Indigenous people of Japan. Ainu - a white race - the indigenous inhabitants of the Japanese islands

There is one ancient people on earth that has been simply ignored for centuries, and more than once was subjected to persecution and genocide in Japan due to the fact that by its existence it simply breaks the established official false history of both Japan and Russia.

Now, there is reason to believe that not only in Japan, but also on the territory of Russia, there is a part of this ancient indigenous people. According to the preliminary data of the latest population census, held in October 2010, there are more than 100 Ainu people in our country. The fact itself is unusual, because until recently it was believed that the Ainu live only in Japan. This was suspected, but on the eve of the population census, employees of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences noticed that, despite the absence in the official list Russian peoples, some of our fellow citizens stubbornly continue to consider themselves Ainami and have good reason for this.

As studies have shown, the Ainu, or Kamchadal smokers, did not disappear anywhere, they simply did not want to recognize them for many years. But even Stepan Krasheninnikov, an explorer of Siberia and Kamchatka (XVIII century), described them as Kamchadal smokers. The very name "Ainu" comes from their word for "man", or "worthy man", and is associated with military operations. And according to one of the representatives of this nationality in an interview with the well-known journalist M. Dolgikh, the Ainu fought the Japanese for 650 years. It turns out that this is the only people left to this day, who from ancient times held back the occupation, resisted the aggressor - now the Japanese, who were, in fact, Koreans with perhaps a certain percentage of the Chinese population who moved to the islands and formed another state.

It has been scientifically established that already about 7 thousand years ago the Ainu inhabited the north of the Japanese archipelago, the Kuriles and part of Sakhalin and, according to some sources, part of Kamchatka and even the lower reaches of the Amur. The Japanese who came from the south gradually assimilated and forced out the Ainu to the north of the archipelago - to Hokkaido and the southern Kuriles.

Hokaido now hosts the largest concentrations of Ainu families.

According to experts, in Japan, the Ainu were considered "barbarians", "savages" and social marginals. The hieroglyph used to denote the Ainu means "barbarian", "savage", now the Japanese also call them "hairy Ainu" for which the Ainu do not like the Japanese.
And here the policy of the Japanese against the Ainu is very well traced, since the Ainu lived on the islands even before the Japanese and had a culture many times, or even orders of magnitude higher than that of the ancient Mongoloid settlers.

But the topic of the Ainu's dislike for the Japanese probably exists not only because of the ridiculous nicknames addressed to them, but also probably because the Ainu, let me remind you, have been subjected to genocide and persecution by the Japanese for centuries.

At the end of the XIX century. about one and a half thousand Ainu lived in Russia. After the Second World War, they were partly evicted, partly left on their own along with the Japanese population, others remained, returning, so to speak, from their hard and protracted service for centuries. This part mixed with the Russian population of the Far East.

In appearance, representatives of the Ainu people very little resemble their closest neighbors - the Japanese, Nivkhs and Itelmens.
Ainu is the White Race.

According to the Kamchadal Kurils themselves, all the names of the islands of the southern ridge were given by the Ainu tribes who once inhabited these territories. By the way, it is wrong to think that the names of the Kuriles, Kuril Lake, etc. arose from hot springs or volcanic activity. It’s just that the Kurils, or Kurilians, live here, and “kuru” in Ainu means the People.

It should be noted that this version destroys the already flimsy basis of the Japanese claims to our Kuril Islands. Even if the name of the ridge comes from our Ainu. This was confirmed during the expedition to about. Matua. There is an Ainu bay, where the oldest Ainu site was discovered.

Therefore, according to experts, it is very strange to say that the Ainu have never been in the Kuriles, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, as the Japanese are doing now, assuring everyone that the Ainu live only in Japan (after all, archeology says otherwise), so they, the Japanese, allegedly need to give the Kuril Islands. This is pure untruth. In Russia there are Ainu - the indigenous White People, who have a direct right to consider these islands their ancestral lands.

The American anthropologist S. Lauryn Brace, from the University of Michigan in the journal Horizons of Science, No. 65, September-October 1989, writes: “A typical Ainu is easy to distinguish from the Japanese: he has lighter skin, thicker body hair, beard , which is unusual for the Mongoloids, and a more protruding nose.

Brace studied about 1,100 Japanese, Ainu, and other ethnic tombs and concluded that the upper class samurai in Japan were actually the descendants of the Ainu, and not the Yayoi (Mongoloids), the ancestors of most modern Japanese.

The history of the Ainu estates resembles the history of the higher castes in India, where the highest percentage of the White man haplogroup R1a1

Brace further writes: “... this explains why the facial features of the representatives of the ruling class are so often different from modern Japanese. The real Samurai, the descendants of the Ainu warriors, gained such influence and prestige in medieval Japan that they intermarried with the rest of the ruling circles and introduced Ainu blood into them, while the rest of the Japanese population was mainly descendants of the Yayoi.

It should also be noted that, in addition to archaeological and other features, the language was partially preserved. There is a dictionary of the Kuril language in the "Description of the Land of Kamchatka" by S. Krasheninnikov. In Hokkaido, the dialect spoken by the Ainu is called saroo, but in SAKHALIN it is reychishka.
As it is not difficult to understand, the language of the Ainu is different from Japanese language and in syntax, phonology, morphology and vocabulary, etc. Although there have been attempts to prove that they are related, the vast majority of modern scholars reject the suggestion that the relationship between languages ​​goes beyond contact relationships, involving mutual borrowing of words in both languages. In fact, no attempt to tie the Ainu language to any other language has been widely accepted.

