The ideal man - what should he be? The main qualities of a real man: what women value Self-confident.

9 Sep 2016

Almost any woman will be happy to tell you what qualities a real man should have. Moreover, this wonderful ideal image is almost the same for everyone - in truth, it is rather colorless. When asked what the ideal man should be, most will answer something like this: "Smart and cheerful, handsome and strong, beloved and rich ...". And the list of what a real man should do is endless.

There are no more differences in a more specific question: what should be a real man in the family. Any (well, almost any) woman wants her husband to be successful at work, but at the same time rush home, trying to hug his wife and children as soon as possible, so that the husband hurries home, because she cooked food for him, to help around the house, like the second housewife, but at the same time he continued to burn with passion for her ... We don’t think about how difficult it is to combine the incompatible in fantasies - that’s what they are fantasies for.

Love a real man, not a dream

Plunging into dreams about how a real man behaves, almost all women repeat this mistake. The wish list exceeds all reasonable and unreasonable limits. This is not a big problem if we clearly separate what is desired and what is real, but usually no one sees this border. A real man should and that's it. When it comes to a real, living man of flesh and blood, we continue to customize him to fit our ideal image.

And then the misunderstandings and disappointments begin. A real man does not want to coincide with these heavenly fantasies about what qualities an ideal man should have. Sometimes only this mismatch is enough for dreamers to part. And this despite the fact that a real person is often better and certainly more interesting than a fictional one. Such idealism can be compared with color blindness, since it prevents us from distinguishing all the colors of life.

"Colorblind feelings" have a hard time with living people who do not want to fit into the ideal image. Nevertheless, the "stacking" continues, and more and more often this process goes through the negative: claims, condemnation and even anger. And it all started with innocent and bright dreams!

Another diagnosis is no less common. The dreamer does not fit a real man into an ideal image, but waits for a 100% hit. Presenting in detail what features the man of their dreams should have, they miss the real princes on the white horse that fate sends them.

But even if the meeting with a fictitious ideal eventually occurs, real happiness usually does not work out. The woman is trying to prove to the whole world: “You see, whoever seeks and waits will always find! I was right". Her lover becomes an honorary medal, which she is ready to wear around her neck and show to everyone and everyone - friends, parents, former boyfriends. She thinks less about real life with a living man, and therefore this life is not the most joyful.

There is also a third category, martyrdom. Such women realize that their choice does not coincide with the ideal of what a real man should do, but they are ready to put up not only with this, but with everything in general, overcoming themselves: “I accept him as he is, and I endure everything - for the sake of our love."

At first, this style inspires men, but the further, the more sacrifice and forgiveness begins to tire. Few people are capable of living next to a “saint” and feeling like a normal, decent person. It’s hard to even explain to her what’s wrong here, and therefore usually her chosen one just leaves one day in English without any explanation, further increasing her “holiness” - at least in the eyes of others.

Decide what you want from a relationship

Are you unhappy with these options? Then stop "dancing" from the air ideal - the male world is more complicated than you think. Go away from yourself, from your needs and tasks. What do you need to be completely happy? Look for someone who will give you just that. Having understood what quality a real man must have, how he should behave with you, you can find him much easier. Look for a smart one, if you have the wind in your head. Look for something fun if you have cats scratching in your soul all the time and you want someone's smile. Fun is a great gift.

And don't think about the flaws and what a real man should never do. Your partner may be inept or fat, but if he is fun to be around, then it will not be boring in bed either.

It is exciting with him - then it will be much easier for you to live together for many years. When you understand what is important to you, then draw a conclusion about what it should be.

It is important for a woman not to make the wrong choice - otherwise, then she will have to redo her partner, fight bad habits and educate - and this is almost always hopeless. However, one should not consider oneself a sapper who is mistaken only once. It's like with shoes - of course, you can guess with a pair on the first try, but still you usually try on one or two or a fifth before you find one that fits almost perfectly.

And do not dream that your "prince" will immediately solve all your difficulties for you - you yourself must be a person. Even the fairy tale about Cinderella is not just about an accidental rise from rags to riches, but a story about a girl who was just in inappropriate circumstances and did not know her own worth, but she knew how to do a lot, and she was not deprived of beauty. The fairy godmother provided only the wrapping and transport, a sorcery that is quite accessible in our times.

