What will cheer up those who are losing weight: products for a good mood. Mood Boosting Products Mood Boosting Products

Everyone at least once in their life had to deal with an unreasonable deterioration in mood. This phenomenon has become a constant companion of people, and according to medical statistics, it is depression that occupies the third place in terms of diseases in the world.

Few people know that it is possible to deal with such an unpleasant disorder not necessarily with medications, but with ordinary mood-enhancing products. This method of struggle, of course, does not exclude the need to take medication prescribed by a doctor, but can be an ideal prevention of deterioration.

This article will tell you in detail about which foods improve a person's mood. Their regular use will allow you to get back to normal without any difficulties, and they will be especially useful for seasonal depression. It will also be possible to learn about what products for a good mood women and men should not use, so as not to aggravate their condition completely.


Coffee has many mental health benefits, including the ability to invigorate, make you feel positive, and counteract depression. However, it should be borne in mind that in this case natural coffee is meant, and not its freeze-dried or granulated counterparts. Instant coffee, on the contrary, does more harm to the body, since caffeine is added to it artificially and its proportion is higher there, unlike a natural drink.

Coffee increases serotonin levels, which in turn improves mood. At the same time, high levels of caffeine are responsible for increasing concentration and reducing feelings of sadness and irritation associated with depression.


Salmon is a great food for the heart. It contains omega-3 fatty acid and vitamin D. These two nutrients are known to increase serotonin levels, which improves overall well-being.

Studies have shown that a diet that includes a large amount of this fish helps to overcome feelings of sadness and aggression. Therefore, salmon is especially recommended for people who often suffer from depression.


Walnut is an antioxidant-rich food that is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids that increase serotonin levels. As you know, the latter is associated with a feeling of happiness and well-being.

Walnuts are also a rich source of magnesium, which helps stabilize mood by regulating blood sugar levels. It is also useful in treating symptoms associated with depression, including anxiety, irritability, insomnia, agitation, and the like.


Perhaps it is the very first thing that comes to mind when looking for an answer to the question of what foods cheer you up. And it's not in vain.

Studies have shown that regular consumption of dark chocolate leads to lower levels of stress hormones, including cortisol. This happens due to the abundance of beneficial antioxidants found in chocolate, which include flavanols, polyphenols, catechins and others.

However, it should be borne in mind that the "correct" chocolate should contain at least 70% cocoa in its composition and not have additives in the form of nuts, milk, etc. It is also important to remember that the "therapeutic dose" of chocolate per day should be no more than 2-3 pieces. Otherwise, its large and uncontrolled consumption will quickly lead to weight gain.


Sesame seeds contain an amino acid called tyrosine, which increases dopamine levels. It activates the feel-good hormone to the fullest without disturbing the balance of other hormones.

Sesame seeds can be added to almost all dishes. They go great with the taste of fresh vegetables or baked goods. However, it is worth remembering that it is better to buy unroasted seeds, since raw seeds contain the most useful substances, unlike those that hit the counter after heat treatment.


Avocados have a wide range of health benefits, especially in relation to brain function. This is a great food to improve your mood. Avocado helps protect the heart and improves digestion.

It has a natural balance of hormones. Thanks to this, the brain produces chemicals necessary for good health.

However, not everyone can consume avocados in their pure form. Therefore, the question of which foods cheer up best in combination with avocados will be relevant. First of all, these are tomatoes. You just need to prepare a light salad of these products, season them with olive oil, herbs, and such a light snack will fill the body with energy, improve brain function and cheer you up.


Many consider oysters an aphrodisiac. However, they not only cause a feeling of love and passion in some people, but also enrich the body with zinc. This mineral plays a very important role in calming the nervous system and stabilizing the mood.

Under stress, the level of zinc in the body decreases. This leads to mood swings and anxiety. In such situations, the consumption of foods rich in zinc can help relieve anxiety and have an overall antidepressant effect on the body.


