Merry New Year: festive competitions for adults. New Year's competitions for the whole family at home (at the table and not only) for adults and children Ideas for competitions for the New Year

  • "Fanta"
  • "Detective"
  • “Let's tell our fortunes!?
  • Home bowling

    To play bowling, you don’t have to call all the billiard halls on New Year’s Eve in the hope that there is a free room somewhere. This game is easy to play at home. Moreover, it is very easy to turn it into a real competition for the New Year 2020 for the family. To do this you will need small rubber balls. Plus, you need plastic bottles, which should be filled with some kind of grain.

    The bottles are placed in a row like in a bowling alley. The game begins. Guests are divided into two teams and one leader is selected. Participants take turns trying to knock down the “plastic pins.” The team that manages to do this the most times wins. The presenter’s task is to record who managed to knock down the pins and how many, and also to carefully monitor that none of the guests cheated.

    "We sculpted, we sculpted..."

    If the snow fell knee-deep on New Year's Eve and has not yet melted, why not take advantage of this moment and go out to have a little fun in the yard. All children and adults must become part of two different teams. One team can have both only adults and children and adults, or only children.

    Team tasks:

    1. Come up with a name for yourself.

    2. Come up with your own motto.

    3. Make a snow woman (person, animal or someone else) who would fully personify the name of the team.

    The team that does this much better than the opponent wins. It is advisable that this competition for the New Year 2020 for the family be held for a while. For example, participants are given no more than fifteen minutes to complete all the tasks assigned to them.

    To make the presentation of the teams more creative, you need to take various New Year’s accessories with you from home - hats, beads, rain or bows. With them, the participants' business card will look more impressive and larger.


    Positive and over which time has no power. You need to throw neatly folded pieces of paper with the names of each guest into the hat. There should be exactly as many pieces of paper as there are relatives and friends at the table. The presenter takes turns taking out a paper with the name of one guest, after which the rest must consult among themselves and come up with a task for him. How fun the game will be depends solely on the participants themselves, and more specifically, on their imagination. There is only hope for her.

    An example of tasks for playing “Fanta” could be the following:

    1. Portray the hero of the film or book that the participant last read or watched.

    2. Tell a funny joke on a certain topic (the topic is chosen by the guests themselves).

    3. Do something that would make the other guest laugh.

    4. Wash the dishes after all the guests (such a question will obviously only benefit the hostess).

    5. Portray joy or sadness.

    6. Demonstrate what the symbol of the current year would look like if it could have a human form.

    7. Tell a New Year's poem or sing a New Year's themed song.

    8. Dance a slow dance with one of the guests.

    9. Confess your love to a cat or dog (if there is any animal in the house).

    10. Imagine that the participant in the game is the President of Russia, who congratulates all residents of the country on the upcoming New Year.

    The list of tasks for the New Year 2020 competition for the Fanta family can easily be supplemented with any of your own suggestions. One head is good, but when there are more than a dozen guests in the apartment, it’s even better. The participant in the game whose name is about to be pulled out of the hat will obviously not take his place at the table until the others are convinced that he has really completed his task well.


    Fans of detective stories (hello, Sherlock Holmes) will definitely love this game. Both adults and children can take part in it. The essence of the game is that a person (or several guests) is blindfolded with thick cloth and asked questions that should be directly related to what is currently happening around him.

    It is not at all necessary to warn the game participants about this. Let the unexpected blindfold be another little New Year's surprise for them. The only thing that should be done in advance is to appoint a presenter. He will have to be careful to ensure that none of the guests try to peep. If there are several participants in the game, the presenter’s task is to see who can answer the most questions, which means that they can receive a valuable prize.

    List of questions for the “Detective” competition for the New Year 2020 for the family at the table:

    1. How many people are in the room now? (Attentive guests should know how many other people besides them were invited to the holiday).

    2. What is the table set with? (This question should definitely interest the fair sex. They, like no one else, always notice what the hostess has new on the menu this time, and how to then prepare it all for their family).

    3. What are women or men wearing (the correct version of the question will be chosen depending on who exactly the presenter asks it to - a man or a woman).

    The competition should be accompanied by fun musical compositions so that guests do not get bored while the participants are trying to remember the answers to the questions asked of them.

    “Let's tell our fortunes!?

