Presentation on the topic of inorganic substances. Inorganic substances that make up the cell

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“Biology “Chemical composition of the cell”” - Signs of a reaction. Cu-enzymes hemocyanins, hemoglobin synthesis, photosynthesis. Oxygen. Macroelements. Ultramicroelements. Zinc. Answer the questions. Differences between living and inanimate nature. Lesson plan. C is the basis of all organic substances. Composition of the human body. Microelements. Biogenic elements. Chemical composition of the cell.

“Lesson “Chemical composition of the cell”” - Protein structure. DNA is a double helix. Replication. Enzymes. Carbohydrates. Elementary composition of a cell. Nucleotide. Molecular level. Types of RNA. Nucleic acids. RNA is a single strand. Inorganic substances. Chemical composition of the cell. Lipids. Hydrogen molecule. Squirrels. pH buffering. Properties of a protein molecule. The principle of complementarity.

“Inorganic substances of the cell” - Elements that make up the cell. Oxygen. 80 chemical elements. Macroelements. The content of chemical compounds in the cell. Ultramicroelements. Magnesium. Microelements. Chemical composition of the cell. Biogenic elements. Functions of water. Contents in different cells.

“Chemical composition of the cell” - Water plays an important role in the life of the cell. Crystals of calcium oxalate. Monomer. Carbohydrates. Carbon. Microelements. Polymer. Homeostasis. Part. The ability of camels to tolerate heat well. Lipids. Functions of carbohydrates. Functions of minerals. Ammonia. Working with terms. Specify the extra chemical compound. The cells of which organisms contain tens of times more carbohydrates. Functions of water in a cell.

“Cell substances” - The role of vitamins in human life. Vitamins in cell life. How and where ATP is formed. ATP function. Vitamin. The meaning of viruses. Disorders associated with deficiency or excess of vitamins. Interesting Facts. ATP and other organic substances of the cell. The structure of viruses. Modern classification of vitamins. Vitamins and vitamin-like substances. Discovery of viruses. ATP. Microphotographs of viruses. Life of viruses.

“Features of the chemical composition of the cell” - Features of the chemical composition of the cell. Oxygen. Dogs. Hydrogen bonds. Types of water. Solution. Theses. Metal ions. Groups of chemical elements. Carbon. Chemical components of the cell. Minerals in the cell. Notebook entries. Water. Water in the body is distributed unevenly. The ratio of organic and inorganic substances in the cell. Chemical elements of the cell. Cells.

Chemical elements. The cell contains the overwhelming amount of all chemical elements found in nature (81) The cell contains the overwhelming amount of all chemical elements found in nature (81) 12 elements are called structural (or macroelements) => 99% of the elemental composition of the human body (C, O, H , N, Ca, Mg, Na, K, S, P, F, Cl). 12 elements are called structural (or macroelements) => 99% of the elemental composition of the human body (C, O, H, N, Ca, Mg, Na, K, S, P, F, Cl). the main building materials are four elements: C, O, H, N. the main building materials are four elements: C, O, H, N. The remaining elements are found in the cell in small quantities and play an important role in maintaining its vital functions. The remaining elements are found in the cell in small quantities and play an important role in maintaining its vital functions. 99% of the elemental composition of the human body (C, O, H, N, Ca, Mg, Na, K, S, P, F, Cl). 12 elements are called structural (or macroelements) => 99% of the elemental composition of the human body (C, O, H, N, Ca, Mg, Na, K, S, P, F, Cl). the main building materials are four elements: C, O, H, N. the main building materials are four elements: C, O, H, N. The remaining elements are found in the cell in small quantities and play an important role in maintaining its vital functions. The remaining elements are found in the cell in small quantities and play an important role in maintaining its vital functions.">

Macroelements Make up the bulk of the cell - 99%. The concentration of 4 elements is especially high: oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen. They make up the bulk of the cell - 99%. The concentration of 4 elements is especially high: oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen. Found in the cell in the form of ions. Macroelements include: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and chlorine ions. Found in the cell in the form of ions. Macroelements include: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and chlorine ions.

