How to make your own almond butter. Almond oil - a product for the beauty and health of adults and children How to make oil from almonds

Due to its healing properties, almond oil has found wide use in folk medicine and cosmetology. The rich composition of the product, which contains a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients, helps cure many diseases and make the appearance more attractive, caring for hair and skin.

Composition and beneficial properties of the product

Almonds are usually called a nut, but in fact it is a stone that is extracted from a greenish-brown fruit and, in fact, is a seed. The product is considered a leader in the content of pure oil in one kernel: the amount of this substance can reach 62%, this figure depends on climatic conditions and variety.

Almond oil is obtained from the kernels extracted from the fruit, making it a seed rather than a nut.

Almond oil contains:

  • up to 85% oleic acid;
  • up to 23% linoleic;
  • amygdalin glycoside;
  • carotene;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins E and B2;
  • bioflavonoids.

Almond oil is used for medicinal purposes and as a home cosmetology product. It helps:

  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • accelerate skin regeneration;
  • relieve sunburn, abrasions, cuts and wounds;
  • reduce pain and congestion with otitis media and hearing loss;
  • restore intestinal function by providing a mild laxative effect;
  • reduce high stomach acidity;
  • cope with the symptoms of colds and viral diseases;
  • reduce skin inflammation;
  • soften, tone and nourish the skin;
  • reduce irritation and itching;
  • give hair silkiness and shine;
  • relieve dry scalp;
  • stimulate hair growth;
  • get rid of stretch marks and cellulite.

Almond oil for maintaining beauty and health

A recipe to help you make butter at home

Despite the high cost of almonds, homemade butter is cheaper and better quality than what you can buy in a store. You can make it yourself from both raw and roasted nuts. In the second case, the finished product will have a more pronounced smell and taste.

It’s easy to make almond oil at home

To properly roast almonds, you need to heat the oven to 170–180 degrees. Line a baking tray with baking paper and spread the nuts in a thin layer, fry them for no more than 15 minutes, stirring from time to time. Then remove everything from the oven and let cool to room temperature.

If you don’t have a special oil press at home, you can use a regular blender. Turn it on to the lowest speed and pour a handful of raw materials into the bowl. When grinding, some will remain on the walls; the blender will need to be turned off and the bowl cleaned, returning the almonds to the bottom of the container. As soon as the nuts turn into crumbs, you need to increase the rotation speed of the knives to medium or maximum value: the oil will begin to separate, turning the mass into a paste. At this stage, you need to add two teaspoons of olive oil and leave the blender on for another 2-3 minutes. Then transfer the thick mass into a glass container (preferably dark) and leave to infuse for 14 days. The resulting oil will need to be filtered, after which the product will be ready for use.

Medicinal use

For herpes

For herpes, it is necessary to treat the affected areas of the skin with a product mixed with a few drops of eucalyptus or tea tree essential oil. Repeat the procedure 2–4 times a day for 7 days.

For otitis media and hearing loss

Pure almond oil dripped into the ear at night will help soften wax and remove the plug. First you need to warm it up a little to room temperature. After the procedure, place a warm bandage on the ear - a warm scarf or handkerchief. The next morning the cork will soften and it will be easy to remove.

For burns

A remedy with the addition of lavender or tea tree oil (2 drops of each ingredient for 1 tablespoon of almond oil) will help reduce sunburn. It is recommended to treat the skin with this composition at least 2 times a day until healing.

Adding a few drops of tea tree oil to almond oil makes an excellent remedy for burns.

For constipation

For constipation, almond oil is used as follows: consume 1-2 tablespoons every morning on an empty stomach, washing down with 100 ml of warm boiled water (half an hour after taking, you can have breakfast). The course of treatment is 1 month. Repeat if necessary every 90 days.

For atherosclerosis

For coughs and diseases of the throat and respiratory system

Taking a teaspoon of oil 3 times a day every day will help cure bronchitis, pneumonia and throat diseases, accompanied by a dry cough and difficult to separate sputum. You must continue using the product for 10 days.

For pain in ligaments and muscles

To reduce pain when spraining ligaments and muscles, you need to apply a warm compress to the affected area, soaking the bandage in warm almond oil. Leave the application for 1 hour, wrapping the problem area with a handkerchief or scarf. This procedure will reduce pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

For gynecological problems

For inflammation of the female genital organs, it is recommended to insert tampons with almond oil into the vagina, leaving them overnight (add 3 drops of tea tree oil to a tablespoon of the product). Perform the procedure daily for one week.

A massage of the lower abdomen will help relieve pain during premenstrual syndrome: mix 70 ml of almond oil with 1 drop of jasmine, 2 drops of sage, 3 drops of ylang-ylang and 5 drops of grapefruit oil. Carry out the procedure once a day until menstruation ends.

Application in home cosmetology

Universal mask for any skin type

Almond oil is suitable for preparing a variety of face masks
  • 2 tbsp. l. almond oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal;
  • 3 drops of lemon juice;
  • 1–2 tsp. cool water.

