A guide for students “Documentation of operations with traveler's checks. Operations of commercial banks of the Russian Federation with traveler's checks, plastic bank cards Accounting for transactions with traveler's checks in banks

Prepaid retail payment instruments - from traveler's check to electronic money Pukhov Anton Vladimirovich

4. The procedure for making transactions for the purchase of traveler's checks and their accounting

1. Basic provisions

1.1. The Bank carries out transactions for the purchase of American Express, Thomas Cook/Mastercard, Visa traveller's checks in the following currencies:

- U.S. dollars;

1.2. Operations for the purchase of traveler's checks are carried out by the Bank's institutions in accordance with the current legislation Russian Federation upon presentation by the client of an identity document.

1.3. When purchasing traveler's checks, a commission is charged from the client in accordance with the current tariffs of the Bank.

1.4. When buying traveler's checks, VAT is withheld from the commission received from the client.

1.5. Commissions collected from the client are charged to the financial results of additional offices and branches.

1.6. Operations for the purchase of traveler's checks in branches are carried out similarly to operations at the head office.

2. Buying traveler's checks

2.1. The purchase of traveler's checks from individuals is carried out in accordance with the Instruction on the procedure for the purchase of traveler's checks (for cashiers) (Appendix No. 1).

2.2. Purchase of traveler's checks for cash foreign currency corresponding to the currency of the check.

When buying traveler's checks for cash foreign currency corresponding to the currency of the check, data is entered into the automated banking system and the following entries are generated:

Dt 20 203/20 206/20 207… – “Traveler’s checks, the nominal value of which is indicated in foreign currency” Kt 20 202/20 206/20 207… – cash desk Base

Dt 20 202/20 206/20 207 ... - cash desk Kt 47 422 810 ... - "

For the amount of the Bank's commission.

Base : commission received when buying traveler's checks (issuer's name).

Dt 47 422 810… -«

Reason: income received from the purchase of traveler's checks (issuer's name).

Dt 47 422 810…

For the amount of VAT.


2.3. Purchase of traveler's checks for cash rubles and cash foreign currency other than the currency of the check.

When buying traveler's checks for cash rubles, data is entered into the automated banking system and the following entries are generated:

Dt 20 203/20 206/20 207… - “Traveler’s checks, the nominal value of which is indicated in foreign currency”

Kt 20 202/20 206… – cash desk

Kt 70 103 ... - "Income received from operations with foreign currency, checks"

For the nominal amount of purchased traveler's checks in the equivalent at the purchase rate or the Bank's cross rate.

Base : purchase of traveler's checks (name of issuer) according to register No. _ dated __.

Dt 20 202/20 206/20 207… – cash desk

Dt 47 422 810… -«

For the amount of the Bank's commission.

Base commission received from the purchase of traveler's checks (issuer's name).

Dt 47 422 810… -«

Kt 70 107… – “Commission for the purchase and sale of checks, VTM”

For the amount of the Bank's commission, excluding VAT.

Base : income received from the purchase of traveler's checks (issuer's name).

Dt 47 422 810… -«

Kt 60 309… – “VAT received from the purchase and sale of checks, VTM”

For the amount of VAT.

Base : VAT deducted from the commission for the purchase of traveler's checks (issuer's name).

3. Sending traveler's checks for payment by additional offices and branches

3.1. When sent for payment, traveler's checks are sorted by issuer, currency and denomination, and copies are made of them.

Delivery of traveler's checks to the Check Processing Center from additional offices is carried out by the cash collection service.

The employee of the cash desk of the additional office prepares traveler's checks for shipment, puts them in a cash-in-transit bag (bag) and draws up ice cream. At the same time, the Transmittal Sheet (Appendix No. 2) is drawn up in three carbon copies. The first copy of the Transmittal Statement is put into the bag, the second copy (waybill) is issued to the collection service officer. The third copy (copy) with a receipt from the cash collection service employee remains in the additional office as confirmation of dispatch and is placed in the cash documents of the day.

Delivery of traveler's checks to the Check Processing Center from the branches is carried out by the Main Special Communication Center (MCCC). A branch cash desk employee prepares traveler's checks for shipment. When sending traveler's checks for payment by branches, the reverse side of each traveler's check shall bear the endorsement "RAU TO THE ORDER OF____BRANCH

OF BANK "CHECK BANK". At the same time, an Inventory (Appendix No. 3) is drawn up in three carbon copies. All copies of the Inventory are signed by the head of the cash desk of the branch, the responsible officer who prepared the traveler's checks for dispatch, and sealed. The first and third copies of the Inventory are enclosed in a valuable parcel. The parcel is packed in a cloth bag without external seams, stitched in the prescribed manner, a label is attached and sealed with a seal of the cashier's employee who made the parcel. On the parcel to be sent to the Check Processing Center, the postal address and telephone number of the recipient and the sender, as well as the number of the ice-cream with which the parcel was issued, are indicated. A register is drawn up for the sent parcel in two copies. The issuance of a valuable parcel to the employees of the SCSS occurs after they present their certificates of the established form. The second copy of the Inventory and the register are placed in the cash documents of the day.

The check bag/parcel with traveler's checks delivered to the Processing Center is handed over by the cash collection service employee/GTSSS to the head of the cash desk (or a specially assigned cash worker). The cashier manager opens the bag/parcel, counts the traveler's checks by the sheet and checks the numbers of the traveler's checks with those indicated in the Transmittal Sheet/Inventory. The acceptance of the bag / parcel is issued by the receipt of the head of the cash desk in the Transmittal Sheet / Inventory. Upon receipt of traveler's checks from an additional office, the invoice is handed over to the collection service employee who delivered the bag, on the basis of which he reports on the completion of the task. Upon receipt of traveler's checks from a branch, the third copy of the Inventory is sent to the branch and serves as confirmation of receipt of traveler's checks.

3.2. When sending for payment to the Check Traveler's Checks Processing Center, additional offices and branches enter data into the automated banking system and generate postings:

Dt 20 210 ... - “Traveler's checks, the nominal value of which is indicated in int. currency, on the way"

Kt 20 203/20 206/20 207 ... - “Travelers checks, the nominal value of which is indicated in int. currency"

For the nominal amount of traveler's checks purchased.

Reason: collection of traveler's checks purchased by additional office No. __ / branch (name).

The operation is formalized by a debit currency order.

Upon receipt of traveler's checks, enters data into the automated banking system and generates postings:

For the nominal amount of traveler's checks purchased.

Base : collection of traveler's checks purchased by additional office No.__.

The operation is formalized by an incoming currency order.

Dt 20 203 ... - “Traveler's checks, the nominal value of which is indicated in int. currency"

Kt 47 422… – “Bank Liabilities”

For the nominal amount of traveler's checks received.

Base : traveler's checks received from the branch (name) according to the inventory No. __ from __.

The operation is executed by a credit currency order in two copies. The first copy is placed in the cash documents of the day. The second copy of the incoming foreign exchange order, together with copies of the checks, is transferred to the Checks Department.

The Check Processing Center sends confirmation of receipt of traveler's checks to the branch office by fax on the same day. After receiving confirmation in the branch, a posting is generated:

Dt 47 423 ... - "Requirements of the branch for traveler's checks"

Kt 20 210 ... - “Traveler's checks, the nominal value of which is indicated in int. currency, on the way"

For the nominal amount of traveler's checks sent to the head office.

4. Sending traveler's checks to a foreign correspondent bank for payment

4.1. On a weekly basis, on the basis of an order received from the Check Department, traveler's checks accepted for immediate payment are prepared by the Check Processing Center for sending for payment to a foreign correspondent bank with which an appropriate agreement has been concluded.

The cash desk employee sorts traveler's checks by issuer, currency and denomination. Then a copy of each traveler's check is made from the front and back.

Dt 20 210 ... - “Traveler's checks, the nominal value of which is indicated in int. currency sent for payment"

Kt 20 203 ... - “Traveler's checks, the nominal value of which is indicated in int. currency"

For the nominal amount of traveler's checks sent.

Base : issuance of traveler's checks by order of the URO to be sent to (name of correspondent bank).

The operation is executed by a debit currency order in two copies. The first copy of the expenditure currency order, together with the order as an attachment to it, is placed in the cash documents of the day. The second copy of the foreign exchange warrant, originals and copies of traveler's checks are transferred to the responsible officer of the Checks Department, who draws up the necessary accompanying documents in accordance with the instructions of the foreign correspondent bank; ". Originals of accompanying documents and traveler's checks are sent to the representative office of the foreign correspondent bank or transferred to the General Department for sending to the foreign correspondent bank. The second copy of the expenditure currency order, copies of accompanying documents and traveler's checks are placed in the file "Sending for payment of traveller's checks".

