Mikhail galustyan personal biography. Mikhail galustyan - biography, information, personal life

Looking at the cheeky and cheerful leader of Nasha Rasha, one cannot say that he is the most diligent family man, and even an adherent of the traditional patriarchal concept of the family.

Galustyan's wife is his countrywoman

Like Mikhail, Victoria is a native of sunny Krasnodar. The student of the Kuban University, studying at the faculty of accounting, is quite young, she is not even 25 years old.

Vika met the current star of the humorous series when he was an ordinary KVN and just a cheerful guy who could ignite any company and interest even the most inaccessible beauty. The hot Armenian immediately liked the beautiful brunette, which immediately doomed herself to total attention and persistent courtship on his part.

After a short, but very bright candy-bouquet period, Galustyan made his girlfriend a marriage proposal, which she gladly accepted. A very beautiful and somewhat sacred date was chosen for the wedding day - 07.07.07; Victoria even insisted that these three sevens be engraved on the rings of the newlyweds and always remind them of the happiest day, the day of creating their wonderful family.

Vika Galustyan sits at home and creates coziness

Victoria is a true homemaker in the traditional sense, as well as wife of Vladimir Solovyov... It gives her great pleasure to do housework - to equip housing and think over the interior design, take care of a full and balanced menu for every day, make sure that order and cleanliness always reign in the house.

It is not surprising that Mikhail often talks about what she loves more than anything else, after a hard day at work, to return to her comfortable home, filled with amazing aromas, tranquility and love. In his interviews, he emphasizes that only this state of affairs is acceptable to him - a wife should be a housewife and create all conditions for her husband so that he can provide for his family as best he can without being distracted by everyday life.

Victoria turned out to be exactly the woman who is quite capable of satisfying the requirements of an oriental conservative man, dissolving in him and his needs, taking care of her husband with pleasure and always remaining friendly and benevolent, meeting him at the door.

However, Mrs. Galustyan by no means can be called limited or closed. She regularly visits fitness rooms, sports centers and beauty salons in order to constantly delight her beloved man not only with a positive attitude and a delicious dinner, but also with her beauty. Vika is also seriously interested in DJing and intends to further develop in this direction. Who knows, maybe an influential husband in the world of show business will help her move towards her assigned goal, and soon we will hear about a new talented DJ.


Kaveenschik and parodist Mikhail Galustyan in the post-Soviet space everyone knows. Having become famous thanks to the TV show "Our Russia", the comedian has been flashing here and there on various channels for more than ten years. Energetic Galustyan has long ceased to be just a humorist.

The man has his own film company, in which he holds the position of a creative producer. Mikhail writes scripts for films, sits on the jury of television programs and appears in commercials. The humorist has a lot to do, but Galustyan is proud that under any conditions he always finds time for family.

Fans of the comedian's creativity note that every single one of his characters turns out to be cheerful and good-natured. In life, however, Mikhail has established himself as a closed and closed person.

The comedian and his wife gave several interviews to journalists only after the yellow press took over them. Galustyan decided: let better people find out the truth, than they will read the speculations of idle paparazzi!

Acquaintance Michael and Victoria happened in a nightclub. According to the kaveenschik, he fell in love with an unfamiliar, very young girl at first sight. After chatting and dancing with the beauty all evening, Galustyan walked her home, and a few days later flew away on tour.

The couple began a serious romance when Mikhail was hospitalized after an accident, where a man broke both legs. Vika instantly rushed from her native Krasnodar to Galustyan in Sochi. Since then, the future spouses have not parted for a long time.

The girl's parents accepted the boyfriend with caution. The humorist himself jokes: “ In the opinion of normal people, all of us (kaveenschikov), as rock singers, are reckless anarchists". Soon, however, the bride's family came to terms with the idea of ​​an unusual son-in-law.

And when Mikhail took Vika down the aisle, her father and mother already treated him like a family. The wedding of a couple in love took place on a special day - July 7, 2007!

Galustyan, a man of oriental upbringing, admits that he was looking forward to the birth of children. The wife did not disappoint her beloved husband. Three years after the wedding, little Estella was born, and two years later - Elina.

