Nations and interethnic relations in modern society. Interethnic and interethnic relations

Ethnic groups are large groups of people distinguished on the basis of a common culture, language, and consciousness of the indissolubility of historical destiny.
Social communities distinguished by ethnicity are diverse. First of all, these are tribes, nationalities and nations.
Nations are the most developed ethnic formations that have arisen on the basis of a linguistic, territorial, cultural, economic, socio-psychological community. They are most characteristic of the modern world, in which there are at least two thousand different ethnic groups.
The nature of national relations is determined by two interrelated trends: towards differentiation and towards integration.
Each nation strives for self-development, for the preservation of national identity, language and culture. These aspirations are realized in the process of their differentiation, which can take the form of a struggle for national self-determination and the creation of an independent national state.
On the other hand, the self-development of nations in the conditions of the modern world is impossible without their close interaction, cooperation, exchange of cultural values, overcoming alienation, maintaining mutually beneficial contacts. The trend towards integration is intensifying due to the need to solve the global problems facing humanity, with the success of the scientific and technological revolution. It must be borne in mind that these trends are interrelated: the diversity of national cultures does not lead to their isolation, and the convergence of nations does not mean the disappearance of differences between them.
Interethnic relations are a particularly delicate matter. Violation or infringement of national interests, discrimination of individual nations give rise to extremely complex problems and conflicts.
In the modern world, including in Russia, there are interethnic conflicts caused by various reasons:
1) territorial disputes;
2) historical tensions in relations between peoples;
3) the policy of discrimination pursued by the ruling nation against small nations and peoples;
4) attempts by national political elites to use national feelings for their own popularity;
5) the desire of peoples to leave the multinational state and to create their own statehood.
It should be borne in mind that the international community, when resolving ethnic conflicts, proceeds from the priority of state integrity, the inviolability of existing borders, the inadmissibility of separatism and the violence associated with it.
When solving interethnic conflicts, it is necessary to observe the humanistic principles of policy in the field of national relations:
1) renunciation of violence and coercion;
2) search for consent based on the consensus of all participants;
3) recognition of human rights and freedoms as the most important value;
4) readiness for a peaceful settlement of disputed problems.

Over the long history of mankind, various nations have been formed, changed, mixing with others and introducing their own characteristics into them. These processes are associated with the resettlement and movement of large groups of people.


In modern society, the formation of nations has become a well-established character, although even now there is room for local changes. Nations do not exist in isolation; on the contrary, they are in constant interaction. We learn what interethnic relations are and briefly consider their varieties.

Interethnic relations are a type of social relations in which various peoples act as participants.

There are two main types of international relations:

  • within one state;
  • between nations of different countries.

The study of the problem of interethnic relations began in America. In this country, the question of the relationship between the white and black populations arose, which, due to the peculiarities of historical development, had to establish joint activities within the framework of one state.

Problems of interethnic relations

The interaction of nations does not always go peacefully, sometimes the difficulties and contradictions that arise cause aggression and even military clashes.
The reasons for this may be:

  • different levels of development and culture of peoples;
  • the desire to survive and achieve privileges, get rid of discrimination;
  • struggle for economic resources.

It is possible to give examples of countries in which the relationship of nations took place peacefully (Modern America) and non-peacefully (Conquest of neighboring peoples by the Roman Empire).

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The most acceptable way to establish ties between peoples is the formation of multinational states. They recognize the rights and freedoms of all nations, prohibit discrimination on national grounds, and allow the use of the native language in everyday life and education.

Despite the universal recognition of the right of nations to preserve their traditions, the free use of the language, conflicts between representatives of different peoples happen quite often in everyday life. They occur due to the fact that some people are not ready to put up with a foreign culture that seems strange and wrong to them. Such an attitude to the traditions of other nations and confidence in the correctness of only one's own way of life is called ethnocentrism.

Racial and national discrimination does not correspond to the principles in force in the modern world community, therefore, any forms of its manifestation cause the need for regulation and taking measures to prevent such cases.

National politics

In Russia, as in a multinational state, in conditions of constant international integration (establishing relations with other states), the issue of national policy is one of the most important.

The state seeks to prevent national strife by destroying and preventing any differences in the rights of peoples. Thus, it is allowed to use the native language, including in educational institutions, as a school subject. Trends in the development of interethnic relations in Russia are associated with the organization of a peaceful and constructive dialogue between different cultures, their mutual enrichment, mutual acceptance and respect (tolerance).

What have we learned?

Having studied the topic of class 11 of social science, we found out that interethnic relations are relations between the peoples of one or more states. The issue of nations and interethnic relations is of particular importance in modern society. It is designed to destroy any manifestations of discrimination against nations, to open free access for every person to the benefits of society.

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About 40 thousand years ago, a new biological species appeared on Earth - Homo sapiens, which for thousands of years settled over the entire surface of the earth. All the diversity of modern types of people can be explained by various natural factors that influenced people depending on their geographical location (place of settlement on Earth). Scientists involved in the study of large groups of people separately distinguish such concepts as people, nation, nationality.

Concepts: tribe, people, nation, nationality

Scientists identify different ethnic communities (ethnic groups)- historically established stable groups of people that differ from each other in biological characteristics, common territory of residence, language, religion, traditions. Ethnic communities include tribes, peoples, nations. The formation of ethnic groups took place in stages, as people settled around the planet and in the process of developing social relations between them.

In primitive society, people lived in communities - large consanguineous groups. The communities consisted of dozens of families living together to increase their chances of survival. Communities were the first types of ethnos, they were the first stable communities of people.