    On the eve of the New Year, each of us wants to know what else awaits us in the future. However, not always and not everyone succeeds in lifting the curtain of secrecy. New Year's Eve is the best time for miracles. Why not invite guests to look into the future to find out what the year holds for each of them. To do this, you will need to prepare fortune cookies in advance. You can make it yourself or buy it ready-made in the store. In addition, such cookies can be purchased from one of the city confectioners, having previously agreed that inside he will put exactly the predictions that the customer wants to see.

    On New Year's Eve, all that remains is to distribute fortune cookies to each of the guests. Knowing who will get which cookies, it is easy to prepare for a person exactly the prediction that he so expects to hear.

    What could be the predictions?

    1. For indecisive people, the prediction should be such that it pushes the person to action.

    2. If a person is lonely, it is worth writing in the prediction that next year he will definitely find a close friend or soulmate.

    3. For those guests who have everything they need for a comfortable life, it is worth preparing cookies with a fortune, which will say that next year he will only increase his spiritual and material wealth.

    In a similar way, you can make predictions for all guests. “Let's tell our fortunes!?” - an excellent positive competition for the New Year 2020 for a family where there is no place for losers.


    New Year 2017 has the character of the Fire Rooster. And this is a cocky, active bird. Therefore, sadly celebrating this holiday at the table with salads and aspic is not a good idea.

    Allow your guests to stretch their legs and spend time not only pleasantly, but also having fun. After all, games on New Year's Eve should also correspond to the owner of the year.


    A creative and fun competition, suitable for any company and place. We all know that the symbol of 2017 according to the Eastern calendar will be the Rooster, so we will make it the main character of our competition. Don't worry, you don't have to look for a live rooster for this. But you will need something: two sheets of A1 format; a board for drawing with a marker or chalk is better. We divide the participants into two teams, and actually set them the task: to draw the symbol of the New Year. Team members take turns approaching a board or sheet of paper and begin to create their masterpieces. One draws the rooster’s legs, then the next team member comes up and draws the body, another the head, the next tail, etc. At the end, the audience decides whose rooster is better and chooses the winning team!


    Since the coming year is the year of the Red Rooster, a game with eggs couldn’t come at a better time. For each participating man, three eggs are prepared on a plate. One raw and two cooked. They must be smashed one by one with the forehead. Everyone expects it to be raw. But all the eggs turn out to be boiled. Although the prevailing expectation of “turmoil” amuses everyone, and makes the participants nervous and laugh.

    WHO AM I

    Quite an interesting New Year's competition that can bring a lot of positive emotions and make the mood truly festive. As for the props, you will need several masks of various animal characters. A participant is selected, sits on a chair in front of the audience, closes his eyes, while the presenter puts a mask on his face. The participant must understand what kind of animal they turned him into? The audience periodically gives hints, but only to make it difficult for the hero of the competition to guess. In order to diversify the competition, the task can be slightly modified. Now the player himself will ask the audience about the characteristics of his character, and the audience must categorically answer the player’s questions - yes or no. All this continues until the participant in the competition understands whose mask he is wearing.


    Players name out loud the items they would like to take with them on New Year's Day, and they can take both animate and non-animate items. Well, think for yourself, maybe someone will want to take a Toothbrush with them next year, but you and I cannot forbid them to take with them a Wonderful mood. But let's get back to the rules! First, the player must say his name and only then begin to list what he would take with him into 2017. The difficulty of the competition is that these words must begin with the same letter as his name. The one who can name the most words will be the winner.


    For this competition you will need to buy New Year's gifts in advance! This could be a bottle of champagne, a box of chocolates, etc. Now actually how to carry it out: we divide the people in twos, bring the first couple to the table, on which our gifts actually lie. Nearby there should be beautiful wrapping paper, ribbons, flowers, bows, etc. What's the catch? - you ask! Here’s the thing: one of the participants takes the other’s left hand with his right hand, and they bring both hands back, behind his back. As a result, one of them has his left hand free, the other his right. These are the handles they should use to wrap the gift. Whoever can do it more beautifully will be the winner! Naturally the audience appreciates it.


    Let's try to test the cinematic knowledge of our favorite guests. The presenter asks each person in turn the following question: “What films do you know that in one way or another relate to the theme of the New Year?” The names of both old and new films about the New Year are accepted. The one who names the most New Year's paintings wins.