Mix all the ingredients, apply the resulting mass to clean facial skin and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse off with cool water. It is recommended to make a mask 1-2 times a week.

For problematic and oily skin

  • 2 tsp. nut oils;
  • 2 tsp. calendula tinctures;
  • white of one egg.

Beat the egg whites with a fork, add the oil and then the calendula. Apply the composition to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

For dry type

  • 2 tsp. almond oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese 5% fat;
  • 1 tbsp. l. apple or grape pulp.

Mix everything, apply a thin layer to the face and leave for 15–20 minutes. Then rinse gently with cool water; do not wipe your face after the procedure.

For eyes and eyelashes

To grow and thicken your eyelashes, you need to apply a little oil with a clean brush every evening for a month, leave it on for a couple of hours, and then wash it off without leaving it overnight.

Applications with oil will help strengthen eyelashes, hide dark circles under the eyes and fine wrinkles. You need to apply the warm product to a clean bandage or cotton pad, apply it to the eye area, and cover with parchment paper on top. Leave for 20–30 minutes, then remove excess oil; do not wash your face. Repeat the procedure twice a week.

The product is great even for removing waterproof makeup from the eyelids; you just need to soak a cotton pad in oil and remove the makeup from the skin.

For hair

By rubbing a small amount of product into your scalp after each wash, you can relieve dryness and stimulate hair growth. If the strands are oily, it is recommended to apply the oil directly to the comb and process the hair with it so that the product is distributed over the entire length - this will help keep it fresh longer. Leave the product on for 15 minutes, then wash your hair as usual.

For the chest

Rosemary oil should be added to a mixture with almond oil for breast massage.

To increase the tone of the pectoral muscles, it is recommended to massage with the addition of essential oils of rosemary, ylang-ylang and geranium to the product in question. Add 2 drops of each of the listed ingredients to 2 tablespoons of almond oil and carry out the procedure with the resulting composition twice a day. The duration of the course is at least 2 months.

If you don’t want to give up your usual cosmetic products, you can enrich their composition with almond oil. It is recommended to add it to day and night face cream (at the rate of 1-2 drops per single dose), to products for hands, feet or body (3-4 drops per use). You can add 3-5 drops to your hair conditioner or wash-off mask, depending on the length of your curls.

Almond oil for weight loss

Wrapping problem areas

For 100 ml of almond oil, add 2 drops of orange or juniper (you can also use sage, cinnamon, rosemary, geranium or bergamot). Heat the mixture a little, apply to problem areas, wrap with cling film on top. Leave for 2–2.5 hours, then take a shower.

Anticellulite massage

To carry it out, the same composition is used (2 drops of any citrus or pine oil are added per 100 ml of product). The procedure is performed daily for 30–40 minutes.

Body Scrub

To prepare the product, you need to mix 30 ml of oil with a tablespoon of coarse sea salt or sugar. It is recommended to use the resulting scrub to treat problem areas 1-2 times a week.

Anti-cellulite scrub with almond oil is prepared on the basis of sea salt

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

For breast problems

Almond oil is used during pregnancy and lactation to care for nipples and soften breasts. Massage with it helps to get rid of pain, a feeling of fullness in the mammary glands, nourishes the skin and heals ulcers and cracks. When the baby is already born, it is recommended to treat the nipples with oil immediately after feeding so that it does not enter the newborn’s body.

For stretch marks

To get rid of existing stretch marks, almond oil is used in combination with essential oils of neroli and lavender (2 drops of each per 100 ml of the main product). The resulting mixture needs to be warmed up a little and used for massage. The procedure should be performed daily.

A simple massage with oil will also help prevent the appearance of new stretch marks during pregnancy. The product must be slightly warmed to a comfortable temperature and gently rubbed into the skin with light massaging and stroking movements. This procedure will be pleasant not only for the expectant mother, but also for the baby.

Applications of oil and lemon will help reduce deep stretch marks: add 2 drops of citrus juice to 20 ml of almond product. Soak a cotton pad or bandage in the mixture and apply to the problem area, leaving for 20–30 minutes. The procedure must be performed daily.

For swelling and pain in the legs

Almond oil helps get rid of swelling and reduce pain in the legs, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy: you need to massage the problem areas with a slightly cooled product at least 2 times a day.

Almond oil for children

Newborn care

You can even treat the skin of newly born children with almond oil.

Almond oil helps a young mother take care of her baby’s delicate skin, starting from the first days of his life. It perfectly nourishes and moisturizes and does not cause allergic reactions. The product is usually used for massage after washing or bathing a child.

Use as a laxative

The oil is often prescribed as a mild laxative for children. For babies up to 6 months, the recommended daily dose is 0.5 teaspoon, from 6 months to 2 years - 1 teaspoon (the oil is consumed on an empty stomach). If the child is 2–12 years old, then you can give 1 teaspoon in the morning and the same amount of product at lunchtime (before meals).

