Borisov's day according to the church. When is the birthday of Boris

Every Orthodox person at the mention of the name Boris, of course, recalls the life of the very revered and beloved holy princes Boris and Gleb. They became the first Russian princes to be canonized not only by the Russian Church, but also by the Church of Constantinople. Their father was the baptist of Rus' - Prince Vladimir, and therefore they grew up in a pious atmosphere, in a family where they live according to the commandments of Christ. Little Boris greatly revered the Holy Scriptures, rereading the lives of the saints several times. He really wanted to imitate the saints of God.

Brother Gleb also dreamed of dedicating his life to God. Saint Boris was appointed by his father to reign in Rostov. Boris approached this matter with all responsibility. He considered his main task to be the planting of Orthodoxy, the establishment of a pious way of life. After the death of Prince Vladimir, his eldest son Svyatopolk declared himself the Prince of Kyiv, the younger brothers Boris and Gleb did not object, not wanting internecine strife. But Svyatopolk did not believe in the sincerity of the intentions of his brothers, and sent a cruel murderer to Boris. The saint was informed of the impending massacre against him, but he did not consider it necessary to hide and flee. Life went on. During the morning prayer, murderers burst into the prince's tent and carried out their insidious work.

The devoted servants of Prince Boris secretly took out his body, which was laid in Vyshgorod. Svyatopolk also dealt cruelly with his second brother Gleb. Having been honored with such a martyr's death, the princes became the embodiment of brotherly love, who did not want to raise their hands for revenge.

Choosing a name for a child is a very responsible decision that you should definitely think about well. Today, there is a lot of literature in the public domain with the interpretation of almost all names. It is best for future parents to familiarize themselves with such information in order to know in the future what kind of character the baby may have. Of course, the name will not completely control the fate of the child, but it will still have a certain impact.

Today it is not very common to see the name Boris. Its popularity periodically increases or, conversely, fades away. Even today there is no exact data on the origin of this particular name. Experts say that its first mentions begin to occur in the 18th century, other sources may not contain the date of its appearance, but there is a translation from the Turkic language, which interprets the name as “profit”.

Boris character.

The name Boris can give a child firmness and strength of character, the manifestation of which can be seen from childhood. Parents will rejoice at the success of their baby, he very quickly learns everything new and interesting. In kindergarten, too, there should not be any particular problems. The child develops and constantly learns something new, his lively mind is very pleasing to the educators, who will enthusiastically talk about the success of the baby in the classroom.
In school years, everything can repeat itself. For a child, it will be much more interesting to study with textbooks and read a new encyclopedia than to chase a ball with the boys in the yard. A child's self-esteem can constantly grow due to the fact that he feels superior to other children. High self-esteem is, of course, good, but in some moments it is this quality that can have the most negative impact on communication with other children. Boris seems to be doing a favor when he communicates with his classmates, this attitude cannot please teenagers, so communication problems may arise. High self-esteem can also cause problems in families. The child can push the limits set by the parents and dictate their own rules, which everyone must obey. The first manifestations of such behavior should be crossed not with punishments, but with conversations. Parents should be in their place, and the child in his, but not otherwise. If nothing is done about it in time, then high self-esteem can turn into egocentrism.

It should also be noted that the child can grow up quite secretive and quiet. Very often, even the closest people do not suspect what is happening in his life. Despite some negative points, the school year will be calm. All items will be available, and nothing will cause problems. In the event that a child has poor academic performance, then one should not punish him, but before that, find out why this is happening. Sometimes the boy considers certain objects boring or does not find something for himself to admire. A creative and subtle nature at certain moments can manifest itself in a similar way.

A child can develop much faster than his peers, be very pedantic and demand the same from his loved ones. Very often he can find his calling in sports. If he is really passionate about something, then any barriers or restrictions simply will not matter. Such qualities will make him a leader, but such a desire to be the first among the best can even jeopardize health. Parents should ensure that the loads and activities were within the normal range. Do not overload the growing body with unbearable loads.
Boris will become a real helper at home for both dad and mom. He will be happy to do something, absolutely not sharing male and female responsibilities. In such a son it will really be possible to see support and support. From early childhood, the child will have a desire to achieve recognition from others and become pride for their parents. He will stubbornly achieve his goal and will not give it up for anything. Parents should become support, if this is not the case and they begin to leave the child's opinion aside, realizing only their own plans in his person, then nothing will come of it. The reaction may be quite the opposite. From a good boy, he can easily turn into a drinking and smoking bully who puts his interests much higher than his family and loved ones.


In a love relationship, Boris will be overly amorous, as a rule, such a man simply cannot have one marriage. His attention easily switches from one girl to another. Infatuation can fade as quickly as it arises. Boris can break marriage bonds and cheat on his wife, in such affairs he will not see something terrible. If a woman constantly surprises him, he will be next to her, but as soon as interest fades, he indifferently turns around and leaves for another.

