How to spend the New Year. How to celebrate New Year at home

Before inviting guests, take care of the New Year's comfort at home. It’s so nice when a pre-holiday atmosphere reigns at home. It reminds you of the upcoming holiday, and this instantly improves your mood. Here are several options on how to decorate your home simply and tastefully:

  • buy fir branches, spray them with glitter varnish and place them in a vase. If you have a chest, a box, you can put them there;
  • Be sure to purchase the main symbol of the coming year - a metal rat. Place it in the living room on the fireplace or coffee table. You can put cereal grains, nuts, bread next to the rat;
  • if you have Christmas stockings or flags to decorate your home for the New Year, hang them in front of the fireplace, near the TV;
  • windows can be decorated using stencils and New Year themed stickers;
  • make your own Christmas wreath. It is not necessary to make a wreath from spruce branches; you can use twigs, stiff fabric, or wire as a basis;
  • garlands, lanterns. candles are those interior items that give a feeling of celebration and a magical atmosphere in the house. Feel free to hang them throughout the apartment.

If you live in a private house, then decorate the outside of your home. To decorate, use bright lighting, make snowmen, decorate the plantings and trees on the site with New Year's toys.


To decorate street trees, use plastic toys; glass on the street will quickly break.

How to spend New Year's Eve at home with your family

Most families prefer warm gatherings at home at the New Year's table. Invite your relatives, if there are children in your house, be sure to think about entertainment for them too. It is better to choose family games that will involve all participants, regardless of age. Here are some ideas for New Year's Eve:

  • game "What's in the box?" A couple of days before the New Year, look for a large box and decorate it with tinsel and foil. Make a cutout in the center so you can stick your hand into the box. Now prepare the contents for filling: these should be unusual things (glasses with a nose, a skirt, wigs). During the celebration, play music and pass the box clockwise to everyone around the table. As soon as the music stops, the person who has the box must take out the first item he comes across and put it on himself. You can offer to dance a short dance in such an outfit, for example, then it will be even more fun to play;
  • game "Fairy Tale". You will need a piece of paper and a pen. The host announces that all guests must complete the fairy tale with one sentence or phrase. You can suggest a topic and write the first sentences, then fold the piece of paper so that what was previously written is not visible. You can ask the next participant, whose turn it is to write, a leading question so that the continuation of the fairy tale turns out to be logical, but very funny. Playing such a game is fun, even if the family consists of 3-4 people;
  • game "Wish". The point of the game is that you need to say a wish to the neighbor on the left. Wishes made earlier should not be repeated. The atmosphere at the table will be warm and touching;
  • game "Memories". A couple of hours before the holiday, give each participant a task to remember a funny or warm story from your common past. At the New Year's table, let everyone talk about their memories;
  • creative competition. Write pieces of paper with the words “Snow Maiden”, “Snowman”, “Santa Claus”, “Christmas tree”. Place the wallets in the hat and let the participants draw them out. The participant must either sing a song with the name of his staff, recite a poem, or dance a dance. You can even offer to act out a skit, it will be interesting, especially for children;
  • "Get an apple." A simple but funny competition can be held for the New Year. Pour water into a bowl and place an apple in it. The participant needs to get the apple out of the bowl, while using his hands is prohibited;
  • "Snowflake". Make a small snowflake from a piece of cotton wool. Throw it in the air and blow on it. The main task is to prevent the snowflake from falling to the floor. All household members will be involved;
  • letter task. The presenter thinks of a word on a New Year's theme, and other participants must name words from the New Year's theme from the letters given. For example, the presenter wished for the word “Snow Maiden”. Participants take turns saying words starting with the letter “S”: snow, snowflake, icicle, then words starting with the letter “N” - new year, outfit.

On a note!

Hide small gifts from Santa Claus throughout the apartment with clues about where the next one is. Meanwhile, place the main gift under the tree.

If you have card games or games like Monopoly or Crocodile, then take them out and invite your household to play. If, on the contrary, you love experiments and active entertainment, then organize a dance competition or a parody competition. If you have karaoke at home, you can organize a talent show. Take care of prizes for the participants: buy some memorable souvenirs, trinkets, and sweet prizes in advance. For the most active participant in the evening, give a special gift - you can give a craft or other memorable gift.