Contraindications, possible harm and precautions

Almond oil has virtually no contraindications for use, except for individual intolerance. You can only consume a product made from sweet almonds; bitter almond oil is contraindicated for ingestion, since this type contains a large amount of amygdalin glycoside, a substance poisonous to humans.

Pregnant and lactating women, as well as newborns, should take the product with caution to prevent the development of an allergic reaction.

To be confident in the results of using almond oil, you must choose a product of the highest quality. Oil obtained by cold pressing (and not made from cake) has no sediment and is distinguished by a pleasant sweetish odor and transparency with a slight yellowish tint.

If only a product made from sweet almonds can be used as a medicinal product, then oil from any type of nut is suitable for cosmetic purposes. Information about the variety must be indicated on the packaging.

The product does not require special storage conditions: at room temperature in a dark glass container, the shelf life is 6 months; If you keep the oil in the refrigerator, it will not lose its properties throughout the year.

Almond oil is stored in a dark glass container.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


Almond essential oil is widely used in cosmetology and is valued for the mass of useful substances it contains. The product is sold in almost any pharmacy. Find out how to use it yourself at home with the greatest benefit for your beauty and health.

Almond oil - properties

The oil has a light, pleasant smell, a sweetish taste, and the color is transparent with a yellow tint. The structure is not very dense, calorie content is 900 kcal per 100 g. The substance contains a lot of vitamins that have a wonderful effect on the body and hair. The advantage of almond preparations is that they are suitable for any skin type, have no contraindications, and do not cause allergies. Beneficial properties of almond oil:

  • enriches with vitamin E: participates in the process of cell regeneration, slows down aging, smoothes wrinkles;
  • enriches with vitamin A: moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • enriches with vitamin F: soothes the sebaceous glands, fights acne, acne, and excess oily hair;
  • has an exfoliating effect on the skin of the face, lips and body;
  • has anti-inflammatory, softening, analgesic properties, helps with minor burns and injuries;
  • effectively helps with bloating and constipation, and has a laxative effect.

Almond oil - composition

The oil level in sweet and bitter almond grains is about 60%; the substance is extracted by cold pressing (pressing the kernels). Almond oil contains vitamins A, E, F, group B, plus mineral salts. Almost half of the volume is occupied by oleic acid. The substance also contains linoleic and palmitic acid, amygdalin, tocosterol, phytosterol, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other active substances.

Almond oil - application

The uses of almond oil are very diverse due to its versatility. Extracts from only sweet varieties are suitable for cooking, while bitter varieties are suitable exclusively for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. The cake obtained by squeezing is also useful. The product is very soft, so it is suitable for caring for delicate and sensitive areas of the skin: around the eyes, lips, décolleté, intimate areas, armpits.

Main ways to use the hood:

  1. Almond oil is very popular in cosmetology: as a moisturizer in most creams, nourishing masks, shampoos and balms.
  2. In cooking it is used as a vegetable - for dressing salads, preparing desserts, sauces. Gives dishes a special, subtle aroma.
  3. Actively used in massages, warming and softening the skin.
  4. As a medicine in aromatherapy: it has a calming, relaxing effect, improves memory and strengthens the nervous system, fights insomnia.
  5. For medicinal purposes it can be taken orally: for bronchitis, constipation, hyperacidity, herpes, dermatitis.
  6. Approved for the treatment of children, does not cause allergic reactions: for massage, for skin diseases, irritations and inflammations, improves blood circulation and moisturizes the child’s skin.

Almond oil during pregnancy

Most young mothers are faced with the problem of stretch marks (stretch marks) on the body, which cause a lot of aesthetic and moral discomfort. It is difficult to avoid their appearance, because the body naturally grows, the skin stretches, and then sharply loses weight and decreases in size. You can prevent large, deep stretch marks by using almond oil during pregnancy and the first time after childbirth.

Thanks to its rejuvenating effect, the substance perfectly fights wrinkles and stretch marks, and is suitable for both dry and combination skin areas. The composition cannot cause any harm to either the woman or the development of the fetus. It is recommended to use it in combination with lavender or rosemary extract regularly throughout the entire period. Several recipes that will help for the prevention and elimination of stretch marks:

  • Mix carrot juice with 2 tablespoons of almonds. Use as a lotion for problem areas.
  • Grate the zest of one lemon, combine with one tablespoon of almond extract, add 150 g of natural yoghurt, store in the refrigerator. Use as a peeling for problem areas of the chest, thighs, and abdomen no more than 2 times a week.
  • 5 tbsp. almond extract and 5 drops of lavender extract. Rub into stretch marks 2 times a week.

Almond oil in cosmetology

Almond oil is very popular in cosmetology. It is part of most moisturizing, nourishing, and strengthening products. The product is contained in sunscreens and sprays, as it protects well from sunburn and rays, in makeup remover lotions, and anti-aging creams. Almond seed extract is used to produce some vitamins and medicinal ointments.

