Lack of intimate shame is a sign of schizophrenia - psychiatrist. Lack of intimate shame is a sign of schizophrenia You are not your body, not your mind - they belong to you

Moral distortions necessarily entail mental deformations

We live in a society in which gross psychiatric symptoms - precisely those symptoms that belong to real psychiatry - are presented as standards of fashion and behavior, says Irina Medvedeva, director of the Public Institute of Demographic Security.

Medvedeva is convinced that there is an artificial mental infection of the Russian people, especially the younger generation, and even children. Sometimes this is called “sexual education”, sometimes something else is offered, while all sorts of nasty things that are poisonous to a person’s morality and to his psyche are presented in very beautiful “humanistic tricks”.

“Pay attention,” says the psychiatrist, “slovenliness is now being actively promoted - dirty, greasy hair, torn stockings, torn jeans, coat tails or shirts of different lengths or buttoned with the wrong buttons. In psychiatric hospitals they know that in the medical history there is such a column: the patient’s neatness. If the patient is not tidy, this is an indicator of a very severe psychiatric disorder. When a person constantly wears torn socks or stockings, does not wash his hair or buttons his shirt incorrectly, this is a psychiatric symptom, which today, unfortunately, exists as a sign of youth fashion.”

“Or let’s take the heroes of many action films and thrillers - these are super-strong people who solve their problems by smashing and destroying everything living and non-living in their path. This effect in psychiatry is called hypoid schizophrenia, which combines youthful pathological cruelty with pathological dullness of the heart, that is, pathological insensibility,” Medvedeva notes. Another quality of a person is excessive rationalism, which today is imposed as pragmatism. This is also a sign of schizophrenia. The average person often thinks that a schizophrenic is irrational. This is wrong.

A schizophrenic is overly rational, but at the same time insensitive. Actually, this is what the ideologists of the new fashion are calling on young people today – “less emotions, more pragmatism”, but this is a very serious symptom. What is the destruction of intimate shame from the point of view of psychiatry? According to Irina Medvedeva, “this is not just the imposition of various kinds of perversions, such as voyeurism (when they show on TV what is happening in other people’s bedrooms), but also the popularization of sexual pathological deviations.

And sexopathology is part of psychopathology.” But the most important thing in destroying intimate shame is that by telling young people about safe sex, they are pushed to satisfy sexual interest, belittling the value of family and marital relationships, which are the most important element in the construction of a normal psyche. In their absence, various disorders are inevitable, very painful for the psyche. This leads, in particular, to the mental degradation of the entire society.

A lack of understanding of the depth of the problems very often forces one to use ordinary terms to describe delusional disorders. For example, there is nothing wrong with the word “sign”. But when they talk about the signs of a person’s madness, then one can already be wary. Terms are not argued about, they are agreed upon. But the very concept of “sign” betrays some kind of overly simplified approach. Give free rein, they will declare that the absence of intimate shame is a sign of schizophrenia, and then they will remember about colorful dreams, the strange position in which they saw a person on the third day, and the like.

Lack of intimate shame may be one of the signs of schizophrenia, but it cannot be diagnosed based on it alone

Schizophrenia is identified not by signs, but by criteria. For example, one of the criteria for diagnosing paranoid schizophrenia is the presence of some kind of delusion. Suppose that the patient says something about how everyone humiliates him, offends him, people are angry, and their anger is directed primarily at him, directly personally. This speech of his has some slight signs of delirium. But so far everything ends only with speculative assessments, an expression of a view of the world. Let's say that he is closed, embittered and vindictive. Who loves these? Of course, he meets with a negative attitude. So what?.. Not even one little pink elephant arrived. No, it’s too early to talk about schizophrenia. But as soon as he says that he knows that a conspiracy has been organized against him, as soon as he declares that every night they gather in the kitchen and he knows what they are planning there - these members of his family, as he will tell that he wakes up , and Lyuska, his daughter-in-law, hung outside the door and waited for his death... This is where it gets more interesting. This smells more like psychiatry, rather than the mythical proud pose of a schizophrenic patient in itself.

The word “stuck” was deliberately added to this example. What did he mean? Is this a figurative expression or was she “hanging” there in the air, as many hallucinations are supposed to be?

The answers to such questions can be very different.

  • Did you get out of bed and see that Lyuska was there outside the door? And what did she do?
  • I didn't get up anywhere. Well, you understand that I don’t need it. Am I a fool, in your opinion, not to notice how it hangs there?

