Internet Day: history, date, how the holiday is celebrated, how many users. Internet Day: history, date, how the holiday is celebrated, how many users Message for Internet Day September 30

“Mail horses of progress” - this is how Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin figuratively called translators, the significance of whose profession in the life of all mankind since the destruction of the Tower of Babel is enormous, although unnoticeable. But without translators, many works of literature and cinema, achievements of science and technology would be inaccessible, people from different countries would not be able to communicate with each other... Only in 1991 did translators have their own professional holiday: the International Federation of Translators (International Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs, FIT) proclaimed September 30 as International Translation Day. FIT itself was founded in 1953 in Paris and today brings together representatives of more than 100 translator associations from more than 60 countries around the world with the aim of exchanging experiences, useful information and strengthening ties between national organizations for the benefit of their translators, as well as to promote translation as a profession and art. And the date for the holiday was not chosen by chance; on this day, September 30, 420, Saint Jerome of Stridonium, one of the four Latin Fathers of the Church, writer, historian, and translator, died. He is considered the patron saint of translators. Jerome Removing a Thorn from a Lion's Paw (Niccolò Antonio Colantonio) Jerome of Stridon was a man of powerful intellect and fiery temperament, he traveled widely and in his youth made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Later he retired for four years to the Chalcis desert, where he lived as an ascetic hermit. Here he studied the Hebrew and Chaldean languages ​​and had, in his own words, “only scorpions and wild animals” as companions. In 386 Jerome settled in Bethlehem. It was here that for many years he translated the Bible - the Old and New Testaments into Latin. Eleven centuries later, its version was proclaimed by the Council of Trent as the official Latin text of Holy Scripture (Vulgate). In addition, it is believed that Jerome was the creator of the Glagolitic alphabet. According to a popular parable, Jerome removed a thorn from the paw of a lion, who from then on became his devoted friend. In countless paintings, Saint Jerome is depicted as a scientist sitting in his cell, writing, with a lion next to him. Every year, events held as part of Translator's Day (congresses and conferences, corporate events and educational events) are dedicated to a specific topic. Thus, over the years it was held under the mottos: “Translation is the basis of multilingualism and cultural diversity”, “The responsibility of the translator to the profession and society”, “Many languages ​​- one profession”, “Terminology: words matter”, “Quality standard in polyphony world”, “Building bridges between cultures”, “Translation as intercultural communication”, “United world - beyond linguistic barriers”, etc.


They tried to introduce International Internet Day several times on different dates, but none of them became traditional. In Russia, the date “September 30” has taken root. It all started when the Moscow company IT Infoart Stars sent out an offer to firms and organizations to support an initiative consisting of two points: designate September 30 as “Internet Day,” celebrate it annually, and conduct a “census of the population of the Russian-speaking Internet.” According to research in recent years, the number of Russians who use the Internet daily is about 90 million, and this number is increasing every year. The leader in Internet penetration is Moscow, where more than 70% of residents use the network. In second place are St. Petersburg and the Republic of Karelia, where the share of Internet users among the population is about 60%. In 1998, World Internet Day was sanctioned by Pope John Paul II. The patron saint of the Internet has not yet been officially approved, although since 2003 the network has been temporarily protected by Saint Isidore of Seville, a Spanish bishop who lived in 560-636. He is considered the first encyclopedist who had a significant influence on the history of the Middle Ages. Therefore, in many countries around the world, the holiday of the network is celebrated on April 4 - the day of the Ascension of St. Isidore of Seville. Many countries also have national Internet Days. Usually they are timed to coincide with some events related to the introduction of the Internet in this country. In Russia, for example, the birthday of the Runet is celebrated on April 7. In addition, on the last Sunday of January, the world community celebrates “International Day WITHOUT the Internet.”

16 years ago, September 30, 1998 to be exact, The now famous company “IT Infoart Stars” sent out a letter to numerous firms and companies, which consisted of several points that were quite unusual for that time. Firstly, it was proposed to conduct the most unusual census of that time - a census of the population of the Russian Internet. Secondly, in honor of this event, appoint September 30 is Internet Day. Thirdly, celebrate this day every year.

Those companies and firms that received this letter were not against all these phenomena. As a result, a census was carried out, and at that time it turned out that the “population of the Russian-speaking Internet” was one million people, and a new holiday was appointed.

