Library Quest. Our option

galina murzaeva
Holiday scenario - games "Through the magical labyrinth of fairy tales"

1. ved:

Guys! Today we are with you

don't just talk about loved ones fairy tales. Today we will get into magical land. And why are we going there, I'll tell you now. This story happened to me today. I come to the group, as usual, I decided to check the books on the shelves. I look, and the heroes disappeared from the books, instead of pictures there are white sheets, look (demonstration of books). I'm at a loss where the favorite characters of the books have gone, how the children will now read fairy tales? And then the postman brings me a letter. Yes, not simple, but magical, from the kingdom fairy tales. I will read it to you now (reads the text of the letter).:

Text of the letter: Dear readers, boys and girls. Trouble has befallen our kingdom! Evil, kidnapped the heroes fairy tales remake fairy tales fairy tales, free fabulous inhabitants! Ruler fairy land...

Well, let's help our fairy tale characters? And who is in fairy tales fights evil? (children answer)

That's right, so good will help us today wizard. The power of the evil sorceress is so great that he can not cope with it, he asks for our help. The evil witch imprisoned our favorite heroes in the basement of the castle, in order to free them and return them to books, you need to go through labyrinth, which contains dangerous traps and difficult tasks. Kind wizard sent us a diagram labyrinth and another wrote a clue:

(scheme posted)

But we can't just go to fairy tale we need to become fairy tale characters. Let's split into two teams: a team of gnomes and elves. We will do this by drawing lots. (drawing in progress)

Now choose a captain in the team.

Well, let's go to magical journey through the maze!


the first color on the rainbow is red, we go through the red tunnel, and here is the first task.

First competition: Guess fairy tale.

1. I'm all round clew: 9. Round brim hat

On the right - side, and on the left - side, And there is a smile,

Above - side, and below - side, And with crafty eyes

And I'm called (kolobok). Good-natured face.

2. The house is small, Try, find out,

But it's roomy. What is his name? (Dunno)

You can fit in it 10. The good doctor says

The most diverse residents. We win bronchitis

There is no lock on it. Measles, colds and sore throats,

This house (teremok). Diphtheria and scarlet fever

3. So as not to create for yourself And, of course, with Barmaley

In the life of unnecessary difficulties, We will also be able to cope.

House doors open (Aibolit)

Need to be careful.

That's what the rules tell us

Signature: (seven kids) (The wolf and the seven Young goats)

4. Buckets in the house come with water

The oven runs by itself...

What a miracle, really?

This fairy tale about(Emele) (By pike command)

5. Brother decided to drink water,

Don't recognize him now.

These horns and hooves

What did he grow for?

Brother answers me

Me-e-e! (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

6. To snatch this vegetable

Grandpa didn't have enough strength.

But they came to his aid.

Everyone he asked. (Turnip)

7. Brother and sister

great misfortune,

But they won't be denied help.

magic stove

milk river

And the apple tree is on a difficult road. (Swan geese)

8. This is known to everyone around

I am a wooden boy

I grew up with dad Carlo

And where it's interesting

Definitely, constantly

I stick my long nose! (Pinocchio)

Counting results.

Second competition: whose object is it, from what fairy tales.

1. He is a daredevil, he is well done, but he turned out to be a bad archer.

Whose bow and arrow that led into the swamp?

(Ivan Tsarevich, sc. "Princess Frog")

2. She had a small flower,

Handsome, scarlet.

(Nastya, sc. "The Scarlet Flower")

3. She has only multi-colored stones in her estate.

(Mistress of the copper mountain, sk. Bazhova)

4. A good hut stood on the edge,

The neighbor got angry and kicked out the tenant.

(Hare, sc. "Hare Hut")

5. Does he have a needle, but is there much use in it?

It is not for sewing, for a long life.

(Koschei the Deathless)

6. I am not a stove, but I am full of flames,

I see with six eyes, I hear with six ears.


7. Wears spurs on his legs, wears a braid on his shoulders.


8. A beauty walked through the forest, found a bast shoe, wanted to exchange it profitably,

yes, she lost her tail.

(Lisa Patrikeevna)

9. He has a skate, he rode to the light,

The light turned out to be a feather, such that the owner regretted it later,

Why did he pick it up and take it with you?

(Ivan the Fool, sc. "The Little Humpbacked Horse")

10. I don’t sweep my broom in the corners,

On a broomstick I fly through the sky.

(Baba Yaga)


Third competition: Fairytale riddles

name fairy tale, writer, heroine, where the main character is the girl with whom the magic story.


1) Little Red Riding Hood

2) Cinderella

3) Fairy gifts

4) Sleeping Beauty (Ch. Perrot)

5) A pot of porridge

6) Lady Blizzard

7) White and rose (Br. Grimm)

8) Thumbelina

9) Wild Swans (Eliza)

10) Mermaid

11) Snow Queen (Gerda) (Andersen)

12) Alice in Wonderland (Kerroll)

13) The Wizard of Oz(Dolly)

14) Pippi Longstocking (Lindgren)


The fourth competition is musical. Children stand in a circle and dance the dance of little ducklings.

Fifth competition: Quiz by Pushkin's fairy tales.

(scheme of the playing field)

They guess in turn, ignorance of the answer is the transition of the move.


1) Who ordered the queen to destroy the young princess in sk. Oh dead. Princess and 7 heroes? (chernavka)

2) What poisoned the young princess? (apple)

3) Insert a word: The wind walks on the sea and ... pushes. (boat)

4) The name of the king who ruled in fairy tale about the Golden Cockerel. (Dadon)

5) An angry, grumpy character from fairy tales about the fisherman and the fish. (old woman)

6) Song Artist "In the garden or in the garden". (squirrel)

7) The meeting place of the priest with Balda. (bazaar)

8) What did the old man throw into the sea? (seine)

9) What bird was the princess turned into, helping the princes Gvidon in sk. About Tsar Saltan? (swan)

10) Governor, uncle of 33 heroes. (Chernomor)

11) The profession of an old man from golden fish stories. (fisherman)

12) What was the name of A. S. Pushkin's nanny? (Arina)

13) Near which the queen sat, waiting for her king in sk. Oh dead. Princess and 7 heroes? (window)

14) What was the name of a resourceful, hardworking worker in one of fairy tales A. S. Pushkin? (Balda)

15) Dog name from sc. Oh dead. Princess and 7 heroes. (sokolko)

16) The name of the bridegroom of a young princess from sk. Oh dead. Princess and 7 heroes.


17) With whom did the queen talk about her beauty in sk. Oh dead. Princess and 7 heroes? (mirror)

18) The name of the island, past which the ships sailed to the kingdom of the glorious Saltan. (buyan).


Sixth competition: Whose portrait?

1. Tell the truth, well done.

Indeed, there was a queen.

tall, thin, white,

And took the mind and everything,

But on the other hand, she is proud, broken, (Queen, Pushn A.S.

Selfish and jealous. sk. Oh dead. Princess and 7 gods.)

2. Meanwhile, she grew, grew,

Rose and blossomed

White-faced, black-browed, (Young princess from the story of the dead. Princess

I like such a meek one. And 7 God's. Pushkin A. S.)