Each community had its own customs, people in the community remembered their ancestors and revered them. Over time, some communities were forced to unite with each other in order to protect themselves from warlike neighbors. So there were tribes - the predecessors of the ancient peoples.

Tribe- This is a relatively stable group of people living in a common territory, having its own language, traditions, and organization of power. Tribes, in turn, began to unite in tribal unions, from which ancient states subsequently formed.

With the emergence of statehood, a new stage in the development of the ethnos began, tribes were replaced by peoples. peoples- These are large historically formed groups of people with a common territory of residence, common biological and social characteristics. The biological characteristics of different peoples include:

  • Color of the skin;
  • Eye section;
  • Height;
  • Features of the structure of the body.

However, biological properties are not decisive; social characteristics are much more important, which include:

  • Traditions and customs of peoples. Eastern peoples have strong customs of hospitality, honoring elders, traditionally men are more respected in society than women. Western peoples also honor their traditions, passed down from generation to generation. However, over time, people can forget about their own traditions and adopt the traditions of another people or nation.
  • Features of life. Different peoples of the world have their own way of life, which was formed depending on the area in which people lived. For example, people who lived on the coasts of rivers and seas traditionally began to engage in fishing, their menu began to be dominated by fish dishes, and among all modes of transport, sea or river vessels were developed.
  • common language of the people. Although language is the hallmark of a people, different peoples may use the same language. For example, peoples living in Russia (Kazakhs, Tatars, Bashkirs, Bulgarians, Buryats and others) can use Russian to communicate with each other.
  • Behavior and manner of communication.
  • National identity- this is a feeling of spiritual unity of a person with his people, self-identification with him.


nation called the totality of peoples living in the territory of a particular country and being its citizens. The nation is more numerous than a single people, the main unifying force for the nation is the single political structure of the country, its economic structure.

Interethnic relations are formed between individual peoples and nations. The development of interethnic relations can take peaceful forms, or it can lead to major military conflicts.

Interethnic relations in the past and today

The histories of peoples are closely intertwined with each other, since diverse ethnic communities did not live apart, they constantly contacted each other, entered into various relationships. Between individual tribes, peoples, nations, relations developed according to two main scenarios:

  1. Along the path of integration - rapprochement, rallying, unification of individual peoples and nationalities.
  2. On the path of disintegration - disunity of peoples, conflicts between diverse tribes, ethnic groups or nations.

Among the processes of rallying representatives of different ethnic groups and national scientists distinguish:

  • Consolidation- the unification of several groups of ethnic groups related to each other into one larger people. Consolidation processes took place in the territories of the most ancient states, in most countries of the world. Tribes or peoples, close to each other in traditions, religious beliefs, language, gradually merged into one.


Example. Numerous East Slavic tribes: Tivertsy, Ulichi, Drevlyans, Volynians, Polochans, Vyatichi and others united into the Old Russian people. These tribes had a similar way of life, religious beliefs (paganism), language, traditions. The process of consolidation was accelerated by close economic ties between individual East Slavic tribes and intertribal marriages.

  • assimilation- the dissolution of one small ethnic group in another, larger people. At the same time, the small ethnic group lost its originality, completely lost its distinctive features, independence. Assimilation could take place peacefully, or it could take the form of the forcible capture of one people by another.

Example 1 The Slavs, who moved to the Greek islands in antiquity, eventually lost their national identity. They adopted the writing and culture of the Greeks, completely dissolved in another nationality - the Greek population.

Example 2 At the beginning of the 15th century, the peoples of Bulgaria and Serbia fell under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. Some of them adopted Turkish customs, language, religion. So those who adopted the Turkish culture separated from the main part of the Serbs, they formed a separate ethnic community, which they called the sanjaklia. From the Bulgarians, who assimilated with the Turks, another ethnic community appeared - the Pomaks.

  • Interethnic integration- interaction in a multinational state of the largest ethnic groups, which differ significantly from each other in culture, language, and religious beliefs. Thanks to interethnic integration, different nationalities did not merge into one people, but they had some common features in culture and life.

Example. On the territory of British India (from 1858 to 1947), the Iranian people and the Indian people lived together. These peoples did not unite with each other, did not lose their national identity, but over the years of interaction they had some common traditions and similar living conditions.

In addition to the processes of rapprochement of the nationalities of the world, history knows many examples of the disintegration of peoples. The disunity of a single people is based on the desire of a separate ethnic community to gain independence, to break economic, political and cultural ties with the main part of the nation. A striking example of the disintegration of a nation of people is the collapse of Yugoslavia. Having once become a single entity, the inhabitants of Yugoslavia in 1991 decided to separate from each other. So a large state broke up into 6 parts, which became small independent states: Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro.


Important! The processes of integration and disintegration of the peoples of the earth continue today. They occur for a long time, have a huge impact on the fate of all mankind.

Causes of interethnic conflicts

Sometimes irreconcilable contradictions arise between certain nationalities, which lead to interethnic conflicts. Interethnic contradictions can arise both within one state and between different states. Therefore, interethnic conflicts are domestic and international.

Interethnic conflict- this is a confrontation (opposition), competition, rivalry between different nations, which lead to a clash of nations with each other.

The aggravation of relations between nations is facilitated by a number of factors that often become the causes of interethnic conflicts:

  • Competition for natural resources;
  • Differences in religious views;
  • Disputes over the location of borders, territorial disputes;
  • Competition in commerce, politics, education or sports;
  • National discrimination (restriction or complete deprivation of a nation or an ethnic community of rights and freedoms).