And they even celebrated it not just anywhere, but in Moscow, at the President Hotel. About 200 people were present at the celebration, and all of them played a significant role in the then field of information technology, which is called by two simple letters - IT.

This seems to be all the information about how another holiday appeared on our calendar - Internet Day. But in reality, everything is far from being as simple as it seems at first glance.

After all, on September 30, Internet Day is celebrated only in Russia. And nowhere else in the world. Although the Internet today is almost everywhere.

So what's the deal? It turns out that International Internet Day is celebrated on a completely different day, or to be more precise, on April 4th. And this date also has its own history.

April 4 – International Internet Day

Why is April 4th so famous? It turns out that another event happened that day. The Catholic Church claims that it was on April 4, 636 that Isidore of Seville died. But why does International Internet Day fall on this date? Maybe just a coincidence?

No, there is no coincidence here. The whole point is that Isidore of Seville was not only the Archbishop of Seville and Visigothic Spain, not only had the title of the last Latin Father of the Church, but was also the founder of medieval encyclopedism.

His greatest work is a book in 20 sections, which is called “Etymology”. It sets out all the knowledge collected at that time in such areas as:

1. Grammar.

2. Rhetoric.

3. Mathematics.

4. Medicine.

5. History.

7. Cosmology.

8. Theology.

9. Agronomy.

10. Zoology.

And many other branches of knowledge. Among the people of that time, this work enjoyed great appreciation and it was considered great prestige to have it at home.

And now attention - why was this saint chosen as the patron saint of the Internet?

I think that many have already guessed. This book is a kind of prototype of our modern and beloved Wikipedia, and since Wikipedia is perhaps the most visited site, Internet Day was appointed on April 4th.

But why was the date of the Saint’s death chosen? And here everything is simple - the exact date of birth of this person is not known, but the exact date of death is.

But there is one big “BUT” here too. Officially, International Internet Day has not been set on any day of the year, so everything may change...

However, there is another version of why International Internet Day is celebrated on April 4th. If you write the word “April 4” only in numbers, you will get the following entry: 4.04.

And these numbers are very similar to the famous HTTP 404 error. It turns out that someone just decided to joke, but it’s good when people have such a sense of humor!

Candidates for the position of the patron of the Internet

Before St. Isidore was chosen as Internet trustee, several individuals were submitted for consideration in 1999.

This is still the same Saint Isidore, a certain Saint Tecla and a certain Saint Pedro Regalado. Who voted for this or that person?

And this was done by (you won’t believe it!) the Vatican! And they chose a patron saint for a whole year, and only in 2000 did the holy fathers begin to lean towards the position that a better candidate than Saint Isidore simply could not be found.

What was the reason for this opinion? According to John Paul II, the Internet is an encyclopedia of knowledge, that is, the same encyclopedia was created by Saint Isidore.

In addition, his books also used a system of references, which is vaguely, but still reminiscent of modern references. However, Saint Isidore was not officially appointed patron of the Internet.

At the beginning of 2001, it was announced that the patron of the Internet would now be chosen from completely different saints. This list includes:

1. Rita of Cascia (1386–1456), saint of the impossible, patroness of the desperate.

2. Father Pius.

3. Apostle Philip.

4. Archangel Gabriel.

5. Holy Martyr Titus Brandzma.

In order for people to choose their own patron of the Internet, a special website was created, which, by the way, still works today.

So it turns out that the role of patron of the Internet throughout the world is played by the temporarily appointed Saint Isidore of Seville.

What about the Orthodox Church? It turns out that here the holy fathers counted among the patrons of the Internet not just anyone, but such famous saints as the Apostle John the Theologian, St. Theophan the Recluse and the Great Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

RuNet's birthday and other interesting dates

Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, our Runet also has a birthday and it falls on April 7th. Why this date?

In fact, exactly April 7, 1994 In the international database for collecting national top-level domains, a mark about appeared.

Uzbekistan also has its own Internet Day. It falls on April 29. Actually, on this day in 1995, the was registered.

But that's not all. The standard for WWW pages has been officially approved May 17, 1991, and before that there were only newsletters, file downloads and email. It turns out that this is also a kind of Internet Day.

And if on September 30 Internet Day is celebrated in our country, then on January 27 the entire population of our planet, of course those who know about it, celebrates an equally significant holiday - Day Without Internet. And this day also has International status.