How do real men behave? It's better not to worry at all. You will meet - the answer will come by itself. We all on this planet strive to find our one and only. And having met, we open ourselves entirely to him, we are eager to throw out everything that has accumulated over a lifetime separately. Such a feeling cannot be confused with anything!

You and him are soul mates, and therefore it makes no sense to portray someone else - especially since he will immediately distinguish any falsehood. Be yourself, trust him - although a little bit of jealousy does not hurt.

And yet, what should a real man be like, what qualities and skills should he possess? The choice is always individual, but we will give some relatively universal recommendations. Reliability (including financial), unpretentiousness, common sense, readiness to make decisions are important. You should have many coincidences, but not to such an extent as if you are looking in a mirror - it is necessary to surprise and complement each other. And, of course, you hardly need a bad lover - after all, you have to merge into a single whole, including in the literal sense.

If we return to the dreams of an ideal man, then there is nothing harmful in them. The main thing to remember is that these are just ideas, and real life is much brighter and more beautiful. Maybe the gods revived Galatea for Pygmalion, but who said that he was happier with her than with an ordinary earthly woman?

My subscribers know that I try to choose topics so that they are of interest to both sexes.

But today's text, I think, will be more interesting to gentlemen, because we will talk about the qualities that a perfect man.

To create this article for you, I went through a lot of thematic materials, hung out on women's forums for a long time and identified 10 qualities that ladies want to see in their chosen one.

Why is it so important to become the perfect man for your woman?

I am sure that among the representatives of the stronger sex who will see this article, there will be those who will not even read it, but will only snort dismissively: “Just think, perfect man give these women.

They also read novels to me, princesses.

I hope that among my readers there are no such narrow-minded baboons, and they perfectly understand how important it is to become an ideal for the woman they love.

The desire for success for women is not only material wealth, but also the opportunity to be proud of the achievements of her husband.

Be a protector.

How many years have passed, and the proverb “Behind a husband, like behind a stone wall” does not lose its relevance.

Any woman wants to feel a sense of security next to her man, wants to believe that he can solve any problem, save her and her children from danger, settle the difficulties that have arisen, put in place the one who tries to offend her.

We invite you to watch a funny video about

what a perfect man he is.

Look, admire, smile 🙂

It's easy to get along with people.

It turns out that women love it when their man is the center of attention in any, even an unfamiliar company.

Buka, standing in the corner, is “Fu”, and the merry fellow, on whom all eyes are turned, is “Wow”.

And of course, your beloved is waiting for you to easily find a common language with her parents and other relatives, with her friends, those who are dear to her.


Here, in my opinion, nothing needs to be explained.

Find me a fool who will jump for happiness when she finds out that her.

Unless we are talking about the notorious free relationship, but for some reason I don’t really believe in such “love”.

Easy to get up and active.

Well, we do not like the body, lying constantly on the couch, which cannot be knocked off it.

Women love it when a man easily succumbs to persuasion to do some housework (and ideally, he sees what needs to be done), go with her to relatives or friends, visit a theater or restaurant, in general - be ready to implement any favorite ideas.

As you can see perfect man- a multi-component collective image, so you boys will definitely have something to work on.

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Reading time 11 minutes

Men: the ideal man, what is he? Women live all their lives in search of an ideal life partner, I wonder what kind of an ideal man he is through the eyes of men and women? Maybe girls dream of the impossible, or do princes still exist? Today we will conduct an experiment, compare the male and female points of view on this issue. Is it possible to be the perfect man, or do women set too high criteria? The myth of the ideal man can be realized in life?

What should be a man in the eyes of a woman?

Women love to dream of the perfect lover. As a child, reading fairy tales, we imagine a wonderful young man: loving, caring, attentive, sensitive, devoted to his beloved, courageous and with an inheritance, of course, in the form of half a kingdom.
And what criteria are presented to earthly men, what are they guided by when choosing a life partner?