In addition, a common cause of interethnic conflicts is a sense of national pride. national pride- this is a feeling of respect for one's own nation, awareness of one's inextricable connection with it, admiration and love for one's own people, their national traditions, customs, religion, language, history.

The problem of national pride lies in the fact that some nations consider themselves the best, do not respect the feelings of other peoples, and strive to rise above them. The most striking example, when the pride of the nation led to a world tragedy, is the Second World War. Hitler declared that the German people are the representatives of the only purebred and highest nation on Earth - the Aryans. All other nations, according to Hitler, were inferior, subject to partial destruction and enslavement. Jews and Gypsies were especially persecuted and killed by the millions.

Due to national and racial intolerance, the problem of ethnic conflicts arises again and again, as many ethnic conflicts are not resolved for tens, and sometimes hundreds of years.

Ways to overcome interethnic conflicts

Modern politicians identify three main ways to resolve ethnic conflicts:

  1. Recognition of the need to renounce violence and the willingness of different nations to compromise (mutual concessions); Realizing that violence is not an option is now very easy, one has only to think about the consequences of the use of nuclear and other modern weapons.
  2. Application of sanctions (various kinds of prohibitions from the world community to the aggressor state);
  3. Creation of international unions.

The solution of interethnic conflicts is an important task for each country, since such conflicts pose a serious danger to the well-being of individual states and often the whole world.

1. Nations and interethnic relations in the modern world.

ethnic groups- these are historically formed large groups of people with a common culture, language, consciousness of the indissolubility of historical destiny.

A nation is the historically highest form of an ethno-social community of people, characterized by the unity of territory, economic life, historical path, language and culture.

Nation- a historically established community of people with statehood. Nations are formed during the period of development of commodity-money relations. They are preceded tribe And nationality.

Nation- a historically established community of people with statehood.

The main features of the nation:

National cultural language

National culture (music, theater, cinema, etc.)

Unity of social and economic life

Traditions and customs

commonality of territory

national culture- includes all the wealth of the people, the way of its existence, adaptation to the natural-geographical and socio-historical environment in which it lives.

National culture includes:

Language, literature, music

Dress Forms

All kinds of food

The design and interior of the home


Traditions, customs

Forms of etiquette

In the modern world, no nation can live in complete isolation and necessarily enter into international relations, establishes economic, political, ideological, cultural, legal, diplomatic and other ties.

They can be stable(permanent) and unstable(periodic) based on rivalry and on cooperation, equal And unequal.

national question- this is a question of self-determination of the nation and overcoming ethnic inequality. The roots of the national The issue is the uneven socio-economic and political development of different peoples. The more developed and powerful states conquered the weak and backward, establishing a system of national oppression in the conquered countries.

Causes of interethnic conflicts:

The dissatisfaction of a nation that does not have its own statehood

Arbitrarily established national-territorial boundaries

The danger of erosion of the ethnic group as a result of the influx of a foreign-speaking population

Restrictions on the use of the national language

Infringement of rights and freedoms on a national basis

When solving interethnic conflicts, it is necessary to observe the humanistic principles of policy in the field of nat. relations:

Refusal of violence and coercion;

Seeking agreement based on the unanimity of all participants;

Recognition of human rights and freedoms as the most important value;

Willingness to peacefully resolve disputes.

2. Family. Legal basis of marriage.

The family is recognized by scientists as the main carrier of cultural patterns inherited from generation to generation, as well as a necessary condition for the socialization of the individual.

Family- a group consisting of two or more people related to each other by marriage, blood connection or adoption (adoption), leading a joint household, interacting in family roles and keeping the inherited culture, adding to it new common features developed jointly.

Family and society are small and large parts of the same system. The family regulates relations between the sexes, prevents promiscuity. Its main tasks are: the birth of children; formation and education of the younger generation; emotional discharge; physical, economic and psychological protection of family members; establishment of close economic relations.

There are two main forms of family organization - marital And related.

In a married family, the partners are the husband, wife and their children. They live separately, have their own household, and are quite independent financially. Relations with other relatives may be more or less close, but in any case there is no strong dependence on them.

In a related family organization, spouses and their children live together with other relatives and run a common household. This tradition is typical for many eastern peoples.

Marriage- this is a socially recognized union of two adults of different sexes, they become relatives. Exists "open marriage" (civil)- a form of cohabitation, the union of two people without official registration. Main forms of marriage are:

monogamy(monogamy) - at the same time a person can have one wife or one husband;

polygamy(polygamy, group marriage, polygyny or polyandry) - husband or wife
have more than one spouse.

Russian legislation on marriage and family

In Russia for marriage necessary: mutual voluntary consent of those entering into marriage, the achievement of marriageable age - from 18 years(but there may be exceptions by decision of local authorities - from the age of 16), the absence of another registered marriage, the absence of close family relations (in a straight line) between those entering into marriage, the legal capacity of those entering into marriage, conclusion in the civil registry offices (MARRIAGE REGISTRY). A marriage contract can be concluded (in writing and with notarization) on the rights and obligations of the spouses to support the family, property conditions for divorce.

With the mutual consent of the spouses and the absence of minor children, the marriage can be dissolved in the registry office. Also, this can be done at the request of only one of the spouses, if the second spouse is declared incompetent, recognized by the court as missing, convicted of a crime by a court sentence to imprisonment for more than 3 years. In the event of disputes (about children, division of property, etc.), the case is resolved in court.