In an early interview, Mikhail said that the birth of daughters saved his marriage... Later, the comedian clarified: he was not going to divorce his wife in any case, he simply chose the wrong wording.

Mikhail and Vika often go out into nature together, they love outdoor activities and sports. At the same time, the spouses either take the children with them, or leave them with their grandparents.

With the older generation, the Galustians were very lucky: for example, the parents of Mikhail himself are happy to take the girls to Sochi for the summer. Usually, however, the husband and wife try as long as possible. spend with daughters.

For ten years of marriage, the spouses got used to kinks and peculiarities of each other. Both Michael and Vika very jealous: a man does not hesitate to limit the circle of friends of his beloved, and a woman is ready to call her husband ten times a day, monitoring his whereabouts. Victoria scolds her husband for the fact that he devotes too much time to work, and too little - to his family.

As mentioned above, Mikhail is a rather secretive and withdrawn person, so he practically does not post joint pictures with his wife on the Web. But Vika, as a more open person, is happy to share with her subscribers the moments of their happiness in common with her husband.

While Galustyan is working on many of his projects, his wife stays at home and brings up children. However, it is difficult to call Vika a housewife-cluck: she is studying to be a psychologist, dabbled in design, got the profession of a DJ, and now contemplating a career as a singer.

The famous player of the KVN Sochi team "Burnt by the Sun", comedian, actor, star of the TV show "Our Russia" Mikhail Galustyan married his chosen one Victoria Shtefanets in Sochi on July 7, 2007, on her birthday.

It was such a romantic gift that Mikhail presented to his beloved on his 21st birthday.

Mikhail Galustyan completely took over the planning of the wedding: he wrote the script for the celebration, chose the colors of the suits for himself and the bride, and invented the engraving for the wedding rings.

The comedian could not do without shocking, even though the wedding was small - for a narrow family circle. The newlyweds arrived at the registry office in a chic 14-meter Cadillac. The newlywed couple were dressed in hot pink. Because, Mikhail Galustyan is sure that this particular color symbolizes true love.
The wedding rings of Michael and Victoria are engraved with seven sevens. Newlyweds are convinced that this magic of numbers will ensure their family happiness for many, many years.

After the official registration of marriage, the newly-made Galustyan family rode around Sochi. Later, the newlyweds moved to a snow-white yacht, continuing their walk on the waves. But soon Mikhail and Victoria went ashore again to receive parental blessing at the groom's house. The wedding took place according to Armenian traditions.

Mikhail and Victoria celebrated the wedding for two days. But not in our usual sense, when two solemn days go one after the other. The second day of Galustyanov's wedding was in September of the same year, that is, two months after the official registration.

Today, Mikhail Galustyan with his wife and children tries to spend as much time as possible, and he is glad that he understood in time the importance of attention in the family.

Mikhail Galustyan met his third wife in 2003 in one of the Krasnodar nightclubs. Victoria was then a 17-year-old girl, 6 years younger than Mikhail. On the day of their acquaintance, the daughter of wealthy parents asked Mikhail only about the presence of illegitimate children. They got married in 2007. For Misha, marriage with Victoria was the third in a row.

It was the last wife who bore him children. After several quarrels over a monotonous and routine life and a divorce that almost happened, it turned out that Vika was pregnant. The first daughter was born in 2010. The girl was named Estella. The second girl, Elina, was born in 2012.

Mikhail loves children and tries to spend as much time with them as his busy schedule allows. Victoria understands her husband and is always supportive. According to the actor himself, now he lives exclusively for the sake of his family. The girls are still small and do not understand who their father is. But when they see a film or program on TV where Galustyan takes part, they joyfully shout: "Daddy!"

The threat of a breakdown in marriage, once it took place, affected Mikhail. Since then, he constantly makes sure that his wife is happy with everything and does not have any significant claims against him, tries to pay enough attention to all his girls. After all, then only a major holiday saved them from divorce - the spouses did not want to darken the celebration with the news of a breakdown in relations.

