Signs by which you can understand that a cat is pregnant after mating. The main signs of pregnancy in cats How to understand that a cat is pregnant after mating

People have always treated cats with special tenderness. These animals are very cute and it is a pleasure to play with them. And for every cat there comes a moment when she is preparing to give birth to offspring. The gestation period passes calmly, and the cat does not require the help of its owners. However, so that the owner is not surprised when kittens appear in the house, you need to know how to determine if a cat is pregnant.

Some cats will still need help, and during pregnancy you should pay more careful attention to your pet so that the birth and postpartum period go smoothly and without problems.

People who have an animal in their home for the first time will not be able to independently determine how to determine if a cat is pregnant. Signs of pregnancy have some peculiarities. In addition to various recommendations, the owner should become more attentive to his pet in order to detect pregnancy or other changes in the cat’s health as early as possible in order to provide timely assistance.

So that the owner is not surprised when kittens appear in the house, you need to know how to determine if a cat is pregnant

How does a cat's condition change during pregnancy?

As you know, after mating between a cat and a cat, pregnancy is not always observed. Sometimes signs of fertilization may be false due to hormonal changes in the animal’s body. Therefore, it is necessary to figure out how to determine if a cat is pregnant in the early stages.

Sometimes signs of fertilization may be false due to hormonal changes.

Signs of a cat's behavior change:

  • first of all, you should monitor the animal carefully: if after sexual intercourse the pet is not in estrus, this may mean pregnancy; if estrus does not stop within 24 hours, there is no fertilization;
  • during the period of bearing kittens, the cat’s behavior changes, some constantly ask to be held, want to be petted, love to sleep near their owners, some cats experience a sudden deterioration in appetite, they become too calm, vomiting is possible;

This behavior of a pet appears at the very beginning, but it is too early to say for sure about pregnancy. One can only assume that changes are occurring in the cat’s body.

During the period of bearing kittens, a cat's appetite may change

At home, owners are usually able to determine a cat’s pregnancy no earlier than 3-4 weeks after fertilization. During this period, it is necessary to palpate the abdomen, but only very carefully, without excessive pressure, otherwise, if there is pregnancy, it can cause harm to the future offspring. Conduct self-examination only using fingertips.

If your pet is not in heat after intercourse, this may indicate pregnancy.

A month after mating, changes in the cat’s nipples begin to occur – their color becomes distinctly pink and significantly increases in size. When feeding, the cat will also behave differently - its appetite increases, foods it previously loved may not be accepted, and a desire to eat certain foods appears.

The cat's belly noticeably rounds and increases in size, and from the third week of pregnancy, the animal begins to hover around the food bowl more often and constantly asks for food.

At the beginning of the sixth week of the cat's pregnancy, the kittens can be palpated. If the pregnancy is the first, the number of offspring is usually less than in a multiparous woman.

When 7–8 weeks have passed, the kittens’ movements in the cat’s belly become visible. During this period, you can feel the kittens and identify their head and body, as well as feel their heartbeat.

A nook for giving birth to a cat

Before lambing, 4–5 days before lambing, the cat becomes more restless in its behavior, this is due to the search for a convenient place to give birth. Usually the animal is rarely seen, because for the upcoming birth she will need the most secluded corner in the house.

Important! It is advisable to find a good place during this period, otherwise everything can happen on your bed, or even in the closet with clothes.

The most obvious signs of an early pregnancy (within 2-3 days) are excessively swollen nipples and the release of colostrum from them, and scanty mucous fluid appears from the vulva.

Ultrasound examination is the most accurate confirmation of pregnancy in a cat.

On a note! One day before the kittens are born, the cat sits in her corner, and this means the beginning of preparation for childbirth. At this time, you should not disturb the cat or take it out and pick it up.

The most accurate confirmation of pregnancy in a cat is ultrasound diagnostics, but even this method is effective only 1-2 weeks after the animal is mated. However, the beginning of changes in the behavior of a pet is a reason to take it to the veterinarian to make sure that there are no diseases or that pregnancy is present.