Many lemons, oranges and grapefruits are based on glucose and vitamin C. These substances make a person feel great when they are consumed and his mood instantly improves.

It is important that the combination of these substances helps the brain cope with stress. Accordingly, this also contributes to the fact that the body produces less stress hormones.


They are a rich source of potassium and magnesium. These elements will allow you to put in order the work of the cardiac and nervous systems.

It is important to note that bananas contain starchy carbohydrates that help keep you in a good mood. The natural sugar present in bananas is quickly released into the bloodstream and serves as an instant energy source.

Having learned which foods cheer you up, you should find out what, on the contrary, should not be consumed so as not to aggravate the depressive state.

What foods should be avoided?

Having learned about which foods help to cheer up, you need to consider that along with them there are also those that should be avoided. The second group, as a rule, includes salty, fatty or very sweet foods.

Representatives of the Mayo Clinic (one of the largest medical centers in the world), when looking for an answer to the question of which foods improve a person’s mood, came to the following conclusions:

  1. People whose diets are high in processed meats, refined sugars, and fried foods are more likely to suffer from depression.
  2. People whose diet is based on more natural products are less susceptible to the negative influence of external factors, including the appearance of symptoms of seasonal mood changes and depressive symptoms.

Therefore, if there is a need to maintain your health status, it is better to eat more plant foods. It will be better absorbed and saturate the body with useful substances, which, in turn, will help improve well-being.


Having considered the question of what foods cheer up women and men, we can conclude that when the mood worsens, one should not neglect the diet. A balanced diet can minimize nutritional deficiencies in the body and lift your mood naturally.

It's important to remember not only which foods lift your mood for depression, but also to cut down on trans fats and increase your dietary intake of healthy fats like omega-3s and omega-6s. Milk chocolate, sugary sweets and store-bought pastries should be avoided. Food has a lot to do with mood, and the right diet can help get rid of bad thoughts and depression.

Now, knowing which foods cheer you up, you should put this information into practice. You need to fill your refrigerator with natural “antidepressants” and be sure: nothing can make you feel sad and worry about trifles.

It is autumn outside, the days are getting shorter, and the weather is heading for rain and sleet. You can only keep your spirits up in such a situation by eating right, because some foods have a huge impact on our emotional state. We tell you what gastronomic specialties you definitely need to have on hand to cheer yourself up even on the most rainy day.

There is a strong connection between our diet and emotions, according to many experts, including Patrick Holford (Patrick Holford), English nutritionist, author of the book " The Feel Good Factor . “Food is a powerful tool, but its impact on a person’s mental health is often forgotten,” he says.

How does food affect our mood? It has been proven to affect the body's metabolism, hormones and neurotransmitters (chemicals produced in the brain that affect our mood). According to Dr. Nishi Dhawan (Nishi Dhawan), these processes together determine our emotions, concentration and energy levels.

The proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins found in food work in such a way as to keep the metabolism, hormones and neurotransmitters in the body in a state that would allow us to control our mood. “But excessive consumption of alcohol, sugar and caffeine can lead to a bad mood, as these foods cause inflammatory responses in the nervous system,” says Dr. Dhawan.

Knowing some of the features of food and composing your diet taking them into account, you can easily achieve and maintain the desired emotional state. So here's what to eat:

To be calm and relaxed

Eat pumpkin seeds, greens, and almonds. Magnesium, found in pumpkin seeds and leafy greens, is an essential calming mineral, but the body's stores of magnesium are depleted when we're stressed. For people who are constantly under a lot of stress, a study conducted inMedical Hypothesessuggests an additional 150 milligrams of magnesium per day to boost your mood. Almonds and pumpkin seeds also promote good sleep, as they have an excellent calming effect, increasing the content of gamma-aminobutyric acid and tryptophan in the body, which are necessary for restful and sound sleep.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying a glass of wine from time to time. “Drinking a glass of red or white wine several times a week lowers the levels of the hormone adrenaline in the blood, which also leads to relaxation and improved memory,” says Dr. Holford.