With a height of 163 cm and a weight of 67 kg, Mikhail is engaged in cycling and judo. He does not forget about improving his acting skills - for this Galustyan regularly attends special courses. V free time the actor does not deny himself the pleasure of playing his favorite online games on the computer.

Mikhail does not deny that he has a quick-tempered character and can sometimes be aggressive. After all, he is a "southerner" and he tends to quickly "wind up", but also quickly withdraw. But when Galustyan's wife gives birth to his son, and the spouses, of course, plan this, the energy of Mikhail will find a worthy application in the upbringing of the heir.

Mikhail Galustyan is a popular comedian who has become famous since the time he played for the Burnt by the Sun team. The man played in several dozen films that glorified his name not only in the open spaces Russian Federation, but also neighboring countries.

The personal life of the KVN star is happy. He met his wife during the years of playing Major league... After a short time, Mikhail proposed to the girl, not hoping for her reciprocity. To the surprise of our hero, Victoria accepted the invitation. Currently, she is a beloved spouse who provides comfort to her husband.

Height, weight, age. How old is Mikhail Galustyan

From the first appearance of the team "Burnt by the Sun", the gazes of the audience watching the KVN game were riveted on Mikhail Galustyan. His images invariably caused laughter and thunderous applause. Soon he had numerous fans who knew everything about the humorist, including what his height, weight, age, how old is Mikhail Galustyan. A man is on the verge of his 40th birthday, and his ability to make me laugh over time has only gotten better.

Mikhail Galustyan, a photo in his youth and now which can be seen not only in the vastness of the Internet space, but also in newspaper and magazine publishing houses, is similar to Carlson. With a height of 163 cm, our hero weighs 68 kg. The man is actively involved in sports, visiting the gym every day. When the tour schedule does not allow it, the comedian performs a set of exercises.

Biography and personal life of Mikhail Galustyan

Misha Galustyan's biography began in the late 70s of the last century. At birth, the boy was named Nshan in honor of his paternal grandfather. His father, Sergei Nshanovich Galustyan, worked as a cook in the dining room. Mother - Susanna Ardashovna Galustyan was a medical worker. Our hero has a younger brother David, he was born 6 years after the birth of Mikhail.

Since childhood, the humorist has shown his creative talent. Even in kindergarten Galustyan pleased with songs, dances, poems. He doesn't remember when he didn't play on stage.

He went to the 1st grade with great enthusiasm. The boy was glad that he was learning something new. In parallel with the school, our hero begins to attend theater studio... Mikhail was engaged in martial arts.

From the 5th grade, Galustyan studied at the gymnasium. The guy improved his grades. From that time on, he became popular. His performances at school events invariably caused a splash.

During his school years, the comedian began to play in KVN. With his team, Mikhail becomes the winner of this game in the Krasnodar Territory.

After leaving school, Galustyan decided to become a medical worker. He is attending medical school to become a paramedic obstetrician. Mikhail, having received a diploma, decides that it is not his. The comedian decides to change his specialty by entering one of the faculties at the Sochi Institute of Tourism.

In the 1st year of the university, the guy began to play in KVN for the institute team "Burnt by the Sun". Soon the team was noticed by Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov and offered to play in Moscow.

For several years in the Major League, all participants have become incredibly popular. Having won at the beginning of the new millennium, Galustyan is engaged in various creative projects. He is invited to participate in various television shows. It was from this time that the creative biography and personal life of Mikhail Galustyan were popular.

The showman's personal life is as happy as his creative biography. He is happily married and has two daughters. The man hopes to become the father of his son after a while.

Filmography: films starring Mikhail Galustyan

The artist starred in various films. The film "Our Rusha" won a large number of fans who began to ask for a continuation. Currently, the filmography of Mikhail Galustyan includes several dozen roles. The audience watches with pleasure the adventures of our hero in Stepanich's Spanish Voyage, Pregnant, Nurses, Brigadier and others.

