his lips. Sergius spoke in allegories and parables. He responded to every event in his life in a poetic way and thereby touched the cherished strings of the human heart.

The life speaks of the visions of Sergius. One day, when he was praying in his cell, fixing his gaze on the icon of the Mother of God, she appeared to him herself. Sergius fell to his knees in front of her, and his student, blinded by the light, lost consciousness. Sergius's vision of birds is especially poetic. In the darkness of the night, through the window of his cell, he saw a tree in a dazzlingly bright light and on its branches there were many birds. In his life, this vision is interpreted as a prophecy about his many disciples.

The life path of Sergius of Radonezh is amazing: he fled from the society of people - and as a result became its spiritual leader; he never took up a sword - but his one word on the scales of victory was worth hundreds of swords. The extraordinary attractiveness of Sergius’s personality can be explained simply: he was a man who steadily, to the end, fulfilled his Christian and monastic duty. “In the name of St. Sergius,” wrote the historian V. O. Klyuchevsky, “the people remember their moral revival...”

Letniy Sergey characterized by stiffness, indecisiveness and uncertainty. Often he is captive of prejudices, which prevents him from making decisions in accordance with his desires and capabilities. At the same time, year-old Sergei is flexible and accommodating. In family life, his ideal match will be an affectionate and gentle partner.

Zimny ​​Sergey passionate and emotional, although he prefers to behave with restraint in public. Jealousy can destroy his personal life. He is reasonable and purposeful, which helps him make a successful career.

Osenniy Sergey rational and fair, he prefers to be guided by reason when making any decisions, while emotions and feelings are given a minimal role in his life. It is not surprising that the dryness of autumn Sergei repels women.

Vesenny Sergey - nature is ironic, cheerful and fickle. It is important for him to live in harmony with his inner experiences and feelings. His emotionality and openness attract women, but the frivolity of the spring Sergei eventually leads to a break in relationships.

Stone - talisman

The talisman stone for Sergei is pearls - a symbol of family happiness, prosperity, fertility, faith, immortality, purity, virginity, sublimity, perfection, health, as well as secret knowledge.

Since ancient times, the pearl has been associated with the Truth, hidden among lies and deceit, but to know it you need to work hard (first get the shell from the bottom of the sea, and then make an effort to open it).

It is believed that pearls can protect against the evil eye, damage and any other negative influence. In addition, this stone treats eye diseases and depression.


Lucky colors for Sergei are blue-green, red and lilac (you can read more about these colors in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).



Sergei is patronized by the planet Venus (you can read more about this planet in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).



Animal - symbol

Animal symbols for Sergei are the nightingale and the brown hare.


The singing of a nightingale can symbolize both freedom and love ecstasy, and longing for a lost paradise, for the loss of love.

During Antiquity, the nightingale was the personification of a complaining mother mourning her child.

In the Christian tradition, this bird is a condemner of fools who worship idols created by themselves.

A nightingale teaching its chicks to sing is a symbol of mentoring and parental love.

Brown hare

This animal personifies rebirth and return, sacrifice, fertility and fertility, wisdom, speed and agility, timidity and at the same time depravity.

From time immemorial, a hare's foot or head served as a talisman against witches.

In general, the hare is a symbol of dawn, the beginning of a new life, rise and periodicity.


The plants that patronize Sergei are birch, heather and wheat.


Among the Slavs, birch has a dual meaning, since it was with the help of this plant that communication was made with the souls of the dead (so, on the one hand, birch was revered as a symbol of ancestors, and on the other, as a symbol of evil spirits). According to legend, it is in birch branches that mermaids live, and witches fly on brooms made from this tree. At the same time, the enchanted birch tree has been considered since ancient times among the Slavic peoples as a talisman that prevents evil spirits from entering the house.

Birch also symbolizes girlhood, femininity, and purity.


It is a symbol of loneliness and solitude, so heather serves as a talisman and talisman for wanderers and travelers seeking the meaning of life.


In Christianity, wheat is a symbol of communion (Jesus, eating bread at the Last Supper, said that the bread was his body).


The metal favoring Sergei is gold. This noble metal symbolizes divinity, immortality, glory, wealth, chosenness, wisdom and purity.

In addition, gold represents esoteric knowledge, dignity, greatness, royalty and strength.

Auspicious day


The most favorable time of year for Sergei is autumn.

Name popularity

The name Sergey is considered traditional for residents of Russia and the CIS countries; it is also common in the Far East. Today this name is one of the ten most popular names.

Origin of the name Sergei

Name translation

The name Sergei is translated from Latin as “high”, “venerable”, “highly esteemed”, “clear”.

History of the name

The name Sergei is derived from the Roman Sergius, and this name was used exclusively by representatives of the nobility.

In church tradition, this name is pronounced as Sergius.

