Presentation on the topic "adaptive physical culture". Presentation "adaptive physical culture" Presentation on the topic of adaptive physical culture

Yakovleva Elena

The paper presents the goals, objectives, forms and means of adaptive physical culture.



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Adaptive physical education The presentation was prepared by a student of the 11th "B" class: MAOU secondary school No. 15 Yakovleva Elena. Naberezhnye Chelny-2014.

The concept of adaptive physical culture Adaptive physical culture (abbr. AFC) is a set of measures of a sports and recreational nature aimed at rehabilitation and adaptation to a normal social environment of people with disabilities, overcoming psychological barriers that prevent a sense of a full life, as well as the awareness of the need for one’s personal contribution to the social development of society.

Purpose: The purpose of adaptive physical culture as a type of physical culture can be defined as follows: 1. The maximum possible development of the viability of a person with stable deviations in health, by ensuring the optimal mode of functioning of body-motor and spiritual characteristics released by nature and available to him. forces, their harmonization for maximum self-realization as a socially and individually significant subject.

2. The goal must be filled with internal content, in the understanding of corporality as an external form of internal content, which creates the prerequisites for the formation of the physical culture of the individual, its maximum self-disclosure and self-realization.

Tasks: a conscious attitude to one's own strengths in comparison with the strengths of an average healthy person; the ability to overcome not only physical, but also psychological barriers that impede a full life; compensatory skills, that is, it allows you to use the functions of different systems and organs instead of missing or impaired ones; the ability to overcome the physical loads necessary for the full functioning in society;

the need to be as healthy as possible and lead a healthy lifestyle; awareness of the need for one's personal contribution to the life of society; desire to improve their personal qualities; the desire to improve mental and physical performance

Means of AFC: In the modern practice of adaptive physical culture for solving both basic and special (correctional) tasks, there is a rich arsenal of means of physical exercises: 1. Movement: walking, running, jumping. 2. General developmental exercises: 3. Without subjects. 4. With objects (gymnastic sticks, hoops, voiced balls, balls of different quality, color, weight, hardness, size, sandbags, dumbbells 0.5 kg, etc.); 5. On apparatuses (gymnastic wall, bench, balance beam, rings, crossbar, ribbed board, simulators - mechanotherapy, etc.)

6. Exercises for the formation of the skill of correct posture 7. Exercises to strengthen the arches of the foot. 8 Exercises for the development of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems 9. Relaxation exercises (physical and mental), muscle relaxation (muscle relaxation), a conscious decrease in the tone of various muscle groups. 10. Special exercises for visual training: to improve the functioning of the muscles of the eye; to improve blood circulation in the tissues of the eye; on the development of the accommodative ability of the eye; on the development of skin-optical sensation;

Auxiliary means of physical education include: 1. Hygienic factors (hygienic requirements for the learning process, compliance with the daily routine, visual load, etc.); 2. Natural forces of nature. Proper use of such natural factors of nature as the sun, air and water, which have a beneficial effect on the physical development, health and hardening of schoolchildren. Hygienic factors include all activities related to the preservation of vision, the health of schoolchildren.

Methods of AFC: 1. The method of practical exercises - based on the motor activity of students. In working with these categories of children, all teaching methods are used, however, given the peculiarities of their perception of educational material, there are some differences in methods. They change depending on the physical capabilities of the child, the stock of knowledge and skills, the presence of previous visual and motor experience, the skill of spatial orientation, the ability to use residual vision.

3. Visualization method. Visualization is one of the specific features of the use of teaching methods in the process of familiarization with objects and actions. When examining objects (sports equipment), it is first proposed to examine the object in parts, the task is to determine its shape, surface, quality, color, and then an attempt is made to perceive the object or action as a whole. 2. The remote control method also refers to the word method, it involves controlling the student's actions at a distance through the following commands: "turn right", "turn left", "go forward", "three steps forward", etc.

4. Method of stimulation of physical activity. It is necessary to encourage children as often as possible, to let them feel the joy of movement, to help get rid of an inferiority complex, from a sense of fear of space, lack of confidence in their abilities. Create conditions for success wherever possible.

Functions: Functions of adaptive motor recreation Pedagogical functions Social functions Hedonistic Recreational and restorative Developing Value-oriented Creative Self-education Communicative Integrative Socializing Functional links with other social institutions

Principles of adaptive physical culture Social Specially methodical humanistic orientation of the continuity of physical education socialization of integration of the priority role of the microsocium General methodological scientific nature of consciousness and activity of visualization of the availability of systematic diagnosis of differentiation and individualization of the corrective-developing orientation of the compensatory orientation of the strength of adequacy, optimality and variability of taking into account age-related characteristics

Types of adaptive physical culture Adaptive physical culture Adaptive physical education Adaptive sports Adaptive physical rehabilitation Adaptive motor recreation

Conclusion: Thus, the content and tasks of the main types of adaptive physical culture are considered very briefly. They reveal the potential of the means and methods of adaptive physical culture, each of which, having a specific focus, contributes to one degree or another not only to the maximum possible increase in the viability of a disabled person, but also to the comprehensive development of the personality, gaining independence, social, everyday, mental activity and independence. , improvement in professional activities and, in general, achieving outstanding results in life.

