How to welcome the new year. New Year's rituals: how to properly celebrate the New Year Play board games

And although the symbol of the coming year will fully come into its own on the February new moon on the 19th, but according to the good European tradition, already on the night of December 31 to January 1, our compatriots are ready to adhere to some signs and rules of the 2015 Goat year.
The sign of the Goat is endowed with feminine energy, it patronizes all the fair sex.
Soft, kind, timid, nice, fluffy, Goat, like a true woman, can become wayward and excessively bucking. She loves creativity and self-indulgence, it is very easy to negotiate with her. The year promises to be successful, as the energy of the absurd Goat is softened by the wooden element and emerald, blue-green, the color of peace, calm contemplation, the development of intuition and esoteric abilities. The sensitive substance of the coming year will bring happiness, love and stability in relationships.
The goat is an excellent aesthetic, its impeccable taste and mega artistry will favorably reflect on creative people. And no matter what age or what profession, her future favorite will be - she will patronize anyone who wants to create something beautiful.
Although the Goat is capricious and eccentric, it is still a pet. She is very positive, loves cleanliness and comfort in her native walls. The goat is an opponent of wars and hunting. She will sincerely welcome any peace agreements and hobbies of "lazy" photo hunting.
On the eve of her arrival, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning: wash and clean all the rooms up to the most hidden corners. If broken or damaged things are found in a house or apartment, a faucet leaks or some device does not work - all this should be washed (including curtains, curtains), dry-cleaned, repaired or disposed of broken things and buy new ones.

The peace-loving Goat also calls for emotional order - make peace before the New Year 2015 with everyone who, voluntarily or involuntarily, has been offended, with whom disagreements or misunderstandings have arisen.
It remains only to decide how to decorate the home for the New Year 2015, what to wear for the holiday, what to cook and what gifts to buy.
The sheep will be happy if you put wooden dishes on the table. It can be either a complete set or a napkin holder, candlesticks, a dish for a composition of Christmas tree branches and New Year's tinsel.
The symbol of the next year likes blue and green, so the Goat welcomes their various shades: turquoise and blue, light purple and pale lilac, light green. Grey, white and pastel colors will be appropriate. For men, Koza recommends tailored suits in brown or black.
Men's shirts and women's outfits need to be ironed with special care, shoes must be cleaned, accessories, ties, a stylish Goat selects to match the rest of the clothes. No "color spots", bright additions and other kitsch! Everything is only in the noble shades of the coming year! The well-known prude - Sheep or Goat - does not tolerate shiny fabrics, rhinestones and sequins in outfits! But she will gladly accept a formal suit or an elegant dress made of expensive natural fabrics: wool, cashmere, silky velvet or suede. The Country Goat loves retro style, openwork shawls or blouses.
And how to celebrate 2015 in order not to suffer from a hangover and pain in the stomach in the morning? Next year's menu of the Goat is perfect for a light festive dinner.
Products from cow or goat milk are appropriate on the table: cheeses, sour cream for dressing vegetable salads, greens for decoration. Instead of shish kebabs and the traditional Olivier, there are chicken or rabbit dishes cooked with the addition of exquisite spices and seasonings. The goat will gladly welcome vegetable rolls, cabbage stew or mashed potatoes. She will especially like baked dishes with an abundance of grated cheese! On the New Year's table 2015, fish and seafood can rightfully be present. Salmon rolls, traditional rolls, sushi or the Russian version of rolls - pancakes with caviar. Traditional jelly can be prepared from poultry meat, excluding meat products from beef and pork.
Why do we love and appreciate the arrival of the New Year? Of course, for the fabulous surroundings and the passion for receiving gifts that has been absorbed into our blood since childhood! What gifts to choose for relatives and friends in order to meet 2015 correctly? After all, it is through these sweet little things that we convey our feelings to our beloved family members and friends. You can find advice on the net - give your boyfriend or husband a universal T-shirt with a cool goat. Despite the Spanish and Eastern traditions, where the nobility and intelligence of the goat are deeply revered, in our country this animal enjoys an unambiguous reputation. The fact that “sexy macho” in translation means “playful goat” is not known to all ladies, awarding their beloved with this cute nickname. To give or not such a "present" to a loved one - each lady decides for herself. But a warm scarf made of goat or sheep wool in the middle of winter will be a great gift! A girl or wife can be pleased with a stylish piece of jewelry made of precious metals with a figure of the Mistress of the Year or another symbol (while putting it in a box shaped like a totem of the year or decorated with its image). Relatives and friends can put funny interior items, unique souvenirs or dishes under the Christmas tree. Kids will love plush musical goats or sheep. Colleagues can buy key chains, magnets in the form of a figurine of the Mistress of the Year, gift candles or diaries, “marked” with silhouette drawings or a photo of the symbol of the coming year.
Thinking about how to meet 2015 correctly - the Year of the Emerald Goat or Sheep, try to please the totem in small things. Capricious and playful Goat has a high sensuality - she will appreciate your efforts!