The ideal man should have the following qualities:

  1. The presence of intelligence- women are not attracted to stupid men, it becomes boring and difficult to communicate with them for a long time.
  2. sensitivity- tenderness, sensitivity, attentiveness should also be in an ideal life partner. And even better, when he reads all the thoughts of a girl, he understands perfectly, but this is more a myth than the truth.
  3. Honesty- sincerity and trust are necessary attributes of happy love, therefore no one likes deceivers, it is better not to engage in embellishments, inventions. Over time, everything will become known, and trust will be undermined.
  4. Loyalty- the ideal man is devoted to his lady of the heart and is ready to love forever, by definition. All women dream about it, but how to prolong the term of love, make it eternal? This is another question.
  5. The ability to love- a general concept, includes care, understanding, the ability to do anything for the sake of a loved one, as well as the manifestation of tender feelings - hugs, kisses, compliments.
  6. Responsibility, reliability- the ideal man - a strong shoulder, support, confidence in the future. Girls always want to feel supported in this world, to know: they will always come to the rescue, fulfill promises, and are ready to solve any difficult issue. Together it is easier to survive any difficulties.
  7. Family support- the views of women do not change: the spouse should be the breadwinner, provide for the family in material terms. Prosperity, financial security are more dependent on him. However, often the budget is formed jointly, the wife also participates in financial support. Ideally, a man takes on most of the obligations, closes financial issues.
  8. Wit, humor- the ability to joke makes a guy more attractive to women. Cheerful guys are always the soul of the company, optimism and enthusiasm are contagious, it allows you to attract attention, find the girl of your dreams. But everything is simple, it is not even necessary to be super-handsome.
  9. Generosity- girls like attention, gifts, this is normal, the main thing is everything in moderation. And a generous young man who pays attention to his beloved will receive additional points in her eyes. After all, the ability to earn money is one of the important criteria for creating a family, and stinginess is suspicious - it will not cope with fatherhood, the mission of a spouse.
  10. understanding, respect- it is important for a woman that her beloved seeks to understand her, to show respect. At the same time, complexity is manifested in differences in the perception of the world. To understand is to be able to listen, to sympathize, to help overcome difficulties morally, and if asked, then with advice.
  11. Courage, bravery- in the main list of qualities of an ideal young man there is no beauty, but there is masculinity, it is more attractive to women. A courageous and courageous spouse can become a support in the family, provide confidence, stability - the girls believe, and also masculinity is sexy. What is an indicator of masculinity in the image of a young man? They pay attention to the presence of a sports figure, unshaven hair (the beard has not become fashionable by chance), scars, they always decorate. Courage is manifested in actions, decisiveness of actions, the ideal man is ready to save the world and his beloved, take risks, be brave.
  12. Love for children- a young man is always perceived by a girl as the future father of her children, subconsciously chooses the best candidate. The ability to communicate with children, love for little tomboys will be a big plus, the main thing is not to go too far: a girl may not be ready to become a mother. You just need understanding, you will always be happy with future children.
  13. willingness to help- it is often difficult for a young wife to cover the entire scope of work around the house, doing work, raising children, and after all, her husband also needs attention. How to be? Help with household chores will be very useful, the ideal spouse always comes to the rescue, does not wait for requests, takes the initiative. Wives can be modest, pull the cart on their own until they lose strength, the desire to live together.
  14. No bad habits- an ideal young man does not smoke, does not drink, gives flowers to a girl, respects and appreciates her parents.
  15. Educated, gallant gentleman- good breeding and good manners have always been valued, women love attention when they give a hand, help put on a coat, they are treated like a queen. Then the response is appropriate. Let the girl feel happy.

Men: the ideal man the most important qualities: reliability, masculinity, sense of duty, generosity. In the image of an ideal young man, women often combine incompatible things: strong, confident and at the same time - devoted and attentively listening to his beloved, helping around the house. The image of an ideal life partner is compared with the expression "my affectionate and gentle beast" - faithful, gentle and caring, but still a beast (courageous, strong, sexy).

What should be a man in the eyes of a woman? It also depends on the age of the beloved. An interesting fact - over the years, priorities change in assessing the main qualities:

  • from 18-24 years old - they are looking for a physically attractive, strong guy who loves music, literature, going to the cinema;
  • from 25 to 34 - appreciate career aspirations, success in work, achievements in business. They notice the attractiveness of the image - masculinity, sportiness, sexuality;
  • from 34 to 44 years old - like well-mannered gentlemen, pleasant communication, going to the theater, other cultural programs, traveling. They pay attention to guys a little younger, the lines are already blurring, there is no desire to find an older gentleman;
  • from 44 to 55 - primarily interested in: stability in life, reliability, financial security, physical attractiveness plays a lesser role;
  • over 55 years old - pay attention to the presence of intelligence, life experience, common interests, ideals.

