How to do professional makeup. Your own makeup artist, or professional makeup at home

Professional makeup remains relevant for many years. With its help you can change your face beyond recognition. The services of a professional makeup artist are offered at every step, but there are not many real masters. How does this make-up differ from the standard one?

It is characterized by sophistication, great expressiveness, and style.

Any girl can independently master a technique that will help bring her image to perfection.

Professional makeup can be calm or extraordinary, it all depends on what occasion it is for. Makeup involves the use of high-quality cosmetics, thanks to which you can hide facial imperfections, emphasizing the expressiveness of the eyes, eyebrows and lips. Some women prefer to focus on only one part of the face, it all depends on individual taste. In the process, it is necessary to emphasize the cheekbones by correctly distributing blush. If your face has an unusual shape, such as a square one, blush and powder will help soften its contours.

Selection of brushes and cosmetics

To perform high-quality, professional makeup, you need to purchase good cosmetics and appropriate tools. First-class shadows and brushes cannot be cheap, you need to be prepared for this. It is important to know all the subtleties of selecting tools and shadows. Brushes for professional make-up can be squirrel, sable, or made from pony hair. It is recommended to buy devices in special stores. Be sure to check the quality of the brush, otherwise you will buy a fake. If there is no such store in your area, you can go to an artist salon. Regarding cheap brushes, you should remember that they are unusable, their bristles are quite poor, such products will last 2-3 days in normal condition.

It is important to know how to choose cosmetics. As for Turkish and Chinese manufacturers, you should know: their cosmetics cannot be 100% high quality. It is recommended to give preference to European or American brands. When choosing, you need to pay attention to how the products are packaged: it should be tightly covered with film, there should be no scratches or cracks on the packaging. Try to give preference to fresh cosmetics, in particular those that do not have a specific smell.

Cosmetics from a global manufacturer are of high quality, and this is immediately obvious. It is important to choose the right powder, eye shadow, lipstick, and it is advisable not to skimp on money. It is not necessary to give preference to the most expensive cosmetics; try to choose one that is made on the basis of silicone or wax. To make professional makeup a success, it is recommended to buy a complete set: select a palette of shadows in accordance with your eye and hair color. An important role is played by blush, correctors, powder (it is advisable to buy 2-3 shades), a pencil to match the color of your lips, lipstick and mascara.

If you want your makeup to last for a certain period of time, you should choose the right foundation. It is advisable to apply a light base cream to your face. Thanks to a light foundation, you can highlight the natural beauty and naturalness of your skin. Professional make-up cannot be done without using foundation. First of all, you need to cleanse your face and tone it. After this, you need to hide imperfections that are clearly visible (circles under the eyes, small pimples).

The corrector can be used for the area around the eyes: for slightly bluish circles, pink is perfect, and for blackish circles, it is better to use brown. The remaining details of the face can be covered with a flesh-colored corrector. Throughout the day, the foundation slightly changes color and becomes darker; therefore, it is recommended to choose a foundation that is slightly lighter than your skin: it must be carefully shaded over the entire surface of the face, do not forget about the neck, lips and eyelids.

Professional cosmetics include quite a lot of products in their collection, for example, effective solid correctors. Try to buy 2 pieces, one of them can be lighter and the other darker than your skin color. Thanks to the use of two correctors, you can correct your nose, define your cheekbones, and make your face shape more harmonious. With the help of two correctors, you can mask problem areas of the skin, and in different areas.

How to highlight eyes and lips?

The most expressive feature of the face should be the eyes. Try to give them maximum attention. When applying shadows, you should be patient and attentive.

If your makeup involves arrows, only these lines should be noticeable, otherwise the makeup will turn out to be inharmonious and will need to be redone. Eyebrows can be adjusted using a pencil. Above the eyebrow you can apply a small line of light shadows, in this simple way you will make your eyebrows more expressive.

If you want your look to be bright and rich, buy light shimmering shadows and apply them to the center of the eyelid. You can use light eyeliner (it can be applied to the lower eyelid), make sure there is only a small amount. If you want to give your eyelashes thickness, use black eyeliner and apply it along their growth. Before applying mascara, it is recommended to lightly powder your eyelashes. This way, it will fit better, and it will be easier to draw arrows on the eyes.