No wonder they say how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. The New Year is a new birth, a transition from one state to another, a renewal of everything that surrounds us.

With the birth of a new year, there is a change of energies that strongly influence our lives. Therefore, you need to prepare and try to adjust these energies so that the year is successful in everything.

Family psychologist-consultant, natal astrologer Olga Korepina has prepared a detailed plan - how to celebrate the New Year in the right way.

But first, in the few remaining days before the New Year, we have the opportunity to work off the karma of the past year and enter the new one with fresh energy.
By clearing the past, we solve many problems in the family, in relationships, at work. We pay off debts on a subtle level and prepare to set new, desirable goals.

  • In a calm atmosphere, remember the past year, analyze what was done right and what was not done very well. Realize your dreams and true desires and start planning for the next year.
  • Rather, give up bad habits - even if only one - but right on one of New Year's Eve days.
  • Clean up, get rid of old and unnecessary things.
  • Make time for your parents. If necessary, ask for forgiveness from family and friends.
  • New Year's Eve is suitable for harmonizing relationships with men. Ask their forgiveness and forgive them.
  • A good time to make long-awaited purchases.
  • Is it time to find out if you are doing what you love, or should you find yourself in another profession?

New Year's Eve...

Under each blow of the chimes, mentally repeat your innermost desire (having previously written it down on a piece of paper). After you have repeated it 12 times, and the sound of the last blow is still hanging in the air, spin the energy funnel, imagining how the energy of expectation, anticipation and joy is collected in your glass.

After taking a sip, mentally redirect this energy to the heart, holding the wish leaf in your left hand.
Carry it with you for the first 12 days of the year, and on the morning of January 13, put a leaf in a container of water, add a drop of your favorite perfume and put it in the freezer for 12 hours.
Before going to bed, light candles and set the container to thaw. This will become a symbol that the ice has broken.

In the first 12 days of the year...

The first 12 days of the year affect how you spend the next 12 months. It is important to keep the right attitude and work through one of the most important aspects of life every day.

1ST OF JANUARY. Spend the first day with your family and redefine your goals for the coming year. Do not skimp on giving warmth to those you love - this is the most powerful energy in the universe.

JANUARY 2. Call those who have not had time to congratulate on the New Year. Or maybe there is a person with whom you talked in childhood, but have not seen each other for several years? Trust me - he will be very happy to hear from you again!

JANUARY 3. Take a break from the material world for a while, turn on relaxing music, do meditation. It’s not a sin to just bring joy to yourself on this day. However, this should be for mere physical enjoyment, and joy for your true self.

4 JANUARY. Take the first step towards the realization of your main dream. Bold desires love action and real deeds, not abstract plans. So today, tune in to the result.

5 JANUARY. Today it is good to spend money on yourself, visit a spa, beauty salon or sauna. Enter the New Year fresh and renewed!