5. Receiving a refund from a foreign correspondent bank 5.1. Based on the message received from the foreign correspondent bank about the crediting of the reimbursement to the correspondent account of the reimbursement for traveler's checks accepted for immediate payment by additional offices, the Back Office enters the data into the automated banking system and generates the following entries:

Dt 30 114 ... - "Correspondent accounts in non-resident banks in hard currency"

Kt 20 210 ... - “Traveler's checks, the nominal value of which is indicated in int. currency sent for payment"

Base : payment of (name of correspondent bank) traveler's checks, remittance-letter No. ___, date. Base : commission (name of correspondent bank) for payment of traveler's checks, remittance-letter №_, date.

When sending traveller's checks reimbursement to branches on the basis of an order received from the Check Department, data is entered into the automated banking system and entries are generated:

Dt 47 422… – “Bank Obligations”

Kt 30 301 ... - "Settlements with branches"

For the nominal amount of paid traveler's checks.

Base : payment (name of the correspondent bank) of traveler's checks received from the branch (name) according to inventory No__from__, remittance-letter No.___, date.

Kt 30 114… – “Correspondent accounts with non-resident banks in hard currency”

For the amount of the commission of a foreign correspondent bank for the processing of paid checks.

Base : commission (name of correspondent bank) for payment of traveler's checks in the amount of __, remittance-letter No___, date.

On the same day, postings are generated in the branch:

Dt 30 302 ... - "Settlements with branches"

Kt 47 423 ... - "Requirements of the branch for traveler's checks"

For the nominal amount of paid traveler's checks.

Base : Payment by head office of traveler's checks sent on (date).

Dt 70 209 ... - "Commission for operations with traveler's and commercial checks"

Kt 30 301 ... - "Settlements with branches"

For the amount of the commission of a foreign correspondent bank for the processing of paid checks.

Base : commission (name of correspondent bank) for payment of traveller's checks sent on (date).

6. Non-payment by a foreign correspondent bank of traveler's checks

6.1. In the event that a foreign correspondent bank refuses to pay traveller's checks accepted for immediate payment by an additional office, the Back Office, on the basis of documents received from the Checks Department, debits the amount of unpaid traveler's checks and the commission of the foreign correspondent bank from the account of the financially responsible person without acceptance for processing unpaid checks. Recovery in an additional office is carried out from an accountable person (identified by the numbers of traveler's checks in cash documents), guilty of accepting insolvent traveler's checks for payment, in accordance with the generally established procedure.

At the same time, data is entered into the automated banking system and postings are formed:

Kt 20 210 ... - "Payment documents in foreign currency sent for payment"

For the nominal amount of unpaid traveler's checks.

Base : non-payment (name of the correspondent bank) traveler's checks No. _, remittance-letter No. _, date.

Dt 60 323 ... - "Settlements with financially responsible persons who accepted insolvent traveler's checks for payment"

Kt 30 114… – “Correspondent accounts with non-resident banks in hard currency”

For the amount of the commission of a foreign correspondent bank for the processing of unpaid checks.

Base : commission (name of correspondent bank) for non-payment of traveler's checks No. ___, remittance-letter No ___, date.

6.2. In the event that a foreign correspondent bank refuses to pay traveller's checks accepted for immediate payment by a branch, the Back Office, on the basis of documents received from the Checks Department, writes off without acceptance the amount of unpaid traveler's checks and the foreign correspondent bank's commission for processing unpaid checks.

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5.3. REGISTRATION OF OPERATIONS FOR THE RECEIPT AND DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS The channels for the receipt of materials by agricultural enterprises are diverse. One of the features of the activities of enterprises in agriculture is that most of the products manufactured at the enterprise

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6.4.3. Documentation of transactions for the receipt and issuance of business cards In pursuance of the requirements of paragraph 2 of Art. 9 of the Law on Accounting and paragraph 1 of Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in order to reduce potential tax risks, we recommend that you draw up the following package of documents,

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2.8. The procedure for controlling business transactions Efficiency of accounting financial accounting largely depends on the organization of the current control of business operations, the efficiency of the use of material, labor and financial resources.

From the book Prepaid Retail Payment Tools - From Traveler's Check to Electronic Money author Pukhov Anton Vladimirovich

4.3. Legal status of traveler's checks in the legislation of foreign countries Traveler's checks are a popular payment instrument widely used in banking practice, including Russian. At the same time, questions of the legal status of this instrument from the point of view

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1. Procedure for making transactions with VISA Travelmoney Cash Passport cards 1. Main provisions 1.1. In accordance with the agreement concluded with the issuing company, the Bank sells Visa Travel Money Cash Passport (VTM) cards in US dollars.1.2. The VTM card can be sold for a maximum of

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5. The procedure for making transactions for the collection of traveler's and commercial checks and their accounting 1. Basic provisions 1.1. The Bank accepts for collection all types of commercial checks and American Express, Thomas Cook/Mastercard, Visa, Citicorp travelers checks in the following currencies: – USD

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6. The order of transactions for the sale of traveler's checks and their accounting 1. Basic provisions 1.1. In accordance with the agreements concluded with the companies - issuers "Travelex Global & Financial Services Ltd." and American Express Bank sells Thomas traveller's checks

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8. Guidelines for Determining the Authenticity of Traveler's Checks AMERICAN EXPRESS Traveler's Checks AMERICAN EXPRESS Traveler's Checks are available in four main varieties, dated 1960, 1983, 1988, and 1993 for the US dollar (respective check types).

From the book Cash Payments: Taking into account the latest changes in legislation author Korniychuk Galina

82. The procedure for conducting cash transactions The funds of organizations are in the cash desk in the form of cash and monetary documents in bank accounts, in issued letters of credit, in check books, etc. Conducting cash transactions is entrusted to the cashier, who bears

From the author's book

114. The procedure for accounting for transactions in foreign currency Accounting for currency transactions and currency values ​​at the enterprise is carried out in the same system of accounts as accounting for ruble transactions and valuables. The procedure for accounting for transactions on account 52 "Currency accounts" is similar to the procedure for accounting for transactions on account 51

From the author's book

116. Accounting for transactions for the purchase and sale of foreign currency If foreign currency is credited to the current currency account of the organization on the day of purchase of foreign currency, then the following postings are made for purchase transactions: 1) debit of account 57 "Transfers in transit" and

From the author's book

4.3. The procedure for identifying and correcting errors identified when recording cash transactions and settlement accounts When checking the correctness of cash transactions, one should be guided by the Procedure for conducting cash transactions in the Russian Federation

The Bank sells traveler's checks for freely convertible and national currencies. When performing transactions for the sale of traveler's checks, the bank withholds a commission fee in accordance with the bank's tariffs.

Traveler's checks can be sold to individuals and legal entities. Individuals pay the cost of the check at the cash desk of the bank by cash. Legal entities can make payment both in cash and by bank transfer.

The transaction for the sale of traveler's checks is carried out by: an employee authorized to carry out this operation and a cashier.

Operations Officer Responsibilities:

The sale of checks is carried out on the basis of the client's application, which simultaneously acts as an information clause, and then is used for further reporting. The operating officer monitors the correct filling of the application. Issues a receipt for the sale of traveler's checks. Reminds the client of the terms and conditions for purchasing traveller's checks, and also informs him of his actions in case of loss of checks.

Internally transfers the executed documents to the cash desk of the bank together with the client's passport.

Responsibilities of a cashier

The cashier secures traveler's checks in the cover and after receiving payment from the customer does the following: asks the customer to sign each check with ink or a ballpoint pen in the area marked "Signature of holder" in the lower left corner of the check. Customers should be warned that a second check should be signed only in the presence of the cashier accepting the check.

Gives the client a yellow copy of the receipt, permission to export currency, passport.

Original receipt and copy of blue color at the end of the operating day, the cashier transfers to the foreign exchange department or department of the bank the person responsible for working with traveller's checks. A green copy remains with the cashier for further reporting.

Advise the customer to keep a copy of himself in a safe place separate from receipts. He asks the client to sign the application for obtaining permission to export currency and sold traveler's checks in the "received" column.

On traveller's checks damaged in the process of making a sale, the cashier stamps or writes "cancelled" (cancelled) by hand across the control signature space. Issues new checks and fills in a new sales receipt, and liquidates the original receipt, informing the responsible person about it. Canceled checks must be returned to the issuer. The cashier keeps control materials on traveler's checks in a separate file.

Control over the receipt of funds to the bank account for settlements on traveler's checks in the bank is more often carried out by the accounting and reporting department. At the same time, the responsible employee of the department makes a note on the crediting of the appropriate amount to the bank account in the application in the column “account balance allows”, certifies it with his signature and personal stamp. The further procedure for the sale of traveler's checks is the same as for cash payment. The cashier issues checks from the bank's cash desk only on the basis of the client's application, which contains the mark of management.