Features of pregnancy

In cats, the opportunity for fertilization appears after the onset of puberty. For the first 6 months, the cat is considered a kitten, and you don’t have to think about pregnancy yet. But in order to further determine a cat’s pregnancy and its timing, you need to become familiar with the concept of estrus in an animal.

- this is the beginning of puberty

A cat's heat is the onset of puberty, therefore the period when a cat can become pregnant for the first time. For the owner, this will be a signal about the animal’s ability to fertilize after mating with a cat.

Some features of the onset and course of pregnancy:

  • During the year, a cat may come into heat 2-3 times;
  • during the period of heat, the pet changes greatly in behavior: it falls to the floor and begins to rub its stomach and back, while meowing without stopping, it can rub against people, sometimes it makes marks around the house;

During the period of estrus, your pet changes a lot in behavior
  • at the beginning of estrus, days 1 and 2, the cat loses its appetite, meowing becomes loud and intense, however, when meeting a cat these days, the cat may not let him near her, but after the first days of estrus, the cat will be ready for mating;
  • It is quite rare to see a pregnant cat after the start of her first heat; fertilization usually occurs as a result of several meetings with the opposite sex;

If the owner has a need to sterilize a pet, then it should be remembered that this procedure is best carried out in a cat after pregnancy, first or secondary, it does not matter, the main thing is to know how to correctly determine the moment of puberty and only then contact a specialist.

How long is the gestation period in cats?

The first thing to remember is the time from which pregnancy begins - from the moment of mating and fertilization and at the end of this period with childbirth. The average gestation period for kittens ranges from 62 to 68 days. In cases of premature birth, kittens appear dead.

But this does not apply to all cat breeds; there have been cases where Siamese representatives gave birth to offspring on the 71st day of pregnancy, and the kittens were alive and completely healthy.

How should you handle a cat during pregnancy?

To exclude various infectious diseases, it is better not to let the animal out of the house for the entire period of pregnancy. Communication with cats should be excluded so that a new mating does not occur, otherwise the kittens may die in the womb. Unless there is an urgent need, do not feed the cat with medications. Your daily diet should include healthy foods with enhanced nutrition, for example, buckwheat, rice, chicken egg yolk. This will be beneficial for both the cat and future kittens.

Include rice in your cat's diet before giving birth

Find a cozy corner for future births, preferably in a warm place, without drafts or cold.

Important! If your cat begins to show signs that are not characteristic of pregnancy, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic to have the animal examined.

Cat behavior just before labor begins

If the initial period of pregnancy is missed due to the owner’s carelessness, you should know how to determine the onset of labor in a cat.

Most cats do not require assistance with their kittens.

A few days before lambing, the animal may completely stop eating, and its behavior becomes quite nervous. During this period, you can notice how the stomach drops, water flows out, the shade of which is gray with a red admixture. Labor can last about a day.

Most cats do not require assistance when giving birth to kittens; they are able to gnaw the umbilical cord themselves using their teeth. However, not all animals are the same, which is why some cats ask their owners for help.

Some cats will still need help, and during pregnancy you should pay more careful attention to your pet

During the postpartum period, the animal should be helped to recover by showing care. It is worth treating the mammary glands to prevent bacteria from entering.

Owners of British dogs often breed the breed. At the same time, information about the duration of pregnancy in cats of the British breed, the course of labor and the creation of special conditions for the animal is important for owners.

Usually, with appropriate care and attention, a cat's pregnancy proceeds without complications and does not cause problems for the owner or the animal. Still, it’s worth knowing and taking into account some of the nuances in order to help your pet if necessary.

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    First signs of pregnancy

    You can find out about the pregnancy of a British cat in advance. To do this, you do not need to be a doctor, since the animal demonstrates physical changes through its appearance and behavior.