Used literature: Petlenko V.P. Actual problems of valeology / Bulletin of the Baltic Academy, 1966, no. 9, p. 7-15. Collection of materials for lectures on physical culture and sports for disabled people (Ed. and compiled by V.S. Dmitriev, A.V. Sakhno). T I and II. - M.: MOGIFK, VNIIFK, 1993. T I. - 272 p. T. II. - 292 p. Shchedrina A.G. Health and mass physical culture. Methodological aspects // Theory and practice of physical culture, 1989. N 4. Physiotherapy exercises in the system of medical rehabilitation: A guide for doctors / Ed. A.F. Kaptelina, I.P. Lebedeva. - M.: Medicine, 1995. - 400 p. Brekhman I.I. Valeology - the science of health / 2nd ed., additional, revised. - M.: FiS, 1990. - 208 p. Evseev S.P., Shapkova L.V., Adaptive physical culture: Textbook. - M .: Soviet sport, 2000 Litosh N.L., Adaptive physical culture: Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children with developmental disorders: Textbook. - M .: SportAkademPress, 2002.- 140 p.

Adaptive physical culture (abbr. AFC) is a set of measures of a sports and recreational nature aimed at rehabilitation and adaptation to a normal social environment of people with disabilities, overcoming psychological barriers that prevent the feeling of a full life. rehabilitation adaptation Brovarnik Olga Vasilievna, teacher of the GBSKOU school 13 St. Petersburg

Adaptive, this name emphasizes the purpose of physical culture for people with health problems. This suggests that physical culture in all its manifestations should stimulate positive functional changes in the body, thereby forming the necessary motor coordination, physical qualities and abilities aimed at life support, development and improvement of the body. health The main direction of adaptive physical culture is the formation of physical activity. physical culture For the first time in the St. Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture. P.F. Lesgaft, the faculty of adaptive physical culture was opened, the task of which is to train highly qualified specialists for work in the field of physical culture

In a person with disabilities in physical or mental health, adaptive physical education forms: a conscious attitude to one's own strengths in comparison with the strengths of an average healthy person; the ability to overcome not only physical, but also psychological barriers that impede a full life; the ability to overcome the physical loads necessary for the full functioning in society; the need to be as healthy as possible and lead a healthy lifestyle; awareness of the need for one's personal contribution to the life of society; desire to improve their personal qualities; the desire to improve mental and physical performance. Tasks of the AFC:

It consists in promoting the formation of students' knowledge, skills and abilities in adaptive physical culture. So, in the process of training, it is necessary to inform students about the importance of the systematic performance of physical exercises in a person’s life (health and applied), what types of exercises there are, about the technique of their implementation, about the standards, about the hygienic features of performing some of them, and much more. . The main functions of the teacher of adaptive physical culture is that along with the cognitive abilities of those involved in one or another type, it is necessary to develop intellectual abilities that contribute to the speed and accuracy of orientation in the information received. It is associated with the organization of: AFC lessons; physical education minutes (physical education breaks) and seminars on their implementation with elementary school teachers and subject teachers; outdoor games on dynamic changes; sports hours in extended day groups; sports and physical culture holidays of the school; walks and hiking trips is aimed at educating the personal qualities of students. These are feelings of collectivism, diligence, courage, determination, responsibility, discipline, etc. The very content of AFC classes and the pedagogical skills of an AFC teacher contribute to their education: possession of methods of persuasion, the ability to use the educational power of personal example , as well as use the method of practical training, which ensures the development of specific behavioral skills, positive habits in communicating with others Educational Developing Organizational Educational

Basic pedagogical principles of work with children with developmental disorders Unity of diagnosis and correction. The principle of differentiation (combining children into relatively homogeneous groups) and individualization (taking into account the characteristics inherent in one person) influences (reasonably balanced value of psychophysical load) The principle of variability (an infinite variety of not only physical exercises, but also the conditions for their implementation, ways to regulate the emotional state) The principle of the priority role of the microsociety is the unity of corrective work with the child and his environment, primarily with parents

Forms of organization of adaptive physical culture with children Adaptive physical education is the most organized type of adaptive physical culture Forms of organization of physical exercises are extremely diverse, they can be systematic (physical education lessons, morning exercises), episodic (country walk, sledding), individual and mass , competitive and gaming. Some forms of classes are organized and conducted by AFC specialists, others by public organizations, and others by parents, volunteers, and students. The goal of all forms of organization is to expand the motor activity of children, to introduce them to accessible sports activities, interesting leisure activities, the development of their own activity, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports education. Adaptive physical recreation is carried out in the process of extracurricular and extracurricular activities. Recreational activities have two forms: daily and extra-curricular. In the daily routine, they are presented in the form of: morning exercises (before lessons); organized games during breaks; sports "-hour (after school). Extra-curricular activities health-improving classes at school (in groups of general physical training, groups of mobile and sports games and other forms) Adaptive sports have two directions: recreational sports and sports of higher achievements. The first is implemented at school as extra-curricular activities in sections for the chosen sport (table tennis, gymnastics, aerobics, dancing, athletics, etc.). The second direction is implemented in the system of the Paralympic Movement. Physical rehabilitation in the conditions of educational institutions is implemented in two forms: exercise therapy lessons at school; physical therapy classes in medical institutions

MEDICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL CONTROL OVER THE ORGANIZATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION LESSONS OF STUDENTS WITH HEALTH DEFECTS physical culture classes, students are divided into 4 medical groups The main medical group for physical education includes students without deviations or with minor deviations in health The preparatory medical group for physical education includes students: with minor deviations in health, often ill, after illnesses and injuries Special medical group "A" (health) and group "B" (rehabilitation) for physical education include students with severe health problems.