Almond oil for skin

The benefits of almond oil for skin are truly enormous. It nourishes dry areas of the skin, saturates and moisturizes, exfoliates dead cells: the composition can be used for heels and elbows, chapped skin, legs and other parts of the body after shaving. On oily skin, the substance tightens pores, relieves inflammation and redness, and treats overactive sebaceous glands.

In addition, almond oil can help in the treatment of skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis: the product relieves itching and irritation, soothes sore spots. Almond extract warms up well and increases blood circulation, so the composition is used for anti-cellulite and other therapeutic massages: with regular procedures, the skin becomes firm and elastic.

Almond oil for face

When used daily, almond oil for the face is very valuable: it rejuvenates, reduces wrinkles, improves the overall color and condition of the skin. It can be added to your moisturizer, one to two drops per serving. How to use almond oil for face:

  1. As a means for removing makeup from eyelids and eyelashes: easily moisten a cotton pad or napkin in a warm oily liquid, carefully remove makeup, avoiding contact with the eyes, wipe with a second damp pad.
  2. For age bags under the eyes: 5 ml of almond extract and a drop of sandalwood - apply every day before bed.
  3. As a mask for dull skin: dilute oatmeal with warm water, mix into a paste, add two teaspoons of almonds and 2 drops of patchouli.
  4. If you want to get rid of freckles or age spots, wipe them every day with this mixture: a teaspoon of almonds and 2 drops of grapefruit extract.
  5. Regularly massaging your face with warm oil will keep your skin elastic, tightened and toned.
  6. Oil can eliminate oily shine, pimples and blackheads, prepare the following mask: a tablespoon of almonds, two tablespoons of honey, two drops of tea tree.

Almond oil for lips

Almond oil is good for lips: it softens chapped skin in winter, nourishes and protects from the sun in summer. To improve your lips and give them a beautiful, smooth look, use this balm: mix a teaspoon of almond extract and 3 drops of lemon juice, wipe your lips. There is no need to rinse off; wait until the balm is absorbed. Lip color will improve significantly, becoming more uniform and vibrant.

Almond oil for hands

The best way to use almond oil for your hands is to add a few drops to your cream each time before applying. It will enhance the properties of cosmetics and its quality, as well as the result, will be much better. Sweet almond oil helps well in winter, for cracked, rough skin. Soak a cotton sponge in it and apply to the driest areas for 5 minutes, then gently rub over the entire surface of your hands.

Almond oil for hair

Almond oil is beneficial for hair: it stimulates hair growth, makes it healthier and more beautiful. Here are some recommendations for its use:

  • Use the product in summer: every time before washing your hair, apply a little oil to the roots and ends of your hair, then comb along the entire length. This will protect your hair from ultraviolet rays and help keep it healthy at sea, in the country or just in the city under the scorching sun.
  • Vitamin E contained in the oil is beneficial for dry, damaged hair. Add a few drops to shampoo or conditioner - this will give your hair strength, shine, and beauty. Rinse thoroughly with water.
  • Almonds can be good for stimulating hair growth. Lubricate weak, sparse eyebrows and eyelashes with it. Recipe for the head: massage the skin, rub homemade balm into the roots before washing. Prepare the mixture as follows: for a teaspoon of light almond extract – 2 drops of ylang-ylang.

Almond oil for nails

Almond oil is used for nails: it strengthens the nail plate and makes it smoother. The product helps to cure dry and brittle nails and get rid of microcracks. At the same time, almonds soften the cuticle and prevent its rapid growth. You can add a few drops to salt baths for your hands before a manicure, or simply rub into your nails and cuticles before bed.

Almond oil - instructions for use

To achieve maximum effect, you must follow the rules. Instructions for using almond oil:

  • To increase the effectiveness of the product, it must be warmed to body temperature before use.
  • It is better not to use bitter oil at home; take only sweet or mixed oil.
  • Oral administration: for cough, sore throat, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - 10 drops 3 times a day, only the sweet variety.
  • For ear infections and colds: apply ear drops at night, 8 drops throughout the day.

Almond oil – price

Almond seed oil is commercially available; it can be found in any pharmacy or in a specialized section of a supermarket, ordered and purchased in an online store. The price of almond oil varies from 40 to 1,300 rubles, depending on the manufacturer, the size of the bottle and the presence of additional products in the composition, in addition to the base. Essential oil for aromatherapy (50 ml) can be bought inexpensively, for 50 rubles. Another type of squeezed sweet varieties for cooking can be purchased at a cost of 800 to 1000 rubles.

Almonds are a powerful source of life; they are revered as a divine symbol and are recommended to be added to food during pregnancy.