On the basis of the receipts received from the cashier, the worker of the foreign exchange department fills in the register of residents who have purchased traveler's checks and draws up a settlement advice note. The original receipt is sent to the issuing company, and a blue copy remains in the bank's file.

If traveler's checks are lost, the owner who wishes to recover their value should, as far as possible, contact the appropriate compensation service of the respective company or contact the bank. Compensation for the value of lost traveler's checks of foreign banks is made by the respective issuing banks in the manner prescribed by them. At the request of the client, the bank sends the issuing bank information about the loss of the check.

Traveler's checks can be sold through bank branches. To do this, the branch sends to the head office of the bank (by fax or telex) an application for the amount and denomination of the checks that he wants to purchase, as well as a debit advice for debiting this amount from his sub-correspondent account.

Regulatory and other control materials regarding the implementation of transactions with traveler's checks of foreign banks (samples of traveler's checks, rules for carrying out transactions with them and other reference materials) are stored in a separate file of the bank.

Operations for the sale and purchase of traveler's checks of foreign banks can only be carried out if the bank or its branches authorized to carry out these operations have the relevant regulatory and control materials. Normative, control and reference materials on traveler's checks are stored in special folders by country or issuing banks for three years.

Branches of the bank carry out transactions for the purchase and sale of traveler's checks with the permission of the head office of the bank.

On April 10, 2005, Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated December 24, No. 266-p "On the issue of bank cards and on operations performed using payment cards" came into force. In accordance with it, bank cards are a type of payment cards as a non-cash payment instrument intended for individuals, including authorized legal entities, to perform transactions with funds held by the issuer.

Credit institutions are entitled to issue bank cards of the following types:

    1) payment cards;

    2) credit cards;

    3) prepaid cards.

A settlement card is intended for transactions by its holder within the amount of funds (expenditure limit) established by the credit institution-issuer, settlements on which are carried out at the expense of the client's funds in his bank account, or a loan provided by the credit institution-issuer to the client in accordance with with a bank account agreement in case of insufficiency or absence of funds in the bank account (overdraft).

A credit card is intended for its holder to perform transactions, settlements for which are carried out at the expense of funds provided by the issuing credit institution to the client within the established limit in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement.

Prepaid card is intended for its holder to perform transactions, settlements for which are carried out by the issuing credit institution on its own behalf, and certifies the right of the prepaid card holder to claim the issuing credit institution for payment for goods (works, services, results of intellectual activity) or for the issuance of cash. The credit institution issues prepaid cards only for individuals.

Payment cards

The calculation scheme using payment cards is as follows. Upon receipt of payment cards, a bank (card) account is opened for the client, to which funds are deposited for future expenses. In some banks, the condition for obtaining a payment card is the opening of mandatory, so-called insurance, deposits, which are used in the event of an overdraft.

An overdraft is a loan provided to a client in accordance with a bank account agreement in case of insufficient or no funds in the bank account.

In the event of a decrease in the balance of funds on a bank (card) account to the established minimum balance (or beyond it) and untimely reinforcement of the account by the client, the bank transfers the amount necessary to cover the overdraft from the previously placed non-withdrawable balance.

The initial payment on the card consists of:

    Annual service rate;

    Amounts of funds for future expenses (spending limit);

    Security deposit (not for all banks).

Of these amounts, the amount of the annual service rate is not returned to the client. The company will spend the spending limit, and the insurance deposit will be returned to the company if the company wants to close the card account. Most banks charge interest on the insurance deposit, as is customary for deposits. Some banks charge interest on the balance of the spending limit, however, as a rule, the interest on the security deposit is higher than on the balance of the spending limit.

A debit card is issued by a bank indicating the last name, first name and patronymic of an individual - the card holder. A cardholder is a person in whose name the bank issues a payment card. The cardholder is issued a power of attorney from the organization to use a bank (card) account. The bank issues a card on the presentation of the organization and under its financial security.

The cardholder is obliged to sign the card in the presence of a bank employee immediately upon receipt.

When using a card to pay for goods (services), its holder is obliged to sign an invoice or printout of a cash terminal (type of cash receipt), after checking whether the card number, amount and date of the transaction are correctly indicated in this document. The cardholder must keep all documents on transactions using the card and submit them to the accounting department of the enterprise as an attachment to the advance report, and sometimes to the bank to resolve disputes and customs authorities as a justification for the legality of receiving funds and spending them abroad.

Bank (card) account statements are sent to the cardholder's organization, as a rule, on a monthly basis.

The movement of funds on the company's payment card should be reflected on account 55 "Special accounts in banks", sub-account "Account on the payment card". If the card is opened in a foreign currency, exchange rate differences may occur when recording business transactions, which are reflected in the generally established manner.

Consider the procedure for recording the opening of a debit card in foreign currency. In the application for obtaining an international plastic card BUSINESS VISA and for opening a bank card account (settlement card), an employee of the enterprise is indicated as the card holder. An order was also given to debit the company's current currency account: $100 for card production, $80 for annual maintenance of a bank card account, $1,000 as a down payment on the card, $700 as an insurance deposit. The exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on the date of debiting funds from the current foreign currency account was 29.0 rubles/dollar.

Document without a title


Reflected manufacturing costs
payment card

100 $
100 x 29 = 2,900 rubles

Maintenance costs reflected
payment card

80 $
80 x 29 = 2,320 rubles

Funds deducted from foreign currency account
to create a spending limit on the card

1000 $
1000 x 29 = 29,000 rubles

The currency was written off to create an insurance deposit

700 $
700 x 29 = 20,300 rubles

On a monthly basis, in equal installments, the costs of servicing the payment card will be debited to general business expenses:
2 320 rub. : 12 months = 193.33 rubles.

2 320: 12 = 193.33 rubles.

76 - sub-account "Expenses for servicing a bank card account"
52-1-2 - sub-account "Current currency account within the country"
58-5 - sub-account "Insurance deposit on a payment card"
55 -1 - sub-account "Payment card account"

The balance of account 76 sub-account "Expenses for servicing a bank card account" is not reassessed due to a change in the official exchange rate of the Bank of Russia. The company's expenses incurred in foreign currency are reflected in the cost price only at the exchange rate in effect on the day of the business transaction. Given the "accrual principle", the date of the transaction in this case should be considered the date of debiting funds from the foreign currency account. On the current currency account, there will be exchange rate differences on the date of debiting the currency. This must be remembered.

The document on the basis of which the accountant of the enterprise must carry out transactions carried out using a payment card is an extract from a bank card account. The statement may include:

    Identification number, name and address of the cardholder;

    Card account number;

    Name of card account currency;

    date of issue;

    Decryption of the operation;

    Date of operation;

    Country and city of the operation;

    transaction amount, etc.

The bank considers the statement correct and confirmed, if within 30 days from the date of receipt of the statement from the company no written claims have been received by the bank.

Depending on the terms of the signed agreement between the company that opened the payment card and the bank, it is possible to deduct a certain amount from the client's account in the form of a commission fee for servicing the card account. Typically, the commission rate is set as a percentage of the amount of the transaction. The commission rate is a payment for settlement and cash services and is reflected in the accounting records on the debit of account 26 “General business expenses” (44 “Sales expenses”) and the credit of account 55 “Special accounts in banks”. Reflection of penalties (for example, for declaring a card invalid due to its loss) is made out in an accounting entry: debit 91-2 “Other income and expenses”, subaccount “Other expenses”, credit 55 “Special accounts in banks”, subaccount “Account on a payment card” .

Consider, for example, the reflection in accounting of transactions carried out using a payment card. Card account balance 5000 EUR. The euro exchange rate as of September 30 was 43.9 rubles/EUR. So, on October 15, an employee pays from a payment card for the purchase of an air ticket Paris - Moscow worth 520 EUR. The exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of October 15 is 42.4 rubles/EUR. The bank commission for the operation is 0.5% of the amount of the operation.

Debit 71, Credit 55- 520 EUR or 520 x 42.4 = 22,048 rubles. - reflected the debt of the accountable person for the amount of the air ticket (October 15);

Debit 91-2, Credit 55- 5000 EUR x (42.4 - 43.9) = 7500 rubles. - a negative exchange rate difference is reflected on the card account due to the fall in the euro exchange rate on the date the currency was debited from the payment card (October 15).

Debit 26, Credit 55- 0.5% of 520 EUR = 2.6 EUR or 2.6 x 42.4 = 110.24 rubles. - reflected the commission fee for the operation (October 15).

On October 18, the employee submitted an advance report. The payment card expenses were deemed appropriate. The exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of the date of approval of the advance report is 42.8 rubles/EUR.

Debit 26, Credit 71- 520 EUR or 520 x 42.8 = 22,256 rubles. - expenses for the air ticket are written off on account of general business expenses.