PEDAGOGICAL CONTROL OVER THE ORGANIZATION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION LESSONS OF STUDENTS WITH HEALTH DEFECTIVENESS Physical education classes of students of the main medical group are carried out in accordance with the curriculum of physical education in full; it is allowed to visit sports clubs, circles, participate in competitions, prepare and pass FP standards according to age, pass the practical part of the exam in the subject "Physical Education". Physical education classes for students of the preparatory medical group are carried out in accordance with the curricula of physical education, subject to a more gradual development of a set of motor skills, especially those related to the presentation of increased requirements to the body. In the absence of contraindications, with the permission of a doctor, preparation and delivery of FP standards according to age, visits to sports sections with a significant decrease in the intensity and volume of physical activity can be carried out. Physical education classes for students of the special medical group "A" are carried out in accordance with the programs of physical education for students with health problems. Physical education classes for students of the special medical group "B" are held in a medical institution (children's clinic, medical and sports dispensary, etc.).

Medical contraindications to physical exercises Before the start of physical education, the teacher should check the well-being of students. It is not allowed to allow students to participate in physical education if: there are complaints of pain of various localization, dizziness, nausea, weakness; acute period of the disease (fever, chills, catarrhal phenomena, etc.); traumatic damage to organs and tissues of the body (acute period): bruise, wound, sprain, hematoma, etc.; bleeding hazards (nosebleed on the day of class, condition after tooth extraction, menstrual period); severe violation of nasal breathing; severe tachycardia or bradycardia (taking into account age and gender standards). The above contraindications apply to students of all medical groups for physical education and are most often temporary. Contraindications and restrictions to exercise. When conducting physical education classes, the teacher should pay special attention and exercise increased caution when using physical exercises that are potentially dangerous and harmful to the health of children. In the presence of a disease, physical activity should be strictly dosed and physical exercises that are contraindicated for their implementation for health reasons should be excluded.

Physical exercises, the implementation of which has a potentially dangerous effect on the health of children Somersaults over the head forward and backward Exercise "bridge" Headstand, handstand. Exercise "birch", "plow" - from the starting position (hereinafter - ip) lying on your back raising straightened legs and lowering them behind the head High-amplitude and (or) sharp head movements: circular movements, turns to the sides, tilts, especially tilting the head back High-amplitude and (or) sharp movements of the body (circular, tilts), especially with weights (weighted ball, dumbbells) Deep bending of the body back, including from I.p. lying on the stomach: exercises "rocking chair", "boat", "bow". Hangs without support, pull-ups on the crossbar and other sports equipment. Rope climbing High-amplitude and (or) sharp swinging movements of the leg, especially back swings with a deflection of the torso from the ip. sitting with support on the shins and hands. lying on the back Repeatedly lifting the torso at a fast pace from the supine position to the sitting position, especially when fixing the straightened legs and from the i.p. sitting on a bench lowering and raising the body with a deep backbend High-amplitude and (or) sharp turns of the body (twisting) from different sp, including from sp lying on your back, lowering bent legs to the right and left until they touch the floor Exercises: - “keep the corner” - “scissors” Deep lunge with strong bending at the knee joint, sitting in a “half split” Running at a fast pace, especially for medium and long distances Jumping fast pace for a long time (especially asymmetrical, with turns); jumping onto a hard surface Jumping over sports equipment (through a horse, goat)

The medical group for physical education of each student is entered in the "Health Sheet" of the class journal. The second copy of the "Health Sheet" must be handed over to the teacher of physical education. When organizing classes for students of the special medical group "A", their age and forms of the disease should be taken into account. It is recommended to single out the following subgroups: - students with diseases of the circulatory, respiratory, nervous and endocrine systems; - diseases of the digestive system and urinary system; - diseases of the musculoskeletal system and organs of vision. It is advisable to complete medical groups according to classes (I-II, III-IV, V-VIII, IX-XI). In case of insufficient number of students, students of three or four grades (I-IV, V-VIII, IX-XI) should be united. The occupancy of the special medical group "A" can be children. With a positive dynamics of indicators, it is possible to transfer from the special medical group "A" to the preparatory one and from the preparatory medical group to the main one. Features of the methodology of physical education of students of the special medical group "A".

The main tasks of physical education of students of the special medical group "A" are: health promotion; increasing the functionality of the body; gradual adaptation of the body to physical activity; mastering sets of exercises that have a beneficial effect on the health of the student, taking into account diseases; development of physical qualities and development of vital motor skills and abilities; breath control during exercise; training in ways to control physical activity, individual indicators of physical development and PT; the formation of volitional qualities of the individual and interest in regular physical education; formation of a culture of health among students. Physical education of students of the special medical group "A" is a pedagogical process based on generally accepted principles and teaching methods. A teacher of physical culture can solve the tasks facing him only if he conducts classes with strict consideration of the structure of the defect of each student, with knowledge of all his capabilities and shortcomings. The teacher must work in contact with the school doctor, know all the data of medical examinations, as well as the state of the student at each lesson.