3. The moon shines under the scythe,

And in the forehead the star burns,

And she is majestic

Sounds like a pava

And as the speech says, (The Swan Princess, Pushkn A. S., gallop O

Like a river murmurs. Tsar Saltan and his son. Prince Gvidon)

4. “Crooked hands, nails on the hands, horse legs, camel humps in front and behind, all shaggy from top to bottom, boar tusks protrude from the mouth, a crooked nose, like a golden eagle’s, and big eyes pig. (a monster from the Scarlet Flower


5. “One of them began to grow bigger, grow, until she turned into a woman, entangled in the thinnest white tulle, woven, it seemed, from millions of snow stars. She was so lovely and tender, but made of ice, and yet alive. Her eyes shone like stars, but there was neither warmth nor peace in them.

(The Snow Queen, G. H. Andersen)

6. “Is it really him? His eyes became small, like those of a pig, his huge nose hung below his chin, and his neck seemed to be completely gone. His head went deep into his shoulders, and he almost could not turn it, and he was as small in height as he was seven years ago. (Dwarf-nose, V. Gauf)

7. “He wore a bright blue hat, yellow, canary. Trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally liked bright colors. Dressed up as such a parrot, he wandered around the city for days on end. He composed various fables and all stories(Dunno, N. Nosov.)

8. “The most beautiful was the mistress of the palace, standing on the threshold, in wide open doors. She, too, was cut out of cardboard; she was wearing a skirt of thin cambric. On the shoulders is a blue scarf. And on the chest is a shiny brooch. The beauty stood on one leg, stretching out both hands forward, and she raised the other leg so high. (Ballerina, Sk. Steadfast Tin Soldier,

G. H. Andersen)

9. “She was made to do all the dirty and hard work in home: she cleaned boilers and pans, washed stairs, cleaned rooms. In the evening after finishing work. She climbed into a corner near the fireplace and sat there on a box of ashes.

(Cinderella, Ch. Perrot.)


Seventh competition: Continue the poem. Read lines from fairy tales K. I. Chukovsky.

Annex 1

Magic Letter.

Dear readers, boys and girls!

Trouble has befallen our kingdom! Evil the sorceress deceived the magic power of all good wizards, kidnapped the heroes fairy tales locked in her castle. Wants remake fairy tales! Help please save fairy tales, free fabulous inhabitants!

Ruler fairy land...

I am kind wizard, the evil witch has deprived me of strength, help free me fairytale heroes. The path from the dungeon lies through labyrinth, full of insidious traps and difficult tasks. I am sending you the diagram.

In order not to go astray, you need to follow the rainbow.

Good luck guys!

Competition protocol.




presenter . Our meeting today is dedicated to the work of A. S. Pushkin, an outstanding Russian poet and writer, whose works have found their rightful place in the treasury of world literature. For each of us, A. S. Pushkin became dear and close in his own way, thanks to those works that we know well. Pushkin's bright genius, like the sun, illuminated a lot for his contemporaries and for us, distant descendants. Ideas about reason, light, youth, happiness are forever associated with his work...

Do we know everything about the life and work of Pushkin? Have we fully understood all the richness of his works? No - and obviously it never will. Pushkin belongs to such phenomena that are completely unknowable.

Today we will try to answer the question, to what extent do we know the work of A.S. Pushkin, and evaluate our knowledge.


presenter : School teams take part in our literary and intellectual game "Labyrinth" ... (The list is read, the guys go on stage to the music.)


Leading. Briefly recall the rules of the game.

Igame tour consists of 5 questions: two of them are devoted to the life and work of the poet, three questions are devoted to the prose works of A.S. Pushkin, united by the common name "Tales of Belkin" ("Snowstorm" and "Shot").

Teams are invited to the stage, which, according to the draw, have the first and second numbers. Then 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 9 and 10. Out of 10 teams, there will be 5 teams that won this game.

The results of the game of the 1st round are summed up.

InII tour 5 winning teams participate. Four teams play in pairs, and the fifth team plays with the team that scored the most points in the first round of the game.

At the end of the game results are summed up, prize-winning places are determined. And those players who played best of all, that is, answered a large number of questions, fall into the number of participants in the game "Favorite", the principle of which is that the player who scored the most points is invited to the stage, he determines the opponent himself and remains in the game until he can answer the question.

The player who wins this game calls the next opponent, and so the whole game goes on until one of the players who outplayed his rivals is left alone. He will be the winner of the game "Favorite".




So, they are invited to the game (teams of schools, captain, participants of the game are called). They take places at the table (5) (the rules of the game are once again commented, special attention is paid to the signal by which the team can respond).

VI. TASKS AND QUESTIONS TOIANDIITURAM (numberquestions defines teacher)

(CriticXIXV. Apollon Grigoriev)

2. Name the work of A. S. Pushkin, dedicated to his legendary ancestor.

(The story "Arap of Peter the Great")

3. How old was the main character of the story "The Shot" Silvio?

(35 years)

4. What books did Silvio read?
(Mostly military and novels)

5. Where did the hero of the story "Snowstorm" Gavrila Gavrilovich R. live?

(In the estate of Nenaradovo)

6. Name the author of the biographer A. S. Pushkin, who claimed that “as a child, Pushkin did not have a home, that is, a stable idea of ​​​​security, comfort and understanding, a place where you can escape from all troubles
and misfortune."

(Yu. I. Lotman)

7. For what purpose was the lyceum created, where A. S. Pushkin entered to study in 1811?

(To prepare youthdestined for important parts of the public service)

8. What was the only luxury of the poor house of Silvio, the hero of the story "The Shot"?

(Rich collection of pistols)

(V. A. Zhukovsky)

10. What game did the guests of Gavrila Gavrilovich R. play from the story "The Snowstorm"?

(To Boston for 5 kopecks)

11. How many years did you have to study at the Lyceum to get an education?

(6 years)

12. Name the lyceum friends of A. S. Pushkin, (at least three to count the point).

(Pushchin, Delvig, Kuchelbecker)

13. In what rank was the object of love of Marya Gavrilovna from the story "The Snowstorm"?

(Army ensign)

14. What was the name of the house where Silvio lived?


15. Where was the second epigraph to the story "The Shot" taken from?

(From the story by A. Bestuzhev-MarLynsky "Evening at the bivouac")

16. Which of the lyceum professors taught "moral sciences" (logic, etc.)?


17. What was the name of the poem by A. S. Pushkin, in which there are such lines:

Wherever fate takes us,

And happiness wherever it leads

We are all the same: our whole

foreign world;

Fatherland to us Tsarskoye Selo?

18. What did the life of an army officer consist of (according to the story "The Shot")?

(In the morning - teaching, arena, lunch at the regimental commander or in a tavern; In the evening- punch and cards)

19. Where did the lovers see Marya Gavrilovna and the army ensign?

(Every day they saw each other alonein a pine grove or near an old chapel)

20. At what time of the year did correspondence between lovers become livelier?

(in winter)

21. Under what circumstances and when did the significant meeting between A. S. Pushkin and G. R. Derzhavin take place?

(In January 1815, at the transfer exams during the transition to the nextgeneral 3-year course of study)

22. What was the name of the poem that Pushkin read at a public exam at the Lyceum in 1815

in the presence of G. R.


