Registration of marriage without a ceremony. Wedding without a banquet: ideas to reduce costs Celebrating a wedding without a celebration ideas

It is difficult to imagine a wedding celebration that does not end with a banquet. However, such an event has many advantages, and the most important of them is saving money allocated for the holiday. So, renting premises and preparing a large number of treats fall out of the expense column. In addition, instead of four hours at the table with every minute shouts of “Bitter”, you can organize a horse ride or take a boat ride on the pond. Agree, spending time together like this will be much more enjoyable.

How to celebrate a wedding day without a banquet: original ideas

The wedding morning of the celebration without a banquet is no different from the traditional one: the same preparations for the bride and groom, the redemption process with small competitions and tasks. At the same time, you shouldn’t forget about even a small number of guests - it is advisable to organize a buffet with light snacks, canapés, fruit and champagne. It is better to organize a visit to the registry office or on-site registration before lunch, around 10-11, when no one is tired, there is no sweltering heat and no traffic jams.

After the formal part, the photo session begins. Payment for the services of photographers and videographers is incomparable with the cost of the banquet, but the memory of this magical day will remain for posterity. At the end of several hours of photography, both the invitees and the newlyweds are sure to get hungry. You can feed everyone at home, and if possible, arrange a buffet at a restaurant located next to the park where the photography took place. After the buffet reception, guests will be able to see off the newlyweds on their honeymoon.

In the warm season, instead of a buffet table, you can have a small picnic. To do this, you should take care of tents or awnings, preparing snacks, meat marinade, dishes and other small things. And if you like a more original option, you can celebrate your wedding on the water: on a yacht, motor ship or liner. The unique landscape and salty sea breeze will definitely add uniqueness to the celebration.

Scenario for a buffet table

The purpose of a buffet is not so much to try to arrange a delicious meal, but to create a good mood for all those invited. Therefore, snacks alone will not be enough; here you need to organize an entertainment program.

Witnesses, friends of the groom or bridesmaids can help with the script and preparing the props, or even better - all together, since such preparations take a lot of effort. If you cannot or do not want to handle this yourself, it is better to entrust this part of the celebration to wedding agents who have sufficient resources and experience, contacts with proven artists, magicians, mimes, and cartoonists.

In the case when a narrow circle of guests is invited to the wedding, and you do not want to have too noisy entertainment, you can limit yourself to jazz musicians or a saxophonist. Rest assured, this step will be appreciated. Live music has never let anyone down. A photo session of the bride and groom together with the guests, as well as a joint waltz of the couple, will help add some zest to the holiday.

However, being invited to a wedding celebration without a further banquet, the main question arises: is it worth looking for a gift for the newlyweds? Of course, according to etiquette, it is necessary to give a gift in any case, but it is not at all necessary that it be an expensive item or a large amount of money. In this situation, the gift is a sign of respect for the future spouses.

Wedding menu

As a rule, a traditional buffet consists of cold appetizers. The most popular options are canapés with various fillings, which are easy to prepare. You can also decorate the buffet with salads, vegetable and fruit slices, rolls, small buns, donuts, and cupcakes. There is no prohibition on serving hot food, but you need to cut everything into portions in advance; meat, fish, poultry and seafood are ideal. Drinks you can serve include tea, coffee, and in hot weather, punch or fruit drink.

How to decorate a table beautifully

A spectacular wedding requires beautiful table settings. The best option is to place them in the middle of the room so that all sides of the tables are accessible. It is recommended to place drinks and fruit salads in the center, with glasses nearby. Usually, plates are not placed all over the table, but left in a stack, with the same number of spoons and forks placed nearby and half as many knives. Food should be placed on the table no earlier than half an hour before the start of the event.

It is advisable to leave the preparation and decoration of dishes to professional chefs, although you can do it yourself if you wish. As for the wedding cake, it can be traditionally large and luxurious or ordinary. You decide!