In principle, according to the well-known Russian political scientist and journalist P. Alekseev, the problem of the Kuril Islands can be solved politically and economically. To do this, it is necessary to allow the Ainam (partially evicted to Japan in 1945) to return from Japan to the land of their ancestors (including their original range - the Amur Region, Kamchatka, Sakhalin and all the Kuriles, creating at least following the example of the Japanese (it is known that the Parliament of Japan only in 2008 did he still recognize the Ainu as an independent national minority), the Russian dispersed autonomy of an “independent national minority” with the participation of the Ainu from the islands and the Ainu of Russia.

We have neither people nor funds for the development of Sakhalin and the Kuriles, but the Ainu have. The Ainu who migrated from Japan, according to experts, can give impetus to the economy of the Russian Far East, namely by forming not only in the Kuril Islands, but also within Russia, national autonomy and reviving their family and traditions in the land of their ancestors.

Japan, according to P. Alekseev, will be out of work, because. the displaced Ainu will disappear there, and here they can settle not only in the southern part of the Kuriles, but throughout their original range, our Far East, eliminating the emphasis on the southern Kuriles. Since many of the Ainu deported to Japan were our citizens, it is possible to use the Ainu as allies against the Japanese by restoring the dying Ainu language.

The Ainu were not allies of Japan and never will be, but they can become allies of Russia. But unfortunately this ancient People is ignored to this day.

As noted by the leading researcher of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Academician K. Cherevko, Japan exploited these islands. In their law there is such a thing as "development through trade exchange." And all the Ainu - both conquered and unconquered - were considered Japanese, were subject to their emperor. But it is known that even before that, the Ainu gave taxes to Russia. True, it was irregular.

Thus, it is safe to say that the Kuril Islands belong to the Ainu, but, one way or another, Russia must proceed from international law. According to him, i.e. Under the San Francisco Peace Treaty, Japan renounced the islands. There are simply no legal grounds for revising the documents signed in 1951 and other agreements today. But such matters are resolved only in the interests of big politics, and I repeat that only its Brotherly people, that is, We, can help this people from the outside.

Twenty years ago, the magazine "Vokrug Sveta" published an interesting article "Arrived from heaven, "Real people"". Here is a small snippet from this most interesting material:

“... The conquest of huge Honshu progressed slowly. Even at the beginning of the 8th century AD, the Ainu held the entire northern part of it. Military happiness passed from hand to hand. And then the Japanese began to bribe the Ainu leaders, reward them with court titles, relocate entire Ainu villages from the occupied territories to the south, and create their own settlements in the vacant place. Moreover, seeing that the army was unable to hold the occupied lands, the Japanese rulers decided on a very risky step: they armed the settlers leaving for the north. This was the beginning of the service nobility of Japan - the samurai, who turned the tide of the war and had a huge impact on the history of their country. However, the 18th century still finds in the north of Honshu small villages of incompletely assimilated Ainu. Most of the indigenous islanders partly died, and partly managed to cross the Sangar Strait even earlier to their fellow tribesmen in Hokkaido, the second largest, northernmost and most sparsely populated island of modern Japan.

Before late XVIII century Hokkaido (at that time it was called Ezo, or Ezo, that is, "wild", "land of barbarians") was not very interested in the Japanese rulers. Written at the beginning of the 18th century, the Dainniponshi (History of Great Japan), consisting of 397 volumes, mentions Ezo in the section on foreign countries. Although already in the middle of the 15th century, the daimyo (large feudal lord) Takeda Nobuhiro decided at his own peril and risk to press the Ainu of southern Hokkaido and built the first permanent Japanese settlement there. Since then, foreigners have sometimes called Ezo Island otherwise: Matmai (Mats-mai), after the name of the Matsumae clan founded by Nobuhiro.

New lands had to be taken with a fight. The Ainu offered stubborn resistance. People's memory has preserved the names of the most courageous defenders of their native land. One such hero is Shakushayin, who led the Ainu uprising in August 1669. The old leader led several Ainu tribes. In one night, 30 merchant ships arriving from Honshu were captured, then the fortress on the Kun-nui-gawa river fell. Supporters of the House of Matsumae barely had time to hide in the fortified town. A little more and...

But the reinforcements sent to the besieged arrived in time. The former owners of the island retreated behind Kun-nui-gawa. The decisive battle began at 6 o'clock in the morning. Japanese warriors clad in armor looked with a grin at the attacking crowd of hunters untrained in the regular formation. Once upon a time, these screaming bearded men in armor and hats made of wooden plates were a formidable force. And now who will be afraid of the glitter of the tips of their spears? The cannons answered the arrows falling at the end...

(Here I immediately recall the American film "The Last Samurai" with Tom Cruise in leading role. The Hollywood people clearly knew the truth - the last samurai was indeed a white man, but they misrepresented it, turning everything upside down so that people would never recognize it. The last samurai was not a European, did not come from Europe, but was a native of Japan. His ancestors lived on the islands for thousands of years!..)