The popular comedian often appears on various television programs. For example, he was a judge in "Make a Comedian Laugh." Currently, Galustyan can often be seen among the jury members in KVN. He judges honestly and incorruptibly.

Mikhail took part in the dubbing of several cartoon characters. For example, a comedian presented his voice to one of the characters from the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda".

In 2012, Galustyan began producing various film projects. Mikhail dreams of playing tragic roles.

Family and children of Mikhail Galustyan

The family and children of Mikhail Galustyan were recently presented at the humorist's anniversary. Our hero met his wife during the years of playing in the Higher League. For a long time he did not dare to approach Victoria. But then he plucked up the courage and asked her out on a date. The girl, to his surprise, agreed.

After several years of meeting, the young people got married. In the marriage, two adorable daughters were born, the eldest of whom was named Estella, and the youngest Elina.

The popular comedian often sees his parents. His father used to work as a cook in one of the best restaurants in Sochi. The man is currently retired. He is interested in cars. Our hero recently gave his father a car, which is a rarity and surprises many residents.

The mother of our hero loves her job, so she does not leave for a well-deserved rest, doing what she loves. She works in an emergency room.

Daughter of Mikhail Galustyan - Estella Galustyan

On one of the August days in 2010, the popular showman became a father for the first time. The girl is incredibly artistic. She amazes with her talent. Estella loves to sing, dance and recite poetry.

In 2016, Mikhail Galustyan showed his grown daughter at one of his performances. The girl took part in one of the humorous numbers of our hero. The audience attending the concert rewarded the talented daughter of the humorist with applause.

The daughter of Mikhail Galustyan - Estella Galustyan studies in one of the capital's schools. In addition, she is engaged in music and is one of the members of the popular children's group "Fidgets". The girl dreams of becoming a famous singer all over the world.

Daughter of Mikhail Galustyan - Elina Galustyan

A year and a half after the birth of the eldest daughter, the showman becomes a father for the second time. He has a daughter, whom they decided to call Elina. The girl is getting ready to go to school. She masters the basics of mathematics, reading and the Russian language.

The daughter of Mikhail Galustyan, Elina Galustyan, recently began to go to the Fidgets group with her older sister. The girl is fond of dancing and gymnastics. She is incredibly flexible, which tirelessly shows her family and friends.

In her free time, Elina helps her mother with household chores. She asks her parents for a brother.

Mikhail Galustyan's wife - Victoria Shtefanets

In 2003, a showman was invited to celebrate Victory Day in his native Sochi. The man drew attention to the girl who was sitting in the front row. After the concert, they ended up at a party together. One of our mutual friends introduced Mikhail. The girl's name was Vika. The very next day, our hero invited Victoria to live with him. After much deliberation, the future wife agreed.

In mid-2010, the wedding of our hero took place. She was funny and noisy. Mikhail Galustyan's wife, Victoria Shtefanets, does not work. The popular comedian himself insisted on this. A woman takes care of her two daughters and provides comfort to her beloved spouse.

Watch the best scenes of KVN with Mikhail Galustyan

In his youth, the showman was part of the team with a beautiful and unusual name "Burnt by the Sun". The game of our hero invariably made a splash. The man has embodied on the stage a wide variety of images. Many years have passed since then, but even representatives of the younger generation are trying to watch the best scenes of KVN with Mikhail Galustyan today.

One of the strengths of our hero is improvisation. Mikhail Galustyan often shows numbers at his concerts, improvising during the performance. Often he includes someone from the audience in the conversation. Spectators love such numbers and willingly join in the conversation.

Instagram and Wikipedia Mikhail Galustyan

Instagram and Wikipedia Mikhail Galustyan are very actively looking for his fans, trying to find out all the information about their idol.

The artist's Wikipedia is of interest, since here you can find out about how the boy began to engage in KVN. Here is information about creative way our hero. The page has full list projects in which the popular showman took part.

V in social networks there are pages of the name of the star Mikhail Galustyan. The man is registered on Instagram. Here he often uploads photos of his family. On the page you can watch a video of the humorist's numbers, starting from the time of his participation in the KVN team "Burnt by the Sun".