This is our delusion of relationships, enhanced by pseudo-hallucination. The patient did not see Lyuska hanging, but he treats himself as if he saw her.

So we have the criteria and they are associated with the syndrome. It is expressed by some symptoms, but those have signs. It would seem that there is no need to fence such a “vegetable garden”. The fact is that the signs themselves, in isolation from the general context, do not say anything. When a lack of shame or something similar is passed off as a sign of schizophrenia, they are too carried away by social motives. Absence may be a sign, but excessive shyness is also a sign.

It is impossible to accurately differentiate something based on a superficial description of features. A certain gentleman woke up and thought that someone was outside the door. He opened it slightly, did not find anyone, but remained confident that there was quite possibly someone behind the door, but this does not mean anything. And even if it seemed like someone was sneaking somewhere, he doesn’t speak either.

With the syndrome, he will experience acute and long-lasting conditions. The timing plays a role, his assessment of what is happening, his aspirations. Only a set of signs and the characteristic features of their expression can indicate the presence of a symptom, which will require its correlation with the syndrome, which will lead to a diagnosis and development of a treatment regimen.

Test by psychic fire

If we forget all this correctness and try to generalize the non-generalizable, then schizophrenia, personality and behavior disorders can be called in one word - “test”. It is possible that this approach will be useful for people with so-called “sluggish” schizophrenia, paranoid delusional disorder and for all those who are in remission. This should be approached literally... Of course, this does not mean that some fantastic force is testing people. The psyche itself is quite enough... And since there is a test, then there is the task of passing it.

Signs of madness may vary, but only doctors can make an accurate diagnosis.

The illusion is created that the patient feels it before the episode occurs, or that the first signs of a person’s madness can be recognized from the outside. So he was supposedly normal, and then he became paranormal. It leads to the opinion that it is supposedly possible to cut off this moment of “rolling up” of the defect wave, control it and somehow avoid it. It's the same as standing on the shore and looking at a huge wave moving from the sea. Even if a person is very well aware of how she will cover him, she will cover equally everyone who realized her approach and did not realize it.

This does not mean that the situation is fatal in the sense of turning the patient into a carrier not of reason, but of a complete defect. Nothing like this. If psychotherapy is possible here, it would be something similar to the practices of lucid dreaming. Let us immediately note that they are not “managed” in the literal sense, not even “controlled”, but conscious. It will not be possible to manage and control, but to be aware of the process and use the power of intention to “drag” consciousness into sleep is quite possible.

You are not the body, not the mind - they belong to you

Delusions and hallucinations are similar to waking dreams to a lesser extent, oneioid states to a greater extent. But this whole colorful tangle is still an analogue of a dream. This is an altered state of consciousness in which there is nothing fatal. The horror of the disease is that the patient perceives what is happening at face value, although in fact it is a game of consciousness.

First of all, you need to disidentify yourself with the body and the thinking process. If you're in remission, great, it would be harder to figure out as the episode progresses. You are not the mind. This is your mind. If there were no remission, then there would be no point in raising the question in this way. But for now it is possible... The mind is a tool, a means. Way of cognition and communication. The body is the same.

At the moment when the mind begins to broadcast a delusional idea, it is perceived as real, and this is correct, this is an aspect of reality, but only psychological. But it is also perceived as absolutely worthy of attention. But this is very, very, very wrong. Whatever grandiose idea comes to mind, is it always worth thinking it through to the end? Did you have delusions of persecution? Well, great... Now tell me, if you are in remission, if you did not pay attention to thoughts of danger and persecution, would your level of security drop or not? On the contrary, yes... You “fell in” and therefore created trouble for yourself.

It seems that there is no need to convince anyone anymore. Everyone agrees... The author of these lines is writing an article. Good or bad, but if he had been carried away by any other strong idea, or a strong idea would have carried him away, then anything could have happened. But 100% - this article would not exist. It's a matter of the will of the author. I write because I want to. I write what I think is necessary and correct. I don’t think about what thoughts are put into my head from above, and I’m just their relay. Why? Because this is exactly what I have planned to think about for one of the following articles.

A healthy person realizes the unity of body, mind and soul

So, first of all, don’t fight or try to resist or stop anything. You have a lot of time. Dedicate it to programming yourself to be able to carry your awareness anywhere. Everyone who does it succeeds. And all people in this regard are divided into those who do not do this, for a variety of reasons, or who do.