Boris will devote a lot of time to preparing for the dates themselves, carefully planning everything. He enjoys the moment of conquering a woman. Everything else just fades into the background. Next to him you can see a woman who trusts him infinitely. He will still be able to deceive her, but if she is jealous, then the separation will happen very quickly.

The wife of such a freedom-loving man that she will not refuse easy flirting or even betrayal has only one opportunity to make him an exemplary husband. If there are children in the family, then everything can go according to a completely different scenario. In that house where they will wait for him, love, appreciate and believe and children's laughter will sound, he will definitely return. For his children, Boris will strive to become the best father in the world.


From childhood, the boy knows exactly what he will be when he grows up. As a rule, such beliefs do not change over the years. The boy is able to carefully consider and weigh everything that he can consciously choose his future profession. In the case when this happens, he becomes a true professional in his field. Attentiveness and pedantry become his main qualities, which the management will definitely appreciate. Competent performance, absence of mistakes and readiness to always help his colleagues will definitely be present in Boris. In some cases, a career can be the reason that personal life does not add up or even marriage is destroyed. All this is very relative, but it is still not worth excluding such an option. Such workaholism is always rewarded with career growth and the recognition of their colleagues. In a leadership position, he still behaves scrupulously and selects employees with a similar type. For him, professionalism will always come first, and then the personal qualities of a person.

Very often, everyone around sees in such a person only a despot who is not used to reckoning with the opinions of others. Such a mask can be just protection. In fact, Boris, most likely, will resemble a sanguine person in terms of temperament, but only very close people will know about this. If a person can consider his real, then he will become the best friend and adviser, and for one woman the best man in the world.

The influence of the name can be very strong or completely absent. Everything is very ambiguous and depends on many factors, but parents must know what the name of their child can bring in the future.

When, according to the church calendar, Boris' name day:

Spring: May 15 - Boris of Bulgaria, Equal Throne (Baptizer of Bulgaria). Summer: August 6 - Boris the Passion-Bearer, Prince.

- means under the auspices of God, the Germans are the favorite of the gods. The Slavic version is significantly different: Gleb means a block, earth, soil, the foundation of something.

The church form of the name is identical - Gleb. Angel Day a man named Gleb can celebrate 6 times.

Church calendar of veneration of saints with the name Gleb

  • May - 15 - Prince (church name Gleb);
  • July - 19, 03 - Prince Vladimirsky and Prince Gleb Vsevolodovich;
  • August - 06 - Holy Martyr Gleb;
  • September - 23, 18 - Priest Apukhtin Gleb.

Saint Gleb Vladimirsky

Gleb Vladimirsky - in the world Gleb Andreevich, is considered the patron saint of the city of Vladimir. He is one of the four sons of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, about whom there is the least information in history.

According to some sources, Prince Gleb Andreevich was a very kind, meek and pious boy. At the age of eleven, he had already read the Holy Scriptures and many other church books. He abstained from luxury, wealth, was distinguished by humility, asceticism in everything. He considered excesses in food and clothing to be a sin, preferring to fast and outwardly not stand out from the common people.

At the age of nineteen, Gleb was significantly different from his peers. This young man was wise beyond his years, prudent, perspicacious and very responsive to the pain of others. Some considered him a miracle worker, healer and seer. But there is very little information about this part of his life.

Gleb Vladimirsky died suddenly at the age of twenty. When his burial was going on in the Bogoroditsky Cathedral of the city of Vladimir, the singing of the nuns was not heard because of the groans and weeping of ordinary citizens.

Gleb Andreevich was equated with the saints and canonized by the Russian Church as the blessed holy prince Gleb of Vladimir. To this day, many people come to the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Vladimir to venerate the relics of the patron saint Gleb.

Saint Gleb Gorodnensky

Holy Prince Gorodnensky Gleb Vsevolodovich is the grandson of Vladimir Monomakh. This is one of the descendants of the Rurik family. He was a noble, courageous and righteous prince who cared about his people, honored his ancestors, and respected Orthodox traditions.

Gleb was honest, courageous, supported the common people, providing all kinds of help. It is not known whether the prince was married and whether he left behind offspring. He died of an illness when he was not even forty years old.

General interpretation and characteristics of the name Gleb

In the Slavic version of the origin of the name Gleb, it means a layer of earth, a block. This undoubtedly reflects the character of Gleba. A man with this name is very solid, reliable and decent. If anyone should be entrusted with their secret, entrusted with a very important responsible task, it is Gleb.