You can use almost any shade of lipstick for your lips, choose the one you like! Matte lipsticks are ideal for a work environment. If you are planning to attend a party, you can choose rich colors (you can add gloss to your lips). In order not to waste time on touching up, it is recommended to use a high-quality professional lip brush. When you draw the outline, you can not only draw a line along the edges, but also pay attention to the rest of the lips.

To complete your professional makeup, use powder and blush. Thanks to a thin layer, you can even out the colors and securely fix the applied layer. Using blush you can create a glow and make your face look more youthful. Makeup tips will help you become even cuter and more attractive!

It’s enough to look at the “before” and “after” photos of people whose appearance has been worked on by professional makeup artists, and there remains no doubt that cosmetics in skillful hands is a great weapon. It would seem, what can an additional drawn arrow or a slightly changed lip color make?

But no, as if by magic, imperfections become almost invisible, the gaze acquires unprecedented depth and expressiveness, and you literally cannot take your eyes off the person.

One problem is that only very wealthy people can afford to regularly apply makeup professionally (that is, using the services of professional makeup artists). What remains for others? That's right, master this art yourself. Today we will discuss how to do this with less loss on your wallet, and what secrets the professional makeup technique hides.

Step one: theory

It is no secret that cosmetics were created to highlight the natural beauty of the wearer and hide possible imperfections on her face. However, each of us in our lives has at least once met representatives of the fair sex for whom everything was exactly the opposite.

Awkward, incompatible colors, thick layers of eyeliner that crumble like whitewash and other “charms” can turn an initially pretty face into a nightmarish resemblance to a clown mask. And the point here is not at all that the young lady does not have money for expensive cosmetics or does not have the tools to apply it, but that the young lady herself considers such “daub” beautiful, while other people openly shy away from it.

It is worth noting that anyone can make a mistake in this way, therefore, in order to do professional makeup at home, you must first be thoroughly prepared. What is needed for this first of all?

  • Study your appearance in detail

Those options that are perfect for, say, the “Summer” color type on the skin of a girl with the “Winter” color type will look (to put it mildly) inappropriate. Solutions that add attractiveness to a round-shaped face can play a cruel joke on those with “squares” and “hearts,” transforming once neat contours into an awkward “something.”

  • Decide on the look and goals of makeup

Professional evening makeup looks completely different from daytime makeup; makeup for celebrations, sports and everyday office work also differ greatly.

What types of makeup are there, and what are their features? We answered these questions in ours.

  • Consult the experts

After all, who, if not experienced makeup artists, would know how to do professional makeup. If you don’t have the money/time/opportunity to visit them, articles and video courses, which are available in abundance on the Internet today, will always come to the rescue.

When you specifically decide what result you expect to get, we will move on to the next stage - buying cosmetics.

Step two: selection of cosmetics

Having studied the theory, many girls immediately rush to the Internet in search of the best (most expensive) powder, lipstick and other cosmetics that (according to the manufacturer) can transform their face beyond recognition. However, there is no need to rush so much.

Remember, a professional rating rarely reflects reality. Most of the articles of this kind are written to order, and therefore deliberately extol this or that brand. Some TOPs are compiled by people who simply steal other people’s ideas, and a number of them are even compiled by those who are not able to distinguish foundation from powder, or concealer from corrector. Therefore, by blindly focusing on such ratings, you expose not only your wallet (by overpaying only for the brand), but also your skin.

Some girls, when asked “what cosmetics are needed for professional makeup,” rely on the opinions of friends and colleagues. However, this approach is also wrong. We all know the saying “what is wonderful for a Russian is death for a German,” which means that what helps one may well harm another.

You and your friends have different body structures, different reactions to the same active substances (for example, increased digestibility or acute allergies), and different appearances. Therefore, you should take their advice from the series “this lipstick will suit you” and “you simply must try this mascara” only with an eye to the actions that were described in the first step.

