Five centuries to read a summary. Antique myth about five centuries Hesiod's life

In summer, in winter bad, never enjoyable.

In the main part of Hesiod describes the work of the agriculture during the year; He calls upon the broken brother of Persian to honest work, which one can give wealth. The poem ends with a list of "happy and unhappy days." Hesiod has great observation; It introduces living descriptions of nature, genre paintings, can attach the attention of the reader with bright images.

The reason for writing the poem "Works and Days" was the process of the Gesiod with his brother Perso because of the partition of the Earth after the death of the Father. The poet found himself offended by the judges from the birth nobility; At the beginning of the poem, he complains about the sale of these "kings", "gifting devours"

Rarely be like the fathers of the sons, but for more

Only this genus went to the kingdom of shadows, immediately the Great Zeus created the fourth century on the fourth century and a new human race, more noble, more fair, equal to the gods Heroian demigods . And they all died in evil wars and terrible bloody battles. Some died in seven-radial fiv, in the country of Cadma, fighting for the heritage of Edip. Others fell under Troray, where they were behind the beautiful Elena, swam on the ships a wide sea. When all their death kidnapped them, Zeus-Studzzz set them on the edge of the earth, away from living people. Heroes demigods live on the islands of the ocean blessed in the turbulent water, carefree. There, fertile land three times a year gives them fruits, sweet as honey.

Then the age of Silver came, when Saturn was overthrown and said Jupiter's world. Summer, winter and autumn appeared. Appeared at home, people began to work to get their feed. Then the copper age has come

Father Zeus created the third family and the third century - Copper eyelid . It does not look like a silver. From the Village spear created Zeus people - terrible and mighty. They loved the people of the copper century pride and war, abundant moans. They did not know agriculture and did not eat the fruits of the earth, which give gardens and arable land. Zeus gave them a huge increase and intolerable power. Neukrotimo, courageously there were their hearts and the irresolutes of their hands. Their weapons were stitched from copper, they were their homes from copper, they worked with copper tools. They did not know even in those times of dark iron. His own hands destroy each other people of the copper century. They quickly went to the gloomy kingdom of terrible Aida. No matter how strong they were, still black death kidnap them, and they left the clear light of the sun.

State Polar Academy

Department of Russian Language and Literature

Gesiodovsky myth about five centuries. Origin and parallels in other mythologies.

Performed: Remizov Dmitry

Group: 211-A

St. Petersburg 2002

The lifetime of the Hesiod is only an approximate definition: the end of VIII or the beginning of the VII century. BC. He is thus the youngest contemporary of the Homerovsky epic. But while the question of the individual "creator" of "Iliad" or "Odyssey" is a complex and not resolved problem, Hesiod is the first pronounced person in Greek literature. He himself calls his name or reports some biographical information. Hesiod's father left for cruel needs to small Asia and settled in Boeotia, near the "Music Mus" Helikon

Near Helikona donkey he in the village of Uncess Askra,

"Works and days"

Beotie belonged to the number of relatively backward agricultural areas of Greece with a large number of small peasant farms, with a weak development of crafts and urban life. In this backward region, monetary relations have already penetrated, subtracting a closed natural economy and traditional life, but the Besotian peasantry has long defended its economic independence. Hesiod himself was a small landowner and at the same time with the Rhapsod (a wandering singer). As a rhapsode, he probably performed the heroic songs, but his own creativity belongs to the area of \u200b\u200bthe didactic (instructive) epic. In the era, the breakdown of ancient public relations, Gesiod acts as a poet of peasant labor, a teacher of life, a moralist and systematizer of mythological legends.

Two poems have been preserved from Gesiod: "Theogony" (the origin of the gods) and the "works and days" ("works and days").

The reason for writing the poem "Proceedings and Days" was the process of Hesiod with his brother Perso because of the partition of the Earth after the death of the Father. The poet found himself offended by the judges from the birth nobility; At the beginning of the poem, he complains about the sale of these "kings", "Eaters of Gifts"

... Swelling the kings of Darorads,

Our dispute with you quite, how walked for you, reasonable.

In the main part of Hesiod describes the work of the agriculture during the year; He calls upon the broken brother of Persian to honest work, which one can give wealth. The poem ends with a list of "happy and unhappy days." Hesiod has great observation; It introduces living descriptions of nature, genre paintings, can attach the attention of the reader with bright images.

The special attention in the poem should be paid to the myth of five centuries. In Hesiod, all world history is divided into five periods: the golden age, silver, copper, heroic and iron.

