What to give for a porcelain wedding (20 years). Porcelain wedding (20 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poems, prose, SMS 20 years of married life

20 wedding years is a very important period of marriage. The symbol of this anniversary is porcelain and there are explanations for this. First, it reminds us that marital love and understanding is very beautiful and graceful, but nevertheless fragile and needs attention and care. On the other hand, porcelain dishes have always been a symbol of security and wealth. The only real wealth of the spouses is the 20 years they have lived together.

How to celebrate your 20th wedding anniversary? Like any important date, the porcelain anniversary has its own traditions. You need to spend this day with your family, inviting children, grandchildren, neighbors and close friends to the celebration.

You need to be very careful about decorating the room and preparing dishes. At one time on this day, a man, as a real breadwinner, had to hunt and bring home game. In the modern world, this is not always possible. But the spouse should at least go to the butcher shop and choose the meat for the main dish. As for the wife, she is obliged to bake homemade bread or buns, which will be a symbol of her thriftiness.

There is one more, very important sign. It is believed that after living together for 20 years, the spouses have already achieved prosperity. Therefore, everything that will be in the room during the celebration must belong to them. Therefore, if you have any family things that have passed into your possession from your parents, then they need to be removed from the premises for a while. A tablecloth personally embroidered by the wife, or some piece of furniture made by the owner of the house is considered a very good sign.

Table setting is also very important. After all, on this day everything should be porcelain and, preferably, new.

As for snacks, there must be homemade baked goods on the table - pies, bread, buns, gingerbread, cookies. The main dish is ideally simple and uncomplicated, made from meat. There should be few alcoholic drinks at a 20th wedding anniversary celebration, while there should be more compotes, jelly and tea.

20 years of wedding will be incomplete without a ceremonial tea party. Remember that porcelain came to us from the East, so it would be nice to organize a real Chinese tea party. Find out in advance about the rituals and traditions of Eastern culture. This, by the way, will be wonderful entertainment for guests and a real sacrament for spouses.

What to give for your 20th wedding anniversary? The symbol of the 20th wedding anniversary is porcelain, so it is advisable that your gifts for the spouses be made from this material. A mandatory gift is tea or coffee. Plates, coasters or other tableware made of porcelain are perfect.

In any case, your gifts should symbolize family comfort. You can also give something traditional to Eastern culture, for example, a beautiful kimono. Whatever you are going to present, remember that in any case you should bring something porcelain into the house, for example, a beautiful figurine or other souvenir.

On this day, spouses should also present symbolic gifts. For example, a husband is simply obliged to give his beloved some kitchen utensils - a set of pots, beautiful towels or an apron. For the spouse, other gifts are suitable - a soft terry robe, a beautiful bookshelf, or Such a symbolic exchange of things should demonstrate how well this married couple has learned each other.

Remember that a porcelain wedding is a fun celebration. At the table you should hear a cheerful conversation, pleasant and sometimes funny memories from childhood, sincere wishes for happiness and family understanding. Still, 20 years together is a huge achievement that should be admired and respected.

20 years of family life is an anniversary, round and, of course, significant date for every couple. Its symbol is considered to be porcelain - one of the most expensive and beautiful, but at the same time easily breakable materials. On this day, it is customary to congratulate the heroes of the occasion with memorable gifts.

What is the anniversary called?

20 years after marriage, the spouses are already perceived as a single whole: they have become close and accustomed to each other’s habits, and have learned to work together to get out of any situations, both good and not so favorable. The twentieth anniversary of marriage is called a porcelain wedding. And this is not without reason: porcelain is an elegant and luxurious material, products made from it are always distinguished by exceptional aristocracy and are invariably highly valued.

At the same time, porcelain requires quite careful treatment, just like a married couple who has lived side by side for twenty years. If a husband and wife stop being considerate and attentive to each other and do not surround their partner with love and care, then the family union will certainly crack or may even break completely, just like fragile porcelain figurines.

On the 20th date of the wedding, it has always been traditional to present sets. There is a belief that after a couple of decades, all the dishes presented to the newlyweds for their wedding have already broken, of course, for good luck, and the time has come to renew them. This, by the way, is another version that explains the origin of the name of this anniversary.