6TH JANUARY. Time for strategic planning. No matter what you are going to do throughout the year - business, gardening or creativity - make a clear plan and be sure to discuss it with loved ones. Do not be afraid to communicate and dedicate others to your secrets - assistants may come in handy.

JAN. 7. What word starts with this number? That's right, the word "family"! She needs to devote the whole day to her. Remember your parents, buy them gifts (even if you have already given something for the New Year). You can do something around the house, but without fail with joy and enthusiasm.

JANUARY 8- Day of children and creativity. Feel like a child and plunge into the atmosphere of the game, new experiences and surprises. Engage with your children in modeling, drawing, appliqué or create a culinary miracle with their help. If you don't have children, visit friends who have them. Bring them interesting gifts and good mood.

10 JANUARY. The best time to build relationships with a partner, relatives and friends. Buy gifts, give joy and smiles to those you want to see next to you throughout the year. Analyze relationships that are not going well and formulate options for changing the situation.

11 JANUARY. Today, clearly define for yourself what you can and should let go of your life. Call on the help of four elements to cleanse yourself of negative energy. Make a symbolic "burial": write on paper - this is the energy of the Earth - what you would like to forget. Burn the sheet, giving all the negativity into the hands of Fire. Blow off and let the Air carry your thoughts. Just do it over running water! The fourth element - Water - will wash away and dissolve what should forever leave your destiny.

12 JANUARY. Go in search of a talisman that will remind you of desires and plans. Buy what suits your inner feelings. Put the talisman, along with the wish, under the pillow on the night of the Old New Year and allow yourself to believe in a miracle.

Ritual "Seven Candles" from Olga Korepina

Buy seven candles of different colors, but preferably the same shape, and internally formulate the intention that you would most like to fulfill in the new year.
Candles can be of any size, but do not take church.

We need candles:

  • pink or green
  • brown or black candle
  • yellow or orange candle
  • beige or silver candle
  • red or crimson candle
  • colorful candle
  • blue or purple candle

Each day, a certain candle will symbolize the planet and the day of the week that that planet rules. It is from this candle that the rest should be lit.

It is better to do this ritual in the evening, closer to midnight, preferably not in the toilet or in the bathroom, but in a place where you can be alone and relax for a while.

Candles should burn for 10-15 minutes while you think through your request and access the energy of the planet in question. And on the last, seventh day, you need to let the candles burn out to the end.
So, on the first evening of the ritual - January 1 - you will have one candle burning, on the second - two, on the third - three, and on the last - January 7 - all seven candles should burn.

1st of January(this is Friday, and this day is ruled by Venus, which is responsible for sensuality, pleasure, beauty, love) - we take a pink or green candle. For example, your most cherished desire is to meet your man in the new year and start a family with him. Lighting a candle, imagine the man of your dreams - how he looks, how he shows love for you, what you as a couple enjoy, etc.

January 2(the planet Saturn, the theme of duty and responsibility) - a brown or black candle will do. We analyze and formulate what you are ready to give up for the sake of making your dream come true and what, on the contrary, you are ready to do.

January 3(planet Sun, energies of creativity, joy) - light a yellow or orange candle and visualize what, in the context of your desire, will bring you pleasure and inspiration.

4 January(Moon, she is responsible for the energies that control the house, family, children and parents) - in addition to the rest, a beige or silver candle should burn.

5 January(planet Mars, - expansion, action and results, sport and passion) - lighting a candle of red or crimson color, we visualize a wish fulfilled through the energies of Mars.

6th January(Mercury - he is responsible for contacts, realization in society, money, communication, etc.) - it is best for this day to find a candle where there are different colors.

Jan. 7(Jupiter - the energies of power, business, property - this planet is responsible for scale and development) - a blue or purple candle is suitable.

Happy New Year!

New Year and Christmas - there is probably no country in the whole world where they are completely indifferent to these holidays of miracles, crazy expectations of magic and unrestrained fun.