Living on the bright Olympus immortal gods The first human race created happy; This was golden age. God crown rules then in heaven. As blissful gods, people lived in those days, not knowing no care, no work, nor sorrow. They did not know and weak old age; Always were strong and strong their legs and hands. Painless I am a happy life of them was an eternal beer. Death, coming after the long life, looked like a calm, quiet sleep. They had everything in abundance during life. The Earth itself gave them rich fruits, and did not have to spend labor on the cultivation of fields and gardens. Their herds were numerous, and they quietly grazed on fat pastures. The golden century people lived serene. The gods themselves came to them to consult. But the golden age ended on Earth, and no one left of this generation. After death, the people of the golden century became spirits, patrons of people of new generations. Hounded fog, they are worn throughout the land, protecting the truth and karava evil. So awarded their Zeus after their death.
The second human genus and the second century was no longer so happy as the first. This was silver Age. They were not equal to neither force, nor the mind of the silver century, the golden people. They grew a hundred years old, they are unreasonable in their homes, only indignant, they left them. Cork was their life in adulthood, and since they were unreasonable, then many misfortunes and grief saw them in life. The silver century people were unoccupied. They did not obey the immortal gods and did not want to burn victims on the altars, the great son of Crown Zeus destroyed them on earth. He was angry at them for the fact that they did not obey the gods living on the bright Olympus. Zeus settled them in the underground gloomy kingdom. They live there, not knowing neither joy, no sorrows; They also assume the honors people.
Father Zeus created the third family and the third century - copper eyelid. It does not look like a silver. From the Village spear created Zeus people - terrible and mighty. They loved the people of the copper century pride and war, abundant moans. They did not know agriculture and did not eat the fruits of the earth, which give gardens and arable land. Zeus gave them a huge increase and intolerable power. Neukrotimo, courageously there were their hearts and the irresolutes of their hands. Their weapons were stitched from copper, they were their homes from copper, they worked with copper tools. They did not know even in those times of dark iron. His own hands destroy each other people of the copper century. They quickly went to the gloomy kingdom of terrible Aida. No matter how strong they were, still black death kidnap them, and they left the clear light of the sun.

Only this genus went to the kingdom of shadows, immediately the Great Zeus created the fourth century on the fourth century and a new human race, more noble, more fair, equal to the gods heroian demigods. And they all died in evil wars and terrible bloody battles. Some died in seven-radial fiv, in the country of Cadma, fighting for the heritage of Edip. Others fell under Troray, where they were behind the beautiful Elena, swam on the ships a wide sea. When all their death kidnapped them, Zeus-Studzzz set them on the edge of the earth, away from living people. Heroes demigods live on the islands of the ocean blessed in the turbulent water, carefree. There, fertile land three times a year gives them fruits, sweet as honey.
Last, fifth century and human race - iron. It continues and now on Earth. At night and in the afternoon, without ceasing, they ruin people sorrow and exhaust work. The gods send people serious concerns. True, the gods and good are mixed up to evil, but still evil more, it reigns everywhere. Do not honor the children of parents; a friend is not true to a friend; The guest does not find hospitality; No love between the brothers. Do not observe the people of this oath, do not appreciate the truth and goodness. Friend destroy the cities. Everywhere owes violence. Only pride and power are appreciated. Goddess conscience and justice left people. In his white clothes, they took off to the high Olympus to the immortal gods, and only serious misfortunes remained, and they have no protection from evil.

In socially historical terms, this passage is extremely important, as it draws the disintegration of related links and the beginning of the class society, where they really are all enemies to each other.

The picture of the change of centuries has a completely exceptional importance in world literature. The poet first captured the presentation of antiquity about the continuous regression in the sphere of spiritual and material. It is the development of more general everyday wisdom in Homer (OD. II, 276):

Rarely be like the fathers of the sons, but for more

Parts are all worse fathers, only a few better.

The transfer to the distant, unshameable antiquity of the state of earthly perfection is the doctrine of the "golden age" - characterized by people's ideas and is known in many nations (the ethnologist Fritz Grener marks it, for example, in Indians of Central America). It is necessary to attribute the biblical doctrine of the earthly paradise based on the Babylonian myths. Similar moments are found in Indian philosophy. But this is a general idea of \u200b\u200ba developed Hesiod to a whole system of stepwise fall of humanity. Later literary decorations of the same thought are found, for example, in Metamorphosis of Ovid, Roman poet, who lived from 43 BC. By 18, AD

Ovid has four centuries: gold, silver, copper and iron. The age of gold, in which people lived without judges. There was no wars. No one sought to conquer other people's lands. No need to work - the Earth brought everything herself. Forever stood spring. The rivers of milk and nectar flowed.