What is the best man for a woman? First of all, a favorite, and then a large wish list. Each girl has additional criteria, preferences can be determined during the acquaintance.
The ideal age for men, according to women, is forty years old - there is life experience, material stability, the ability to behave with women, patience, gallantry. Young guys often behave inappropriately, tend to underestimate the self-esteem of girls.
Men get better over the years, even gray hair can decorate, the best age according to polls is 40-45 years old. Such men are ready for a serious relationship, building a family. However, there are young people and at the age of 30 they are quite mature, sober-minded, morally and financially ready to create a new family.
As for physical beauty, appearance, the ideal figure of a man, according to women, is athletic and fit. However, the presence of a wide waist, combined with excellent character traits, care, love, will not prevent them from finding happiness in their personal lives.
And how do the guys imagine the image of the ideal man?

The ideal man through the eyes of men

A survey on the parameters of a man's ideality showed that not all guys are ready to give an answer:

  • "everything is individual, different criteria";
  • "never thought";
  • "it's hard to say right away";
  • "Ideals don't exist."

Young people are more inclined to evaluate women, although there are those who work on themselves, personal development, they know what parameters to strive for. Probably, it depends on the upbringing, awareness of the person. Interestingly, older men are ready to give a clear answer.

So, the ideal man through the eyes of men:

  • Confident, the support of the family - the presence of confidence helps to cope with the difficulties of life, to be a reliable support for the wife, children, ready to take responsibility for oneself and the family.
  • Strong in character, in spirit - a real man does not give up, does not succumb to difficulties, is ready to stand up for his family, overcome any adversity.
  • Self-sufficient, able to provide for his family - the ideal man stands confidently on his feet, can provide for his family, growing children. Self-reliance is also important for building a family.
  • A responsible spouse is ready to raise finance in any way, in difficult times - to tax, engage in trade, and other types of work. He remembers the interests of the family, does not succumb to difficulties.
  • Strong physically, courageous - it is important to be strong and ready to protect the family, to be the head of the family. A real man goes in for sports not for beauty, but for the development of strength and morale, acquiring masculinity.
  • A good family man - an ideal husband is devoted to the family, seeks to help his wife in difficult periods of life, shares joys and sorrows. He is not afraid of housework or walking with small children.
  • It is important to take all possible part in family affairs: raising children, household chores, doing housework. A real man knows how to fix a faucet, nail a shelf, and provides good comfortable living conditions.
  • Well-bred, gentleman - an ideal young man knows the rules of etiquette: he gives a hand to a lady, leaving the transport, he is polite in communication, he knows how to say pleasant words, compliments. Of course, a strong man strives to be a leader, but he also allows a lady to make a choice, to participate in discussions. He knows how to tactfully express his own point of view, appealing to arguments.

So, the ideal man through the eyes of men has fewer criteria than the women's list, it includes the most important parameters. A woman next to such a companion feel happy. He is strong in spirit and body, confident, takes care of his family, his beloved wife. Girls dream of confidence, tranquility in life.
Note that the stronger sex does not indicate physical beauty as a priority. They often forget about the absence of bad habits, they believe: a couple of glasses of beer with friends on weekends is not scary if everything else is fine. If everything is in moderation, then a woman can accept this option.
Beauty, indeed, is not obligatory for a life partner, it attracts more the strength, confidence, reliability of a person for creating a family and having children. The girl feels - such a chosen one will be a wonderful father, a family man.
But what about a sense of humor? Of course, an attractive feature for girls, but guys do not make it a must. Usually, in a state of falling in love, the mood goes off scale, and jokes arise on their own, as a result of pleasant communication. Even phlegmatic people become contact, cheerful. It would be nice to please your beloved with kind words and smiles in the future.
Young people proposed to supplement the list of the ideal man through the eyes of men with the following qualities:

  • does not like to discuss others, gossip - indeed, a worthy person does not stoop to discussing other people, especially former girls. A confident man does not use black PR, he would rather tell his special merits than criticize past girlfriends. Everyone has their own life, they parted ways, different interests - this is normal;
  • complements the girl’s ideality - the answer suggests: the guy’s girl is ideal, and he strives to keep up, helps her to be better - and develops himself. A very interesting approach to life: love your spouse, try to be the best;
  • versatile, interesting in communication - of course, mutual interest arises if people are interested in each other, there are common hobbies, topics. It is useful to learn more, read, listen to different music, navigate various issues to maintain a conversation, find out the girl’s areas of interest;
  • beloved - a person becomes ideal, feeling the love of a girl, seeks to reveal the best qualities, because love is an incentive for development. It often helps a person to look at the world differently, give up bad habits, start useful ones, learn to give: take care, show tenderness and attention to your beloved;
  • to be in good physical shape - the ideal young man looks courageous, athletic. He goes to the gym, monitors the figure, health, proper nutrition. This ensures energy, success.