How do you know when the holiday starts? When do we unmistakably feel the onset of New Year's miracles? Then, when shop windows, streets and avenues light up with thousands of small lights, New Year's garlands, streamers and decorations appear everywhere.

The world around us affects us more than we would like to think. And when the lights of the Christmas trees are flashing around, balls and icicles are shining, the multi-colored rain is swaying from the slightest movement of the air, and the snowflakes begin their round dance on the glass, it is simply impossible to resist and not catch the New Year's mood virus, so creating a holiday in your home must also begin with it. .

It is better to start decorating the house for the New Year holidays in advance. In order not to rush about in recent days between cooking, cleaning and hanging balls on the Christmas tree. Where to begin? You need to start with a general cleaning. And not only because a big cleaning before the holidays is almost traditional for the hostess, but also because the year of the black water snake is coming. And the snake is a very clean animal, it even changes its skin several times a year and does not tolerate mess, dirt and dust at all.

According to beliefs, by the coming year of the snake, it is necessary to sweep all the corners, remove dust and cobwebs, even in hard-to-reach and hidden places. All shiny surfaces should shine, faucets should not leak, and mirrors and windows should be clean and transparent. Since the snake is a water snake, general cleaning should be completed with wet “procedures” - washing floors and carpets, walls and other surfaces.

In order for the snake to bring good luck to your home, you must ruthlessly and boldly get rid of trash and debris - old clothes, chipped dishes, broken furniture and other unnecessary components should go to the trash.

You shouldn’t delay with general cleaning and getting rid of trash - so that luck stays with you for the whole year, you can’t clean up the house for the first holiday week after the new year - there is a belief that otherwise luck will go to less busy citizens. The ideal scheme would be - general cleaning in the first half of December, festive cleaning a day or two before the new year.

When your house has freshened up and prettier after heroic battles in the field of domestic labor, you should think about decorating your home. It is better to start decorating a house in the New Year's style in the twentieth of December - then you will have time to recharge on the holiday, and the garlands will not have time to get dusty, and you will be able to capture all the holidays - from Catholic Christmas to Orthodox Christmas.

Do not be afraid to overdo it with the New Year's decoration of the house - there is never too much of a holiday. In addition to the traditional Christmas tree / pine / fir - live or artificial - do not forget to hang garlands, rain, snowflakes on windows and mirrors.

In addition to the usual New Year's decor, do not forget that the coming year will be the year of the snake, which means you need to please it. Arrange snake figurines around the house (but not in the bedroom - in the room where you sleep, you can’t put figurines or hang images of snakes), natural stone souvenirs, candlesticks with unusual candles and brilliant decor.

The interior of your home should be made as elegant as possible - if you have antique jewelry, antiques, family silver - feel free to use it to decorate the decor, the snake will like it.

Remember that the decor and decoration of the house, if possible, should not have rough surfaces - snakes do not like this. In addition, they do not like open spaces, so it is worthwhile to focus on comfort and warmth when preparing for the New Year holidays.

Snakes do not like noise and large crowds, so the New Year should be celebrated at home and preferably with family. Since the snake is a water snake, it would be useful to celebrate the holiday near natural reservoirs. In extreme cases, you can get by with a home decorative fountain.

In advance, you should also think about festive clothes. It is best to choose snake colors - black, gray, green, yellow or water - blue, cyan, turquoise. Colored outfits should resemble water or snake patterns. And do not choose white - the snake does not like it.

The snake print is the perfect choice. But remember that in no case should you wear clothes or accessories made from real reptile skin - the snake will be offended. Relevant for the New Year will be light tight dresses and tunics, flowing shiny fabrics. Opt for silk, satin, chiffon, elastane, lurex, sequins and sequins. At the same time, avoid velveteen, linen, wool and mohair - remember, the snake does not like rough surfaces.

It is better to choose a hairstyle for the New Year's Eve smooth and symmetrical. Long hair can be braided and styled in rings. In makeup, it is worth focusing on the eyes - a hypnotic look, after all, is a visiting card of a snake. It is better to prefer a manicure on long nails with an opaque mother-of-pearl varnish.