("Memories in Tsarskoye Selo")

23. What were the bullet holes in the walls of Silvio's house like?

(on honeycomb)

24. What game did the officers play at Silvio's house?

(Throwing to the bank)

25. What happy thought came to Vladimir that Marya Gavrilovna's romantic imagination liked so much?

(Get married secretly, hide for a while, and then throw yourself at the feet of your parents for


26. Name the place of service of A. S. Pushkin at the end of the lyceum.

(Board of Foreignersaffairs in St. Petersburg)

27. Who, after listening to the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" in the author's reading, presented him with a portrait with the inscription "To the winner - the student from the defeated teacher ... March 26, 1820"?

(V.A. Zhukovsky)

28. What habit did Silvio have in card game time?

(He used to keep perfect silence during the game, never argued and did not


29. What object did the enraged officer throw at Silvio?

(Copper shandal)

30. How many miles away was the village of Zhadrino from Nenaradovo, where they were to be secretly married

Marya Gavrilovna and Vladimir?

(5 versts)

31. Who owns the saying: "Pushkin flooded Russia with outrageous verses"?

(Alexander 1)

(In Yekaterinoslav,then to Chisinau)

33. What occupation was Silvio found on the day after his unpleasant conflict with the officer,

who was recently transferred to the regiment?

(In the yard, he "put a bullet on a bullet" in an ace glued to the gate)

34. What seal were Marya Gavrilovna's letters to her friend and her parents sealed with?

(Tula seal)

35. Continue the phrase: There was a snowstorm in the yard; the wind howled, the shutters shook and rattled; ...

(Everything seemed to her a threat andinitial omen)

36. Who did A. S. Pushkin meet on the way to southern exile?
(With the family of General N. N. Raevsky, hero of the war of 1812, with his sonViami Alexander and Nicolaeat,

with their sister A Maria)

37. What was the name of the group of people with whom A. S. Pushkin maintained close contact, was at their meetings, and had political disputes with them?

(Secret Society of Russia, Future Southern Society, ruled by Pestel)

38. Who did Vladimir take as witnesses for the wedding ceremony?

(40- summer cornet Darwin, a surveyor, and the son of a police captain, a boy of 16, notlong ago entered the lancers)

39. Who did Vladimir send to Nenaradovo with his troika and a detailed detailed order?

(Reliable Tereshka)

40. What event brought Silvio out of balance after explaining and reconciling with

officer who insulted him?

(He received a package containing letter, the content of which read with great anticipation)

41. Which of the famous Roman poets was exiled at one time to the Black Sea coast, to the mouth of the Danube

and whose fate was so similar to the fate of the exiled poet A. S. Pushkin?

(Roman poet Publius Ovid Nazones 43 BC - OK. 18 AD Was youwritten by order of the emperorAugust on the outskirts of the empire in the fortress city of Tomys, near the mouth of the Danube (modern city of Constanta). In 1795 the fortress was foundednuyu in the south of Ukraine in honor of "singertsa of love "was called Ovidiopolin(now the regional center of the Odessa region).

42. Name the southern poems of A. S. Pushkin (at least 3).

("Prisoner of the Caucasus" (1820-1821); "Robber Brothers" (1821-1822);"Bakhchisarai Fountain"(1821-1823); "Gypsies" (1824)

43. How did Silvio feel? To the officer on whose behalf the story is being told?

(He loved him, at least with him he left his sharp slander and spoke with him the simpletonbut, with extraordinary pleasure)

44. What was the name of the day during which letters, newspapers, packages were distributed in the office of the regiment?

(Post Day, Tuesday and Friday)

45. What prevented Vladimir from getting to Zhadrino in time?

(The wind rose, and she becamewhat a blizzard that he did not see anything)

46. ​​What conflict was the reason for Pushkin's new exile to Mikhailovskoye?

(Conflict with the Governor Generalcity ​​of Odessa M. S. Vorontsov)

47. Where was Mikhailovskoye, the family estate of the Hannibals - Pushkins?

(in the Pskov province)

48. When, after wandering around, did Vladimir arrive in Zhadrino?

(Pa dawn: it was alreadylight, roosters sang)

49. In what clothes are the old people, that is, the parents of Marya Gavrilovna, Gavrila Gavrilovich and Praskovya

Petrovna used to go out for breakfast?

(In a cap and flannelette kurtke and in a dressing gown on cotton wool)

50. What is the Russian measure of length, equal to 4.4 cm (it was at this distance from the forehead that the

Silvio's hat was shot).


51. What is the name of the dismissal from military service, which Silvio resorted to after a duel with the count?


52. Feelings that owned the count during the second duel?

(Confusion, timidity)

53. Name the tool with which the escort of Vladimir Nikolaevich found the way,

covered in snowdrifts?


54. Name the event, the “monument” of which, according to Silvio, was the shot through red

lace hat?


55. Who was Silvio for young officers at the age of 35?

(old man)

56. What was the name of the bank holder in the card game; this role was usually taken by Silvio?


57. Name the state in which the count's wife was after Silvio's shot.

(She was faint.)

58. Name the area for riding and equestrian exercises where they spent the morning hours

army officers.


59. What is the name of Marya Gavrilovna's beloved, with whom she never managed to get married.

(Vladimir Nikolayevich)

60. Name the insult received by Silvio at the ball.

(Slap in the face)

61. What was the name of the dressing gown worn by Praskovya Petrovna?

(Dressing gown on cotton)

62. Name the means that Marya Gavrilovna turned to in order to connect with her beloved.

(She deliberately stopped talking or remained silent)

63. Name one of the places where Marya Gavrilovna and the poor army ensign swore eternal love.

(Or a pine grove, orold chapel)

64. Name the weapon to which Silvio and the count rushed at the moment of a quarrel at the ball.


65. What did the poet do in Mikhailovsky in the evenings?

(Listened to the tales of Arina Rodionovna)

66. What was the name of the village where A.S. Pushkin to his neighbors Osipov?


67. How many years ago since the story did Silvio get slapped at the ball?

(6 years)

68. What moralizing proverbs and sayings turned out to be useful for the final

the decision of Marya Gavrilovna's parents to consent to marriage with Vladimir?

(You can’t go around the betrothed by a horse; troublesness is not a vice; live not withwealth, but with a person)

69. What illness was Marya Gavrilovna subject to after an unsuccessful wedding?

(There was a strong fever and poor patient 2 weeks was at the edge of the coffin)

70. Name the work of A. S. Pushkin, which he wrote in parallel with the novel "Captain's

("Dubrovsky", October 1832)

71. On what topic did A. S. Pushkin write a historical work?

(Peasant War Storieswe are ledEmelyan Pugacheva)

72. What was in the cap of the officer with whom Silvio shot?


73. What did the officer on whose behalf the story about Silvio was told do when he was retired?

(I talked with the headman,housework, readingI eat, listened to fairy tales, songs of women)

74. In what battle Vladimir Nikolaevich distinguished himself and was seriously wounded.

(in Borodino)


The first participant in the game calls the opponent and they are offered 2 questions each: one - on the life and work of A.S. Pushkin, the other - based on the works "Snowstorm" and "Shot".