The study "an ideal man through the eyes of men" showed that the guys understand the main values, priorities in life. Often the vision of the ideal man is formed by the mother in the process of upbringing, an example of her own family. It is enough to look at a person's parents to understand the basic values ​​cultivated in the family. There are also reverse situations - children strive for their own ideals, if there is a negative experience of life.
In part, women themselves create ideal men by raising sons. However, the example of a good father will always help a teenager find himself, understand how important it is to be a worthy person in life. The question of the existence of an ideal man is rather rhetorical, but it is worth striving for the ideal, because, having guidelines, it is easier to follow the road of life.
Often young people want to find the ideal woman, they know the criteria for a future companion, they do not think about their own life values. How to be? Psychologists say: become an ideal man - you will have the opportunity to choose among the best women, fans.
The ideal man through the eyes of men is confident, strong, acting at the call of his heart, not afraid of difficulties. He is able to provide a comfortable life for the family, active, working for the result. Ready to take care of the family, to be a support for her.
So, the ideal man, through the eyes of men, has common ideas with women's views, differences in only a few points: bad habits, fidelity, tenderness. Some respondents believe that they are polygamous by nature, low-alcohol drinks are "not a problem", and tenderness is equated with passion. As a result, difficulties may arise in future family life.
Women's wish list is more extensive, is it possible to meet the ideal man in life?

How to find a decent man?

Life experience suggests that there are no absolute ideals, there are people approaching them, it is worth determining the most important, fundamental qualities in the search for a life partner.
The best man, the ideal man for every woman is different. One girl may need an intellectual with excellent manners, attentive and caring. The other is looking for a physically and spiritually strong, attractive male who can stand up for the lady of the heart and family. Someone focuses on security, success. How to find the ideal? How to find and attract a worthy man?

The answers can be found in the book "How to Find a Decent Man" by Lev Vozhevatov. What does the author advise?

  1. To become an ideal girl is to be well-groomed, cheerful, purposeful, active, passionate about interests, life, energetic.
  2. Actively seek your dream - the author advises not to wait for the prince, but to actively search - go to clubs, parties, exhibitions, places where potential suitors are. The main thing is to understand what type of men attracts, the requirements for a future lover.
  3. To be able to support, praise a loved one - any man is pleased to hear kind words, support, approval, especially gratitude for gifts or pleasant time spent together.
  4. Do not be afraid to ask for advice, ask for help - men are happy to help a girl at any time. They are pleased to participate in the life of another person, it increases the status, self-confidence.
  5. Be proud of your loved ones - young people and mature men are pleased to hear words of praise from girls in the presence of friends and relatives. Such behavior emphasizes that a man is loved and appreciated.
  6. Be proactive - in long-term relationships, girls are advised to be more active in their personal lives, emphasizing the desirability of a loved one. It always flatters a young person, feels self-confidence, strives to be worthy.

The book "How to find a worthy man" by Vozhevatov is written for girls, reveals the secrets of building relationships with a man, how to find and maintain happiness, love in life. How to find a good man? Be worthy, actively seek. It all depends on the girl, her desire to find love, work on personal qualities. Everything in the world is interconnected: whoever seeks will find! Similar people with common interests and aspirations will definitely meet!

We wish everyone to find their own ideal and be happy in love!

At all times, girls and women adored knights without fear or reproach, and enthusiastically read novels about their adventures. With the advent of cinema, actors who played the roles of heroes-lovers enjoyed special fame. The audience transferred to them the best features of the characters in the film and believed that a miracle is possible outside the screen. The lucky ones who met the "stars" were usually severely disappointed in them.

Actors outside the role showed themselves as selfish, narcissistic, often narrow-minded characters. Few people will find such character traits attractive. So what do women expect from their chosen one? What should be in their view of the ideal man?

Even in childhood, girls come up with the image of a prince who will win their hearts in the future. Later, discussing classmates with friends, they continue to form a list of requirements for a future partner.

Of particular importance is the character, hobbies and desire to pay attention to the needs of a friend. The appearance of a friend, especially in his youth, also plays an important role for girls.