The historical value of almonds can be traced back to ancient times. For example, the Bible describes a miracle about how Aaron’s staff blossomed and sprouted buds, and after flowering almonds appeared. It had important religious significance and was considered a symbol of divine approval. This is easy to understand from the way of life in Ancient Egypt, in which only the pharaohs and those closest to them could use almond fruits. The Romans considered almonds a symbol of fertility and a stimulant of sexual desires.

Composition of almond oil

Many people call almonds a nut, but in fact it is the kernel of a green shrub fruit. It is thanks to the cold pressing of these kernels that the highest quality essential almond oil can be obtained. The extraction result is more than impressive: 60-62% of oil can be easily extracted from the total mass of raw materials used.

The oil includes a number of vitamins:

  • vitamin A affects many processes, including the health of the skin, hair, and the functioning of the immune system;
  • B vitamins provide our body with the necessary vital energy and affect the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • Vitamin E has fat-soluble properties and also has a beneficial effect on the menstrual cycle;
  • Vitamin F keeps nails, skin and hair in good condition and promotes the production of breast milk.

Almond oil contains linoleic and oleic acid, as well as many microelements, including iron, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. Almond essential oil contains no synthetic additives, flavors, preservatives, stabilizers or dyes at all - it is a 100% natural product, thanks to which our body receives invaluable benefits. The structure of the oil allows it to be easily absorbed, without leaving a greasy film. Any skin type responds well to this product. Almonds are like a balm for the soul: an invisible assistant whose presence brings satisfaction and comfort.

Benefits and uses of almond oil

The components of these fruits contribute to the successful use of almond essential oil for cosmetic purposes. Oils of grapefruit, cloves, lavender, rosemary, ginger, thyme, cardamom, etc. can significantly diversify and enhance the effectiveness of almonds in any chosen tandem. It can be safely used in its pure form and used to enrich various cosmetics. For example, the use of almond oil has proven itself in the composition of creams, masks and shampoos, as well as in medicinal and anti-aging cosmetics.

Useful properties of almond oil in cosmetology:

  • improves the overall color texture of the facial skin;
  • nourishes the skin and promotes its regeneration;
  • makes the skin more soft and velvety;
  • smoothes wrinkles, evens out skin texture;
  • moisturizes the skin and soothes inflammation;
  • rejuvenates the skin and slows down the aging process;
  • returns hair to its natural strength and shine;
  • stimulates the growth of weak hair;
  • protects against ultraviolet radiation;
  • helps strengthen nails;
  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Natural almond-based products help eliminate irritation, dryness, peeling or inflammation of the skin. Your face will look fresh and well-groomed, and problematic skin will regain its healthy appearance and get rid of acne or clogged pores. There is one interesting way: if you heat almond oil to body temperature and massage your face or décolleté with it, then the skin in these places will become more elastic and wrinkles will be smoothed out. In principle, everything is clear with the face, but hiring your favorite “specialist” to massage the décolleté area will bring both you and him a lot of benefits and pleasant sensations.

Main medical properties of the oil:

  • helps with sunburn (or thermal);
  • reduces the total amount of cholesterol in the body;
  • helps treat gastrointestinal tract diseases;
  • relieves acute pain after a sports injury;
  • relieves back pain and swelling during pregnancy;
  • helps treat many women's diseases;
  • has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • useful for children as a laxative;
  • can be used regardless of age and gender.

During pregnancy, almond essential oil will help avoid stretch marks in problem areas. It is also recommended to take a special bath that soothes and tones the skin. This product is perfect for removing makeup from your eyelids and eyelashes. In combination with lemon or ylang-ylang essential oil, almond oil will reduce the fragility of nails and also restore their strength, giving them a more impressive look.

Almonds have also found use in cooking and as a spice. The seeds are used in any variation: fresh, salted or roasted. Almond kernel shells are used to flavor liqueurs, wines and cognacs, as well as to improve their color. Activated carbon is also made from the shell.

Our hair is exposed to many negative factors, it needs protection and beneficial nutrients, so using almond oil for hair can revive it and give it a healthy look. In addition, it is a good cleanser that protects the scalp from dust accumulation and dandruff. Massaging your scalp with almond oil will improve blood circulation, prevent hair breakage and keep your hair looking shiny in any weather.

Enhancing the attractiveness of hair - the best hair care recipes:

Recipe 1. For oily hair
Rub this oil into the roots of your hair, distribute it along its entire length. For a stronger effect, you can add 2 drops of bergamot, lemon or cedar essential oil. Wrap your head in a towel and plastic, and after 40 minutes you can wash your hair with your usual shampoo.

Recipe 2. For dry hair
Perform the procedure on clean and damp hair, adding 2 drops of patchouli or ylang-ylang oil. Duration - from 40 minutes to an hour.

Recipe 3. For hair growth or strengthening
Take one teaspoon each of peach and almond oil, add the yolk and mix (for oily hair, you can add a tablespoon of cognac). Apply the resulting mixture to your hair, wrap your head and leave the mask on for about an hour.