To be happy

Asparagus, beans, peas, egg yolks, sunflower seeds, spinach, meat, fish and poultry These foods are rich in folic acid (especially asparagus, beans, peas, egg yolks, sunflower seeds, spinach and liver), vitamin B6 (greens and seeds) and vitamin B12 (found in abundance in fish, poultry and meat). The B vitamins work to keep homocysteine ​​levels low. Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid produced by the body and high levels may be a precursor to depression, especially in women, according to a study published inArchives of General Psychiatry . The study showed that if the level of homocysteine ​​was above 15 (the norm is 7 and below), the chances that a woman would experience depression and depression were doubled. Vitamin B6 helps the adrenal glands produce adrenaline, which controls the body's response to stress. Stress causes our metabolism to use up more of our body's reserves of vitamin B6, so they need to be replenished in a timely manner. Also, vitamin B6 can relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Leafy greens, legumes, nuts and eggs
These foods are rich in vitamin B, which helps create neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which calms and reduces anxiety levels. “Women tend to have very low serotonin levels,” says Dr. Holford. “This is because the female body reacts to anxiety and anxiety more acutely than the male body. Therefore, to maintain a good mood, the female body requires a large amount of serotonin and its reserves are quickly depleted. To improve well-being, you can also take additional vitamin B12, but only after consulting with your doctor.

Onions, romaine lettuce and tomatoes. The chromium found in these three foods contributes to the production of insulin, which in turn regulates blood sugar levels. And balancing your blood sugar levels is the key to sustained good moods. Chromium also increases serotonin levels in the body. According to a study conducted by Biological Psychiatry, if you often feel tired and are prone to bad mood, then you most likely have atypical depression and this condition may be due to a chromium deficiency. The study found that 70% of people with atypical depression felt better after taking chromium supplements for eight weeks.

Fish, flaxseed and some oils.
Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, flaxseed, and avocado and hemp oils, protect against depression and facilitate recovery from this condition. “Studies have shown that it is possible to predict the level of depression in the population in a given country, based only on the amount of seafood consumed there. The more fish people eat, the fewer suicides occur, and the homicide rate goes down,” says Dr. Holford. Our brain is 60% fat, a significant amount of which are "essential fats" similar in composition to fish oil. These "essential fats" need to be replenished through the food we eat - then positive emotions will prevail. “In addition, studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency can also be a cause of low mood, and oily fish contain the highest concentration of vitamin D,” says Dr. Bal Pava ( Bal Pawa) .

Poultry, red meat, shellfish and whole grains. The amino acid tryptophan (found in shellfish, red meat, and poultry) promotes the production of serotonin in the body. When tryptophan levels decrease, we become more prone to depression and anxiety. Please note that in order for the body to absorb tryptophan correctly, whole grain cereals must be consumed in combination with protein-rich foods.

To be energetic

Spinach, sweet peppers, shellfish and seafood. Deficiency of iron and vitamin B12 in the body can lead to anemia, which will cause depression and lack of energy. To avoid this, increase your intake of high-B12 proteins such as shellfish, oysters, mussels, octopus, and liver, as well as leafy greens, especially spinach.

Eggs, lamb and lean beef
All of these foods contain the amino acids tyrosine, which increase levels of the dopamine neurotransmitters in the body. And these substances, in turn, help the brain wake up and begin to function in full force. “In addition, if you get enough sleep, eat on time, add physical activity to your life, you will also feel alert and energetic,” adds Bryce Wild ( Bryce Wylde, homeopathic physician.

To be attentive and focused

Avocados, bananas, beans and poultry- these 4 products contain tyrosine, which contributes to the production of dopamine and norepinephrine, which are responsible for concentration.

Seeds, nuts, beans.
Zinc, found in all three foods, helps convert omega-3 fatty acids from fish and vegetable oils into prostaglandins, substances that are vital for maintaining concentration levels.