The legend of the name Sergei

There is a legend about St. Sergius of Radonezh, who even in his childhood was distinguished by piety and strict abstinence, manifested by fervent prayer, eating only bread and water, and also by refusing to play.

Subsequently, Sergius of Radonezh founded the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, in which he became abbot. The fame of the holiness of his life, as well as the miracles he performed, attracted many disciples to him.

St. Sergius earned respect and veneration not only due to his deeds, but also due to his character. He was a highly moral, warm-hearted, insightful and selfless man who was meek in soul and firm in faith. His main weapon was the word of God, which he brought to people, urging them to avoid any form of violence.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most commonly used forms of the name Sergei are: Serega, Serezha, Serenya, Gray, Sergeika, Serge, Sergunya.

The secret of the name Sergei

Patrons of the name

  • St. Sergius of Valaam, who founded the Valaam Monastery on Lake Ladoga.
  • Venerable Sergius of Obnorsky.
  • Recluse Sergius of Pechersk.
  • Hegumen Sergius of Radonezh.
  • Martyr Sergius the Roman (or Rosafsky).
  • Venerable Martyr Sergius Savvait.
  • Archimandrite and Hieromartyr Sergius of Petrograd.
  • Venerable Martyr Sergius of Sinai.
  • Schemamonk Sergius Shukhtomsky.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 18th, 27th and 31st.

February: 17th and 21st.

March: 5th, 7th, 8th, 11th, 22nd and 25th.

April: 2, 5, 14 and 25th.

May: 7th, 8th, 10th and 26th.

June: 1st number.

July: 1st, 11th, 18th and 20th.

August: 2nd and 25th.

September: 10th, 22nd, 24th and 29th.

October: 1st, 7th, 8th, 10th, 20th and 31st.

November: 1st, 3rd, 13th, 14th, 16th, 27th and 29th.

December: 2, 10, 15, 18, 20, 30 and 31st.

Famous people

Famous composers named Sergei:

  • Sergei Rachmaninov;
  • Sergey Taneyev;
  • Sergei Prokofiev.

Famous film directors named Sergei:

  • Sergey Mikhalkov;
  • Sergei Eisenstein;
  • Sergei Bondarchuk.

Famous actors named Sergei:

  • Sergey Bezrukov;
  • Sergey Shakurov;
  • Sergey Zhigunov.

Famous singers named Sergei:

  • Sergey Krylov;
  • Sergey Penkin;
  • Sergey Lazarev.

Famous writers and poets named Sergei:

  • Sergey Yesenin;
  • Sergey Aksakov.

Sergey Botkin - Russian therapist and personal doctor of the royal family.

Sergey Korolev - scientist, developer of rocket and space systems.

The meaning of the name Sergey

For a child

If not for his poor health, Seryozha would not have caused his parents any trouble, because this child is caring, obedient and capable of empathy. Little Seryozha conscientiously carries out the tasks assigned to him, while making a promise, he will do everything to fulfill it.

He rarely shows his feelings, because already in childhood he controls his emotions, preferring to show his attitude towards people through actions. Because of his reserve and reticence, it is difficult for him to get along with children, so he has few friends.

Seryozha does not enter into conflicts, because he is afraid to offend a person with his words, although it is very easy to offend the boy himself, but he will not show his experiences to anyone.

In general, little Seryozha can be called a cheerful optimist, although he also has mood swings.

The boy studies well at school because he has an analytical mind and an excellent memory.

For a teenager

Having matured and matured, Sergei is still not distinguished by his emotionality, although he retains such character qualities as good nature, cordiality and empathy.

His commitment is appreciated by both teachers and classmates (fellow students), so it is often Sergei who becomes the headman.

Touchiness often prevents him from looking at certain things objectively. But Sergei cannot be called vindictive - he quickly forgives his offenders, preferring peaceful coexistence to the cold war.

In communicating with the opposite sex, Sergei can be either shy and timid, or promiscuous (it all depends on what kind of girl he plans to seduce).

For a man

The adult Sergei stoically endures all hardships and hardships, without losing heart and finding solutions in the most difficult situations. And his rationalism contributes to this (it is also important that Sergei knows how to control his emotions).

Sergei's life bears little resemblance to an exciting action with frequent changes of scenery; on the contrary, he lives in an ordinary and measured way, which sometimes depresses him. But still, in his destiny there are bright ups and downs that feed him with vital energy.

Sergei's good nature and complaisance end where the pressure on him begins: he will not tolerate a superficial or dictatorial attitude towards himself.

Sergei's main drawback is his susceptibility to the influence of others, which is why he is mistakenly considered weak-willed. This quality can negatively affect not only Sergei’s work, but also his personal life: for example, an unloved but persistent woman can easily marry an insecure Sergei.