On such a day, it is customary to organize a celebration, preferably on a grand scale, invite all relatives and closest ones and be sure to accept gifts from them. It is advisable to set the table with a porcelain set or other decorative items made from the same material. It is generally accepted that in this case, porcelain will bring harmony to the relationship, which will last for decades with the couple.

What do they give to spouses?

Spouses who have spent 20 years together should definitely congratulate each other, because these people, who are completely immersed in solving everyday problems, so need new and bright emotions that can remind them that, first of all, they are driven by love for each other, and not only the need to solve joint problems and issues, especially since over the many years that the spouses lived together, they well studied all the character traits of their companion, learned about his hobbies and interests.

To my husband

On this day, it is better to give your spouse a gift that will fully correspond to his hobby. This could be fishing, hunting and tourism accessories, fashionable gadgets, game discs, a ticket to an iconic football match, or items to add to the collection if the spouse collects something.

Surely a man will also need power tools: a drill, a jigsaw, an angle grinder - all this is valued by men, and it will definitely come in handy in the house.

For a person with a high social position, it is worth looking at expensive accessories: a ring, leather bags or a stylish tie.

A very good idea on this day would be to engrave your wedding ring.

If a man smokes, then you can present him with a porcelain ashtray.

There are quite a few options for a gift for a man, the main thing is that this gift is made from the bottom of the heart and serves as a reminder for many years to come of such a significant event as the twentieth anniversary of marriage.


But it’s not difficult to please your wife. Surely there is no woman who will remain indifferent to expensive jewelry. This could be an engraved ring, a pendant or new earrings. However, you can buy not so expensive, but exclusive handmade jewelry as a gift, which a woman can wear to work, on vacation, and on going out. Try to decorate the gift beautifully and be sure to present it along with a large bouquet of flowers.

Don’t forget that women love to turn their home into a cozy family nest, so they will certainly be pleased with porcelain interior figurines, floor vases, as well as jewelry storage boxes, a mirror in a porcelain frame or a small talisman.

However, you don’t have to stop at symbolic products - your spouse will certainly be pleased with a certificate for visiting beauty salon treatments or purchasing new expensive wardrobe items.

How to congratulate parents?

Children on this day should certainly congratulate their parents. As a rule, they themselves are about to enter adult and independent life and begin to build their own families, so they should perceive the strong and lasting marriage of their parents as an example of how spouses should treat each other throughout their lives.

A table service would be a good gift.- This is one of the most common gifts for the 20th anniversary of marriage. Parents will certainly appreciate it, especially if it is customary for the family to have warm gatherings at the tea table with their many relatives.

A large vase with patterns would also be appropriate - just don’t forget to periodically give your mothers a beautiful bouquet so that they can take full advantage of your gift.

An original figurine is also suitable for an experienced family. Most often they buy products in the form of swans or a couple in love; you can even make a funny image of the spouses.

These gifts are considered the most common, which is why souvenir shop sellers recommend them first. But all these are rather banal things - probably in two decades the family has already acquired the required number of plates and cups, and bought all the necessary interior decor items.

That is why it is worth thinking about an alternative gift option. For example, you can order exclusive dolls depicting the heroes of the occasion, or purchase a pair of kimonos to wear at home. By the way, porcelain is of Japanese origin, so the kimono has something to do with the symbolism of a porcelain wedding.

The interests of the parents must be taken into account. So, if they are passionate about art, you can give them a theater ticket or pay for thematic courses and master classes. And for lovers of active recreation, tourism accessories are suitable: backpacks, tents, barbecues. So that parents can take a break from everyday routine and again experience acute emotions and strong feelings, it is worth considering the idea of ​​​​giving a certificate for a parachute jump or a flight in a wind tube. They will not be able to forget such a present for a very long time.

You can give your parents pajamas or T-shirts, but they must be paired - made to order with funny inscriptions. Your parents will be able to relax and go on trips in such clothes.

And, of course, an animal can be a good gift. As a rule, at this moment a void appears in the lives of parents: children grow up and leave their father’s house (someone gets married, someone moves to another city to study or moves into a student dormitory). To somehow brighten up this loneliness for your loved ones, you can give them an animal. Preferably something that is not troublesome, such as a cat, dog or bird. Of course, if one of the parents has allergies, then you should not buy such a gift.