    The main signs of pregnancy in British women:

    • weight gain;
    • increased appetite;
    • discoloration and growth of nipples;
    • sometimes nausea and vomiting.

    During pregnancy, animals become quieter and calmer. They move less and go outside less often. They often require increased attention and support from the owner.

    All cats of the British breed, both fold-eared and straight-eared, tolerate pregnancy in the same way. The only thing that distinguishes them from each other is the shape of their ears.

    How to determine the gestational age?

    If the mating took place under the supervision of the animal owner, then the date of onset of pregnancy is not difficult to establish by adding two days to the day of mating. The period is counted from this date. If the British woman conceives uncontrollably, that is, the male and the date of mating are unknown, only a veterinarian can determine the period. The owner can determine the period by the growth of the abdomen.

    If it is large, then the pregnancy is approximately nine weeks. If the cat's belly is almost invisible, the nipples are pink, pregnancy lasts about a month.

    It is important to know! Mating of British Folds and Straights does not always result in pregnancy.

    Gestation duration

    Long-haired British women have a slightly longer pregnancy (up to seventy-two days) than representatives of the short-haired breed (up to sixty-eight days).

    The gestation period of a British cat directly depends on how many kittens are in the litter. If their number is more than five, then she will walk longer, if less, the kittens will be born a little earlier. If pregnancy is delayed by a week, this is normal and does not affect the well-being of the pet.

    If delivery is delayed beyond the specified period, you should consult a veterinarian.

    The duration of pregnancy is influenced by the psychological state of the British cat. If she is nervous in the later stages of pregnancy, labor may be delayed.

    Course of pregnancy

    How long does pregnancy last in British cats? few more than two months. The entire gestation period is divided into three trimesters. Each of them lasts three weeks.

    On average, cats are pregnant for about nine weeks. During this time they can bear up to six kittens. This depends on some characteristics of the animal, for example, the shape of the uterus.

    First trimester

    The first trimester lasts from twenty to twenty-five days. The abdomen enlarges and becomes more flexible.

    A day after mating a British woman with a male, the egg is fertilized in the uterine cavity. During the first seven days, kitten embryos are small in size; each embryo has its own place in the uterus.

    Two weeks after fertilization, the fetus increases by one centimeter, on the eighteenth day the paws are formed, and by the twenty-first day the development of internal organs occurs. During this period, her nipples turn pink.

    The animal's behavior changes: the cat sleeps more, eats little and tries to spend a lot of time with its owner.

    Second trimester

    In the second trimester of pregnancy, the kittens' skeleton is formed. The formation of the hormonal system, muscles and brain occurs. The embryo is already beginning to resemble a cat. By the end of the second trimester, the future kitten's face is already formed, cheeks, nose and mouth appear, bones become stronger and claws grow. During this period, the kittens' genitals are formed.

    Due to the growth of the uterus during pregnancy, the British cat's center of gravity changes and she is unable to correctly distribute her balance when jumping high.

    Third trimester

    The third trimester is the final stage of pregnancy. The kitten's height by this time increases to eighty millimeters. The skin on the body becomes thicker, ears grow and a tail appears. On the forty-fifth day, fur begins to grow, and three days later the animal acquires its own color. The size of the fetus already reaches thirteen centimeters.

    By the fiftieth day, preparations for childbirth begin. At this stage, the movement of embryos is already visible. A veterinarian will tell you the exact period of pregnancy for a British woman. He will also determine the approximate due date.

    On the fifty-seventh day, the kitten is already fully formed. Two or three days before the birth of the offspring, the expectant mother shows concern and looks for a place to give birth. It should be convenient and comfortable. The owners of British women select a box or crate as a cozy place for the mother in labor and future kittens.

    At this stage of pregnancy, it is important to have your cat examined by ultrasound on time. You can find out the number of kittens and their location in the animal’s uterus, as well as identify various pathologies and eliminate them in time.

