Rosie Huntington-Whiteley before and after plastic surgery. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley: career and personal life Rosie Huntington-Whiteley personal life

The future model was born 31 years ago in the provincial Plymouth and spent her childhood on a farm among chickens and sheep. But Rosie had little interest in housekeeping: her mother, who worked as a fitness trainer, instilled in the girl a love of sports and fashion.

True, Huntington-Whiteley did not dream of a modeling career - she wanted to become a PR specialist and after school sent her resume to the position of a public relations specialist in a modeling agency. Young Rosie did not get the desired job, but she was hired as a model and invited to shoot.

The applicant's questionnaire turned out to be a winning lottery ticket: a year later, Rosie made her debut at New York Fashion Week, and a little later she appeared on the catwalk in Victoria's Secret lingerie.

Her career developed rapidly: the girl's photos got on the Pirelli calendar, and the name Huntington-Whiteley appeared in the credits of the third part of Transformers and Mad Max.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Jason Statham

In 2011, Maxim magazine named Rosie Huntington-Whiteley the sexiest woman on the planet, and Jason Statham, the carrier, agreed with his opinion.

Before meeting the love of her life, Rosie had affairs with Tyrone Wood and Olivier Martinez, but the relationship did not last long. At the music festival, the brutal macho Statham distracted the fragile "angel" from thinking about breaking up with the French actor, and feelings arose between them. The couple did not flaunt their feelings and carefully hid from the press, but the ubiquitous paparazzi found out about the lovers.

The media and fans predicted an imminent break for the union - Statham was known as a fatal heartthrob. In 2016, Statham and Rosie announced their engagement, and a year later they rejoiced at the birth of their first child.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley before and after plastic surgery

Rosie has repeatedly admitted in interviews that as a child she did not consider her appearance special and even bore the nickname Miss Big Mouth. The model thanks nature for plump sensual lips, but she “sculpts” her figure herself: a narrow waist, slender legs and elastic buttocks are the result of thousands of squats.

She did not succumb to the trend for large breasts and retained her youthful forms, refusing mammoplasty: this way her body looks more harmonious. It is unlikely that Rosie did contouring: high cheekbones, an acute angle between the neck and chin is a gift of genetics and weight loss.

Huntington-Whiteley has a secret for lip augmentation: after a shower, she rubs them with a towel, applies a balm, and then draws a contour just above the natural line. True, some experts believe that Rosie's plump lips are the result not only of genetics and cosmetic tricks, but of the competent work of a beautician: at certain stages of her career, the upper lip changed volume. But these are only guesses, but rhinoplasty is beyond doubt: the podium was conquered by a girl with a large textured nose, and a beauty with a graceful nose has already become Statham's lover.

According to the before and after photos of Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, it can be assumed that the operation was carried out in 2012-2013. The plastic surgeon very carefully narrowed the back of the nose and corrected the tip, giving elegance to the face of the model while maintaining its individuality.

It is possible that the model injects botulinum toxin preparations: the forehead always looks smooth, and there are no treacherous crow's feet around the eyes.

Of course, Statham's chosen one regularly visits a beautician - the freshness of her skin is supported by biorevitalization and acid peels.

Rosie knows a lot about beauty and shares her secrets with girls all over the world: the model has launched her own line of cosmetics. Now everyone can repeat the image of the famous "angel".

Sensual lips, well-defined cheekbones and the gaze of slightly slanted alien eyes - 28-year-old Rosie Huntington-Whiteley combines animal grace and aristocratic elegance in an incredible way. She wears a simple black top that accentuates the graceful lines of the neck and collarbones, and loose trousers of the same color. He speaks quickly and distinctly, with a half-smile characteristic of all Englishmen. Open - but to a certain extent, invariably avoiding questions about her personal life, about which little is known: after a two-year romance with Tyrone Wood, the son of The Rolling Stones guitarist, she met actor Jason Statham for the last six years. The engagement with him became one of the main secular news at the beginning of this year.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, the eldest daughter of a fitness instructor and real estate expert, spent her unglamorous childhood on a farm near Plymouth. She began modeling at age 16 in 2003, and the very next year she was invited to New York for a photo shoot in Teen Vogue, and a few months later she first appeared on the catwalk - and immediately in the company of Naomi Campbell. Rosie has appeared on all high-profile glossy covers, posed nude for the Pirelli calendar, and in February of this year became one of the faces of Bulgari. An entire Ten Times Rosie album was dedicated to her by the famous fashion photographer Rankin, who called Huntington-Whiteley "the hottest model of our day." She accepts enthusiastic epithets in her address with a share of healthy irony, without denying at the same time: yes, she likes such a life, she would not want another.