Make it a tradition to take a walk around the city before New Year's Eve; you probably have ice towns, slides, and snow sculptures in your city. Get your whole family together and go outside. You can go to the forest, play in the snow, build a snowman and have fun. Fans of active recreation like to celebrate the New Year at recreation centers, why not go to the fresh air? This is a great option to be with your family and take a break from the bustle of the city. Take the youngest family members to the Christmas tree or invite Santa Claus to visit. The child will be happy, and the memories will last a lifetime.

How to spend New Year's Eve at home with friends

If you are planning to celebrate New Year 2020 in the company of friends, then have fun from the heart. The meeting place can be not only a restaurant, cafe, but also an ordinary apartment. Invite your loved ones over for the evening. You can have a themed party and agree on costumes in advance. For example, set the holiday theme to “Animals.” Then your friends should come dressed as any animals. We can agree on a Viennese masquerade, it will be more aristocratic.


If you have a summer cottage with winter accommodation, then it will be ideal for celebrating the New Year.

Think about in which part of the apartment you will accommodate guests and organize a competition program. Clear out the room a little: rearrange the flowers, remove small unnecessary furniture. Create a New Year's menu and prepare a buffet table with soft drinks. You can involve friends: assign someone to be responsible for buying alcohol and so on.

The highlight of the evening will certainly be the entertainment program. There are so many competitions on how to entertain your guests that it’s hard to imagine. Here are the most popular ideas for drawing up a competition program:

  • "Movie Marathon" Ask your friends to take turns naming all the famous Christmas-themed movies. Whoever knows the most can be awarded a prize;
  • game "What's in the Box", but only version 18+. The essence of the game is the same as described above, but the contents of the box will be different: men's underpants, bras, socks. The more extraordinary things there are, the more fun the game will be;
  • game "What's my name" Prepare stickers and markers and hand them out to guests. Each guest must make a wish for an animal and write it on a piece of paper. Glue the piece of paper on your neighbor's forehead, but he should not know what animal is written on him. With the help of leading questions, the guest needs to guess about his animal; whoever does it faster wins;
  • "Test cartoons". Bring a little creativity into New Year's Eve. Prepare sheets of paper and pencils. Let the guests feel a little like children and draw. You will need to draw a neighbor, but the neighbor himself should not know about it. The presenter collects the art in one pack, and then takes out one drawing at a time. and the guests must guess who is drawn there. The one who guessed right takes the art as a souvenir;
  • "Alphabet of wishes." In turn, each guest should wish everyone present a wish for a letter of the alphabet, go through all the letters and start: A - appetite, B - B - prosperity, C - luck and continue this way until the very end of the alphabet;
  • toast competition. Whoever says the most unusual toast with a creative congratulation will receive a prize;
  • "Dancing with body parts." In the second part of the holiday, when things smoothly move on to dancing. invite guests to stand in the center of the hall and announce the rules of the game: you need to move only with that part of the body that the host names. Feet, arms, lips, head and even tongue will be used. It will be a lot of fun, don’t forget to capture your friends in the most unusual poses with your camera;
  • themed forfeits. Time the topic of writing forfeits to coincide with the symbol of the coming year. Let the tasks be something like “roll in the improvised mud”, “scratch your side”, “grunt loudly”. Place the forfeits in the hat, let each guest take out his task;
  • "taster". If there is a large selection of alcoholic drinks, choose a participant, blindfold him and provide different alcoholic drinks. The participant will determine what is poured in his glass by smell and taste. For each correctly named position, treat the participant with candy or any sweet;
  • "Guess the movie." Make still images in advance from famous Soviet and foreign films on New Year's themes. Guests must guess the frames; whoever guesses the most wins.

In addition to exciting competitions, you can hold a small master class on making New Year's cocktails. Place alcoholic drinks, juices, ice, fruits on the table. Let everyone come up with their own cocktail and make its presentation. The cocktail must have a name. If you don’t drink alcohol, then do a similar master class on making and presenting desserts. At the end of the evening, have a disco. Prepare a playlist before the celebration so as not to waste time during the celebration on a selection of music. Don't forget to include slow songs in the playlist.

Celebrating the New Year with your family at home is your best idea for the upcoming holiday. A joint celebration will undoubtedly bring that same warmth to relationships in your little home world. In addition, the coming year is the best time for change. New Year's Eve with your family will be surrounded by a fairy tale, and you won't need to spend a lot of effort for this.