But if you can’t trust either your loved ones or “professionals,” how can you know what powder/mascara/lipstick to buy? In fact, creating your own list of what you need for professional makeup can only be done through multiple trials and errors. And not necessarily your own.

Study the theory, look for mistakes in the images of your colleagues and friends, analyze the composition of cosmetics (we don’t want to overpay an extra thousand for some rare but useless component), and you will succeed. Give this issue enough time, and such a list will be formed quite quickly.

Step three: preparation

Any experienced makeup artist knows that when creating a bright, spectacular look, smooth and even skin is one of the main keys to success. Any cosmetics lay on it without problems, without getting into wrinkles or rolling into lumps. But only a few can naturally boast of such skin, therefore (if you are not one of these lucky ones) professional makeup at home must begin with smoothing the skin and preparing it for the upcoming procedure.

To do this, we rid the face of excess fat (which adds a greasy shine), previously applied cosmetics and any other contaminants. A special foam for washing or cleansing milk will be an excellent help in this matter. As for cosmetics (makeup base, concealer, corrector, foundation), you should select them based on your skin type.

  • For oily skin

Water-based products are ideal because they do an excellent job of removing oily shine and do not clog pores.

  • For dry skin

Choose products with a dense consistency that contain vegetable oils. When used correctly, they will restore its healthy shine, saturate it with vitamins, and also make it smoother and more even.

  • For normal or mixed skin types

Professional facial makeup is performed using correctors and creams of light consistency. They do an excellent job with fine wrinkles, even out the color of the skin, and also moisturize it to the required extent.

You need to use moisturizers 30-40 minutes before applying your main makeup, remembering to remove excess with a napkin. The foundation is applied along lines from the center of the face to its edges. We already know how to use a corrector correctly.

Step Four: Basic Actions

Now that your face is prepared for transformation, and you have all the necessary tools and products at hand, you can talk about how to properly apply professional makeup.


You need to start from the top, gradually working your way down. That’s why eyebrows come first. Since we have already examined this issue in detail in, we will not dwell in detail. Let us just remind you that to achieve optimal results you need:

  1. Choose the best eyebrow shape for your chosen look.
  2. Comb them.
  3. Draw the bottom and top borders.
  4. Perform final center staining.
  5. And record the result.


Next on the list are the eyes. Professional eye makeup is expressed in the design of eyelids and eyelashes in such a way that the look becomes more expressive and deep. The options used here are countless. We have already told you about, and about the “” technique, and about. Which of these is right for you, only you can determine for yourself.


Let's move on to blush/powder. If in the summer, when flushed skin and tanning are common, you don’t need to use them, then in the winter months and during evening outings you can’t do without blush/powder. The selected cosmetic product should be 2-3 tones darker than the base skin color, and applied with light “patting” strokes. This will help highlight your cheekbones and make them more expressive.


The finishing touch is lipstick. If you consider how long professional makeup lasts, then the best solution for a daytime look would be regular gloss. It will add richness and brightness to your lips without depriving them of their naturalness. At the same time, rich lipstick will be appropriate in those cases when you decide to add openness and sexuality to your image. As for individual techniques and secrets, you can familiarize yourself with them.

So, you've done your first professional facial makeup, but you're not sure about the result? Indeed, if your actions are not coordinated by an experienced makeup artist, it is quite easy to make a mistake with the technique or choice of products.

Therefore, especially for those who are “tormented by cloudy doubts,” we have prepared a small reminder with a list of factors required for good makeup.

  1. Cosmetics must be of high quality

Professional daytime makeup lasts 8-12 hours, evening makeup lasts 5-6 hours. If your powder begins to crumble almost immediately after application, and your mascara smears after the first 2-3 tears, feel free to throw your cosmetic set in the trash. You will never do professional makeup with it.

  1. The image must be not only beautiful, but also relevant

If quite recently the trend was drawn on eyebrows, now the trend is towards natural, neatly designed ones. Pumped up silicone lips (so beloved by pop singers of the 90s) gave way to delicate, natural forms. Changes like this happen all the time. It is not necessary to follow them blindly, but they must be taken into account when creating an image.