1. What did Pushkin answer to the question of Nicholas I “What would he do if he ended up in St. Petersburg on December 14?”

(Would be in the ranks of the rebels)

2. After what sad events did Praskovya Petrovna and Marya Gavrilovna leave Nenaradovo?

(After the death of Gavrila Gavrilovich)

3. What was depicted in the drawing in which Pushkin wrote: "And I could ..."?

(Gibbet with five figures of the hanged)

4. The memory of whom was sacred to Marya Gavrilovna?

(About Vladimir, he died in Moscow on the eve of the French offensive)

5. In which work of A.S. Pushkin used Shakespeare's experience?

("Boris Godunov")

6. What items did Marya Gavrilovna keep as a reminder of Vladimir?

(Books, drawings, notes, poems)

7. Who checked the political unreliability of the poet?

(Chief of the Gendarmes Benkendorf)

8. What songs were performed in honor of the winners of the war of 1812?

(Tyrolean waltzes, aria from La Gioconda, Long live Henry IV)

9. In what work are two heroes depicted: Peter I and the poor official Eugene?

(In "The Bronze Horseman")

10. "And they threw caps into the air." This quote was used by A. S. Pushkin to show the enthusiastic attitude of women towards the winners. What work is it from?

(A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit")

11. In what year did the poet's engagement with Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova take place?

(In May 1830)

12. What feature in appearance did the hussar colonel Burmin have?

(Interesting pallor)

13. What forced the poet to stay in Boddino?

(Cholera epidemic)

14. What feeling arose between Masha and Burmin? ("Blizzard")


15. In what works of A. S. Pushkin does the motif of the corrupting power of money sound?

("The Queen of Spades", "The Miserly Knight")

16. What did Burmin see during a distant storm?


17. In which work does the famous expression sound: “genius and villainy are two incompatible things”?

("Mozart and Salieri")

18. What did Vladimir try to find as a landmark during a snow storm?


19. In what works are the most important problems of life and death revealed?

("Don Juan", "Feast in Time of Plague")

20. How many miles from Nenaradovo to Zhadrin?


21. What stories, besides "Snowstorm" and "Shot", make up a collection of stories called "Belkin's Tales"?

("Peasant Young Lady", "Station Master", "Undertaker")

22. What vehicle did Burmin use to travel?


At the end of the game, the winner is announced, the teams are invited to the stage to present gifts and certificates.


presenter . Pushkin is the best that is in each of the people, it is kindness and talent, courage and simple fidelity in friendship, love.

Thinking about Pushkin, people involuntarily compare themselves with him: what would I do?.. And what do I think about it?..

These are very useful thoughts and very important. They contribute to the awakening in our souls and minds) of the best, most highly moral thoughts and aspirations.

Thank you all for participating in the game.

Goodbye, see you next game.



1. What is the date of birth of the AU. Pushkin.

2. What was the family of Marya Gavrilovna famous for in the district (“Snowstorm”)?

(hospitality and cordiality)

3. Where was Pushkin during the days of the Decembrist uprising?

(In Mikhailovsky)

4. What was the name of A. S. Pushkin's father?

(Sergey Lvovich Pushkin)

5. How old was Marya Gavrilovna (“Snowstorm”)?

(17 years)

6. Favorite season of A. S. Pushkin?


7. What was Marya Gavrilovna (Snowstorm) brought up on?

(On French novels)

8. Who was with A. S. Pushkin in Mikhailovsky?

(Nanny Arina Rodionovna)

9. Under what pretext was Marya Gavrilovna to retire to her room on the day of her escape?

(under the pretext of a headache)

10. Name the first printed work of A. S. Pushkin.

("Ruslan and Ludmila")

11. What did Marya Gavrilovna leave in her book before her escape?


12. Which of the friends visited A. S. Pushkin in Mikhailovsky?

(I. Pushchin)

13. What was depicted on the Tula seal ("Snowstorm")?

(Two flaming hearts with an inscription)

14. Name the place of service of A. S. Pushkin under the command of General Inzov.


15. How many minutes did the groom have to spend on the road to the church in Zhadrino? ("Blizzard")

(20 minutes)

16. When did Pushkin's last duel take place?

(7 February 1837)

17. Has anyone given away Marya Gavrilovna's secret?


18. What was the name of A. S. Pushkin's mother?

(Nadezhda Osipovna)

19. What did Vladimir answer to the message about his consent to marriage with Marya Gavrilovna?

(That his feet will not be in their house)



1. General provisions

1.1. The main goal of the game is:

    creation of an additional educational environment and maximum conditions for the spiritual, moral and aesthetic development of students;

    further improvement of the system of work with gifted children;

    development of intellectual and creative potential, literary achievement of the personality of a gifted child;

    the ability to cooperate and co-create in groups, setting collective goals and ways to achieve them;

    contributing to increasing students' interest in literature and familiarizing them with universal and spiritual values;

    the formation of skills and abilities to work with texts of works of art, additional and reference literature.

2 . Organization of the game "Labyrinth"

    The organization and conduct of the game is carried out by the organizing committee, and the evaluation of the game and the determination of the winners is carried out by the jury.

    The main tasks of the organizing committee are:

    solving technical problems of the game, organizing all stages of the game;

    consultations of game participants;

    task preparation.

2.3. The main tasks of the jury are:

    summing up the results of all stages of the game;

    evaluation of the game of its participants;

    determination of the winners of the game.

3. Game participants.

3.2. Everyone from the 9th and 10th grades of secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums takes part in the game.

3.3. The team of participants in the game consists of 5 people.

4. The order of the game.

4.1. The game is played in three stages:

    stage - November;

    stage - January;

    stage - April.

    To participate in the game, participants must submit an application.

    In the application for participation in the game, the surname, name, name of the educational institution, class of the participants in the game are indicated.

4.4. Tasks and questions for the game are given simultaneously to all participants at the first consultation (time will be specified later).

5. Summing up and awarding participants

    The jury summarizes the results of each stage of the game according to the developed criteria, which are introduced to the participants in the game in advance.

    Throughout the entire stage of the "Labyrinth" game, its participants have the right to make suggestions and amendments to the rules of the game and its evaluation.

    Summing up and awarding the winners is carried out immediately after the game.

5.4. The participants of the game, who took 1st, 2nd, 3rd places, are awarded with diplomas and prizes in agreement with the organizing committee and the jury.

Literary game for younger students

Literary and intellectual game for younger schoolchildren "Visiting Seva Chitaykin"

Kryazhevskikh Elena Viktorovna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Lyceum No. 28, Yoshkar-Ola"
Target: Development of love and interest in reading books.
Tasks: 1. Check how you read the recommended list of books over the summer.
2. Develop such qualities as the ability to reason, draw conclusions, evaluate the actions of heroes; develop memory, attention.
3. To cultivate attention to the word, respect for the authors of books, the ability to make decisions, listen to each other, play as a team.
Equipment: Projector, screen, computer.
Age: The game is intended for students in grades 2-3, it will be of interest to primary school teachers, educators of extended day groups.