Then the age of Silver came, when Saturn was overthrown and said Jupiter's world. Summer, winter and autumn appeared. Appeared at home, people began to work to get their feed. Then the copper age has come

He was the spirit of severe, tend to the terrible struck,

But not a criminal yet. The last all of the iron.

Instead of shame, truth and loyalty, deception and cunning, goats, violence and passion for possession appeared. People started riding in other people's lands. Steel to share the land, fight with each other. Everyone began to be afraid of each other: Guest - Host, husband - wife, brother - brother, son-in-law - testa, etc.

However, between the representations of Ovid and the Gesiod, there are differences: Ovid has a continuous drop, figuratively expressed in decreasing the value of the metal, which is indicated by the "Century": gold, silver, copper, iron. Hesiod is temporarily delayed: the fourth generation is heroes, the heroes of the Trojan and FVAN wars; The lifetime of this generation is not determined by any metal. The scheme itself is definitely ancient times of the Gesiod. Heroes - outside it. This complication is likely to have a tribute to the authority of the heroic epic, although opposition of the class to which Hesiod belongs is to whom. The authority of Homeric heroes forced the author to bring them out of the scarring painting of the third ("copper") generation.

Also in the ancient literature we find the legend about changing the centuries, except for Ovid, Arata, partly Iergulia, Horace, Juvenal and Babria.

List of references:

1. THEM. Tronsky. The history of antique literature. Leningrad 1951.

2. N.F. Deratani, N.A. Timofeyev. Reader for antique literature. Tom I. Moscow 1958

3. Losev A.F., Tahoe-God A.A. and others. Antique literature: Tutorial for higher education. Moscow 1997.

4. ON THE. Kun. Legends and myths of ancient Greece. Kaliningrad 2000.

5. History of Greek literature, T.1. Epos, Lyrics, drama of the classic period. M. -l., 1947.

6. Gesiod. Works and days. PER V.VERVESEVA. 1940.

Then now
(The material is designed for 2 - 3 school hours)

The main humanistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe section:
- humanity naturally went to the need to create rules organizing the joint existence of various individualities. Respect for the rules, including those that would limit the manifestation of violence in conflicts between people, is a prerequisite for the preservation of humanity.

The ethical goal of the section:

To summarize the students to understand the values \u200b\u200bof the rules governing the behavior of people in general and limiting violence in their power rivalry in particular.

Texts for reading with subsequent analysis or discussion
myth "Five centuries"(retelling historian N.A. Kunom fragment of the poem Gesiod "Works and days"), which reflects the submission of an ancient Greek poet on the trends in the development of human society towards the disrespect of established rules;
Tale R. Kipling "Cat, waging in itself" which allows you to discuss the possibility of a reasonable coexistence of various individuals capable of respecting the rights and obligations of each other.

Dictionary of concepts:

Custom - The generally accepted order, traditionally established the rules of social behavior.

Rule - position, installation, principle that serve as a guide to anything; Action taken by anyone, actions.

Treaty - a written or verbal agreement, a condition for mutual obligations.

If the teacher considers it possible to begin work on the assimilation of the concepts of "humanist", "humanistic", "humanitarian" already at the first lessons on this UMC, it can refer to the definitions of the concepts of concepts on page 7 of the Methodological Recommendations.

To the lesson on the myth of "five centuries"


general - to acquaint students with the ideas of an ancient Greek poet of Gesiod about the logic of the development of human society; Discuss a problem reflected in myth: "What path moves humanity: along the path of respect for the generally accepted rules or disregard them";

private - introduce a new type of mythological narration; continue the formation of skills of lexical work; Enrich students' presentings on artistic means like epithet, allegory, metonymy.

Possible course of lesson

"The affairs of the long-lasting days ..."

The teacher prepares in advance on the board will record the conditional name of the lesson.

Affairs of the long days,
Deadian antiquity deep ...

These Pushkin lines will allow us to start a conversation about truly distant time, about the affairs are so long, which are now the mythical ...

However, a little later, I will ask you to turn to these line again and answer the question: "The questions we will discuss after acquaintance with the works created a long time ago - this is really" the affairs of the past days "who were important and interesting then ? Or are they still worried about us now? "

Preparation for the perception of text

On the board, the teacher writes the words "silver, iron, gold, copper." Then he asks students to arrange these words in a logical sequence and explain why this is the location of words they offer. The following chains are possible: gold-silver-copper-iron or vice versa - words in this case are arranged as descending or increasing the degree of value of natural materials.