    What should you not do during pregnancy?

    During pregnancy, cats should not:

    • Touch her belly, trying to figure out how many kittens she is carrying. This will be bad for her health.
    • Give the animal medications containing hormones.
    • Use medications for fleas, worms and allergies for internal use.

    When your cat gives birth for the first time, stay nearby and don't leave her alone. You can make your pet feel better by lightly stroking its belly. Under no circumstances should you leave her if the birth process is alarming and problems arise. In this case, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

    Labor activity

    Five days before giving birth, your cat will experience slight vaginal discharge. This indicates an early resolution of pregnancy. The cat is looking for a place to give birth. She tries to climb onto a closet or hide under a dresser or bed. Some animals stay close to people all the time, showing that they need help and care.

    When a cat goes to the litter box very often and does not eat anything, she will soon give birth. Frequent urination indicates that her water is breaking. If a pregnant cat begins to meow heavily, she should be immediately placed in a pre-prepared box and calmed down.

    During contractions, you can use Traumeel drops. This will help increase muscle elasticity. Every fifteen minutes, using a pipette, you need to drip the product into the corner of the mother’s mouth.

    During the second or third contraction, a kitten appears in film. Kittens usually come out head first, but sometimes they come out with their paws. This is not advisable, but if contractions are frequent, the kitten will quickly emerge.

    It happens that it is difficult for a cat to give birth on its own. Her contractions are weak, she may lose consciousness and it is difficult for her to push. In this case, she will need the help of her owner. To stimulate labor, it is enough to stroke the pet’s belly towards the tail, helping to promote the kittens.

    Actions after childbirth

    Usually, after giving birth, the cat itself eats the film in which the kitten was located and gnaws the umbilical cord. But not all cats are able to immediately understand what needs to be done. Therefore, if the animal is confused and does not understand what to do, it is necessary:

    1. 1. Carefully clean the kitten from the thin film (you must first remove it from the face).
    2. 2. Place the kitten near the mother's head so that she licks it.
    3. 3. Wait for the placenta to come out where the kitten was.
    4. 4. If necessary, cut the umbilical cord with disinfected scissors five centimeters from the kitten’s belly.
    5. 5. Give the child's place to eat the cat (it contains useful minerals necessary for a weakened animal).
    6. 6. If the mother does not lick the kitten, it is necessary to wipe it dry with a clean towel.

    A newly born kitten should be placed on the cat's nipple.

    If the kitten does not show signs of life, it must be placed on the palm, head towards the fingers, and shaken down two or three times. This technique will resuscitate him if he swallowed liquid during birth.

    If the cat continues to give birth to other kittens, the first newborn should be placed in a clean, warm place so that she does not accidentally crush it. Kittens appear one after another with an interval of twenty minutes to an hour. Sometimes a cat gives birth to her last kitten the next day. It's okay if she feels fine and doesn't seem bothered.

    What to do after childbirth?

    After giving birth, you need to change the diapers in the box. They must be clean. It is necessary to put water and food there. The cat should rest, calm down and enjoy motherhood.

    In the first days after the birth of kittens, the cat may experience discharge. If they are dark red in color and do not have an unpleasant odor, there is no need to worry. In ten days everything will be back to normal. In case of any deviations, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

    Sometimes after giving birth, a cat begins to have diarrhea. Then she should be given rice water and boiled water. During this period, you should not feed the animal meat, cottage cheese and vegetables. This menu lasts about a week. But sometimes cats suffer from constipation after giving birth. In this case, you should give her liquid oatmeal and warm milk. You can add two drops of sunflower oil to the feed.

    If your cat's poop is black, don't worry right away. Perhaps she ate the afterbirth.

    Possible complications

    With improper feeding, hypothermia or overheating, the presence of certain health problems, as well as rough handling of the pet, a miscarriage is possible. Miscarriage occurs in the fourth or fifth week. But sometimes the threat occurs at the beginning of pregnancy and in the later stages. At the beginning of pregnancy, a hidden miscarriage is possible, when the embryos are not yet formed and the tissues are quickly destroyed.