Benefits of a banquet

When choosing a wedding celebration without a subsequent banquet, it is imperative to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages. What prompted you to refuse the banquet? Do you want a fun wedding, but don’t have the time or desire to organize it? In this case, a wedding agency that has dealt with similar issues more than once can help you.

Don’t want to spend money on a banquet, but prefer to spend it on your honeymoon? In this case, you can calculate the preparation costs and roughly imagine how much you will be given. As a rule, at a banquet they give more money than the cost of organizing the event itself, however, it all depends on the invitees.

The purpose of a wedding banquet is to gather all the people dear to your heart together to celebrate the festive event and receive congratulations. It is at the banquet that you will be enveloped in attention, a festive mood, a sea of ​​jokes and shouts of “Bitter!”, you will hear many kind words and wishes.

You will be able to retire with your soulmate after the celebration, on your honeymoon, and for the rest of your life. Only you can decide whether to celebrate this important day for you, sharing the joy with your family and friends, or celebrate it in a more private setting together. In any case, you should think about everything in advance, since a wedding is celebrated once and for a lifetime, and you cannot turn back time.

A wedding is a special celebration that requires considerable expenses. Modern newlyweds try to approach its organization with more and more pragmatism every year, as a result of which the usual holiday scenarios change. One of these popular innovations has become a wedding without a banquet, which can be organized with significant budget savings, but without harm to the holiday. The main thing is to approach preparation correctly and carefully consider an alternative scenario.

To be or not to be a banquet - reasons for refusing a big banquet

Despite the fact that a wedding is considered a holiday of two people who love each other, who want to unite their destinies, and which their relatives come to share with them, sometimes it seems that everything is done more for the guests. The date is chosen so that everyone is present; time and place - so that everyone can get there; restaurant, menu - in order to please everyone, a toastmaster is invited - so that the guests do not get bored.

The bride and groom are left with only their wedding outfits, and they often choose according to the principle “so that it’s better than what their cousin had” or “so that everyone likes it.” Only those invited can have a lot of fun and relax, since constant preparations and control remain on the shoulders of the newlyweds, who by the end of the evening no longer want anything. Therefore, a wedding without a banquet is not only a way to save money, but also an opportunity to make the celebration more focused on the newlyweds.

But, even taking into account the positive aspects of such a scenario, the reduction in the hassle of organizing, many couples find it difficult to abandon established traditions and offend guests with their decision, ultimately ruining the entire holiday.

There are other reasons for making a decision besides the implied rationality, for example:

  • lack of money to organize a decent table - it’s better to give it up altogether than to seat people at half-empty tables or feed them low-quality products;
  • little time for preparation: there is no opportunity to book a room, discuss the menu or prepare treats;
  • the obviousness of the fact that the banquet will not pay for itself, which can cause discomfort both for the newlyweds and for the guests themselves, who cannot give a more valuable gift;
  • the desire of the newlyweds to make a wedding for themselves, and not for relatives. For example, a couple may decide to celebrate with the goal of spending the money they save on their honeymoon.
  • the desire to spend this special day only together or in a very small circle of friends.

There is no fundamental difference in the reason why the newlyweds decide to hold a wedding in this format - it is their holiday. You should not be afraid of all sorts of expected reactions from the invited people - family and friends will always support and understand, and the opinions of strangers do not matter.

Wedding scenarios without a banquet

In our minds, the concepts of “wedding” and “banquet” are for the most part inseparable from each other. Therefore, it is difficult for most newlyweds to even imagine how a wedding will take place without a celebration. A wedding day without a large-scale celebration does not change much, especially its first half. Traditionally, the day begins with the preparation of the newlyweds - they dress up, shoot a video of the morning preparations, and if the start time of registration at the registry office allows, you can conduct a ransom ceremony, then go to the painting.

After the end of the formal part, the usual schedule of the wedding day can be changed.

