Mobile games and competitions for the anniversary. Anniversary contests

And so, we bring to your attention our first author's script for the anniversary. And this is not just a script for a man's 60th birthday with cool and funny contests. This is an interesting scenario for a holiday with humor and touching moments. Our scenario is a series of jokes, games and contests with touching moments. Watch and choose what you like. And arrange for your hero of the day the best holiday in life.

And so, for starters, you need to meet the hero of the day in a beautiful and original way. And we will do it this way. Each guest receives a balloon. They inflate them and hold them in their hands. And at the same time, guests need to stand in the shape of a “horseshoe”, that is, in a semicircle with curved edges like a horseshoe. When everything is ready, we let in the hero of the day. As soon as the hero of the day enters, all the guests together raise the balloon up, shake it from side to side and shout: “congratulations” or “happy anniversary”! and so for twenty seconds. After that, the host asks the hero of the day:
- Tell me, what does it look like? That's right, it's like a demonstration - a demonstration of our feelings for you! Look how happy all the guests are that you have an anniversary today! Also, how are they worth? That's right - they stand in the shape of a horseshoe. A horseshoe, as you know, brings happiness. And your happiness is in your friends - always cheerful, cheerful and always ready to walk and rock with you! Therefore, let's friends part and let our hero of the day go to the table. And we ourselves will follow him after the tables!

So we met the hero of the day, and sat down at the tables.

First toast.
There are many men in the world. With some I want to go on reconnaissance. With some you can talk endlessly. Some people can live with for the rest of their lives. And our hero of the day is a man with whom you want to be for all eternity! We invite you to raise your glasses and drink for our hero of the day!

Competition 1.
And so, while the guests are sitting at the table, a small competition. For the competition, you need barrels from Kinder Surprise, where the gifts are. You need these empty barrels. You write two identical phrases: “CONGRATULATIONS ON THE ANNIVERSARY!” and cut out each letter or write in advance on a separate sheet. Then you put each letter in your barrel. And you also need two hats or two bags. You put kegs with letters in every hat or bag. Thus, you get two hats for each side. You mix the kegs in a hat. Then choose one guest from each side of the table. You give him a hat. On your command, they must run through all the guests on their side and each guest must take out one keg. As soon as the guests took out the keg, they open it. Everyone has a letter in their hands. Each side needs to make a word combination of letters. And the guest who handed out the kegs helps his side to make a word. He changes the leaves with letters from the guests to get the correct inscription: "CONGRATULATIONS ON THE ANNIVERSARY!"
As soon as one side was able to collect this proposal, the guests raise the leaves up so that all the other side and the hero of the day can read the inscription.

Second toast.
Often I had to listen to people complain about their fate. But have you ever thought about it, or maybe it was fate that was just unlucky with you? Our hero of the day never complained about his fate. Therefore, I propose to raise glasses for his life, and for all of us who are in his life!

Competition 2.

Before the competition, all guests come out and line up in height. And all guests must be divided into two teams of the same number of people. And first, we send those with blond hair to one team. Then, from those remaining in the second team, we send those who have light clothes. From the rest, we send men to the first team. And in the second women. The main thing is that the participants in the teams should be equally divided.
For the hero of the day, we put a chair in the center. Next to the hero of the day on two sides we put a chair, we put a baby cap and a pacifier on them. Each team selects one photographer. He stands up with the camera to the side. At the command of the host, the first team members run to the hero of the day, take a cap from their chair and tie it on their heads. They take the pacifier in their mouth and sit on a chair. They hug the hero of the day and their photographer should take a picture. As soon as the photo is taken, the participant removes the bonnet and takes out the pacifier and puts it all on a chair. Then the second team members do the same. As a result, which team will be the first to be able to re-photograph everyone with the hero of the day in such an outfit, that one wins.
If possible, then you can immediately show the resulting photos on a large screen, for example, on a projector or TV. All guests will laugh out loud at their photos in caps and nipples.