M.S .: Five years ago, you were included in the list of the 100 most beautiful women on the planet according to FHM magazine. What is it like to be recognized as a beauty and an ideal?

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley: You know, it's all pretty relative. Yes, it's nice, of course, but I try to take such things with a certain amount of skepticism. Let's just say it was a big compliment, but not something to be taken too seriously. By the way, my friends teased me about this for a long time.

M.S.: You starred in the Oscar-winning Mad Max alongside nothing less than Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron. How did you work with them? And how did you feel when you were approved for the role?

R.H.-U.: For me, the role in Mad Max and the opportunity to work with two of my favorite actors is a huge honor. It is an amazing feeling when you suddenly find yourself so close to the idols that you have always admired and inspired. I enjoyed every minute on set.

M.S.: Surely it wasn't just work. Filming is usually not complete without funny incidents...

R.H.-U.: Four years have passed since then, I don’t remember the specific moments now, but we laughed a lot! Thanks to the shooting, I made new friends - especially Riley Keough, Abby Lee Kershaw and Courtney Eaton and I became close.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and Jason Statham

MS: How do you see your future in cinema? After Transformers and Mad Max, would you like to try your hand at drama, for example?

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley: To be honest, I don't know. I was interested because I never intended or even dreamed of becoming an actress. From the age of 16 she worked as a model, and quite successfully. And with the movie, everything happened by accident. Models are often invited to audition if the director needs one or another type. It so happened that I was offered these roles - I agreed, largely out of curiosity, simply because I had not had to do this before. Many girls would probably jump at such an opportunity, but the work of a model and designer takes me quite a lot of time, so if new film offers appear, I will most likely agree to projects that really inspire me.

M.S.: So cinema is your number three priority after your modeling and design career?

R.H.-W.: Well, I would say that my priority is to be a good person and friend. Everything related to my career is not at the top of my list of priorities.

M.S.: A couple of years ago, in an interview, you said that Hollywood is another planet for you. Has anything changed since then?

R.H.-W.: Now I live in Los Angeles, and this is a completely different environment, completely different from the one in which I grew up - and my childhood was spent on a farm in the English province, where there is no smell of glamour. In Los Angeles, it is almost impossible to meet a person who is not from show business or in some way not connected with it. But I like the relaxed lifestyle of this city and the eternal sun - I like to spend time here when I'm not working.

M.S.: What is luxury for you? Are there any luxury items that you cannot deny yourself?

R.H.-W.: For me, luxury is love, happiness, the opportunity to choose in life, as well as a unique personal experience, qualities that only you possess. When it comes to material things, I prefer jewelry that keeps me feeling unique. I have always loved Bulgari - I got it from my mother. Bulgari is the real quintessence of Italy, luxury and elegance at the same time - and, like Italy, love for life.

M.S.: What is your favorite Bulgari bag?

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley: I love the beige one with the clasp and onyx studs. I'm just in love with the combination of beige, black and gold - it's so feminine and sexy. I wear it with jeans and evening dresses.

M.S.: When Bulgari proposed the collaboration, what was your first thought?

R.H.-W.: First thought: I need to call my mother, she will be delighted! My relationship with Bulgari is a mixture of many different feelings: fascination with its history and admiration for Elizabeth Taylor - I read a bunch of books about her and her passion for this brand. I remember the first time I stayed at the Bulgari Hotel, surrounded by all that beauty - an incredible feeling, as if I had fallen into a very special, brilliant world.

M.S.: What jewelry do you prefer - lush or simpler?

R.H.-W.: It depends on situation. So, tonight I'll wear a gorgeous Serpenti diamond necklace, and in the afternoon I'll wear less flashy things. For example, I really like B.zero1 rings.

In general, everyone has their own relationship with jewelry: someone cannot do without them and changes them almost every day, someone puts them on only in the evening.

M.S.: What accessories, Rosie, can you imagine yourself without?

R.H.-W.: Oh, I'm just a fan of accessories - I love bags and sunglasses - partly because I prefer rather simple clothes, I like elegant simplicity. I don't really follow trends. I often choose not trendy things that will lose their relevance in a couple of months, but something that I can wear for several seasons in a row. Accessories allow you to make the image brighter and fresher. This is an unlimited space for experiments, and I absolutely love this game.

0 February 12, 2017, 21:13

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

A few days ago, the 29-year-old finally confirmed the rumors about her and announced to fans that she and her fiancé Jason Statham would soon become parents. Therefore, Rosie became the heroine of our traditional heading "Evolution" this week. We look at how the image and style of the model has changed over the years.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley was born in the British city of Plymouth. Rosie's mother was a fitness trainer and from childhood she taught the girl that you need to constantly work on your appearance and not neglect the gym. The father of the future star worked as a real estate appraiser. In addition to Rosie, her younger brother and sister, Toby and Florence, grew up in the family.