  1. Harmony is the main key to success

It also happens that certain shapes and colors of eyebrows, lips, eyes look gorgeous individually and perfectly emphasize the beauty of the model, but when combined they give the opposite result, forming a kind of “war paint” on the face. Therefore, when looking for “your” image, make sure that the selected elements are in harmony with each other and do not go against each other.

  1. Always natural, appropriate in everything

Naturalness is the main secret of professional makeup. If you pay attention to the photographs of the stars who shine on the red carpet every year, you may notice that their makeup does not look like anything special. If you are not going to a masquerade or a costume party (where flashy makeup is one of the prerequisites), then you should strive for such maximum lightness and. In everyday life, the image of a brightly “painted” young lady evokes associations only with ladies of easy virtue.

  1. Not everything can be done on your own

Professional makeup application is called professional because it is performed by masters (who have more than one year of practice behind them) using specialized equipment (which cannot be found in ordinary stores during the day). That’s why, if everyone can even out their skin tone or put on eye makeup on their own, then it’s better to fork out the cash for some procedures. For example, only an experienced cosmetologist can do a high-quality eyebrow tattoo or.

In conclusion, I would like to repeat that the best professional makeup cosmetics do not exist. The products of many companies are of equal quality, while their cost varies only depending on the degree of promotion of the brand.

There are no techniques that will transform you beyond recognition in a couple of minutes. You can only learn how to do professional makeup through trial and error. And the more diligently you practice, the faster the desired result will make itself felt. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment and look for yourself. Good luck!

The misconception that professional makeup can only be done by a trained makeup artist prevents many women from creating such makeup on their own.

Of course, it’s unlikely to succeed the first time, but soon you’ll be able to handle the brush and blush as well as a makeup artist.

Briefly about the main thing:

Professional makeup made at home has its advantages:

To do makeup correctly you need a full set of tools.

  • Firstly, you will be sure that the brushes are completely sterile, and you will not get infected with any sores after applying your beauty;
  • secondly, you will quickly and more accurately select the most suitable makeup for you than many makeup artists, among whom there are often amateurs;
  • you will significantly save your money.

Professional makeup does not always require a full set of makeup artist - all types of brushes, etc. Of course, it’s better not to skimp on cosmetics, since the quality and durability of your makeup depend on it, but you can do without some types of brushes. But don't forget that after work, you need them.

Cosmetic brushes for face

High-quality makeup brushes will help you achieve truly professional makeup

The first thing you need to do is choose makeup brushes, preferably made from natural bristles. First of all, these are brushes for applying foundation, powder and blush.

  1. Short bristled brush for applying foundation. She applies it evenly and uses it sparingly. Liquid products should be applied in a circular motion, starting from the center of the face and moving towards the hairline, and dry products should be applied along geometric lines. Shading occurs in a circular motion.
  2. A round-shaped powder brush with fluffy bristles is designed to apply loose powder to the face using stroking movements.
  3. Medium-sized bronzer and blush brushes have angled tips. They help correct the oval of the face. Apply bronzers under the cheekbones, and blush on the cheeks, moving towards the ear.
  4. A contoured large angled brush helps to correct the oval of the face and, if necessary, mix dry correctors. It is applied with stroke-like movements.

Eyeshadow Brushes

Choosing the right brushes for applying eye shadow

  1. A fluffy eyeshadow brush (the Fluff Brush is one of the best) or a flat brush can be used to apply and blend eyeshadow. But it is advisable to choose a fluffy brush that is easy to apply using patting movements.
  2. The eyeliner brush is very thin and helps to create a graceful and beautiful line. You can draw a line with eyeliner, you can use shadows - you can use both dry and liquid ones.
  3. An angled flat brush is ideal for applying smokyeyes. It is designed to apply clear and even lines to the eye area.
  4. An eyeliner brush works very well for adding a dark shade to the outer corner of the eye.
  5. And, of course, a brush for drawing eyebrows.