There are several options here depending on further developments:

  • if the couple plans to visit only the registry office, the guests then go home, and the newlyweds go on their honeymoon, then it will be quite enough to organize a symbolic celebration with champagne in a separate room of the registry office, which will not take more than half an hour;
  • if, after the painting, the newlyweds plan to have a joint walk and photo shoot with friends, then they will have to take more careful care of the guests. For example, you can organize a small buffet in a separate room of the registry office or order it in a cafe nearby. If the weather permits, you can also resort to the services of catering companies and prepare a buffet outdoors. When everyone has satisfied their hunger, you can go for a walk with new strength;
  • As an idea for a celebration without a restaurant, you can use the traditional scenario of a European wedding. Then, after the ceremony at the registry office, the newlyweds and their guests go for a short walk combined with a photo shoot, and then a reception is expected. In essence, this is the same banquet, but on a much smaller scale. It lasts no more than a couple of hours, self-service is assumed or several waiters are invited. All guests are located where it is convenient for them, move around, and communicate. With this format, there is no need for a toastmaster, and live music can serve as the background for the celebration. At the end of the reception, the guests leave, and the newlyweds go on their honeymoon.

In continuation of the wedding day, even without planning a festive banquet, a lot of different options are possible - walks in the parks, excursions to castles, staged photo shoots, outdoor recreation, etc. The main idea of ​​​​organizing a successful scenario is when creating a holiday for yourself, you should also not forget about the guests , their needs and mood, otherwise the reviews of a wedding without a banquet will definitely not be positive.

Wedding evening

The festive banquet accounts for not only a significant part of the wedding budget, but a good half of the entire celebration. Replacing it with a walk into the night or finishing all the celebrations by lunchtime does not seem to be a very attractive prospect. Therefore, newlyweds should think about how to spend the evening after the wedding. In this matter, there are only two generalized options within which a variety of ideas can be implemented:

  • spend the evening alone for the bride and groom;
  • continue the celebration with guests, but not in a banquet format.

For an evening for two, you can implement small romantic ideas, for example, book a table at your favorite (or most expensive) restaurant, rent a hotel room, go on an evening boat ride or book a flight on a private jet. Couples who prefer extreme sports can jump from a parachute or fly in a hot air balloon together. In general, make yourself a love holiday.

For those who do not want to quickly part with their guests, you can think about going with them to the dacha, having an evening around the fire, or young people can also visit a nightclub. Last but not least, there may also be the option of having a festive dinner at home with loved ones.

Saving or reallocating funds

As noted earlier, ideas for organizing weddings without banquets began to appear largely due to the newlyweds’ lack of money for them or due to the desire to save the family budget. Often these decisions pay off.

The average ranges from 1.5 to 5 thousand rubles per guest. At the same time, the average size of a cash gift is about 2-3 thousand rubles.

At modern prices, only a banquet with minimum orders can pay off, and its absence is guaranteed to save the newlyweds a considerable amount. And then, this is only if these budget funds are not “redirected” to other “needs” (travel, romantic evening or extreme vacation). Congratulations to guests are not canceled in the absence of a banquet. But how the newlyweds decide to use the money saved at the banquet determines how rational this decision will be.

Elvina Primakova

We adopt many ideas for organizing celebrations from the West. In particular, weddings without a banquet are becoming fashionable. There are certain rules of organization so that such a rational approach does not deprive the festivity of one of the most memorable days in life.

Wedding for two

Reasons for abandoning the standard script

More and more newlyweds prefer to celebrate their wedding in an original way without a banquet, because they come to understand that this is a personal holiday for a loving couple. If you think about it, at most celebrations everything is donefor guests:

  1. A date and time that is convenient for everyone is chosen so that as many relatives and friends as possible can attend.
  2. The place for painting, photo walk and banquet should also be convenient for the guests: even going out of town is problematic for many of them.
  3. You have to invite a noisy toastmaster who will amuse everyone, even if the young people themselves cannot stand such entertainment.

Strictly speaking, the bride and groom are absolutely free only in the choice of wedding dresses, and even then they may be afraid to move away from the classic options.