Description of the name Sergey


Traditional moral and ethical standards often seem too strict to Sergei, since they infringe on the freedom of his creative nature, which requires inspiration in the form of a muse. It is interesting that the women with whom Sergei breaks up rarely remember him in a bad way, because this man knows how to break up beautifully - without hysterics and mutual accusations.


Seryozha, weak in childhood, grows up to be a fairly strong man, especially if he plays sports. Its weak point is the nervous system, therefore, to preserve and strengthen it, it is necessary, firstly, to avoid stress, and secondly, to give vent to one’s emotions.

The genitourinary system, bronchi and lungs deserve special attention from the health side.


Sergei will give his boundless love, affection and tenderness only to a spiritually and intellectually developed woman who will understand and share his “creative” views on life. But the appearance of the chosen one does not play a significant role for him.

For Sergei, it is extremely important to look in the eyes of his beloved woman as that strong and noble man who will protect her from all the adversities and storms of life. This position leads to women flocking to him like butterflies to a fire. But his chosen one must remember that this is not the person who will arrange romantic dates.


By marriage, Sergei ties himself to gentle, calm, feminine and affectionate women, for whom family comes first, not career and entertainment (often there are several marriages, especially if Sergei marries early). Sergei's chosen one must remember that he is very jealous.

In general, if Sergei marries for love, he will try to do everything for his family to make them feel loved and protected. If there are no feelings between him and his wife, he may cheat, but he will not divorce his wife (at least, Sergei rarely initiates a divorce, especially if there are children).

Family relationships

If love and harmony reign in the relationship between Sergei and his other half, then it’s hard to imagine a better husband: he will help with the housework, take walks with the children, and warmly welcome friends. And his ability to smooth out conflict situations will help establish excellent relationships with his mother-in-law (he will also try to build a model of behavior between his mother and wife that will not infringe on anyone’s interests).

Sergei loves his children very much and always supports them, for which the children pay him with sincere love and respect.

He does not pretend to be the head of the family, so he easily cedes leadership to his wife, although in important matters he relies, first of all, on his own opinion.


Sergei's sexuality depends entirely on the feelings he has for his partner. If his chosen one is cold and constrained in an intimate sense, then very soon Sergei will cease to feel sexual attraction to her. But Sergei will give a gentle and passionate woman an unforgettable experience.

Mind (intelligence)

Sergey has an analytical mind, and he knows how to correctly classify the information he receives, synthesize it and use it in the right way. He is not afraid to put forward more and more new ideas, which he subsequently successfully implements. Strength of spirit, determination and pragmatism help him solve complex problems.


Sergey is able to achieve great heights in any profession thanks to such character qualities as restraint, diligence, commitment, responsibility and scrupulousness. In addition, he does not accept conflicts and discord, and knows how to find a common language with any person.

Sergei will feel more comfortable in a creative profession (he can become an excellent musician, painter, artist, writer, publisher, designer). But it is better for him not to choose professions that involve risk.

Despite the fact that Sergei has all the qualities of a leader, he is wary of leadership positions, preferring to be solely responsible for his work and his actions.


Sergei has every chance of becoming a successful businessman, but only on the condition that he learns to defend his point of view, regardless of whether his opponent likes it or not.


Sergei loves to enjoy life, but he often cannot stop in time, which is why he can become addicted to alcohol. His favorite hobbies include music, cinema, theater. He devotes a lot of time to his physical development.

Character type


Sergei is an ambiguous nature, he can be sociable and open, or he can withdraw into himself for a long time. Such unpredictability of behavior is combined in this person with an incredible depth of feelings and the ability to empathize with other people. It’s always interesting to be with Sergei, because he is open, witty and sociable. The main thing is not to openly criticize Seryozha, otherwise he will turn from a cheerful person into a sad, irritable and tough person.


Sergei's sixth sense is very developed, and he tends to listen to his intuition.

Horoscope named after Sergey

Sergey - Aries

This is a rather vain and unbalanced person, prone to frequent mood swings, which leads to problems in relationships with loved ones, family, and colleagues. At the same time, Sergei-Aries does not seek to change either his behavior or his attitude towards life. Such inconstancy, oddly enough, attracts women, although not for a long time.

Sergey - Taurus

This is an impressionable nature, for which it is important to make a favorable impression on others.

Sergei-Taurus is impressionable and emotional, charming and romantic, so he likes women who feel like sophisticated and feminine princesses next to him. His good nature often interferes with climbing the career ladder.

Sergey - Gemini

This man has artistic talent, he spares no time and money on his improvement, since his main goal is to live in harmony with himself. Sergei-Gemini, despite his sociability and ostentatious openness, does not let anyone into his soul, which is why he has practically no friends. In marriage, he seeks peace and understanding.