A small scene for the hero of the day.
In order not to take away the camera far, we will arrange a photo session for the hero of the day.
The host says:
- Our hero of the day is a real man. He is the one with whom nothing is scary. He is the one with whom it is not scary to be anywhere in any situation. Look, you are in the wild west, and our hero of the day is a real cowboy! (a cowboy hat is put on the hero of the day and photographed)
And here you are in Hollywood, on the red carpet, and our hero of the day is a real movie star! (a stylish hat is put on the hero of the day and photographed)
And now we are behind enemy lines, at the hottest point. But our hero of the day is not afraid of anything, he is a real colonel! (an officer’s hat is put on the hero of the day and, if possible, the colonel’s jacket is also photographed)
But no matter what our hero of the day is, he will never be able to do without his male friends! (all men approach the hero of the day and take pictures of them)
And without women, our hero of the day cannot imagine his life! (all women approach the hero of the day and take pictures of them)
Here he is, our today's hero of the day - a man anywhere! I propose to return to the table and drink for him!

Competition 3.
Now you can dance. And at the same time play an interesting game called “spring in our hearts!” The facilitator distributes numbers with numbers to the participants. Men their numbers, women their numbers. It is important to make sure that one man and one woman have the same numbers, so that there is a couple on the dance floor: a man and a woman.
And also hand out the details for the numbers. What are the details, you will find out further. So, let's begin.

The first numbers (the song sounds - J. Band. Unlike dreams ...)
Look how the girl rejoices in spring! She is dancing. She spins and waits for her boyfriend. And here comes our guy, a man comes out with a can of beer in his hand and with dried fish wrapped in newspaper. They dance the original dance to this song).

Second numbers (a song sounds - oh my God, what a man)
And this girl fell in love with a guy who her family doesn't like. But she loses her head at the sight of him! (a man comes out who looks like a bandit, for example, the main character of the Fizruk series. They dance their original dance)

Third numbers (the song sounds - M. Zero. I go, I smoke)
And in this pair, the opposite is true - a man goes crazy with love for a girl. And she, well, you yourself see everything (the girl comes out with a big cigar in her hands. She smokes, and they dance their original dance together)

Competition 4.
This contest is for everyone. In this competition, we will find out who really knows the hero of the day the most. All guests participate. The host asks a question, and each guest answers it. Then everyone looks at the correct answer.

Question 1.
- what is the growth of the hero of the day in chocolates "Alenka?"
When all the guests gave their answer, the presenter takes the Alenka chocolate bar and measures the growth of the hero of the day with it. Who guessed it, he gets himself this chocolate bar.
Question 2.
- the length from the elbow of the right hand to the end of the middle finger of the right hand?
When all the guests have answered, the presenter measures the distance with a tape measure. Whoever guesses correctly gets a roulette as a gift.
- the weight of the hero of the day in bananas?
When all the guests have answered, the scales are taken out. First, we find out the weight of the hero of the day, and then the weight of one banana. By not tricky mathematical operations, we will find out how many bananas will be in the weight of the hero of the day. Whoever guesses correctly gets a kilo of bananas as a gift.

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How nice to celebrate your anniversary at home in the company of friends and relatives. Quiet gatherings are sometimes better than noisy festivities. Yes, and in the morning the head does not hurt as much as usual. But it's still just so boring to sit. Therefore, we offer new competitions for the anniversary of the 60th anniversary of a woman at home, which are held at the table. These competitions will help to diversify the holiday and make it bright and cheerful. And so, let's look.

Competition - well-known programs.
The essence of the competition is not just to remember famous television programs, films or magazines, but also to say which horses are correctly called.
For example, a TV program - good night kids. Let's encrypt it like this: good morning, old people!
The host says the name of the program in reverse, and the guests name the correct answer. Whoever answers first gets one point.
So you can encrypt anything you want:
Divorce and titmouse - love and doves.
Find a song - guess the melody.
Meadow magic - a field of miracles.
An iron tape recorder is a golden gramophone.
A dog in galoshes - a cat in boots.
And so on, you just remember famous programs, films, and so on, and come up with a code for them. Whoever scores the most points at the end of the competition wins and receives a prize.

Competition - correct answers.
All guests receive signs with the inscriptions: Yes and NO. The hero of the day receives the same plates. The host asks the guests a question about the hero of the day, her life and her events in life. And the guests raise the signs with the answer. After the hero of the day, he raises the correct sign. Which of the guests answered correctly goes to the next round. The game lasts until the winner or until the questions run out.
Sample questions:
- is it true that the hero of the day was born with white (red, black) hair?
- is it true that at school in the first grade she was in love with a neighbor on her desk?
- Did the hero of the day try frog legs as a child?
- did the hero of the day weave wreaths of daisies?
- Does the hero of the day save money for a car (travel, house)?

