Name day gifts. We choose correctly and appropriately! Name day

To understand how to celebrate men's name days today, you need to understand how they differ from birthdays. The deepest spiritual meaning lies in Angel Day, because it is the day of remembrance of your patron saint. It is necessary to remember the saints so that they also remember us and at the right moments intercede before God for us.

On birthdays and name days, it is necessary to turn your eyes and hearts to heaven, thanking the Creator, Provider and Savior, thinking that our Father and our fatherland are there. The Fatherland is not a mortal land, but a place of coming and wandering. It is reckless to become attached to perishable things. It’s not just reckless, but ungodly and sinful. From all this it follows that name days are not created primarily for a feast, guests and gifts.

On name day, Orthodox believers must come to church, confess, and receive communion. You need to prepare for this in advance.

Of course, today nothing prevents you from organizing a festive meal with your loved ones on Angel Day. But it is undesirable to have fun for the sake of a banal “pour.” The celebration should take place quietly, in a pleasant, calm atmosphere, so that the soul is filled with joy and harmony. If the name day falls during fasting time, then, accordingly, the table should be fast. During Lent, you need to move the celebration of name days from a weekday to the nearest Sunday or Saturday.

“Small name days” - additional days of remembrance of the patron saint - are also special days in the life of Christians.

Of course, they are not so solemn, it is unlikely that a holiday would be appropriate here, but going to church on such a day is definitely necessary.

Whom should we congratulate?

There are no restrictions on who can be congratulated on their name day today and who cannot. If you wish, you can congratulate anyone. But most often, of course, only close and well-known people are congratulated. For example, father, brother, uncle, nephew. Congratulations to husbands and sons.

On Angel Day, do not forget about your grandfathers, close male friends, and lovers. All of them will be very happy with your congratulations and gift, even if it is purely symbolic.

The main thing is that the congratulations are from the heart and sincere.

If the birthday person is a believer, you can give him an icon with the image of his patron saint. The person will probably be pleased.

Choosing a gift for Angel's Day

When choosing a gift for a man for his name day, think about the main thing - what this person means in your life. If a person is dear and beloved, then it is necessary to choose an appropriate gift from the depth of feelings for him. It is better to choose a practical gift for a manager, and if it relates to the person’s hobby, it will be best. This is due to the fact that male representatives are not particularly enthusiastic about various trinkets, but they may well be involved in collecting antiques or high-quality alcohol.

It is not recommended to choose various figurines of dogs, cats and birds as a gift for a man’s name day, even if he loves animals very much. Almost any man will put such a souvenir away from his eyes and forget about it forever.

The task is simplified if a person has information about what the birthday person is passionate about.

For example, if he smokes, then as a gift you can choose a lighter, pipe, ashtray or cigarette holder. Today the choice of smoking accessories is very rich. In addition, there are now many specialized stores where you can easily select such products.

A gift for men's name day today can be exclusive and simple. You can buy shaving lotion, a shirt, eau de toilette, but only if the person is a close friend or relative.

A gift for Angel Day will be remembered if it is useful to a person in the future in study, work or in everyday life. For example, an organizer, a drill, a fountain pen, a phone charger for the car and much more.

Each of us, in addition to our birthday, also has a day of our name. Some people celebrate it as a holiday, and some don’t even know when this day is celebrated.

In our article we will look at the day of the angel Lyudmila according to the church calendar.

So, what date is the name day celebrated?

Angel Lyudmila's Day

There are two options for celebrating.

Celebration option No. 1

In the first case, everything is quite simple. Angel Day is associated with a specific religious event. There is also a religious history with the name Lyudmila.

In 860, on September 29, a historical figure was born - Lyudmila of Czechoslovakia. She, together with her husband, enlightened her subjects. They actively helped the poor, built churches and temples, and educated the suffering.

Lyudmila was numbered among the great martyrs because after the death of her husband she was strangled. She owes this fate to her daughter-in-law, who did not love her.

Celebration option No. 2

In the second meaning, Lyudmila’s name day takes place on September 28. And this date is also associated with the great martyr, but she was ranked among this rank only in 2000 by the Orthodox Church.