Start, for example, with the surroundings. It is impossible to imagine a holiday without the spicy aroma of mulled wine, the subtle smell of pine needles, the impatient hissing of champagne in elegant glasses... The second important point is gifts. Let them be done from the heart. Don't buy things you're not sure about. The third component of success if you decide to spend the New Year at home with friends is image. Take care of aesthetics in detail: let the reflection in the mirror be a happy revelation for you. And of course, the entertainment part of the evening. In this review, we have selected for you a number of games that will delight all family members, regardless of age.

1. “What’s in the box?”

All participants sit in a circle. The main object that needs to be prepared for the game in advance is a beautifully decorated box with all sorts of things: funny items of clothing and accessories (large family panties with flowers, a Papuan skirt made of bags, funny glasses with a nose, etc.). The box is passed around in a circle accompanied by music. The one who has it in his hands when the music stops will have to take out his “fashionable thing” and walk around in it the whole evening, entertaining the guests.

2. "Bullseye"

The competition is ideal for party guests of all ages. Guests stand in a circle, pressing their shoulders and sides tightly against each other. The leader in the center of the circle watches the participants, and they, in turn, pass the apple behind their backs. You can turn on music for ambience. When she stops, you need to ask the presenter: “Who has the apple now?” If he guessed wrong, the process continues. And if you guess right, the leader and the one who had the apple change places.

3. "Fairy Tale"

A calm but extremely funny game that is ideal for New Year's Eve and any family evening. The essence of the competition is to compose a fairy tale. The presenter can set the topic and the main characters, and the participants, in turn, must write several sentences on a piece of paper that develop the plot of the story. Each new sentence is folded so that the subsequent narrator does not see it. After everyone has made their contribution (you can even do it several times if there are few people), the piece of paper is unfolded and what happened is read out loud. As a rule, incredibly funny tales come out.

4. "Wish"

A very good family game for the New Year holidays. Participants sit in a circle (possibly at a table), and each one in turn (clockwise) tells the neighbor on the left some pleasant or funny wishes for the next year.

It is better to seat the participants so that the children sit next to their grandparents, and the spouses sit in different places. In wishes, you can take into account the profession or type of activity of the recipient, so that the wishes are relevant and funny.

5. "Caterpillar"

An outdoor game for a large company. The caterpillar is all the participants who hold each other by the waist and squat down. The presenter announces what the caterpillar should do: “The caterpillar woke up, stretched, went to eat, dances, climbs a tree (sofa, ladder) ...”

In order for the caterpillar to be able to carry out commands well, it is important to act coherently and listen to each other. Therefore, to add some sparkle to the game, the caterpillar must have a naughty tail that bothers everyone. Usually the youngest in the family is appointed to this role.

6. “In a large family they don’t click their beaks.”

The game is a synthesis of the “Box” and the competition with chairs. You will need all sorts of funny New Year's attributes, of which there will be one less than the number of participants. All items are laid out on the table, music starts playing, and the participants dance. When the music stops, players must run to the table as quickly as possible, grab one attribute and equip it. Those who do not have enough items leave the game, taking any of the items with them.

1. Set an unusual New Year's table

If you can't give up gatherings at home, at least diversify the table with treats that you've never tried. Let there not be a single familiar dish or drink on your table. Try the cuisine of another country, ask your friends for delicious recipes and make your own cocktails - alcoholic or not.

There is still a lot of time before the New Year, so you will have time to create an unusual menu.

By the way, if you decide to cook traditional dishes of other peoples, why not celebrate the holiday in the style of the country whose cuisine you chose?

2. Join the traditions of another country

This is another way to celebrate the New Year with relatives and friends, but make it unusual and memorable. Decorate your home in the style of another country. For example, Japanese kadomatsu or Chinese lanterns and pictures with wishes.

Give each other special gifts, such as homemade candles in Sweden, dogwood sticks in Bulgaria, or matching items like cups or candles in China.

10. Celebrate the New Year on a plane

As a rule, plane tickets become more expensive on the eve of the holidays, as people tend to celebrate the New Year on the spot. On the contrary, on the dates of the holidays themselves, tickets become much cheaper.

If you take tickets for December 31, you will kill two birds with one stone: you will save on travel and get an unusual experience of celebrating the New Year a few kilometers above the ground.