And do not forget about jewelry - best of all from natural stones, pearls, silver and gold. Jewelry that resembles or is made in the form of a symbol of the year - a snake will also be appropriate.

Having thoroughly prepared for the holiday and finally waiting for December 31, you will need to think about table setting and the choice of dishes. Choose a shiny tablecloth in rich dark tones - plain or with geometric patterns that resemble the patterns that adorn snake skins.

Treat your visiting snake with shiny cutlery, sparkling crystal, origami napkins, and New Year's flower arrangements. Remembering the snake's love for water, it would be appropriate to decorate the table with a container with floating candles.

The choice of dishes should be made taking into account the natural menu of real snakes and the love of this animal for luxury and delicacies. Be sure to put meat dishes on the table - especially from rabbit, poultry. Fish and sea delicacies will not be superfluous. Treat yourself and your guests (and of course the snake!) with caviar and cold cuts.

The snake will be very pleased with milk and eggs - in different interpretations, including in the form of cheese platter and salads with eggs. Greens, fruits and vegetables will be useful on the festive table. As for alcoholic drinks, it is worth giving preference to noble white and rosé wines and traditional champagne; there are no restrictions on the choice of non-alcoholic drinks - the main thing is that there are a lot of them.

What is especially pleasing in the habits of the snake, which can be adopted at the New Year's table to please her - the snake eats rarely, but very plentifully. Therefore, you can safely surrender to gluttony this New Year and explain this by the fact that you are just following traditions. True, do not forget to arrange fasting days for yourself after this. All the same, following the desire to please the snake, it is advisable to do this with fermented milk products.

Well, what New Year without signs? They are in 2013 too. If you want to have a baby in the coming year, put a red silk handkerchief in your pockets and your significant other. If you want to ask for longevity and health, wear something with geometric patterns in gold, brown and beige, reminiscent of the colors of the python - the longest-lived among snakes. And those who want to achieve the goal will be helped by a note with a concise and clear plan, but with only one thing - the snake does not like dispersion, but always helps purposeful people. The snake will also be happy if by the coming year you settle old conflicts, distribute debts and meet the coming year with a light heart.

In general, astrological forecasts for 2013 are quite optimistic, and give one more reason for a cheerful and joyful meeting of the New Year. The Year of the Black Water Snake, which runs from February 10, 2013 to January 31, 2014 according to the Chinese calendar, should be constructive, beneficial and peaceful.

The year promises good luck and prosperity to hardworking, purposeful, thrifty people. In love, cunning, deceit and temptation are possible. The year of the black snake will be the year of reaping the fruits of one's activities. This year, do not rely on anyone, but achieve everything only with your own efforts. The snake will like your prudence, logic, wisdom, patience and prudence.

Meet the New Year easily, cheerfully, peacefully and look into the future only with optimism and faith in yourself! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to you!

1. Arrange a puppet theater or shadow theater

You can build a screen using an ordinary blanket or sheet. For a puppet theater, small soft toys are suitable, and for a shadow theater, you need to cut out silhouettes from paper. A lamp placed behind the screen will complete the simple design. Kids will be delighted, and adults will be able to plunge into childhood again.

2. Organize a homemade masquerade

Carnival costumes are useful not only for children's matinees. Paint faces, put on masks, create your own look from scrap materials... and try to guess who dressed up as whom.

3. Prepare a New Year's message

Who said that only the president can have a New Year's address? Your loved ones also probably have something to say. Have each of those around you prepare a five-minute speech and address the audience.

4. Tell fortunes for next year

There are a lot of ways: bake Chinese fortune cookies, tell fortunes on cards, on coffee grounds, on wax. You can take the signs of fate both seriously and frivolously. The main thing is to interpret them in a positive way and hope for the best.

