How to draw pets. Drawing on the theme: "Pets"

Drawing begins to interest children from a very early age. Only the inconsistency of the picture on paper with what they wanted to depict can stop novice artists. Therefore, parents should show the kids how to draw different animals in stages.

The main mistake of novice artists is that they first of all draw a single part of the main object of their picture. The drawings of most peanuts are images of animals.

For some reason, almost all the little ones begin to reproduce their beast from the head. An oval is drawn, which is overgrown with ears, eyes, mustaches, horns - depending on which animal the little one wants to draw.

But on this, the crumbs have a stupor: what to do next? How to attach everything else to this magnificent head? Often the kid does not come up with anything better than attaching a few sausages - legs or paws, and a tail.

To teach the heir to draw correctly, you need to explain to him what step by step drawing how the drawing scheme is built. Well, if you yourself are not a very skilled artist, then you have a unique opportunity to learn this art with your children.

Where to begin

How to depict animals step by step so that they are easily recognizable can be explained to both a three-year-old baby and a schoolchild. Of course, the scheme of a kindergartener will differ from the instruction of a child of 12 years old, but some common features will be traced.

  • To teach a child to depict animals in stages, it is necessary to explain what shapes (circles, ovals, rectangles) this or that animal consists of.
  • Show how to make sketches that will later grow into details.
  • Start training novice creators with simple plots. We learn as we go, so don't expect your little one to succeed right away. Gradually, the baby will learn step by step to recreate more complex objects.

Before proceeding to the process, stock up on paper, an eraser and pencils: simple ones for sketching and colored ones for coloring.

Pictures for kids

You can show your baby how to draw step by step those animals with which he is already familiar. The simplest drawing technique is circles. True, for this you need your child to master these simple shapes.

There is a simple algorithm for teaching crumbs to draw basic shapes: you need to take the child's hand in yours and draw a circle with a pencil. If the little one has mastered the outline of a circle, show him how you can draw funny little animals with this figure:

In this way, you can learn to portray not only funny cats and dogs, but even your favorite cartoon characters (for example, Smeshariki).

Drawing for children 4-7 years old

At this age, the guys know how to draw different geometric shapes, and their drawings based on natural motifs are already quite recognizable. Now the fidget is able to comprehend how to draw animals step by step.

The scheme is not particularly complicated: we learn to draw several circles (head and torso), which will serve as the basis; then we schematically depict the paws (legs), after that we add details and erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser.

You should teach beginner artists that the first step in the work should be to determine the composition: where the main object will be located, which objects will be in the foreground and which - in the background.

As you can see, the drawings of animals are still quite simplified, not burdened with details. All these nuances will need to be explained to the knights of pencil and paper when they grow up a little.

Drawing with children of middle school age

Starting from 8-10 years old, boys and girls are much more interested in depicting not only domestic, but also wild animals. At this age, you can teach children to give animals realism.

The bunny for the kindergarten child was round and cartoony and consisted mainly of circles. We learn to draw a hare for older children in stages a little differently: it has long paws with claws, body proportions correspond to real ones, the skin is not monophonic, but with traced wool.

Similarly, we learn to depict other animals: first, a sketch, then the main figures are complemented. After we erase the sketch lines, we detail the drawing.

The final touch is to add volume to the drawing using hatching (if this is a drawing with a simple pencil, like a horse) or painting the beast according to its real color (lion).

Be sure to teach your child to work with a simple pencil. If some lines did not come out quite well, they can be easily erased. Having mastered the technique of drawing with a simple pencil, a novice artist can move on to more complex drawing methods.

Photo of baby animals is the cutest thing imaginable. But what could be more charming than photographs showing the tender love of parents for their offspring?

25. A mother flamingo feeds her chick

Both mother and father flamingos regurgitate food for their chicks, they are both capable of producing special milk that supplies the young with all the necessary substances.

24. A family of tiny pigs

Despite their reputation as dirty animals, pigs are quite clean. If they live in a large enough area, then they will definitely take care not to stain the places where they eat and sleep.

23. A baby gorilla sleeps in its mother's arms.

A mother gorilla will take care of her cub for 2.5 years, although baby monkeys are able to move by themselves as early as 8 months old.