Sad bride

At least for the reasons listed above, the newlyweds decide to go ahead with the wedding without a wedding.

There are also more prosaic reasons. For example, a bride or groom does not want to celebrate a wedding for reasons of economy. And yet, this is a less common option: usually young people, without spending money on the celebration, invest many times more money in their honeymoon. So the question of the amount of money spent may be secondary in relation to the desire to spend a memorable day the way the couple wants, without the need to please the guests.

And the last reason why newlyweds hesitate to celebrate their wedding is the banal lack of time to choose a hall, a host, and so on. Of course, in this case, you can hire an organizer who, for a certain amount, will take care of all the issues, but not all newlyweds can afford this option.

Ideas and options for a wedding without a celebration in the summer

Newlyweds and guests in the club

There are several basic scenarios that help young people decide how to celebrate the registration of marriage without a wedding in its usual sense - with a banquet:

  1. In a separate room of the registry office after painting you can arrange a big buffet with champagne and light snacks. If you are registering outside, a great option is a picnic on the grass. After this, you can go on a photo walk.
  2. After painting at the registry office and a photo walk, it is allowed meeting with guests at the establishment, where everyone pays for themselves. For example, in a club: there will be no time to sit at a table. Most will dance half the night and limit themselves to cocktails.
  3. In warm weather you can arrange beach party with swimming, playing volleyball and singing around the fire.
  4. If the newlyweds do not want to see anyone at all on their holiday, after the painting they can the two of us go to realize a romantice ideas: ride a river boat, walk through an evening city full of lights, rent a room in a luxury hotel for the night.
  5. Another option on how to organize a wedding without a banquet, for those who do not want to invite anyone - photo studio. There, the young people will have professional photographs taken as a souvenir of their important day.

These are five generalized scenarios for how to hold a wedding without a celebration. Based on them, newlyweds can come up with their own, combining interesting ideas.

The bride and groom meet the sunset

Advantages of marriage without a feast

As already mentioned, there are two main advantages of a wedding without a banquet: significant family budget savings and the desire to organize a holiday for two, without taking into account the needs of many guests.

Reluctance to spend money or lack of it

Of course, prices for a festive feast vary both throughout Russia and within specific cities, depending on the chosen establishment. Even without spending on alcoholic drinks, the costs are decent.

For each guest you will have to spend from 1.5 to 5 thousand rubles, depending on the location of the celebration. At the same time, the average amount of a gift from invitees is 3 thousand rubles

Obviously, Only a very modest wedding can pay off in an inexpensive cafe, and the pleasure from such an event is doubtful. As well as the decision to organize a feast not in the city, but in the nearest village, for the sake of economy.

The bride is worried about expenses

It is worth noting that newlyweds may not have any funds at all, even for a modest wedding, and fewer and fewer couples today decide to start their family life with a loan. Or the amount for the celebration may be limited, and you have to make a choice: either a festive feast or a honeymoon trip for two.

Reluctance to organize an event for guests, and not for yourself

Considering how much is done to please guests, The bride and groom may get tired even at the stage of preparation for the celebration. But this should be one of the happiest days in life! Understanding this, young people can only spend money on what will bring them pleasure: outfits, a photographer, a honeymoon.

Disadvantages of registering a marriage without a feast

A significant disadvantage is gossip and condemnation relatives and friends. Many older parents may feel that it is “indecent” not to invite anyone to a wedding. In such cases, the bride and groom will have to muster all their willpower into a fist so as not to succumb to other people’s persuasion out of a desire not to offend. On the other hand, the opinion of potential guests is justified. Newlyweds may not fully understand how pleasant it is to share an important life moment with loved ones and listen to warm wishes.

Plus weddings with guests

And on the anniversary, you can get together again with the same company and with pleasure rewatch the wedding video, to refresh your memory of the special mood that filled the day when the newlyweds said to each other: “Yes.”