Competition is a mind-reading hat.
This competition will seem familiar to many, but it is still held on holidays. The essence of the competition is simple:
- you prepare cuts from songs, phrases from cartoons and films in advance. And you also need a hat. Put your hat to the head of one guest and say - let's find out what this guest is thinking.
Here one of the cuts is turned on, which is the thoughts of the guest.
Cut examples:
- in the head of my sawdust is not a problem!
- I will part the clouds with my hands ...
- I'll give money for you ...
- oh my god, what a man!
- Did you order a taxi for Dubrovka?
And so on, the most famous cuts and phrases. The competition is a success and everyone loves it.

At this age, all women have already tried a lot of different baking recipes and can list many baking names. So, all the guests participate in the competition, including men, so it will be surprising if a man really wins. Each guest takes turns calling one muffin, that is, the name of a pastry, for example, a pie, donuts, buns, bagels, and so on. A knockout game, that is, whoever cannot name is out. Well, the greatest connoisseurs, they can be left with three or one, are awarded a prize, for which you can choose a delicious cake.

host substitutes

The host invites guests to remember their young years and name modern items that the housewives used to do without and, accordingly, items that served instead of them, for example, a vacuum cleaner - a broom, a blender - a whisk, a bread machine - an oven in the oven and so on. The guests call one by one in turn, and whoever cannot name is out of the game. The most omniscient is given a prize.


Women of all ages love mystery and intrigue. In this competition, it is proposed to turn on ingenuity and quickly decipher the task. The host writes any poem backwards, that is, each of his words begins at the end or writes a verse, leaving only consonants. The participants of the holiday see the task on the easel, and whoever quickly realizes what the catch is and how to decipher the task, well done. The fastest and most resourceful person is entitled to a good prize.

Down the catwalk

Each guest who wishes to participate is invited to the podium in turn and must follow the instructions of the host. For this competition, the presenter must prepare in advance several options for commenting on models. For example, a woman comes out, the presenter begins to comment: in front of you, friends, there is a gorgeous lady in a stunning dress from a famous couturier, and the woman at this time strokes the dress and demonstrates it. Short sleeves allow the skin of the hands to breathe ... and at this time a woman must show that the sleeves are short, for example, roll them up, if in fact she has them long. Further - individual tailoring perfectly emphasizes the wasp waist, gorgeous chest and wonderful legs. The guest at this time demonstrates her legs, waist and so on. Which of the guests will be better able to play their role on the podium, they get applause and a prize.

mother hen

Guests are divided into 2-3 teams. Each participant is given one egg. At a certain distance from each team there are chairs with a large bowl. Each of the participants puts an egg between their knees and goes to the goal, gets to it and delivers the egg to the bowl, then rushes back and passes the baton to the next member of their team. Whose team of mother hens will transport the eggs to the target the fastest, she won.

When you are Cinderella

Women who wish to participate sit on chairs. There are three bowls in front of them: two empty, and one with peas and beans (you can choose something else, for example, buttons and coins, and so on). The task of the participants is to cope with the task faster than the rest and sort out the peas and beans, put the peas in one bowl, and the beans in another, respectively. The fastest Cinderella is awarded a prize.

An entertainment program for the 60th anniversary will create a fun and relaxed atmosphere at the celebration of the round date. Entertaining contests and competitions will not let your birthday guests get bored. Comic quizzes, mobile and board games will amuse everyone present at the holiday. Musical competitions and a bright show program will remain in the memory of the hero of the day, his family and friends for a long time.

    Game "Lightning"

    All interested guests participate in the game. Participants are divided equally into 2 teams. Each player of the first group receives a balloon of the same color (for example, yellow). Members of the second team receive balls of a different color (for example, blue). Then the players lay them out on the floor in a random order.

    The task of the participants is to burst all the balls of opponents with their hands as quickly as possible. Destroying the balloons of rivals, players must protect their own in every possible way. A participant who bursts one of the opponent's balloons is out of the game.