The content and organizational and methodological features of building a physical education lesson with students of the special medical group "A". In the physical education of students of the special medical group "A", various forms of organizing classes are used: physical education lessons, sports and recreation activities in the mode of the school day, independent physical exercises on the instructions of the teacher (performing a complex of recreational and corrective gymnastics, walking, skating and skiing, low-intensity games, visiting the pool, etc.). The main form of training is the lesson. Each lesson should have a clear target orientation, specific and clear pedagogical tasks that determine the content of the lesson, the choice of means and methods of training and education, ways of organizing students of the special medical group "A". A complex of interconnected health-improving, educational and upbringing tasks is solved at the lessons.

Physical education lessons with students of the special medical group "A" should be aimed at improving health, increasing physical performance and functional capabilities of the body, and developing physical qualities. Lesson duration is minutes (in junior classes minutes). Each lesson includes preparatory, main and final parts. In contrast to the lesson of physical culture of students of the main medical group, the duration of the preparatory and final parts is increased, and the main one is reduced. Physical exercises are selected individually in accordance with the indications and contraindications for specific diseases. The content and organizational and methodological features of building a physical education lesson with students of the special medical group "A". The greatest healing effect is observed when performing aerobic exercises of a cyclic nature, therefore, at each lesson, it is recommended to perform dosed walking, slow running in combination with walking or slow running, gradually increasing their duration from a few seconds in the first lessons to 6 minutes. At the same time, heart rate during running should be within the limits of beats / min. At each lesson of physical culture, complexes of physical exercises of health-improving and corrective gymnastics should be performed with an increase from lesson to lesson in the number of repetitions of each exercise from 4 to 12 times. Complexes of physical exercises should contain at least 20 exercises in the following ratio: general developmental exercises - 50%; exercises aimed at the prevention and correction of disorders of the musculoskeletal system - 30%; exercises aimed at the prevention and correction of visual impairment - 10%; breathing exercises - 10%. At the lessons, students should master the basic skills and abilities included in the physical education program for students of the special medical group "A", as well as learn how to use self-control data to assess their health.

Physical activity is regulated by the teacher by the appropriate selection of exercises, changing the starting positions, the number of repetitions, and the sequence. In contrast to the program of a general education school, general developmental exercises and breathing exercises are included in the sections. they contribute to the correction of respiratory disorders. Exercises to strengthen the hands - contribute to the successful mastery of writing. Posture exercises - help the child to properly hold his head, his body while sitting, standing, walking and running. Due to difficulties in the space-time situation, violations of the accuracy of movements, exercises aimed at correcting and developing these abilities (exercises with gymnastic sticks, flags, small and large hoops, balls) are included. For the development of strength and dexterity, coordination - exercises in climbing and climbing. Balance exercises contribute to the development of the vestibular apparatus, the development of coordination of movements, orientation in space, correct the shortcomings of mental activity (fear, high self-esteem, fear of heights ... ..) A special place is given to throwing the ball (skating), during which dexterity, eye, accuracy develop , correct capture.

Evaluation and final attestation of students of the special medical group "A" The main emphasis in the evaluation of educational achievements in physical culture of students with deviations in the state of health should be placed on their persistent motivation for physical exercises and the dynamics of physical capabilities. With the slightest positive changes in physical indicators, which must be noticed by the teacher and reported to the student and parents (legal representatives), a positive mark is given. A positive mark should be given to a student who has not demonstrated significant changes in the formation of skills and abilities, in the development of physical qualities, but regularly attended classes, diligently completed the teacher's tasks, mastered the skills available to him for self-studying health-improving or corrective gymnastics, the necessary knowledge in the field of physical culture . When setting the current mark, it is necessary to observe a special tact, to be as attentive as possible, not to humiliate the dignity of the student, to use the mark in such a way that it contributes to his development, stimulates him to further physical education. The final mark in physical culture for students in the special medical group "A" is set taking into account theoretical and practical knowledge (motor skills and abilities, the ability to carry out sports and recreational activities), the dynamics of the functional state and PT, as well as diligence.

Assessment of the level of physical fitness of students Speed-strength abilities: standing long jump (cm). It is carried out on a non-slip surface on which a line is drawn and a centimeter tape (roulette) is fixed perpendicular to it. The student stands up to the line without touching it with his toes, the feet are slightly apart parallel, moving his arms back, he bends his legs and, pushing off with both legs, making a sharp wave of his arms forward, jumps as far as possible. The distance is measured from the line to the touch with the feet closest to it, the best result of three attempts is counted; General endurance: slow running combined with walking for six minutes (number of meters). The student performs the exercise at a pace convenient for him, moving from running to walking and vice versa in accordance with his well-being. The exercise is performed on the treadmill of the stadium or in the gym of an educational institution. 6-8 people participate in the race at the same time. The result is the distance traveled by the student. For a more accurate calculation, it is advisable to mark the treadmill every 10 m. Coordination of movements, agility, speed: throwing and catching a tennis ball with two hands from a distance of 1 meter from the wall (number of times in 30 seconds). A line is drawn at a distance of 1 meter from the wall. The student stands up to the line (one foot in front) and within 30 seconds at the maximum pace performs throws and catches of a tennis ball. Throws are performed with one hand, catching with two hands. The number of balls caught is counted. Performing physical exercises is carried out only with the permission of a doctor. The level of PP is assessed by the level of development of physical qualities based on the analysis of the results of the following control exercises: A medical worker of an educational institution systematically, at least once a month, attends physical education classes to assess the impact of the load on the functional state of the students' body.