Her name was Petrova Lyudmila Vladimirovna. At retirement age, she actively campaigned for people to accept the Orthodox faith, for which she was arrested and subsequently sentenced to death on September 28, 1937.

On what day should Angel Day be celebrated according to the church calendar?

If we talk about dates, Lyudmil is congratulated on September 29th. This is a fixed and non-transitionable date. Therefore, if you have a friend with that name, congratulate her and give her a nice present. You will pleasantly surprise and delight her.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila

Having decided on the date of celebration, let's talk in more detail about the meaning of this name. This is a Slavic name consisting of two words: sweet to people. From which we can conclude that women bearing this name are affectionate, kind, non-conflicting and gentle.

Lyudmila's girls study well, help around the house and do not contradict their elders. In their youth, young girls are attractive and attract the attention of men due to their character. But, despite their gentleness and complaisance, these women are the main core in the family, it is on them that everything rests.

It would seem that even in difficult situations they quickly find a solution to the problem. Lyudmila is a patient person, and will easily endure all the hardships and hardships.

Women of this name are not supporters of official and pretentious receptions, so if you decide to congratulate your friend, you should not buy her a flashy gift; a modest and cute gift will do.

On Angel Day, Lyudmila can be called by various affectionate names. For example, Lyudochka, Luda, Lucy, Lucien, Mila and Cutie.

How to celebrate Angel Day

What to give Lyudmila for her name day on Angel's Day

Simple congratulations

You can choose the following gift for Angel's Day for Lyudmila:

  • - Happy Angel Day cards - a cute and simple souvenir;
  • — keychain with the name Lyudmila;
  • — a box of designer chocolates with wishes;
  • — fresh flowers in a pot or a bouquet of flowers are a common gift for Lyudmila’s angel day;
  • — video congratulations from friends and family. The birthday girl definitely doesn’t expect such a gift, and will be pleasantly surprised.

A gift with meaning

As my friend's birthday approaches, the question arises, what to give Lyudmila? After all, this is not a traditional birthday, and the gift should have a certain meaning. But everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

Women of this name are considered excellent housewives and cooks. Therefore, give the birthday girl a name something related to her area of ​​interest. For example, she will definitely be delighted with a set of kitchen utensils, a cookbook of recipes and household appliances for the kitchen.

You can also give things related to the owner’s hobby. An excellent option would be postcards for Lyudmila's Angel Day with included tickets to a cinema or art gallery.

Lyudmila loves books, so a series of favorite authors will certainly delight them.

Like most women, Lyudochka loves jewelry. Choose a small and neat set as a gift: earrings, a bracelet and a chain, and you definitely won’t go wrong with your choice.

IMPORTANT! What woman would refuse romance? If your beloved is named Lyudmila, arrange a romantic evening for her by candlelight.

And of course, give the woman a bouquet of flowers, sweets and a soft toy. A banal, but always pleasant gift.

If you want to surprise your loved one, you can order a more original gift for her, for example:

  1. - horseback riding;
  2. — master class on diving;
  3. — go-kart riding;
  4. — jump from a bridge with an elastic band;
  5. - hot air balloon flight.

Such gift-impressions will be remembered for a long time not only by the birthday girl, but also by her friends who will keep her company.

How to organize congratulations on Lyudmila’s angel day?

Almost everyone has a friend or acquaintance with that name. And it’s always nice to congratulate a good person on Angel’s Day. Moreover, as a gift you can consider a souvenir, a postcard or something made with your own hands.

An original gift is a congratulation in verse, and it is better to compose it yourself, because it is so pleasant and sweet. Any girl will appreciate this gift.

REFERENCE! When writing poetry, we put a part of ourselves into the congratulations, which is probably why such a gift is remembered for many years.

In general, poems can be both funny and sad. Everything will depend on your attitude towards the hero of the occasion, fantasy and imagination.