The surviving Ainu fled to the mountains. The fights continued for another month. Deciding to hurry things up, the Japanese lured Syakusyain, along with other Ainu commanders, into negotiations and killed him. The resistance was broken. From free people, who lived according to their customs and laws, all of them, young and old, turned into forced laborers of the Matsumae clan. The relations established at that time between the winners and the vanquished are described in the diary of the traveler Yokoi:

“... The translators and overseers did many bad and vile deeds: they mistreated the elderly and children, raped women. If the Ezos began to complain about such atrocities, then in addition they received punishment ... "

Therefore, many Ainu fled to their fellow tribesmen on Sakhalin, the southern and northern Kuriles. There they felt relatively safe - after all, there were no Japanese here yet. We find indirect confirmation of this in the first description of the Kuril ridge known to historians. The author of this document is the Cossack Ivan Kozyrevsky. He visited in 1711 and 1713 in the north of the ridge and asked its inhabitants about the entire chain of islands, up to Matmai (Hokkaido). The Russians first landed on this island in 1739. The Ainu who lived there told the expedition leader Martyn Shpanberg that on the Kuril Islands "... there are many people, and those islands are not subject to anyone."

In 1777, the Irkutsk merchant Dmitry Shebalin was able to bring 1,500 Ainu into Russian citizenship in Iturup, Kunashir, and even in Hokkaido. The Ainu received from the Russians strong fishing gear, iron, cows, and eventually rent for the right to hunt near their shores.

Despite the arbitrariness of some merchants and Cossacks, the Ainu (including the Ezos) sought protection from the Japanese from Russia. Perhaps the bearded, big-eyed Ainu saw in the people who came to them natural allies, so sharply different from the Mongoloid tribes and peoples living around. After all, the outward resemblance of our explorers and the Ainu was simply amazing. It fooled even the Japanese. In their first reports, Russians are referred to as “red-haired Ainu” ... "

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There is one ancient people on earth that has been simply ignored for centuries, and more than once was subjected to persecution and genocide in Japan due to the fact that by its existence it simply breaks the established official false history of both Japan and Russia.

Now, there is reason to believe that not only in Japan, but also on the territory of Russia, there is a part of this ancient indigenous people. According to the preliminary data of the latest population census, held in October 2010, there are more than 100 Ainu people in our country. The fact itself is unusual, because until recently it was believed that the Ainu live only in Japan. This was suspected, but on the eve of the population census, employees of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences noticed that, despite the absence of Russian peoples in the official list, some of our fellow citizens stubbornly continue to consider themselves Ainami and have good reasons for this.

As studies have shown - the Ainu, or KAMCHADAL KURILTS - did not disappear anywhere, they simply did not want to recognize them for many years. But even Stepan Krasheninnikov, an explorer of Siberia and Kamchatka (XVIII century), described them as Kamchadal smokers. The very name "Ainu" comes from their word for "man", or "worthy man", and is associated with military operations. And according to one of the representatives of this nationality in an interview with the well-known journalist M. Dolgikh, the Ainu fought the Japanese for 650 years. It turns out that this is the only people left to this day, who from ancient times held back the occupation, resisted the aggressor - now the Japanese, who were, in fact, Koreans with perhaps a certain percentage of the Chinese population who moved to the islands and formed another state.

It has been scientifically established that already about 7 thousand years ago the Ainu inhabited the north of the Japanese archipelago, the Kuriles and part of Sakhalin and, according to some sources, part of Kamchatka and even the lower reaches of the Amur. The Japanese who came from the south gradually assimilated and forced out the Ainu to the north of the archipelago - to Hokkaido and the southern Kuriles.
Hokaido now hosts the largest concentrations of Ainu families.

According to experts, in Japan, the Ainu were considered "barbarians", "savages" and social marginals. The hieroglyph used to designate the Ainu means "barbarian", "savage", now the Japanese call them "hairy Ainu" for which the Ainu of the Japanese do not like.
And here the policy of the Japanese against the Ainu is very well traced, since the Ainu lived on the islands even before the Japanese and had a culture many times, or even orders of magnitude higher than that of the ancient Mongoloid settlers.
But the topic of the Ainu's dislike for the Japanese probably exists not only because of the ridiculous nicknames addressed to them, but also probably because the Ainu, let me remind you, have been subjected to genocide and persecution by the Japanese for centuries.

At the end of the XIX century. about one and a half thousand Ainu lived in Russia. After the Second World War, they were partly evicted, partly left on their own along with the Japanese population, others remained, returning, so to speak, from their hard and protracted service for centuries. This part mixed with the Russian population of the Far East.

In appearance, representatives of the Ainu people very little resemble their closest neighbors - the Japanese, Nivkhs and Itelmens.
Ainu is the White Race.

According to the Kamchadal Kurils themselves, all the names of the islands of the southern ridge were given by the Ainu tribes who once inhabited these territories. By the way, it is wrong to think that the names of the Kuriles, Kuril Lake, etc. arose from hot springs or volcanic activity.
It's just that the Kurils, or Kurilians, live here, and "kuru" in Ainu means the People.

It should be noted that this version destroys the already flimsy basis of the Japanese claims to our Kuril Islands. Even if the name of the ridge comes from our Ainu. This was confirmed during the expedition to about. Matua. There is an Ainu bay, where the oldest Ainu site was discovered.
Therefore, according to experts, it is very strange to say that the Ainu have never been in the Kuriles, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, as the Japanese are doing now, assuring everyone that the Ainu live only in Japan (after all, archeology says otherwise), so they, the Japanese, allegedly need to give the Kuril Islands. This is pure untruth. In Russia there are Ainu - the indigenous White People, who have a direct right to consider these islands their ancestral lands.