Next, the teacher can contact the disciples with the words:
- Today we have to get acquainted with the ancient Greek myth - it is called "Five centuries". His historian N.A. was repaid for us. Kun on the poem of the Gesiod "Works and days".

(It is possible to recall the content of the term "myth": it must be submitted as a "joyster", and not the "alogical" awareness of the world. In myths there are more emotions than logic. They reflect the initial ideas of people about the universe and connections in it based on behavior The gods with human properties - emotions are primarily. All the narration of the Hesiod, with which children will be honored, based on the emotional comprehension of the world and its changes. This type of narration is close to the fairy tale in the fact that there are no accurate dating in the presentation of events (time in myth Uncertain) and evidence. However, it differs from a fairy tale orientation on the most important events, problems in the life of people.)

In this myth, there are special ways, "beating" words from which you built logical chains. Can you assume the name of the word gold, silver, copper, iron, silver, copper, iron? (Pupils are given the opportunity to express their assumptions, the teacher can briefly fix their guesses on the board.) Read the text, make sure that you are correct or the erroneousness of your guess.

Gesiod (End of the VIII-VII century. BC) - the height of the didactic epic in the ancient Greek literature. Basic information about Hesiod is drawn from his poem "Works and days". Despite the bitterness, permeating the poem, her mood is not hopeless. The poet seeks to find the features of good in his age, indicate the source of hope. First of all, he believes in gods and human labor. Another in his poem "Theogony", Hesiod argues the thought of the power and glory of Zeus, not only the strongest, but also a wise ruler of the world. The order of the universe helps to maintain Zeus his spouse: the goddess of the fertility of Demeter and personifies the natural order of the Femid's things, which, in turn, creates three OR - the goddes of the replacing seasons: Eneven, Dick, Irina (legality, justice, peace) denoting the foundations of ethical public Norm. These names are meaningful: they indicate just on those phenomena, the observance of which, according to the Hesiod, was threatened.

According to M. Nikola

Reading text

At the stage of preparation for the lesson, the teacher can use additional information about Hesiod.

In the book for the student, not all the words calling the ancient Greek realities are explained, since some of them are already familiar to students from the course of history. In addition to those specified in the children's book, may also need explanation and such words:

Cadm. - Hero of ancient Greek myths, founder of FIV. After the abduction of Europe by Zeus, her brothers, including cadm, were sent by the father in search of sisters. Delphic Oracle ordered K. Stop searching, follow the cow, which he will meet, and build a city where she stops. Performing this command, K. arrived in Besotia (along with the attic, the most significant region of ancient Greece), where he founded the cadmium - the citadel, around which the phiva was subsequently increased - the largest city of Beotia, Homer - "semivate" phiva.

Oedipus - Son of the FVAN king Laya. The Delphian Oracle predicted that the Oedip in the future would become the killer of his father and his husband's wife, so according to the order of his father, he was still a child for the existence of beasts. Founded by the shepherds, Oedip was transferred to the childless Corinthian king of watering, which brought him as his son. The growing Oedip met at the crossroads of his father Laya and killed him, not knowing that it was his father. The Oedip freed the fakes from the Sphinx, having decided his mystery, became the king there and, who was unaware, married his mother. Having learned the truth, he blinded himself.

Kronos. (CZK) is one of the oldest doolympic gods, the son of uranium (sky) and gay (land), the youngest of Titans, the overthrow and crippled his father. Kronos's mother predicted that, like her father, he would overtake one of his children. Therefore, the Kronos swallowed all his newborn children. This fate was avoided only by the younger son of Kronos Zeus, instead of which was swallowed by a stone wrapped in a diaper. Subsequently, Zeus is a father of his father and forced him to externulate all the children's swallowed them. Under the leadership of Zeus, the kids of the Kronos declared the war titans, which lasted ten years. Together with other defeated titans, Kronos was overthow in Tartar.

Initially, the Kronos apparently was the god of farming, the harvest (in some myths weapons and the attribute of the Kronos were considered a sickle). The legend of the golden age is connected with the Kronos, during which Kronos managed the world.

Narodnaya etymology brought together the name of the Kronos with the Greek designation of time - the chronos, and the Kronos began to consider as God of time.