Professional cosmetics

Do not use professional cosmetics often

Professional makeup uses professional cosmetics, which are intended for public appearances, various happy and important events such as weddings, photo shoots, and dinner parties. Don't use it often, since it does not allow the skin to breathe and quickly deteriorates it over time. For example, overuse of professional foundation can cause skin problems.

Makeup artists argue that cosmetics such as blush can be used more often and even for daytime makeup, but it is better to take professional cosmetics only on special occasions, since they are very expensive and it is stupid to spend it on going to the store or to work.

How to choose professional cosmetics?

It’s better to choose an American or European brand, the quality of which you can be sure of.

To this question you need to act responsibly, since such cosmetics, like natural brushes, are not cheap. The first thing to consider is the choice of the manufacturer - and let your choice under no circumstances fall on Chinese or Turkish cosmetics - they do not know how to make them. It’s better to choose an American or European brand, the quality of which you can be sure of.

Good natural cosmetics don’t have to be the most expensive, but you shouldn’t skimp on them either. You can buy good cosmetics made on the basis of silicone or wax - they are of high quality and durable, but are not suitable for everyday makeup.

Such cosmetics do not have any foreign (if there is a “pleasant aroma” of plastic, it is better to refuse to buy this tube) or too strong odor. And, of course, tubes and boxes must be carefully and neatly packed, without damage - unevenness, scratches.

And buy everything you need in specialized stores, and not in ordinary stationery.

How to do professional makeup?

It is necessary to cleanse, moisturize and vitaminize the skin as much as possible.

Professional makeup contains a whole series of tips and rules, but you don’t need to know them all if you are going to do makeup only for yourself, and not practice on friends and acquaintances.

So, your first step is to take a few days before the event, for which you will need to apply beautiful and long-lasting makeup, scrubs and masks. It is necessary to cleanse, moisturize and vitaminize the skin as much as possible.

Correcting shortcomings

Broken capillaries, circles under the eyes, etc. can be disguised with a flesh-colored corrector.

Any skin
has its own, albeit small, disadvantages. Broken capillaries, circles under the eyes, etc. can be disguised with a flesh-colored corrector. Here it should be taken into account that a yellowish-colored corrector is only suitable for masking very dark marks or circles, and a pinkish-colored corrector is suitable for bluish, light marks.

There are liquid and solid correctors. It is better to have a corrector of several colors is a corrector one tone darker and one tone lighter than your skin to skillfully highlight imperfections. Various redness is perfectly hidden by the greenish corrector.

Base makeup

If you want your makeup to last more than 4 hours, this is a must. It is even applied to the area under the eyes. It is best to choose a base with silicone, which adheres well and lasts a long time (but you should not use it often).

Choosing the right foundation

The foundation should be chosen one tone lighter than your skin tone, because the foundation becomes darker after some time, changing your face beyond recognition.

This foundation will help you get your face in perfect order before applying professional makeup.


A blended, fine line below the brow adds shine to the eyes.

Hollywood stars begin their makeup by applying a thin line with a special light concealer at a distance of 5 mm below the eyebrow, which is then shaded - this helps to give shine to the eyes.

It is also important to skillfully select and shade the shadows - no unnecessary or sharp lines. Be sure to start your makeup with light shades of eyeshadow, which are applied throughout the eyelid. Matte shadows should not be overused, so it is better to stick to natural light shades.


Lip makeup will last longer if applied with a special brush.

You need to choose the shade of lipstick based on where exactly you are going to go and what shade of lipstick suits you.

So, for a party or some important event, you can use a brighter lipstick, applying it in several layers if desired. If you apply 2-3 layers of lipstick, do not forget to blot your lips with a damp cloth after each layer.

To make your lip makeup last longer, you should apply it with a special cosmetic lip brush.

Professional cosmetics brands

  1. Kriolan
  2. Paris-Berlin
  3. M.A.C.
  4. Studio
  5. Keenwell

Of course, this is not the entire list of professional cosmetics. The Paris-Berlin brand received particular admiration from the presented list.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


To make beautiful makeup, it is not enough just to have a set of high-quality professional cosmetics; you need to know the basic rules for creating it and be able to apply them in practice. Neat make-up always looks impressive, attracting the attention of others. A girl who knows the technique of applying it can easily transform herself, emphasizing her advantages and evoking enthusiastic compliments. In this article we will tell you how to apply makeup correctly, because this is an entire art, which is not so difficult to learn if you follow the main rules.