    I’ll say right away that you will need to purchase alcoholic beverages in advance. Suitable: champagne, wine, cognac, beer, whiskey, etc. Non-alcoholic ones are also useful for variety: lemonade, mineral water, juice, etc. We place this entire set on the floor in the shape of a circle, maintaining a distance of 15 - 20 cm between the bottles. We will use a paper ring as a sports equipment. To do this: use scissors to cut out a circle with a diameter of 25 cm from thick cardboard, and in it there is another one, but of a smaller diameter - about 20 cm. Hooray! So we have a ring! Now about how to actually conduct the competition. The participant takes the ring in his hand, moves away from the place where we placed our bottles at a distance of 2.5 - 3 meters, and throws it! And what he manages to lasso, our cowboy takes with him as a present!


    In this competition, we will try to evaluate the artistic talents of our participants! We will need a sheet of Whatman paper or a board for a marker. In advance, on small pieces of paper you need to write certain words. It is best to use adjectives as words: cheerful, New Year's, beautiful, kind, festive, etc. We put these notes in a box, you can take a hat or cap instead of a box. The participant takes out a piece of paper from there with his hand, reads it to himself, naturally does not pronounce this word, but tries to depict it on the board using a drawing. Viewers are trying to guess what this “Picasso” wants to tell them with his art. Well, whoever says the word first gets the long-awaited prize.


    You will need several sets of Chinese chopsticks, depending on the number of participants in the competition. Don't worry, we don't have to call and order Chinese food. For this, canned corn or green peas will be enough. But if this is not the case, you can also use grapes, which will definitely be on the table. The participants are seated at the table and each one is given the same ill-fated sticks. Place exactly the same number of peas on the plates, or whatever you decide to put there. The host notes the time and the participants begin their quick lunch. You can only eat with chopsticks! And when the time runs out (about a minute) we begin to count the number of remaining peas. Whoever has fewer of them left wins. And whoever ate them before the end of time means he won in advance!


    Participants are divided into pairs. Women are “Chickens”, and their men are “Cockerels”. Each “Chicken” should dress up her “Cockerel” to the cheerful music. Tinsel, plastic Christmas tree decorations, confetti, rain are suitable for this - everything should be bright and catchy. Don’t forget that the symbol of the year is a fiery, bright bird. Time to conduct the competition is one minute. The winner is the couple in which the “Cockerel” is the most elegant and beautiful.


    For this game, you should prepare tasks and balloons in advance. We write comic tasks on pieces of paper and lower them into balls. Each participant picks up a ball. You also need to pop your balloon in some creative way. Tasks that need to be completed fly out of the balls.

    Examples of tasks:

    1. Walk like a rooster.

    2. Crow.

    3. Sing a song about a Christmas tree.

    4. Remember two cartoons or fairy tales in which a rooster is mentioned.

    The winner will be the one who bursts the balloon creatively and completes the task artistically.


    For this competition you need to prepare paper Christmas tree decorations in the shape of a rooster. Make them colorful and add a paper clip or string so that they can easily be hung on the Christmas tree. Participants are divided into teams. They are given “cockerel” toys. While one of the blindfolded participants tries to reach the tree and hang the toy, the other one tells him the right path and supports him. The winner will be the couple that hangs up their roosters faster.


    We will need various fruits: bananas, apples, kiwi, etc. Place them on a large plate. We divide the competition participants into teams, which take turns coming to the table, and from the set of fruits we offer, they try to depict the symbol of the New Year 2017 - the Rooster. Whoever surprises the audience with his masterpiece the most wins a prize!


    On pieces of paper we write funny and interesting situations that may happen to our guests in the New Year. For example: someone will buy themselves a car, underwear, shave their beard, get a haircut, etc. Participants take turns pulling out our prepared leaves with wishes and reading them out loud. But before these, they always say the phrase: “In 2017, I will definitely...”. Lots of laughter guaranteed!


    This competition is more suitable for a New Year's corporate party, when people sit in small groups at separate tables. We prepare cards with letters in advance. We write the letters so that they can be used to form words: New Year, rooster, Snow Maiden, etc. We hide our cards on each table, under the dishes, maybe in napkins. At the command of the host, guests begin to look for letters and form their own word from them. Whose table does it faster gets a gift.