Macroelements. Calcium ions take part in the regulation of a number of cellular processes, Calcium ions take part in the regulation of a number of cellular processes, The concentration of magnesium ions is important for the normal functioning of ribosomes. The concentration of magnesium ions is important for the normal functioning of ribosomes. Magnesium is part of chlorophyll and supports the normal functioning of mitochondria. Magnesium is part of chlorophyll and supports the normal functioning of mitochondria.

Macroelements. Potassium and sodium ions are involved in maintaining the constancy of the internal environment of the cell, regulate osmotic pressure in the cell, and ensure the transmission of nerve impulses. Potassium and sodium ions are involved in maintaining the constancy of the internal environment of the cell, regulate osmotic pressure in the cell, and ensure the transmission of nerve impulses. Chlorine in the form of anions is involved in creating the salt environment of animal organisms (for plants, chlorine is a trace element). Chlorine in the form of anions is involved in creating the salt environment of animal organisms (for plants, chlorine is a trace element).

Microelements Microelements These include mainly heavy metal ions that are part of enzymes. These are elements such as copper, manganese, cobalt, iron, zinc, as well as boron, fluorine, chromium, selenium, aluminum, silicon, molybdenum, iodine and others. These include mainly heavy metal ions that are part of enzymes. These are elements such as copper, manganese, cobalt, iron, zinc, as well as boron, fluorine, chromium, selenium, aluminum, silicon, molybdenum, iodine and others. Participate in redox reactions Participate in redox reactions

Ultramicroelements: Concentration in the cell does not exceed 0.000001%. The concentration in the cell does not exceed 0.000001%. Act as enzyme inhibitors. Act as enzyme inhibitors. Ultramicroelements include uranium, radium, gold, mercury, beryllium, cesium, selenium and other rare elements. Ultramicroelements include uranium, radium, gold, mercury, beryllium, cesium, selenium and other rare elements.

Answer to the question: Water is an excellent solvent for many substances of a living organism, i.e. water is the medium in which most chemical reactions associated with metabolism take place. Water is an excellent solvent for many substances of a living organism, i.e. water is the medium in which most chemical reactions associated with metabolism take place. With the help of water exchange, thermoregulation occurs. With the help of water exchange, thermoregulation occurs. Toxic substances are removed from cells with water. Toxic substances are removed from cells with water.

The role of water in the cell: providing cell elasticity. The consequences of cell loss of water are wilting of leaves, drying out of fruits; acceleration of chemical reactions due to the dissolution of substances in water; ensuring the movement of substances: the entry of most substances into the cell and their removal from the cell in the form of solutions; participation in a number of chemical reactions; participation in the process of thermoregulation due to the ability to slowly heat up and slowly cool down.

Mineral salts. In addition to water, the cell's inorganic substances also contain salts. Salts are either dissociated or solid. In addition to water, the cell's inorganic substances also contain salts. Salts are either dissociated or solid. The osmotic pressure in the cell and its buffering properties depend on the salt concentration. The osmotic pressure in the cell and its buffering properties depend on the salt concentration.

Buffer systems are biological fluids of the body. - These are biological fluids of the body. They perform a protective function - they help maintain a constant pH in the cell. They perform a protective function - they help maintain a constant pH in the cell.