Don’t be lazy and be sure to ask your friends’ birthdays and their names to congratulate them on their angel’s day. It’s so nice to receive gifts, but it’s even more nice to give warmth, joy and love to loved ones.

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This holiday is associated with a person’s name, and is rightfully considered the second birthday. How nice it is when there are many holidays in the year - it’s joyful not only to receive gifts, but also to give them to your loved ones! But what to give for a name day, what things are usually chosen for such an occasion, and how not to make a mistake with the choice? Everything is not as complicated as it seems, and there are several options. There is no point in buying something valuable, necessary, or expensive - this is not the right reason. But showing your attention, care, reminding of your warm attitude is very important. There are several universal and very successful ideas that will help make this little holiday unforgettable and bright!

It is important, when choosing a birthday gift, especially for a woman, to understand the essence and significance of this holiday. It is quite personal and associated with a name - which means it would be a great idea to choose an original souvenir for a gift, something with a name or initials; engraving on souvenirs is perfect. You can simply make a sign of attention and present the woman with a beautiful bouquet, figurine, or postcard made by yourself. Clothes, equipment, necessary things for home and life - these are, of course, very necessary items, but they are not entirely suitable on this day. Choose something original, unusual, and most importantly - with soul!

Token of attention

How nice it is to receive unexpected, original surprises! It doesn’t matter at all whether a person celebrates his name day, he will be very happy to receive a cute little present with meaning, with soul, from a loved one. Such gifts will come in very handy for a name day!

What's in my name?

The most successful gifts for such a holiday as a name day are souvenirs and jewelry with the person’s name. These little things have a special meaning, especially when given by loved ones. Such things are always something very personal, and if you give a person something with his name or initials, then the thing will become a kind of amulet, amulet and talisman for good luck. This souvenir will definitely not gather dust somewhere on a shelf or in a drawer, and will become a valuable gift!

With your own hands

These are the warmest, most sincere, the best gifts - things made with your own hands. How nice it is to receive from someone who is dear to you not just a purchased, standard item, but something truly exclusive, personal, made with your own hands - especially for the holiday! A handmade souvenir will cause great delight and a sea of ​​emotions, and besides, this little thing will remain for a long time and will always give warm, pleasant memories. Try it, spend some free time, imagine, and create joy.

Name days can pass like an ordinary day, or they can be remembered forever as the most beautiful, fabulous, bright event. You can make someone happy and give unforgettable emotions, it’s simple. The main thing is to show your attention and care!

It is customary to give gifts for any holiday. Every person, in addition to his birthday, has a holiday of the name given to him at birth or baptism - name day. It is also customary to call this holiday the day of the angel. There is no doubt that a gift for Angel's Day should be special, corresponding to the spirit of this holiday.

In the Orthodox tradition, almost every name corresponds to the name of a saint. At christenings, a saint with a name that is closest to the child's name is chosen. Thus, a person can have two names: one given by his parents, and the second received at baptism.

So, after baptism, a person has a saint, after whom the child is named, who will protect the person throughout his life during troubles and adversity, accompany him in achievements and guide him on the true path. It turns out that every baptized person has his own guardian angel.

What is customary to give on Angel's Day?

The name of the holiday speaks of connections with angels, the church, and saints. Traditionally, on name days, it is customary to give icons with the face of the saint after whom the person was named, while gender and age do not play a big role. It is better to purchase such an icon in a church. It can be of any size, shape, made of different materials and with different decorations.

Silver and gold pendants with the face of a saint are also often given as gifts. It is especially important to give such a gift to a child or woman. Often they give various figurines of angels made of metal, plastic, acrylic, bronze, which will fit well in any part of the house or in the corner of the desktop. Since ancient times, it has also been customary to give a personalized loaf or pie.

A gift for Angel's Day does not have to be strictly religious in nature. You need to think about the person's tastes and preferences. Children are given interesting toys, you can give a toy pet - a cat, a dog, a parrot, a hamster.

Elderly people can be given a warm down scarf, slippers, or some dishes as a gift, if we are talking about a grandmother. A set of spinners or hooks would be great for grandpa if he loves fishing. A woman or girl will be happy with a new dress or clothing accessory.