    Let's try to reveal the artistic talents of our participants. For this you will need: sheets of A1 format in which you will need to cut holes for the hands. The sheet should be positioned vertically, and when the participant puts their hands through it, the top of the sheet should cover their face. We give out two felt-tip pens in each hand, and ask them to draw the face of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, a cockerel, or anyone else. And since you will have to draw on the reverse side, without seeing what you are drawing, the faces should turn out very funny. Well, be sure to give a prize to the most talented artist.


    For this competition you will need many different fruits, mostly round in shape: tangerines, oranges, apples, kiwis, lemons, etc. We randomly lay them out on the table, blindfold the participant, place an empty basket next to him and give him the task: to collect only certain fruits from all the fruits (at your discretion). Naturally, this needs to be done for a while. Whoever does it faster and without mistakes wins.


    We divide the guests into pairs: girl + guy. We select musical compositions in advance, and to make it more interesting, we will make a varied repertoire, from ballroom dancing to fiery Latin music. We turn on the first composition and ask the couples to show their choreographic abilities. When the song ends, the audience applauds the dancing skills of our couples. The one who receives the weakest ovation is eliminated. We turn on the next composition, and so on until we have a couple of winners left.


    In advance, on A4 sheets, we print the names of interesting and strange places in large letters. It could be: “Beer bar”, “Strip club”, “Work”, “Mental hospital”, “Director’s office”, “Sobering-up station”, “Venereologist’s office”, etc. We turn the participants with their backs to the audience and hang them Our pre-prepared pieces of paper are placed on their backs. The presenter begins to ask questions: “How did you end up there?”, “Did you like it there?”, “Do you often go there?”, “How do your loved ones feel about the fact that you go there and why?”, “When will you go back there?” Participants take turns answering them!


    We put the chairs in a row, close to each other. We seat the participants on them and tell them to clench their knees tightly. The last participant needs to put a tangerine on his knees. We give the task: pass this fruit to the participant sitting next to him, but without using his hands. And so on down the chain. It turns out very funny!


    We will need frozen pieces of ice. Guests, at the command of the host, take a piece of ice and try in every possible way to quickly melt it. You can blow, warm with your hands, etc. Whoever can do it faster will be our winner!


    We will prepare identical cards in advance. On one side of which we will write the name of some fairy-tale character. Don’t forget, since we are celebrating the New Year, it is better to choose New Year’s characters. It could be: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, wolf, hare, and of course the symbol of 2017 - the Rooster. The player draws out a card and reads to himself what is written on it. With the help of facial expressions and gestures, he tries to portray our mysterious character. At this time, the audience is trying to guess who it is!

    Hurray – the new year 2017 is coming! Everyone has already prepared gifts, decorated the Christmas tree and is waiting. Waiting for the new year is the best thing about this New Year's Eve. And to make the wait more interesting, you can play funny and new competitions for the New Year 2017. It is not at all difficult for children to come up with competitions that they will like. After all, children usually play whatever adults offer them. We already have ideas for children's competitions, and we will be happy to share them with you. So, record and play.

    Competition – palm or rooster?
    This competition is for children who love to imagine and love to draw. The competition takes place in two stages, and each of them is interesting. First, children should trace their palm on paper. For example, like this:

    Then having a drawing of your palm. Children should draw a cockerel1 yes, make a cockerel out of their palm! Do you think it's difficult? Look. it turns out like this:

    See, everything is simple and beautiful. As we have already written, the main thing here is to use your imagination and then everything will work out.

    Competition - oh, frost, frost!
    New Year is winter. And winter is freezing! Let's play a little frosty game?
    All children stand in one line. The presenter says how many degrees of frost there are, and the children make certain movements for each degree.
    Minus ten - children rub hand in hand.
    Minus twenty - the children are shuffling their feet.
    Minus thirty - children are jumping.
    Minus forty - the children are hiding in the house.
    The presenter must confuse the children so that they show the wrong movements. For example, first try and tell everything to the degree in order. And then alternate: minus ten, and immediately minus forty! Whichever child made the wrong move is eliminated. And the winner is the one who did everything correctly and did not freeze.

    Competition - tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?
    The next competition is based on the song from the cartoon “Well, Just Wait”! Do you remember, there the wolf and the hare sang a song with the lines - tell the Snow Maiden, where was she? You need this song and this particular piece. And you also need a Snow Maiden who will show the actions.
    The song turns on, and the Snow Maiden shows the actions where she was. And then the children must guess where the Snow Maiden was. For example, the Snow Maiden shows that she was swimming. Or that she was sleeping. Or that she decorated the Christmas tree and so on. Whichever child guesses the most wins a prize.