Debit 71, Credit 91-1- 520 EURx(42.8 - 42.4) = 208 rubles. - reflects the positive exchange rate difference that has arisen on account 71 "Settlements with accountable persons".

On October 31, the Bank of Russia exchange rate for the euro amounted to 42.7 rubles/EUR. We will re-evaluate the card account balance.

5000 - 520 - 2.6 = EUR 4,477.4 or RUB 191,184.95 (4477.4EUR x 42.7 RUB per EUR)

Compared to the date of the last operation (October 15 - the date of payment for air tickets), the euro exchange rate has increased. Therefore, there was a positive exchange rate difference on the balance of the card account:

Debit 55, Credit 91-1- 4477.4 EUR x (42.7 - 42.4) = 1343.22 rubles.

To check the correctness of the reflection of exchange rate differences on account 55, you can schematically depict this account in ruble terms:

Document without a title

Сн = 219,500 rubles. (5 000 EUR at the rate of 43.9)

RUB 22,048
7 500 rub.
110, 24 rub.

RUB 1,343.22

Od \u003d 1,343.22 rubles.

OK = 29,658.24 rubles.

Sk = 191,184.98 rubles. (4 477.4 EUR at the rate of 42.7)

In the event of an overdraft, it is covered by the amounts of the insurance deposit, which is reflected in the following correspondence: Debit 55, Credit 58. At the same time, the exchange rate difference that occurred on account 58 of the subaccount "Insurance deposit" and account 55 of the subaccount "Payment card settlements" is reflected:

    Debit 58, Credit 91-1 - positive;

    Debit 91-2, Credit 58 - negative;

    Debit 55, Credit 91-1 - positive;

    Debit 91-2, Credit 55 - negative.

An overdraft can also be reflected as a short-term bank loan: Debit 55, Credit 66. Then the security deposit will be written off to reduce a short-term bank loan: Debit 66, Credit 58. At the same time, one should not forget about the resulting exchange rate differences.

Replenishment of the spending limit on the payment card and the insurance deposit is carried out from the current currency account of the organization. In this case, exchange differences will arise on accounts 52-1-2 “Current currency account”, sub-account 55 “Settlements on a settlement card” and sub-account 58 “Insurance deposit on a settlement card”.

Credit cards

By presenting a credit card, the customer receives a product or service in exchange for a copy of the commodity invoice, commonly referred to as a slip. On the slip are fixed:

    Card number;

    Code and coordinates of the service point (or store);

    The amount of goods or services;

    Date of operation.

The slip is signed by the cardholder and the seller (cashier). The signature of the cardholder means the obligation of the cardholder to pay the specified amount with the help of the issuer. The slip is made in three copies: the first one is for the cardholder, the second one remains with the seller, the third one is sent to the bank, and the company receives a non-cash refund from the bank.

The credit card provides for a zero initial balance on the card account. At the same time, the bank credits the cardholder by issuing him an invoice (ie, an account statement) and subsequently receiving payment from him. In accordance with the Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 226-p “On the issue of bank cards and on operations performed using payment cards”, banks must provide lending by pre-crediting funds to the organization’s account. Therefore, in the accounting of credit card transactions, it is necessary to use accounts 66 “Short-term bank loans”, subaccount “Credit card account” and 55 “Special accounts in banks”, subaccount “Credit card account”.

A bank customer submits an application to the bank for a bank credit card, for example, in foreign currency. If the decision is positive, the bank opens a special card account for the client and a personal credit card is produced. It specifies:

    Surname and name of the owner;

    Card account number;

    Card expiration date.

The issuing bank sets two types of restrictions:

    1) the total credit limit for the amount of outstanding debt on the card account, which must be observed during the entire validity period of the card;

    2) one-time limit - for the amount of one purchase.

If the transaction amount exceeds the established limit, the seller must carry out the so-called authorization before making a slip, i.e., obtain permission from the issuing bank to complete the transaction.

At the end of each month, the bank conducts a billing procedure, that is, it sends the credit card holder a special statement from his card account indicating all transactions for the period, as well as the amount and maturity of the debt.

The issue date is the billing date, the statement itself is called the billing statement, the period between the billing date and the payment date is called the billing cycle. Having received a billing statement, the client determines the term for payment of the specified amount. The client has the right to either repay the debt without paying interest within the grace period from the bank payment date indicated in the statement, or extend the loan beyond the grace period with the accrual of established interest on the amount of the outstanding debt.

The transfer received by the bank against the billing payment must be credited to the card account on the day it is received.

The agreements concluded between the bank and the client, as a rule, provide for a fixed amount, which is charged once a year "for issuing a card and maintaining an account." Recently, some banks have split this rate into two positions: the actual annual rate and the additional rate when the first card is issued. These payments should be attributed to the debit of account 26 from the credit of accounts 51, 52-1-2.

During the reporting period, when using a credit card to pay for goods and services, a service charge is charged, usually as a percentage of the amount of each transaction. The posting is as follows: Debit 26, Credit 51 or 52-1-2. Penalties from the client for the loss of the card, non-compliance with the rules for using the card in the accounting of the organization-holder of the card are reflected as follows:

    1. Debit 91-2, Credit 66 sub-account "Credit card account" - reflects the penalties accrued by the bank on the basis of an extract from the credit card account.

    2. Debit 66 sub-account "Credit card account", Credit 51 or 52-1-2 - the amount of the fine was transferred from the current account or current currency account to the credit card account.

Consider using a credit card with an example. The billing statement dated October 30th shows an expense of $350 (the hotel bill for the New York City traveler was paid by credit card on October 22nd). The exchange rate of the Bank of Russia as of October 30 was 29.7 rubles. for USD.

Debit 55 subaccount "Credit card account", Credit 66 - 350 USD or 350 x 29.7 = 10,395 rubles. - reflected the operation of payment from a credit card;

Debit 71-3 subaccount "On credit cards issued to employees", credit 55 subaccount "Credit card account" - 350 USD or 350 x 29.7 = 10,395 rubles. - Accountable amounts issued from a credit card are reflected.

According to billing, the deadline for receipt of payment for this statement is November 20. The minimum payment amount is 150 USD.

On October 31, the dollar exchange rate amounted to 29.9 rubles. for USD. It is necessary to reflect the revaluation of balances on the credit line and on accountable amounts:

Debit 91-2, Credit 66 subaccount "Credit card account" - 350 x (29.9 - 29.7) = 70 rubles. - there was a negative exchange rate difference on the credit line:

Debit 71-3 subaccount "On credit cards issued to employees", credit 91-1 - 350 x (29.9 - 29.7) = 70 rubles. - there was a positive exchange rate difference on accountable amounts.

On November 12, the advance report of the accountable person was approved in the amount of 350 USD. The exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on November 12 amounted to 29.5 rubles. per dollar. Travel expenses are deducted as general business expenses of the enterprise:

Debit 26, Credit 71-3 sub-account "On credit cards issued to employees" - 350 USD or 350 x 29.5 = 10,325 rubles.

At the same time, the negative exchange rate difference that has arisen on account 71-3 “On credit cards issued to employees” is reflected: 350 USD x (29.5 - 29.9) = 140 rubles. Debit 91-2, Credit 71-3 - 140 rubles.

On November 19 (before the grace period expires - November 20), the enterprise instructed the bank to transfer from its current currency account the minimum amount of mandatory credit card payment in the amount of 150 USD. The exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on November 19 was 29.2 rubles. per dollar:

Debit 66 subaccount "Credit card account", Credit 52-1-2 - 150 USD or 150 x 29.2 = 4380 rubles.

At the same time, the positive exchange rate difference that has arisen on account 66 sub-account "Credit card account" is reflected:

150 x (29.9 - 29.2) = 105 rubles:

Debit 66 subaccount "Credit card account", credit 91-1 - 105 rubles.

It is necessary to revalue the balance of account 66:

200 USD x (29.9 - 29.2) = 140 rubles

This is documented by posting: Debit 66, credit 91-1 - 140 rubles. - reflects the positive exchange rate difference that has arisen on the loan.

A negative exchange rate difference on the current currency account 52-1-2 is also reflected when its balance is revalued.

On November 21, the bank accrued the due amount for the expiration of the grace period in the amount of 2% for each day after the expiration of the grace period from the amount of the uncovered balance on account 66 subaccount "Credit card account". The dollar exchange rate on November 21 was 29.3 rubles. per dollar. Calculation of the interest due to the bank:

2% x (350 - 150) x 29.3: 100% = 117.2 rubles. or 4 USD.

Debit 91-2, Credit 66 sub-account "Credit card account" -

4 USD or 117.2 rubles. - accrued interest for the delay in the grace period of payment.

We will re-evaluate account 66 in connection with the operation. So, the revaluation of the balance on account 66 is:

200 USD x (29.3 - 29.2) = 20 rubles

The exchange rate difference will be reflected as follows: Debit 91-2, Credit 66 - 20 rubles.