Ocean. 1. According to Hesiod, the son of Uranus and Gay, Titan, Brother of Kronos, the Spadis, who gave birth to him three thousand sons - river deities and three thousand daughters - Oceanid. The ocean lives secluded in the underwater palace and does not appear at the assembly of the gods. In later myths, Poseidon is supplanted. 2. The mythical river surrounding the Earth. In the ocean, on the ideas of the ancients, all sea currents, rivers and sources originate. From the ocean, the sun, the moon and stars are descended from the ocean (except for the constellation of a large bear).

1. Name five centuries in the order in which they are listed in the myth. (Golden, Silver, Copper, Age Heroes, Iron.) What is the name of the century, we met for the first time (a century of heroes.) Do you know the myths who would tell about the lives of people and the gods of the heroes? (Some myths about Achille, Herakla, Argonauts.)
Write the names of all five centuries. Pick the word for the tank, generalizing the characteristics of each century. (Happy, cruel, heroic, tragic, noble, joyful, heavy, etc.)

2. What do you think, in the characteristics of the centuries, our attention is drawn with the appearance in the logical chain of the name of the age of heroes? Find words and expressions in the description of each century, characterizing the lives of people of each century. Write them out.
(Gold: Painless and happy life; people lived serenely.
Silver: "Unreasonable" people ...
Copper: terrible and mighty people; Love the war, abundant moans; destroyed each other.
Century Heroes: The human race is more noble, more just, however, they died in wars and bloody battles.
Iron: Grueling work, grave care; People do not read each other, the guest does not find hospitality, do not comply with this oath, do not appreciate the truth and goodness; The city is destroyed by each other, violence rules everywhere; They have no protection from evil ...).

How, in Hesyod, the life of people on earth with the change of centuries changed? Why? What kind of reception helps to make such a conclusion? How do you think the emotional color of words characterizing the lives of people of different centuries is changing? (Names of centuries are given by analogy with metals, the comparative value of which is different: gold is more expensive than silver, silver is more expensive than copper, copper - iron.)

3. In the life of people of almost every century, which Gesiod told, there were their bright and dark sides: joy and grief. Which century is estimated by Hesiod as the most cloudless, the happiest people for living in it? Why? Re-read the description of their lives. What are synonyms, based on this description, could you choose to the word "happy"? (Serene, calm, quiet.) Find in the text of metonimia, comparisons to help create a feeling of the happy, quiet life of people in the golden age. ("The painless and happy life of them was an eternal beer"; "death ... calm, quiet sleep"; "The gods themselves came to them to consult.")

4. Is it possible to call the life of subsequent human genera calm, serene? In which centuries created, according to the worldview of the ancient Greeks, the gods of Olympus, people had the opportunity to choose one or another line of behavior? What choice did they do? What were the consequences of this choice?

5. What is the story about the life of the people of the Iron Age? Who or what could change their lives? (In the Iron Age, violence reigns on Earth, because people themselves behave differently. Conscience and justice left the land. Consequently, positive changes depend primarily from the people themselves: they will respect the established, generally accepted rules - conscience and justice will be able to return.)

7. Imagine that you were asked to give the characteristic of the past centresses and the time in which you live now. Come up with, if you want, your names of the centuries and their temporary boundaries. Describe the lives of people living in these centuries. Try to describe the "Your Century" (that is, the time in which you live) from a variety of parties, I do not miss any bright parties, nor any problems exciting you.

Conclusions on the lesson Make the disciples themselves, answering the questions of the teacher:
Today, the conversation was about organizing the lives of people according to the rules. Is it possible to attribute this topic to the number of "eternal"? Why?

Explanation of homework

Read this myth of your family or acquaintances who are older than you by age. Ask them about the "century", that is, the time in which they lived, being at your age. What does it seem to them now? And how do they characterize the time in which now live? Write down the definitions, the epithets that they will use to characterize the past and present. Prepare a story about the conversation.

To the lesson on the fairy tale R. Kipling "Cat, waging in itself"
(The material is calculated for 1-2 school hours)


general - to encourage students to think about the sense of rules and laws that make it possible to coexist various individuals;

private - deepen the representation of schoolchildren about the genre of the literary fairy tale; continue to work on the formation of skills of lexical analysis of text; To draw schoolchildren's attention to the role of lexical and composite repeats.

Possible course of lesson

Preparation for the discussion of the central problem of the work (2 min.)

From ancient Greece, we will be transferred at another time - the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. It was during this period that the English writer Reddard Kipling created his works. Along with the most different problems, he also occupied the possibility of a reasonable coexistence of various individualities capable of respecting the rights and obligations of each other. Reflections on this occasion were reflected in his fairy tale " Cat, waging in itself. "

At the stage of preparation for the lesson, the teacher may need additional information about the writer.