Childhood dreams and youthful ambitions

From an early age, Glebushka is a very responsible boy. At a young age, he already begins to show real masculine qualities. The kid is gloomy, silent, shy, but this does not mean that he eschews peers and does not know how to make friends.

During his school years, Gleb becomes more sociable, open and self-confident. He likes to show character, dominate and direct others. He is very independent and used to rely solely on his strengths and capabilities.

Gleb does not strive for a luxurious and free life, but wants to exist in comfort and prosperity. He understands that in order to achieve success, one must strive to be a leader: he studies well, shows initiative, courage, and perseverance on the path to success.

Gleb's personal achievements are often not only his merit. Parents give a lot to this person. They are raising the young man with dignity, making efforts so that Gleb gets the best education, a prestigious job.

Although Gleb protests, he greatly appreciates parental support and in the future he always takes care of his relatives and provides material assistance. He is generally used to taking care of everyone, be it relatives, family, friends.

Gleb often has a successful career. He tends to quickly find his purpose and unleash the potential of opportunities. Such a professional is often put in a leadership position. He is quite loyal with his subordinates, but he will never tolerate laziness, lies and betrayal from them.

Love and health

Gleb's personal life is often a mystery to others. He avoids publicity and does not like increased attention to himself from the opposite sex. Despite this, Glebushka has many fans. They appreciate in him those rare masculine qualities that are not often found in modern young people.

Gleb is not afraid to confess his love, he is open and devoted in relationships. He appreciates feminine beauty, tenderness, modesty and kindness. He will not be annoyed by a capricious bride, a man considers this a privilege of luxurious and bright women.

What Glebushka really will not tolerate from the weaker sex is betrayal. Betrayal for him is a reason for parting. He is jealous, temperamental and sexy. But this sexuality will not be pronounced and intrusive, but rather quite natural for such a well-groomed, neat and physically developed man.

Gleb really appreciates the family hearth and tries to do everything so that his family does not need anything. He loves children very much, but he brings them up in strictness, instilling simple human values.

As for domestic issues and housekeeping, Gleb prefers to rely on his wife in everything. It is important for him to find complete understanding with his wife. This woman should be not just a lover, the mother of his children, but also a close comrade, a true friend.

For a close circle, Gleb is the person from whom you can always ask for the right advice. This wise and far-sighted man is not able to dissemble or tell sweet lies in order to support or reassure a friend.

Gleb is frank, principled and bold in expressing his opinion. He is able to quickly assess the current situation and create a specific plan to avoid serious consequences. He considers any life circumstances as another experience, believing that new trials will only temper his character.

Health can remind Gleb of himself at a more mature age. Then he may be disturbed by pain in the joints, the gastrointestinal tract. Those who spend a lot of time at the computer cannot avoid vision problems.

The name Boris always symbolizes strength and a huge charge of energy. Even some cruelty is present in the character of the owners of this name. Boris always stands firmly on his feet and achieves what he wants. It is about the owners of this name that we can say that they are real men. Unfortunately, in life he always has many difficulties and obstacles. But he easily overcomes them. Despite external cruelty, he is a very kind and sympathetic person. He will gladly help in any matter. It's useless to argue with him. He is very stubborn and will prove his point to anyone.

Boris has been a very neat and well-mannered boy since childhood. He takes care of things. He always has all the books on the shelf stacked corner to corner. The same neat Boris is in relations with the female sex. He does not like to dedicate others to his personal life, he does not even trust his parents with secrets and secrets. In his career he always achieves great success, thanks to his perseverance. He provides for the whole family, his wife and children never need anything.

Fate: His energy and willpower require something interesting. Whatever his interest, all his efforts and plans will inevitably be directed to the search for good luck, luck, happiness.

Angel Boris Day

The origin of the name is Slavic (Bulgarian) - an abbreviated form of the name Borislav (fight for glory). Frank, good. Can flare up, but is quick-tempered. Can scream, but immediately hug, kiss. The nervous system is broken, suffer from dermatitis on the nerves. Compliant in the family, cooks deliciously. Children are born heterosexual. Boris is cheerful, inquisitive, extremely receptive to sensual sensations, rarely aggressive.

He loves aesthetics in everything, especially in women, he loves them. Often falls in love and often diverges. Therefore, he marries not once and not for life, “until death separates”, but two or three times or more. And all because Boris is fanatically devoted to work, which negatively affects his health, as he relieves his nervous stress with the help of strong drinks.

At first, he takes his "medicine" in small doses. Then gradually, quite imperceptibly to himself, Boris brings his doses of alcohol to such proportions that he soon becomes a complete alcoholic. Don't be scared! Not all Boriss are drunkards. It's just that some of them have a predisposition to it. And his family members should always remember this.