The buffer system reacts => a weak acid is formed from a strong acid. + strong acid => the buffer system reacts => from a strong acid " title="Mechanism of action of buffer systems. If it enters the cell: If it enters the cell: + strong acid => the buffer system reacts => it is formed from a strong acid weak acid + strong acid => buffer system reacts => from strong acid" class="link_thumb"> 23 !} Mechanism of action of buffer systems. If it enters the cell: If it enters the cell: + strong acid => the buffer system reacts => a weak acid is formed from a strong acid. + strong acid => the buffer system reacts => a weak acid is formed from a strong acid. The same thing happens with bases. The same thing happens with bases. the buffer system reacts => a weak acid is formed from a strong acid. + strong acid => buffer system reacts => from strong acid "> buffer system reacts => from strong acid a weak acid is formed. + strong acid => buffer system reacts => from a strong acid a weak acid is formed. The same thing happens with bases . The same thing happens with bases."> the buffer system reacts => a weak acid is formed from a strong acid. + strong acid => the buffer system reacts => from a strong acid " title="Mechanism of action of buffer systems. If it enters the cell: If it enters the cell: + strong acid => the buffer system reacts => it is formed from a strong acid weak acid + strong acid => buffer system reacts => from strong acid"> title="Mechanism of action of buffer systems. If it enters the cell: If it enters the cell: + strong acid => the buffer system reacts => a weak acid is formed from a strong acid. + strong acid => buffer system reacts => from strong acid"> !}

Macroelements (up to 0.001%) microelements (from 0.001 to 0.000001%) ultramicroelements (less than 0.000001%) Oxygen (65-75) Carbon (15-18) Nitrogen (1.5-3) Hydrogen (8-10) Phosphorus (0.2-1.00) Potassium (0.15-0.4) Sulfur (0.15-0.2) Iron (0.01-0.15) Magnesium (0.02-0.03) Sodium (0.02-0.03) Calcium (0.04-2.00) Boron Cobalt Copper Molybdenum Zinc Vanadium Iodine Bromine Uranium Radium Gold Mercury Beryllium Cesium Selenium Elements that make up body cells, %

Element Significance for cells and organisms H – hydrogen Part of water and organic molecules C – carbon The main element of organic molecules, capable of forming strong covalent bonds, both with other carbon atoms and atoms of other elements N – nitrogen Structural component of proteins and nucleic acids O – oxygen Part of water and organic substances P – phosphorus Part of bone tissue, nucleic acids; ATP; phospholipids are part of the structure of cell membranes S - sulfur Part of proteins and other organic molecules (vitamins and enzymes)

Na+ – sodium The main extracellular positive ion. Ensures the conduction of nerve impulses, maintains osmotic pressure in the cell, stimulates the synthesis of hormones Mg2+ - magnesium. Structural component of chlorophyll, activates the formation of many enzymes. Cl- – chlorine Contained in bones, teeth, activates DNA synthesis, energy metabolism The predominant negative ion in the body of animals. It is a component of gastric juice in the form of hydrochloric acid, activates enzymes K+ - potassium. The predominant positive ion inside the cell. Causes the conduction of nerve impulses, activator of protein synthesis enzymes, photosynthesis processes, and plant growth. Ca2+ – calcium In plants, it is part of the cell wall. Main component of bones and teeth. Activates muscle contraction and blood clotting

Mn – manganese Required by organisms in trace amounts. Increases plant productivity, activates the process of photosynthesis, affects the processes of hematopoiesis. Fe - iron. Part of many organic substances, for example, blood protein - hemoglobin, muscle protein - myoglobin, the lens and cornea of ​​the eyes, an enzyme activator, participates in the synthesis of chlorophyll. Provides oxygen transport to tissues and organs Co – cobalt Part of vitamin B12 Cu+2 – copper Part of enzymes. Participates in the processes of hematopoiesis, photosynthesis, catalyzes intracellular processes Zn - zinc Part of the hormone insulin and enzymes B - boron Necessary for some plants. Affects their growth processes I - iodine Included in the thyroid hormone - thyroxine, affects metabolism F - fluorine Included in tooth enamel, with a deficiency, caries develops, with an excess - fluorosis