5. Start a New Year's tradition

The hero of the film "The Irony of Fate" every December 31 went with friends to the bathhouse. Do you have a New Year's tradition? If not, it's time to invent it. Well, if it will be associated with charity. For example, with gifts to children from orphanages.

6. Be Santa Claus or Snow Maiden

Professional artists are, of course, good, but it’s much more fun to work as a New Year’s magician yourself. Props can be bought at a carnival costume store or rented, and loyal spectators can be found among the children of neighbors or friends.

7. Play board games

Behind the cheerful desktops, the New Year's Eve at home will fly by unnoticed. The stores have a huge selection of such entertainment for every taste and even special games for the New Year.

How noisy to celebrate the New Year

8. Congratulate the neighbors

Let you not know who all these people living with you on the same landing. The New Year is a good time to find out. Prepare small gifts like fruits and chocolates and go to give joy without leaving the entrance. So you will please others, and you yourself may receive a pleasant surprise in return.

9. Go to the skating rink

On New Year's Eve, the skating rink turns into a noisy and cheerful holiday. A Christmas tree, music, lights and decorations - such splendor is unlikely to be created at home. You won’t get bored at the skating rink, and there will be a lot of people around from whom you can recharge your New Year’s mood.

10. Launch fireworks

Stop looking at someone else's pyrotechnic fun, lighting firecrackers yourself and launching fireworks is much more interesting. In addition, this is a good reason to break away from the New Year's table and go outside to unwind.

11. Throw snowballs

And when the stocks of pyrotechnics run out, you can remember your childhood and arrange a snow battle. Divide into two teams, come up with a name for them, stick on ammunition and do not sit in the trenches. A little physical activity will also help not to gain weight after a plentiful feast.

12. Go to a bar or club

If you are tired of calm family celebrations, then the best way out is to buy a ticket for a New Year's show in a club or just celebrate a holiday in a bar. A noisy company, exotic drinks and a fun evening are guaranteed.

13. Organize a competition for the funniest photo

Show your fantasy yourself and make her friends show. During the evening, take pictures in the craziest poses and post photos on social networks with a special hashtag. At the end of the holiday, reward the most creative participant.

14. Play forfeits

Come up with and write fun tasks for the guests of the celebration on pieces of paper, put them in a hat and pull them out one by one. You can refuse to perform a fanta only once during the entire game.

How to Romantically Celebrate the New Year

15. Look dazzling

So it's time to change the bathrobe and sportswear with slippers for an evening dress, suit and shoes. Even if you decide to spend this New Year at home, this is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of showing off and appearing in front of your partner in the best possible way.

16. Turn off the electricity

Finish everything before sunset, and then imagine that you have moved to the 19th century. No gadgets, TV, radio, light bulbs. Only candles, silence, a couple of games of preference and long conversations while fanning.

17. Dance

Learn a waltz or a couple of other simple dances. Spin around the room or just sway slowly to the beat of the music. Let this evening be a bit like a New Year's ball.

18. Cook a romantic dinner

Without Olivier and tangerines, of course, it is already difficult to imagine the New Year, but they do not add romance to the holiday. Why not limit yourself to wine, light snacks and one gourmet meat dish? And it is better not to stand at the stove on this special evening and order food from the restaurant. Just do it in advance, otherwise you risk waiting until next year.

19. Make an erotic massage

We ate, danced, talked - it's time to move on to the final stage of the evening. For the New Year, you can give not only gifts, but also pleasant sensations. For example, a long and sensual massage. Prepare massage oil or cream and essential oils in advance to enhance the sensations.

20. Role play

From the New Year's masquerade not far to the masquerade in bed. If all this time you could not decide on role-playing games with a partner, then perhaps you need to do it just under the chiming clock.

How to celebrate the New Year without straining

21. Review photos from the past year

Surely a lot of good things got into your photos in the past year, but you forgot. The last hours before the New Year can be spent on pleasant memories and relive the joy of these moments.