Boris Name days according to the Church Calendar

  • February 7 - Boris (Zavarin), martyr. /novomuch./
  • February 17 - Boris (Nazarov), schmch., Prot. /novomuch./
  • May 15 - Boris (baptized Michael) Bulgarian, equal to the apostles, king. [baptizer of Bulgaria]; Boris (baptized Roman), passion-bearer, prince
  • June 13 - Boris (Ornatsky), martyr. /novomuch./
  • August 6 - Boris (baptized Roman), passion-bearer, prince
  • October 1 - Boris (Bogolepov), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • October 15 - Boris Kazansky, martyr.
  • November 23 - Boris (Semenov), confessor, deacon / novomuch. /
  • November 25 - Boris (Uspensky), martyr. /novomuch./
  • December 5 - Boris (Kozlov), martyr. /novomuch./
  • December 6 - Boris (Voskoboynikov), schmch., Bishop, Ivanovsky / Novomuch. /
  • December 10 - Boris (Ivanovsky), schmch., Prot. /novomuch./
  • December 15 - Boris, martyr. /novomuch./

The meaning of the name Boris: "glorious in the fight" (staroslav)

The name Boris always symbolizes strength and a huge charge of energy. Even some cruelty is present in the character of the owners of this name. Boris always stands firmly on his feet and achieves what he wants. It is about the owners of this name that we can say that they are real men. Unfortunately, in life he always has many difficulties and obstacles. But he easily overcomes them. Despite external cruelty, he is a very kind and sympathetic person. He will gladly help in any matter. It's useless to argue with him. He is very stubborn and will prove his point to anyone.

Boris has been a very neat and well-mannered boy since childhood. He takes care of things. He always has all the books on the shelf stacked corner to corner. The same neat Boris is in relations with the female sex. He does not like to dedicate others to his personal life, he does not even trust his parents with secrets and secrets.

In his career he always achieves great success, thanks to his perseverance. He provides for the whole family, his wife and children never need anything.

Diminutive forms of the name Boris: Borislav, Borya, Borenka, Boryunya, Boryusha, Boriska.

Name day: February 7, February 17, May 15, June 5, June 13, June 20, August 6, October 1, October 15, November 23, November 25, December 6, December 10, December 15

Follow the dream stubbornly
Don't give up and fight.
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate
You, our glorious Boris.

I wish you success
Happiness, peace and kindness.
Believe in luck, not otherwise,
Be wise, because life is cunning.

Let the heart warm the feeling
What turns the globe around.
Faith, courage and hope
May they always be with you.

If sadness eats you
From depression limp -
The situation will improve
Almighty our Boris.

Where you are is always fun
Optimism and positivity.
Charge loved ones with happiness
You barely opened the door.

I wish to stay
You are such a lively.
Smile and laugh
Illuminate with your light.

Dear Boris, may this day bring a lot of impressions and cool emotions, may everything today be only for you. I congratulate you, Borenka, and from the bottom of my heart I wish you health, good luck, success, confidence, courage of the heart and happiness of the soul!

Boris - means "glorious in the fight",
May everything work out for you.
Success will surely come
You will be the happiest of all.

Let all your friends appreciate you
The family is always helpful.
And the sun that burns in the sky
Let the path to joy be illuminated!

I wish you, dear Borya,
Good luck, every victories,
And also happiness is just a sea
And the ocean of beautiful years!

I wish you strength, health
And only color mood!
Fill, Borenka, with love
Every moment in life!

We want to congratulate Borya,
Wish him well
Let it always be happy
And it's time to forget about sadness
Difficulties, Boris, do not be afraid
And always go ahead
Don't give up, be brave
May you be lucky in everything!

Our beloved Boris,
Be active, don't be lazy
Achieve higher goals
Be always in a sports body.

In the heart of gentle weather
Good days under the sky
And love is so big
Like a huge globe of the earth!

You always make friends
Unexpected surprise.
We love you very much, respect
We love you, our friend Boris.

congratulations today
You receive from loved ones.
Be fun, interesting
Never be discouraged.

You are beautiful, smart and funny
Built like a cypress
We now want to congratulate
From the bottom of your heart Boris
Take care of your health,
Defeat your enemies
Know that wishes will come true
You be ready for this!

Boris is responsible and smart,
endowed with a sense of humor,
You are successful, purposeful,
Often busy with work.

We sincerely wish you
Be the first always and everywhere
Mutual energy and feelings,
Days of joy and happiness!

With your day, with all sincerity I congratulate,
Boris, I wish you bright days,
Do not know trouble, longing, sadness,
The soul is only young
Victory to you, success and tolerance,
It's not so easy to build your life without them,
Good luck, brightness, courtesy,
And take care of your family!

Congratulations: 27 in verse, 7 in prose.