Awareness of thinking

The ability to be aware of the thinking process, the mind itself, as an instrumental means, will allow you to direct it and your actions in the right direction. Not for someone who needs it, but for you personally... The ability to understand an episode from the inside can work real miracles in psychiatry. There is no need to do anything at this time. There is no need to control, fight, manage, and even more so, try to come into contact with some internal processes. It is enough to know and understand what it is.

Of course, this approach will be regarded as amateurish. The author recommends that people do what they are unable to do by definition. Absolutely true, but with clarification - as long as they are sick. If someone can perceive glitches as glitches, then there is a big doubt that he fits all the diagnostic criteria.


The essence of the method is just not entirely clear. A lot of words, but what to do? Use the power of intention in order to be aware of the moment of manifestation of delirium as delusion (the entire flow, and not the appearance of a delusional idea), to be aware of hallucinations as hallucinations, euphoria as a manifestation of the manic stage. You can even become aware of the oneiric state. If only you learn to carry awareness into the streams of the unconscious.

Let's compare two situations.

  • A person practices some method of psychotherapy or even yoga. He intends to resolve internal contradictions and find an answer to a question that is important to him. He goes into a trance and visualizes the forest. He walks through the forest for a long time and sees a mountain. He climbs the mountain and sees a cave. There is a sage in the cave. Light pours from the head of the sage - one ray into his head, one into his heart. The rays provide insight, washing away doubts and filling with wisdom. The happy seeker flies away on wings and finds himself back in his body.
  • The patient sees himself in a dense forest. He runs away from some monsters, rushes on the edge of an abyss, sees a cave, and a sage in it. The sage tries to tell him something, but he hears nothing. And in doubt he turns over sounds in his head that do not make sense.

The difference here is not only in the plot, but in the fact that the first character was aware, although not strictly controlling, of his behavior during the visualized scenes. The second “fell” into the stream of thinking and could not do anything. There is only one way out - learn to be aware, doing it when possible. The practical side of this study is inexpressible, because there is nothing to express. It all comes down to the phrase “use the power of intention.” How exactly? The very understanding that this is the use of power allows you to use it. There is no technique for acquiring this gift, but for training you can use any suitable methods.

Sometimes what we mistake for schizophrenia may turn out to be a common nervous disorder.

There is no need to refuse standard psychotherapy

All this can be regarded as a call to replace standard psychotherapy with some dubious things. Nothing like that... If the period of remission rests on your word of honor and antipsychotics, then this is bad. But there is no choice. Let it stick to it. Stories about side effects from antipsychotics, especially the most modern ones, are largely based on people’s fear that something foreign is affecting their psyche. Not so much that it gets in the way of doing a whole bunch of things.

In addition, you need to be able to probe for the truth. Patients tend to keep things quiet. A person complains about effects that shouldn’t even exist. Drowsiness, body aches, shaking in certain areas, etc., etc.

Although the dose has already been sufficiently reduced, he has been under observation on an outpatient basis for a long time. It turns out that comrade is not averse to indulging in vodka, and he works other “miracles.” He has drowsiness... Whether it is clearly a consequence of taking an antipsychotic drug or not, he drinks coffee in heavy doses. Immediately my head starts to hurt. He takes a variety of painkillers. And in the evening, waving his hand, he drinks alcohol quite well. Then he describes the side effects. The psychiatrist asks: “What are you talking about now? You are describing to me a hangover. Have you been drinking? He admits, even proudly, that he has the right. Yes, you have, you have... But only the situation, while you are in remission, God himself ordered to understand correctly.

Lack of intimate shame may not apply to schizophrenia and mental health problems

No one even thinks about abandoning traditional psychotherapy. It's about what the mind, feelings, body are, as well as the fact that they are yours and you can use them as you wish. You can learn a new specialty, write a book, get a suitable job. People live well without cars, and among them are even psychology professors. And since you are not so severely limited, and your psyche is not so terribly oppressed by antipsychotics, then you can look for the attitude to the problem that you need. This is the way to pass the test with honor.

The European model of family destruction...

Recently my friend came from Germany; he went there with his son. The young man looked at the life of the Germans for several days and asked his dad: “Is this the norm for them to behave this way, or did we find ourselves at the wrong time and in the wrong place?”