Water.“Dehydration can lead to poor concentration and lack of energy, so try to drink plenty of water every day to make up for the lack of water in the body,” says Dr. Bal Pava.

To avoid depression

Chamomile tea with lemon.“Chamomile herbal tea reduces anxiety levels,” says Dr. Nishi Dhawan. “And the vitamin C found in lemons helps the adrenal glands and the immune system cope with stress.

During periods of high stress, vitamin C is used by the body in large quantities and its reserves are quickly depleted. Therefore, people with low levels of vitamin C in the body are more prone to stress, more likely to experience anxiety.

Seafood, Brazil nuts, red meat, whole grains and legumes.
The selenium contained in these products helps to cope with feelings of anxiety and mild depression. This is because the amino acid tyrosine, which boosts the body's "happy" hormone dopamine, cannot function properly without enough selenium. A University of Texas study found that 16 participants who took selenium supplements for 7 weeks experienced reduced levels of anxiety and symptoms of depression.

A properly composed diet can be an excellent prevention of stress, depression, and bad mood. Carefully watch what you eat and let your every day start with a smile!

“I was in a good mood. I will not take sick leave. Let people get sick."

Not so long ago, this phrase, whose authorship is unknown, appeared on the net and immediately entered the cult list. Since then, it has been changed and supplemented in every possible way, photographs and pictures were signed with it, put it in statuses in social networks. networks, discussed and commented ... Why such an increased interest in seemingly ordinary words, you ask?

Everything is extremely simple. After all, a good mood is not only a salvation from blues and depression, but also the key to success in a career and on a personal front. And it is also that emotional state, without which our whole life seems insipid and boring.

Nutrition and mood

It has long been known that the food that a person consumes directly affects his physical and mental health. However, the causes and consequences of such an impact are still being debated. And yet, nutritionists and scientists write books on this topic, develop diets and their own principles of proper nutrition, the main advantage of which is, perhaps, their wealth. Indeed, in such an abundance of opportunities, everyone will be able to choose something optimal for themselves.

The most popular and effective are considered to be paleo diet, mediterranean diet And " non-diet”, which, in fact, is the rejection of any diet. And the most famous books are recognized " Food and mood" And " The path to happiness through food"Elizabeth Somer, and" The Diet of Happiness» Drew Ramsey and Tyler Graham.

The connection between food and well-being

It is noteworthy that these and other authors put the main point in their publications, which boils down to the fact that everything that a person eats has a tremendous impact on his emotions. After all, useful microelements that enter the human body along with food feed not only his body, but also the brain.

Laura Paulak said it well in her book “ hungry brain” (“Hungry Brain”): “our brain is constantly fixated on survival, which is closely related to the search for pleasure from food.” Moreover, most often he prefers sugar, fats and salt, as they contribute to the production of the hormone dopamine, which is conditionally called " hormone of happiness»for a direct impact on the functioning of the central nervous system.

By the way, this is well known to companies that make money in the food industry and use this knowledge with might and main in their work, easily forcing their consumers to buy certain products again and again. But this does not mean at all that our brain is our enemy. It’s just that he constantly requires high-calorie and energy-rich food, which they most often are, and he also has a good memory for tastes ...

However, in fact, sugar, salt, and fats are far from those products, the consumption of which can really improve a person's mood. And entire “treatises” have been written about their harm. But, unaware of this, people deliberately introduce more food into their diet that causes temporary pleasure, then confusing this feeling with a real good mood.

The path to happiness lies through serotonin

Serotonin- a biologically active substance that is released into the blood and improves a person's mood. Unfortunately, mankind cannot use it in its pure form, except perhaps as part of antidepressants. However, anyone can help increase its production.

To do this, it is enough to introduce foods rich in tryptophan into your diet, without which the production of serotonin is impossible.