    In later stages of pregnancy, if there is a miscarriage, even weak, large kittens that do not have fur can both be born and remain in the uterus. This causes rotting of the fetus, which in most cases leads to replenishment of the uterus. In the event of a miscarriage, the cat will need help: removal of the embryos, and sometimes the uterus. In the future, symptomatic therapy is being carried out.

    Post-term or under-term

    On average, British women are pregnant for sixty days. But in some cases, a cat gives birth earlier than expected. If this happens in the first trimester of pregnancy, the owner does not always notice it.

    In the third to sixth week, this occurs due to improper care of the pet. Therefore, it is worth providing the British woman with more thorough care. To avoid post-term pregnancy, you need to calculate your cat's pregnancy by week. This way it will be possible to accurately determine when she will give birth.

    If labor is delayed, you should first consult a veterinarian. He will provide the animal with qualified assistance.

In this introductory article, as in other materials of this project, you can find useful information about pregnancy in cats and not only that. Leave your questions in the comments.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy in a cat after mating and when do they appear, vomiting, fever

The main sign of pregnancy is the absence of another heat cycle. The cat becomes calmer, loses interest in cats, but is aggressive towards cats. The animal eats a little less than usual, this happens at an early stage. The girl's nipples swell and become bright pink.

In the fifth week, the cat’s belly will already be visible, and at this point there can be no doubt that the cat is pregnant. Pregnant women also experience attacks of nausea in the morning, but this is not typical for all cats.

At the late stage, the cat sleeps a lot and hardly goes outside. The appetite increases and the cat needs to be fed several times a day. The cat begins to look for a secluded place where it will give birth and live with kittens, and builds a “nest.” Very often this can be a closet or a bed.

Signs of early pregnancy in cats

In the early stages, the cat’s behavior does not change much, but pregnancy can be recognized by swollen and reddened nipples. Even if the pregnant woman does not go into heat again, the cat may feel sick in the morning. At an early stage, the pet’s appetite decreases, drowsiness and apathy appear.

Behavior of a cat during pregnancy in the first weeks, with dead kittens, can a cat walk

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the cat becomes calmer, sleeps a lot, and is not active. A pregnant woman loses interest in cats, but may have conflicts with other cats. He spends most of his time in his room and rarely goes outside.

Behavior of cats during pregnancy

Cats perfectly sense a change in the owner's position. They come to the defense of the unborn baby, often lie on their stomachs, and are constantly close to their owner. But it happens that cats become jealous and behave aggressively. Some scratch and bite their stomachs and hiss. They show aggression towards the stomach because they feel that there is new life there.

How to understand that a cat is pregnant in the first days, if she has already given birth, when she lambs, a small belly

A cat's pregnancy lasts about 9 weeks. You can tell that a cat is pregnant by its changed behavior. The cat moves less, sleeps more, and doesn’t go outside as often. The nipples become pink in cats that are not giving birth for the first time and bright red in first-born cats.

A cat may have a small belly, especially if she is pregnant for the first time. This phenomenon should not alarm the owners; perhaps there will be few kittens.

Signs of pregnancy in a Scottish cat

Pregnancy of cats lasts about 63-67 days, the countdown begins from the first day of mating. The cat becomes calm, moves less, and sleeps constantly. Nausea and vomiting are possible in the morning. At week 3, the nipples become pink. The onset of week 6 is characterized by an increase in the abdomen. The cat eats a lot and drinks water.

How to determine the pregnancy of a Maine Coon cat and its duration

A Mei Coon cat's pregnancy lasts up to 72 days, which is slightly longer than other cats. The main sign of pregnancy is the absence of estrus and changes in behavior.