I will not list everything that my friend told me, but the point is that being in Germany, and in Europe in general, became unpleasant and sometimes disgusting for him.

What happened? The crisis has crippled the West so much that the Russians began to feel that behind the cordon they were not “scoops” but citizens of a great country? Or has the Western consumer society, having consumed everything it can and cannot, lose its health, conscience and reason, and this has become evident to our tourists?

The old Russian proverb “with a darling there is heaven in a hut”, in most countries of the world today is interpreted as follows: “If there is a hut, there will be a darling, but we don’t need paradise.” By the way, in the English version our saying sounds vulgar: “Love in a cottage”, literally - love in a cottage. Western minds can no longer contain the word “hut”, and “paradise” for them is sex, food and drink, but in an endless form.

To feel like a citizen of a great country, you just need to love your Motherland and it is not at all necessary to compare Russia with other countries. There may be a lot to learn abroad, but before accepting washed-out Western templates as a model, it is useful to know what “civilized” Europe actually is today.


In the bishopric of Hildesheim in Lower Saxony, it was decided to “reduce the church network” by 53 “units.” Initially they wanted 80 - but still agreed to reduce the number of closed Houses of God by a third. In general, in Germany they are going to close a network of hundreds of churches, and not only Catholic, but also Lutheran. There is only one formal reason - the number of believers of these faiths is declining at an accelerated pace.

In Germany, sexual perversion has become the norm. Here they treat homosexuality almost as a normal type of sexual relationship. The former mayor of Hamburg and the mayor of Berlin are openly gay.

Most parents in Germany are worried not about their 14-15 year old children having sex, but because they have no idea about contraception and sexually transmitted diseases. Schools in Germany practice sex education for children, where homosexuality is on a par with normal sexual relations.

In the German city of Salzkotten, eight families of Russian origin refused to send their children to compulsory sex education classes in primary schools. For this they were subjected to a large fine. And after this measure did not have an effect on them, the fathers of these families were sentenced to prison.

The number of people suffering from bulimia, that is, gluttony, in Germany has reached a million people. The rise in obesity in Germany has caused safety problems at local crematoriums. Cremation of bodies that are too large leads to uncontrolled fires in these establishments and increased environmental pollution.


In 2002, the Netherlands became the first country to legalize euthanasia. Since then, more than 3 thousand people have exercised this right every year. Since the spring of 2012, special teams led by professional doctors who perform euthanasia at home on call began working in the Netherlands.

In large cities of the Netherlands, such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and others, coffee shops have been opened that have official permission to sell marijuana, hallucinogenic mushrooms and other soft drugs. The organization of licensed coffee shops was designed to protect consumers of “soft” drugs from drug addicts addicted to hard drugs. But rehabilitation center workers say that more than 90% of heroin users in treatment developed their addictions from smoking weed.

In 2011, on the Dutch television channel BNN, in a TV show called “Proefkonijnen”, hosts Denis Storm and Valerio Zeno ate each other’s meat. Before the transfer, they underwent an operation, during which a small piece of meat (muscle tissue) was cut out from them, which they then cooked and ate during the transfer.
A political party has been registered in Holland that defends the rights and freedoms of pedophiles, reports BBC News. The party, called Charity, Freedom and Diversity (NVD), intends to fight for lowering the age at which one can enter into sexual relations from 16 to 12 years old, as well as for the legalization of sex with animals (bestiality) and child pornography.


In the UK, church parishes are also closing. And where believers recently turned to God, shopping centers and even bars are opening.

The UK government has backed a ban on workers and employees of British companies openly wearing crosses, justifying dismissal for such an act. For this reason, the same government allowed child condoms invented in Switzerland to be sold. In Britain they also took care of the health of young girls. Oxfordshire students have the opportunity... to order emergency contraception using SMS messages. The pills are given to girls by school nurses. Schoolgirls over 11 years old can use this modern service. This program was developed by the local administration and the regional branch of the First Medical Aid Foundation.


In Norway, the level of morality has fallen below all possible limits. Parades of sexual deviants include children holding banners promoting homosexuality and same-sex unions. Parades of sodomites in this country have become public, citywide holidays.

Juvenile justice authorities fully control the behavior of parents and children. The main thesis of the authorities is that biological parents should no longer have priority in raising their own children. Parents can be punished, including the removal of their child, even for treating their children with candy. The amount of sweets must be strictly controlled.