    Competition - decoy riddles for children
    Children really like this competition. And it’s easy to play - you make tricky riddles, and the children guess. And since they are fakes, the first answers are very funny and off topic. And whoever is more attentive will guess and receive a prize.

    New Year is a traditional holiday, which is usually celebrated with family, holding matinees at schools or kindergartens, and getting together with colleagues at a corporate party. It is quite difficult to organize a variety of events at home for people of all ages to make the holiday memorable for a long time. The New Year's games and entertainment presented below will make this task easier for you in the New Year 2017.

    We organize children's entertainment

    Throwing a good party is not an easy task, but for children this is the most important thing. New Year's games for children should be especially intriguing and exciting so that every child enjoys them.

    Traditionally, on New Year's Day, comic competitions are held that will not leave children without a smile.

    The children dance around the Christmas tree, and the leader begins to ask questions. He asks: “Do you have a nose?”, and the children shout: “Yes!” Again he asks the children: “Is your nose good?”, and they answer: “Good!” Again the question: “Is your neighbor better?”, and the children shout with a joyful cry: “Better!” and begin to pull the nose of their neighbor. Then they dance in a circle for a while and then the leader asks questions again. And so on until the neighbor’s supply of body parts runs out. Each other's funny actions will keep children in high spirits.

    Guess the hero

    This is a very entertaining New Year's game. The children sit around the Christmas tree, and the leader walks in a circle and gives everyone in turn the partial name of the fairy-tale hero. For example, Postman..., Red..., Gray..., Vinnie... and others. The examples can be very diverse, but often the presenter runs out of such phrases, so you need to prepare well, remembering children's cartoons and fairy tales.

    Several children are called to participate and shown a drawing of a New Year's castle. They are given a certain time to roughly remember what it looks like. Then they are blindfolded and asked to reproduce a New Year's castle from plastic cups. The rest of the children watch the construction and cheer on their friends. You can diversify the game by allowing others to tell you where to put the glass. In such cases, the original castle can turn out to be fun, and the children will laugh heartily at their creation.

    Another fun New Year's game that no child will get bored with. It will require a large number of pins and balls. Children are divided into teams and asked to knock down the maximum number of pins with one throw of the ball. The team that knocks down the most pins in total wins. Rubber balls are perfect for preschoolers, and basketballs for schoolchildren. You can arrange a personal competition for each participant, and the one who knocks down the most pins will receive a small prize.

    Read What to wear under boots

    Santa Claus chooses a Christmas tree

    A fun competition, the main host of which will be Santa Claus. He needs a Christmas tree for the holiday, and he asks the children to help him find it. They stand in a circle holding hands. If Santa Claus says: “The tree is too high!”, then the children sit down and lower their hands, and if the tree turns out to be low, then the children stand up with their hands raised. To complicate the competition, Santa Claus can say: “The Christmas tree is narrow!”, and then the children must expand the circle, and if the Christmas tree is wide, then, on the contrary, narrow it.

    On New Year's Day, children crave some kind of magic, and therefore a balloon launching contest is perfect for the festive end of the holiday. For each little guest you will need to prepare in advance one helium balloon with a string. Children should write their deepest wish on a small piece of paper (if there are kids at the holiday, then parents should help them) and tie it to a string. Then everyone goes outside together and, after the words of Santa Claus or the presenter, the balls are released into the sky. Children will be delighted to watch this spectacle.

    Youth competitions

    New Year for young people is no longer the children's holiday that it once was. In order for the Year of the Rooster to be remembered for a long time, the organized events must be modern and unprimitive. The competitions presented below will make the New Year unforgettable and magical, just like it was in childhood.

    Participants in the competition are given pre-prepared photographs of any fairy-tale characters or animals. The task of each participant is to walk along the catwalk, portraying a fairy-tale character that they came across. However, they should not use facial expressions or make sounds. The rest must guess who is depicted on the podium. The winner will be the most artistic participant whose fairy-tale character is guessed in the least number of passes.

    Read How to decorate eggs for Easter

    Find your Snow Maiden

    A romantic competition that can be arranged before a slow dance. The boys are asked to leave, and the girls go up to the tree and choose their own Christmas ball. The guys need to guess whose Christmas tree toy is on the tree. The one who guesses gets paired with his “other half” and after the end of the competition they are asked to dance a slow dance. Such an unexpected situation will not leave them without emotions!