For the summer, each graduate of the first class receives a recommended list of books for summer reading. I do this for the purpose of orientation in the variety of books, the formation of reader interest, the possibility of choosing a favorite book. On the other hand, there is an obligation to read books, which is important for those children for whom the book has not yet become a friend. How to check how attentively children read in the summer? How to make it unobtrusive and interesting? That's what the game is for. All tasks are based on books from the recommended list, which I provide in the application.
Seva Chitaykin is a hero who sometimes appears at literary reading lessons. He is witty, reading books is his favorite pastime. He often asks students difficult, thought-provoking questions.
The interactive game consists of five categories:
"Fairy tales"
"About animals"
"About children"
"Children's Writers"
Each category has 5 questions worth 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 points.

Instructions for use:
The class is divided into several teams. The division into teams can be carried out by lot, in rows, at will.

Slide 2 shows the playing field. The playing teams take turns choosing a category and the number of points. The transition to the slide with the question occurs by clicking the button with points. If the answer is correct, the team is awarded the corresponding number of points. The results are recorded on the board.
Each question has a colorful slide. Correct answers appear on click. Return to the playing field is carried out by the button in the lower right corner.
The played number disappears when returning to the playing field.

The playing field includes two buttons with scores that open not a question, but a physical education minute. In the Animals category, choosing 10 points unlocks the Little Animals Exercise and in the Fairy Tales category, choosing 20 points unlocks the Fairytale Exercise. Physical education minutes are performed by all teams, points are awarded to the team that made the choice.
The team with the most points wins. It is necessary to think over the rewarding of the winners, sweets - to all participants.
I do not include all the slides in the summary so that the summary is not too cumbersome.

Category 1. Poems
10 points
Why did I stand against the wall?
My knees are trembling...
What was the boy from the poem by Sergei Mikhalkov so afraid of?
Answer: The boy was afraid of injections.
20 points
The lady checked in the luggage ...
Who is the author of these lines? What did the lady put in her luggage?
Answer: A poem by S. Ya. Marshak
The lady checked in the luggage ...
Sofa, suitcase, bag,
Basket, picture, cardboard
And a little dog.

30 points

In 1935, S. Mikhalkov's poem "Uncle Styopa" was first published in the Pioneer magazine. This literary hero was loved by all children. What feat did Uncle Styopa accomplish?

Answer: Alive, well and unharmed
Boy Vasya Borodin.
Uncle Styopa this time
Rescued a drowning man.
40 points
Guess the poem and author
“The boy dreamed that his mother would buy him a bullfinch, for this he became obedient and polite, stopped offending girls, but when the bullfinch was presented to him, he doubted whether he should continue to be an exemplary boy.”

Answer: The poem "Bullfinch"
50 points

Appear this medicine
I would buy two packs.
No, not two, but three.
You need whatever you say.
Remember what medicine is referred to in the poem "Miraculous Pills"?
Answer: The cure for laziness.
Category 2. Fairy tales
10 points
The heroine of what fairy tale said to herself: “it is rolled up from the spring snow, browned by the spring sun.” Who is the author of the story?

Answer: V. Dal "Girl Snow Maiden"
20 points

fabulous exercise
There is a hut in the dark forest. (we walk)
Standing backwards (turn)
There is an old woman in that hut, (tilts)
Grandma Yaga's name is. (turn back)
Crochet nose, (show nose)
Big eyes (show eyes)
Like coals are burning.
Wow, what an angry! (throw finger)
Hair stands on end! (hands up)
30 points

Expression "Stay with a broken trough" became a catchphrase. When do they say so? What does this expression have to do with A. S. Pushkin?
Answer: So they say about a person who lost everything, was left with nothing, like the old woman in A. S. Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"
40 points
Which of the heroes of Charles Perrault owns these things: boots, a glass slipper, a spinning wheel and a spindle, a basket of pies, white pebbles?

Answer: Boots - to the cat from the fairy tale "Puss in Boots", shoe - to Cinderella from the fairy tale of the same name, basket - to Little Red Riding Hood, spinning wheel - to the old woman from the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty", pebbles - to the Boy-with-finger.
50 points
Many literary heroes become favorites for many generations of readers. So it happened with this literary hero. Monuments were erected to him in Tobolsk, Astrakhan, Ishim. Carefully examine the monuments and guess the heroes.

Answer: This is Konyok - the Humpbacked Bunok and Ivan.
Category 3. About animals
10 points

Physical education "Charging small animals"
Once - an oath,
Two - jump.
This is a rabbit load.
And the foxes, when they wake up,
They love to stretch
Be sure to yawn
Wag the red tail.
And the cubs - bend your back
And jump lightly.
Well, Mishka is clubfoot,
Paws wide apart,
Either two or all together
Long time treading water.
20 points
Name the author of the fairy tale about the little brave mouse - the traveler.

Answer: Vitaly Bianchi "Mouse Peak"
30 points
Guess the fable. An excerpt from a fable performed by actor Oleg Tabakov sounds.
Answer: An excerpt from the fable "The Cuckoo and the Rooster" sounds
40 points
The proverb “The mind pulls a person up, and boasting down” is suitable for the heroine of which story by V. M. Garshin.

Answer: The proverb comes to the frog from V. Garshin's fairy tale "The Frog is a Traveler". Ingenuity helped the frog to rise into the sky, and boasting, the desire to become famous almost killed the frog.
50 points

Which of the animals is not mentioned in G. Skrebitsky's story "Cat Ivanovich"?
Answer: The story does not talk about a rooster.
Category 4. About children
10 points

What magic word helped Pavlik fulfill his wishes in V. Oseeva's story?
Answer please.
20 points

In one fairy tale, four evil wizards decide to regain their youth. All that had to be done for this was to find young lazy people and take advantage of the time they wasted. After all, the one who wastes time does not notice how old he is. Who is the author of this instructive tale?
Answer: E. Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time".
30 points

What desire of Zhenya from V. Kataev’s fairy tale “Flower-seven-flower” do you consider the most important”?
Answer: The most important was the last wish for Viti's recovery.
40 points

What miracles could be performed with the help of a magic ring in K. Paustovsky's story "Steel Ring"?
Answer: If you put a ring on the middle finger - you will get health, on the ring finger - great joy, on the index finger - you will see the whole world.
50 points
What author's books are these characters from?

Answer: The slide shows illustrations for N. Nosov's stories "Gardeners", "Steps", "On the Hill", "Mishkin's Porridge", "Telephone", "Dreamers".
Category 5. Children's writers
10 points
What is the name of Deniska - the hero of the stories of Viktor Dragunsky.
Answer: Ship.
20 points

Name the heroes of Lyubov Voronkova's stories "Girlfriends Go to School", "Star Commander", "Sunny Day"
Answer: Tanyusha, Alenka, Demushka.
30 points
Who came up with these wonderful characters?

Answer: The slide shows the heroes of Eduard Uspensky: Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, the old woman Shapoklyak, Uncle Fyodor, the dog Sharik, the cat Matroskin, Khvatayka, the postman Pechkin, the cow Murka, the calf Gavryusha.
40 points
Find out the story of V. Dragunsky from the illustration.