The more interesting you spend this day, the greater your chances of a New Year's miracle.

How did you celebrate your brightest and most memorable New Year? Share your experience in the comments.

Now, when the country is experiencing a not entirely favorable situation for life, when we have to save not only on vacation, entertainment, but also on standard household needs, each of our clients is still looking forward to a miracle on New Year’s Eve. The organization of a corporate event begins six months in advance, and the organization of a small private party, family holiday or children's party begins three months in advance. During this time, an exclusive design is developed, costumes and room decor are planned, a holiday menu for a family dinner is drawn up, etc.

A fun holiday for children

For many, the New Year will be ideal if it is spent with family. After all, what could be more important than our children, parents, grandparents? The ideal New Year's holiday for children could be a theatrical production where the children themselves will act as actors! The performance can be based on a favorite children's fairy tale or cartoon, or you can even stage a scene from the life of your parents!

At almost every children's party, master classes are held where children can get creative and create gifts for their parents, or write a letter to Santa Claus! In my opinion, for parents such a gift will be more valuable than a gold piece of jewelry given to mom from dad.

Let me give you an example of how every year on Rublyovka we decorate the streets, houses and guest rooms of houses according to classic European New Year traditions - a large elegant Christmas tree with colorful toys, candles, garlands and sweets, fir wreaths with pine cones on the walls and doors, candlesticks, shiny tinsel , bells, confetti, New Year's socks on the fireplace, etc.

Probably every child believes in Father Frost and therefore the real Father Frost comes from Veliky Ustyug to congratulate children and their parents on the New Year, give gifts and wish them success and joy. Children ride in a sleigh pulled by reindeer, read poetry and make wishes!

Adults - party

We hold New Year's parties for parents and their friends mostly at their homes. To do this, we decorate the house for the celebration in accordance with the symbol of the year. Since the Year of the Blue Goat is coming, decorations can be of all shades of blue. A goat is a pet, so the decor should contain elements a la Russe, and in times of crisis this style will become the most relevant! Wicker baskets, clay vases and dishes, handmade toys on the Christmas tree, and you must also place a figurine of the patroness of the coming year in the center of the hall.

Among the most interesting styles for a New Year's party will be the already beloved style of “The Great Gatsby”, “Hipsters”, “Back to the USSR”, “Vintage”, “Retro Disc”, etc.

The festive table should also correspond to the symbolism of the year. From appearance to main dish. The New Year's table must include vegetables, fruits, a lot of greens, and cheese. Various types of grill, a variety of salads and fruit desserts would be very appropriate.

Very soon the chimes will strike, and the whole world will begin to celebrate everyone's favorite holiday. In childhood, New Year is the most magical and wonderful holiday. With age, his perception changes dramatically. Each of us is familiar with the rather banal scheme of the holiday: preparing dishes for the festive table - feasting - listening to the president's congratulations - watching "The Irony of Fate" and "Blue Light". Agree, not the most festive and fun pastime. It’s especially sad when a similar scenario is repeated year after year. What to do in this case? How to change the course of the celebration? How to spend the New Year so that it is remembered until next December? In fact, it's not difficult at all. You just have to use your imagination, and you will be guaranteed a fun and unforgettable holiday.

Stop sitting at home on New Year's Eve! On such a magical holiday, everyone wants a miracle. If you can’t expect miracles from Grandfather Frost, then you can try to become wizards yourself and go on New Year’s Eve, for example, to a fairytale forest! Impossible? Nothing is impossible!

On New Year's Eve - in the forest

Probably, each of us from the very beginning of December has been asking the question: where to spend the New Year? Go to the winter forest. Feel like the hero of a real winter fairy tale.

We recommend preparing for the celebration in advance. A week before the holiday, go outdoors and choose a suitable place. Modern conveniences of the 21st century allow us not to think about possible difficulties. So, as a forest edge, you can choose the territory of a city recreation area, where, in addition to the forest thicket, there will be a heated house, a bathhouse, and a place for entertainment (slides, skating rink, towns).

If you want to choose a more economical holiday option, go to the countryside. You can decorate a Christmas tree in the yard and celebrate in the house. Take care in advance about how you will heat the house and think about where in the vicinity of the cottage you can go for a walk.