Sergey - Cancer

Gullibility, sentimentality and a certain degree of irresponsibility are inherent in the character of Sergei-Cancer, who prefers to live for today. The lack of a goal negatively affects his work, which Sergei-Cancer does without much enthusiasm (he is more attracted to romantic stories in which it is interesting to get to know his chosen one).

Sergey - Lev

This is a freedom-loving, spontaneous and quite loving man for whom there are no obstacles on the way to winning the heart of his chosen one. Sergei-Lev is elegant and eloquent, has impeccable manners, which cannot but bribe a woman. But he will not flaunt his victories on the love front (as well as any other achievements in life).

Sergey - Virgo

Tactful, prudent and prudent Sergei-Virgo will think seven times before acting once. And the reason for this is his indecision and self-doubt, because of which he has to move towards his goal slowly, although confidently. He will reveal his soul to his chosen one only after she has passed many tests.

Sergey - Libra

Sergei, born under the sign of Libra, is distinguished by equanimity, peacefulness and good nature. He does not accept rudeness, rudeness, and even more so violence, preferring to solve all problems exclusively through peaceful negotiations. His beloved woman should be smart, wise, calm and well-mannered (Sergei-Libra does not like Mexican passions).

Sergey - Scorpio

Impulsiveness drives the actions of Sergei-Scorpio, who is extremely narcissistic and arrogant. He strives to ensure that everyone and everything admires him, extols his merits and longs to gain his favor, so he is often surrounded by flatterers and sycophants.

Sergey - Sagittarius

He is elegant, impressive and has his own original look at everything. Sergei-Sagittarius dreams of pure love. His life is easy and rich, but if his dreams are shattered by the realities of modern life, he falls into depression, from which only new love or a change of scenery can bring him out. But time passes, and Sergei-Sagittarius again goes into the world of illusions.

Sergey - Capricorn

This is a person with a subtle and incomprehensible mental organization to others. He is unpredictable in his actions and impulsive. Despite this, Sergei-Capricorn is devoted to his family and his chosen one, he is attentive and caring, but he is not even ready to let his beloved into his ideal world.

Sergey - Aquarius

One can only envy the equanimity and calmness of Sergei-Aquarius. His irony and wit help him easily find a common language with others, but he will never defend his positions and views on life to the bitter end. In relationships with women, he is calm and unemotional, so winning his heart is very difficult.

Sergey - Pisces

This is a helpful and well-mannered man with a subtle mind, but often Sergei-Pisces’ insecurity plays against him (this is especially reflected in personal relationships). He does not lack female attention, but his affairs are often short-lived: as soon as Sergei-Pisces begins to feel the power of a woman over him, he leaves her without any explanation.

Compatibility of the name Sergey with female names

Sergey and Olga

Passion, emotionality and ardor guide this couple. In addition, both Sergey and Olga are creative individuals who are connected by a love of life and a passion for travel. They are interested in discovering new facets of life together. But ultimately, the passion of the relationship will give way to routine, which can destroy the relationship.

Sergey and Anna

Sergey and Yulia will not fight over who will cook dinner or wash the dishes today. On the contrary, this couple will always support each other in everything.

Sergey and Anastasia

The relationship between Nastya and Sergei is multifaceted: sometimes they quarrel until they get divorced, sometimes they make up passionately, sometimes they cannot spend even a minute without each other, sometimes they crave freedom. Only love will help preserve this union (although if both partners are comfortable together, then the marriage of Sergei and Anastasia may well rest on friendship or business relations).

Sergey and Tatyana

This couple is not ready for compromise, because Tatyana wants to be a full-fledged leader in the family, while Sergei will not tolerate pressure from his wife. But if both partners sit down at the negotiating table and are able to divide the spheres of their dominance, then such an alliance is quite possible.

Sergei and Ekaterina

This tandem is based on friendships that replace passion. For Sergei and Ekaterina, reliability, security, trust and stability are important in a relationship. At the same time, differences in the characters of the partners will benefit this relationship.

Sergey and Natalya

This is a difficult union in which both partners do not feel entirely comfortable, but at the same time do not want to change their usual way of life. Both Sergey and Natalya do not like to sort things out, and therefore silently endure grievances, not giving vent to their emotions. But there comes a time when the patience of both comes to an end, and then the relationship is doomed.

Sergey and Irina

This couple lives in a world of understanding and calm; they are not characterized by ardent showdowns. Sometimes the emotional Irina lacks spice in relationships and romance; she is irritated by Sergei’s rationality and pragmatism. But if there is love in a couple, then this problem will not become an obstacle to creating a strong family.

Sergey and Maria

This is a union that Sergei and Maria approach the creation of responsibly: there is no place for momentary passion or love. If both do not feel a strong and reliable shoulder in their partner, they will easily break off the relationship. The basis of their relationship is the spiritual component.