22. Dolphin clung to his mother

Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals with highly developed social skills. These altruistic animals often come to the aid of even humans.

21. Tree climbing lesson from bears

Brown bear females are able to give birth even during hibernation. Usually cubs are born hairless, toothless and blind.

20. A little chameleon sits on his father's horns

Chameleons have unique eyes - each one acts independently of the other. In addition, they are able to see even in the ultraviolet range.

19. Baby seal with mother

The seals spend a lot of time in the water, but give birth and raise their young on land.

18. A baby koala sits on its mother's back.

Koala cubs live in their mother's pouch for six months, and then spend another six months on their backs.

17. Penguin with parents

Penguins are highly social birds that form colonies of tens to thousands of birds where they breed their chicks.

16. Golden retriever with puppies

Retrievers need a lot of attention or they will mope. These are very social dogs and they just need to communicate with people and other dogs.

15. A baby alligator sits on its mother's head.

temperature dependent environment, alligator eggs hatch either males or females. In a warm environment, males are obtained, while in a cold environment, females.

14. Squirrel with a cub

Squirrels molt twice a year, once after winter and once at the end of summer.

13. A polar bear cub climbs its mother.

Despite their cute appearance, polar bears are the largest predators on land. Males can reach a weight of 680 kilograms.

12. Baby opossums on their mother's back

Possum babies are born tiny, about the size of bees, and then grow in their mother's pouch for a while before they are born.

11. Tigress with a cub

Tiger cubs leave their mother at the age of two.

10. A baby rhinoceros and his mother

Rhinos carry offspring for 15-16 months, they take the second place in terms of the duration of pregnancy, second only to elephants, which bear elephants for up to two years.

9. Female swan and her chick

Adult swans are capable of flying at a speed of 100 km / h, but they always try to stay close to the young.

8. Elephant clings to its mother's tail

Elephants, along with humans, monkeys, magpies and dolphins, are able to distinguish their reflection in the mirror.

7. A baby hippo cuddled up to his parents.

Despite the fact that hippopotamuses look quite full, they can easily overtake a person. It's hard to believe, but they are considered one of the deadliest animals in Africa.

6. Duck swimming lesson

A duck can take its brood up to half a mile before finding a suitable feeding and swimming pool.

5. Family of giraffes

Giraffe females give birth while standing. Baby giraffes fall to the ground from a height of 1.8 meters, but do without damage.

4. Panda cub and his mother

Adult male pandas can reach a weight of 150 kilograms, while at birth their weight is only 140 grams.

3. Mare with foal

Although newborn foals look rather strange, almost immediately after birth they are already able to walk and run.

2. Mother orangutan and her cub

Despite their cute appearance, orangutans are very strong animals. According to rough estimates, they stronger than a man 7 times.

1. Female cheetah with a kitten

Cheetahs, the fastest land mammals, are considered to have the strongest maternal instinct in the entire animal kingdom.

The love of parents for their children knows no bounds, and this applies not only to people, but also to our smaller brothers. When children are born, we all become equal and try to give our children as much warmth and care as possible so that they do not need anything and are always full and satisfied with life.

One of the best moms is a house cat. Her maternal instinct makes itself felt a few days before the birth. All these days she is in search of an object for her care. After the birth of kittens, he will not move a single step away from them and will not allow anyone to approach them. Cats literally do not have a soul in their kittens, selflessly dissolving in caring for babies. The instinct of motherhood is phenomenally developed in domestic cats. At the same time, many cases are known when they fed, tenderly caring, and representatives of other families, doing this no less faithfully than taking care of their own children. People have noticed this for a long time. They began to use these animals in fur farms to feed newly born sables and foxes. A cat can take a cub of any animal under its care and leave it. And he will not be deprived of either love or care.
In one interesting study by German zoologists, an experiment was conducted on raising small chickens by a cat! The mother cat looked after them, licked them and put them to bed, hugging them to her to warm them with her warmth. When, during the experiment, a brood of chickens was attacked by a hawk, the cat, without a moment's hesitation, rushed to their defense and, even greatly inferior in "combat power" to a deadly predator, managed to save helpless babies from inevitable death!