22. Plant a time capsule

Write a short letter about what you have achieved in the past year and what plans you are building for the future. Put it in a box along with a couple of small things, throw it away and don't open it until next New Year. It will be interesting then to compare their expectations and reality.

23. Please strangers

If it fell out to spend the holiday alone, this does not mean that you will have no one to congratulate and no one to receive warm words in return. Just look for strangers on social networks (you can even from other countries) and sincerely wish them all the best. It is sometimes even more pleasant to receive congratulations from a random person than from a friend.

24. Sing karaoke or watch movies

Meeting the New Year alone has another advantage: you can sing, dance and not be afraid that someone will see and criticize. Turn on the music, search the internet for words, and sing to your heart's content.

If you don't want to sing, have a movie marathon in pajamas and popcorn. Get some rest at last.

25. Shopping

On New Year's Eve, online stores often try to get rid of gifts that no one will need after the holiday. And this is a chance to get a big discount and please yourself if you no longer believe in surprises from Santa Claus.

New Year is a holiday of miracles, gifts, fulfillment of the most intimate and cherished. Each person meets him with the belief that even the most insane and obsessive dreams and desires will come true. As midnight approaches, we freeze, waiting impatiently for the president to make his last speech in a fleeing year, when the clock strikes midnight and a premonition of something new descends on us in the form of salutes, cracker shots and congratulations from Santa Claus. On New Year's Eve it is difficult to meet a person who is not saturated with the atmosphere of the holiday and is not drawn into the pre-holiday fuss.
So now, this year is coming to an end. It remains to wait quite a bit before the long-awaited new year. There is less and less time to complete the unfinished... And at the same time, the pre-holiday fuss begins to intensify.
What should you know in order to meet this year correctly and attract the good luck that it carries in itself?
The coming year is the year of the white (metal) cat. Legend has it that the Cat once deceived the Tiger and laughed at his defeat. Since then, the Cat has been a symbol of strength and prosperity, so there is no need to remember the past year, seeing it off. But meet the new year with hope, awe and respect - this is the Cat's liking. Keep in mind that the Cat always strives forward, despises lies and uncertainty of life views. In any case, expect new ambitions, personal achievements and boundless love.

What to wear for the holiday?
Of course, bright clothes are preferred. It is desirable that accessories are made from natural materials, stones. Metal bracelets, rings, beads, earrings made of gold, copper, silver or platinum are also recommended. Clothes can be embellished with natural materials: cotton, fur, leather, etc.

What should be the festive table?
The table is best placed in the center of the room. Silver candles should be placed on it. The cat is a predator by nature, which means that this year you need to serve meat of any kind. Garnish is best made from carrots, beets, potatoes. The cat will be delighted if the treats are varied. This will help fill the house with abundance in the new year. Drinks that are red, yellow, or amber will do, especially tangerine and orange juice. Alcohol should be consumed in moderation.
New Year is a holiday of mass fun. Usually we meet him several times: with relatives, colleagues, friends. As a rule, the celebration takes place in the usual way for us.
To bring something new, try to meet it unusually and brightly:
- you can change your appearance radically (for example, dye your hair in an unexpected color) - this will definitely bring a lot of emotions, or at least invigorate you for the whole day, bringing a feeling of renewal;
- try to celebrate the New Year in a non-traditional way: in German, Japanese, Finnish, etc. The services of Santa Claus are now in great demand;
- do something extreme, unusual and memorable for a long time: for example, plunge into an ice hole, ride a horse, jump with a parachute, soar in a balloon or go to a karaoke bar and get drunk enough;
- make a humorous video about the life of your relatives;
- please loved ones with gifts that they have been dreaming of for a long time - buy a game console for your brother, a new household appliance for your mother, an anti-cellulite cream for your girlfriend ... The joy of receiving long-awaited gifts will bring a good mood for a long time.
The above, in fact, is not new, but it is easy to supplement any thought with its own unique zest. The embodiment of ideas depends solely on your imagination, the desire to surprise and the desire to please the people around you. All in your hands.
Happy New Year!