Recipe 4. For fans of hair dryers, straightening irons, etc.
All these devices cause great harm to the hair, making it more brittle. A mask of 1 part cinnamon essential oil, 2 parts almond oil will help them regain their former strength. Heat this mixture a little and spread it over the entire length, and then leave for an hour. If you want to get good results, do this procedure twice a week.

Recipe 5. For damaged hair
Apply a mixture of 1 tbsp to your scalp. spoons of almond oil, spoons of lemon juice and one yolk, and also lubricate the ends of your hair. After 30 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

You can comb your hair with similar mixtures (or just almond oil) several times a day, which will supply it with the necessary substances, moisturize it, make it more manageable and silky.

It is quite easy to trace the beneficial properties of almond oil for the skin: it improves tone, improves complexion and gives the skin a healthy appearance. In addition, essential almond oil softens the effects of psoriasis, eczema and helps eliminate redness, itching and rashes caused by these diseases.

Recipes for a beautiful face and healthy skin:

Recipe 1. Almond based
For one st. a spoonful of almond oil, 2-3 drops of any complementary oil, such as clove, lavender or ginger, are enough. Apply the resulting mixture to moistened skin, and for this you can use herbal infusions, tonics or still mineral water. Slightly warmed oil will improve penetration into the skin.

Recipe 2. Enrichment of cosmetics
One use of your regular cosmetics will require two drops of almond essential oil. Regular use of almond oil will make your complexion much better and give it elasticity, as well as hide wrinkles.

Recipe 3. For burns and herpes
Mix 2 drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil with one tbsp. spoon of almond oil. It is advisable to lubricate the affected area with this mixture every day, about five times.

Recipe 4. For stretch marks
Soak a napkin in almond oil and apply it to the sore spot for about half an hour. Repeat this procedure 3 times a day.

Recipe 5. For Tan
For the entire volume you need 4/10 shea butter and almond oil, 2/10 jojoba oil and 5 drops of lavender oil.

Recipe 6. After sunbathing
For the desired volume, take 1/2 almond essential oil, as well as 1/4 sesame and jojoba oils.

Recipe 7. Almond oil for eyelashes
The easiest and most reliable way to use this oil is to warm it up and blot a thin cotton swab with it, then apply the oil to your eyelashes using the cotton swab. Next, apply parchment paper and secure using a bandage. You can remove it after 15 minutes.

Recipe 8. We treat ears
Getting rid of annoying pain in the ears and head is quite simple: drop 3 drops of a mixture made from ten drops of almond oil and 1 drop of garlic juice into your ears. For ear diseases, place 7-8 drops of almond oil into the auricle daily. One drop of oil before bed will soften hardened sulfur.

Recipe 9. Taking oil internally
Taking 0.5 teaspoons of almond oil daily for three months can prevent atherosclerosis and related complications. For asthma, sore throat or respiratory diseases, take 10 drops of this oil three times, and after a few days you will feel an improvement.

Almond essential oil: use in aromatherapy

Use of oil in aromatherapy

  1. if you have a personal aroma pendant, add 2 drops of almond oil to it;
  2. If you have an aroma lamp, three drops are enough for a room with an area of ​​15 square meters. meters;
  3. inhale directly from the bottle or add 3 drops of oil to a container of water and breathe for about five minutes;
  4. take an aroma bath by mixing an emulsifier (for example, milk) with a few drops of oil and relax, enjoying moments of solitude.

Almond oil has practically conquered the world, entering a wide variety of areas of its use: from cooking and cosmetology to the treatment of serious diseases and the return of female reproductive function to normal. In some Swedish families, it is even now customary to add a piece of almond to the Christmas cake: whoever gets it will have good luck next year. May luck always be your companion in life, no matter who gets that piece of almond.

We recommend: high-quality almond oil in the IHerb online store. Get $10 off your first purchase with code KPF743.


Almond oil perfectly nourishes the skin and hair and is an important component of many cosmetic products. It is also used for culinary purposes. If you want to make almond butter at home, you'll need a blender and a little patience. You can also use a butter press if you really want to make natural butter.


Using a blender

  • 2 cups raw almonds
  • 1-2 teaspoons olive oil

Using a butter press

  • 2 cups raw almonds


Part 1 Making butter using a blender

  1. 1 Place almonds in blender. Almonds should be dry and fresh. Make sure your blender is clean and ready to use.
  2. 2 Start by turning the blender on low speed. You should start on low speed to grind the almonds slowly and gently. If you start at high speed right away, it will complicate the whole process.
  3. 3 Stop blender to scrape down sides. When you start grinding the almonds, you may find that they are left on the sides of the blender. Simply stop working, clean the sides and continue grinding. You may have to do this a few times as you work, so keep an eye on it.
  4. 4 Now stir the almonds at a higher speed. Once the almonds are ground, you can turn your blender on medium or even high speed. This will help the process.
  5. 5 Add olive oil when all the almonds are thoroughly ground. Once all the almonds have turned into a rich, creamy paste, add one teaspoon of olive oil to speed up the process. If you see that the almonds have not reached the consistency you like, add another tablespoon of olive oil.
  6. 6 Fold in the mixed almonds. After mixing is complete, transfer the almonds to a container or glass jar and leave them at room temperature for 2 weeks. This time should be enough to release the oil from the almonds.
  7. 7 Drain the oil. To get the most oil, you can invert the container and let the oil drain into a separate container. You can also use a sieve or filter.
  8. 8 Use oil. You can use the oil for skin and hair treatments, as well as for aromatherapy purposes. Don't throw away any leftover almonds. You can use it in cooking or mix it with a little canola oil and salt and spread it on toast.