American anthropologist S. Lauryn Brace, from Michigan State University in Horizons of Science, No. 65, September-October 1989. writes: "The typical Ainu is easily distinguished from the Japanese: he has lighter skin, thicker body hair, beards, which is unusual for Mongoloids, and a more protruding nose."

Brace studied about 1,100 Japanese, Ainu, and other ethnic tombs and concluded that the upper class samurai in Japan were actually the descendants of the Ainu, and not the Yayoi (Mongoloids), the ancestors of most modern Japanese.

The history of the Ainu estates resembles the history of the higher castes in India, where the highest percentage of the haplogroup white man R1a1

Brace further writes: “... this explains why the facial features of the representatives of the ruling class are so often different from modern Japanese. The real Samurai, the descendants of the Ainu warriors, gained such influence and prestige in medieval Japan that they intermarried with the rest of the ruling circles and introduced Ainu blood into them, while the rest of the Japanese population was mainly descendants of the Yayoi.

It should also be noted that, in addition to archaeological and other features, the language was partially preserved. There is a dictionary of the Kuril language in the "Description of the Land of Kamchatka" by S. Krasheninnikov.
In Hokkaido, the dialect spoken by the Ainu is called saroo, but in SAKHALIN it is reychishka.
As it is not difficult to understand, the Ainu language differs from the Japanese language in terms of syntax, phonology, morphology and vocabulary, etc. Although there have been attempts to prove that they are related, the vast majority of modern scholars reject the suggestion that the relationship between languages ​​goes beyond contact relationships, involving mutual borrowing of words in both languages. In fact, no attempt to tie the Ainu language to any other language has been widely accepted.

In principle, according to the well-known Russian political scientist and journalist P. Alekseev, the problem of the Kuril Islands can be solved politically and economically. To do this, it is necessary to allow the Ainam (partially evicted to Japan in 1945) to return from Japan to the land of their ancestors (including their original range - the Amur Region, Kamchatka, Sakhalin and all the Kuriles, creating at least following the example of the Japanese (it is known that the Parliament of Japan only in 2008 did he still recognize the Ainu as an independent national minority), the Russian dispersed autonomy of an "independent national minority" with the participation of the Ainu from the islands and the Ainu of Russia.
We have neither people nor funds for the development of Sakhalin and the Kuriles, but the Ainu have. The Ainu, who migrated from Japan, according to experts, can give impetus to the economy of the Russian Far East, namely, by forming not only in the Kuril Islands, but also within Russia, national autonomy and reviving their family and traditions in the land of their ancestors

Japan, according to P. Alekseev, will be out of work, because. the displaced Ainu will disappear there, and here they can settle not only in the southern part of the Kuriles, but throughout their original range, our Far East, eliminating the emphasis on the southern Kuriles. Since many of the Ainu deported to Japan were our citizens, it is possible to use the Ainu as allies against the Japanese by restoring the dying Ainu language.
The Ainu were not allies of Japan and never will be, but they can become allies of Russia. But unfortunately this ancient People is ignored to this day.
With our pro-Western government, which feeds Chechnya for nothing, which deliberately flooded Russia with people of Caucasian nationality, opened unhindered entry for emigrants from China, and those who are clearly not interested in preserving the Peoples of Russia should not think that they will pay attention to the Ainu, only CIVIL INITIATIVE will help here.

As noted by the leading researcher of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Academician K. Cherevko, Japan exploited these islands. In their law there is such a thing as "development through trade exchange." And all the Ainu - both conquered and unconquered - were considered Japanese, were subject to their emperor. But it is known that even before that, the Ainu gave taxes to Russia. True, it was irregular.

Thus, it is safe to say that the Kuril Islands belong to the Ainu, but, one way or another, Russia must proceed from international law. According to him, i.e. Under the San Francisco Peace Treaty, Japan renounced the islands. There are simply no legal grounds for revising the documents signed in 1951 and other agreements today. But such matters are resolved only in the interests of big politics, and I repeat that only its Brotherly people, that is, We, can help this people from the outside.

Only on the territory of Russia there are 65 small peoples, and the number of some of them does not exceed a thousand people. There are hundreds of similar peoples on Earth, and each carefully preserves its customs, language and culture.

Our top ten today includes smallest nations in the world.

10. Ginuhs

This small nation lives on the territory of Dagestan, and its number is only 443 people as of the end of 2010. For a long time, the Ginukh people were not singled out as a separate ethnic group, since the Ginukh language was considered only one of the dialects of the Tsez language common in Dagestan.

9. Selkups

Until the 1930s, representatives of this West Siberian people were called Ostyak-Samoyeds. The number of Selkups is slightly more than 4 thousand people. They live mainly on the territory of the Tyumen, Tomsk regions, as well as the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

8. Nganasans

This people lives on the Taimyr Peninsula, and its number is about 800 people. The Nganasans are the northernmost people in Eurasia. Until the middle of the 20th century, the people led a nomadic life, driving herds of deer over great distances, today the Nganasans live settled.

7. Orochons

The place of residence of this small ethnic group is China and Mongolia. The population is about 7 thousand people. The history of the people has more than a thousand years, the Orochons are mentioned in many documents related to the early Chinese imperial dynasties.

6. Evenki

This indigenous people of Russia lives in Eastern Siberia. This people is the most numerous in our ten - its number is quite sufficient to populate a small town. There are about 35 thousand Evenks in the world.

5. Kets

Kets live in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The number of this people is less than 1500 people. Until the middle of the 20th century, representatives of the ethnic group were called Ostyaks, as well as Yeniseis. The Ket language belongs to the group of Yenisei languages.