Sergey and Svetlana

This couple's life is full of adventures, but, unfortunately, family happiness is not always built on the partners' desire to open new horizons. Sergei yearns for a quiet life, while Svetlana is attracted by unknown distances and new emotions. Such relationships are almost always doomed.

Sergey and Marina

Marina is a wonderful housewife who lives in the interests of her family, but her imperiousness unbalances Sergei, especially if she begins to lecture her lover. If Marina loosens her grip a little, then this union can be strong.

Sergey and Christina

For Sergei and Christina, what is important, first of all, are feelings and spiritual values, but they do not strive for material wealth, being content with little. Together they can achieve a lot, all thanks to each other's support. In their reliable union, only love is important.

Sergey and Victoria

This is a long, but not strong union, in which a woman dominates, on whom “the weather in the house” depends, but Sergei does not always agree with Victoria’s forecast, which is why their family life resembles an active volcano.

Sergey and Ksenia

In this union, Ksenia is the generator of ideas, and Sergei is their embodiment. If the interests of both coincide, then the marriage will be strong, but if the partners look in different directions, then divorce cannot be avoided. In general, Sergey and Ksenia are a wonderful couple who easily overcome all the hardships of family life.

Sergey and Lyubov

Balanced Love often cannot understand the contradictory and insecure Sergei, which leads to conflicts and quarrels even over trifles.

At the same time, Sergey sees in his chosen one a strong rear, which he is not ready to part with. If partners accept each other’s shortcomings, then this union will be quite strong.

Sergey and Yana

Warmth of feelings, tenderness and complete mutual understanding reign between Sergei and Yana. In their relationship there is love, friendship, peace, and passion, so their union can be confidently called harmonious and promising.

Sergey and Nadezhda

Hope is a nature for whom such components as certainty and stability are important in a relationship, and Sergei cannot always give them, since his actions are dictated by a good or bad mood. Nadezhda is not satisfied with this position, so she may well initiate a divorce.

Sergey and Alina

Adventurism drives this couple, who strive to be on time everywhere and everywhere, forgetting that to create a family it is necessary to lay a reliable foundation. In the relationship between Sergei and Alina, passion is overflowing, but there is a lack of stability and constancy, which can cause divorce.

Sergey and Diana

Cheerful Diana teaches Sergei to find a reason for happiness in every new day, while the man in this couple is assigned the role of rationalizer and thinker. Partners complement each other, which has a positive effect on their relationship, which can rightfully be called harmonious.

Sergey and Evgeniya

Italian passions are raging in this couple, and the fire of discord is fueled by Evgenia, who demands complete obedience from Sergei. She tries to control the situation not only at home, but also at Sergei’s work, which he really doesn’t like. Such an alliance is short-lived.

Sergey and Daria

This is a union of two creative people who understand each other perfectly, and for them it is family, not career, that is of greatest value. Sergey and Daria do not accept lies, falsehood and understatement in relationships, so their union is strong and long-lasting.

Sergey and Olesya

Both partners cannot come to a common decision either in everyday life or in building their family model: thus, the straightforward Olesya dominates the secretive Sergei, who does not want to let her into his soul. This union cannot be called strong.

Sergey and Alena

This couple is a storehouse of ideas, so their union can be strong even in the absence of love. Sergey and Alena are energetic and cheerful, they understand each other perfectly, although they may conflict due to the division of their sphere of influence in the family.

Sergey and Margarita

Passion comes first in this union, and if it is not fed, then over time one of the partners will become bored and uninterested, which can provoke betrayal. But if Margarita learns to control her emotions, and Sergei is more romantic, then the relationship can be strong.

Sergey and Alexandra

This is a stable, long-term and reliable union that no vicissitudes can destroy. Sergey and Alexandra set common goals and boldly move towards them, supporting and understanding each other.

Sergey and Lyudmila

This is a stable and reliable union that promises both partners happiness not only in their personal lives, but also in work, especially if both are involved in the same field of activity. Sergei and Lyudmila have such qualities as honesty, justice and cordiality, so conflicts in their family are rare.

Sergey and Galina

This couple does not know what monotony is. Galina charges Sergei with enthusiasm and inspiration, and the man strongly supports and encourages new beginnings of his other half. Harmony and love are the principles on which happiness in this union is based.

Sergey and Polina

Polina's energy is the driving force in her relationship with the calm Sergei, who loves his chosen one for her optimism and kindness. There is no struggle for power in this couple, and all forces are aimed at creating family happiness.

Sergey and Karina

Conservatism, loyalty to tradition, hard work and determination unite this couple, who gravitate towards a calm and measured life without scandals.

This is a very strong union in which both Sergey and Karina feel comfortable.