Tigresses are not inferior in their care to cats. A mother tigress feeds her little tiger cubs with milk for up to six months, even though they are quite capable of eating meat after two months. From the second half of the first year of existence, the mother tigress begins to patiently teach the kids the tricks of hunting, without the knowledge of which the cubs would simply die in an independent life. It is interesting that the whole process of feeding and training lies entirely with the tigress - the father-tiger practically does not take part in this.

If a lioness becomes pregnant, then, shortly before giving birth, she leaves the pride, finds a shady, inconspicuous place, and offspring are born there - on average, three cubs. For the first time, their mother takes care of them, and after returning to the pride, all lionesses are equally affectionate with the cubs and do not distinguish between their own and others.
Newborn lion cubs weigh only 1-2 kg. On the 11th day they open their eyes, and on the 15th day they begin to walk. For the first two months of life, they eat only milk, but at this age they return to the pride with their mother and, in addition to milk, gradually get used to meat. At the age of 7 months (up to 10) they switch completely to eating meat. Soon they begin to accompany adult lions during the hunt, and from 11 months old they can already kill prey on their own. However, independent life is still far away: a lion cub usually does not leave a pride until the age of two or even four. Young females generally remain in the pride. The lion, as the head, remains in the territory subject to it and protects it and its cubs from the encroachments of hyenas and other lions. At the same time, the lioness, being the breadwinner of the entire pride, spends her time hunting. The upbringing of offspring from lions is completely the responsibility of the lioness. When the cubs grow up, she takes them with her, preparing them for independent life in a world full of dangers.

Elephant mothers show no less concern for their babies. An elephant bears a cub for 22 months, and then takes care of him for a very long time. All newborn baby elephants are blind, overgrown with hair and poorly standing on their feet. They are constantly in need of help. A young mother is always helped by an "aunt" - an experienced elephant from the herd. She teaches an inexperienced mother everything related to caring for a baby. The same “aunt”, like a midwife, was next to the elephant during childbirth and assisted her. Stronger elephants have excessive curiosity and playfulness. Having played too much, they can run away and get lost. Supervision of them is a real punishment for a young mother. Therefore, not only the “aunts”, but all the female elephants of the herd feel responsible for the young. This allows you to surround the elephants with round-the-clock care.

Orangutans can get pregnant only once in 8 years, so children are very long-awaited and loved for them. The females will take care of their lives as well as their own. Female large monkeys (orangutans, gorillas, macaques and baboons) show touching care for newborns. The cub is under vigilant maternal control for a very long time. They constantly caress him, look lovingly into his eyes. The females begin to acquaint the grown-up and strengthened baby with the pack. This is very similar to human behavior. Orangutans and gorillas are very patient and never punish their cubs. They have been raising their cubs for about 10 years: they are taught to get food, distinguish edible grass from poisonous, build a nest, and beware of rain.

Bears are caring mothers, they spend several years raising their cubs. Bears are in third place after humans and primates in terms of care for their cubs. A female bear gives birth to 2-3 tiny cubs weighing about 0.5 kg each. They are blind, naked, helpless and in need of maternal care. The bear keeps the cubs warm on her belly among the wool, warming her with her hot breath. She feeds the cubs with thick milk, which she produces from the fat reserves accumulated since the summer. With the onset of heat, the grown-up cubs leave the den together with the she-bear and, under her supervision, bask in the sun and feed on what can be found in the forest at this time.
Bear cubs, who are one year old, are called pestuns. They share maternal care for little cubs. After 3-4 years, the cuddlers grow up, the kids become cuddlers themselves. The bear father does not participate in the upbringing of offspring. In the taiga, where there is an abundance of food for bears, they do not show aggression. But this cannot be said about a she-bear with a brood. It is better not to come across such an individual in the field of view at all. If a mother decides that you are a danger to her offspring, even an armed man will not be able to oppose her.

Living in very harsh conditions, polar bears, however, show a model of caring and caring for their babies. Mother bear, preparing for childbirth, is actively gaining weight, which almost doubles by the time the offspring appears! And all this only in order not to die of exhaustion after the appearance of little cubs - after all, they need not only to give birth, but also to feed them! And this is not a matter of one day.
Before giving birth, the she-bear arranges for herself a cozy lair in the snow, where she falls into half-asleep - some kind of hibernation among her mainland counterparts. In this state, childbirth occurs. Having been born, polar bear cubs are completely helpless and need round-the-clock care of their mother. This is where the added weight comes in handy. A mother bear carefully feeds her cubs for eight months, and only after that she takes them out of the den to take them to the water and teach them how to fish.
Over the next few years, the mother bear takes care of her cubs, teaching them all the intricacies of life in harsh Arctic conditions, setting an example maternal love and care for their offspring.