4. Chulyms

The number of this indigenous people of Russia is 355 people as of 2010. Despite the fact that most of the Chulyms recognize Orthodoxy, the ethnic group carefully preserves some traditions of shamanism. Chulyms live mainly in the Tomsk region. Interestingly, the Chulym language does not have a written language.

3. Basins

The number of this people living in Primorye is only 276 people. The Taz language is a mixture of one of the Chinese dialects with the Nanai language. Now less than half of those who identify themselves as Taz speak this language.

2. Livy

This extremely small people lives on the territory of Latvia. From time immemorial, the main occupations of the Livs were piracy, fishing and hunting. Today, the people are almost completely assimilated. According to official figures, only 180 Livs remained.

1 Pitcairnians

This people is the smallest in the world and lives on the small island of Pitcairn in Oceania. The number of Pitcairns is about 60 people. They are all descendants of the sailors of the British warship Bounty, who landed here in 1790. The Pitcairn language is a mixture of Simplified English, Tahitian and Maritime vocabulary.

The Japanese captured the "Japanese" islands, destroying the indigenous people

Everyone knows that Americans are not the native population of the United States, just like the current population of South America. Do you know that the Japanese are also not the indigenous population of Japan? Who then lived on these islands before them? ...

Before them, the Ainu lived here, a mysterious people, in whose origin there are still many mysteries. The Ainu for some time coexisted with the Japanese, until the latter managed to push them north. The fact that the Ainu are the ancient masters of the Japanese archipelago, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands is evidenced by written sources and numerous names of geographical objects, the origin of which is associated with the Ainu language. And even the symbol of Japan - the great Mount Fuji - has the Ainu word "fuji" in its name, which means "deity of the hearth." According to scientists, the Ainu settled the Japanese islands around 13,000 BC and formed the Neolithic Jomon culture there.

The Ainu did not engage in agriculture, they earned their living by hunting, gathering and fishing. They lived in small settlements quite distant from each other. Therefore, their area of ​​residence was quite extensive: the Japanese islands, Sakhalin, Primorye, the Kuril Islands and the south of Kamchatka.

Around the 3rd millennium BC, Mongoloid tribes arrived on the Japanese islands, who later became the ancestors of the Japanese. The new settlers brought with them a rice culture that allowed them to feed a large number of people in a relatively small area. Thus began hard times in the life of the Ainu. They were forced to move north, leaving their ancestral lands to the colonialists.

But the Ainu were skilled warriors, who were fluent in bow and sword, and the Japanese failed to defeat them for a long time. Very long, almost 1500 years. The Ainu knew how to handle two swords, and on their right thigh they wore two daggers. One of them (cheyki-makiri) served as a knife for committing ritual suicide - hara-kiri.

The Japanese were able to defeat the Ainu only after the invention of cannons, having by this time managed to learn a lot from them in terms of military art. The code of honor of the samurai, the ability to wield two swords and the mentioned ritual of hara-kiri - these, it would seem, are characteristic attributes Japanese culture were actually borrowed from the Ainu.

Scientists still argue about the origin of the Ainu

But the fact that this people is not related to other indigenous peoples of the Far East and Siberia is already a proven fact. Characteristic their appearance is very thick hair and a beard in men, which the representatives of the Mongoloid race are deprived of. For a long time it was believed that they may have common roots with the peoples of Indonesia and the Pacific natives, since they have similar facial features. But genetic studies ruled out this option.

And the first Russian Cossacks who arrived on Sakhalin Island even mistook the Ainu for Russians, so they were not like Siberian tribes, but rather resembled Europeans. The only group of people from all the analyzed options with whom they have a genetic relationship turned out to be the people of the Jomon era, who were supposedly the ancestors of the Ainu. The Ainu language also strongly stands out from the modern linguistic picture of the world, and a suitable place has not yet been found for it. It turns out that during the long isolation, the Ainu lost contact with all other peoples of the Earth, and some researchers even single them out as a special Ainu race.

Ainu in Russia

For the first time, the Kamchatka Ainu came into contact with Russian merchants at the end of the 17th century. Relations with the Amur and Northern Kuril Ainu were established in the 18th century. The Ainu considered Russians, who differed in race from their Japanese enemies, as friends, and by the middle of the 18th century, more than one and a half thousand Ainu had accepted Russian citizenship. Even the Japanese could not distinguish the Ainu from the Russians because of their external resemblance (white skin and Australoid facial features, which are similar to Caucasians in a number of ways). Compiled under the Russian Empress Catherine II "Spatial land description Russian state”, included in the Russian Empire not only all the Kuril Islands, but also the island of Hokkaido.

The reason is that ethnic Japanese at that time did not even populate it. The indigenous population - the Ainu - following the results of the expedition of Antipin and Shabalin, were recorded as Russian subjects.

The Ainu fought the Japanese not only in the south of Hokkaido, but also in the northern part of the island of Honshu. The Cossacks themselves explored and taxed the Kuril Islands in the 17th century. So that Russia can demand Hokkaido from the Japanese.

The fact of Russian citizenship of the inhabitants of Hokkaido was noted in a letter from Alexander I to the Japanese emperor in 1803. Moreover, this did not cause any objections from the Japanese side, let alone official protest. Hokkaido for Tokyo was a foreign territory like Korea. When the first Japanese arrived on the island in 1786, the Ainu came out to meet them, bearing Russian names and surnames. And what's more - orthodox Christians! Japan's first claims to Sakhalin date back only to 1845. Then Emperor Nicholas I immediately gave a diplomatic rebuff. Only the weakening of Russia in the following decades led to the occupation of the southern part of Sakhalin by the Japanese.