In Norway, it is legally prohibited to cry; tears are a sign of emotional instability. The tears of a mother who lost her children due to juvenile justice will be evidence in court that she is unstable or crazy, and will only aggravate the “guilt.”


In the Swedish capital of Stockholm, 90% of the dead are cremated; 45% of the urns are not taken by relatives. The vast majority of funerals take place “without ceremony.” The crematorium workers do not know whose remains they specifically burn, because the urns only have an identification number. For economic reasons, the energy obtained from the burned urns is optionally included in heating one’s own home or in the city’s heating system.

In 2010, in Sodermalm, a district of Stockholm, the staff of the institution replaced the “he” and “she”, in Swedish, “han” and “hon”, in addressing children, respectively, with the genderless word “hen”, which does not exist in the classical language , but is common among homosexuals. According to the Swedish Association for Sexual Equality (RFSL), in Sweden more than 40 thousand children have homosexual parents (or one parent).

In 1998, an exhibition by photographer Elisabeth Olson, who depicted Christ and his apostles as homosexuals, became a sensation in Sweden. The exhibition was extremely popular, naturally, primarily among pederasts. One of the places where it took place was the pulpit of the Lutheran Church.

In 2003-2004, after a speech by Pastor Oke Green, who in his sermon condemned homosexual relationships, calling them sinful. For “disrespect for the sexual minority,” the pastor was sentenced by the Court of First Instance to a month in prison.

In 2009, openly lesbian Eva Brunne was elected bishop of the Stockholm diocese.

The juvenile system in Western Europe has become a punitive body that destroys families. For example, in Sweden, an average of 12 thousand children are taken away from their parents every year. The pretext may be “mistakes in upbringing,” “mental underdevelopment of parents,” and even “excessive guardianship.”

Since 1979, there has been an absolute ban on corporal punishment of children. Parents cannot slap their child on the head, pull his ear, or raise their voice at him with impunity. If punished, the child faces 10 years in prison. Even from kindergarten, children are informed in detail about their rights and the need to report such incidents to the police. And they take advantage of it. In a conflict between the interests of the child and the interests of the parent, the state takes the side of the child.

Poor Danish women are forced to have abortions under the threat of having their existing child taken away: “My social worker told me that if I want the daughter I already have to stay with me, I have to have an abortion,” the young woman told Copenhagen Post". Peter Brugge, head of social services, is convinced that his subordinate had the right to mention abortion: “... they must be aware of the possible consequences if they suddenly decide to give birth to another child.”

In Denmark, along with regular brothels where anyone can satisfy their sexual fantasies, there are animal brothels where people pay for sex with horses and other animals.

This type of service has also become widespread in countries such as Norway, Germany, Holland and Sweden. As long as no excesses occur, and as long as neither people nor animals suffer from this, the governments of these countries will not impose a ban on the provision of this type of service...

The Monk Anthony the Great said: “The time is coming when people will go mad, and if they see someone who is not mad, they will rise up against him and say: “You are going mad,” because he is not like them.”

Hell is the absence of love. Then what should we call those places, cities and countries where people heat their homes with the ashes of relatives, make brothels out of churches, legalize sexual perversions and take children away from their parents?

The spiritual degradation of Western society is the result of people’s renunciation of God and their turning to idols called “wealth”, “lust” and “prosperity”.

Today in Russia they are trying to impose on us various forms of madness, which have long been considered the norm in Western countries. But our country remains great precisely because we cannot accept obvious evil as the norm. We cannot call sin righteousness, even if sin is permitted by law. Those who do this in our country are either agents, traitors, or forgot to take off the “green glasses” bought in the 90s at a sale somewhere on the outskirts of Finland.

“Lack of intimate shame is a sign of schizophrenia”

We live in a society in which gross psychiatric symptoms - precisely those symptoms that belong to real psychiatry - are presented as standards of fashion and behavior, says Irina Medvedeva, director of the Public Institute of Demographic Security.

Psychiatric lesions lead to violations of morality, and moral distortions necessarily entail mental deformations.

Medvedeva is convinced that there is an artificial mental infection of the Russian people, especially the younger generation, and even children. Sometimes this is called “sexual education”, sometimes something else is offered, while all sorts of nasty things that are poisonous to a person’s morality and to his psyche are presented in very beautiful “humanistic tricks”.