The beaver mother is very kind to the little ones, but at the same time she does not forget to teach them life with all rigor. To accustom them to water, the first time she has to push the resting beaver cubs into the underwater corridor by force. But this is only for their benefit, a caring female will never harm her offspring. Up to two months, the beaver, one might say, does not leave the little critters, feeds them with milk, cleans their “fur coat”. After the babies are a month and a half old, they are gradually weaned and accustomed to regular food. First, they are given soft leaves and water lilies, in addition, they are also fed with mother's milk. All members of the family take care of the cubs, protect and monitor so that they do not get into trouble.
For two years, beaver parents have been trying to teach their children everything they need in an independent life: building dams, dwellings, organizing pantries and how to store food for the winter, how to protect themselves from natural enemies.

A cautious fox, before the appearance of offspring, arranges its hole in the most
remote corners of the forest. In addition to the main hole, she makes several more spare ones, so that in case of danger there is where to drag the cubs. When babies are born, the mother feeds them with her milk, warms them with her body. In the first months, she leaves the hole only to eat and again hurries to the children. After two months, the cubs open their eyes and erupt their teeth. Then the mother takes them by the scruff of the neck and takes them out onto the soft grass, into the sun. Fox teaches kids to be careful. As soon as the fox cubs hear a suspicious rustle, they rush at full speed and hide in
burrow. Every day the mother kicks the children out into the sunshine. The cubs tumble in the grass, run after each other, and the fox sits and guards. At first, the fox herself brings them food - a mouse, a frog, and when they grow up a little, the mother begins to teach them to hunt: she takes the children away from the hole and shows how to catch bugs, butterflies and mice.

The koala is Australia's cutest and most beloved marsupial. Cubs are born hairless, blind and deaf, tiny and teddy bear-like. For 5 - 7 months, children remain in their mother's bag,
feeding on mother's milk, after which they move to her back, where they live for their own pleasure for quite a long time.

Kangaroos are amazing animals. They are not only beautiful and unusual,
but also caring mothers. Even in the largest kangaroos at birth, the cub weighs less than 1 gram. The newborn crawls into the mother's pouch, where it clings to one of the four nipples. A kangaroo can produce four types of milk, depending on the age of the kangaroo. Each type of milk is produced in a different nipple. In addition, she can have two types of milk at the same time if she has cubs of different ages.
The mother takes care of the babies even after they leave the bag. Large red kangaroos have a unique feature that allows them to increase the conservation of the genus. Despite the fact that a female kangaroo usually has only one cub after mating, she can delay the appearance of another one while she is carrying the first one (while she does not need a male at all). Thus, in case the female lost her cub, or, as sometimes happens, he quickly grew up and left the mother's pouch, she can immediately begin to bear the second. This feature of delaying the bearing of a cub is also used by large red kangaroos in cases where they find themselves in unfavorable conditions for bearing offspring.
By the way, another interesting feature of this species is that the female kangaroo produces milk of different fat content for cubs of different ages - moreover, it can do it at the same time.

Hedgehog is a very conscientious mother. She arranges ahead of time for her children a "children's room" - a round hole underground, lined with a thick layer of dry leaves. Here 7-8 babies are born, blind, helpless, pink and soft. After two weeks, their eyes open, they grow
needles. The first days the mother does not leave the hedgehogs for a minute and feeds them with her milk. Leaving, she covers the children with grass and leaves: the kids are not visible, and they are warm in such a package. When hedgehogs open their eyes, they begin to leave the nest. They hug each other. Those who have strayed from their mother squeak plaintively, and the mother runs back and looks for them. He finds and pushes with his nose so that they do not lag behind.