Evaluation and final certification of students of the special medical group "B" Students of the special medical group "B" on the basis of the certificate of the established form issued by the medical institution on the completion of the exercise therapy course are evaluated in the educational institution according to the sections: "Fundamentals of theoretical knowledge" in the form of an oral survey or writing essays, "Practical skills and abilities" in the form of a demonstration of exercise therapy complexes, mastered according to their disease in medical institutions, followed by a final certification in the subject "Physical culture". Certificates of basic general education and secondary (complete) general education must include a mark in physical culture. Certificate form on the completion of the exercise therapy course for students of the special medical group "B" CERTIFICATE _____ Issued (F.I.) _____________________________________________________________ Date of birth _____________________________________________________________ to the student of the general educational institution ______________________________ that he (a) passed (passed) _____________ courses ___________ classes of medical physical culture in _________________________________________________________________ name of the health facility Signature and personal seal of the attending physician________________________________ Signature of the head/deputy of the health facility ________________________________ date of issue of the certificate _______________________ round seal of the health facility

adaptive physical culture

By definition L.P. Matveeva (1984), "functions
physical culture is objectively inherent
its properties to influence a person and
develop specific needs of the individual and
Functions are implemented in the process of physical culture
activities, they reveal the true
reflection of its essence, functions reveal not
only the motor sphere of a person, but also all levels
anatomical and physiological,
psychological, social, ideological,

Based on the philosophical category of interconnection
structures and functions, to each structural
element has a specific function:
adaptive physical education -
wellness support,
adaptive sports - improvement,
medical rehabilitation,
motor activity - prestigious.
At the same time, being part of the universal
culture, AFC performs, first of all,
related to the satisfaction of diverse

All AFK functions are implemented through
activity: movement => motor
actions (physical exercises) =>
motor activity => motor activity
(physical) activity, based on
the abilities of those involved, received
influence of some pathology.
pedagogical, peculiar only to her
and implemented in the course of classes
social as a result of joint
activities with other social

Pedagogical functions
Corrective-compensatory function
The variety of correctional tasks made it possible to identify the following
main directions:
1) correction, prevention and development of sensory functions (visual,
auditory, kinesthetic, tactile, vestibular, etc.);
2) correction of mental disorders: attention, memory, speech,
ideas, perception, emotional-volitional sphere, behavior,
motivation, personal attitudes.
3) correction of somatic disorders: posture, flat feet and others
deformations of physique, respiration, cardiovascular system, etc.;
4) correction of coordination abilities: coordination of movements
individual links of the body, the accuracy of fine motor skills of the hands, orientation in
space, balance, relaxation, etc.;
5) correction of violations of physical fitness - purposeful
"pull up"
lagging behind
limiting motor activity;
6) correction of the technique of basic movements (spatial, temporal,
dynamic, rhythmic characteristics in walking, running, jumping, etc.).

Pedagogical functions
preventive function.
The national goal of disease prevention, requiring
coordination of information, educational work among
health improvement, diagnostics and health monitoring, etc.
It consists in the obvious expediency of all available types
motor activity, as well as hygienic and natural
hardening factors of the body and their introduction into everyday
life. Explanatory work concerns the observance of motor
regime, rest and rational nutrition, conservation and
formation of posture, elimination of bad habits, etc.
In a hospital, the preventive function of exercise therapy is aimed at
prevention of complications caused by sedentary or
limited motor mode, as well as to contain
possible secondary deviations in the body systems.
A promising but little-studied means of prevention
states of frustration, depression are extreme types
motor activity.

Pedagogical functions
educational function.
In a broad sense, the satisfaction of the need for
specific knowledge, skills, abilities and qualities in
areas of physical culture. It's an ongoing process
physical education of the individual throughout life. IN
narrow sense - the formation of knowledge and motor skills
optimal for the life of each person
level. This function permeates all types of ROS, but especially
it is clearly expressed in adaptive physical education and
adaptive sports.
For children with sensory, physical and intellectual
disorders is training in the main types of physical
exercises, mastering the "school of movements" and, first of all,
training in natural locomotion: walking and running, as they
serve as the main method of movement and an integral part
many physical exercises.

Pedagogical functions
educational function.
Difficulties in solving educational problems are due to the nature
main defect. An important aspect of educational and cognitive activity
children is the intellectualization of this process. as the most
The following theoretical information is essential: knowledge about
elementary movements, parts of the body, joints with which they are associated
(names, concepts, role in movement), about integral movements (running, throwing,
jumps, etc.), their technique and influence on the body, knowledge of the physique,
requirements for posture, breathing, nutrition, daily routine, body hygiene and
clothes, hardening, the importance of movement in human life and
independent physical exercises on the street and at home for
maintaining and improving health, entertainment and sports training.
In adaptive sports, training requires the athlete not only
strenuous physical activity, but also a huge amount of knowledge about
rational construction of individual sports equipment and
training process in general, load planning, tactics and ethics
wrestling, competition rules, dynamics of functional
condition, medical and pedagogical control, etc.

Pedagogical functions
developmental function.
Human physical development as a natural process of change
morphofunctional properties of the body occurs regardless of the will
human and is carried out according to the evolutionary laws of age
development. The pattern of development of motor skills is manifested in its steady
and positive change in childhood and adolescence and the same
steady decline in adulthood and old age (V.K. Balsevich, 1988).
The period of life up to 20 years is the most active stage of formation
vital motor functions.
In children with developmental disorders, lack of formation and lag
motor sphere, imperfection of motion control are in
close dependence on the severity of the underlying defect that violates
structure and functions of all systems and organs. Developmental function of ROS
is a targeted effect on the development of muscle strength,
speed, agility, flexibility, endurance, coordination
abilities. The developing function is realized in all types of ROS.
Adaptive physical education creates an initial base for
versatile development of physical abilities and motor
skills, forms the prerequisites for their further development.
Adaptive sport makes it possible to fully develop these abilities.