If the children are not yet adults and do not have their own source of income, then you can make a happiness tree with your own hands, in which instead of leaves there are pebbles for crafts, or a family tree, which will not only decorate the interior, but also emphasize the strength of family ties. You can present mom and dad with a hand-drawn picture or homemade souvenirs with memorable inscriptions. Surely they will like an album with their family photos, decorated in scrapbooking style.

Children always know well what exactly their parents need. The name of the wedding does not at all force them to give exclusively porcelain products - the souvenir can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that it is well packaged and accompanied by the most sincere and heartfelt words of congratulations. All parents need simple attention from their grown daughters and sons and their assurance of sincere love and gratitude.

Gift options for friends

Despite the fact that twenty years is a rather serious date, you can give the most ridiculous and cheerful gifts. It is not at all necessary to think in standard clichés - you can always buy quite original souvenirs in stores. Good gifts that spouses will appreciate will certainly be:

  • figurines distinguished by their external resemblance to both spouses;
  • commemorative medals and orders for courage in life together;
  • personalized cups and mugs with original or, conversely, romantic texts;
  • vouchers for a romantic trip without children;
  • collectible dolls.

Another good gift from friends can be a birthday cake. It can be multi-tiered or have a more modest size, but it should certainly be decorated in the wedding style. Here you can depict figurines of spouses made of mastic, however, swans, bows, and flowers would also be very appropriate.

And, of course, a good gift for the spouses will be the celebration script you have compiled, which you can preview to all the guests, but at the same time in such a way that it becomes a complete surprise for the heroes of the occasion. In this case, the holiday will remain in their memory for a very long time, and many years later they will remember all the pleasant moments of their life together.

By the way, there is a whole selection of funny gifts, the presentation of which can amuse not only those celebrating, but also all their guests:

  • funny hedgehog mittens - small kitchen mittens that are decorated with pushpins so that household members obey their spouses;
  • a long ruble - several bills of the same denomination glued together so that there is money in the family;
  • a pound of salt - to maintain warmth and peace in the family, it is better to present it in a large canvas bag.

People who dream of going through life's journey together get married; 20 years from their wedding day is a significant date for any couple who is preparing to celebrate such an event. During this time, the couple managed to face various life situations, but managed to overcome everything, maintain warmth and love for each other. Therefore, this holiday is considered an important event in the lives of people who have lived hand in hand for twenty years.

It is customary to celebrate such a celebration in a narrow family circle, surrounded by relatives and friends. But those invited to the festive event, as well as those responsible for it themselves, are concerned with questions about the 20th wedding anniversary, what kind of wedding, what to give and how to make sure that the anniversary gift is remembered for many years.

There are several versions of why the 20th wedding anniversary was nicknamed porcelain.

Common opinions:

  • The leading version is based on the fact that at the time of the wedding, newlyweds were most often given porcelain sets and dishes. But after so many years, if it hasn’t broken, it’s pretty worn out, and this is the main reason to give new porcelain dishes.
  • Another option is that 20 wedding years is considered a long time for a couple. The couple learned to control their emotions, restrain grievances, and became wiser both in relationships and in life. But their ship of harmony and mutual understanding remains as fragile as it was a couple of decades ago. It can easily crash against the rocks of indifference and coldness if it is not nourished with care and love. The feelings of the spouses are still tender, and their fragility is comparable to porcelain.
  • The following opinion states that porcelain is considered a very valuable and expensive material. Therefore, a 20-year marriage is a serious period of time; a couple can be proud that their little world lasted in peace and harmony for such a period of time. Therefore, each round date from the wedding day is given the following interpretation - long periods of marriage are compared with more durable and valuable material.

In connection with these versions, traditions have emerged that are dedicated specifically to the twentieth wedding anniversary. For example, a couple with such a long common past should put new china on the table, which symbolizes the transition of their family to a new level of life. And the attire of the guests, as well as the furnishings of the house, on a significant day should be done in light colors, as a symbol of the purity and purity of the relationship between the spouses.