Tall strong men are always popular with the opposite sex. No wonder many schoolchildren try to get into a sports team in order to easily find a pretty girlfriend. However, not everyone likes athletes who are obsessed with victories in sports.

Of course, such a gentleman will make you feel confident and protected, but it is unlikely to help with your studies or appreciate your creative endeavors.

With the advent of the era of the Internet, girls became interested in young people who skillfully develop their skills as a user of the World Wide Web. Such abilities often seem like something unrealistic, and their owner turns into a modern superman, albeit without muscles.

However, a pressed shirt and a stylish haircut won't hurt. Women attach great importance to such details, and they do not want to blush for a sloppy gentleman.

In Hollywood, in the dream factory, they have long figured out which men are most likely to charm women. In any action movie or melodrama, there is certainly an impregnable hero with a prickly character, who is completely transformed in the presence of a lady of the heart.

With her, he is soft, compliant and kind. The latter qualities, coupled with his reliability and loyalty to the chosen mission, have an unfailing effect on women. Unfortunately, in life, such ideal men are extremely rare.

Girls willingly forgive their partners for the lack of purposefulness, but they are unlikely to put up with rudeness and lack of respect. The fair sex loves compliments, flowers and souvenirs, but most of all, simple attention from a man.

Any help or advice is regarded by them as an extra proof of the sincerity of feelings.

Sexual features

Every woman dreams that her lover belongs only to her and does not look after other slender beauties. The latter in the eyes of the ladies is a mortal sin. They know that it is in the nature of men to be interested in attractive people, so overcoming it is especially vividly demonstrates love.

Unlike women, the stronger sex is immediately ready for sexual contact if they like the chosen one. She also needs intrigue, testing relationships for strength and courtship. Serenades are also welcome. All the attributes of romance delight a woman.

When a man is infatuated with his girlfriend, he will gladly accept the rules of the game and want to look gallant. That is, he will spoil her with cute gifts, make her laugh and be interested in her opinion on significant issues. By this he will win the girl's trust and her consent to intimate dates.

Of course, in bed, he must prove himself as a passionate, but helpful partner.

Men, imagining the most attractive image of a macho, will first of all give him such qualities as success, self-confidence and demand among the female.

The kit includes a fashionable suit, an expensive car and the opportunity to relax in elite resorts. Not only girls imagine life as on the pages of glossy magazines, men also sin with this.

The ideal of a man in the understanding of the representatives of the stronger sex is an athlete with a good job and a beautiful girlfriend. He is always ready for sex and is able to get any beautiful girl, even completely impregnable.

He does not care, he easily solves complex problems and enjoys well-deserved authority among friends. Sounds a little childish? But men believe that the image they paint is real and achievable.

Ideal is a subjective characteristic

Each person is a full-fledged personality, different from others both in character traits and aspirations. Tastes regarding the ideal partner are also different for everyone. One girl will prefer a party-goer who changes nightclubs all night long, and the other a kind homebody with whom you can discuss the events of the past day and watch together.

Accordingly, it is impossible to choose an ideal that suits everyone without exception. At best, only the main features will coincide, such as politeness, loyalty, gallantry and wit. Otherwise, it is impossible to invent a single template that displays the man of dreams.

At the same time, it is the difference in worldview and wishes for a partner that makes the surrounding reality more interesting and unexpected. Both girls and boys are looking for their true soul mate, and from the bottom of their hearts admire a person who combines most of the hidden features.

How to find the perfect man and is it worth looking for?

Every year, dozens of manuals are published that tell about the rules for finding the perfect man. They list the places where you can most often meet the owner of a particular character.

Extroverts, on the contrary, attend sensational exhibitions, popular cafes and concerts. In fact, these are oversimplified concepts. Introverted people are often not averse to going to the theater or to the cinema, while sociable and energetic people love to make new friends online.

Some believe that the ideal partner enters life at the moment when a woman stops looking for him persistently. Often it becomes an old friend who suddenly committed an unusual act and showed himself from a previously unknown side.

It happens that events constantly push people together and, finally, make them take a closer look at each other. Each girl will tell her story of meeting with an ideal man.

Having found “that same” man next to you, you should not immediately throw yourself on his neck and confess to a joyful discovery. Nobody likes obsessive people. The subject of dreams will certainly not appreciate the perseverance and persistence of a new acquaintance.

The most obvious way to quickly find your soul mate is to go out more often and meet friends. Their relative or colleague may well represent a long-awaited ideal. Friends will always be able to ask for help in organizing a "casual" date.