Rudyard Kipling- English writer (1865-1936). He was born and conducted early childhood in India. At that time, India was depending on the UK, she was her colony. In an ancient beautiful country, British officials managed. In India, the father of the Redjard of Kipling also consisted. He was the director of the Art Museum in Bombay. In this large Indian city and the children's years of the future writer passed. And when Rudyard Kipling has grown and the time has come to go to school, he was sent to England ...

In England, Kipling lived not from relatives, but from unfamiliar people who were found on the ad. Soon the boy's life became unbearable: the hostess of the house completely held it up: Bila, locked in a dark room, so much humiliated ... He was very late and with great difficulty learned to read, and getting bad marks, tried to hide them. The hostess found how it seemed to her way of dealing with this. One day, when Kipling threw his diary with marks for the month, she pasted the boy on his back leaf with the inscription "Liar" and in this form sent him to school. But it did not help ...

The only thing in time he found salvation was reading. Rudyard read the mop all in a row, every printed page came up to him. But his tormentover began to take his books from him.

The boy began nervous exhaustion, he quickly lost his eyesight.

Having learned about what was happening, his mother came to England, and when she went into the sown's room and leaned toward him to kiss him overnight, he instinctively turned off from strike. It solved the case. The boy was given to another school, at the end of which he returned to India.

By N.P. Mikhal and Yu.I. Kagarlitsky

Coming out of college, Kipling became a journalist in India, became famous as a writer and poet. In our country, they received special fame "Jungle books" and "Tales just so" . "Fairy tales" They composed in a family circle, in the literal sense at the home of the hearth. Therefore, probably, so much home heat in them. The first of their listeners were kipling children. Fairy tales wrote for them and in a sense about them. "Tales" is imbued with a homemade spirit, or rather - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe house.

Over the years, the attitude towards the person and the work of Kipling in his homeland has changed and in our country. Nevertheless, time is the best critic. The British Empire fell, but the best of the written chipping lives. It's not only " Jungle books " and "Tales just like that." TS Eliot, irrigated on chipping on the eve of the First World War, during the second published his selected poems, accompanied by the big preface, in which he recognized him with a large master of the word. S. Moem publishes in the middle of the century the anthology of the stories R. Kipling and completes its essay about him a categorical statement: "Rudyard Kipling is the only author in our country, which can be put next to Maupassan and Chekhov. He is our greatest master of the story." So he will enter the XXI century.

In Ionik

Reading text on roles

In the text of the fairy tale there is a continuation - a poem in translating S. Marshak, with whom students interested in familiar to themselves, contacting the library.

Analytical work on the text:

After reading the fairy tale, students are invited to answer questions to help identify their perception, for example: "Did the fairy tale like? Which of the episodes, the characters remembered brighter?" etc.

1. Why in the text of the fairy tale so often repeat the word "wild"? Select synonyms for this word.

2. Each of the newly incoming animals a woman puts the condition, the observance of which guarantees him certain benefits. Why do animals agree to fulfill these conditions? What way is the woman of this - peaceful or violent? (Each animal has a reason why it voluntarily accepts the proposal of a woman; Each animal receives a remuneration for compliance with the conditions. If time is allowed, you can ask a question: "Why does a woman cause the author to change the life of this world and conclude a contract?" Discussion of this issue is connected With a male and female comparison (matriarchal and patriarchal) in organizing the life of human society.)

3. There are several treaties in the fairy tale: the cat concludes contracts with a woman, a man and a dog; Woman concludes pet agreements. What paragraphs are these contracts? What are they similar and what are different? (It is important to identify the typological similarity of all contracts: they consist of the wording of the rights and obligations of each of the Contracting Parties.)

4. We have already observed for the "transformations" of three characters - PSA, horse. Cows. What is the role of a cat in a fairy tale?
The cat "wanders where he wants and walks in itself." How do you understand the expression "in itself"? What do you think: be "ourselves" - is it always good, always bad or somehow different?

5. Why is the cat, so appreciating freedom, seeks to penetrate the cave? How does the cat manage to get the right to sit at the fire and lap milk? Did the cat changed after the conclusion of the contract with a woman?

6. With what artistic means the author emphasizes the existence of animals and people on the beginning of a fairy tale on the principle of "every self"?