    The most desired gift bag

    Various cool competitions are popular on New Year's Day. Here's one of them.

    All participants are divided into two equal teams and each is given a hefty bag.

    The main task of this game is to fill the bag with “gifts”, that is, with all the various items that come to hand. It could even be items of clothing! The team with the most “gifts” in the bag will win.


    Fun New Year's competitions will cheer everyone up, for example, the New Year's version of football. The main attributes of the game: a “snow ball” made of paper or cotton wool and a goal with bags of gifts in place of the bars. The guys will be happy to “play football”, and the girls will cheer for the chosen team. The team that scores the most goals in a certain time will win. To create a festive atmosphere, fans can explode firecrackers and throw small snowflakes or snowballs onto the field.

    Bottle of snow

    For this competition you need to prepare a large number of large snowflakes and empty bottles in advance.

    Snowflakes are sprinkled on the floor, and participants are given the task of collecting the largest number of snowflakes in their bottle. The one who collects more than the rest in a certain time will win. The competition can also be made for elimination, leaving only those who managed to collect the “passing number” of snowflakes.

    The snowman hurries to duty

    All participants are divided into two teams. Each person is given a large bag, a plastic bucket and a carrot nose. The task of each participant is to quickly change into the “duty snowman outfit”, jump in a bag to a chair, sit on it and return to pass the baton to another participant. The team with all its participants running the fastest will win.

    Adults have fun too

    For many, New Year is boring gatherings at the table. The atmosphere of a magical holiday and the tradition of celebrating cheerfully and solemnly go further and further. To somehow avoid this in the Year of the Rooster, you need to properly plan your pastime for adults on New Year’s Eve, and the competitions below are suitable for this.

    Read Gift for a friend for the New Year 2016

    Oh, let's sing now!

    Participants are divided into two musical teams. The first one’s task is to sing a line from a song, and the second one must continue with words from another composition. For example: “A million, a million, a million scarlet roses...”, and another one picks up: “At least for a day!” The winner will be the last team that can continue the first line. You can complicate the task if you take only winter and New Year's songs.

    Siamese twins

    The invited pair of participants is tied back to back. The essence of the game is for the observers to give a wide variety of instructions. For example, dance or try to sit at the table. If the group of people celebrating is not devoid of a sense of humor, then the competition will turn out to be hilarious and fun!

    Let me hug you!

    This competition is perfect for a couple in love or married people. Participants face each other. Several bottles of champagne or wine are placed between them. The man is blindfolded, and at this time the presenter quickly removes all the bottles. The main task is to reach your beloved and hug her. A blindfolded man does not suspect that there are no more bottles and will move carefully and carefully. This picture will cause fits of laughter until the very end of the holiday!

    Bag right through

    Invited participants stand in a circle with Santa Claus. When the music starts, the bag of gifts is passed from hand to hand until the song stops. The person who has the bag in his hands must perform some number at the request of Santa Claus. When he has the bag, he happily gives out gifts to everyone.

    Anton Smekhov

    Reading time: 6 minutes

    A A

    New Year is just around the corner. An important component of an exciting and fun holiday is New Year competitions. They unite and force event participants to be active.

    Some competitions are of a gaming nature, others are for ingenuity, others are for dexterity or ingenuity. Do not forget about the existence of erotic competitions that are suitable for relaxed people.

    If you want the New Year's holiday to be remembered for a long time, be sure to include several exciting competitions in the New Year's program. The photographs taken during the process will remind you of this evening and the joyful atmosphere many years later.

    The most fun contests for the New Year

    I offer 6 fun competitions. With their help, you will cheer up the company, raise your spirits to the maximum, and make the holiday group more active.