Answer: The slide shows illustrations for the stories of V. Dragunsky "My sister Xenia", "He is alive and glowing", "The secret always becomes clear", "Chicken broth", "Where it is seen, where it is heard ..."
50 points
This literary hero of Eduard Uspensky has become the mascot of the Russian Olympic team since 2004.
Answer: Cheburashka.

The game is a quiz in the form of a quest. A very convenient form of holding (the children took it with great interest). If necessary, you can replace the works (at the discretion of the teacher) and conduct this game as an extracurricular activity or a lesson in literature.

Game script for the summer camp "Literary Quest"

- development of logical thinking,
- testing knowledge of literary works,
- education of a positive emotional and value attitude to Russian and foreign literature,
- improvement of certain types of speech activity of the student (listening, speaking);
- the development of interest in reading literary works,
- team building,
- Identification of leaders.
- update knowledge about literary works (A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all", A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio", fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin),
- broaden the horizons of students,
- to promote the formation of independent cognitive activity,
-create conditions for the development of such analytical abilities of students as the ability to analyze, compare, compare, generalize, draw conclusions.
Necessary equipment:
- tokens by the number of questions;
- books by A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all", A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio", fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, etc.;
- portraits of Russian writers;
- leaflets and pens according to the number of teams;
- certificates for rewarding participants.
Leading:- Hello, dear guys! I'm very happy to see you! Tell me, please, do you like computer games?
/Children's answers/
- What do you know about such computer games as a quest?
/Children's answers/
- A quest or adventure game is one of the main genres of games that require the player to solve mental problems in order to progress through the story. The plot can be predetermined, or it can give many outcomes, the choice of which depends on the actions of the player. The name quest comes from a series of Sierra games (Space Quest, King's Quest, Police Quest and others). Guys, today you have to take part in a literary quest. Are you ready?
/Children's answers/
- To participate in this exciting game, we have to divide into teams.
/Division into teams according to some principle: "Pear - apple - banana", "Brownian motion", etc./
- Guys, now each team has to choose a captain and come up with a name.
/Introduction to the teams and their captains./
-Let's get to the game. Let's get acquainted with its rules. The game consists of 4 levels. At each level you have to answer a series of questions. The first person to raise their hand gets the right to answer. If an incorrect answer is given, the right to answer passes to the other team. For each correct answer, the team receives a token. The team with the most tokens wins. So, before you get to the first "level", you need to solve the riddle and find a guessing book.
With Piglet he goes to visit,
He loves honey, he asks for jam.
/Children pronounce riddles, find riddle books among others/
- Well done boys! You have passed the first test and moved on to the first level of the game. As you probably already understood, this level will be dedicated to the work of Alan Alexander Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all".
Walking, Winnie was always cheerful. But to find out where he walked, guess the riddle.
Noisy on the mountain
And under the mountain is silent. (Forest.)
Pooh went out into the clearing and saw a tall, very high ...
It's cold in summer
Warms in winter. (Tree.)
At the top of that tree, Vinnie saw...
My pleasant meal
Sweet is the fruit of my labors. (Bee.)
And Pooh climbed a tree for this delicacy.
There is a dugout vessel,
And in it the gruel is not boiled. (Beehive and honey.)
But then Pooh fell from a tree into a bush, and what was the name of the bush?
On mountain mountain
There is a Volyn oak,
He wears a heroic dress for us,
A bitch diabolical. (Blackthorn.)
Pooh pulled a thorn out of his nose, went to his friend Piglet and began to ask him ...
I held your tail in my hand,
You flew, I ran.
Piglet had two balloons, one blue and the other green: "If you get honey on a green balloon, the bees will take you for ..."
I grow up in the summer
And in the fall I fall. (Leaves.)
And if you fly for honey on a blue balloon, then you will look like ...
An eagle flies across the blue sky
Wings spread out
The sun has dimmed. (Cloud.)
Friends took the blue balloon, and Piglet also took it with him ...
black kochet
Wants to bark. (Gun)
They went on a hike. Friends began to inflate the balloon, suddenly Piglet let go of the rope and Pooh flew into ... What kind of ceiling is this -
He's low, he's high
Now he is gray, then whitish,
It's a little bit blue
And sometimes so beautiful -
Lace and blue-blue. (Sky.)
"Hooray! shouted Pooh. “Well, who do I look like?” Guess who he looks like?
The owner of the forest
Waking up in the spring
And in winter under a blizzard howl
Sleeping in a snow hut. (Bear.) There was a short silence and again a voice was heard: “Do you, Piglet, have this thing at home?”
I walk in the rain and in the heat -
My character is like this. (Umbrella.)
Suddenly a bee sat down on Pooh...
Chock has two stoves. (Nose.)
Because of what particular insect was he named Pooh?
Who is above us
Upside down
Walking - not afraid
Are you afraid to fall? (Fly.)
Pooh was walking through the forest and came to visit. To whom?
fluff ball,
long ear,
Jumping smartly
Loves carrots. (Rabbit.)
And about what product did Pooh say that you can not give it?
Everyone needs
And not everyone will. (Bread.)
Pooh climbed out of the hole, and at first he appeared ...
He is always by the seas,
There are always ships. (Nose.)
Then they showed up...
flat board:
Finishing on the edges
And there is a hole in the middle. (Ears.)
Then paws appeared, and then Pooh yelled in a desperate voice. And Robin suggested that he lose weight, and with the help of his friends, Pooh got out of the hole.
- Well done boys! To move to the second level, you must complete the following task. Find among the presented portraits the one that depicts the author of such works as "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda". Write the number of this portrait on a piece of paper.
/Execution of the task/.
- Well done boys! you switched to the second level, the tasks of which are devoted to the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
1. What cat runs near Lukomorye? /Scientist/
2. How many years did the old man and the old woman live together? / "Exactly 30 years and 3 years"/
3. Who brought the poisoned apple to the princess? /Chernavka/
4. What property did the mirror from the fairy tale “About the Dead Princess” have? /"It speaks skillfully"/
5. What did the old woman call the old man when she found out that he released the goldfish? /"Fool you, simpleton"/
6. What fairy tale ends with the words “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! Good fellows lesson!”? / "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"/
7. What song did the squirrel sing in "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"? (“In the garden, in the garden”).
8. Who was the leader of the thirty-three heroes? (Chernomor.)
9. Who rushed into the sea over the Swan? (Kite.)
10. Who was the kite shot by Guidon? (Sorcerer.)
11. What happened to the old woman's trough? (Cracked.)
12. What color were the boots of the old woman when she was a pillar noblewoman? (Red.)
13. What did the queen order Chernavka to do with the princess? (Take it into the forest to be eaten by wolves.)
14. Where did the old woman want to live so that she would have a goldfish on her parcels? ("In the Okiyane-Sea.")
15. What did the old woman ask the goldfish for the second time? (New hut.)
16. In which coffin did the seven heroes put the princess? (Crystal.)
17. What did the queen do with the magic mirror when she found out that the princess came to life? (Smashed.)
18. By what month, according to the king, should the fair maiden give birth to his son-hero? (“By the end of September.”)
19. What does the scientist cat say when it goes to the left? (Fairy tales.)
20. What is the name of Alexander Pushkin's nanny? (Arina Rodionovna.)
- Guys, your captains will show themselves at the next level. As you know, any leader must have good diction. And in order to develop a clear diction, it is necessary to pronounce tongue twisters from time to time.
Grek rode across the river, sees Grek: there is a crayfish in the river, he put the Grek's hand into the river, the crayfish by the hand of the Grecian tsap.
Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.
Aunt reads Tyutchev a little.
- Well done! To go to the next level, you are offered the following task: write on a piece of paper the author and the title of the work whose heroes are in front of you. (Images of Pinocchio and Malvina, heroes of Tolstoy's work "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio".)
1. Which of the heroes of the fairy tale has a surname and a name that differ in only one letter? / Karabas Barabas /
2. To whom did Giuseppe give the talking log? (To the organ grinder Carlo.)
3. Who almost killed Pinocchio on the first day of his life? (Rat Shushara.)
4. Who are Alice and Basilio? (Fox and cat.)
5. Who saved Pinocchio when the robbers hung him on a tree? (Malvina.)
6. What medicine was used to treat Pinocchio? (Castorca.)
7. What was the name of the country in which Pinocchio was called the cat and the fox? (Country of fools.)
8. What words did Pinocchio have to say in order for the money tree to grow? (Crex, fex, pex.)
9. What academic title did the owner of the puppet theater Karabas Barabas have? (Doctor of puppet science.)
10. Where was the secret door that had to be opened with a golden key? (In Papa Carlo's closet.)
11. What did Pinocchio and his friends find behind this door? (Puppet show.)
12. What magic phrase did Malvina dictate to her guest Pinocchio in a dictation? Why is she magical? (“And the rose fell on the paw of Azor,” the phrase can be read from left to right.)
13. What did Carlo Pinocchio dream of buying for dad? (New jacket.)
14. He "in a wide-brimmed hat walked around the cities with a beautiful hurdy-gurdy and got his bread by singing and music." (The organ grinder Carlo.)
15. "Swayed, swayed on thin legs, stepped once, stepped another, hop-hop, straight to the door, through the threshold and into the street." (Pinocchio.)
16. "Curly-haired pretty girl with a pretty upturned nose." (Malvina.)
17. "A big, scary snake head appeared." (Turtle Tortilla.)
18. "A long, wet, wet man entered with a small, small face, as wrinkled as a morel mushroom." (Duremar.)
19. “A little man in a long white shirt with long sleeves. His face was sprinkled with powder as white as tooth powder. (Pierrot.)
20. “A man so terrible in appearance that one could freeze with horror at one glance at him. His thick, unkempt beard dragged along the floor, his bulging eyes rolled, his huge mouth clanged his teeth, as if it were not a man, but a crocodile. (Karabas Barabas.)
/Summing up the game/
Teams take prizes depending on the number of tokens earned. You can separately note the team captains and the most active participants in the game.
- Guys, did you like the game?
-You see, interesting games lurk not only behind monitor screens. I hope today's meeting will make you open some interesting book that hides many literary mysteries. Thanks for playing! See you soon! PANTRY OF WISDOM