It is interesting that the Bolsheviks in 1925 condemned the former government, which had given Russian lands to Japan.

So in 1945, historical justice was only restored. The army and navy of the USSR resolved the Russo-Japanese territorial issue by force. Khrushchev in 1956 signed the Joint Declaration of the USSR and Japan, Article 9 of which read:

"The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, meeting the wishes of Japan and taking into account the interests of the Japanese state, agrees to the transfer of the Habomai Islands and the Shikotan Islands to Japan, however, that the actual transfer of these islands to Japan will be made after the conclusion of the Peace Treaty between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Japan" .

Khrushchev's goal was the demilitarization of Japan. He was ready to sacrifice a couple of small islands in order to remove American military bases from the Soviet Far East. Now, obviously, we are no longer talking about demilitarization. Washington clung to his "unsinkable aircraft carrier" with a stranglehold. Moreover, Tokyo's dependence on the United States even increased after the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Well, if so, then the gratuitous transfer of the islands as a “goodwill gesture” loses its attractiveness. It is reasonable not to follow the Khrushchev declaration, but to put forward symmetrical claims based on well-known historical facts. Shaking ancient scrolls and manuscripts, which is normal practice in such cases.

An insistence on giving up Hokkaido would be a cold shower for Tokyo. We would have to argue in the negotiations not about Sakhalin or even about the Kuriles, but about our own territory at the moment. I would have to defend myself, justify myself, prove my right. Russia from diplomatic defense would thus go over to the offensive. Moreover, China's military activity, North Korea's nuclear ambitions and readiness for military action, and other security problems in the Asia-Pacific region will provide another reason for Japan to sign a peace treaty with Russia.

But back to the Ainu

When the Japanese first came into contact with the Russians, they called them the Red Ainu (Ainu with blond hair). Only in early XIX century, the Japanese realized that the Russians and the Ainu were two different people. However, for Russians, the Ainu were "hairy", "dark-skinned", "dark-eyed" and "dark-haired". The first Russian researchers described the Ainu as similar to Russian peasants with swarthy skin or more like gypsies.

The Ainu were on the side of the Russians during the Russo-Japanese Wars of the 19th century. However, after the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, the Russians abandoned them to their fate. Hundreds of Ainu were massacred and their families forcibly transported to Hokkaido by the Japanese. As a result, the Russians failed to win back the Ainu during World War II. Only a few representatives of the Ainu decided to stay in Russia after the war. More than 90% went to Japan.

Under the terms of the St. Petersburg Treaty of 1875, the Kuriles were ceded to Japan, along with the Ainu living on them. On September 18, 1877, 83 North Kuril Ainu arrived in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, deciding to remain under Russian control. They refused to move to the reservations on the Commander Islands, as they were offered by the Russian government. After that, from March 1881, for four months they traveled on foot to the village of Yavino, where they later settled.

Later, the village of Golygino was founded. Another 9 Ainu arrived from Japan in 1884. The 1897 census indicates 57 people in the population of Golygino (all Ainu) and 39 people in Yavino (33 Ainu and 6 Russians). Both villages were destroyed by the Soviet authorities, and the inhabitants were resettled in Zaporozhye, Ust-Bolsheretsky district. As a result, three ethnic groups assimilated with the Kamchadals.

The North Kuril Ainu are currently the largest subgroup of the Ainu in Russia. The Nakamura family (South Kuril on the paternal side) is the smallest and has only 6 people living in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. There are a few on Sakhalin who identify themselves as Ainu, but many more Ainu do not recognize themselves as such.

Most of the 888 Japanese living in Russia (2010 census) are of Ainu origin, although they do not recognize this (full-blooded Japanese are allowed to enter Japan without a visa). The situation is similar with the Amur Ainu living in Khabarovsk. And it is believed that none of the Kamchatka Ainu survived.


In 1979, the USSR crossed out the ethnonym "Ainu" from the list of "living" ethnic groups in Russia, thereby declaring that this people had died out on the territory of the USSR. Judging by the 2002 census, no one entered the ethnonym "Ainu" in fields 7 or 9.2 of the K-1 census form. There is such evidence that the Ainu have the most direct genetic ties in the male line, oddly enough, with the Tibetans - half of them are carriers of a close haplogroup D1 (the D2 group itself is practically not found outside the Japanese archipelago) and the Miao-Yao peoples in southern China and in Indochina.

As for the female (Mt-DNA) haplogroups, the U group dominates among the Ainu, which is also found among other peoples of East Asia, but in small numbers. During the 2010 census, about 100 people tried to register themselves as Ainu, but the Kamchatka Krai government rejected their claims and recorded them as Kamchadals.

In 2011, the head of the Ainu community of Kamchatka, Alexei Vladimirovich Nakamura, sent a letter to the Governor of Kamchatka, Vladimir Ilyukhin, and the chairman of the local Duma, Boris Nevzorov, with a request to include the Ainu in the List of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East Russian Federation. The request was also denied. Aleksey Nakamura reports that in 2012 there were 205 Ainu in Russia (compared to 12 people registered in 2008), and they, like the Kuril Kamchadals, are fighting for official recognition. The Ainu language died out many decades ago.