Inorganic substances in % Organic substances in % Water…………………………… Other inorganic substances…..……………… ….1.0-1.5 Proteins…………………… ……10-20 Lipids………………………..1-5 Carbohydrates………………………0.2-2.0 Nucleic acids………1.0-2.0 ATP and other low molecular weight organic compounds……………………0.1-0.5

Properties of water: Has no taste, color and odor Has density and viscosity Has density and viscosity td – 0 C, t bp – 100 C t dm – 0 C, t bp – 100 C Has a dipole property Has a dipole property Universal solvent Universal solvent

"Melanin" - Pharmacology. Biopolymers of fungal origin Authors: Ph.D. Penzina T.A., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Prof. IR spectrum MLS. Melanin of Laetiporus sulphureus (MLS). Pharmacological activity. Scientific background. Research results. Conditioned. MLS elution profile on Sephadex G-100.

“Chemical composition of the cell” - Lesson No. 1. Which of the foods shown is richest in carbohydrates? Cells. Mineral salts. 1. Chemical elements. The most common inorganic substance in a living organism is water. Water Mineral salts. Camels crossing the desert may not drink for two weeks. Compound. Potato tubers contain up to 80% carbohydrates, and liver and muscle cells contain up to 5% carbohydrates.

“Cell structure” - I. Preparation and examination of a preparation of onion scale skin under a microscope. The skin was removed from the onion - thin, colorless. How did you prepare the onion skin preparation? Shell. What new did you learn in the lesson? The drug is on the table, The lens is pointed, Lo and behold, the onion is cut out of slices! Look at the large vacuoles in the cell.

“Living Life” - Brief historical background. Biology as a science. Observation of an object or phenomenon. Levels of organization of living matter. Properties of living things. Darwin Charles Robert (1809-1882) Kovalevsky Alexander Onufrievich (1840-1901) Mechnikov Ilya Ilyich (1845-1916). Aristotle Stagirite (384-322 BC) Linnaeus Karl (1707 - 1778) Lamarck Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine (1744-1829).

“Biologically active compounds” - A.M. Chibiryaev "Biologically active compounds of living organisms", 2009. Biosynthesis of fatty acids. 2. 3. Fatty acid composition of some vegetable fats and oils. Calendula oil – 55% calendic acid 8t,10t,12c-18:3; 5. 9. Plant oil with an unusual composition of fatty acids.

“Living systems” - Traditional or naturalistic biology. Molecular level. Specificity of the living. Living systems are self-governing, self-regulating, self-organizing systems. Irritability of living systems. For example: an organism consists of cells. 8). A collection of cells with the same type of organization constitutes a tissue. 4).

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Are the statements true? 1. Organisms of different kingdoms of living nature consist of different chemical elements 2. The main components of all organic compounds are O, C, H, N. 3. Phosphorus is a component of all membrane structures. 4. Organogens – O, C, H, Mg, Na, K. 5. Ultramicroelements include Au, Be, Ag.

True statements 2 3 5

“Hot chair” Element Substance Ion Hydrolysis Water


Fill in the blanks: “Properties of water” Property Processes in living organisms provided by this property Universal solvent Maintaining thermal equilibrium between all parts of the body Incompressibility Protection from overheating due to evaporation Viscosity Movement of blood in capillaries, ascending and descending transport of substances in plants

Using knowledge about the cations and anions of the cell, create formulas for the mineral salts that make up living organisms. Name the salts.

Creative task The basis of any organic substance is carbon, it is found in all organisms. Its closest neighbor in the group in the periodic table is silicon, the most common element in the earth’s crust, but it is not found in living organisms. Explain this fact based on the structure and properties of the atoms of these elements.

Homework P.33 -36 (p) P. 37 (c)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Chemical organization of the cell. Inorganic substances of the cell. (integrated lesson: biology + chemistry)

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An integrated lesson on the topic "Chemical composition of the cell. Inorganic substances and their role in the cell" was compiled for 10th grade students (basic level - 1 hour per week) according to the program of V.V. Pasechnik....