How to recognize that a British cat is pregnant at home

After mating, after 3 weeks the cat’s nipples begin to turn pink and increase in size. If you run your hand over your stomach, you will feel it. A cat can change its eating habits and behavior. Pregnancy in British women lasts 63-70 days.

Quite often, owners of British cats are faced with pregnancy in order to procreate their pet. After all, many have repeatedly dreamed of breeding large offspring. And when this happened, the question arises about how long pregnancy lasts in cats of the British breed, since very often, without knowing about the term and time, how long your pet needs to walk, there are cases of unplanned birth. And if complications arise, which are almost impossible to foresee, then the owner is unlikely to be able to do anything.

How to distinguish a pregnant cat from an ordinary one

You can find out in advance about the interesting situation of your British pet. And you don’t have to be a doctor for this, since your pet independently demonstrates physical changes and behavior. Also, the main signs of pregnancy in British pets include:

  • weight gain;
  • swelling and discoloration of the nipples;
  • improved appetite;
  • possible attacks of vomiting.

Other characteristic features

Changes in the behavior of the cat itself are also observed. During pregnancy, short-haired British darlings turn into calm, quiet and gentle animals. They avoid sudden movements and mostly stay indoors than on the street. In addition, they need support from the owner and they often remind him of this.

A British woman requires special attention in the second half of pregnancy. After all, the reason for this is the manifestation of such signs precisely after 6 weeks.

In recent days, British pregnant cats walk very carefully, in order not to harm the small lumps. Also, at the end of gestation, animals begin to look for a suitable place to give birth.

Young representatives of the British breed reach the required age for mating only at 6-7 months. Then fertilization is already possible, but in most cases the first pregnancy occurs only after 1 year of life. The reason for this is the inability of a 7-month-old cat to fully bear a fetus. This applies equally to representatives of both sexes, since in British cats early matings can lead to a shortening of the fertile period.

In each pet, the average number of heats is reduced to two per year. But if your British pet lives only in the house, then this may happen much more often. Approximately every 15-25 days, and their duration is 6-8 days.

But it is important to remember that the process of mating representatives of the British breed does not always end in pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to take this significant nuance into account.

Many kittens - how it happens

The duration of pregnancy for British pets is on average 9 weeks. And during this period the animal can bear 5 or even 6 kittens. The reason for this is the exceptional features and shape of the uterus.

After mating, eggs are formed in the cat’s body within 23-30 hours, the average number of which can reach up to 6. Therefore, there is a high probability that your British pet can give birth to so many kittens.

Stages of pregnancy

The walking period for each representative of this breed is 63-66 days. This number can vary by 5 days less or more, which depends mainly on the body of the animal itself.

The main stages of pregnancy of a British cat are as follows:

  • 1-3 weeks;
  • 3-6 weeks;
  • 6-9 weeks.

Features of the first stage

During this period, first of all, the behavior of the animal changes. The cat sleeps more often, eats less and spends more time with its owner than usual.

Around the third week of pregnancy, your British pet may experience some changes. The first most obvious sign is swollen nipples. They change color to distinct pink and increase in size. This especially happens during pregnancy of young cats, since this sign may not be present in more mature pets.

No less important is the so-called toxicosis in representatives of the British breed. This unpleasant moment can last for several days, on average 2 times a day.

Second three weeks

At this stage, a very rapid progression of pregnancy in a British cat can be observed. The embryos become larger and can be felt in your pet's belly, but the exact number of kittens is still impossible to determine.

The middle part of this period is characterized by a significant increase in the abdomen due to the rapid growth of British babies. And already at the end of 6 weeks, the uterine cavity is filled with liquid, thanks to which it is almost impossible to determine the exact number of future kittens.

Final stage

At the beginning of the 7th week, the pregnancy of a pet of the British breed has some peculiarities. In particular, you can feel the babies’ heads well and feel their movements. The cat's large size does not allow it to walk quickly, so it moves very slowly. The behavior of the British pet is also changing, which is expressed in greater attachment to its owner, the so-called “following.”