  • Protein food: different types of meat, in particular turkey, chicken and lamb; cheese, fish and seafood, nuts, eggs.
  • In vegetables: different types of cabbage, including sea, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.; asparagus, beets, turnips, tomatoes, etc.
  • In fruits: bananas, plums, pineapples, avocados, kiwis, etc.
  • In addition, tryptophan is legumes and seeds.

After analyzing these lists of products, it turns out that a balanced diet is the key to a good mood. In essence, it is. And nutritionists all over the world say this. Moreover, to produce serotonin itself, it is not enough just to eat a banana with tryptophan, because it will not be absorbed without the presence of vitamin C, which is found, for example, in citrus fruits and rose hips. Bad habits and alcohol also negatively affect its level, so they will also have to be abandoned.

Mood Food: Five Foods to Boost Your Mood

Sometimes it happens that a person who adheres to the principles of proper nutrition still wakes up in a bad mood. And this is not unusual, because we are all living people, not robots. It is for such moments that the top list of products for a good mood has been developed. It included:

Salmon and shrimp - they contain omega-3 polyunsaturated acids, which suppress depression and improve the emotional state of a person;

Cherry tomatoes and watermelons - they are rich in the natural antioxidant lycopene, which prevents feelings of depression and blues;

Chili pepper - tasting its taste, a person experiences a burning sensation, along with which there is a release of endorphins, similar to what is observed after a long workout in the gym;

- it contains vitamin B, which has a positive effect on mood, memory and thought processes, and also contributes to the production of antidepressants in the body;

- it contains chromium, which not only helps regulate blood sugar levels, but also promotes the production of serotonin and norepinephrine.

Food that makes you feel bad

In March 2013, Pennsylvania University researchers published sensational research results. Experimentally, they proved that people suffering from depression should not eat unhealthy food - high in calories and devoid of any nutrients (chips, sweets, hamburgers, pizza, french fries). Due to the high content of sugar and simple carbohydrates, it provokes a surge in blood glucose levels, and then its sharp drop. The same thing eventually happens with the mood, with the only difference being that this time it will “fall even lower”, which means that it will be more difficult to raise it.

Alcohol and coffee. Using them for mood, you are unlikely to raise it. But lose it for sure, having also earned nervousness, irritability and absent-mindedness.

In addition, psychologists insist on keeping a so-called "food diary" in cases where a person suffers from mood swings too often. After all, the use of the same products can bring moral satisfaction and benefit to someone. And for someone - nausea, pain in the stomach or a banal worsening of mood.

What else influences the level of serotonin

Undoubtedly, sometimes just introducing the right foods into the diet is not enough, and the person himself not only experiences a constant feeling of depression, but also begins to suffer from depression. In this case, it is important to reconsider your outlook on life. After all, other factors also affect our mood, namely:

  • lack of sleep;
  • lack of protein in the diet;
  • lack of omega-3 acid, which is found in fish;
  • alcohol and coffee abuse;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals.
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The human brain and endocrine system are responsible for the mood of a person. It is the endocrine system that has a direct effect on mood, the functions of which are precisely regulated by the nervous system.

For example, neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine are responsible for improving emotional well-being. These neurotransmitters are also actively produced when a person falls in love or experiences happiness - they act as a catalyst.

Is it possible to somehow stimulate the production of these neurotransmitters with the help of diet? In other words, can you improve your mood by including certain foods in your diet menu? According to research, it is indeed possible.

Scientists have even compiled a list of foods that help eliminate depression and increase mental performance and physical activity. We will share this list with you in this article.

Recall that we discussed earlier.

Top 12 Antidepressant Products

It’s worth clarifying right away that the functionality of the brain and the endocrine system depends not only on the diet, but also on how a person consumes foods. What is meant? In fact, you need to eat often, but in small portions.

Chocolate also contains theobormin and flavonoids, which have an antioxidant effect (preventing the oxidation of nerve cells and their destruction) and also level the feeling of stress.

Dark chocolate is considered more useful and effective for improving mood - it has a higher content of cocoa powder and averages from 50 to 75%. In dairy, for comparison, it is about 25 - 40%.