In 1979, only three people on Sakhalin could speak Ainu fluently, and there the language had completely died out by the 1980s. Although Keizo Nakamura spoke fluent Sakhalin-Ainu and even translated several documents into Russian for the NKVD, he did not pass the language on to his son. Take Asai, the last person to know the Sakhalin Ainu language, died in Japan in 1994.

Until the Ainu are recognized, they are marked as people without a nationality, like ethnic Russians or Kamchadals. Therefore, in 2016, both the Kuril Ainu and the Kuril Kamchadals are deprived of the rights to hunt and fish, which the small peoples of the Far North have.

Everyone knows that Americans are not the native population of the USA, just like the current population of South America. Did you know that the Japanese are not native to Japan?

Who then lived in these places before them?

Before them, the Ainu lived here, a mysterious people, in whose origin there are still many mysteries. The Ainu for some time coexisted with the Japanese, until the latter managed to push them north.

Settlement of the Ainu at the end of the 19th century.

The fact that the Ainu are the ancient masters of the Japanese archipelago, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands is evidenced by written sources and numerous names of geographical objects, the origin of which is associated with the Ainu language.

And even the symbol of Japan - the great Mount Fuji - has the Ainu word "fuji" in its name, which means "deity of the hearth." According to scientists, the Ainu settled the Japanese islands around 13,000 BC and formed the Neolithic Jomon culture there.

The Ainu did not engage in agriculture, they earned their living by hunting, gathering and fishing. They lived in small settlements quite remote from each other. Therefore, their area of ​​residence was quite extensive: the Japanese islands, Sakhalin, Primorye, the Kuril Islands and the south of Kamchatka.

Around the 3rd millennium BC, Mongoloid tribes arrived on the Japanese islands, who later became the ancestors of the Japanese. The new settlers brought with them a rice culture that allowed them to feed a large number of people in a relatively small area. Thus began hard times in the life of the Ainu. They were forced to move north, leaving their ancestral lands to the colonialists.

But the Ainu were skilled warriors, who were fluent in bow and sword, and the Japanese failed to defeat them for a long time. Very long, almost 1500 years. The Ainu knew how to handle two swords, and on their right thigh they wore two daggers. One of them (cheyki-makiri) served as a knife for committing ritual suicide - hara-kiri.

The Japanese were able to defeat the Ainu only after the invention of cannons, having by this time managed to learn a lot from them in terms of military art. The code of honor of the samurai, the ability to wield two swords and the mentioned hara-kiri ritual - these seemingly characteristic attributes of Japanese culture were actually borrowed from the Ainu.

Scientists still argue about the origin of the Ainu.

But the fact that this people is not related to other indigenous peoples of the Far East and Siberia is already a proven fact. A characteristic feature of their appearance is very thick hair and a beard in men, which representatives of the Mongoloid race are deprived of. For a long time it was believed that they may have common roots with the peoples of Indonesia and the Pacific natives, since they have similar facial features. But genetic studies ruled out this option.

And the first Russian Cossacks who arrived on Sakhalin Island even mistook the Ainu for Russians, so they were not like Siberian tribes, but rather resembled Europeans. The only group of people from all the analyzed options with whom they have a genetic relationship turned out to be the people of the Jomon era, who were supposedly the ancestors of the Ainu.

The Ainu language also strongly stands out from the modern linguistic picture of the world, and a suitable place has not yet been found for it. It turns out that during the long isolation, the Ainu lost contact with all other peoples of the Earth, and some researchers even single them out as a special Ainu race.

Ainu in Russia

For the first time, the Kamchatka Ainu came into contact with Russian merchants at the end of the 17th century. Relations with the Amur and Northern Kuril Ainu were established in the 18th century. The Ainu considered Russians, who differed in race from their Japanese enemies, as friends, and by the middle of the 18th century, more than one and a half thousand Ainu had accepted Russian citizenship. Even the Japanese could not distinguish the Ainu from the Russians because of their external resemblance (white skin and Australoid facial features, which are similar to Caucasians in a number of ways).

Compiled under the Russian Empress Catherine II, the "Spatial Land Description of the Russian State" included in the Russian Empire not only all the Kuril Islands, but also the island of Hokkaido.

The reason is that ethnic Japanese at that time did not even populate it. The indigenous population - the Ainu - following the results of the expedition of Antipin and Shabalin, were recorded as Russian subjects.

The Ainu fought the Japanese not only in the south of Hokkaido, but also in the northern part of the island of Honshu. The Cossacks themselves explored and taxed the Kuril Islands in the 17th century. So that Russia can demand from the Japanese Hokkaido

The fact of Russian citizenship of the inhabitants of Hokkaido was noted in a letter from Alexander I to the Japanese Emperor in 1803. Moreover, this did not cause any objections from the Japanese side, let alone official protest. Hokkaido for Tokyo was a foreign territory like Korea. When the first Japanese arrived on the island in 1786, the Ainu came out to meet them, bearing Russian names and surnames. And what's more - orthodox Christians!

Japan's first claims to Sakhalin date back only to 1845. Then Emperor Nicholas I immediately gave a diplomatic rebuff. Only the weakening of Russia in the following decades led to the occupation of the southern part of Sakhalin by the Japanese.

It is interesting that the Bolsheviks in 1925 condemned the former government, which had given Russian lands to Japan.

So in 1945, historical justice was only restored. The army and navy of the USSR resolved the Russo-Japanese territorial issue by force.