Sergey and Inna

This couple can build a strong relationship, but its foundation will be friendship and partnership, not love. Sergey and Inna have different views on life, so their family life is often similar to the cohabitation of two strangers.

Sergey and Valeria

The uneasy union of Sergei and Valeria is full of misunderstanding and discord, while stubbornness prevents both partners from achieving harmony in the relationship. On the contrary, any little thing can lead to a loud scandal and separation.

Sergey and Alla

A busy life awaits Sergei and Alla, and this is quite natural, given Alla’s explosive nature. And although Sergei tries to smooth out rough edges, often even his patience and calmness are not enough to resolve the conflict. In general, this union can be long and bright.

Sergey and Veronica

Veronica does not like to save, life seems to her like a rosy fairy tale, and this life position does not suit the rational Sergei. The power of Veronica, who tries to control her chosen one in everything, is not favorable to this union.

Sergey and Valentina

Sergei's inconstancy often unbalances the strong-willed and purposeful Valentina, who is used to achieving her goals. Sergei appreciates his beloved for these qualities. If both learn to be more tolerant of each other, then this union is quite possible.

Sergey and Lilia

Lily lacks passion and romance in her relationship with Sergei, while he is alarmed by the excessive emotionality of his chosen one. Sergei’s susceptibility to frequent mood swings also hinders the strengthening of this union. Only mutual concessions can save this alliance.

Sergey and Larisa

This couple is destined to create a strong tandem that is doomed to prosperity. Sergey and Larisa find continuation in each other, they live by common interests and goals. But quarrels between them cannot be avoided, since their characters are too different.

Sergey and Tamara

Tamara needs security and stability in a relationship, and Sergei manages to give her these feelings. But Toma’s straightforwardness is not always to the liking of Sergei, who does not know how to perceive criticism addressed to him. Only patience and love will help preserve this relationship.

Sergey and Antonina

Despite the fact that Sergei and Antonina have different temperaments and characters, this union can become happy. The main thing is that Tony’s excessive emotionality and Seryozha’s jealousy do not disrupt the balance and harmony in the relationship.

Sergey and Angelina

Despite her name, Angelina is not exactly an angel, as her bossiness and capriciousness sometimes go beyond boundaries. She tries to control Sergei’s every step, which does not suit him at all. Only patience and mutual understanding can save this union.

Sergey and Zhanna

In this union, one cannot do without stormy showdowns, passionate truces and love dramas. And this is not surprising, because between Zhanna and Sergei there is a full range of feelings, including love, power, jealousy, tenderness. Frequent showdowns can lead to a breakup.

Sergey and Sophia

Sergei and Sophia love each other, but the man’s indecisiveness leads to the woman taking on the man’s responsibilities. Sergei tries to resist this line of behavior of his beloved, which is why they often have conflicts. In general, this union has no future.

Sergey and Elvira

Both partners initially converge on a background of passion and sexual attraction. Over time, their feelings cool down, but Sergey and Elvira are in no hurry to break off the relationship, because they do not want to change anything in their usual way of life. Having learned to coexist in this format of relationship, they can count on a long life together.

Sergey and Albina

Albina's openness and naivety captivate Sergei, who falls in love with his gentle and feminine chosen one day after day. Albina values ​​determination and fortitude in her partner. Their union can become strong if love and understanding are present in the relationship.

The name Sergei has several origins. The history of its appearance is ambiguous; there are two main versions of interpretation: from the Roman Sergius and from the Latin Servus, which means “God’s servant.” The meaning of the name Sergei is “venerable”, “high”, “clear”. According to church canons, it is pronounced as Sergius. Only people from noble families were given this name. Sergei celebrates Angel Day twice a year - October 8 and July 11. Patrons are St. Sergius of Radonezh and St. Sergius of Valaam.

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Diminutive forms of the male name Sergei: Serezhenka, Serenka, Serezha, Sergeika, Sergunchik, Sergunya, Serga, Sergeichik, Sergusha, Serge, Serenya.

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      Serezha's childhood

      Serezha’s parents have a hard time, since the boy is always sick and has a very vulnerable immune system. Apart from poor health, the child does not cause his parents any problems, because he grows up very flexible, obedient, responsible and caring. He almost never gets capricious or throws tantrums to get what he wants. If Seryozha promises something to his family, he will definitely fulfill his promise in a short time.

      • Sergei is not inclined to express his feelings with the help of emotions; he has been accustomed since childhood to express his attitude through actions. The boy is a man of few words, so it is quite difficult for him to find a common language with his peers. Seryozha has few friends, not everyone understands him, because the boy thinks outside the box and does not like trivial things.

        To strengthen the health of a child, parents from childhood should instill in their child a love of sports and a healthy lifestyle and in no case suppress his craving for physical activity. If Seryozha is passionate about something, he is completely absorbed in this matter and takes his hobby very seriously; he will never miss a training session or a club because of entertainment and games with children. The boy is cheerful, but he has sudden mood swings. In this state, it is better not to touch the child and not ask him unnecessary questions.