A marriage is recognized as invalid in case of non-compliance with the conditions of its conclusion, fictitious marriage, the presence of HIV infection in one of the spouses, venereal diseases.

Family law governs:

Conditions for marriage

The procedure for concluding and the content of the marriage contract

Rights and obligations of parents and children

Registration procedure child

Divorce in the registry office or in court

Restriction or deprivation of parental rights

Forms and procedure for placing children left without parental care in a family

The procedure for registering a marriage

Rights and obligations of spouses

Property of spouses and property of children

Conditions for declaring a marriage invalid

The protection of family rights is carried out by the court according to the rules of civil proceedings and in some cases provided for by the Family Code, state cases. authorities, or guardianship authorities.

Rights and obligations of spouses:

Each of the spouses is free to choose occupations, professions, places of stay and residence

The surname at the time of marriage, the spouses choose at will

Issues of motherhood, fatherhood, upbringing and education of children, other issues of family life

spouses decide independently by mutual agreement

Property acquired by spouses during marriage is their joint property (income from

their labor activity, pensions, allowances, other cash payments acquired for general

income, movable and immovable things, securities, deposits, shares in capital and other property,

regardless of the name of which of them it is issued or which of them contributed funds)

Before or during the marriage, a marriage contract may be concluded between the spouses, which determines

their property rights and obligations in marriage and (or) in the event of its dissolution

Liability of spouses for harm caused to their minor children is

the common property of the spouses.

In accordance with Art. 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, motherhood and childhood, the family are under the protection of the state. As part of the proclaimed worldwide support for motherhood, childhood and the family by the state, Russia has a unified system of state benefits, compensations and benefits for citizens with children, issued in connection with their birth and upbringing, which provides state-guaranteed material support for motherhood, fatherhood and childhood. The state ensures the payment of benefits at the birth of children; provides various types of assistance and provides benefits to pregnant women, women with children, large families, families with sick children; establishes the procedure for granting maternity leave, determines the responsibility of officials in case of violation of the rights of women and children, establishes guarantees for the protection of their rights.

Scientific and educational forum of schoolchildren of the Republic of Mordovia

"Step into the Future"

Municipal educational institution

"Atemar secondary school"

Kemaikina E.A.

Ivanova A.A.

Rusyaikina O.S.

Grade 8 MOU "Atemarskaya secondary school"

Work manager:

Meshcheryakova N. P.

teacher of history and social studies, MOU "Atemarskaya secondary school"


International relations:

problems and solutions

Section: The society we live in





    Our many-sided world: the history of the formation of nations and peoples 5-8

    Trends in the development of national relations ……………………… 9

    1. The world in the light of interethnic relations…………………….......9-10

      The national question in Russia…………………………………….11-12

      Mordovia and its multinational people …………………….......13-15

2.4 Lyambirsky district - "interlacing" of nations ……………………………...16

    Dialogue of cultures as a way to resolve national conflicts..17-20

Conclusion ………………….. ………………………………………….21

List of used literature …………………………………...22



The social structure of any society is made up of historically established communities of people: tribes, nationalities, nations. Modern humanity is represented by about two thousand different peoples, and in our country there are more than a hundred of them. At the same time, there are about two hundred independent states in the world. Consequently, most peoples live in multinational states. And that means, no matter how dear to us the historical memory of our national roots, it is important for us to understand something else: we all live, and will always live together with people of different nationalities.

What made us turn to the problem of the national question? The events taking place in the modern world make us think and reflect on the ever-increasing manifestation of the psychology of the superiority of one nation over another and opposing one's nation to others. All this leads to the development of nationalism, the complication of relations between peoples and nations. And it is impossible to treat such phenomena indifferently, because they destroy our society, create intolerable conditions for life. This problem is not new, but extremelyrelevant , painful for many countries and peoples, since conflicts and wars occur on this basis.

Target work is to, using different sources of information, to identify the development of national relations in modern society. Determine what is being done in the world, Russia, Mordovia to prevent nationalist tendencies.

In investigating this issue, we needed to address the followingtasks :

    conduct a study of the history of the formation and development of nations and peoples, draw a conclusion;

    analyze the nature of national relations in the world, Russia, Mordovia;

    to analyze the statistical data of the 2010 population census;

    conduct a social survey and draw a conclusion based on the data;

    to consider possible ways of solving the problems associated with the manifestation of nationalism.

object This study is the problem of national relations both in the world and in the region, the village.

Statement and formulation of the problem: the failure of nationalist theories on the example of our republic, district, village. To prove that young people do not accept national differences as a reason for conflicts.

Elaboration of the problem under study. The problem under study is considered, studied, analyzed in many sources of information, touched upon in television programs, often being controversial.

material to study the problem are newspaper articles, essays, school curriculum material, television programs, conversations with people.

We will use the results obtained to prevent this phenomenon. This is whatpractical significance the topic we have chosen.

Research methods: theoretical (literature study), sociological survey, questioning, statistical (data processing), inductive (data generalization).

1. Our many-sided world: the history of the formation of nations and peoples

The history of peoples is a continuous ethnogenesis, that is, the process of the continuous emergence and development of ethnic communities. Modern humanity is represented by the whole variety of ethnic groups: tribes, nationalities, and nations live on Earth (which is associated with a variety of conditions for their life). It is no coincidence that scientists are ironic: it is easier to count stars than ethnic groups.