Pedagogical functions
educational function.
The purpose of education is the comprehensive harmonious development of the personality, the disclosure
its potential capabilities with narrowed sensory, motor,
intellectual functions, disharmonic development and disadaptation.
The initial position of education in relation to this category of people is to perceive them as individuals with the ability to form
themselves, be aware of their behavior, acquire knowledge and build a life in
human society. AFC specialist determines pedagogical
- fostering a conscious and active attitude to bodily health,
systematic physical exercises;
- formation of positive motivation, sustainable interest and
needs for physical activity;
- fostering a humane attitude towards oneself and others, the formation
communicative relations;
- education of responsibility, initiative, purposefulness, creativity,
perseverance in overcoming difficulties;
- education of discipline, the ability to manage their emotions, obey
general rules and norms of social behavior;
- formation of self-education skills: self-organization, self-discipline,
self-hypnosis, self-motivation, self-regulation, self-rehabilitation, etc.
Self-education of the individual in subsequent years is a prerequisite

Pedagogical functions

AFC values ​​are associated with the development, improvement,
physical and spiritual powers of man. It is in this unity
activities are realized cultural and spiritual needs,
self-determination in society. But for each separately
of the taken person matter the values ​​of the individual
existences that include self-knowledge,
attitude to physical activity and real
behavior. Attitude towards physical activity
interest in her. It can be positive and

Pedagogical functions
Value-oriented function.
Restraining factors are: general weakness
body, self-doubt, physical
depression, pain, lack of knowledge and habits
exercise, preference
other activities (craft, reading, music).
Positive factors are the internal installation
a person not to care for illness and disability, but vice versa - to
recovery, an active full life. Valuable
orientation as a reflection of internal attitudes and desires
people still do not guarantee success, although they act as
specific object of development. Physical activity
in the field of adaptive physical education, adaptive
sports, adaptive motor recreation and physical
rehabilitation aims to meet these needs and
value orientations.

Pedagogical functions
Therapeutic and restorative function.
This function is central to physical rehabilitation. Medical
pedagogical, psychological
regularities in the formation of movements and their control. Ultimate
the goal is the restoration of a person as a person, acceleration
recovery processes after injuries, diseases, etc.,
prevention or reduction of disability. Her achievement
is ensured by the implementation of the following provisions:
-use of reasonable methods of pathogenetic treatment;
- differentiation of tasks and directions of impacts by physical
- early active use of rehabilitation treatment;
- active participation of the patient in this process.
medical rehabilitation
(physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage, etc.) are carried out in case of microtrauma during
time or after training and competitive loads of high
intensity and duration mainly for the disabled
with lesions of the musculoskeletal system (athletics,
wheelchair basketball, sitting volleyball, etc.)

Pedagogical functions
Vocational training function.
The relevance of this function is due to the fact that after
educational institution (school, vocational school, technical school, university) before
disabled people
competitiveness in the labor market, satisfaction
need for activity, economic independence.
With the participation of a large number of specialists in
vocational training of disabled people, part of it is
independent section of the adaptive physical
education. Through purposeful action
improve general physical condition as much as possible, help
master the necessary forms of movement, prepare
sensory and vegetative systems to new working conditions,
develop the physical and mental qualities necessary for
specific professional activity. In conditions
hospital, these tasks are solved by means of medical
physical culture and occupational therapy.

Pedagogical functions
creative function
It consists in revealing the multifaceted abilities of people with
disabilities in different types of physical education
activities. So, physical recreation is the most massive and
democratic form of active recreation for disabled people - often
based on the principles of self-organization. This activity requires
special knowledge, inventions, initiatives, creativity in
modernization of equipment, places of employment, development of territories,
satisfying motor and emotional-aesthetic
needs of different age and nosological groups
disabled people. In adaptive sports, creativity is especially evident
bright in the development of individual sports equipment and tactics,
adapted to the defect, in the preparation of technical means,
search for the optimal values ​​of the allowable load, effective
methods of treatment and rehabilitation and preventive work and
etc. However, the creative function is most developed in
(artistic and musical)

Pedagogical functions
Recreational and health
meeting the need for active recreation, meaningful
entertainment as a means of switching to another type of activity,
restoration of physical and spiritual strength. The most typical
forms of physical recreation are classes in everyday life and
family, educational and work activities, as well as in the field of leisure and
recreation. Motor recreation satisfies the motor and
emotional "hunger" and most of all corresponds to the interests and
needs of this category of people, as it is
voluntary, accessible and natural form of realization of their
physical capabilities, where the main thing is not the result, but the process itself. IN
adaptive sports, recreational activities are conducted with the aim of
restoration of strength, unloading and switching the athlete to other
activities, interesting leisure and communication. Communication has
of particular importance for the disabled. Activities often bring children together and
adults, healthy and people with various pathological
disorders, which creates a favorable psychological climate and
conditions of equal personality, while satisfying the need for

Pedagogical functions
The hedonistic function manifests itself in those types
motor activities that bring joy,
delight, feeling of happiness. People with different
violations and restrictions in movement are more acute
experience even the slightest improvement in their motor
abilities. They sincerely express their feelings
rejoice at the opportunity to walk, play, compete,
communicate, win. The task of the AFC specialist is to
to create an atmosphere of psychological
comfort, trust, goodwill, freedom,
looseness, give the opportunity to rejoice, receive
enjoyment of exercise.