How to celebrate the occasion

A porcelain wedding is a significant day in the life of the spouses, so it should not be forgotten and must be celebrated. The couple should choose the setting for the celebration based on their own preferences and desires. After all, some people like noisy banquets, others like to celebrate holidays in a narrow circle of loved ones and relatives, and there are couples who are comfortable alone with each other. It is up to the spouses to decide on what scale their porcelain wedding will be celebrated.

On a grand scale

If a couple likes to celebrate holidays in a noisy company, and the family budget allows it, then a banquet in a good restaurant for their 20th wedding anniversary would be an excellent option. In such establishments you can celebrate a celebration of any scale. In every city you can find an establishment that will meet all the requirements of a couple. If you wish, you can turn to holiday organizers for help, who will saturate it with various competitions and entertainment.

When you want a warm atmosphere with family and friends, you can organize a celebration at home. Cozy gatherings in your own home can bring no less joy and fun than an evening in a restaurant. And the company of people that surrounds the family every day will make the celebration twice as enjoyable. In this case, the spouses themselves can organize the evening at their own discretion, according to their preferences. But it’s better not to deviate from tradition and decorate the table with some porcelain items.

Evening for two

For those who want to celebrate their little holiday alone with each other, there are many options to spend the 20th wedding anniversary unforgettably. Thus, lovers can choose for themselves how and where they want to spend their anniversary and in what environment. Using your imagination, you can arrange a romantic evening that your lover will remember for the rest of his life. There are several common options for celebrating the occasion:

  1. The most common option is to have dinner together in a restaurant or at home. An evening by candlelight against the backdrop of pleasant music and delicious food will be an excellent option.
  2. If a significant date falls during the warm season, then you can use this to your advantage. Why not go somewhere to the lake or into the forest with a tent and have a picnic under the twinkling stars.
  3. If a couple is lucky enough to live in a big city, which lights up with various lights after dark, then you can arrange a romantic date on the roof of the house. At night, a fabulous atmosphere will be created. To ensure that the holiday is held at the highest level, you can seek help from an organization that deals with such issues.
  4. Under favorable circumstances, you can go on a tourist trip to celebrate your anniversary.

There are a lot of options for where to go for your wedding anniversary. The main thing is to turn on your imagination and take the initiative.

How to choose a gift

Today, on the shelves of souvenir shops and other stores you can see a huge assortment of various gifts that can be gifts for the 20th wedding anniversary. The main thing is not to lose your head, to correctly decide what to give for such a significant event. The gift given should, first of all, be liked by the recipients.


If a person cannot decide what to give for a porcelain wedding, then you can find a solution in the very name of the celebration. A beautiful piece of porcelain will be an excellent symbolic gift.

Lots of options:

  • porcelain services or sets will be an excellent gift for a wife, parents or another married couple from friends. The gift combines not only beauty, but also benefit;
  • You can give a tea set for a porcelain wedding; it will become indispensable for a mother, colleague or relative;
  • porcelain figurines will become a symbolic gift for spouses: the shape of swans or a couple in love. A universal option that can be used if a person cannot decide what to give for this celebration;
  • a voluminous vase made of fragile material will be an ideal decoration for any decor, so you can safely give it to your neighbors, friend, or relatives. You can also surprise your wife with such a surprise if you equip the vase with a chic bouquet.

Gifts for wife

Gifts for a porcelain wedding do not have to be made of porcelain. If it seems that such a gift will not delight your spouse, then it is better to trust your own intuition and choose the surprise that will satisfy your better half.

There is no woman who would not appreciate a gift in the form of jewelry made of precious metals. Therefore, this option is a win-win. If a man remembers what parameters his beloved has, he can give her a set of beautiful underwear made of noble fabrics.

Present for husband

Women carefully choose a gift for a porcelain wedding. They tend to consider every option in search of the perfect gift for their husband. Any man will also not refuse a jewelry surprise. An excellent option would be a watch made of precious metal with symbolic engraving. Everyone will appreciate such a gift. If your better half smokes, you can prepare a set of a cigarette case, an ashtray and a lighter as a gift.

Gift from friends

When going to a celebration of your friends as invited guests, you should choose the right gift. It doesn't have to be a faience set.