2. Bananas

Bananas contain harman - this component enhances the feeling of euphoria.

More in this fruit high content of vitamin B 6, which is used by the pituitary gland in the production of hormones.

It is worth noting that B-group vitamins have a stronger effect on mood in women than in men.

6. Nuts

Walnuts and pistachios are considered the most. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, B-group vitamins, tryptophan and selenium. True, their content is several times lower than in fatty fish.

To improve mood, it is useful to regularly consume nuts in a small amount (optimally - from 50 grams per day). And the same tryptophan, for example, can accumulate in the body and be used only if necessary. So, including nuts in your diet is one of the easiest ways to prevent depression.

7. Cheese

Cheese, and many other lactic acid foods high in lactobacilli, contain tyramine, trictanin, and phenethylamine. Doctors often call them "anti-stress" amino acids., as they improve the absorption of nutrients by brain cells.

And to get the maximum effect, cheese is recommended to be combined with chocolate in the diet - the sensitivity of nerve cells to endorphins from this increases exponentially, which will help overcome even the most stable depression.

8. Greens

Almost every green contains folate, which acts on the body in a similar way to omega-3 fatty acids.

But folate is found only in plant foods. Its highest content is found in dill and parsley. To one degree or another, folates are found in all greens.

9. Coffee

Caffeine helps to improve mood - this is a substance on the brain. acts as a neurostimulator. This effect lasts about 3 - 5 hours.

Caffeine not only increases the sensitivity of nerve cells to the same endorphins, but also accelerates the absorption of carbohydrates - this helps the brain quickly get energy. No wonder coffee is considered the best and the tone of the body.

11. Buckwheat and oatmeal

They contain a lot of complex carbohydrates that are not absorbed by the human body immediately, throughout the daylight hours, thereby providing the body and brain with energy. The nervous system, according to doctors, uses about 30% of all the energy that the body receives from carbohydrates.

And these cereals also have a large amount of indigestible fiber - it comprehensively improves the functionality of the digestive system and allows you to get more nutrients from food.

12. Eggs

They contain vitamin A, magnesium, tryptophan and carotenes which, although indirectly, affect the mood of a person.

It’s just worth clarifying that only fresh eggs “work”, since after heat treatment the lion’s share of carotenes and tryptophan decompose into derivative elements.

For the mood of a person, quail eggs are more useful. In addition, it is impossible to get salmonellosis using them fresh - this infection is simply unable to penetrate through the pores of the quail egg shell. But through the chicken shell, these bacteria easily penetrate.

What food should be avoided?

It is worth considering that there are those that can worsen mood. They just prevent the production of endorphins, and also take a high proportion of energy for their digestion and subsequent assimilation.

Doctors identify the following foods, which, if possible, should be discarded in order to avoid depression:

  1. Sweet soda. Cola, lemonade and other similar drinks contain a large amount of phenylalanine - the manufacturer even warns against this on the label. And this substance is known to suppress the production of serotonin. Soda will not worsen mood, but it will prevent feelings of euphoria.
  2. Fast food. Theoretically, this includes all foods that are high in calories and high in fat. All of them create a huge load on the gastrointestinal tract. Enormous amounts of energy are used for their assimilation. That is why, after a heavy snack, a person feels tired and it is difficult for him to concentrate - this is a lack of energy for the brain.
  3. Margarine. This includes all foods high in trans fats, which simply destroy the structure of serotonin, entering the bloodstream. Another fun fact is that trans fats are generally not absorbed by the body in any way and come out almost unchanged. But at the same time, they still go through the digestive process, that is, taking away energy.
  4. Flavor enhancers. This includes various kinds of chips, salty sticks, crackers and other snacks. Flavor enhancers suppress the production of serotonin, and also slow down the metabolic intercellular processes of the brain. That is, they inhibit the process of division and restoration of nerve cells.
  5. Sweet breakfasts. This is a kind of cereal, muesli and other dishes based on corn grits and a whole list of sweeteners. They suppress the production of endorphins.