Pedagogical functions
Sports and competitive function.
An adaptive sport that is actively developing at present throughout
world, includes
three main varieties:
Paralympic, Special Olympics and Deaflympics
For this contingent, the training process and
participation in competitions is an effective way
physical, mental, social adaptation. Educational training
medical and pedagogical discipline, where in the optimal ratio
are functioning
ensuring the implementation of physical, intellectual,
emotional and mental
disabled athlete,
striving for physical perfection.
In the sport of the disabled, two areas have emerged: the sport of higher
achievements and recreational sports. In the first
direction technology of the training process
is built on the basis of regularities of urgent and long-term
adaptation of the body to physical activity, principles and

Pedagogical functions
Sports and competitive function
Within the framework of the second direction, adaptive sport performs
health-improving and recreational function, acting as a means and method
effective healthy rest - recovery and maintenance
operational performance, development of physical qualities and
abilities in a chosen sport, organization of interesting
emotional leisure. Typical features of recreational and recreational sports are systematic training (2-3 times a day).
week), specialization, as a rule, in one sport, participation in
competitions, etc. Depending on the social sphere
health-improving and recreational sports are cultivated, the specifics of occupations
modified according to the conditions, composition of groups (homogeneous
by nosology or integrated), by age, interests
engaged in (school, student, disabled sports of mature
age). The main strategic principles in recreational and recreational sports are as follows: the adequacy of the content of physical
preparation and its conditions to the individual state of a person,
harmonization and optimization of load, freedom of choice of sport in
according to personal inclinations and abilities.

Social features
humanistic function.
The idea of ​​humanism is the recognition of man as the highest value in all
his bodily and spiritual uniqueness. Humanization of sports
education is expressed in its goal: the formation of physical culture
personality as a system of values ​​implemented in a healthy lifestyle.
The humanistic function in the field of AFC implies an orientation towards
personal development:
- formation of a conscious attitude and need for any forms
motor activity as a necessary condition for life support;
- formation of knowledge, motor skills, physical qualities and
abilities to create the prerequisites for a full-fledged independent
life, educational, professional and other activities;
- development of intellectual, valeological, moral, ethical,
aesthetic values ​​of physical culture, contributing to the creation
conditions of equal personality, freedom of self-manifestation, self-realization and
True humanism in targeted useful activities and such
moral categories of people, like philanthropy, compassion,
mercy, nobility, patience, selflessness.

Social features
socializing function.
Socialization refers to the process of bringing a person into life.
society, the assimilation of the experience of social life, patterns of behavior,
social norms, roles and functions, entry into the social environment and
social groups. AFK for this category of people acts as
fundamental basis for preparing for independent living and
a necessary condition for life support, spiritual and physical
development. The process of socialization continues throughout life.
in which a person learns to be a member of a family, group, class,
production team, team, society. Active activities
AFC solve the most complex problems of social adaptation of the individual,
introducing a person to the value-normative system of society,
education of mental and moral qualities, rational
organization of leisure, outdoor activities, communication, etc.
the special role of the game in the socialization of the individual. Game as a means of AFC
synthesizes in itself the functions that accompany socialization
disabled child. Socialization is especially pronounced in
adaptive sports, where at the maximum level of physical strength
biological, adaptive, spiritual capabilities are manifested

Social features
integrative function.
Integrative function means the inclusion of different categories of persons with disabilities
into social systems, structures, societies intended for
healthy people, active participation in the main directions of life and
activities, self-realization and disclosure of personal abilities.
But a socialized person, that is, prepared for life in society,
may not be integrated, not in demand by society.
Socialization and integration are closely related. ultimate
the purpose of the rehabilitation of the disabled is their social integration.
Integration into society of children with disabilities
- the impact of society and the social environment on the personality of a child with
developmental disabilities;
- active participation in this process of the child himself (subjective and objective role);
- improvement of society itself, the system of social relations,
which, due to the rigidity of the requirements for its potential subjects
is inaccessible to children with disabilities.

Social features
integrative function.
L.S. Vygotsky pointed out the need to create such a system
education, in which it would be possible to organically link special
learning with teaching children normal development. Highlights two
types of integration: internal and external. Adaptive
physical culture and adaptive sports, in particular,
represent unique forms of integration that are not
exists in any type of activity of the disabled. Standard,
which has become a universal value for athletes from different countries,
are the ideas of Olympism, preaching the desire for
true perfection, mutual understanding and peace on earth.
Such lofty goals and life ideals, communication opportunities,
self-manifestations and recognitions give full reason to consider
sports of the highest achievements of the disabled the most powerful
a means of socialization and integration of the individual into society.

Social features
communicative function.
Communication as a social process is of particular importance for people with disabilities,
because it is part of the content of human understanding. IN
communication reflects the human need for emotional contact, in
manifestation of their feelings and reciprocal understanding, obtaining information,
feeling of involvement in any activity.
Disabled children, due to less mobility, have limited
communication opportunities, because many of them have developmental disabilities
speech. The most common are alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia, dysarthria,
stuttering, in which secondary disorders are
limited thinking, difficulty in reading and writing, speech
functions, deviations in the emotional-volitional sphere. Corrections
defects in pronunciation, speech, writing are given great importance,
carried out by speech therapists, doctors, psychologists. L.S. Vygotsky believed that
the central area of ​​correction and compensation of the defect is speech
as a means of communication. The means of communication are
speech, gestures, postures, sounds, facial expressions, pantomime. During the course
physical exercises use verbal and non-verbal
ways of communication.