A wedding is one of the few occasions gather all relatives and friends at a common table, to hear many warm congratulations. Still, some newlyweds do not like the standard scenario, and they may decide refuse the banquet after painting. In this case, you can choose a low-cost alternative, for example, light buffet in nature.

The main thing is to weigh all the pros and cons when making a decision, so that you have pleasant memories of your wedding day for a lifetime.

26 August 2018, 17:17

Modern registry offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities offer those getting married to legitimize their unofficial relationship through a solemn or informal ceremony. If more is known about the organization of the event, then registering a marriage without a ceremony is shrouded in secrecy.

When hearts in love decide to start a family, they have many procedural questions: to carry out the painting in the registry office without a formal part or to celebrate the wedding day on a grand scale? Every couple submitting an application to the registry office is asked these and other questions.

After reading this article, young people will be able to find answers to the following questions: how does a non-ceremonial registration at the registry office take place, how is it different from a ceremonial one without a wedding, what should the newlyweds wear, what signature does the bride put, do parents go to the registry office, can guests attend the painting, etc. .d.

Ceremony rings

Solemn wedding ceremony

First of all, in order to officially legitimize their relationship, newlyweds should contact the civil registry office to submit an application. This is necessary for the registry office employee to make sure that their intention to start a family is mutual. The newlyweds must also provide the following list of documentation:

  • Identification of both persons.
  • Divorce certificate, death certificate of the former spouse, court decision. Such documents are provided if one of the newlyweds was previously officially married.
  • Permission from parents is granted if one of the future spouses is a minor.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty for the wedding procedure.

After submitting the application, the period until the official wedding is one month from the appointed wedding date. And within a month, the bride decides to change her surname.

Note! A marriage can be registered earlier for the following reasons: pregnancy, birth of a child, health problems in one of the newlyweds.

On the wedding day, the marriage bond is formalized, which for most is a solemn ritual. After it, the newlyweds are officially declared husband and wife.

Important! The couple must arrive at the registry office earlier than the appointed time, which is necessary to settle some formalities, namely to pay for the services of the registry office: music, photographer, conducting the ceremony, stamping the passport, issuing rings by the registry office staff.

And only then, to the accompaniment of Mendelssohn’s march, the newlyweds, witnesses and guests are invited into the hall. According to tradition, the bride should walk to the left side of the groom, while leading her by the arm. Witnesses follow the newlyweds: on the bride’s side there is a witness, on the groom’s side there is a witness.

The newlyweds stand near the manager's table and listen carefully to his speech, while answering the questions posed. The manager, in turn, makes a corresponding, long speech and asks the newlyweds separately whether they agree to create a new unit of society - a family.

Master of Ceremony

After confirming their desire, they sign the civil status records in duplicate, exchange rings, and are then officially recognized as husband and wife.

The wedding ends with the first dance of the newlyweds.

Note! It is better to rehearse the dance yourself or work out with a special trainer, but you can also dance a simple slow dance.

Only after the dance does the manager invite the guests to express their congratulations to the young couple. And witnesses will help sort out the gifts received from the guests, after which the newlyweds will leave the registry office lightly.

Often, on the street in front of the registry office, young people arrange a small buffet with tartlets, sweets and drinking champagne with the guests. Then the solemn registration of marriage ends, and the young couple goes to ride around the city and take pictures.

Non-ceremonial wedding: how it goes and what you need to know about it

Currently, modern couples are increasingly refraining from holding a solemn wedding ceremony, namely from luxurious decorations, luxurious limousines and large banquets. After all, non-ceremonial marriage registration is cheaper, and only the closest people share the joy with the newlyweds.

Often the main reasons for a wedding without a celebration are:

  • Pregnancy. Painting in the registry office without a ceremony will save the bride from unnecessary worry.
  • A long unofficial marriage before deciding to legalize the relationship.
  • Significant money savings. The newlyweds can save money, donate funds from close relatives and go on a honeymoon.