Another nuance that doctors often pay attention to. Avoid eating too many sweets. A sharp jump in blood sugar levels is a kind of “stress” for the brain, which at this moment is trying to normalize the concentration of carbohydrates due to the production of insulin.

But after that, the sugar level drops quickly (since desserts contain mostly simple carbohydrates - they are digested instantly), reaching a level of 3 mmol / l - this is below the nominal, which is also perceived by the body as stress. What is the right way to eat sweets? Small portions, no more than 10 - 15 grams. But you can eat often - even 5 times a day.

Now let's take a look at the video:


As a result, the diet directly affects the mood of a person. This is due to the fact that some foods affect the functioning of the hormonal system - it is she who is responsible for the production of endorphins (a group of hormones that affect mood and emotional well-being).

And there is food that acts the other way around - it worsens mood, as it suppresses the production of serotonin, and at the same time takes away the lion's share of energy. The presence of the latter in the diet should be limited and a healthy diet should be preferred, which will provide you with a great mood!

There are certain foods that can help improve your mood and reduce anxiety.

Anxiety and depression are mental disorders in which people experience feelings of nervousness, apathy, and in some cases pain and suffering. All this is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. Chemicals known as neurotransmitters, including serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, are responsible for regulating a person's mood, behavior, and overall well-being. Diet can play an important role in maintaining levels of neurotransmitters (neurotransmitters) in the brain. There are certain foods that stimulate the production of these hormones, thereby boosting your mood.

What to eat to improve your mood or get rid of depression

Carbohydrates and whole grains. Many people who are trying to drastically reduce carbohydrates in their diet often complain of mood swings, depression, anger and irritability as common side effects. This is due to the fact that the lack of carbohydrates in the diet leads to a decrease in the level of serotonin in the brain, which leads to a bad mood. Complex carbohydrates and whole grains such as brown rice, pasta and multi-grain wholemeal bread, potatoes can help increase your body's production of serotonin. And since carbohydrates and grains take longer to digest, you'll be able to maintain energy and positive emotions for a long time.

Fruits and vegetables Thanks to vitamins, they are good for our mental well-being and also play a vital role in our well-being. Fruits that are high in amino acids, including bananas, avocados, blueberries, and pineapples, help release serotonin in the brain, which boosts mood. And strawberries stabilize blood sugar levels and help reduce irritability caused by sugar cravings.

green vegetables contain tons of B vitamins, which are also necessary for the production of serotonin. Antioxidant-rich green leafy vegetables, including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, and lettuce, will help you get your recommended daily dose of vitamin B and fight stress.

Fish and seafood. Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, trout, herring and mackerel are rich in fish that help improve mood and improve memory. Omega-3s, in fact, make up the majority of the brain and when consumed, you are less likely to be depressed. Other mood-boosting seafood are shrimp and lobster, which contain vitamin B and minerals that release a pleasure hormone in the brain known as serotonin.

Protein consists of building blocks, amino acids that are involved in the production of norepinephrine and dopamine, which are similar to serotonin. Higher levels of these substances can lead to improved mood and mental energy, as well as reduced levels of depression and anxiety. , nuts, eggs, cheese, and high-protein beans can help with anxiety and mood problems.

Meat also rich in vitamin B and amino acids, which are involved in the production of anti-stress hormones. Therefore, eating beef, pork or chicken is also uplifting.

Dark chocolate good quality cocoa with a high content contains flavonoids, antioxidants and theobromine, which have antidepressant effects. However, chocolate, as a mood enhancer, only works on certain personality types. And excessive consumption of chocolate as a mood booster can have negative consequences.

tryptophan- an amino acid that assists in the production of serotonin. Eating foods rich in tryptophan can help to quell any anxieties and stress and feel more relaxed. You can find tryptophan in turkey, bananas, milk, cheese, and peanut butter.