Part 2 Cooking with a butter press

  1. 1 Place the almonds in the top of the butter press. The press will cost you a little more than a blender, but it will blend the almonds more thoroughly. You should place the press on a table or other hard surface.
  2. 2 Start working by turning the handle. Simply turn the handle lightly and slowly to begin the oil preparation process. Unlike a blender, you don't have to scrape the almonds off the sides of the device.
  3. 3 Use a cup to collect the oil. Simply place a cup under the almonds and wait for the oil to start draining. It will become easier for you to turn the handle each time.
  4. 4 Use oil. You can use the butter right away and won't have to wait weeks for it to separate from the nuts like you would if you used a blender. The oil may look cloudy, but that doesn't mean it's any less effective. If you want a light and clear oil, just set it aside for a while so that all the particles settle down.

Part 3 Use of almond oil

  1. 1 Use almond oil to moisturize your face. Almond oil can be used as a daily facial moisturizer. The oil will help soften rough or dry skin and provide additional protection. You can take care of your skin by using pure almond oil without any chemicals. All you need to do is wet your hands with warm water and massage ½ teaspoon of almond oil onto your face.
    • You don't need to wash off the oil, it's a natural remedy, let it absorb into the skin.
  2. 2 Use almond oil as a face mask. Another thing you can do to take care of your skin is a face mask. All you have to do is mix the required ingredients in a separate container to create a paste and apply it on your face. Apply the mask in the morning and leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. Here are the simple ingredients you need to mix into a paste:
    • 1 tablespoon almond oil
    • 1 tablespoon honey
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  3. 3 Use almond oil as a facial scrub. A facial scrub will help cleanse your skin and exfoliate your face, removing dead cells and dirt. All you need to do is add 1 teaspoon of salt or sugar to a teaspoon of almond butter and mix the ingredients until they reach a paste-like consistency. Gently rub the scrub onto your face with your fingertips, then rinse with warm water.
    • Be careful when using the scrub, as if you scrub too hard, your face may become irritated.
  4. 4 Use almond oil as a conditioner. If you want to use almond oil as a conditioner, just one teaspoon of oil rubbed into wet hair is enough. Using a comb, distribute the oil evenly throughout your hair. Wait about 30 minutes for the oil to work, then wash your hair with shampoo.
    • If you do this at least once a week, very soon your hair will be beautiful and healthy.
  5. 5 Use almond oil on dry hair. You can use almond oil in the same way you use any other hair oil. Pour about half a teaspoon of almond oil into your palm, rub it in your hands and apply to your hair, comb your hair to distribute the oil evenly. You can use almond oil to make your hair smooth and protect your ends from split ends.
    • Do not use oil more than once a day or even every other day, otherwise your hair will become greasy.
  6. 6 Use almond oil to make lip balm. If you want to use almond oil as a lip treatment, all you need to do is gather a few simple ingredients to make your own lip balm at home. You just need to melt the ingredients in a double boiler at the lowest temperature, then remove them from the heat, pour the balm into a tube and leave for 24 hours to harden. You can use the following ingredients:
    • 1 tablespoon shea butter
    • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
    • 1 ½ tablespoons almond butter
    • 1 ½ tablespoons wax
    • 4.2 gram lip balm tubes
  • Boil the mixture for at least 15 minutes and let it cool for 15 minutes.
  • Grind the almonds until they break into small pieces.
  • If you add a little other essential oil, your almond oil will be even better


  • Don't boil the mixture for too long
  • Don't pour too much essential oil

Hair is exposed to negative environmental influences every day. Rain, snow, temperature changes, strong winds - all this negatively affects the condition and appearance of hair. In order for your curls to remain thick and strong, you need to have almond oil in your arsenal of cosmetics. It can be either part of a combined hair care product or an independent ingredient. It is also used in cooking.

Composition and beneficial properties

The benefits of almond oil lie in its composition, rich in nutrients.

It includes:

Up to 85% oleic acid. It is better known as Omega-9. This substance is found mainly in oils. Residents of Mediterranean countries are less likely to suffer from heart and vascular diseases, since their food is rich in healthy fats from vegetable oils. Benefits of oleic acid:

Reduces blood sugar levels, and therefore the risk of diabetes is reduced to 0.
Kills cancer cells, blocks the formation of malignant tumors.
Reduces cholesterol levels, cleans blood vessels, strengthens the heart muscle, regulates blood pressure.
Maintains normal metabolism.
Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Strengthens the body's protective properties.
Improves mood, relieves depression.