On November 22, the enterprise repaid to the bank the interest for a one-day loan in the amount of 4 US dollars from the current foreign currency account and repaid the principal debt on the credit card in the amount of 200 US dollars. The exchange rate of the Bank of Russia on the date of November 22 amounted to 28.8 rubles. per dollar. The following entries will be made in the accounting:

Debit 66 subaccount "Credit card account", Credit 52-1-2 - 4 USD or 4 x 28.8 = 115.2 rubles. - interest paid to the bank.

Debit 66 subaccount "Credit card account", Credit 52-1-2 - 200 USD or 200 x 28.8 = 5760 rubles. - fully repaid credit card debt.

Indeed, both the reflection of exchange rate differences in the amounts of transactions carried out and the recalculation of the balance were carried out correctly. Similarly, there is a reflection of exchange rate differences on all other accounts in foreign currency.

Conversion transactions are allowed with bank cards. At the same time, international systems accept conversion at an independent rate, for example, set at the London Currency Exchange. Conversion differences are written off using correspondence between accounts 55 “Special accounts in banks”, subaccount “Credit card settlements” and 91 “Other income and expenses”.

Traveler's checks

Recently, in Russia, a form of settlement with accountable persons traveling on a business trip abroad, using traveler's checks (Travelers Cheque), has become widespread.

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, "... a check is a security containing an unconditional order of the drawer of the check to the bank to pay the amount specified in it to the holder of the check."

Traveler's checks for Russian persons, as a rule, are issued on letterheads of foreign banks. Russian banks mainly issue VISA and MasterCard traveller's checks to their customers. Each check has a series and a number. Master Card Travelers Check is offered in 11 types of foreign currencies. In US dollars, for example, they are issued in denominations of 10, 50 and 100 dollars. The face value on the check is indicated in numbers and in words. Indication of the face value of a check is an instruction to the payer to pay exactly this amount in the currency of the check or an amount in another currency equivalent to the face value. The check says:

    The name of the payer of the bank that exchanges the traveler's check for cash;

    Responsible person of the bank that sold the traveler's check;

    The date the check was issued;

    Name of the bank that issued the check;

    Place of sale.

An individual, in whose name a check is issued, in the presence of a bank employee puts his signature on each check once. At the time of exchange of the check for cash in the presence of a bank employee, the check is signed again on the control signature line.

When a bank sells traveler's checks to an individual, a Purchase Agreement document is issued. If traveler's checks are not used, this document must be presented to the bank when returning unused checks. For the return of traveler's checks, the bank takes a commission, usually 2% of the amount of the check.

Accounting for transactions with traveler's checks has not yet been regulated by law. The only assistant to the accountant in this is the Instructions for the use of the Chart of Accounts. There are two options: account 55 "Special bank accounts" and account 56 "Money documents". It is better to use account 56 “Money documents” for accounting traveler's checks, since paid money documents are reflected on it. Also, a traveler's check is closer in essence to a monetary document than to a payment document. Upon receipt of a traveler's check, an operation does not take place to deposit funds on any special accounts, but a real purchase and sale of a monetary document.

Having written an application for a traveler's check, and having received a traveler's check issued, the accountant makes an accounting entry based on a bank statement from a current currency account:

Debit 56 "Money documents", sub-account "Traveler's checks at the cash desk of the enterprise", Credit of account 52-1-2 - for the nominal amount of the check in foreign currency.

Debit 71 sub-account "Traveler's checks at the accountable person", Credit 56 "Money documents", sub-account "Traveler's checks at the cash desk of the enterprise" - for the nominal amount of the check.

For the services of issuing a traveler's check during the sale, the authorized bank charges a commission. The commission is related to settlement and cash services, therefore it should be reflected as other expenses and taken into account when forming financial results for the purpose of profit taxation.

The commission fee when exchanging a check for cash currency should be reflected in the cost accounts (20, 26, 44) as part of travel expenses and taken into account for profit tax purposes.

Banks (institutions) when carrying out operations with checks in foreign currency are guided by the Regulations on the procedure for carrying out operations with checks in foreign currency on the territory of Ukraine, approved by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine dated December 29, 2000 N 520 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on February 21, 2001 for N 152/5343 and regulatory legal acts of the National Bank of Ukraine regulating the procedure for carrying out currency exchange transactions, the use of cash foreign currency on the territory of Ukraine and the movement of currency values ​​across the customs border of Ukraine, as well as other regulatory legal acts of the National Bank of Ukraine on the implementation of operations with nominal and traveller's checks in foreign currency.

Check- a paper settlement document of the established form, containing an unconditional written order of the drawer of the check to the payer on the payment to the holder of the check of the amount of funds specified in it within the established period.

Check drawer- a non-resident legal entity or a non-resident individual who issues a check to another person who signs it;

Check holder(recipient, owner) - an individual or legal entity that has the right to receive funds on a check.

Travel check- a paper payment document denominated in a foreign currency and used as a means of international non-commercial settlements and is a monetary obligation of the check issuer to pay the amount indicated in the check to the check holder (owner), whose signature is affixed in the specified place at the time of sale.

personal check- a paper settlement document denominated in a foreign currency, i.e. it is a written order of a legal entity - non-resident or an individual - non-resident who issued a check (drawer), to the payer on the payment of a certain amount of funds to the holder of the check indicated on the check, or to another person by notary certified power of attorney at the expense of the cash cover provided to the payer.

On the territory of Ukraine, settlements between residents using checks in foreign currency are prohibited.

The use of checks in foreign currency in settlements on foreign economic transactions of subjects of foreign economic activity of Ukraine is allowed if:

The foreign economic agreement states that a check is issued by a non-resident to a resident who are parties to the agreement;

The check is issued by a non-resident to pay for the goods or to use them as a pledge in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine or as a guarantee to secure the fulfillment of obligations to the resident. The purpose of the payment must be indicated in the check or its accompanying attachment;

A non-resident drawer of a check is a bank, a state (represented by an authorized state body), an international organization, a corporation, an insurance company. The drawers have an international long-term credit rating confirmed in the bulletin of the leading rating agencies (Fitch, Standard & poor's, Moody's, Thomson Bank Watch), which belongs to the "investment grade" group on the date of the check, that is to the group of international long-term credit ratings, which indicate a low probability of non-fulfillment of obligations (default) of a person (debtor) or an issuer of securities, they have.

The requirements of this paragraph do not apply to checks drawn by a non-resident for a resident who is an intellectual property representative (patent attorney). Acceptance of checks for collection from a patent attorney is permitted subject to the presentation to the bank (institution) of a certificate of a representative for intellectual property (patent attorney).

The commission fee of the bank (institution) for carrying out transactions with personal checks is withheld from the holder of the check in hryvnias according to the tariffs and in the manner established by the internal regulations of the bank (institution) approved by the order of the bank (institution).

Reimbursement by a bank (institution) of expenses due to foreign banks that take part in the implementation of transactions with personal checks shall be withheld in foreign currency.

The commission fee of the bank (institution) for the sale and purchase (payment) of traveler's checks is deducted in hryvnias according to the tariffs and in the manner established by the internal regulations of the bank (institution) approved by the order of the bank (institution).

If tariffs are set in foreign currency, the payment of the commission fee is carried out in hryvnias at the official hryvnia exchange rate to foreign currencies, established by the National Bank of Ukraine on the day of the transaction.

Checks that are submitted by the holder of a check to a bank (institution) for payment must contain clearly defined details, namely:

a) personal check:

The name of the document is "check", which is indicated in the text of the document in the language what drawn up (or untitled if the check is issued in countries such as the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, etc.);

An order to pay a certain amount to the holder of a check;

Name and details of the issuer and payer;

Name of the legal entity or surname, name for the natural person of the holder of the check in whose favor the payment is made;

Indication of the currency and amount of the check;

date of issue and check number;

Signature of the person who issues the check (drawer).

In the absence of these details, the check is considered invalid, returned to the holder of the check and not accepted by the bank (institution) for collection.

Bearer checks are not accepted by the bank (institution). The validity period of a nominal check is indicated on the check. If there is no such entry, then the validity of the check is 6 months from the date of its issue, unless the legislation of the country of the drawer provides otherwise.

b) traveler's check:

The name of the document is "traveler's check" ("travelers chèque");

Name of the issuing company that issued the check: American Express, Visa, Thomas Cook, Citi Corp, Bank of America, Swiss Bakers Travelers Checks, etc.;

Authorized signatures persons issuer company;

Denomination and name of foreign currency;

Series and number;

- the place for signature of the person intending to buy the check;

A place for the signature of the check holder when paying a check. Traveler's checks have no expiration date.

The date and place of filling out the check are indicated in the information message about the sale of the traveller's check.

Traveler's checks are issued in a certain denomination.