Turning a home holiday into a fairy tale

What to do if you celebrate New Year's Eve at home? How to spend the New Year so that it will be remembered for a long time? Under no circumstances use the standard “Soviet” version of the celebration. Dinner in front of the TV is a thing of the past.

Even while at home, you can spend time in an unusual and original way.

Main ideas of the holiday:

The soul asks for a banquet

Want to have fun this New Year? Go to a restaurant. If you don’t want to spend the whole evening at the stove, but your soul cries for fun, you can book a table in a restaurant. In addition to delicious dishes and drinks, the restaurant will have a festive show program.

You can not only eat delicious food, but also take part in fun competitions and sweepstakes, sing your favorite songs, and dance.

At the same time, you don’t have to think about what kind of competition to hold and how to amuse your friends. And most importantly, there is no need to prepare holiday dishes and buy drinks. Significant savings in free time.

Going to a restaurant on New Year's Eve is a real fairy tale, a great way to have a good rest and relaxation.

Holiday for children

What should young parents do? What to do on New Year's Eve with children? Here the celebration option depends on the age of the child.

  • If there is a child under 1 year of age in the house. At this age, children do not yet understand all the charm of the country's main holiday. The celebration should take place in a free home environment. You should not put on your child an overly complex carnival costume with many details. There is a high probability that an uncomfortable outfit will completely ruin the child’s mood, and the celebration will be completely ruined. It is better to sit at the table in the evening. During the celebration, you can play with your child and show him the lights on the Christmas tree. By nightfall, most likely, the child will want to sleep. It is better to put the child to bed by 11 o'clock in the evening. And then you can calmly wait for the “cherished hour” and spend a calm, family New Year’s Eve watching popular TV programs.
  • Children aged 1 to 3 years do not yet fully understand the meaning of the celebration. Their misunderstanding is expressed in whims. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to put them to bed and enjoy the celebration yourself. Give them gifts, tell them about Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, feed them well, and spend the night in a cozy family atmosphere.
  • Children aged 3 to 6 years are already more independent. They are looking forward to a miracle. They love the main characters: Father Frost and Snow Maiden. At this age, you don't have to put them to bed early. Let them play until they get tired. Give them gifts. Having opened them, the children will be busy playing with them until the morning and will not disturb you.
  • Children aged 6 years and older. The children are already completely independent. They can sit at the festive table like adults and actively participate in sweepstakes and competitions. A home celebration with children is the best way to spend time.

How to entertain guests

So, you have come up with and developed the main scenario for a “magical night” and are waiting for friends and relatives to visit. We came up with an interesting menu. How to entertain loved ones? It has been very popular lately to organize New Year's games.

Let's look at the most interesting of them:

  1. present. We hide prepared gifts in secret places throughout the house. With the help of clues, guests look for them;
  2. crocodile. Perhaps not a single gathering in the company is complete without this game. Its essence is quite simple: 1 participant must depict some animal or object, and the rest wish for what exactly he wished for;
  3. make-up artist Participants apply makeup blindfolded;
  4. piñata. This item is very popular in European countries. It is a figurine made of paper. Various sweets are placed inside. Each participant uses a stick with his eyes closed and tries to break it;
  5. fashion designer Find old clothing and accessories around the house. Organize an impromptu fashion show.

Who is taller, stronger, braver - we compete

What's a celebration without competition? We organize New Year's competitions for friends and family. You can take any idea for competitions that your imagination is capable of.

All competitions can be divided into several topics:

  • sports;
  • brain teaser;
  • humorous;
  • team

What competitions can you come up with? Let's look at the main examples for each topic:

  1. sports. The basis of the competition is to determine who will better demonstrate their physical abilities (running, strength, endurance, etc.). You can use additional accessories: balls, balloons, jump ropes, bicycles, scooters - whatever comes to mind;
  2. brain teaser. The main task is to determine which of the participants has the most developed intelligence, logic and level of education. This requires preparation. Find interesting questions in advance in the spirit of “Own Game” and “What? Where? When?";
  3. humorous. Designed to lift the spirits of those around you. Remember humorous programs in the spirit of “KVN” and “Comedy Club”, and based on them, create a competition program;
  4. team The point is to understand which team is better based on the selected parameters. You can compete in any area: singing, dancing, joking, or organizing sports competitions.

As you can see, in order to have a fun and unforgettable celebration of the most magical night of the year, no special effort or financial investment is required. You just need to use your imagination.