Despite their ferocious appearance and remarkable strength of toothy jaws, female alligators are one of the most caring mothers in the animal kingdom. Even before laying eggs, the mother alligator carefully chooses a place for masonry. At the same time, she prepares two different places - one for the future girls, and the other for the boys, arranging one in a pile of rotting warm leaves, and the other with cool moss.
After the eggs are laid, the mother takes over the vigil, guarding her future children like a vigilant sentry. It is clear that, being under such protection, almost all eggs remain safe and sound. And immediately after little crocodiles appear from them, mom sends them all into her huge mouth! But not at all in order to have breakfast with them, but in order to deliver them to the water. Mom takes care of her children for a whole year!

Female killer whales cannot be denied vigilance. The fact is that newborn dolphins cannot fall asleep within a month after their birth. Their mothers have to adhere to the same schedule in order to be able to follow the restless offspring and protect the cubs from numerous enemies in time.
Dolphins - mothers spend a lot of time teaching their cubs various skills: how to swim correctly, catch prey, and avoid danger from predators.
Female dolphins never leave their cubs in trouble, and also adopt other people's babies who have become orphans, saving dolphins from starvation.

You can continue to describe examples of the manifestation of the maternal instinct in animals indefinitely. One thing is clear: they, just like people, are looking forward to replenishment, take care of babies, rejoice at the success of their cubs and encourage them in every possible way.

In conclusion, I really want to remember and watch with you one of the best and kindest cartoons ever created in our country - "Mom for a Mammoth".
Soviet cartoon of 1981. Screenwriter: Dina Nepomnyashchaya. Director: Oleg Churkin. The roles were voiced by: Klara Rumyanova - a mammoth, Zinovy ​​Gerdt - a walrus, Rina Zelenaya - an elephant and a hippo, Zinaida Naryshkina - a monkey.
There are very special cartoons that seem to be intended for children, but also melt the hearts of adults. "Mom for a mammoth" is just one of those. At the sight of a small and lost cub looking for its mother, everything turns upside down in the soul.

Mom for a mammoth is a cartoon that inspires us with the simplest and most important feelings in our lives. Feelings of love, compassion, pity, hope. It is only thanks to them that we are human.

Drawing master class. Algorithms for drawing animals in teaching children's fine arts preschool age

Tushmakova Natalya Nikolaevna, educator, ANO DO "Planet of Childhood" Lada " Kindergarten No. 203 "Alice"
Description: The master class is designed for preschool children.
Purpose: teaching preschool children to work with the algorithm.
1. Develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotions and feelings, emotional response to manifestations of beauty in the world around.
2. To form the experience of perceiving various aesthetic objects, to develop aesthetic interests, the desire to learn art and master fine arts.
3. To bring children to an understanding of the value of art, to promote the development and use of a variety of aesthetic assessments regarding the manifestations of beauty in the world around them, artistic images, and their own creative works.

The world surrounding a person is beautiful and diverse. A child, having a great desire to convey his impressions on paper, often encounters difficulties in depicting what he intended in a drawing. Not every child has the ability to independently and gradually correctly convey the image of a particular creature. Most often, children experience difficulties at the beginning of drawing, i. don't know where to start or don't know what to draw next. This child can be helped by samples depicting the necessary sequence of drawing various objects, i.e. algorithms. With the help of them, it is easy for a child to orient in the number and shape of body parts, to see their proportional relationship, as well as the final result.
As a preliminary work, you can use the templates of various animals. This will help the child to orientate in the number of certain parts of the body, their shape and size, but it will also make it possible to convey any movement.

In addition, you can invite children to find analogies between animal body parts and the most common geometric shapes, as well as drawing in this simplified system. For example, the image of an elephant can be made up of the following figures: its body is an oval, its legs are rectangles, and its head and ears are triangles. It remains only to finish the details, tail and trunk - and the drawing is ready.

To transfer the image of an animal to a child, an algorithm can also help, with the help of which he can correctly and consistently portray what he intended.
For kids junior groups it is better to use algorithms with the least number of steps. The algorithm must be done in color and built on the basis of an oval.

You can accompany the display of drawing an animal with an artistic word. For example, when showing a picture of a bunny, you can use the following words:
We draw a snowball
The ears were made later.
And just instead of eyes
We have coals.
The bunny came out alive!
He has a tail and a head.