        The boy's school life is spent reading textbooks; he loves to read and quickly analyzes the information he receives. Studying is easy for him, Sergei grasps everything on the fly and has an excellent memory. Teachers praise him and nominate him for various Olympiads in the humanities and exact sciences.

        Sergei never gets into arguments, he tries to avoid conflicts and does not participate in boyish fights and brawls, because he believes that the use of physical force is unacceptable when sorting out relationships.

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        Young man Sergei

        Having matured a little, the child still remains unemotional. A teenager is characterized by such character qualities as decency, kindness and the ability to empathize; he cannot pass by a sick animal or a person who is in trouble.

        At the university, a young man often becomes the head of the group; he is respected by fellow students and teachers for his diligence and responsible approach to any task. He studies diligently and enjoys self-education in his free time.

        Sergei is very touchy, but quickly moves away and sincerely forgives the person who hurt him. The young man is very popular among young ladies because he takes care of his appearance and has all the gentlemanly qualities. He will always give a girl a seat on public transport, help carry heavy bags, and tell his classmate the correct answer to an exam question. Seryozha does not use obscene expressions, he is always friendly and friendly.

        Gemini man - characteristics of the zodiac sign, compatibility

        Grown man

        Sergei's fate can turn out differently and depends on the qualities and life values ​​that his parents instilled in him from the cradle. A man can abuse alcoholic beverages if he often sees it in his family. If parents adhere to a healthy and active lifestyle, this will be reflected in Sergei.

        An adult man is rational and prefers stability. His life cannot be called boring, he never sits idle, and has a lot of hobbies. Sergei's creative abilities can be realized in relevant professions. The man cannot imagine his life without art; he often attends the opera, art exhibitions and other cultural events.

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        Love and family relationships

        Sergei can only be conquered by a highly intelligent and wise woman who has a soft and flexible character.

        The external qualities of a woman for this man are not as important as her soul and character. Sergei’s chosen one must support him in everything and share the hobbies of her husband. Only in this case will the man be extremely gentle, attentive and affectionate with her. In the life priorities of his beloved, family and children should always come first, creating home comfort, and not entertainment and a career.

        Sergey will be happy to help his wife raise children and do housework; he has golden hands, he can independently make repairs and improve his home without resorting to the help of specialists. If peace and harmony reign in a man’s family, he will never cheat on his beloved and will not go into all serious troubles. Sergei believes that there should be no leader in a family; husband and wife should have completely equal rights and not limit each other’s freedom.

        A man does not accept useless time spent near the TV or computer; he needs cultural leisure with intellectual activities and active family recreation in nature. Children love their father very much because the man always supports them and does not set boundaries, allowing them to learn from their own mistakes.


        A man can reach great heights in creative professions and become a famous person. In leadership positions, he can achieve prosperity only if he becomes firmer and does not allow himself to be manipulated. He will not be a strict boss, since he treats his subordinates very loyally; unscrupulous people take advantage of his kindness and shift their responsibilities onto his shoulders.

        A man does not have business acumen, but with a strong desire he can quickly develop these qualities. He does not strive for material wealth; the main thing for him is that work brings moral pleasure and is his outlet.

        The mystery of the name

        The influence of the male name Sergei on a man’s character and on the main areas of life.

        Positive aspects of personalityResponsiveness, cheerfulness, kindness, mercy, perseverance, hard work, diligence, responsibility, decency
        Negative character traitsExcessive daydreaming, sensitivity, frequent depression, touchiness
        Intellectual abilitiesThe man has an analytical mind, he is pragmatic and highly intelligent, he is not afraid to express his opinion and propose new ideas, which he successfully implements.
        Intuitive abilitiesSergei’s intuition is well developed, but the man is used to being guided exclusively by common sense
        MoralSergei seems to have moral principles that are too strict, since he is a creative and multifaceted person and does not accept restrictions on freedom of action
        HealthSergei plays sports and leads an active lifestyle, so the man has good health and strong immunity. However, problems are possible from the respiratory and genitourinary systems
        PsycheSergei is a multi-faceted person: he can be open, sincere and cheerful when he is in a good mood, but if a man is not in a good mood and is depressed about something, he withdraws into himself and falls into deep depression, he cannot be criticized and compared with others
        BusinessA man has a great chance of achieving success in his career and becoming a rich man if he learns to defend his position to the end and not succumb to the influence of others
        Sexual relationsIf this man’s chosen one is temperamental and passionate in bed, Sergei will become her best lover and will fulfill a woman’s wildest erotic fantasies. He doesn’t like it when a young lady is constrained and shy in intimate relationships; Sergei quickly loses sexual desire for such a person
        FriendshipA man is very attached to his friends and will always lend a helping hand to someone in need, can give wise advice and will never abandon a comrade to the mercy of fate
        ProfessionsPoet, singer, artist, social worker, journalist, designer, painter, programmer, financier
        HobbiesLiterature, theater, cinema, painting, music, travel, sports, cars
        Compatibility with female namesIrina, Galina, Albina, Christina, Alina, Lyubov, Ulyana, Tatyana, Zoryana, Agnia, Liya, Olesya, Elizaveta, Daria, Victoria
        Incompatibility with female namesVera, Alla, Yana, Jadviga, Larisa, Eleanor, Julia, Marina, Maria, Violetta, Karina, Claudia, Ekaterina, Elena, Vladislava