Traveler's checks are issued for one owner, less often for two (signatures of the owner (two owners) are in the specified place on the day of sale). Checks for two owners can be used by them. Either of the two signatures is valid upon receipt of cash on a check.

The check is filled both by hand and with the help of technical means.

The use of a facsimile is permitted when signing checks intended for the payment of pensions (transfers of pensions from foreign states to residents of Ukraine) or in other cases provided for by the legislation of the country of the drawer.

The check cannot be accepted. The inscription on the receipt of acceptance is considered invalid.

Any indication of interest contained in the check is considered invalid and is not accepted by the bank (institution) for execution.

A check, the amount of which is written in both words and figures, is valid. In case of discrepancies between these designations, the check is valid for the amount indicated in words.

A check, the amount of which is indicated several times in words or numbers, is valid. In case of discrepancies between these designations, the check is valid only for a smaller amount, which is indicated in words. The responsibility of the drawer of the check to the holder of the check for the payment of a nominal check occurs only if the check is presented for payment to the bank (institution) within the established period.

Checks are payable upon presentation at the expense of the drawer. A bank (institution) on the territory of Ukraine accepts personal checks from the holder of a check for payment only for collection.

Acceptance of checks for collection at a bank (institutions) to receive payment is considered to be the presentation of a check for payment (payment).

Collection- a banking operation through which a bank (institution) receives funds from the payer intended for payment by check to the holder of the check.

Collection of checks presented by a bank (institution) for collection to foreign banks is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the state where the payment (coverage) is made. Revocation of a nominal check by the drawer before the expiration of the check before presentation, if this period is indicated in the check, is not allowed. The incapacity and death of the issuer of the check, which occurred after the presentation of the check, do not affect the validity of the check.

The check must be presented to the bank (institution) of Ukraine, the name of which is indicated on the check. In the absence of such a mark, the check is accepted for payment at any bank (institution). Crediting of funds and disbursement of cash on a collected check are carried out by banks (institutions) after receiving a refund on a check from the payer. they are credited to the account of the check holder or to the account of the bank (institution) from which funds are paid on the check to the holder of the check, if the latter does not have an account with the bank (institution), is carried out no later than on the third banking day after they are received on the correspondent account of the bank (institution) ).

On the payer's refusal to pay the check, the check must be marked accordingly with the date of presenting the check for payment, as well as the reasons for the refusal. The fact of refusal must be certified by the payer before the end of the check payment term. Disputes regarding non-payment of a check are resolved between the drawer and the holder of the check in the manner determined by the relevant legislation of the country at the location of the payer.

Checks in foreign currency of Group I of the Classifier of Foreign Currencies of the National Bank of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as Group I of the Classifier) ​​and Group II of the Classifier of Foreign Currencies of the National Bank of Ukraine are accepted by a bank (institution) for payment for collection only from their owners after presentation of identification documents, or their notarized power of attorney. The bank (institution) accepts for payment for collection checks from individuals - residents and non-residents on the basis of an application for acceptance for payment for collection of checks in foreign currency (Appendix 1).

In one application, checks with only one currency can be indicated; for checks with different currencies, different applications are issued.

The holder of the check puts his signature (it is mandatory) on the reverse side of the check.

Rice. 9.1. in

The numbers indicate:

1 - check number;

2 - the date the check was issued;

3 - check amount;

4 is the name of the bank that issued the check.

Rice. 9.2. in

A check without the signature of the holder of the check is not accepted by the bank (institution) for payment for collection. Checks presented to the bank (institutions) by another person are accepted for payment for collection only in the following cases:

In the presence of a duly certified power of attorney issued by the owner of the check. On the reverse side of the check, the following inscription is made: "By proxy of whom to whom (signature of the latter)";

In the event of the death of the holder of the check, checks from heirs are accepted for payment for collection in the presence of documents determined by the current legislation of Ukraine, provided that the validity of the check has not expired;

A check drawn in favor of a minor under 15 years of age or an incapacitated person may be presented to the bank (institution) for payment for collection only by their legal representatives (parents, guardians);

After the minors reach 15 years of age - the minors themselves, but with the written consent of one of their parents or other legal representatives, certified in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of Ukraine, by submitting the relevant documents (birth certificate, document of adoption, guardianship or guardianship, etc.). On the reverse side of the check, the authorized person of the bank makes the inscription: "The legal representative of someone who (signature of the latter)". A bank (institution) may accept checks for collection against security in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine, if:

There is a need to guarantee the fulfillment by the check holder of obligations to pay a commission to payers to a bank (institution) that accepts a check that is in doubt for payment for collection;

Checks are damaged (torn and glued, changed their original color, burnt or burnt, filled completely or a significant part of them with paint, ink, oil, have inscriptions, but these damages do not interfere with the identification of signs of a check);

These are checks that are expired or expire in two weeks.

A bank (institution) that accepts a check for payment for collection does not have a correspondent relationship with the issuing bank.

The bank (institution) compares the date of drawing up the check with its validity period.

An authorized employee of the bank (institution) draws up a receipt for acceptance for payment for collection of checks in foreign currency in the form of N 377-1 in two copies, signs them, certifies with the seal of the bank (institution) and issues one copy of the receipt to the holder of the check. At the same time, a register of acceptance for payment for collection of checks in foreign currency is maintained.

Checks accepted for payment for collection are stored in the vault of the bank (institution). To send the payer checks accepted for payment for collection, the bank (institution) forms them into packages. Along with checks, accompanying documents are sent (letters, collection instructions, which are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the payer, and the like). Banks (institutions) before sending the original checks to the payer make copies of them. In case of loss of checks during transportation, collection is carried out on the basis of such copies of checks.

In case of non-compliance with the conditions of this section, the bank (institution) does not accept a check for payment for collection. The bank (institution) accepts for payment for collection checks from the holder of the check and pays out funds only within the operating day of the bank (institution).

At the expiration date of the checks accepted for payment for collection falls on a non-working day of the bank (institution), then the check must be presented no later than the next business day of the bank (institution), but always within its business day. Banks (institutions) accept checks for payment for collection from a resident legal entity or a representative office of a non-resident legal entity on the basis of an application for acceptance for payment for collection of checks in foreign currency. Together with the application, a resident legal entity or a representative office of a non-resident legal entity draws up on letterhead and submits to the bank (institution) cover letters in at least two copies signed by the head and chief accountant and with the seal of the legal entity. The bank (institution) returns one copy of the cover letter to the holder of the check with the mark of the bank (institution) and sends the checks and accompanying documents (collection instructions that are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the payer, etc.) to the payer. The second copy of the cover letter remains in the bank (institution).

Checks in only one foreign currency may be indicated in one application; different applications are issued for checks in different foreign currencies. The bank (institution) compares the date of drawing up the check with its validity period. An authorized employee of the bank (institution) draws up a receipt for acceptance for payment for collection of checks in foreign currency in the form of N 377-1 in two copies, signs them, certifies them with the stamp of the bank (institution) and issues one copy of the receipt to the holder of the check. At the same time, a register of acceptance for payment for collection of checks in foreign currency is maintained.

Checks accepted for payment for collection are stored in the vault of the bank (institution). To send the payer checks accepted for payment for collection, the bank (institution) forms them into packages. Along with checks, accompanying documents are sent (letters, collection instructions, which are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the payer, and the like).

Banks (institutions) before sending the original checks to the payer make copies of them. In case of loss of checks during transportation, collection is carried out on the basis of properly executed copies of checks.

On the reverse side of the check, a legal entity - a resident or a representative office of a legal entity - a non-resident puts the signatures of the persons authorized by them, which are sealed. A bank endorsement is affixed with the obligatory clause "without turnover on me."

The bank (institution) accepts for payment for collection checks from the holder of the check and pays out funds only within the operating day of the bank (institution).

If the expiration date of checks accepted for payment for collection falls on a non-working day of the bank (institution), then the check must be presented no later than the next business day of the bank (institution), but always within its business day. In case of non-compliance with the conditions of this section, the bank (institution) does not accept a check for payment for collection.

Payment procedure for personal checks:

1. After receiving funds on checks from the payer, the bank (institution), by prior arrangement with the owner of the checks, informs him by phone or in writing at the address indicated by the owner of the checks in the application, about the acceptance of checks for payment for collection, about the receipt of funds and about the name and location bank (institution) to which you need to contact to receive these funds.

2. Individuals (residents and non-residents) who have a current account in foreign currency with a bank (institution) can receive coverage for checks to their account, the number of which is indicated in the application for acceptance for payment for collection of checks in foreign currency.

Individuals (residents and non-residents) who do not have a current account in foreign currency with a bank (institution) who receive funds by check in cash.