A few days before giving birth, anxiety appears in the animal's character, and the search for a place to give birth begins. Basically, it should be a secluded and cozy corner.

Most owners of British cats take a crate or box in which they need to create a place for small kittens and their mother.

A necessary point in this period of pregnancy is radiography and ultrasound. The purpose of this procedure is to study information about the number of fetuses and their placement in the uterus. And if some kittens are in the wrong position, then this will need to be taken into account during childbirth.


Estrus during pregnancy is considered an important point. It often happens that cats in this position can be re-fertilized. And the result of this will be the formation of embryos with already existing formed fetuses, which should soon be born.

As a result, the animal will give birth to all babies, but some of them, namely embryos, will be premature, the likelihood of survival of which is reduced to a minimum.

British woman's diet during pregnancy

An important factor is your pet's daily diet. After all, the health of future kittens primarily depends on it. Therefore, this part of pregnancy must be treated very carefully.

Diet features

During the entire pregnancy period of a British cat, it is necessary to take care not only of the animal, but also of its nutrition. After all, many owners, having learned about the situation of their pet, think about how to feed it.

The diet of a pet during pregnancy has a number of features:

  • increasing the amount of food taken;
  • variety of foods consumed;
  • your daily diet should contain foods that contain a lot of protein;
  • Food rich in minerals and vitamins will also be beneficial.

Staged nutrition

At the beginning of pregnancy, the amount of food consumed increases significantly. The average figures are 10% of the norm. In other words, the volume does not increase much, but the frequency of food intake increases up to 4-5 times, sometimes there are even additional feedings at night.

If the owner gives a lot of food or other food to his pet, then most likely he will not avoid sudden obesity. Then complications may arise during pregnancy in cats of the British breed and during the birth process itself.

Therefore, it is not advisable for representatives of this breed to significantly increase the portion size of food intake.

Many owners prefer to give their pets food designed specifically for newborn kittens. It contains a large amount of proteins and other equally important substances, which is so necessary for a pregnant cat.

After 3 months

But already at 3-6 weeks of pregnancy, a British pet needs to be given 40-50% more food. The reason for this is the rapid growth of fruits and due to this the amount of food consumed increases. It is also during this period that you need to include a lot of protein in your pet’s diet, which will be very necessary during lactation.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, your British cat may experience a decrease in appetite. This is due to the large size of the fetuses, which occupy a significant part of the abdominal cavity.

Therefore, you need to reduce the amount of food consumed and increase the frequency of its intake.

What does the diet look like during pregnancy?

Nutrition is an important part of your pet's life, especially in this position. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the basic principles that you need to know and follow when feeding. After all, pregnancy in a British cat can have complications due to poor nutrition. Therefore, you need to add to your diet:

  • cereals and raw vegetables (carrots, cabbage), which can be discreetly mixed with your pet’s favorite food;
  • It is important to give dairy products at the end of pregnancy because of the large amount of calcium they contain, which is necessary to strengthen the bones of kittens;
  • boiled cartilage, thanks to which your British pet will receive a significant amount of vitamin D;
  • In addition, you need to give other vitamins, especially groups A and B.

Prematurity or postmaturity

The average gestation period for representatives of a British, Scottish Fold or other breed can last 63-66 days or 9 weeks. But sometimes, due to a very young body or for other reasons, your cat begins to give birth earlier than expected.

A new addition to the family is always a joy, even if it’s your cat who gives birth. Of course, you should prepare for the reception of babies in advance, as many problems need to be solved. But how can you tell if your cat is pregnant? In any case, certainly not with the help of human tests (yes, the “originals” even recommend this). Since human biochemistry is somewhat different, you won’t learn anything meaningful.