September 30 - Internet Day
September 30 - International Translation Day
Events of September 30 that happened in the world, in different years

The Internet is a global telecommunications network of information and computing resources. Serves as the physical basis for the World Wide Web. Often referred to as the World Wide Web, Global Network, or simply the Network. Nowadays, when the word “Internet” is used in everyday life, it most often means the World Wide Web and the information available on it, and not the physical network itself.
September 30 is a professional holiday for all users and workers of the Internet industry.
The technological race between the USA and the USSR, which began in 1957 after the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, ultimately led to the birth of the World Wide Web. The fact is that complex military computer systems working with nuclear weapons required a unified network communication system on a continental scale. What was needed was a reliable network that would remain operational even if some of the computers were destroyed during a nuclear strike. And such a network appeared.
September 2, 1969 - The first successful transfer of data between neighboring computers took place in a laboratory at the University of California.
The historical experiment involved the exchange of data between two desktop computers connected to each other by a five-meter cable. The work was attended by university students Stephen Crocker and Vinton Cerf, who later made a significant contribution to the development of the Internet (In particular, Vinton Cerf in the mid-70s participated in the creation of the TCP/IP data transfer protocol, on which the current global computer network is based. Stephen Crocker also continues to work on the development of the Internet - today he is improving the protection of the Network address system from external threats).
The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the US Department of Defense is creating a prototype of the Internet, the ARPANET network.
Within a few years, the first email message was sent, and in the late 1970s, the TCP/IP communication protocol appeared. In the 1980s, the domain name system was created, and the Internet, which became publicly accessible, began its victorious march across the planet.
On August 7, 1991, British scientist Tim Berners-Lee first published the first web pages that resulted from his work on the World Wide Web project, which was a method of preserving knowledge using hypertext documents. Tim had been developing his project since March 1989, and by the time he published the first web pages, he had already created everything needed to make the Internet a reality, including the first browser and server.
At one time, the inventor of the Internet deliberately did not patent his discovery. He knew that in this case the Internet would never become a worldwide network, massive and publicly accessible. Thanks to Tim for giving millions of people around the world the opportunity to live and work online.
Well, residents of many countries celebrate International Internet Day on April 4, the day of the ascension of St. Isidore, the medieval archbishop of Seville, who created a 20-volume encyclopedia of human knowledge - one of the prototypes of the modern Internet. Some people propose to consider this saint the heavenly patron of the World Wide Web.
In addition, on January 27, the world community celebrates the “International Day WITHOUT the Internet” and encourages everyone to live exclusively in the “real” world at least once a year.

International Translator Day is a professional holiday for interpreters and translators. Celebrated on September 30 (the day of the death in 419 or 420 of St. Jerome, who translated the Bible (Vulgate) into Latin and who is traditionally considered the patron saint of translators). Established by the International Federation of Translators (FIT) in 1991.
FIT was founded in 1953 in Paris by Pierre-François Caillet and brings together representatives of more than 100 translator associations around the world with the aim of exchanging experiences, useful information and strengthening ties between national organizations for the benefit of their translators, as well as to promote translation as a profession and an art.

Jerome of Stridon, one of the four Latin Fathers of the Church, was a man of powerful intellect and fiery temperament. He traveled widely and in his youth made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Later he retired for four years to the Chalcis desert, where he lived as an ascetic hermit. Here he studied the Hebrew and Chaldean languages ​​and had, in his own words, “only scorpions and wild animals” as companions. In the desert, he several times heard trumpets announcing the Last Judgment. In Western European painting he is often depicted listening to angels blowing trumpets above his head.
In 386 Jerome settled in Bethlehem. It was here that for many years he translated the Old and New Testaments into Latin. Eleven centuries later, its version was proclaimed by the Council of Trent as the official Latin text of Holy Scripture (Vulgate). In addition, it is believed that Jerome was the creator of the Glagolitic alphabet.
According to a popular parable, Jerome removed a thorn from the paw of a lion, who from then on became his devoted friend. In countless paintings, Saint Jerome is depicted as a scientist sitting in his cell, writing, with a lion lying nearby. The date of death of Jerome is considered to be 420. His relics were transferred from Bethlehem to Rome.