Important! When submitting an application, it is worth warning the registry office employee about your intentions to register the marriage without a ceremony.

On the day of the painting, the newlyweds must have their passports and wedding rings with them. The registration itself takes place on a weekday and lasts half an hour. The registry office employee invites the couple into his office, where he looks through the documents and makes the appropriate entries in the registration book.

Afterwards, the manager makes a short speech, asks whether the newlyweds really agree to enter into a marriage, if the answer is positive, stamps are affixed to their passports, and then the couple signs in the registration book.

Note! The supporting document is the marriage registration certificate issued to the young person.

Marriage certificate

The state fee for registration of a wedding is 350 rubles (same as the solemn fee).

It is allowed to submit an application in any city, since this does not affect the place of registration of the spouses. The application form can be filled out at the registry office or via the Internet by printing it out and signing it in the presence of a registry office employee by both parties with a mandatory note about the surname that the couple will have after the wedding.

What is the difference between a formal and non-celebratory wedding? During the formal part, such an event takes place in the festive hall to music, with a long introductory speech for the newlyweds. In addition, the bride and groom must take the following attributes for the holiday: a loaf of bread, a wedding towel, champagne, glasses for the newlyweds, and sweets.

Note! It is worth thinking through all the details in advance and making a list of things that may be useful at the registry office.

And by carrying out the painting in the registry office without a solemn ceremony, you no longer need all of the above attributes, a magnificent wedding dress for the bride and an expensive suit for the groom, a large number of guests, huge banquet halls. The uniform can be any. Often modern newlyweds dress in denim or casual style for a non-ceremonial registration.

Denim style

There are a huge number of ideas for creating an image; it all depends on the creativity and budget of the young people. This is the difference between the types of ceremonies.

Important! The main thing is that the clothes have a neat and presentable appearance, and guests can dress as they see fit.

In order to register the creation of a new family, and it was legal, the young people must certify this with their signatures. If everything is clear with the groom, then what signature should the bride put, using her old last name or her new one?

The fact is that the bride’s old passport will be valid for another month. Therefore, the bride must certify the documents with the old signature that appears in the passport.

As for the question of whether parents should go to the registry office, this relates more to wedding superstitions and signs. On such an important day for the young, the support of their parents would not hurt; mothers and fathers also want to be close to the young.

Parents at the wedding

Those parents who follow traditions do not go to the registry office with their newlyweds for certain reasons. So they believe that the godparents of the bride and groom should go to the registry office with the newlyweds, and the blood father and mother welcome the newlyweds at home with bread and salt.

Previously, this tradition was used more to prepare for the arrival of guests. Today you rarely see this custom, since no one celebrates the painting at home anymore, but banquets are ordered in advance in restaurants and cafes. Therefore, parents can safely go to the registry office with the newlyweds to share this holiday with them.

If a couple decides to organize a painting without a wedding and a luxurious banquet, the first thing to do is to warn relatives and friends about this. It’s great when the family reacts loyally to such a desire and friends positively accept the other half. Everyone is invited to register their marriage at the registry office, and after the painting, the newlyweds and their guests celebrate the holiday in front of the registry office. Then the young family goes to a restaurant or on a trip, where they will celebrate together.

Pros and cons of registering a marriage without a ceremony

Nowadays, non-ceremonial weddings are a common occurrence. Therefore, it is worth understanding all its pros and cons. Pros:

  • Young people share the holiday only with their closest relatives, and they can save significant amounts of money. Thanks to this opportunity, newlyweds can go on a honeymoon to warm countries.


  • Under certain circumstances, young people can sign at the registry office without a celebration on the day of submitting the application.
  • A minimal amount of money is spent on the non-ceremonial procedure for registering a marriage. After all, only a state fee of 350 rubles is paid.
  • Save time. A non-ceremonial registration goes much faster than a traditional wedding.