Language classification gives an idea of ​​the ethnickinship peoples and the common origins of the origin of various cultures. It is based, firstly, on the idea of ​​mutual understanding between people belonging to the same ethnic group. Secondly, it takes into account the awareness by the people themselves of their cultural and linguistic affinity with other peoples. Third,kinship between languages ​​and cultures of a more distant type, which is defined by the concept of "language family". In total, 12 language families are distinguished, and they cover 96% of the 6 thousand known languages ​​​​of the world.

Today it is considered provenkinship most language families in Europe, Africa and Asia. There is also a hypothesis that all languages ​​of the world, despite their differences, have some common features. But this is still only a hypothesis. The process of ethnogenesis and racial genesis goes on continuously. Races constantly mix with each other, as a result of which there are no “pure” races: they all show a lot of signs of mixing. Naturally, there are signs of mixing among nations.

In the second half of the 9th century, the East Slavic tribes over a large area united into a higher ethnic (folk) community compared to clans and tribes -ancient Russian people. Joint life in one state led to the gradual erasure of differences (in language, customs, etc.) between related East Slavic tribes over a large area. They communicated with each other more and more actively. And this gradually led to the formation of local dialectsold Russian language, understandable to the entire population of Rus'. This population created an original material and spiritual culture, reflecting achievements in agriculture, cattle breeding, crafts, everyday life, architecture (construction), folklore, literature, and fine arts. Old Russian culture was imbued with the idea of ​​the unity of the entire Russian land.The Old Russian nationality was based on a common economic life, territory, language and culture.

The ethnic picture of modern Russia is variegated in the racial aspect. After all, initially our state was formed as a multinational one. 10 minor races, over 130 nations, nationalities and ethnic groups live here. The largest ethnic group is Russian (about 120 million of the 143 million population of Russia), and the smallest ethnic community is the Kereks (about 100 people). The ethnic diversity of Russia is due to the fact that across the territory of our country there is a border between the areas (distribution areas) of two large races - Caucasoid and Mongoloid.

The processes of racial, interethnic mixing in Russia have a long history. A striking example of this is the Russian nobility. V. O. Klyuchevsky wrote that in the service of the Russian Tsar in the XII-X4th century passed a significant number of immigrants from the Golden Horde, who became the founders of future families of the Russian nobility. They received princely titles and land allotments, were baptized and took Russian wives for themselves. So the Apraksins, Arakcheevs, Bunins, Godunovs, Derzhavins, Karamzins, Kutuzovs, Korsakovs, Michurins, Timiryazevs, Turgenevs, Yusupovs appeared in Russia - in general, several hundred noble families with Turkic roots. Many people who at first glance represent one or another "pure" type of ethnos show signs of ancient or relatively recent mixtures. The great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin (about whom we often say: “Pushkin is our everything!”) Is a descendant of not only noble Russian families, but also “Arap of Peter the Great” - Hannibal, who became a Russian general (Araps were then called blacks ). And Hannibal's wife and Pushkin's great-grandmother was a German - Christina von Sheberh. The great Frenchman Alexandre Dumas was the grandson of a black woman. Examples can be given endlessly. It is important to grasp the truth: in today's multi-ethnic world there are no "pure" races.

At the same time, Russians have never been racists or nationalists - people who do not accept representatives of any race, ethnic group, nation. The pathological manifestations of racism and nationalism that we sometimes encounter today are the result, first of all, of the spiritual poverty of individuals, as well as the purposeful activities of unscrupulous politicians pursuing selfish goals. From history we know well what disastrous consequences the attempts to introduce racist and Nazi ideas lead to. Any racism, nationalism, anti-Semitism is a lie, and a criminal lie, because along with moral norms, constitutional human rights are violated.

The real modern world remains polyethnic - 90% of peoples live in multi-ethnic (multinational) states. The concept of "people" (ethnos) is not only has not lost its significance, but, on the contrary, has become fundamental in modern national relations. It is well known that a state remains stable as long as the inter-ethnic (international) relations of its inhabitants remain stable. peoples. And interethnic conflicts can arise in states with very different levels of civilization development (for example, in Asia and Africa, in the UK, Canada, Spain and Belgium). Danger such conflicts is huge: they are capable of splitting the most powerful states.

The concept of nationality means that a person belongs to a certain ethnic group or co-citizenship (state), depending on self-identification. When asked about nationality, a citizen of Russia will probably answer that he is Russian or Tatar, etc., that is, he will indicate ethnicity. A citizen of the United States, France will most likely answer the same question that he is an American or a Frenchman.

As for ethnic self-identification in most democratic countries, nationality is determined not by state bodies, but by the citizen himself, depending on his identification with the culture of a particular ethnic group. There are more and more people on Earth born of mixed marriages, and they have the right to choose the nationality of any of their parents. Personal choice of nationality is an inalienable right of a person, a condition of his freedom. Citizens of Russia also have this right. At the same time, one should remember the words of N.V. Gogol: "True nationality does not consist in the description of a sundress, but in the very spirit of the people."

From the foregoing, we see that there are no "pure" races, nations, peoples. Mixing has happened, is happening and will continue to happen. Doesn't this prove the untenability of nationalist ideas?

2. Trends in the development of national relations

2.1 The world in the light of interethnic relations

Spontaneous cooperation has been known to mankind for many centuries, consisting of a huge number of communities, representing in the aggregate an ethnically mixed environment, where cooperation often operates in the production of material goods, in everyday life; the creation and preservation of national cultural values ​​is combined with the knowledge of other cultures.