1452 - The first book, the Bible, was printed in Mainz by Johannes Gutenberg.
1630 - America's first criminal is sentenced: John Billington is hanged for murder.
1791 - Mozart's last opera, The Magic Flute, premiered in Vienna.
1799 - Battle of Glarus during Suvorov's Swiss campaign
1809 - At Fort Wayne, the United States signed a treaty with the Indians, who ceded 3 million acres of their land to the Americans.
1813 - The first Congress of Paraguay began its work, which proclaimed the country an independent republic.
1846 - In Charleston (Massachusetts), Dr. William Thomas Green Morton extracted the first tooth using ether anesthesia.
1882 - In the American town of Appleton (Wisconsin), on the Fox River, the world's first hydroelectric power station began operating, distributing electricity to many consumers (according to the Edison system). The dynamo, driven by a water wheel, produced a power of 12.5 kW. Built by paper mill owner Rogers, it could illuminate his home, factory, and neighboring buildings.
1901 - France introduces mandatory registration of cars that can reach speeds of more than 36 km/h.
1902 - Rayon (viscose) was patented.
1906 - The first international hot air balloon competition started in Paris. The next day, the winner was American Army Lieutenant Frank Lam, who landed in the English town of Whitby (Yorkshire County).
1908 - The Blue Bird by Maurice Maeterlinck was staged for the first time on the Moscow Art Theater stage.
1916 - Y. I. Nagurski (Jan Nagorski) performed a “dead loop” on an M-9 seaplane.
1928 - English microbiologist A. Fleming announced his invention of penicillin.
1929 - The BBC English service made its first television broadcast.
1929 - In Frankfurt am Main, the German car designer Friedrich Opel (grandson of the famous Adam Opel) flew a glider with rocket engines. In 75 seconds of flight, he covered a distance of over 3 km.
1938 - Documents were signed in Munich on the transfer of the Sudetenland to Czechoslovakia to Germany - the Munich Agreement.
1939 - Ignacy Moscicki handed over the post of President of Poland to Wladyslaw Raczkiewicz in Romania.
1948 - The first free flight of the Mi-1 helicopter designed by the M. L. Mil Design Bureau took place (test pilot M. K. Baikalov).
1954 - Having passed all tests, the first nuclear submarine Nautilus (USA) entered service.
1965 - The honorary titles “Honored Pilot of the USSR” and “Honored Navigator of the USSR” were established.
1965 - Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos took the oath of office.
1980 - The first Ethernet specification is published.
1980 - A new currency, the shekel, was introduced in Israel.
1982 - The State Chamber Ensemble “Moscow Virtuosi” was created under the direction of violinist Vladimir Spivakov.
1984 - The western and eastern branches of the BAM were connected.
1991 - Jean-Bertrand Aristide is overthrown as President of Haiti in a military coup. Power passed to the military junta.
1994 - The Supreme Court of Canada rules that a man accused of sexual assault can use the fact that he was intoxicated as a mitigating factor.
1994 - The Gulf Cooperation Council announced an end to the economic boycott of Israel (the boycott lasted 46 years).
1998 - Academician Dmitry Likhachev was awarded the highest award of Russia - the Order of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called number 1.
2007 - Extraordinary parliamentary elections took place in Ukraine.
2009 - The EU Commission concluded that Georgia started the war in South Ossetia, but Russia is also accused of an inadequate response and provoking the conflict.

This super web
Entwined the whole white light
And sometimes without internet
Don't cook us dinner.
And don't do all your homework,
And chat with friends
This is a super thing of the century
What else can I say.
And today is a fashionable holiday
World Grid Day is needed
Celebrate the world by trumpeting -
How we lived quietly before
We didn’t go to YouTube,
Without seeing my classmates,
Every third person is a book lover.
And now the whole world is on the screen
Just click and look
Congratulations on this too -
So use it and live.

Send to a friend

Unusual activity has unfolded on the Internet,
Chat rooms, forums and networks are filled with poetry.
Everyone sends postcards to each other, sends SMS,
They show unusual interest in congratulations.
The fact is that today is not an ordinary day like yesterday,
World Wide Web Day! So it's time to celebrate!
Congratulate friends via chat, and look on VKontakte,
And on Facebook you urgently need to write at least three words,
Congratulate classmates, forum members, girlfriends, colleagues,
In general, everyone who glorifies the almighty Internet.

Send to a friend

The Internet is the eighth wonder of the world!
Everything in the world is on the Internet,
There is nothing that is not on the Internet,
The Internet is true progress!
Happy Internet Day, dear others,
Who spends days and nights in it?
There is nothing more needed in the world,
Than the I-no we live by!