How to learn how to do makeup correctly step by step

Makeup can be of two types - simple and complex. The first is necessary to give freshness to a woman’s face; with the help of the second, skin imperfections (moles, scars) are carefully shaded. Regardless of the type of makeup you choose, you will have to go through the same stages of applying it: toning and powdering the skin, lining the eyebrows, eyes, applying blush and covering the lips with lipstick or gloss.

If the chosen type of makeup includes a bright accent on the lips or eyes, then the sequence of applying cosmetics can be changed. Be sure to consider the time of day and your color type when choosing shades and intensity of application of cosmetics. The main rule before starting to create any makeup is to thoroughly cleanse and moisturize your facial skin. To do this, you can use a special tonic lotion or cream-based milk.

How to apply foundation and foundation step by step

  1. Applying the base. Before applying foundation, you need to prepare your skin. For this you will need a special makeup base. Girls with oily or combination skin should opt for a product with a mattifying effect; for normal or dry skin, a nourishing, moisturizing base is suitable. Such products effectively even out the complexion, refreshing it. After applying the base, hide the circles and puffiness under the eyes using a concealer. This should be done with the pads of your fingers and soft patting movements.
  2. Apply foundation. It should be used to cover the sharp edges of the face in order to smooth them out, making the face “softer” and more delicate. Walk along the line of the cheekbones, bridge of the nose, forehead, cheeks.
  3. Apply foundation. Do not apply too thick a layer of tone on your face, because even the highest quality and expensive cosmetics in excess can give your face an unnatural look. Squeeze a little cream onto the inside of your palm and begin to carefully apply it with a brush, moving from the edges of the face to its center. Carefully blend the product over the entire skin. Lightly powder the foundation layer with a soft brush - this will give your face a natural look.

When creating makeup, it is important to choose the right color of foundation and foundation. Too light shades will make the face look like a doll, lifeless. Dark ones are capable of creating an unnatural contrast with the neck and other naked parts of the body. When choosing a tone, apply it to the inside of the hand - the product should completely match the color of this area of ​​the hand. To correct your face shape, you need to use two shades of foundation - your natural one and a darker one. The first is applied to the entire face in an even thin layer. The second is applied zonally, depending on the type of face.

  • For those with a square face shape It is recommended to apply a light tone to the middle of the forehead, the tip of the chin and the area under the eyes. Use a dark product to treat the area near the hairline, at the corners of the jaw and temples. The boundaries between transitions should be carefully shaded.
  • Round face should be covered with a light foundation, and with the help of a dark foundation, visually narrow it, darkening the area of ​​the cheeks and temples.
  • Girls with a triangular face type you need to apply a light tone on the forehead, chin and under the eyes - this way you focus attention on the center of the face. Cover the line of the cheeks and forehead with a dark tone.
  • For elongated face type It is necessary to darken the lower part of the chin - this will visually shorten the face. Do not skimp on blush for the cheeks, because such an accent also helps to draw attention to the middle of the face.
  • On a pear-shaped face (narrow on top, full below) A light tone should be used to highlight the forehead area, the area under the eyes and the tip of the chin. A dark tone is applied to the cheeks and jaws - this visually makes them narrower.

Learn how to make beautiful eyebrows from scratch

To give your eyebrows a beautiful shape, use a pencil or shadow of a suitable color to carefully draw the arch of the eyebrow and its end - these parts should have clear outlines. Gently blend the main part of the eyebrow with your chosen cosmetics. You should start the eyeliner from the middle and bend. Please note that the tip and curve of the eyebrow should be slightly raised; with this technique you will make your look more open and expressive.