In addition to it, there are a lot good options:

  1. Symbolic mugs with a cool design will fit perfectly into the theme of the celebration.
  2. A bedding set will combine both beauty and benefit for the celebrants of the day.
  3. You can make an unforgettable gift for your friends and, secretly from them, organize a romantic dinner for two for a married couple. Such an act will definitely not go unnoticed.
  4. Naturally, you can approach the issue of choosing a gift for a wedding anniversary more modestly, which will also bring a lot of positive emotions to the celebrants. A beautiful bouquet of flowers for your wife and a cigarette case with good tobacco for your husband are an excellent and economical gift option.

It doesn’t matter what exactly the lot falls on when choosing a gift, what matters is what emotions are invested in it.

Dear readers, I gladly welcome you! Do you know what kind of wedding marks 20 years of marriage? Do not know? Then read on, as the article will tell you about this and also help you choose the perfect gift and congratulations. You will also learn how to celebrate this event.

This porcelain wedding - a fairly respectable date worthy of respect. Why porcelain? I'll explain everything now.

According to one version, the holiday was named this way because such a long-term relationship is like mysterious Chinese porcelain - flawless and equally fragile.

Everyone wants to live just as long, they consider such relationships ideal, but they don’t even imagine how difficult it was to maintain them. The spouses gave their all to make this marriage flawless, but they must continue to protect their happiness from the blows of fate.

There is a less philosophical version - by the 20th year of marriage, the couple’s house runs out of dishes, which they broke “for luck” in the process of forming a social unit. Therefore, the dishes need to be updated! That is why gifts such as those described below are given, and the wedding itself is called a porcelain wedding.

What to give to a married couple?

You probably already guessed what they give for such a holiday. Yes, on a porcelain anniversary it is customary to give porcelain things:

What exactly should you give as a gift? Choose for yourself what you like best. You can also ask the spouses what they would like to receive. Maybe they really have run out of tea sets or are missing some other utensils.

The classic option is dishes (cups, plates, saucers and large dishes), but keep in mind that guests should give them to the heroes of the occasion. What then can be given to a husband from his wife and vice versa?

Gifts for husband

If you have an anniversary coming up, then you will have to choose what to give your husband. What options can you consider? I really like porcelain ashtrays, and if your man doesn’t smoke, then give him a box or figurine that will look harmonious in his office.

You can also order something exclusive. As an example, a cup with a romantic verse, a beautiful image or photograph, or something similar.

Gifts for wife

Everything is much simpler here - you can give your wife a huge variety of porcelain items:

When choosing a gift, remember that women love everything miniature and beautiful. If you are going to give something for the interior, then first make sure that this item fits perfectly in style. If you are going to give a vase, then immediately give the flowers in it, since such things are not given empty.

Organizing a holiday: how to arrange everything, what to do with guests?

The event described above is significant and important, so the organization must be approached responsibly. The hall in which the celebration will be held is decorated in classic colors - beige, white, grayish, blue. Dishes on the tables should only be made of porcelain. Not everyone is invited, but only the closest friends and relatives. The number of guests can be any.

You can also organize a themed party. There is even a tradition - all guests must make clay figurines with their own hands. Instead of porcelain items, you can give clay ones, as they look no less chic and correspond to the theme of the holiday.

20th wedding anniversary - congratulations in verse

How to choose the right words for congratulations? You can wish the standard happiness, love, prosperity, etc., but this is boring. The congratulation must be original, beautiful, complete:

Watch the 20th wedding anniversary video:

Well, now you know what the holiday in honor of 20 years of marriage is called, how it should be celebrated, what to give and what to say. I hope the article answered all your questions.

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I wish you to celebrate such an anniversary, if you haven’t already, and if you have already celebrated it, then live together several more times for the same amount! All the best!

The twenty years of life lived together were called a porcelain wedding. Porcelain is a thin, delicate, fragile material, so it must be protected from falls. Spouses who have gone through a long family journey together should also value and protect their relationships from bad weather. Twenty years is an impressive date, but do not forget that even an expensive Chinese set can break with any careless movement. Whether the union will continue to be happy depends only on the spouses themselves.