Unfortunately, there are conflicts between ethnic communities in the world. Ethnic conflict is often defined as any form of civil, political or armed confrontation in which the parties (or one of them) mobilize, act and suffer based on ethnic differences.

Interethnic conflicts are generated not by the existence of ethnic groups, but by the political and social conditions in which they live and develop. Often, the creation of the “image of the enemy” is also facilitated by the appeal to those pages of historical memory, where former grievances and facts (sometimes distorted) of the distant past are imprinted.

The main causes of interethnic conflicts include:

Territorial reasons - the struggle for changing borders, for joining another (“related” from a cultural and historical point of view) state, for the creation of a new independent state. These demands are in line with the political goals of movements striving for the formation of their "own" sovereign state. Demands of a separatist nature are especially dangerous, because they directly affect large masses of people and are connected with questions about the division or abolition of the state.

Economic reasons - the struggle of ethnic groups for the possession of property, material resources, among which land and subsoil are of great value, in particular.

Social causes - demands for civil equality, equality before the law, in education, in wages, equality in employment, especially for prestigious places in government.

There are hundreds of national cultures in the world, each ethnic group has its own original culture. Attempts to belittle its significance in favor of the culture of another, larger ethnic group cause protest, can cause conflict. There is another danger: sometimes an ethnos proceeds from the fact that its culture is called upon to dominate in relation to other cultures.

The source of interethnic tension is nationalism - the ideology, psychology, politics of groups of people who affirm the priority of national values ​​over all others, the supremacy of the interests of their ethnic group, opposed to the interests of other ethnic groups.

The bloody results of chauvinism will forever remain in the memory of mankind. This is the genocide of the Armenian people in 1915, when the actions of the Ottoman Empire led to the death of 1.5 million people. This is the greatest tragedy organized by the Nazis - the Holocaust (destruction through burning), which led to the death of 6 million people - more than half of the Jewish population of Europe. These are the actions of the Nazis to destroy the Slavic population of the "eastern space" and turn the rest into labor force for the "superior race".

At present, unfortunately, interethnic conflicts that arise for various reasons do not subside. The information that we receive from TV screens, from the Internet, from the lessons of world and national history, causes anxiety and fears for the future of our planet.

2.2 The national question in Russia

The Russian Federation is one of the largest multinational states in the world, where more than a hundred peoples live (see Appendix 1), each of which has unique features of material and spiritual culture.

The overwhelming majority of the peoples of the country have developed over the centuries as ethnic communities on the territory of Russia, and in this sense they are indigenous peoples who have played a historical role in the formation of Russian statehood. Thanks to the unifying role of the Russian people, unique unity and diversity, spiritual community and the union of various peoples have been preserved on the territory of Russia.

The legacy of the past has a significant influence on the development of interethnic relations. A heavy blow to all the peoples of the country, including the Russians, was inflicted by the totalitarian system, mass deportations and repressions, and the destruction of many national cultural values.

However, in the USSRa process of interethnic cooperation emerged. In all branches of the economy and culture of the USSR, multinational collectives worked fruitfully. The cohesion of peoples was clearly manifested in battles, work, everyday life during the Great Patriotic War, in the post-war revival of the country. Cooperation in the cultural sphere ensured the eradication of illiteracy, the creation of a written language for 50 ethnic groups, the flourishing of the bright, original art of small peoples. Scientists note that in the Soviet Union in the XX century. not a single minor culture has disappeared and, in fact, the entire ethnic mosaic of a huge state has been preserved, while hundreds of minor cultures have disappeared in other regions of the world.

At the same time, the mistakes and crimes of the totalitarian authorities led to grave tragedies for many people and entire nations. Centuries-old national ties were disrupted due to ill-conceived administrative-territorial division, the ecological situation in the regions inhabited by indigenous small ethnic groups worsened. The forcible resettlement of peoples, undeservedly accused of complicity with the German occupiers, inflicted great damage on the dignity of hundreds of thousands of people and had a serious impact on their destinies.During the Great Patriotic War, for various reasons, Crimean Tatars, Volga Germans, Kalmyks, and some peoples of the North Caucasus were evicted from the territories where they previously lived and resettled in remote places. The echoes of these events are still heard today. Until now, people are dying in interethnic clashes, values ​​are being destroyed. National violence always causes severe consequences. The suppression and humiliation of the nation is experienced by the Russian people, who, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, found themselves on the territory of the countries of the Near Abroad. They are infringed on their rights, in teaching their native language. They are looking for support in a nationally close environment. But their home country can't always help. The nation, as it were, withdraws into itself, isolates itself, becomes isolated. And already in Russia itself, unions and movements are appearing, the leaders of which unite people on the basis of a national idea. Since the underlying causes of the conflict often remain hidden from the mass consciousness, the main culprits most often turn out to be people of a different nationality living in this or neighboring territory.It took a long time to restore the violated rights of the peoples of our country.

Along with the achievements in the development and cooperation of peoples that were available during the Soviet period, a course was pursued towards unification, which laid the foundation for the current contradictions.

After the collapse of the USSR, a new stage began in the development of the state based on the traditions of Russian statehood, the principles of federalism and civil society.

The legacy of the past, the geopolitical and psychological consequences of the collapse of the USSR, the socio-economic and political difficulties of the transition period led to a number of crises and complex problems in the field of interethnic relations. They are most acute in areas adjacent to zones of open conflicts, places of concentration of refugees and internally displaced persons, in regions with problems of divided peoples, in territories with a difficult socio-economic, environmental and crime situation, in areas where there is a sharp shortage of life support resources.