Both adults and children can find a good book. You can buy or bake a cake with your name on it. It’s worth making a little effort, thinking about what the birthday boy’s hobbies are, what he’s inspired by, what he likes, what he dreams of, and choose a worthy gift to make even the smallest dream come true.

Don’t forget about warm words, but it’s better to choose a good poem with the name of the person being honored and best wishes. Any gift on such a day will be appreciated and will make everyone around joyful and positive.

Name day from a loved one? But what to give for name day? Usually, original symbolic gifts are given on name days. We have collected interesting ideas for souvenirs and gifts for birthdays.

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A proper name is the most pleasant sound for any person, psychologists say. A name is not just a word, but a sign that influences character and sometimes fate. Our ancestors knew very well about the magic of names, so name day was considered special for every person. Moreover, in Rus' name days were “more important” than birthdays. On the holiday, which was also called Angel Day, Name Day, pies were baked, the table was set and guests were invited. Name days have a religious basis and are considered a day of spiritual birth, so it is not surprising that with the advent of Soviet power this holiday began to be forgotten. Today the tradition of congratulating friends on their name days is being revived.

What to give for a name day?

The most suitable gift for your name day will, of course, be the one that is associated with the name of the person you want to congratulate -.

"What's in a name?" – wrote Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, and yet it is the name that can influence a person’s success and his temperament. True, not everyone realizes this. A symbolic and beautiful gift that will help you learn more about the main word of life will be beautifully designed etymology, that is, the history of the origin of your friend’s name. It can be decorated in an unusual and festive way, for example, in the form of a scroll, an ancient document, a charter; frame the information or order a small book. If your birthday person is quite religious, you can accompany the information about the meaning and origin of the name with the life story of the recipient's patron saint.

An engraved memorial inscription would make a suitable gift for both a relative and someone outside your circle of loved ones. An angel can be completely different: ceramic or rag, funny or elegant, an exclusive item or a pleasant souvenir. Such a gift for Angel Day will become a talisman for the birthday boy and will come in handy.

An exquisite and expensive gift - personalized decoration. This could be either a bracelet with an engraving, and for men -,. Most often, the first letter of the name is depicted on jewelry or the entire name is written, but a more original option is also possible: you need to find out what Chinese character the friend’s name is depicted in and ask to put this particular sign on the gift.

You can engrave not only on jewelry, but also, for example, on, dear,. Today, an ornate inscription can decorate even a bouquet of flowers. In case you are not ready to spend money on an expensive gift, a great option is to order flowers with the name of a loved one on each bud. From the same opera - sweets, for example, chocolate, packed in a custom-made box for the birthday person, or a cake with a congratulatory inscription. You can also order alcoholic drink with personalized label- simple and tasteful.

Birthday gifts for children

Today, the tradition of naming a child in honor of a saint born on the same day, or at least “nearby,” is returning. Therefore, the name day may well coincide with the baby’s birthday or christening day. In such cases, it is customary to give gifts related to the spiritual life of the child. For example, in Rus' there was a custom when on the day of the child’s name day they gave “ measuring icon" To do this, you need to find out the baby’s height at birth and order an icon with the image of his patron saint of exactly this height. This is a very personal gift that is usually kept and cherished for a lifetime.

Children are often given blankets, socks, blouses and other clothes with the child’s name beautifully embroidered on them. You can also order a metric for the baby: embroidery indicating the name, birthday, or day of the child’s angel.

An original and memorable present is a fairy tale, the main character of which is your birthday boy. The script can be simple, the main thing is that the main character has the same name as the child. You can order such a children's book with a fairy tale via the Internet.

If you have already chosen a gift for your loved one's birthday, but it has nothing to do with their name, this is easy to fix! Search the Internet or order a congratulation that will mention the name of the person you want to congratulate. In addition, you can make it individual for the birthday person. Such pleasant little things will make your gift more personalized, and this is especially important on Angel Day. Remember that there is no simpler and more effective way to win someone over than to call him by name more often.