    1. “New Year's fishing”. You will need Christmas tree decorations made of cotton wool and a fishing rod with a large hook. Participants in the competition will have to take turns hanging New Year's toys on the street, and then remove them. The one who completes the task faster than others will win.
    2. “Funny drawings”. On a large piece of cardboard, make two holes for the arms. Players will have to draw the Snow Maiden or Father Frost with a brush by putting their hands through the holes. They can't see what they're drawing. The prize will go to the author of the most successful masterpiece.
    3. “Frosty Breath”. In front of each participant, place a large snowflake cut out of paper on the table. The task of each participant is to blow away a snowflake so that it falls on the floor on the other side of the table. The competition ends when the last snowflake hits the floor. The player who takes the longest to complete the task wins. It was all due to his frosty breath, because of which the snowflake “froze” to the surface of the table.
    4. “Dish of the Year”. Participants will have to prepare a dish using products from the New Year's table. A New Year's salad composition or a unique sandwich will do. Afterwards, a man sits in front of each participant, and all players are blindfolded. The “New Year's hostess” who feeds the dish to the man the fastest will win.
    5. “New Year's melody”. Place bottles and a couple of spoons in front of the competition participants. They must take turns approaching the bottles and sing a melody with their spoons. The winner is the author of the most New Year's musical composition.
    6. “Modern Snow Maiden”. Men participating in the competition dress up women to create the image of a modern Snow Maiden. You can use items of clothing, jewelry, New Year's toys, and all kinds of cosmetics. Victory will go to the “stylist” who created the most unusual and striking image of the Snow Maiden.

    The list doesn't end there. If you have imagination, you can come up with a good competition yourself. The main thing is to make it fun and bring smiles to the faces of participants and spectators.

    Video examples

    New Year competitions for children and adults

    A real holiday, in addition to noisy pastime at the table, includes short dance breaks, mass games and various competitions.

    The New Year's celebration is aimed at a mixed audience, so choose New Year's competitions so that everyone can participate. After a half-hour feast, offer guests several musical and active competitions. Having thoroughly blurred and danced, they returned to eating New Year's salads.

    I offer 5 interesting competitions for children and adults. I’m sure they will take their rightful place in the New Year’s entertainment program.

    1. “Christmas trees”. Participants imagine that they are Christmas trees standing in the middle of the forest. The presenter says the Christmas trees are tall, low or wide. After these words, the participants raise their arms, squat or spread their arms. The player who makes a mistake is eliminated. The most attentive one wins.
    2. “Dress up the Christmas tree.” You will need garlands, tinsel and ribbons. The Christmas trees will be women and girls. They hold the end of the garland in their hand. Male representatives decorate the Christmas tree, holding the second end of the garland with their lips. The winner is the couple who creates an elegant and beautiful Christmas tree.
    3. “Mummy”. The competition involves the use of toilet paper. Participants are divided into two teams and a mummy is chosen. The rest of the participants will have to mummify her. They wrap the “lucky one” in toilet paper. The teams make sure that there are no gaps between the turns. The team that completes the task faster wins.
    4. "Twins" . Couples participate. For example, mother and son, father and daughter. Participants hug each other around the waist with one hand. For two you will have two free hands. Afterwards the couple will have to cut out the figure. One participant holds the paper, the second wields scissors. The team that makes the most beautiful figure wins.
    5. "Tomato" . The competition is designed for two participants who stand face to face on opposite sides of the chair. A banknote is placed on the chair. At the end of the countdown, participants must cover the bill with their hand. Whoever got there first won. Afterwards, participants are offered a rematch blindfolded. Instead of money, they put a tomato on the chair. The surprise of the participants will amuse the audience.

    New Year's games for children

    The main holiday of winter is New Year, accompanied by holidays, good mood and a lot of free time. When guests gather in the house, New Year's games for children will come in handy.

    Comic tasks, coupled with bright images and a festive mood will create a positive background for the holiday. Even a simple group game will be exciting if you play with a friendly group. Children will especially enjoy the competitions, the victory of which will bring New Year's gifts.