    The team that destroys all the opponent's balls the fastest wins.

    All interested guests participate in the competition. They are divided into 2 teams. Each group of participants is provided with an easel with paper and a felt-tip pen.

    First, the first team players approach the easel. They are blindfolded and given a felt-tip pen in their hands. After that, the facilitator names the part of the body that needs to be drawn on the paper. Then the second players approach the easel. They are also blindfolded. The facilitator gives them the task to draw another part of the body. After all the players of both teams have passed the competition, the winner is determined.

    The right to choose the best portrait is granted to the hero of the day.

    Let's Eat Together game

    All guests participate in the game. For its implementation, it is necessary to prepare cards (based on the number of invited guests) with lines from old songs. Two different cards should contain the same song, but only with different lines.

    Each player receives one card. The task of the participants is to hum their lines and find the second part of their song. When everyone copes with the task, the guests sing the verse or chorus of each song to the hero of the day.


    • Apple and pear trees blossomed
      Mists floated over the river. (Katyusha)
    • About the one you loved
      About the one whose letters she kept. (Katyusha)
    • I could love you
      But it's just a game. (Kipelov. I am free)
    • The rain passes through me
      But there is no more pain. (Kipelov. I am free)
    • I will stop waiting for you
      And you will come quite suddenly. (A. Pugacheva. Do not renounce, loving)
    • Not renounce loving,
      After all, life does not end tomorrow. (A. Pugacheva. Do not renounce, loving)
    • The bend of the yellow guitar you hug gently,
      A string with a fragment of an echo will pierce the tight heights ... (O. Mityaev. It's great that we all gathered here today)
    • And yet, with a sore throat, we will remember those today,
      Whose names, like wounds, are baked on the heart ... (O. Mityaev. It's great that we all gathered here today)
  • All guests participate in the competition. Half an apple with toothpicks stuck in it is placed on the plate of each invitee.

    Participants take turns pulling out toothpicks and saying a wish to the birthday man. For example: "I wish to be young, healthy, vigorous, flourishing." It is important to try not to repeat congratulations so as not to make the competition boring.

    The winner is determined by the birthday boy. It becomes the author of the most unusual, sincere, unique congratulations.

    All guests participate in the competition. The facilitator needs to prepare gifts for the participants in advance and put them in a bag. Each present must begin with a certain letter in the name of the hero of the day.

Any birthday (and, especially, an anniversary) is a wonderful holiday that can only bring a smile to your face. However, the greater the age, the more terrible it becomes to celebrate it, and to a greater extent this applies to women. The 60th birthday can bring a lot of trouble to a woman, so the main goal is to organize everything so that the birthday girl feels as good and comfortable as possible on her own holiday. It is especially important that the atmosphere of love and significance of this holiday reign in the air.

Congratulations from children

Our dear mother, you are the brightest for us.
We wish you success in life!
From an early age you raised us, and did not give offense,
It is very difficult to convey to us all the love through words.
You do not grow old in our heart, there you are always young.
No wrinkles, no matter the age.
We are always ready to give you a helping hand,
You have always protected us, it's time to return the debt!
(Give a memento)

How much love, care
Give to your beloved
Through life, uniting, you go,
Forgetting insults.
So let's go dear
Let's not fall behind!
Not one line of beauty
We won't forget for sure!

(all the guests in a circle wish happiness to the birthday girl and praise her)

And now, friends, let's
Fill glasses!
For the health of the hero of the day,
You definitely need a drink!

(pause for a meal)

Competition "Knitted thread"

Are there handymen here?
I challenge you!
Grandma's contest now
I declare open!

Competition for all comers. Each participant receives a ball of thread and a pair of knitting needles. The task is to knit the maximum thread in 2 rows in 3 minutes. The one whose thread is longer wins. You can turn on moving music. The winner receives a large skein of good knitting thread.

While in the country such hard workers -
All troubles will bypass us.
For all the stress to disappear
Who will drink, dear guests, with me?

Competition "And the legs are torn to dance"

Leading: It's time to break the bones! I announce a competition for the best dancer. Everyone is welcome!