At the request of an individual (resident or non-resident), the amount of foreign currency on a check can be sold to a bank (institution) at the foreign currency purchase rate in force on the day of the operation of the bank (institution), while to a non-resident individual, except for a receipt in the form N 377 -K, a certificate is provided in the form N 377.

For legal entities (residents), funds by checks are preliminarily credited to a distribution account in foreign currency opened by a bank (institution) for a legal entity.

For a representative office of a non-resident legal entity, funds on checks are credited to accounts in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the National Bank of Ukraine.

3. The amount of the check is paid to the holder of the check minus all commission fees. Payment on the check to the holder of the check occurs upon presentation of: a passport or other identity document, and if there is a receipt in the form N 377-1, which was issued by the bank (institution) to the client when accepting the check for payment for collection.

4. If the payer refuses to reimburse the checks accepted for payment for collection and return them without payment, the bank (institution) transfers the original check to the client along with the payer's official response about the refusal to pay it. The amount of collateral accepted in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine, with the exception of the payer's commission, and the commission of the bank (institution) that accepted checks for payment for collection is returned to the holder of the check. The bank (institution) makes copies of the check and the official response of the payer and leaves them in the documents of the day.

5. Banks (institutions) shall not be liable to check holders for non-payment of checks if the payer refuses to pay the check.

Banks that, in accordance with the current legislation, have a written permission from the National Bank of Ukraine to carry out transactions with currency values, have the right to conclude agreements with other resident banks (organizations) for their further implementation in Ukraine.

Operations for the purchase (payment) and sale of traveler's checks (exchange of foreign currency in cash for checks in foreign currency, hereinafter referred to as sale) are carried out by a bank (institution) for foreign currency of Group I of the Classifier or for hryvnia.

Carrying out transactions for the sale of traveler's checks (exchange of foreign currency in cash for checks in foreign currency) and the purchase (payment) of traveler's checks.

1. Authorized employee of the bank(institution), currency exchange office of the bank (institution) issues a notice of sale travelers checks. Each message can contain only one currency name.

In messages about the sale of traveler's checks, corrections, erasures, and glossing over are not allowed. In case of incorrect completion of the notification on the sale of traveler's checks, an authorized employee of the bank (institution) must cancel (cross out) it in the presence of the client and fill out a new one. Without the client's signature, notices of the sale of traveler's checks are considered invalid.

2. Operations for the sale of traveler's checks for foreign currency are carried out:

Cash desk of a bank (institution) to resident legal entities and representative offices of non-resident legal entities for their employees who go abroad on a business trip, upon an application for the issuance of traveler's checks in any form and with a notice of the sale of traveler's checks;

Cash desk of a bank (institution) to individuals with a receipt in the form of N 377-K and a notice of the sale of traveller's checks;

Currency exchange office of a bank (institution) to resident individuals with issuance of a notification of the sale of traveller's checks.

Transactions performed are recorded by the cash desk of the bank (institution), the currency exchange office of the bank (institution) in the Register of sold traveler's checks in foreign currency.

3. Operations for the sale of traveler's checks for hryvnia to resident individuals are carried out by the cash desk of the bank (institution), the currency exchange office of the bank (institution) by:

Sales of foreign currency for hryvnias with the reflection of transactions in the Register of Sold Foreign Currency and execution of a receipt in the form N 377-K by the cash desk of the bank (institution) or a receipt in the form N 377-A by the currency exchange office of the bank (institution);

Sales of traveler's checks for foreign currency with reflection in the Register of sold traveler's checks in foreign currency, with the issuance of a notice of the sale of traveler's checks and a receipt in the form N 377-K by the cash desk of the bank (institution) or a notification of the sale of traveller's checks by the currency exchange office of the bank (institution) .

4. Transactions for the sale of traveler's checks during a business day are carried out:

a) resident individuals:

Cash desk of the bank (institution) within the limits of the amounts established by the regulatory legal act of the National Bank regarding the movement of cash across the customs border of Ukraine;

Bank (institution) currency exchange office for up to 1,000 US dollars or its equivalent in another foreign currency.

Operations for the sale of traveler's checks to a resident individual are carried out after presentation by this person to the cashier of a bank (institution) or currency exchange office of a bank (institution) of a passport of a citizen of Ukraine or a residence permit of a person residing in Ukraine, but is not a citizen of Ukraine, and a travel document of a stateless person for traveling abroad or a passport for traveling abroad;

b) non-resident individuals:

Only at the cash desk of a bank (institution) within the limits of the amounts established by the regulatory legal act of the National Bank regarding the movement of cash across the customs border of Ukraine.

Operations for the sale of traveler's checks to a non-resident individual are carried out after this person presents a passport or other identification document to an authorized employee of a bank (institution), and if the non-resident has supporting documents on the sources of origin of foreign currency. (In the entry customs declaration for the import of cash foreign currency of a non-resident, a note is made on the sale of traveler's checks). Copies of these documents remain in the documents of the day;

c) to resident legal entities and representative offices of non-resident legal entities for their employees who go abroad on a business trip, at the expense of funds recorded on the current account of a resident legal entity and representative office of a non-resident legal entity, only through the cash desks of banks.

5. After the sale of traveller's checks, an individual (resident or non-resident) or an authorized representative of a resident legal entity, or an authorized representative of a representative office of a non-resident legal entity, leaving on a business trip, in the presence of an employee of the bank (institution) put your signature message on their sale and on each check in a place designated by the foreign issuing company ("Thomas Cook" - on the line in the lower left corner; "American Express" - on the line in the upper left corner; "Visa" - on the line in the upper right corner and the like).

6. Traveler's checks paid only to the owner of the check, whose sample signature is on the check, after the identification of the signature in the presence of an authorized employee of the bank (institution) and only in the full amount indicated in the check.

7. Operations for the purchase (payment) of traveler's checks for foreign currency are carried out:

Cash desk of a bank (institution) to an individual (resident or non-resident) with a receipt in the form of N 377-K or an authorized representative of a legal entity - a resident or an authorized representative of a legal entity - a non-resident, whose signature is affixed to the check;

Currency exchange office of a bank (institution) with the issuance of a receipt in the form N 377-A for resident individuals.

Transactions on the purchase (payment) of traveler's checks are reflected in the Register of purchased traveler's checks in foreign currency.

8. Operations for the purchase (payment) of traveler's checks for hryvnia from individuals are carried out:

cash desk of a bank (institution) with the issuance of receipts in the form N 377-K, and for non-resident individuals also references according to the form N 377;

currency exchange office of a bank (institution) with the issuance of certificates in the form N 377 for non-resident individuals and receipts in the form N 377-A for resident individuals.

Operations for the purchase (payment) of traveller's checks are reflected in the Register of purchased traveler's checks in foreign currency and in the Register of purchased foreign currency, with the issuance of a receipt in the form N 377-K by the cash desk of the bank (institution) or a receipt in the form N 377-A by the bank's currency exchange office (institutions).

9. Operations for the purchase (payment) of traveler's checks during the business day from an individual faces(resident and non-resident) are carried out in the amount of:

Up to 3,000 US dollars or its equivalent in another foreign currency by cash desks of banks (institutions) or currency exchange offices of a bank (institution);

More than 3000 US dollars or its equivalent in other foreign currency only at the cash desks of banks (institutions).

In the currency exchange offices of a bank (institution) during the operational day, transactions for the purchase (payment) of traveler's checks from an individual (resident and non-resident) are carried out in the amount of:

Up to 1000 US dollars or its equivalent in other foreign currency at the request of this person for cash hryvnia or for foreign currency;

More than 1,000 US dollars, but not more than 3,000 US dollars or its equivalent in other foreign currency for cash hryvnia only.

Traveler's checks are not accepted for payment without the signature of their owner, which is placed in the indicated place in accordance with the rules established by the issuer.

10. When buying (paying) traveler's checks, an authorized employee of a bank (institution), a bank (institution) currency exchange office:

Checks the passport or other identity document, as well as the absence of corrections or inscriptions on traveler's checks that interfere with reading the owner's first signature;

Checks the details of traveler's checks for the presence of security elements of traveller's checks (checks can be checked for validity using the catalog of the foreign issuing company "Original banknotes of the countries of the world and basic traveler's checks" and samples of check forms) and the first signature of the issuer in the appropriate place;

Verifies the correspondence of the first signature of the checkholder on traveler's checks with his signature in the passport or other identity document;

Clarifies the name of the foreign currency that the holder of the check wishes to receive for traveller's checks;

Monitors how and where the holder puts a second signature on traveler's checks in accordance with the rules established by the issuer;

In the event of any doubt as to the validity of the signature, invites the holder of the cheque:

Sign traveler's checks for the third time on the reverse side and write down passport details;

Provide a message about the sale of traveler's checks, indicating their number, series, number, name of foreign currency, face value and total amount, as well as the signature of the check holder.

If there is a discrepancy between the signatures of the holder of the check, traveler's checks will not be accepted for payment.