Ancient traditions and customs for 20th wedding anniversary

The traditions of celebrating the day when a couple has been together for twenty years go back to ancient times. And since the symbol of this holiday is porcelain, and it comes from the East, the traditions are also associated with the East. A festive table, served with elegant porcelain, must contain, among others, at least one dish of oriental cuisine. The presence of original dishes on the table will not allow anyone to make a mistake when answering the question “20 years of marriage - what kind of wedding?”

Another long-standing unusual tradition is the making of clay figurines by guests right during the celebration. It is possible to hold a competition to determine which figurine made of clay material is better, only then you need to celebrate not at home, but in a pottery workshop.

So that no one asks the question: “How many years is a porcelain wedding?”, a great idea would be to place a porcelain figurine, decorated with an engraved number twenty, near the celebrants themselves at the table. It could be a pair of doves, representing peace and mutual understanding, or a beautiful heart, conveying already mature, but still the same tender love.

Porcelain wedding: how to celebrate the anniversary?

Traditionally, the twentieth porcelain anniversary of marriage is celebrated in a warm family circle at home. Among the invited guests are only the closest friends and relatives. And your imagination will tell you how to celebrate it.

A joint anniversary of twenty years - a beautiful porcelain anniversary - is a round date, therefore, it is worth preparing well for receiving guests, setting the table only with delicious treats. It will be interesting if the children hold interesting competitions for their parents, their friends, and guests, including the beloved competition of breaking old dishes as a symbol of getting rid of troubles.

Celebration scenario

The porcelain anniversary should be remembered by the spouses for its unusualness, and it should be celebrated unforgettably. The main condition is that no one gets bored. Twenty wedding years: the celebration script will help take into account all the family stories, so the party will turn out great, surprising in the good sense of the words with a mandatory program, treats and entertainment.

Various scenarios are possible, but they all have something in common:

  • It’s better to start by telling the love story of a married couple or giving the floor to congratulate the children.
  • Then you should give the celebrants a song for the celebration - a porcelain joyful wedding.
  • This is followed by toasts/wishes, followed by competitions.

Spouses will be happy if during the porcelain festival they are awarded medals decorated with funny inscriptions or diplomas with grades for such disciplines as: “Making money”, “Going to your mother-in-law early for pancakes”, “Raising children”, etc.

For an example of a porcelain anniversary, see the video:

It will also be interesting if the holiday begins with interesting stories about the origin of porcelain or various wedding anniversaries.

Competitions, in turn, should be interesting, original, with a theme appropriate to the event:

  • "Who will say more kind words"
  • "Questions and answers"
  • “How well do spouses know each other?”
  • "Swaddling a baby"
  • "Reading Each Other's Minds"

To go such a long way together is the merit of both, so it is interesting for guests to watch how the spouses cope with the tasks.

It’s good if a pleasant surprise is prepared, the presence of which will be a secret until the very end of the evening. For example, a great option is a beautiful multi-tiered cake with porcelain figurines decorating it.

What to give for your 20th wedding anniversary?

Since this round date is called the porcelain anniversary, it is worth choosing gifts that contain at least a portion of porcelain or are directly related to it.
These include:

  • Porcelain vases.
  • Original tea sets, which include many items or just two cups and saucers.
  • Pictures or figurines indicating the wedding date of the anniversaries.
  • Other dishes.

But the spouses themselves can give each other not only figurines: the husband can give his wife a porcelain box, and she can give him an ashtray if the husband smokes. See the photo below for examples of gifts:

Congratulations on your porcelain wedding

Congratulations on the twentieth anniversary of the union, which is called a porcelain wedding, are possible: ordinary, original, funny or classic, in prose, or better yet, in verse. But the main thing is that they are from the heart and do not contain hints or halftones - then the heroes of the day will perceive them correctly. If you were not able to visit the couple on this holiday, then you can congratulate them by phone, send an SMS, or an e-card.

It would be great if the congratulations on the porcelain gala anniversary are prepared in advance and become a mini-performance during the celebration.

Let this wonderful holiday - the porcelain anniversary - truly please the heroes of the day. Their strong bonds are real wealth, and the years lived in love and harmony are an example to follow. Let their happiness and love last for many years, so that the wedding sparkles with silver, gold, and then diamonds.

Do you have experience celebrating a 20th anniversary? Have you been to such a celebration? Share your impressions in the comments!