“Pay attention,” says the psychiatrist, “slovenliness is now being actively promoted - dirty, greasy hair, torn stockings, torn jeans, coat tails or shirts of different lengths or buttoned with the wrong buttons. In psychiatric hospitals they know that in the medical history there is such a column: the patient’s neatness. If the patient is not tidy, this is an indicator of a very severe psychiatric disorder. When a person constantly wears torn socks or stockings, does not wash his hair or buttons his shirt incorrectly, this is a psychiatric symptom, which today, unfortunately, exists as a sign of youth fashion.”

“Or let’s take the heroes of many action films and thrillers - these are super-strong people who solve their problems by smashing and destroying everything living and non-living in their path. This effect in psychiatry is called hypoid schizophrenia, which combines youthful pathological cruelty with pathological dullness of the heart, that is, pathological insensibility,” Medvedeva notes.

Another quality of a person is excessive rationalism, which today is imposed as pragmatism. This is also a sign of schizophrenia. The average person often thinks that a schizophrenic is irrational. This is wrong. A schizophrenic is overly rational, but at the same time insensitive. Actually, this is what the ideologists of the new fashion are calling on young people today - “less emotions, more pragmatism,” but this is a very serious symptom.

What is the destruction of intimate shame from the point of view of psychiatry? According to Irina Medvedeva, “this is not just the imposition of various kinds of perversions, such as voyeurism (when they show on TV what is happening in other people’s bedrooms), but also the popularization of sexual pathological deviations. And sexopathology is part of psychopathology.”

But the most important thing in destroying intimate shame is that by telling young people about safe sex, they are pushed to satisfy sexual interest, belittling the value of family and marital relationships, which are the most important element in the construction of a normal psyche. In their absence, various disorders are inevitable, very painful for the psyche. This leads, in particular, to the mental degradation of the entire society."

SAPHRIS (asenapine) – treatment of schizophrenia.

When a person constantly wears torn socks or stockings and does not wash his hair, this is a psychiatric symptom.

We live in a society in which gross psychiatric symptoms - precisely those symptoms that belong to real psychiatry - are presented as standards of fashion and behavior, says Irina Medvedeva, director of the Public Institute of Demographic Security.

Psychiatric lesions lead to violations of morality, and moral distortions necessarily entail mental deformations.

Medvedeva is convinced that there is an artificial mental infection of the Russian people, especially the younger generation, and even children. Sometimes this is called “sexual education,” sometimes something else is offered, while all sorts of nasty things that are poisonous to a person’s morality and psyche are presented in very beautiful “humanistic tricks.”

“Pay attention,” says the psychiatrist, “slovenliness is now being actively promoted - dirty, greasy hair, torn stockings, torn jeans, coat tails or shirts of different lengths or buttoned with the wrong buttons.

In psychiatric hospitals they know that in the medical history there is the following column: patient's neatness. If the patient is unkempt, this is an indicator of a very severe psychiatric disorder.

When a person constantly wears torn socks or stockings, does not wash his hair or buttons his shirt incorrectly, this is a psychiatric symptom, which today, unfortunately, exists as a sign of youth fashion ».

“Or let’s take the heroes of many action films and thrillers - these are super-strong people who solve their problems by smashing and destroying everything living and non-living in their path. This effect in psychiatry is called hypoid schizophrenia, which combines youthful pathological cruelty with pathological dullness of the heart, that is, pathological insensibility,” Medvedeva notes.

Another quality of a person is excessive rationalism, which today is imposed as pragmatism. This is also a sign of schizophrenia.

The average person often thinks that a schizophrenic is irrational. This is wrong. A schizophrenic is overly rational, but at the same time insensitive. Actually to this - “less emotions, more pragmatism”- and the ideologists of the new fashion are calling on young people today, but this is a very serious symptom.

What is the destruction of intimate shame from the point of view of psychiatry? According to Irina Medvedeva, “this is not just the imposition of various kinds of perversions, such as voyeurism (when they show on TV what is happening in other people’s bedrooms), but also the popularization of sexual pathological deviations. And sexopathology is part of psychopathology.”

But the most important thing in destroying intimate shame is that by telling young people about safe sex, they are pushed to satisfy sexual interest, belittling the value of family and marital relationships, which are the most important element in the construction of a normal psyche. In their absence, various disorders are inevitable, very painful for the psyche. This leads, in particular, to the mental degradation of the entire society.