    1. “Tiger Tail”. Participants line up and take the person in front by the shoulders. The first person in line is the head of the tiger. Closing the column is the tail. After the signal, the “tail” strives to catch up with the “head”, which is trying to escape. The “torso” must remain in the coupling. After some time, the children change places.
    2. “Merry round dance”. An ordinary round dance can be significantly complicated. The leader sets the tone, constantly changing the direction and speed of movement. After several circles, lead the round dance like a snake, moving between pieces of furniture and guests.
    3. "Journey" . Team play involves the use of blindfolds and pins. Place the pins in a “snake” pattern in front of the participants of the two teams. Team members join hands and cover the distance blindfolded. All pins must remain upright. The team whose members knock down the fewest pins wins the game.
    4. “Compliment to the Snow Maiden”. Choose Snow Maiden. Then invite several boys who will compliment her. They have to take out pieces of paper with inscriptions from the bag and, based on the words written on them, express “warm words”. The player who voices the most compliments will win.
    5. “Magic words”. Participants are divided into teams and given a set of letters that make up a certain word. Each team member gets only one letter. In the story that the presenter is reading, there are words from these letters. When such a word is heard, the players with the corresponding letters come forward and line up in the required order. The team that is ahead of its opponents earns a point.
    6. "What changed". Visual memory will help you win the game. Each participant carefully examines the toys hanging on the branches of the Christmas tree for a certain time. Then the children leave the room. Several toys are re-hung or new ones are added. When the children return, they need to voice what has changed.
    7. “Gift in a circle”. Participants stand in a circle face to face. The host gives one of the players a gift and turns on the music. Afterwards the gift moves in a circle. After the music stops, the gift transfer stops. The player who has a gift left is eliminated. At the end of the game, there will be one participant left who will receive this souvenir.

    Videos of children's games

    Ideas for the New Year

    Waiting for a miracle is a tedious task; it is better to create it yourself. What to do? Imagine yourself as a wizard, look around, collect simple objects and create something soulful, shimmering, warm and extraordinary. You will need some free time.

    1. “Christmas balls with fabric applique”. To make your Christmas tree stylish and original, you don’t have to buy expensive toys. You can create an exclusive design using cheap plastic balls without a pattern. Cut out identical motifs from an old scarf or a beautiful piece of fabric and paste them onto the surface of the balls.
    2. “Orange Christmas tree toy”. You will need a few oranges, a beautiful fancy ribbon, a cute rope, and a couple of cinnamon sticks. Cut the oranges into slices and place them in the oven to dry. Tie a cinnamon stick with a string and tie it to an orange slice. Make a loop on top. The final touch is a bow tied to a loop.

    Amazing snowflake

    It's hard to imagine a New Year's holiday without a dozen playful snowflakes.

    1. Use scissors to trim the ends of the toothpick. Use a paper cutter to make a small cut in the middle of one edge of the toothpick. This will be the main tool.
    2. Make several paper blanks. The width of the strip is around three millimeters. The length is equal to the length of the sheet.
    3. Create a spiral. Carefully insert the edge of the paper strip into the slot on the toothpick and twist it into a spiral. Twist the tool, not the paper. Make sure that the spiral is as even as possible. Remove the spiral and place it on the table.
    4. Spread the edge of the strip twisted into a spiral with glue and press it against the spiral. Press the end lightly. You will get a droplet with a spiral inside. Make as many similar elements as possible.
    5. The shape of the elements can be changed. During gluing, squeeze the element with your fingers, giving it a certain shape. This is how not only circles are created, but droplets and eyes.
    6. Having prepared the required number of elements, begin to form the snowflake. Create a pattern from individual elements, fastening with a drop of glue. You will get an amazingly beautiful snowflake.

    Perhaps my ideas for the New Year will seem too simple. If you do everything correctly, the result will be very beautiful, with minimal investment of time and money.

    Ideas for the New Year with your family

    On this day, grandparents, aunties and parents will gather in one house. You need to try to make the festive night varied and fun. Only advance planning and careful preparation will help with this.

    1. Prepare a script. Each family member is assigned to write a short congratulatory speech. Close people are pleased to hear warm words.
    2. Write humorous toasts on pieces of paper. During the feast, guests will share their own thoughts and amuse each other.
    3. Arrange a family interview. A good video camera will come in handy. You can record the wishes of family members on video.


    1. Each family has certain traditions and customs for celebrating the New Year. Some go out and set off fireworks, others visit the main square, others stay at home and exchange gifts.
    2. Family traditions must be followed. This brings back childhood memories when parents tried to arrange a New Year's fairy tale.
    3. Family New Year is a real holiday of love, at this moment we are surrounded by close people, a joyful and calm atmosphere reigns in the house.
    4. This evening, give your family members as much laughter and joy as possible.

    New Year is a holiday when you shouldn’t limit yourself to boundaries. On the contrary, let your imagination run wild and give it the opportunity to run wild. In this case, you will get an unusual holiday, a real feast with games, dancing, fun, and delicious cake.

    Good luck in the coming year and don't forget to buy New Year's gifts for your loved ones. Don't chase expensive things. Let them be cheaper, but from the heart. See you!