Work on the board or in notebooks is possible:
- The word "wild"

You can familiarize students with the meaning of this word:

" Wild: 1. Located in primitive state (about people), non-cultivable (about plants), unacceptable, unaffected (about animals). 2. Turn. Rough, unbridled. 3. Ine. Ridiculous. 4. Not related to any organizations, valid independently (collapse). "

But it is better to first listen to the statements of students and rely on them in analytical work. Acquaintance with the vocabulary generalizes, but does not replace the statements of schoolchildren. It is important to emphasize the fact that "wild", inorganized;

Repeat the word "wild": "The dog was wild, and the horse was wild, and the cow was wild, and the sheep was wild, and the pig was wild ..." (lexical repeat);

Repeat the words "wild" with epithets, reinforcing emotionally negative assessment: "A person, of course, was also wild, terribly wild, terribly wild"; "Wild-prediction, the wild";

Contrasting "manual - wild" (antithesis).

In order for recording on the board, it seems complete, students are invited to answer the following question:

Is it possible to find a literary term common for all listed techniques? (Pupils will name epithet.)

7. With what artistic means the author emphasizes the transition from one level of relations between people and animals to another level?

As a result of work on the board, an entry appears:
Wild home
My friend my friend
My wife's wife's wife's wife's wife
Wild dog first friend
Wild horse first servant
Wild Cow Grocery Good Food

8. Find in the text and write down all the words that are called all participants in the events.

The teacher writes words on the board following the students in such a way that the result is the following entry:

Woman dog curtain fire
Male cat milk witchcraft
Baby horse song

Would you change in a fairy tale if the same words were written not with the title, but from the lowercase letters? (The use of the capital letter enhances the symbolic meaning of the fairy tale.)

Why did a wild cat become called just a cat and did not get a new name, like the rest of the wild animals after the conclusion of the contract with a woman?

9. Is this fairy tale like that famous folk tales? Than? What effect is chipping, repeatedly using a tale tale tale tale characteristic of a genre?

Explanation of homework

1. Is this fairy tale known to your family? If not, briefly retell its content (do not forget to transfer its main idea). What episodes do you definitely include in your retelling? Learn the attitude of your listeners to the need to comply with the generally accepted rules in relationships between people, even if they are very unlike each other. Ask that for your interlocutors it is more difficult to: enjoy your right or fulfill your duties.

2. Prepare the answer to the question: "Can life of human society be organized on the principle" Everyone in itself "?"

Final work on the section

1. You had the opportunity to get acquainted with the reflections of Gesiod and R. Kipling. These people lived for a long time, "then".
You yourself reflected, heard the opinions of classmates. It happened just that "now."
What in the long-time, "then" reflections of Gesiod and Kipling seems to you important, relevant in today's, "present" day?

2. Rewritten in writing for one of the following:
My hypothesis about the reasons for the emergence of rules in the life of people. Why do people need rules?
Describe the situations in which the rules must be respected, and those situations in which they are not needed.

In the following lessons, you will get acquainted with the works (or fragments of them), in which various problems will be discussed, in particular, such as:

The role of the rules in the life of people;

Vulnerable, defenseless position of people who are in the power of natural forces or in the power of arbitrary actions of other people (including during armed conflicts) and the need to protect victims of such circumstances;

The consequences of the actions committed and responsibility for them and many others.

Prepare for the beginning of such a conversation and read fragments from the novel V. Scott "Ivango", from Roman A. Duma " Three Musketeers", which you will find in the section "Wall spores: who is better? Who is stronger?".

The poet Hesiod tells how modern Greeks looked at the origin of the man and replacing the centuries. In antiquity, everything was better, but constantly life on earth was worse, and the worst of all lived during the Gees. This is understandable to Gesiod, a representative of the peasantry, small land owners. During the time of the Gesiod, the bundle on the classes was increasingly deepened and the exploitation of the poor was intensified, so the poor peasant really lived poorly under the oppression of rich major landowners. Of course, after the Gesid, the life of the poor in Greece did not become better, they were still exploited by their rich.

It is stated on the poem of the Gesiod "Proceedings and Days".