Interethnic relations in Russia are also seriously affected by unemployment, especially in areas with surplus labor resources, the legal unsettledness of land and other relations, the presence of territorial disputes, and the manifestation of ethnocratic aspirations. Therefore, a purposeful, correct policy of our state to resolve this issue is so necessary.

2.3 Mordovia and its multinational people

The Republic of Mordovia is one of the multinational subjects of the Russian Federation. Citizens of 92 nationalities live on its territory. The population is 803.7 thousand inhabitants.

According to the results of the 2010 population census, there are 22 nationalities in the republic with a population of 100 people. and above, of which the number of seven peoples exceeds a thousand people: Russians (443.7 thousand people, or 53.2% of the total population of the republic); Mordva (333.1 thousand people, 39.9%); Tatars (43.4 thousand people, 5.2%); Ukrainians (4.8 thousand people, 0.5%); Armenians (1.3 thousand people, 0.1%); Belarusians (1.2 thousand people, 0.1%); Chuvash (1.1 thousand people, 0.1%); Azerbaijanis (672 people), etc. (see Appendix 2).

Historically, the traditional region of settlement of the Mordovian people became multi-ethnic and multi-confessional, and since the formation of the Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the process of establishing statehood began, in which representatives of all nationalities living on the territory of Mordovia participate. The basis of the emerging statehood of the Republic of Mordovia within the Russian Federation is, on the one hand, the existence of a common Motherland for all peoples participating in this process - Mordovia and Russia, on the other hand, the understanding that its dynamic development can only be ensured if the principle " unity in diversity”, which implies equality of rights of all peoples of the Republic of Mordovia, its citizens, regardless of national, confessional and racial affiliation.

The development of interethnic relations is significantly influenced by the legacy of the historical past, which contains a huge positive experience of cooperation and friendship of the peoples of Mordovia, the traditions of the original formation of the Mordovian ethnic group. It was they who ensured significant progress in national-state construction, economy, culture, science, education, achieved by Mordovia in the 20th century as part of Russia.

The state of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional relations in Mordovia in recent decades has been characterized by stability and harmony. The ethno-demographic situation and the territorial structure of the population, rich traditions of interethnic cooperation create favorable conditions for constructive interaction between society and the authorities.

One of the priorities of the state national policy in the region is the preservation of interethnic harmony, as well as support for the national culture of the Mordovian people, including that part of it that lives outside of Mordovia. At the same time, special attention is paid to the issues of harmonization of interethnic relations, taking into account the ethnic factor in the implementation of state regional policy. Historically, 2/3 of the Mordovian people live outside the republic. Therefore, Mordovia bears a special responsibility for the preservation and development of the languages ​​and culture of the entire Mordovian people.

2.4 Lyambirsky district - the interweaving of nations

Lyambirsky district is unique in its national composition. It was formed on July 20, 1933 as part of the Mordovian Autonomous Region as a national Tatar region, consisted of 11 Tatar and 4 Russian village councils. A significant part of the population were Tatars, who began to settle in these lands as early as the 13th century. The Tatar population was 73%.

At present, the population of the district is 34.3 thousand people, of which Russians - 42%, Tatars - 27%, Mordovians - 15%, other nationalities - 16% (see Appendix 3). The regional center Lyambir is an old Tatar village that still retains its national flavor. There are Russian and Mordovian villages in the area, as well as a Ukrainian village - Khutor Lopatino. It is gratifying that with such an interweaving of nations in the region there is no problem of interethnic relations. Both Muslim and Orthodox holidays are equally revered and celebrated, traditions and customs of all nations living in the region are respected. People living in the area work together, solve economic, social and cultural problems together (see Annex 4).

The village of Atemar, although considered Russian, is inhabited by Mordovians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, and Germans. In addition, there are marriages that can be called "interethnic". Children whose parents belong to different ethnic communities, to different confessions study at the school in our village. As a result of a sociological survey, it turned out that many of us have representatives of other nationalities in our “pedigree” (see Appendix 5).

A survey conducted at the school showed that the national sign for the younger generation is not important either in the choice of friends, or in the implementation of any ideas or relationships. (Appendix 6). Fortunately, most students believe that relations between representatives of different nations should be based on mutual respect.

3. Dialogue of cultures as a way to resolve national conflicts

Is it possible to exclude the emergence of conflicts on ethnic grounds? Examining various information sources, we came to the conclusion that a positive answer is not yet possible. Many ethnic groups live in pre-conflict conditions, experience significant social difficulties, feel (including in everyday life) neglect of their culture, language, traditions, and customs. All this causes mass protest moods, often leading to socially dangerous, destructive behavior (especially in the crowd). It will take a long time for most people to become capable of tolerance.In world practice, there are several important ways:

Humanistic approach - the main reference point in the implementation of the moral, political, legal regulation of interethnic relations. The main features of this approach are:

recognition and respect for the diversity of cultures, adherence to the ideas of peace, harmony, rejection of violence in relations between peoples;

the focus of state bodies, the media, education, sports, all forms of literature and art on the formation among citizens, especially young people, of a culture of interethnic communication. The need for cooperation, compromise with people, their communities of any nationality, the desire to understand and accept their cultural values, lifestyle, behavior.

Scientists identify several intersecting pathsconflict resolution. First - application of legal mechanisms, first of all, the change of legislation in multi-ethnic states, the elimination of ethnic privileges. Second way -negotiation between conflicting parties, both direct (between delegations of the parties) and through intermediaries (representatives of international organizations, public figures).