Common interests are an important factor in the development of relations. For example, horseback riding or rock climbing will help you get to know the same obsessed athlete as the girl herself. One topic for conversation is already obvious, and with mutual sympathy, others will appear.

The attention of both women and men is attracted by people who have recently joined the team. They can be a colleague, neighbor or classmate. Everyone should be given a chance to prove themselves and not reject their courtship immediately. If the couple does not work out, you should not give up on friendly relations. Loneliness is far from the best way to spend your free time.


Ideas about the ideal man are very different among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Someone wants to see nearby, while others - a caring and gentle partner, if necessary, ready to support and protect.

Regardless of age and status, a woman will always pay attention to a man who has shown interest in her. If this is not a joke, and he is not obnoxious, anyone will feel affection for the gentleman who gallantly showed feelings. Whether the flirting turns into something serious depends on both.

A smart man will not put pressure on his girlfriend and give her ultimatums. He will behave patiently and kindly, come up with various entertainments and try to conquer a woman. If she understands that her goals are important for a partner, his stakes will increase significantly.

The desire to communicate more often is already a sign that a man is not indifferent. And if he shows character traits that impress the chosen one, and she is guaranteed to see her ideal in him.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions that charge with positive and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I'm interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate a new hobby or just give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about the beautiful, then it will come true!

The ideal man in the view of a modern woman is a charismatic handsome man, an intellectual millionaire who dreams of making his chosen one happy. This set of qualities can only replace a sense of humor, combined with a high and justified self-esteem.

What do women like most about men?

1. Charisma vs beauty

Alain Delon, Richard Gere, George Clooney, Ashton Kutcher, Orlando Bloom, Jude Law - women like handsome men like these actors. At the same time, they are no less crazy about Jean-Paul Belmondo, Al Pacino, Adriano Celentano, Serge Gainsbourg, Vincent Cassel, Eddie Redmayne, Adrien Brody, Benedict Cumberbatch - men whose appearance is far from the canons of beauty. The secret of these men is in their extraordinary. Make them mega attractive, smile, voice,.

Many women say that one of the ideals of a man and even the subject of erotic fantasies for them was (and remains) the hero of the novels by Anne and Serge Golon about Angelica, Count Geoffrey de Peyrac - lame, with a large scar on his face, but incredibly charismatic. Robber Hossein, who played the count in the films based on these novels, recalled that after the premiere, women rushed to him in the streets to hug him, and some of them even sobbed on his chest ....

It is curious that handsome men are often considered selfish narcissists, so women prefer to see a simply charismatic man next to them.

And one of the heroines of the Forsyte Saga, Galsworthy, said in general: “It is indecent for a man to be beautiful.” There is also such a point of view: "If a man is a little more beautiful than a monkey, this is already normal." And even: "A man must be powerful, smelly and hairy." (Historians say that Napoleon, returning from a long campaign, wrote to his Josephine: “I’ll be there soon! Don’t wash!” It’s all about love pheromones - substances secreted by the endocrine glands that cause strong sexual arousal. Napoleon wanted to hear natural the scent of her body is the scent of love (which is obviously what is meant by the word stinky.)

2. Masculinity

“And I love the military, beautiful, hefty. I also love cool and all sorts of business people, ”the girls from Combination sang. Well, business and cool - it's clear, but why the military? So Alla Pugacheva recalled: “Oh, what a man he was, a real colonel!” “Well, why aren’t there military men in our village ?!”, the young maiden lamented in the film “Shelmenko-batman”. “And the young ladies stood by the roadside, they liked the soldiers very, very much ...” - says another song.

Obviously, a military man is associated primarily with masculinity, strength and fearlessness. (True, now there are enough other “male” professions where these qualities are required.) Just as men like feminine women, so do women like men who are courageous, strong in spirit and. It seems to them that with such a man you can feel safe, because he is always ready to protect and take responsibility.

Psychologists say that many women like bearded men for the same reason: “Do you have a beard? I’ll tell you “Yes!”, MC Doni and Timati sing.

At the same time, there are women who prefer men who are refined and graceful. In addition, a man with a strong character does not always have pumped up muscles and a steely look.

3. Security

“The main thing is that a person be good,” our grandmothers used to say. Men also do not like when they are loved primarily for money. Although psychologists claim that a woman experiences more pleasure in bed with a rich man than with a poor one, and the size of his penis in her subconscious increases in proportion to the status of his car.