Living on the bright Olympus immortal gods The first human race created happy; It was a golden age. God crown rules then in heaven. As blissful gods, people lived in those days, not knowing no care, no work, nor sorrow. They did not know and weak old age; Always were strong and strong their legs and hands. Painless I am a happy life of them was an eternal beer. Death, coming after the long life, looked like a calm, quiet sleep. They had everything in abundance during life. The Earth itself gave them rich fruits, and did not have to spend labor on the cultivation of fields and gardens. Their herds were numerous, and they quietly grazed on fat pastures. The golden century people lived serene. The gods themselves came to them to consult. But the golden age ended on Earth, and no one left of this generation. After death, the people of the golden century became spirits, patrons of people of new generations. Hounded fog, they are worn throughout the land, protecting the truth and karava evil. So awarded their Zeus after their death.
The second human genus and the second century was no longer so happy as the first. It was the silver age. They were not equal to neither force, nor the mind of the silver century, the golden people. They grew a hundred years old, they are unreasonable in their homes, only indignant, they left them. Cork was their life in adulthood, and since they were unreasonable, then many misfortunes and grief saw them in life. The silver century people were unoccupied. They did not obey the immortal gods and did not want to burn victims on the altars, the great son of Crown Zeus destroyed them on earth. He was angry at them for the fact that they did not obey the gods living on the bright Olympus. Zeus settled them in the underground gloomy kingdom. They live there, not knowing neither joy, no sorrows; They also assume the honors people.
The father of Zeus created the third family and the third century - century century. It does not look like a silver. From the Village spear created Zeus people - terrible and mighty. They loved the people of the copper century pride and war, abundant moans. They did not know agriculture and did not eat the fruits of the earth, which give gardens and arable land. Zeus gave them a huge increase and intolerable power. Neukrotimo, courageously there were their hearts and the irresolutes of their hands. Their weapons were stitched from copper, they were their homes from copper, they worked with copper tools. They did not know even in those times of dark iron. His own hands destroyed each other people of the copper century. They quickly went to the gloomy kingdom of terrible Aida. No matter how strong they were, still black death kidnap them, and they left the clear light of the sun.
Only this genus went to the kingdom of shadows, immediately the Grand Zeus created the fourth century on the fourth century and the new human race, more noble, more fair, equal to the gods of the genus of heroes. And they all died in evil wars and terrible bloody battles. Some died in seven-radial fiv, in the country of Cadma, fighting for the heritage of Edip. Others fell under Troray, where they were behind the beautiful Elena, swam on the ships a wide sea. When all their death kidnapped them, Zeus-Studzzz set them on the edge of the earth, away from living people. Heroes demigods live on the islands of the ocean blessed in the turbulent water, carefree. There fertile land three times a year gives them fruit, sweet like honey.
The last, fifth century and the genus of the human - iron. It continues and now on Earth. At night and in the afternoon, without ceasing, they ruin people sorrow and exhaust work. The gods send people serious concerns. True, the gods and good are mixed up to evil, but still evil more, it reigns everywhere. Do not honor the children of parents; a friend is not true to a friend; The guest does not find hospitality; No love between the brothers. Do not observe the people of this oath, do not appreciate the truth and goodness. Friend destroy the cities. Everywhere owes violence. Only pride and power are appreciated. Goddess conscience and justice left people. In his white clothes, they took off to the high Olympus to the immortal gods, and only serious misfortunes remained, and they have no protection from evil.

The first century of mankind was the golden age when people communicated directly with the gods and ate with them at one table, and mortal women gave birth to children from the gods. It was not necessary to work: people were fed by milk and honey, former at that time in abundance throughout the land. They did not know the sadness. Some argue that the golden age ended when people became too suicide with gods, arrogant and arrogant. Some of the mortals as if even demanded equal wisdom and strength with the gods.

Then the silver century came when people had to learn how to treat the soil to get meal. They began to eat bread. However, despite the fact that people lived then up to one hundred years old, they were too familiar and completely depended on mothers. They constantly complained about everything and quarrels. In the end, the Great God Zeus was tired of looking at them, and he destroyed them.

The first bronze age began next. The first people of this kind fell from the ash trees like seeds. People fed at that time with bread and meat, and there were much more benefit from them than from the people of the Silver Age. But they were too militant and in the end, everything interpret each other.

The second bronze age was the epoch of glorious heroes. These people were born from gods and mortal women. In this century, Hercules and heroes of the Trojan War lived. People swallowedly fought, lived a virtuous and honest life, and after death they fell into the blissful adhesive fields.

Our time is the iron age. It is easy to see that with each new century the value of the corresponding metal decreases. The same happens with the character of mankind: in the Iron Age it is much worse than in all previous era. People no longer communicate with the gods; Moreover, they generally lost piety. Who can reproach the gods in indifference to a person? The people of the Iron Age are insidious, grooved, lust and cruel. The only reason for which Gods had not yet destroyed humanity are that still a little righteous remains.

Cyt. By: J. F. Birlines. Parallel mythology