Rosie's childhood passed away from the bustle of the city and high-profile events - the girl grew up on a farm. But a secluded life in the bosom of nature was not for the ambitious Rosie, and already at the age of 16, studying at a college in Tavistock, the girl decided that it was time to change something and sent her resume for the position of public relations manager to the Profile Models modeling agency in London. Huntington-Whiteley did not get the desired job, but she "won a lottery ticket", as she was offered to become a model instead of a manager's position.

Huntington-Whiteley's modeling career began in 2003 with a shoot for the Levi's fashion brand. In 2004, Rosie made her debut on the catwalk of New York Fashion Week, and in 2006 she began working with Victoria's Secret lingerie brand, "angel" which the model became in 2009.

In addition, the stars have collaborated with the brands Burberry, Karen Millen, Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, Escada and others. Rosie also starred for Vogue, Elle, Harper's Bazaar, Maxim, Numero magazines.

Rosie decided not to stop there and, like many models, tried her hand at cinema. So far, Huntington-Whiteley has only two films in his filmography - Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon and Mad Max: Fury Road.

From 2007 to 2009, the model had a relationship with the son of musician Ronnie Wood, Tyrone. Then Rosie had an affair with Olivier Martinez, which, however, did not last long - only a few months. In 2010, Huntington-Whiteley met actor Jason Statham, with whom she is still in a relationship. In January 2016, the lovers announced their engagement, and a few days ago the couple confirmed that they were preparing for the birth of their first child.

Now it's hard to believe that Rosie Huntington Whiteley once had a bad opinion about her appearance, but it's true. The reason for this is the ridicule of classmates, who, according to Rosie, teased her for her plump lips and flat chest. But, as we have already said, Rosie's mother worked as a fitness trainer, so the girl has always been involved in sports, thanks to which she now has a chiseled figure. The model admits that her appearance is not only and not so much the result of winning the "genetic lottery", but the result of the girl's constant work on herself and her body.


Any model dreams of one day getting an offer from the Victoria's Secret brand. For the graceful "wings" with which the girls of the company go on the podium during the shows, they were nicknamed "angels".

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley - "angel" "Victoria's Secret"

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is one of the most famous angel models. Today, the girl does not work with Victoria's Secret, but this does not prevent her from remaining a popular model.

Childhood and youth

Rosie's biography began on April 18, 1987 in Plymouth, England, she was born under the zodiac sign Aries. The girl's father worked as a real estate agent, and her mother taught fitness. It is worth noting that on the paternal side, the model has noble roots: great-great-grandfather had the title of baronet.

Rosie was brought up in the family with two children: brother Toby and sister Florence, who were born later than the future celebrity.

In her youth, nothing in the appearance of Rosie said that she would become one of the most famous models in the world. At school, she was bullied for her small breasts and full lips. Today it is one of the "calling cards" of the supermodel.

In an interview, the girl said that she was not offended by her classmates, but was philosophical about ridicule. Rosie wore braces at school and was embarrassed to smile.


Rosie began her career as a schoolgirl. At the age of 15, the London modeling agency Profile noticed the girl. Huntington-Whiteley combines excellent external data for the model (height 175 cm, weight 54 kg, figure parameters 81/61/86.5). At the age of 16, after graduating from school, Rosie made her first presentation for the Levi's denim company. From that moment on, her career went up. In 2004, she starred for Teen Vogue, and made her debut on the New York catwalks .

Things were getting better and better for Rosie, in 2006 the girl began working with the world-famous company Victoria's Secret. From 2008 to 2011, Rosie became the company's "angel". During the same period, the model signed a contract with the Burberry fashion house and landed on the cover of the British version of Vogue.

In 2009, Huntington-Whiteley tries his hand at cinema. It was a short film shot for a rather revealing clothing line "Agent Provocateur". In it, Rosie played a girl whose boyfriend forgot about the Day.

Already in May 2010, it was announced that Rosie Huntington-Whiteley was filming the female lead in Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon. Rosie was supposed to be replaced. Rosie met the director of the film while working with promo videos for Victoria's Secret. Then he drew attention to her.

The film was received coolly, and critics especially went over the acting and Rosie. The verdict of Wenner Media read: "It simply cannot be more boring than these two actors." The Observer wrote:

"We got to know Rosie through a close-up of her ass, which fades into the opening credits, breasts and underwear."