Up to 25% linoleic acid. It is known as Omega-6. This is an essential substance that a person receives only from food. Therefore, linoleic acid is necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Benefits of Omega-6:

Has anti-inflammatory properties.
Reduces “bad” cholesterol and increases the level of “good” cholesterol.
Regulates fat and protein metabolism.
Strengthens cells, slows down the aging process.
Speeds up digestion.
Regulates hormone balance.
Stimulates immunity.
Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.

Vitamins: E, B, A, C, F, D.

Vitamin E – rejuvenates skin cells, prevents aging, tones aging skin, protects against free radicals.
B vitamins – normalize the functioning of the central nervous system, restore the body’s immune strength.
Vitamin A – fruitfully participates in the renewal of the skin, rejuvenates, gives tone and energy.
Vitamin C is known for its immunomodulatory properties.
Vitamin D – improves skin condition, slows down the aging process, tones, nourishes.
Vitamin F – gives elasticity and vitality to the skin.

Microelements: magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron, phosphorus.

How to make almond butter at home

Used in cosmetology, treatment and nutrition. It is combined with vegetables, added to salads, prepared as a seasoning for meat and fish, and used in baking. To ensure that this versatile oil is always on hand, it is easy to prepare at home. Of course, it’s easier to buy something ready-made; fortunately, store shelves are full of variety. But it’s healthier to make natural oil yourself. In addition, the cost of such a product will be lower than purchased. Although the raw material itself - nuts - is not cheap, the result still justifies the cost.

Instructions for making homemade almond butter:

We choose one of the methods. In the first case, the oil is prepared from a raw product, in the second - from a fried product. The second option is more often chosen, since the oil from processed almonds is released faster, its taste is richer, and its shelf life increases.
For frying you will need a baking sheet, an oven preheated to 170-180 degrees, parchment paper and almonds. We line the baking sheet with paper, pour the almonds into a single layer and put them in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Stir the nuts every 2 minutes to prevent them from burning. You cannot overcook them, otherwise the oil will become bitter.
We are waiting for the almonds to cool down. Pour it into a food processor or blender, which should be powerful enough to form almond flour and then a smooth paste. The blender must be stopped periodically and the almond crumbs adhering to the walls must be cleaned off. If you want to get quick results, then add 2 tablespoons or any other vegetable to the flour. The result should be a soft nut butter.
For a variety of flavors, honey, cinnamon, vanilla or any other flavoring additives are mixed into the oil.

Of course, this is not the kind of oil that can be poured into a salad or made into a sauce, but it can be spread on bread in the morning and eaten with aromatic coffee. Oil for cosmetic purposes, that is, liquid, is made by pressing nuts in production workshops using special “presses”.

To make your hair look chic, thick, strong, and shiny, you don’t need a lot of effort or money. It is important to eat healthy fats, which are found in almond oil. In addition, masks prepared using almond oil at home are also good for your health.

First, choose the right oil. It has a uniform, not too liquid consistency, yellowish color, and has no sediment. It is important that the oil is fresh, otherwise it will have a rancid taste and unpleasant odor, and all the beneficial substances in it will disappear.
Store it in the refrigerator on the door or on the bottom shelf. Before preparing the mask, you need to take it out and bring it to room temperature or heat it in a water bath to 35-40 degrees. This way, all the active substances will directly enter the scalp and saturate the hair.
Before use, be sure to check for an allergic reaction, since nuts are an allergenic product. To do this, apply a small amount of oil to your hand and wait 30-60 minutes. If nothing has arisen, then it is safe.
Depending on the purpose, the oil is distributed over the head in different ways. If the goal is to accelerate hair growth and reduce hair loss, then it is applied only to the roots, rubbing into the skin with massage movements. If the problem is split ends, then grease the hair from the middle with oil and leave for 30 minutes. This mask can be worn for up to several hours and will not cause any harm. If the main problem is unruly curls, then the oil is distributed over the entire length. You can add other beneficial essential oils to the oil, 5 drops each. It is also important to check them for an allergic reaction in advance. If you have added other ingredients to almond oil: mustard, honey, eggs, kefir, yogurt, etc., then the period of wearing the mask is reduced - 15-30 minutes.
You need to wash off the mask with a large amount of shampoo; most likely, the procedure will have to be repeated 2-3 times to remove the greasy coating. After this, apply the balm and rinse it off.
Masks with almond oil are made 1-2 times a week.
The course consists of 10-15 procedures, then a break is taken for 3-4 months. That is, there may be 3-4 such courses per year.

The popular expression “beauty requires sacrifice” is incorrect; beauty requires almond oil.

December 18, 2013, 11:47