But there are also disadvantages to painting without a celebration:

  • For most people, a wedding is associated with a magnificent celebration, and they would like to celebrate it on a grand scale, so that they themselves will remember it, and their relatives will also enjoy it.
  • A wedding without a celebration is considered a boring event that can rarely bring a sea of ​​positive emotions to the newlyweds and relatives. With such a choice, the taste of the holiday, its surroundings and touching feelings are lost. But to a greater extent, everything depends on the young people themselves, how they organize and spend this day even with their closest relatives.
  • And the registry office does not always allow you to bring many guests, because the painting itself does not take place in the formal hall, but in a separate room. If this happens, the couple asks the guests to wait for them at the registry office so that after the painting they can share this event with them.

The right choice is any decision of the young. Most modern couples consider it necessary to carry out the painting in the registry office without celebrations and festive festivities. In exchange for this, the newlyweds arrange a honeymoon, a romantic evening, a photo shoot, a tourist wedding or a wedding abroad. No wishes of relatives or observance of traditions should prevent the newlyweds from spending this day the way they want to celebrate. The main thing is that the hearts of the newlyweds were reunited, and a new unit of society appeared - the family.

Is it possible to have a wedding without a banquet? Yes you can. and such weddings are not uncommon. But in any case, it is important to understand why you are choosing this option.

Don't you like big feasts?
Are you saving money?
You don't want to advertise your relationship?
Perhaps you have some other reasons not to hold the banquet now.

Everyone’s situation is different, but in order to choose the ideal option for how to have a wedding without a celebration, it is important to understand the reason for this decision.

For example: if the goal is simply to save money, then you don’t have to refuse a banquet, but simply choose a suitable time and place ()

If you don’t want to advertise your relationship or don’t like big feasts, then you can have a small wedding for two.

A wedding without a banquet.

A small wedding without a banquet and guests is not a reason to make the wedding ugly and not a reason to turn the wedding day into an ordinary one.

There are many options for celebrating the day, but it’s difficult to recommend anything without knowing you and your wishes for this day. Call us, we will definitely come up with something

Script and ideas

  1. The simplest option for a wedding without a banquet is simply a painting at the registry office with a photo shoot at the painting. ()
  2. If you want photos, not only photos from the registry office, but also a beautiful photo shoot, you can arrange a short walk after the registry office.
    I will help you create a route when the date and time are clear. Usually such a photo shoot (registry office + short walk takes 3-4 hours).
  3. The ideal days for such a celebration (without a large number of guests) are weekdays. You can choose ceremonial (in the ceremonial hall of the registry office) and non-solemn registration of marriage (just in the office at the table). I would advise choosing a formal one - it doesn’t cost extra money, but it’s beautiful.

    If you decide to conduct ceremonial registration on weekdays on weekdays you can go to wedding palaces and

In addition, in the near Moscow region there are several beautiful registry offices that also register marriages on weekdays.

District registry offices conduct ceremonial registration only on Friday and Saturday. On any other day only non-ceremonial (in the office)

If from a wedding without a banquet you want beautiful photos not only from the walk but also from the bride getting ready in the room, then this can be added to the wedding day program.

  • You can start the day by photographing the bride's morning, or a joint morning with the groom. Coffee, glass of champagne, no fuss.
  • Next is registration at the registry office.
  • Then a short photo session (or vice versa)

The option of a small buffet outside is possible (if guests are planned to be present). This is only suitable for small weddings for 5-6 people.

Of course, it is possible to rent a loft for a couple of hours.
But, in this case, there will be no special savings.

If there are more people and the buffet lasts longer than an hour, then everything becomes more complicated. In this case, I recommend a standard wedding scenario with an ordinary, albeit small, banquet.

If you hold a buffet for more than an hour, then the guests will quickly want to eat, and renting almost any place, + light snacks + champagne will be comparable in price to gatherings in a cafe.

Read more about why I do not recommend having a long buffet instead of a banquet in the article

Ready to become your photographer and consultant as Beautiful hold a wedding without a banquet (see portfolio) and
tell different possible scenarios.