11. Paid travelers checks stored in storage banks (institutions), are formed into packages and sent to payers with whom agreements have been concluded in order to receive reimbursement for these checks in foreign currency of the i group of the Classifier. Together with check packages, the following accompanying documents are sent: letters, collection instructions, which are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the payer, and the like.

Reimbursement of traveler's checks lost by checkholders is carried out by the bank (institution) on the basis of agreements concluded with the issuer of traveler's checks. Such agreements must necessarily contain the procedure for reimbursement to the holder of the check for lost traveller's checks.

1. Transactions with travelers checks

2. Issuing traveler's checks and issuing them to customers

3. Operations with plastic cards

4. Service with payment cards

1. Traveler's checks are a way of protecting money from loss or theft, proven by several generations of consumers.

Traveler's checks are papers that are rarely used as a means of payment by themselves, but they can be exchanged at a bank for banknotes. Only the person whose signature is on the check has the right to do this. The procedure for affixing two signatures on traveler's checks - upon their acquisition and upon presentation - does not allow a person who does not own the corresponding account to use them.

The most widespread checks in the world are Thomas Cook (Thomas Cook), Visa (VISA) and American Express (American Express). To receive a check, it is enough to come to the bank branch with money and a passport. All banks sell travelers checks, usually for a small percentage. It is best to buy checks in the currency of the country where you intend to cash them. To exchange checks for cash, you need to contact the bank that works with them. When exchanging a check for money, you will also be charged commission interest, and a little higher than when selling a check. In some countries, instead of a certain percentage, they take a fixed amount from each check, regardless of its face value. In the United States, for example, in many hotels and large stores, you can even pay with checks. If lost, traveler's checks, unlike cash, can be restored. The money is reimbursed not by the bank where the traveler's check was purchased, but by the company that issued the traveler's checks. Traveler's checks are not so much a means of payment, but one of the varieties of transportation and storage of money.

The companies issuing travelers checks are leading international corporations with many years of experience and an impeccable reputation. Purchasing traveler's checks, unlike a bank card, is not linked to a bank account, and issuing a check takes a few minutes. Checks have no expiration date.

Traveler's checks are accepted at financial institutions, millions of merchants and service points around the world. Shops, restaurants, hotels, when paying for goods and services with traveler's checks, give change in the currency of the host country.

2. Cashiers accept and issue valuables on the basis of incoming and outgoing cash documents issued by accounting staff. Forms of traveler's checks and other valuables that are recorded on off-balance accounts are accepted (issued) according to the corresponding off-balance orders. At the same time, the total amount must be indicated in the cash document, taking into account the commission for each item of value.

After proper registration, cash documents are transferred to the cash desk by internal procedure.

When issuing traveler's checks, the cashier must ensure that the client signs each check in his presence in the place that is specially allocated for the sample signature of the owner of the check.

1. What documents must a customer present in order to purchase American Express traveler's checks?

In order to purchase traveler's checks, the customer must present an identity card.

2. What documents are handed over to the client when buying traveler's checks?

When purchasing traveller's checks, the following documents are issued to the customer o

purchased and signed by him checks; o

the Russian text of the Purchase Agreement indicated on English language on the reverse side of the Sales Receipt; o

AMEX letterhead with information for the client, which lists the telephone numbers of the 24-hour lost checks service, explaining how to use traveler's checks; o

the fourth (with the stamp of the Bank) copy of the receipt, which is the basis for the purchase of checks.

3. What are the rules for keeping checks?

Be sure to remind the client that the receipt should be kept separately from traveller's checks (because in case of loss of traveler's checks, he will need to inform American Express about the data indicated on the receipt) and do not sign traveller's checks in advance, but only in the presence of the cashier .

4. What are the customer's actions in case of loss of traveler's checks?

If the unexpected happens and your American Express travelers checks are lost or stolen, you can call our Traveler's Check Recovery Centers for help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

5. Can travelers checks be used as cash?

American Express travelers checks are used like cash, especially in the US. You can use American Express travelers checks at a wide range of banks, shops, hotels and restaurants.

6. What currencies are traveler's checks issued in?

American Express travelers checks are issued in many currencies: US dollars, pounds sterling, Japanese yen, Canadian dollars and Dutch guilders, Saudi reals, euros.

7. Where and at what interest can American Express traveler's checks be exchanged for cash in the US and non-CIS countries?

In the US, travelers checks are used in the same way as cash. In non-CIS countries, American Express Company offices exchange traveler's checks without charging interest, while banks around the world exchange checks according to established rates.

8. What are the benefits of American Express travelers checks? o

they are used like cash, especially in the US, and can be easily exchanged in other countries; o

lost checks are easily refunded free of charge and usually within 24 hours; o

You can report the loss of your checks 24 hours a day, 365 days a year;

You can use American Express travelers checks at more banks, shops, hotels and restaurants in the world than any other issuer's checks;

if you are traveling with American Express traveler's checks, you can find support and assistance at all 1,700 American Express Company locations worldwide.

9. What is the validity period of travelers checks?

American Express traveller's checks are perpetual; do not have an expiration date.

10. How are American Express travelers checks paid?

Traveler's checks presented directly by their owner are paid instantly. Checks presented for payment by a third party are paid only through collection.

3. Plastic cards. The most common plastic cards are those that work in the VISA International (VISA International), Europay MasterCard / International (Europey Mastercard / International) and American Express (American Express) systems. Let's take a closer look at VISA and Europay/Mastercard cards. In most countries these cards are credit cards. That is, by issuing a card to a client, the bank, as it were, lends him money, most often even without interest. Personally for each client, the amount (limit) is determined, more than which he has no right to spend. After the next purchase or withdrawal of money from the account, the client after a certain period (usually 15 or 30 days) must deposit the spent amount to the bank. If you don't, then you have to pay a penalty. In Russia, all cards are debit. That is, the client can determine the financial limit himself. But for this he is obliged to deposit to the bank the entire amount that he wants to have on the card. The upper limit of the amount is rarely limited. The minimum amount usually depends on the type of card and the bank that issued it. International travel cards are required to travel abroad. The VISA International system (VISA International) uses VISA Electron cards (VISA Electron), which can only be used to withdraw cash from ATMs (Plus systems) and pay for goods and services using electronic terminals (Electron system). And in the Europay / MasterCard International system, such cards are called Cirrus / Maestro (Cirrus / Maestro). Using them, you can either withdraw cash from Cirrus ATMs or pay at stores equipped with Maestro cash terminals. Both of these cards, even abroad, are debit cards. The procedure for obtaining a card will take only five days. Many banks, when issuing plastic cards, set the so-called minimum balance - an insurance deposit. This is an “emergency reserve” that cannot be accessed when paying with a card. You can use this money only by closing the card. There are restrictions on cash withdrawals - at one time, for one day or one month. As a rule, they are set by the issuing bank (issuing cards). But even if your bank has not introduced such restrictions, you can meet them at the place where the card is used. VISA and MasterCard cards exist in several versions. Along with the usual Classic and Standard, there are Business and Gold in the financial institutions of the world. There are no fundamental differences between "gold" and business cards. They differ in the down payment and deposit, the number and range of additional services that reputable banks give to customers, as well as some types of benefits such as all kinds of insurance. There are personal and corporate cards. An individual bank opens an individual on the basis of a card account in his name. Only the person whose name is written on it can use such a card. (Some banks issue family cards.) When paying with a corporate card, money is withdrawn from the account of a legal entity. It is convenient to open an organization in the name of your employee, who often travels on business trips for the company. Although such a card is called a corporate one, we recall that only the person whose signature is on it, and not the entire corporation, can pay with it.

A plastic card is convenient because it can be used to pay or receive cash in the currency of the country where you are now, without losing almost anything during the exchange. In case of loss of the card, you need to call the bank and ask to block the card account, and then go to the bank and get another one. Along with the card, most banks also provide insurance services - preferential or free. This is usually the health insurance for those traveling abroad. Motorists traveling abroad to buy a car should issue a plastic card. Then you will no longer have to obtain permission to export cash currency.

To get a plastic card, you need to come to the bank branch with a passport and write a corresponding application. It takes two to three weeks to complete. After that, you need to put a certain amount on the card. When making purchases, you need to warn the cashier that you are paying by card and show it. The cashier has the right to demand a passport or other identity document. It is important that the name on the card is written exactly the same as in the passport. If at least one letter does not match, the cashier has the right not to accept payment by card. Having received the card and passport, the cashier carries out authorization: through special electronic channels, he contacts the bank that issued the card and finds out whether it is possible to withdraw from the card the amount for which you collected the goods. Upon confirmation, the money is debited, and the buyer is given a check where he signs - the so-called slip. Only the owner of the account can find out the balance of money on the card by contacting his bank or using an ATM.