Like any other mammal, feline pregnancy can be divided into several clearly defined periods. Here they are:

  • It all begins with estrus and mating, which can occur every 20 days. Whether the mating ended in pregnancy will be known for certain only after three weeks.
  • First-third week. The color of the nipples changes, and a short period of morning swelling may occur.
  • Fourth to sixth week. The abdomen may become enlarged, and the veterinarian, upon palpation, can already determine the presence of kittens.
  • Seventh to ninth week. The animal's activity sharply decreases, the cat becomes calm and phlegmatic.

Here is the “schedule” by week. We immediately draw your attention to the fact that each cat requires a strictly individual approach. It often happens that the owners find out about the pregnancy of an animal only at the end of it, when the expectant mother, mewing heart-rendingly, indicates the beginning of her contractions.

Changes in behavior

If there is something in common between a woman and a cat, it is behavioral “symptoms”. More precisely, their changes during pregnancy. Of course, your pet is unlikely to walk around with a dreamy look and demand watermelons in January, but you can still notice something.

Important! The first two to three weeks of pregnancy can occur in such a smoothed and implicit form that only a very experienced breeder or veterinarian can determine it.

Read also: Best age to sterilize a cat: pros and cons of periods

In any case, everything here depends solely on your attentiveness. If your cat had some small but constant habits that she suddenly abandoned, this may well indicate an “interesting situation.”

The best sign is the absence or presence of sexual instinct. Has kitty, who hysterically demanded “male affection” all March, calmed down? Then she probably got pregnant. Has the screaming started again? Alas, the goal was not achieved.

If, after mating, the cat has become somewhat wild, pregnancy can also be suspected. In this case, she can even be aggressive towards any other representatives of the cat tribe. However, in the second month the behavior changes to the exact opposite, when yesterday’s “fury” suddenly calms down and goes into her arms, caresses a lot and even sleeps in an embrace with other cats or even a domestic dog.

In principle, in the second half of pregnancy the animal becomes very apathetic and calm, and the figure gradually acquires a pronounced pear-shaped shape. But this sign is not always at least somewhat pronounced. It happens that a cat “in the early stages” suddenly kittens. This occurs especially often in mature animals that have given birth many times, whose sagging belly suggests a “chronic” pregnancy.

Important! Just before birth (about a week), the animal becomes restless again. The cat scurries around all the dark and hard-to-reach places, looking for the most optimal “den” for the impending birth. There is no point in disturbing her or keeping an eye on her at this moment!!!

The last recommendation is not at all related to “tactfulness”. The fact is that with increased attention to her person, the cat will become nervous and irritable. Having given birth, she will constantly drag the kittens from place to place, or even completely abandon them to their fate. Such cases are not uncommon.

Read also: How to understand that a cat is ready for mating: signs and symptoms

However, even if the cat itself begins to clearly demonstrate that it is not averse to lambing right on your bed or in the closet with clothes, you still should not disturb it. Try to remove anything dirty from there, lay down an old sheet or something similar.

To follow or not to follow?

Of course, we have already pointed out the inadmissibility of open interest in cat secrets, but in some cases you will have to imagine yourself for a while as the legendary Stirlitz. We are talking about rural conditions.

The expectant mother can be so carried away by ensuring safety that she can easily find a “cozy” place a kilometer and a half from your home. Of course, in most cases, cats tolerate childbirth normally, but there is still a risk. If something goes wrong in such conditions, and you don’t even know about the location of the “maternity ward,” everything will probably end very badly.

It's better when a cat gives birth at home! It is much easier to provide veterinary control and obstetric care (if necessary).

How to control “unbridled motherhood”?

It is in your best interests to gently “nudge” your pet in the direction of the right choice. To do this, place a specially equipped basket in a dark, quiet place and try to get the cat to find it. For example, lure her in with a treat, while you go somewhere else.

Food preferences

Yes, tastes can change too. This is expressed in increased appetite or reluctance to eat previously favorite foods. Of course, cats are not drawn to “salty foods,” but the desire to eat raw cucumbers or something more extravagant may appear.