        The secret of the name Sergei lies in his broad and creative nature; the man has a lot of talents and capabilities.

        Symbols and talismans for the male name Sergei, patrons.

        Famous people

        Famous men named Sergei:

        • Singers: Zhukov, Babkin, Penkin, Krylov, Lazarev.
        • Composers: Prokofiev, Taneyev, Rachmaninov.
        • Actors: Zhigunov, Shakurov, Bezrukov, Bodrov.
        • Poets and writers: Yesenin, Lukyanenko, Aksakov, Dovlatov, Zhadan, Minaev.
        • Film directors: Bondarchuk, Eisenstein, Mikhalkov.
        • Other celebrities: Korolev, Botkin, Polonsky, Polunin.


        A table describing a man’s character for different astrological signs.

        Zodiac signDescription of the character and life of a man
        ScalesGood nature, equanimity and cheerfulness are the main character traits of a man born under this sign. Sergei does not tolerate it when someone is rude and raises their voice at him; he is used to resolving any conflicts without the use of physical force - through peaceful negotiations. It is important for such a man that his chosen one is smart, well-mannered, extremely wise and calm
        ScorpionArrogant and selfish, he is too impulsive and cannot control his emotions. Such a man is often surrounded by hypocrites and flatterers, because he loves to be admired and praised to the skies. He strives at all costs to attract attention to his person and gain authority among others.
        SagittariusAn impressive man, graceful and subtle in nature, has original thinking and finds a non-standard approach to banal things. He loves to dream and plunges headlong into his illusory world, dreams of great love, as in romantic films. But when faced with harsh reality, he often tends to fall into a depressive state, from which only a change of environment or a new hobby can bring him out
        CapricornHot-tempered and unpredictable, he has a rich imagination and tends to idealize everything. His behavior is incomprehensible to others; it is difficult for a man to find a common language with people. Sergei becomes a good husband and a caring father, but his wife should not infringe on his freedom and tell him what he needs to do
        AquariusSergei is calm and calm in any situation, it is impossible to make him angry. The man quite easily finds a common language with people thanks to his wit and excellent sense of humor; he is not inclined to defend his opinion to the bitter end and always finds a compromise. It’s not easy to win Sergei’s favor and make him fall in love with you, since the man is unemotional and rather cold in love relationships
        FishThe man is gallant and well-mannered, he is smart, but he constantly doubts his abilities and acts indecisively. Sergei starts short-term affairs, because he is not used to obeying anyone and taking on obligations, he has a subtle mental organization, lives in his own illusory world
        AriesAn unbalanced and rather vain person. Such a man is prone to sudden mood swings, which causes constant conflicts with colleagues and family. However, Sergei is happy with everything, he does not see anything wrong in his behavior and does not intend to change. The man enjoys great success with the fair half of humanity, he starts short-term romances, but is not ready for a serious relationship
        TaurusThe most important thing for Sergei is to make a positive impression on the people around him; he is good-natured and open, too impressionable and vulnerable. Such a man behaves gallantly with women, he loves to arrange romantic dates and pleasant surprises for his beloved, turning a woman’s life into a real fairy tale.
        TwinsSergey has incredible artistry and a lot of creative talents; he devotes a lot of time to self-improvement and spiritual development. Such a man is sociable and witty, but he doesn’t let anyone get close to him; it’s not easy to gain his trust.
        CancerSentimental and romantic in nature, he does not have specific life goals and aspirations, he lives one day at a time and does not think about his future. In a family, such a man is flexible and caring, he loves children and pays due attention to his wife, pleasing the woman with romantic actions
        a lionThis man is loving, he is used to achieving what he wants by any means. Sergei has an excellent sense of style, he is intelligent and very smart. Such a man achieves great heights in his career thanks to his hard work and perseverance.
        VirgoPrudent and prudent, the man is tactful and unsure of himself, he is constantly looking for a trick, his trust is difficult to earn. Sergei, born under this sign, cannot be called purposeful; he constantly doubts the correctness of his actions and tends to often change his decisions