Send to a friend

He skillfully wove his webs for us,
Hung out his web.
The working day goes faster now,
Getting stuck in an internet quagmire.
It's hard for us to imagine today
My life without mail and asi.
Some smoke, some drink coffee, some fight
He left without a trace.
We are ready to celebrate Internet Day
Today and tomorrow are like a holiday.
The main thing for us is to get access to the network,
So that the prankster chef doesn't turn it off!

Send to a friend

Without the Internet, life stands still
And it doesn’t bring good news.
This web has embraced our world -
We are on social media We live on networks, we are waiting for guests there.

The Internet is limitless -
You will find the answer to any question.
He will even help you in your personal life,
Although they say that this is not serious.
Let the modems work without failure,
Spam will not be sent to your email,
Let viruses always pass by,
And the speed of the Internet is only growing.

Recently, our country has begun to celebrate an unusual holiday - Internet Day. However, it does not coincide with the date on which World Internet Day is celebrated. If International Internet Day is celebrated on April 4, then Internet Day 2016 in Russia is celebrated on September 30.

FBA "Economy Today" talks about when and why this holiday appeared, who became the author of the idea to celebrate the birthday of the Internet, and who was chosen to be the patron saint of the Internet.

Internet Birthday Date

On September 30, 2016, Internet users, of whom there are already about 90 million people in our country, will once again remember an unusual holiday called Internet Day.

The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks. The system has several other names - “world wide web” and “global network”. And among themselves, users often call it simply “Internet”. The advent of the Internet has made the life of most people more interesting and rich, and in some cases even simplified it.

History of Internet Day

It all started in the fall of 1969 in the USA. In one of the laboratories of the University of California, a group of researchers of 20 people gathered to witness an unusual, but extremely important action - how two computers connected to each other by an ordinary three-meter cable exchanged test data with each other. This was the beginning of a new era in the history of the development of human civilization. 19 years later, in 1988, the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol was created, which made it possible to communicate online in real time. Literally a year later in Europe, on the initiative of the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee, the concept of the World Wide Web arose, and a year later they connected to the Internet for the first time using a telephone line. By 1991, the World Wide Web became publicly accessible on the Internet. At the same time, the standard for www (World Wide Web) pages was approved.

According to statistics, the Internet, whose birthday in Russia in 2016 is celebrated on September 30, is used by more than 25% of the entire population of the Earth.

Who is the patron of the Internet?

Back in 1999, three candidates applied for the position of patron of the Internet - Saint Thecala, Saint Isidore and Saint Pedro Regalado. The Vatican decided that this role was more suitable than others for Saint Isidore of Seville, who became the temporary patron of the Network. This saint - a Spanish bishop - lived in the years 560-636. He is considered the first encyclopedist who made a significant contribution to the history of the Middle Ages. He was also the first to use a system of cross-references in his works (analogous to the current hyperlinks widely used on the Internet).

According to other information, the Vatican chose between Isidore of Seville, Saint Rita of Cascia, Father Pius, Apostle Philip and Archangel Gabriel. Later, information appeared about the nomination of another candidate - the holy martyr Titus Brandzma, who was killed in 1942 in the Dachau concentration camp. But so far there has been no final decision on who will become the patron saint of the Internet.

About 70% of Russians regularly use the Internet

How Internet Day 2016 is celebrated in Russia

The first Internet Day in Russia, when the number of users reached 1 million people, was celebrated in 1998 in Moscow. Then about 200 people gathered for the celebrations. A year later, the holiday was celebrated on a grand scale, including a festival called “Internet Technologies Week.”

Today, according to the results of a survey conducted by VTsIOM in the spring of this year, in Russia about 70% of citizens aged 18 years and older use the Internet (a year ago this figure was 69%). Experts note that over the past few years, the share of users has remained virtually unchanged, but the number of daily users has been increasing (66.5 million Russians are online every day). Today this figure is 53% and if we compare it with the figure ten years ago, it has increased 10 times. According to experts, the increase in the Internet audience was due to the active use of mobile devices by Russians and an increase in the proportion of middle-aged and older users. And the leaders in Internet penetration in Russia are Moscow, St. Petersburg and Karelia. In the capital, more than 70% of residents use the network, in other regions – 60% each.

By the way, there is an alternative holiday to Internet Day. It is called International Day WITHOUT the Internet and is celebrated on January 27th. Everyone who celebrates it lives in the real world on this day, without going online.