Social features
Spectacular and aesthetic functions.
The spectacle is considered as a special kind of realization of the need for
emotional pleasure, empathy. For children with
impaired development, limited in communication, movement, play,
the spectacular function is of particular importance. From an early age
the child must see, understand, feel beauty, strive for
her. In AFC, this need is realized in the process of classes
physical exercise. All children want to have a beautiful figure,
confident posture, a strong body, for many this is the main
motivation for work. Sports and fitness
events are accompanied by demonstration performances, show concerts, fashion competitions, exhibitions-fairs of creativity
children. Tribunes of stadiums where competitions for the disabled are held,
always crowded. Aesthetic and emotional experiences
viewers are on a different level of perception. With your perseverance
perseverance, desire to experience the joy of struggle and victory, strength
will and spirit, disabled athletes cause shock, surprise in
consciousness of people.

In custody...
ROS, being a part of the physical and universal
pedagogical functions of spiritual and physical
development of people with disabilities and people with disabilities
functionality. All pedagogical
functions have an objective expression in activity,
whose essence lies in the diversity
motor activity of the disabled. Social
functions are organically woven into the ROS process, developing
spiritual sphere, intellectual, mental
abilities, forming an active attitude towards values
physical education, healthy lifestyle.

Principles are the integral basis of the methodology, which is the basic theoretical provisions that reflect the essence and patterns of training, education, the comprehensive development of the individual, and the attitude of society to this process.

There are three types of AFC principles: social, general methodological and social - methodological.

1. Social principles - reflect the determination of the cultural and spiritual development of the individual, including a patient with limited functionality.

2. General methodological principles - features of the implementation of didactic principles: consciousness, activity, visibility, accessibility, systematicity, strength in the formation of knowledge, motor skills, development of physical qualities and abilities in patients with mental, sensory and motor disorders.

3. Socio - methodological principles - built on the basis of the integration of the principles of related disciplines and

laws of ontological development, the dominant features are the biological, mental characteristics of the object of pedagogical influences, which are interconnected with the motor sphere and significantly affect its development.

Social principles of AFC

1. The principle of humanistic orientation - modern trends in the humanization of physical education suggest a change in state policy guidelines from "training a healthy and physically developed population" to training the individual. The humanistic attitude of society towards the personality of a disabled person is in a transitional stage.

This concerns education, employment, socialization, creation of conditions for equal personality, economic independence.

2. The principle of continuity of physical education

– maintaining the need for physical activity throughout life, which is the key to continuous physical education.

3. The principle of socialization is the process of mastering social and cultural experience, preparation for independent life in society, active participation in useful activities. Socialization begins at birth and continues throughout life.

4. The principle of integration: a) social integration - active inclusion of disabled people and persons with disabilities in the life of society;

b) pedagogical integration - teaching children and adults with disabilities in educational institutions together with healthy people.

The purpose of integrating learning is to prepare people with disabilities for this convergence, and healthy people to accept them.

5. The principle of the priority role of the microsociety - a defect in its essence is a biological phenomenon, but its result is always social, as it affects not only the fate of the person himself, but also the fate of his loved ones. Educational work, the creation of correctional and health-improving programs and methodological recommendations, training of parents, and advisory assistance to families with problem children are needed.

General methodological principles of AFC

1. The principle of scientific character implies knowledge of problems, theory, concepts, basic laws, strategic ideas and trends, AFC methodology:

a) knowledge of the biological and psychological patterns of the functioning of an organism with pathological disorders;

b) the ability to apply knowledge in practice, providing a reasonable choice of content, forms and methods, based on the laws and principles of training, education and development, achieving the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

2. The principle of consciousness and activity - persons who have acquired a disability during their lifetime have the opportunity to consciously and actively use the AFC funds.

3. The principle of visualization - the complex use of all the senses in the perception of physical exercises and the activation of preserved functions in the process of their implementation.

4. The principle of accessibility - compliance with a feasible measure of difficulty in order to avoid physical, moral, emotional overload.

Accessibility depends on the difficulties in the process of completing tasks: coordination complexity, duration and intensity of physical exercises, methods used, communication difficulties, environmental conditions, adaptability of sports facilities, inventory, equipment, equipment. Everything should be applied taking into account the motor abilities of those involved.

5. The principle of systematic and consistent

gradual and systematic formation of motivational beliefs in the need for physical exercise for health, self-confidence, self-affirmation. The requirements of systematicity and consistency are maintained at each lesson, allow you to control the pedagogical process and manage it - timely start and duration

Special-methodical principles of AFC

1. The principle of diagnosis - for any type of AFC means taking into account the main defect, the time of the lesion, medical prognosis, indications and contraindications for physical exercises, as well as taking into account concomitant diseases and secondary deviations.

2. Principle of differentiation and individualization

differentiated and individual

approach means taking into account the characteristics inherent in a person (gender, age, physique, motor experience, character traits, temperament, volitional qualities, the state of intact functions - motor, sensory, mental and intellectual).