for students in grades 5-8

Purpose: popularization of books and reading, development of ingenuity, ingenuity, creative skills, the ability to navigate the library, education of a culture of reading and the need for it, aesthetic perception of fiction.

Characters: presenter, literary heroes: Dunno, Little Prince, Pappy Longstocking, Mary Poppins.

Equipment: audio recordingssongs "The Little Prince" N. Dobronravova, music. M. Tariverdieva, songs "Surprise" "Lady Perfection",k / f "Pappy Longstocking", music. V. Dashkevich, sl. Y. Kim, colored daisies according to the number of participants, a magic hat for drawing lots, costumes for literary characters.

Event progress

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! I'm very glad to see you. We are in the library. (He gestures around the hall.) Our meeting is not accidental. It takes place during the days of the theater project (and what theater does without literary works?) and is timed to coincide with the week of children's books, which has traditionally been held in the country in late March - early April since 1943 during the spring school holidays at the initiative of the children's writer Lev Kassil . And on April 2, the birthday of the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, as a sign of deep respect and love for his work, the whole world celebrates International Children's Book Day since 1967.

The whole history of the human mind is connected with books and libraries. This is not a calm story at all. They fought for books, they burned them, lost them, found them, opened them in the thickness of cities buried by time, saved them from enemy invasion as the most expensive. Today's library seems to be the epitome of silence, peace and order. As always, she serves the people.


What does the word library mean? (The guys answer.) Translated from the Greek, "biblio" means "book", "teka" - storage., "Library" - "storehouse of books."

And tell me, how often do you visit here or in other libraries? Maybe you can tell what they are for? (Guys answer.) Well done, guys! You love books and often come to visit us.

The story of the library of the sanatorium. N. K. Krupskaya.

Our library contains about 3500 volumes of fiction. In addition, it also contains textbooks for students in grades 1-9. And its creation began back in 193 ..., when the head of the pedagogical department of the sanatorium asked N. K. Krupskaya, who worked in the People's Commissariat of Education, to help organize the educational process for children who were here for long-term treatment. At that time, osteoarticular tuberculosis was treated in the sanatorium, this process was very long, the children were deprived of the opportunity to attend a regular school. With the direct participation of N. K. Krupskaya, books, stationery, school supplies were sent to the sanatorium, a school was organized, circles began to work. This was such a difficult path for children to knowledge.

In order to navigate this boundless sea of ​​books, you need to know how the library works. This is what we have to learn today. We will comprehend wisdom in the form of team competitions. To begin with, we will decide on the teams and names, draw lots, and you will choose the captains yourself. The draw will take place in an unusual literary vein. In our magic hat there are tasks - the names of works where there are numbers. Enter the correct answer - and you will find out your serial number and table number.

There is a draw.


Veltistov E. "A million and ... a day of vacation"

Schwartz E. "... brother"

Olesha Yu. "... fat man"

Ushinsky K. "... desires"

Team names

Bookworms, Know-it-alls, Children of Taurida, Smarties and smarties.

Team competitions will be held in the form of a literary quiz, a quest and a final task. The team with the most points will be awarded diplomas and cups in the evening. I wish you all good luck and victory! So, let's get down to the literary quiz. (The results are recorded on a portable board.)

Literary quiz

    He lived in a closet under the stairs in the house of his uncle and aunt Petunia and was a hereditary wizard. Who is this literary character? (Harry Potter.)

    The real name of this American writer is Samuel Clemens. He is the author of books

    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finnck, The Prince and the Pauper. Give him a pseudonym. (Mark Twain.)

    Why did the gold coin stick to the bottom of Ali Baba's measure in the fairy tale "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves"? (The bottom was smeared with honey.)

    Remember the spell in R. Kipling's fairy tale "Mowgli". ("You and I are of the same blood, you and I.")

    What was the name of the book's predecessor, a rolled-up canvas made of papyrus? (Scroll.)

    What were the names of the two brothers who compiled the first Slavic alphabet? (Cyril and Methodius.)

    What is the name of the list of all printed items available in the library? (Catalog.)

    What is a "library"? (Collection of books.)