Everything was criticized, even Rosie's British accent. One reviewer headlined the review "Come Back Megan Fox, We'll Forgive Everything". Positive reviews were that Rosie's slurred performance was in keeping with the low level of the film. Waiting for something breakthrough was at least naive.

Despite the flurry of criticism, Rosie decides to star in Mad Max: Fury Road, released in May 2015. This role was received more amiably by critics.

During the filming of the movie, Rosie did not forget about her main profession. In 2010, the model posed nude for the annual Pirelli calendar, participated in the filming of the lingerie collection from Monsoon, Thomas Wylde and Full Circle. Rosie appeared on the covers of Harper's Bazaar Russia and GQ UK, and starred in pin-up style for Love Magazine. In the same year, the famous photographer Rankin (John Rankin Wadell) released the book Ten Times Rosie.

In 2011, the girl appeared on the covers of Elle and GQ, gave an interview to Maxim magazine and became the face of a new fragrance from Burberry. In 2013, the model starred in the Christmas video "Marks & Spencer" and became the face of the Australian cosmetics company "Model Co".

During her career, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley has become the face of the brands Dolce & Gabbana, Givenchy, Prada, Valentino and others.

Personal life

When Rosie was 20 years old, the model met the son of Ronnie Wood, the band's guitarist, Tyrone Wood. The romance of the young couple lasted two years.

Later, Huntington-Whiteley began to be noticed in the company of French actor Olivier Martinez. But the relationship did not last long.

Since 2010, Rosie has been dating a British actor. The lovers met at the COACHELLA music festival and immediately liked each other. Unlike many Hollywood couples, the model and actor did not flaunt their relationship and rarely showed their feelings in public. Four months after the start of the relationship, the couple moved in together.

The stars have their own $12.5 million Beverly Hills mansion. The property is a 5,600-foot home with 5 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms.

The engagement was announced in February 2016. The couple's relationship is often the focus of attention in the British press, especially the Daily Mail and The Telegraph.

The media did not miss the opportunity to notice Rosie's too trusting relationship with Shia LaBeouf on the set of "Transformers" or the absence of Statham in the photos from the birthday party, Rosie's friend and the first of the Victoria's Secret "angels" from South Africa.

In October 2016, photos of the model appeared in a wedding dress and with a ring. The media took this as a sign of the imminent wedding of Rosie and Statham. On February 10, 2017, Rosie herself "Instagram" shared the news of her pregnancy with the world.

In 2016 and 2017, the news about Rosie did not touch the red carpet and catwalks due to the expectation of the baby.

June 24, 2017 Rosie Huntington-Whiteley became a mother for the first time. She gave birth to a son, Jason Statham. The baby appeared with a weight of 3.6 kg. The boy was named Jack Oscar Statham.

The star mother does not please fans of her son's photo, but the girl regularly shows her figure in skimpy outfits. After giving birth, the artist quickly got into shape, as evidenced by numerous pictures.

In the fall of 2017, a second ring appeared on the girl's ring finger. Netizens immediately assumed that Rosie and Jason played a secret wedding. But there has been no official confirmation from the couple.

In an interview, Huntington-Whiteley said more than once that she would gladly marry the father of her child. According to the model, marriage is a great development of the former angel's romance with Statham.

In a conversation, Rosie admitted that she and her fiancé understand each other perfectly. In Statham, the girl does not like the image of a brutal macho, but a sense of humor and character.

Another point that attracts attention is the style of the girl. Ciara Sheppard, a columnist for Glamour, was perhaps the most accurate on this subject:

“No one can wear a white shirt and jeans like Rosie ... Experimental fashion is not about our heroine, she always chooses the classics. Rosie knows how to present herself, she is the queen of casual style."

Even the model's most revealing outfits are made from classic elements that do not have a drop of avant-garde. This combination of openness and classics makes Rosie one of the most stylish models of our time.

Three tattoos flaunt on the body of a celebrity. One is on the right hand from the inside, just above the wrist (heart), the second is on the right ankle (the contour of a five-pointed star), the third is on the wrist (hummingbird bird).

Some experts are sure that Rosie's beautiful appearance was not without plastic surgery. When they compare old and new pictures, they notice that the plumpness of the lips is changing in the girl. In addition, the nose of today's model looks smaller and neater.

Rosie carefully monitors her figure: regular cardio training, boxing, exercises for muscles and back, yoga. From food, the girl prefers organic, but sometimes she indulges herself with cake or fried meat. After such concessions, the model is more engaged in the hall.