Khrushchev in 1956 signed the Joint Declaration of the USSR and Japan, Article 9 of which read:

“The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, meeting the wishes of Japan and taking into account the interests of the Japanese state, agrees to the transfer of the Habomai Islands and the Shikotan Islands to Japan, however, that the actual transfer of these islands to Japan will be made after the conclusion of the Peace Treaty between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Japan” .

Khrushchev's goal was the demilitarization of Japan. He was ready to sacrifice a couple of small islands in order to remove American military bases from the Soviet Far East.

Now, obviously, we are no longer talking about demilitarization. Washington clung to his "unsinkable aircraft carrier" with a stranglehold. Moreover, Tokyo's dependence on the United States even increased after the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Well, if so, then the gratuitous transfer of the islands as a “goodwill gesture” loses its attractiveness.

It is reasonable not to follow Khrushchev's declaration, but to put forward symmetrical claims based on well-known historical facts. Shaking ancient scrolls and manuscripts, which is normal practice in such cases.

An insistence on giving up Hokkaido would be a cold shower for Tokyo. We would have to argue in the negotiations not about Sakhalin or even about the Kuriles, but about our own territory at the moment.

I would have to defend myself, justify myself, prove my right. Russia from diplomatic defense would thus go over to the offensive.

Moreover, China's military activity, North Korea's nuclear ambitions and readiness for military action, and other security problems in the Asia-Pacific region will provide another reason for Japan to sign a peace treaty with Russia.

But back to the Ainu

When the Japanese first came into contact with the Russians, they called them the Red Ainu (Ainu with blond hair). It was only at the beginning of the 19th century that the Japanese realized that the Russians and the Ainu were two different peoples. However, for Russians, the Ainu were "hairy", "dark-skinned", "dark-eyed" and "dark-haired". The first Russian researchers described the Ainu as similar to Russian peasants with swarthy skin or more like gypsies.

The Ainu were on the side of the Russians during the Russo-Japanese Wars of the 19th century. However, after the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, the Russians abandoned them to their fate. Hundreds of Ainu were massacred and their families forcibly transported to Hokkaido by the Japanese. As a result, the Russians failed to win back the Ainu during World War II. Only a few representatives of the Ainu decided to stay in Russia after the war. More than 90% went to Japan.

Under the terms of the St. Petersburg Treaty of 1875, the Kuriles were ceded to Japan, along with the Ainu living on them. On September 18, 1877, 83 North Kuril Ainu arrived in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, deciding to remain under Russian control. They refused to move to the reservations on the Commander Islands, as they were offered by the Russian government. After that, from March 1881, for four months they traveled on foot to the village of Yavino, where they later settled.

Later, the village of Golygino was founded. Another 9 Ainu arrived from Japan in 1884. The 1897 census indicates 57 people in the population of Golygino (all Ainu) and 39 people in Yavino (33 Ainu and 6 Russians). Both villages were destroyed by the Soviet authorities, and the inhabitants were resettled in Zaporozhye, Ust-Bolsheretsky district. As a result, three ethnic groups assimilated with the Kamchadals.

The North Kuril Ainu are currently the largest subgroup of the Ainu in Russia. The Nakamura family (South Kuril on the paternal side) is the smallest and has only 6 people living in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. There are a few on Sakhalin who identify themselves as Ainu, but many more Ainu do not recognize themselves as such.

Most of the 888 Japanese living in Russia (2010 census) are of Ainu origin, although they do not recognize this (full-blooded Japanese are allowed to enter Japan without a visa). The situation is similar with the Amur Ainu living in Khabarovsk. And it is believed that none of the Kamchatka Ainu survived.


In 1979, the USSR crossed out the ethnonym "Ainu" from the list of "living" ethnic groups in Russia, thereby declaring that this people had died out on the territory of the USSR. Judging by the 2002 census, no one entered the ethnonym "Ainu" in fields 7 or 9.2 of the K-1 census form

There is such evidence that the Ainu have the most direct genetic ties in the male line, oddly enough, with the Tibetans - half of them are carriers of a close haplogroup D1 (the D2 group itself is practically not found outside the Japanese archipelago) and the Miao-Yao peoples in southern China and in Indochina.

As for the female (Mt-DNA) haplogroups, the U group dominates among the Ainu, which is also found among other peoples of East Asia, but in small numbers.

During the 2010 census, about 100 people tried to register themselves as Ainu, but the Kamchatka Krai government rejected their claims and recorded them as Kamchadals.

In 2011, the head of the Ainu community of Kamchatka, Aleksey Vladimirovich Nakamura, sent a letter to the governor of Kamchatka, Vladimir Ilyukhin, and the chairman of the local duma, Boris Nevzorov, with a request to include the Ainu in the List of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.

The request was also denied.

Aleksey Nakamura reports that in 2012 there were 205 Ainu in Russia (compared to 12 people registered in 2008), and they, like the Kuril Kamchadals, are fighting for official recognition. The Ainu language died out many decades ago.

In 1979, only three people on Sakhalin could speak Ainu fluently, and there the language had completely died out by the 1980s.

Although Keizo Nakamura spoke fluent Sakhalin-Ainu and even translated several documents into Russian for the NKVD, he did not pass the language on to his son.

Take Asai, the last person to know the Sakhalin Ainu language, died in Japan in 1994.

Until the Ainu are recognized, they are marked as people without a nationality, like ethnic Russians or Kamchadals.

Therefore, in 2016, both the Kuril Ainu and the Kuril Kamchadals are deprived of the rights to hunt and fish, which the small peoples of the Far North have.