    Name the largest library in our country. (The Russian State Library in Moscow, the fund is about 30 million copies.)

    What was the name of the housing in which the old man and the old woman lived from A. S. Pushkin's Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish? (Dugout.)

Blitz Poll " My favorite book"

Leading: Well done boys! You are true lovers of books and reading. Now we will conduct a blitz survey “My favorite book”. On the tables in front of you are colored daisies. I will ask you to take pens and write your last name and first name, age, the name of your favorite literary work on the petals. And each of you will be able to take part in the campaign to study the reader's interests and plant your own flower in our meadow. (Guys do the task.)

The game "Recognize the hero by description." Getting to know the characters Works - assistants leading.

Leading: And now I want to introduce you to my assistants. I think you will be glad to meet them and recognize these heroes of literary works.

This character is restless and restless, wears a wide-brimmed blue hat and green tie, and loves bright colors. (Dunno comes out under the audio recording of the song "Surprise")


For some reason, everyone in the world knows about me.

Adults and children know even on the Moon.

I don’t want to boast in vain, but I’ll tell you honestly,

What others can't do, I've known for a long time.

Leading: All the property of this miracle nanny consists of an umbrella and a tapestry bag. Who is she? Mary Poppins from the story of Pamela Travers. (Comes out under the audio recording of the song "Wind of Change" or "Lady Perfection")


I'm here for a few minutes

But are Mary Poppins waiting here?

If you save a hundred rubles,

You are rich, you are rich

If you meet Mary Poppins

That is the moment of success!

Hello adults! Hello children!

We will say “no” to green boredom!

Dear children, dear children!

I send my kind "hello" to everyone!

Leading: And our next guest is a very unusual and restless girl. She lives in Villa Chicken, sleeps with her feet on the pillow, comes home walking backwards, rolls the dough right on the floor and keeps the horse on the veranda. Guess who it is? Of course, Pippi is a long stocking. (Comes out with an audio recording of a song from the movie “Pappy Longstocking”, music by V. Dashkevich, lyrics by Yu. Kim.)


I'm a cheerful girl

I never miss

I am a big dreamer

And a beauty - no matter where!

I don't like to go to school

I like to rest

And dream of the blue sea

And ride a horse!

Leading: This hero loves to travel, watch sunsets, takes care of his planet and an amazing rose, suffers from loneliness.

A little prince:

The little prince, the golden-haired child...
My voice is quiet, and the call is so affectionate,
With faith in a fairy tale, I live forever,

Maybe that's why I'm not growing?

Leading : Maybe that's why you don't grow up?
You can't accept the world of boring adults.
The little prince, a boy from a fairy tale,
You look into the boundless space without fear,
You know that distant stars warm
Those who believe in their light without a doubt,
Those who entrusted their dreams to them...
And you became especially dear to them ...

Leading : Well, the warm-up was successful, now let's move on to the quest and we will learn to navigate in the library. The books on the shelves are arranged in a certain order - alphabetically, and on the shelves you can see thematic headings - separators: adventures, detective stories, fairy tales, wonderful Crimea, etc. Now each of the teams will receive a route sheet, will have to follow the signs, find their own rack and complete tasks at each of the 4 stations. Each of the teams at the station can earn from 1 to 5 points. When counting, points for the quiz and the final task are added to them, and thus the winning team is determined. Tips - books located on the shelves.

Station "Tales"

    Name 5 storytellers. Let the books on the shelf serve as hints.

    Who lives in this fabulous home? Find the book on the shelf.

In the light, what a miracle:

An island in the sea lies

The city stands on the island,

With golden-domed churches,

With towers and gardens;

Spruce grows in front of the palace ... (Prince Gvidon from the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin)

    Who was the cause of the misfortunes of Eliza and her brothers from the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen. (Evil stepmother.)

    What character of the Russian folk tale are we talking about:

gobbling up rolls,

The guy rode on the stove,

Ride through the village

And he married a princess. (Emelya from a Russian folk tale.)

    Cat rescued from poverty

Presented to the king

He speaks in a loud voice

Call ... (Marquis Carabas from Ch. Perrault's fairy tale "Puss in Boots".) Find the book of Charles Perrault's fairy tales on the shelf.

Station "This Wonderful Crimea"

1. Remember the name of our peninsula, which has been attached to it since ancient times. You will be prompted by the name of one of the participating teams. (Tavria, Taurica, Taurida.)

2. Name the city-heroes of the Crimea. (Kerch, Sevastopol). Find reference guides for these cities on the bookshelf.

3. What city was the capital of the Bosporan kingdom? (Bosporus - modern Kerch.)

4. Name the Russian writers known to you who visited the Crimea. (A. S. Pushkin,

N. V. Gogol, A. Griboyedov, L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov, I. Bunin, M. Gorky, A. Kuprin,

V. G. Korolenko, M. Bulgakov, M. Tsvetaeva, A. Akhmatova, etc.)

5. What city of Crimea has the historical names Kerkinitida and Gezlev? (Evpatoria.) Find the guide on the shelf.

Station "Detective"

    Which writer was the founder of the detective genre? (Edgar Poe.) Find books by this author on the bookshelf.

3. What musical instrument was Sherlock Holmes, the hero of stories, fond of playing?

A. Conan Doyle? (On a violin.)

4. Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple are the heroes of the writer's works ... (Agatha Christie.) Find her books on the shelf.

5. Name the constant companion and assistant of Sherlock Holmes. (Dr. Watson.)

Fantasy and Adventure Station

2. On whose behalf is the story told in the novel Treasure Island by R. L. Stevenson? The text of the novel may be a clue to you. (On behalf of the main character, Jimmy Hawkins.)

3. This French writer and geographer, one of the founders of the science fiction genre, predicted scientific discoveries and inventions in various fields: airplane, helicopter, space flight, video communication and television. Say his name.

(Jules Verne.) Find his books on the shelf.

4. Which of the heroes of the famous novel by Jules Verne broke all ties with human society and retired to the ocean to feel free? Find a clue in the novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. (Captain Nemo.)

5. Walter Scott's adventure novel Ivanhoe with a gripping plot takes us to the era of medieval England. Where was the writer from? (From Scotland.) The answer can be found in the preface to the novel.

Leading: Well, you completed the quest, successfully orienting yourself in the library, showed your knowledge, but also realized, of course, that you still have a lot to learn. And a faithful and reliable assistant, a book, will help you enrich your knowledge. Now you have the final test - you need to remember and write down as many proverbs, sayings, riddles about the book and knowledge in 1 minute. Time has gone!

Host: So our event in you has come to an end. The game is over, but the learning process continues. So I say to you - goodbye, until we meet again!

Before parting, we want to say parting lines.


You have many friends.

And they live around.

But of all good friends

The book is your best friend!


The book is your friend and comrade.

We take it everywhere.

'Cause she'll help you

Both in study and in work!

Mary Poppins:

Books first pages

We are welcomed from a young age

And carry you like birds

Flying white light.

A little prince:

Who walks around the world with a book,

Who knows how to be friends with her,

This book always helps

Learn, work and live!

Leading : Read books and come to the library! Thank you all for your attention and participation!