Applying eye shadow

How to properly apply eye makeup? The first thing a beginner needs to consider is what type of makeup needs to be done. For daytime make-up, you should use a couple of shades of eyeshadow and a dark brown or black pencil. Using a gentle pencil movement, shade the eyelash line and the mucous membrane of the upper eyelid. Visually, the eyelashes will appear thick, and the eyes will take on an expressive, beautiful shape.

Apply shadows using a round applicator or brush. If you don’t know what tone suits you, you can use universal shades – these are considered gray and brown tones. To make your eyes look bigger, apply light shadows on the inside of the eye and dark shadows on the outside. Matte shadows in pastel colors look natural. This makeup can be used in everyday life. For evening makeup, choose pearlescent warm or cool tones. The final step will be applying mascara to the eyelashes.

How to apply lipstick

To highlight the natural beauty of your lips, choose light, but not very pale lipstick colors. Fresh shades are ideal for summer makeup or light makeup for every day. Choose light coral, sheer berry, peach or pink lipstick. As a result, lips should not look bright, but expressive. It doesn’t matter what a girl chooses – lipstick or gloss, both products are allowed to create classic makeup. If she prefers to use lipstick to get an even layer and a clear contour, it should be applied with a brush.

Check out these tips for beginners on how to create a beautiful day or evening look.

What to consider for the right make-up

To do the right makeup yourself, it is important to consider many aspects. For example, skin characteristics, build, eye color, hair. So, light-brown girls are suitable for rich bright colors, dark brunettes should give preference to dark shades, and brown-haired girls will suit the whole range of beige and gold. The choice of makeup should also be based on the intended purpose - evening and daytime makeup are very different.

Eye color

The shade of the shadows must be combined with the color of the eyes. Green-eyed girls need to use warm colors to create makeup. The beauty of green eyes can still be emphasized with the help of blue, gray, purple shadows. Brown eyes should be shaded with ash-gray shades and brown-beige colors. For blue eyes, cool-spectrum shades, such as smoky, white, and blue, are suitable.

Hair color

The selected foundation should be in harmony with the girl’s hair color. Dark-haired representatives of the fair sex should not deviate too much from their natural skin tone. Complete makeup should look as natural as possible and refresh your appearance, and not make a mask out of your face. Avoid bright, contrasting color combinations. For fair-haired women, it is better to use exclusively light tones, and in the summer you can spice up your makeup with a light bronze shade.

Video tutorials on creating perfect makeup

How to apply makeup yourself at home? Every girl probably asked herself this question, because proper make-up is a whole science. With the help of high-quality makeup, it is easy to completely change your appearance, hiding flaws and emphasizing the advantages of your face. Since every girl cares about her appearance, it’s worth learning the basics of creating perfect makeup. Otherwise, poorly selected and incorrectly applied products can play a bad joke on you, visually making your face even fuller or turning a gentle and sweet beauty into a vulgar lady.

How to do evening makeup smoky eyes

Unlike daytime makeup, the tones of which should be discreet and unnoticeable, evening makeup requires rich shades and clear lines. As a rule, evening makeup is applied depending on the personal preferences of the girls: the emphasis can be placed either on the lips or on the eyes. This video tutorial shows how to make your eyes brighter using the smoky eye technique, which literally means “smoky eye.” Thanks to this type of makeup, the look becomes languid and seductive.

Daytime makeup for the impending eyelid

You should never deviate from the main rule of successful makeup - it should always correspond to the circumstances: wear bright makeup for a disco; When creating office makeup, stick to calm tones; When going to the beach, avoid makeup altogether. When applying daytime makeup, keep in mind that it should be light and discreet. Correct make-up looks so natural that you get the impression that the girl is not wearing makeup. The video shows one of the options for applying daytime makeup for an impending eyelid.

Moist (wet) eye makeup

The dewy eyelid effect is back in fashion. Beauty magazines are full of photos of models with glossy eye makeup. However, “wet” make-up is found exclusively on the pages of fashion publications or on the catwalk. This is justified by the fact that it lasts for a maximum of half an hour, after which it begins to lose its original appearance. How to achieve this effect, what cosmetics should you use? With the help of the video you will learn the answers to the questions posed and you will be able to learn how to do “wet eye” makeup.

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