How do women explain their increased attention to wealthy men? Are they ready to live with the unloved for the sake of diamonds and fur coats - as they say, to sell themselves? The fact is that with such a man, women explain, you can confidently look into the future, be calm about housing, children, their education and health, feel not only married, but also with your husband, as if “behind a stone wall”.

If a man was able to build his business (not to be confused with "squeeze"), then he has a head on his shoulders, he is smart, hardworking and knows how to set goals and achieve them. And even if he befalls, thanks to the mind and perseverance, he will return the lost.

According to many women, a man is ashamed to be poor. This means that he is either stupid or lazy. Such men, realizing that they are losers, become either stuffed creatures without self-esteem, or, conversely, vicious and aggressive, who work out their own on a woman who is nearby.

4. Generosity

Generosity does not imply mindless extravagance. However, women really do not like greedy and petty men, misers and rednecks who hang themselves for a penny. At the beginning of a relationship, it is not easy to figure out such a man, because the lovers do not want to notice each other's many shortcomings and only after a while ask themselves: "Where were my eyes?"

A man chronically “forgets” a bank card in another jacket, forcing a woman to pay, bargaining with her for flowers and gifts, saving on her, buying not what she likes, but what is cheaper - a signal that when she “becomes his ”, She will have to report and endure reproaches for every little thing bought. Next to a miserly man, a woman's self-esteem also falls.

By the way, there is such an opinion: “The more a man invests in a woman, the more he will appreciate her.”


Women are bribed by intelligent men with developed mental abilities. Psychologists believe this happens because their subconscious tells them: such a man has good genes, he understands many things, will find a way out of any situation and solve any problem. Next to him it is easier to survive and more comfortable to live.

It is curious that their observations showed that marriage announcements of men who indicated their higher education are more popular with women.

6. Sense of humor

A familiar man with a sad expression complains that he cannot find a girlfriend for himself - each one leaves him, having previously called him a bore. On the dating sites he browses, women are looking for men with. “I'm not a mass entertainer, but a serious person,” he says. But it is his overly serious attitude to life that scares off potential companions.

Having a sense of humor does not mean laughing, joking and telling jokes all the time. This is to be able to understand other people's jokes, to catch the comedy of a situation, to be capable of self-irony. People with a sense of humor are smiling, friendly, they inspire confidence, it is easy and pleasant with them, unlike those who make a tragedy out of every little thing.

Psychologists associate the absence of a sense of humor with a reduced emotional level and insufficient intellectual development.

7. Humanity, humanity

Humanity is called the highest virtue of man, without which he is just an animal. Many women talk about humanity as the most important trait of a man's character. It is based on a respectful and benevolent attitude towards people and towards all living things, the ability to sympathize, understand and love, be generous and sincere.

The antonym of the word "humanity" is "cruelty". Obviously, there are women who like cruelty and rudeness, but this is already a pathology and they have a direct road to a psychotherapist.

8. Neatness

Women do not like untidy men who do not keep their cleanliness, who do not care what they are wearing. Unwashed disheveled hair, uncleaned dilapidated shoes, bad breath, clothes that have not been washed for a long time can cause maternal instinct in some women and a desire to wash such a man, but certainly not sexual feelings.

9. Self-confidence, high

A notorious man is unnatural. He can be any kind of handsome man, but if he is clamped and not confident in himself, his business is bad. And no other positive qualities, nor expensive clothes, will save you. He will be treated condescendingly as a person of a lower caste, his company will be shunned, because it is not prestigious to be near him.

Nothing raises a man's self-esteem and helps him to assert himself like doing what he loves. At all times, their work has served men as the best support.

10. Restraint

This is the ability to control your words and actions, not to be led by emotions. (Not to be confused with emotional coldness and inhibition.) Restrained men do not act impulsively, on the first impulse, without preliminary deliberation, so their words have power and weight and they do not regret what they have done. Their words coincide with actions: said - done.

Such men are not talkative, you can discuss everything with them, being sure that secrets will not become the property of the whole world. "Silence is golden" - this is the motto that an ideal man should have, some women believe.

"The ideal man is the one who makes you forget that you were ever looking for the ideal."

They are so different, and women simply love them for what they are: gentle and brutal, sensitive and courageous, romantic and strong, and most importantly - loving. And, as Igor Guberman jokes, “Praise, women, men: for praise, a man will get a month from the clouds and sweep the dust in the corner.”