In addition to Instagram, Rosie has an officially verified

Rosie Huntington Whiteley is a British model, one of the "angels" of Victoria`s Secret, who began her career at the age of 16. In a short period of time, the girl managed to achieve great success in the fashion industry and become a world star. And recently, Rosie Huntington Whiteley is no less successful actress and starred in films of famous directors.

  • Real name: Rosie Alice Huntington-Whiteley
  • Date of birth: 04/18/1987
  • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Height: 175 centimeters
  • Weight: 54 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 61 and 85.5 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 39 (EUR)
  • Eyes and hair color: Green, blonde.

The future star was born in the small town of Plymouth. Rosie Huntington Whiteley spent her childhood years on a farm surrounded by pets. It is unlikely that a simple provincial girl could imagine that soon she would be successful on the world catwalks, and the designers of famous houses would vying to offer her cooperation. However, fame and universal recognition did not come to her immediately. There is a very sad page in the biography of Rosie Huntington Whiteley and it is connected with her schooling. It turns out that the future model had a hard time in her childhood: angry classmates poisoned the girl, distorted her last name and even made fun of her appearance, calling her braces and plump lips ugly. One can imagine their surprise and envy when the girl suddenly became a real beauty and even a sex symbol from an ugly duckling!

Of course, her mother played a big role in revealing the beauty of Rosie Huntington Whiteley. As a professional fitness trainer, she has always seriously monitored her daughter's health and appearance, accustoming her to sports and a healthy lifestyle. In addition, Fiona Jackson had an excellent taste and love for fashion, which she tried to instill in her daughter. The girl recalls that with her mother they could spend hours reviewing Vogue magazine and being inspired by the images of models. Probably, it was these glossy pages that gave birth to dreams of a different, beautiful and vibrant life in a young girl. Little Plymouth and her parents' farm soon bored her, and Rosie decided to move. And not just anywhere, but to London!

However, the girl did not even think about the career of a model, intending to connect her life with a different field of activity. So, at the age of 16, she was studying at Tavistock and decided to get a job as a public relations manager. Our heroine sent her resume to one of the London agencies Profile Models, but she was not taken as a manager. The agency decided that with such an interesting appearance, the girl should definitely become a model and immediately offered her a contract! This is how Huntington Whiteley got her start as a model.

Career heyday

In 2003, Rosie participated in her first photo shoot. It was shooting for the brand Levi Strauss. A year later, the girl walked for the first time in a fashion show during High Fashion Week, held in New York. Of course, the appearance of the model was appreciated and soon she was photographed for fashion glossy magazines Elle Girl and Teen Vogue.

At the 2006 show, the girl showed underwear from the new collection of the world famous brand Victoria`s Secret. It is believed that the main event that influenced the outcome of her future career was the collaboration with Christopher Bailey, the chief director of the Burberry fashion house. It was he who noticed the girl and made her the face of the autumn-winter collection. From that moment on, things went uphill. Less than a year later, Rosie Huntington Whiteley became the face of the spring-summer collection from Karen Millen, and soon even received the official status of an "angel" in the already familiar company Victoria`s Secret.

More and more eminent photographers invited Rosie to shoot. So, Paul Rankin shot her for one of the albums from Thomas Wylde, and photographer from America Terry Richardson even had a photo session with a naked Huntington Whiteley for a Pirelli calendar. The face of the young model appeared more and more often in magazines: she appeared on the cover of one of the issues of Harper's Bazaar, as well as in advertising for clothes and accessories from the Loewe brand. In 2011, Rosie Huntington Whiteley suddenly took 1st place in the list of the hottest models, and Maxim magazine even recognized her as the sexiest beauty on this planet!


Once, the British photographer Rankin Wadell, who shot our heroine, mentioned that the girl had good acting talent. And this phrase was not an empty phrase, because soon the girl was really offered to star in the film!

It was one of the main roles in the cult film Transformers: Dark of the Moon. In the past parts of the franchise, the star was the incomparable Megan Fox, but in The Dark Side of the Moon, Rosie Huntington Whiteley has already been put in her place. When the director, whom the girl already knew from the time of the shows, invited her to audition, she counted on a modest supporting role and could not even imagine that she would be offered a really serious character. Of course, the model agreed to the proposal and perfectly played the role given to her, opening up a new path to cinema.

More recently, in 2015, the movie Mad Max was released and Rosie Huntington Whiteley got herself one of the roles again. Although the character is minor, there was enough screen time. The actress did a really good job and the role turned out to be very memorable. Obviously, this is not the last work of the model in the cinema and in the future it will still appear on the screens.

Personal life

Since April 2010, she has been dating actor Jason Statham. Been engaged to him since 2016. On June 24, 2017, the couple had a son, Jack Oscar Statham.