Third way - informational. It involves, first of all, the exchange of information between the parties on possible measures to overcome conflict situations.

The figure of the Orthodox clergy Alexander Men said: "Understanding, tolerance are the fruits of the highest culture ... Remaining Christians and Muslims, without offending each other, to give a hand is our way."

The psychological impact of the media (especially electronic) requires a careful approach to the ways in which information is presented. Information, even neutral, about the facts of extremism can cause a new wave of conflict. It is necessary to abandon the dramatization of events, which is sometimes characteristic of reporters, because this can gain a foothold in historical memory and, after a while, revive the spirit of the conflict. We must not allow terrorists and extremists to be glorified in order to avoid turning them into heroes and leaders. We must remember that ill-conceived words can shoot stronger than a bullet.

One of the causes of conflicts is the unsettled life of ethnic groups, manifested in poverty, unemployment, low wages and pensions, poor housing, and difficulties in obtaining an education. An indispensable condition for overcoming conflicts is the improvement of the life of a citizen, the creation and consolidation of a psychological sense of satisfaction among ethnic groups with a favorable stability of life.

At the heart of Russia's national policy is a respectful attitude towards people representingany ethnic communitysetting for cooperation and rapprochement of peoples.

The foundation of the ethnopolitics of the Russian Federation is the Constitution. In its preamble, two policy settings in the field of interethnic relations can be distinguished:

respect for the memory of the ancestors who passed on to us love for the Fatherland, permeated with patriotic feelings; concern for the preservation of the historically established state unity of peoples united by a common destiny on their land;

political and legal focus on the assertion of human rights and freedoms, civil peace and harmony, equality of peoples, on ensuring the sovereign statehood of Russia, the inviolability of its democratic foundation.

The Constitution guarantees human rights and freedoms, regardless of nationality, their equality, understanding, observance and protection (Art. 2, 19). Everyone has the right to use their native language, freely choose the language of communication, education, training, creativity (Article 26). Throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, the state language is Russian; republics have the right to establish their own state languages, used along with Russian (Article 68). Actions aimed at forcibly changing the foundations of the constitutional order and violating the integrity of the Russian Federation, propaganda of racial, national or linguistic superiority are prohibited (Articles 13, 29).

The main elements of the policy of social harmony pursued in Mordovia are the strengthening, with the active participation of public organizations, of a fruitful interethnic dialogue, the creation of favorable conditions for the equal development of the cultures of the peoples inhabiting it.

The problems requiring priority solutions at the present stage are:

improvement of the legal base of national policy, ensuring political and legal protection of citizens of the Republic of Mordovia, regardless of their nationality and confession, their equality and representation in state authorities and administration;

development of national cultures and languages ​​of the peoples of the Republic of Mordovia;

strengthening the spiritual community of the peoples of the republic and the Russian Federation;

support for the ethno-cultural traditions of the Mordovian people living outside the Republic of Mordovia, their interaction with other peoples of Russia;

preservation and development of the traditional habitat of the peoples of Mordovia, the ethno-ecological system, improvement of the socio-demographic situation;

strengthening the objective opportunities for the comprehensive development and cooperation of nationalities living in the Republic of Mordovia, the formation of a high culture of interethnic communication;

overcoming distrust in relations between nationalities, chauvinistic and nationalist sentiments.

The current state and tasks of the long-term development of the Republic of Mordovia require new approaches and, above all, the realization that the multi-ethnic society is a field for the development and creative activity of all the peoples of multinational Mordovia.

Consistent implementation of these principles meets the diversity of interests of the peoples of Russia.


We came to the conclusion that the fight against nationalism, for the equality of all people, regardless of race and nationality, provides for the creation of the broadest association of people, peoples.

One of the reasons for the rejection of representatives of another nation, in our opinion, is the poor education of a certain group of young people who do not know their history or culture. This category of young people is easily influenced by nationalist ideas without going into their essence. Another negative feature that is found in young people of our time is indifference to everything that happens in the world, in the country, in their native land.

At present, there are many problems in the world that are called global (peace and disarmament, environmental, food, and others), and they can be solved only by joint efforts. Instead of litigation on national grounds, other problems should be solved: terrorism, environmental pollution, rational use of natural resources. Therefore, our task is to prevent any manifestation of nationalism, to preserve what has been created over the centuries by all the peoples living in Russia. And remember: there are no "bad" nations, there are "bad" people.

We, the younger generation, want to live in a prudent, harmonious world that allows us to develop our spiritual and physical abilities. And this is possible only if the world is tolerant. The formation of attitudes of tolerant behavior, religious tolerance, peacefulness, counteraction and constructive prevention of various types of extremism is impossible without establishing a dialogue between different peoples, different cultures of the world and our multinational country.

List of sources used

    Constitution of the Russian Federation. - Moscow: Prospect, 2011. - articles 2, 13, 19, 26, 29, 68.

    Arutyunyan Yu. V., Drobizheva L. M., Susokolov A. A. Ethnosociology, Aspect Press, Moscow, 2010.

    History of Russia, 1945-2008: for the teacher / Filippov A.V., Utkin A.I., Alekseev S.V.). - M. - Enlightenment, 2008, p. 129-132, 309-313.


    Sociological survey results

    Question : Mixed national marriages, in your opinion, the phenomenon: a) normal; b) negative.

    IN survey: Does nationality matter when choosing a friend (girlfriend): a) yes; b) no.

    Conclusion. Adolescents pay less attention to the national factor than adults.