For this competition, several pairs are needed. Several melodies of different genres should be selected in advance: quadrille, lambada, hopak, waltz and others. Each couple dances to the music for several seconds, and when the break ends, you need to freeze in a beautiful pose suitable for the genre. Spectators appreciate the quality and enthusiasm of the dances and the beauty of the frozen couple. Based on the results, a couple of winners are determined. They receive the "Best Dancer" medals.

The soul shines with joy and joy,
When we are spinning in a waltz, we are slowly!
So that dancing always fills our lives,
I suggest drinking immediately!

Competition "Song-anti-song"

Leading: Do you love to sing? I'm sure you love it. Today you can showcase your talent!

All comers are divided into two teams. The first recalls a song and sings a few lines from it. The second team is trying to find a song that is opposite in meaning to the composition of the first team, and also sing a few lines. small", "male/female" and so on).
The heart dances and sings
Hearing these songs.
So that we sing all year round,
Let's drink together!

Competition "Catching fish"

Leading: Let's keep moving! I invite several couples to compete in dexterity!
Everyone is welcome. The fish, which should be cut out of paper or cardboard in advance, are tied by ropes to the partner's belt so that the fish lies on the floor. As the music starts, the couples dance around, but that's not the only challenge. The partner must step on someone else's fish and cut it off, while protecting his own fish along the way. You can cut out figures from different colors so as not to get confused. The last couple left wins. They receive a package of fish cookies and a Brave Fisherman medal.

There is no doubt
In this glorious victory.
For many such victories,
Please raise your glass!

Game "Treasure hunter"

Want to earn crisp banknotes?
Rather, all in a circle, wealth awaits you!
Trust your quick hands
They will serve you honestly!
Fun, joy and excitement,
Now they tell you to strain
Let the perky laughter sound
There is enough wealth for everyone!

Those who wish sit in a circle and receive a prize wrapped in several layers of paper. Then they pass it in a circle to the cheerful music. When the music stops, the person holding the prize unfolds one layer of paper and takes the banknote hiding underneath. Then everything repeats until the layers of paper run out. Those who have banknotes receive medals "Treasure hunter"

Many of you have become richer
Let it be like this every hour!
Not only a wallet, but also
Each soul will be rich.
For this we need to drink
And the hero of the day, and the guests!

Competition "True or not?"

Leading: And now let's see who knows our hero of the occasion better.

Applicants should be divided into 2 groups. 2 chairs are placed in front of the groups, one says "True", the other says "False". In advance, you need to prepare several proposals regarding the biography of the hero of the occasion. Half of them must be true and half must be false. Participants are divided in such a way that in each pair there is a person from the first team and a person from the second. Next, one of the prepared sentences is pronounced. The participants of each pair, relying on the prompts of their teams, try to sit on the “True” chair if the sentence is true, or on the “False” chair if not. Whoever manages to do it earlier gets one point. The team with the most points wins.
It is immediately clear that they have gathered
Close friends only!
We learned the truth with you
You can't say better!

Competition "Buryonka"

It's time for us to bring in the cake,
It is delicious and beautiful.
But from whose milk
Have we made cream?
Who gave us milk
So that the holiday goes well?
It's a very simple question
Of course, COW!

Leading: Before you try a cake, you have to earn it. Probably many of you have been to the village. So, they saw cows there and, for sure, dreamed of milking them. Today your dreams will come true! For this competition I need a man and a woman.

The condition of the competition: to milk milk from rubber gloves in a minute. Whoever has more milk at the end of the competition wins.

What technique, yes for this
Of course there is a reward!
Now you have to think with your head
Cut off a big piece!

(They bring in a birthday cake, pause for a meal)

Competition "Inconvenient treat"

How grandmothers cook
All of us know.
Here is our ... (name)
Show class!
Eat up, darlings
Today the feast is a mountain!
But we forgot the plugs
Bad luck, oh!

4 people take part, each is given a plate with an ordinary pie. As soon as the host gives the go-ahead, the participants begin to eat their pies, but this must be done without the help of hands. The winner is the first to complete the task, he gets a big donut.

Leading: So our amazing holiday, filled with ringing laughter, the clink of glasses and wonderful songs, is coming to an end. Let's finally drink to ensure that the holiday in the soul of our hero of the day never ends!