For children of older groups, algorithms with a large number of steps are used, because more details are added. It can be done graphically. In addition to oval shapes, the structure of the figure may consist of axial lines that coincide with the axes of the bone. This way of drawing is otherwise called "stick". A lot depends on the shape and nature of the axis (it can be straight or curved): the figure is standing, moving, or preparing to jump. The artist sees this constructive basis, the skeleton, immediately and constantly keeps it in his head while drawing, without displaying it on paper. But a beginner needs this, because. this disciplines the drawing, allows you to achieve proportional accuracy and typical similarity. But in time, you need to make sure that the child does not press hard on the pencil, because. the center lines are subsequently removed.

I will give a few more options for algorithms for drawing animals.

Here are the children's work senior group performed by the algorithm.

I wish you all creative success! I hope you enjoy the result!

Each parent, watching how the child grows and develops, notices that there comes a moment when the baby begins to express his worldview and thoughts with the help of a drawing. This desire to know the world extremely beneficial contributes to its comprehensive development. Remarkably, the greatest interest in kids is drawing animals. The task of parents is to support the child's undertakings in every possible way and help him in learning the basics of this lesson. In this article, we decided to pay special attention, in particular, to the question of how to draw a pet. Several examples will be considered below.

General information

In order for your baby to learn how to correctly depict animals, you need to help him with this. Namely, to explain how to draw pets, where to start. Initially, the task of parents is to understand whether their child has the desire and desire to learn the basics art. After all, sometimes the first unsuccessful experience can turn the little man away from further pictorial exploits. In order for your child to once again have a desire to create a "portrait" of his beloved pet, it is worth helping him with this a little. The figures of animals you proposed can arouse his interest in drawing. You can also watch a family friend with your child, studying his habits, external features, and so on. Before step by step with a pencil, you should decide what kind of animal your baby will portray today. Of course, there are many animals. Here everything will depend on the desire of the child. For starters, you can choose simple pictures. Not all children are interested in dogs and cats (although in most cases these are the favorite characters of the first children's drawings). But we invite you to consider other illustrations. For the image of the animal, at first it is better to use pencils. With paints or felt-tip pens, the pictures will turn out brighter, of course. But the animals drawn with a pencil look more realistic, and bad lines can be corrected. Well, in addition to this, your baby will be able to better develop hand motor skills. So, how to draw an animal in stages with a pencil?

We depict a fox

In studying the question "how to draw an animal in stages with a pencil", you should first create a sketch of the image of the beast. The head is depicted as a circle, which is crossed by two lines. One vertical (denoting the nose) and two horizontal (denoting the eyes). At the bottom of the head in the form of an oval, draw the future body of the fox, and also outline the paws, ears and tail. Then we draw the ears and use a zigzag line to designate the muzzle. At eye level, draw the upper eyelids and depict one paw. At the level of the vertical line, we make a triangular fox nose. Relative to him, cheeks and a mouth are drawn. You can convey the texture of wool using a zigzag line, which smoothly passes to the bottom of the tail. Now you can draw the remaining paws, cheek and beautifully finish the ears. Please note that the eye should be clearly shown, and the tail is divided into two parts. Now, with the help of an eraser, remove all auxiliary lines and, if necessary, draw a clearer outline.

We depict a panda

V Lately many children were addicted to watching the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda". In view of this, we decided to separately highlight all the subtleties of drawing this. It is quite simple to depict it. Since the panda is black and white, it is not worth using to decorate the beast. You can color the landscape around: complete the picture with trees, mountains, etc. It should also be taken into account that we are depicting a cartoon character, so human features should be added to the picture. To make it easier for a child to master a cartoon character, you must first learn how to draw an ordinary panda bear with a pencil. It is then easy to turn it into a cartoon character. So, with the help of an oval, depict the head of a panda and his torso (the main thing is to accurately maintain all proportions).

Now draw the bear cub's paws. If it is problematic for the baby to immediately complete this item, then you can depict them schematically. And in the future, draw completely. It's time to draw the contours of the nose and ears. To cope with this task is not so difficult. The only advice: while drawing, do not press too hard on the pencil. In the artistic process, many lines have to be repeatedly removed and corrected. It's time to move on to detailing the drawing. In this matter, the main thing is to check the correctness of the image of all parts of the body of our character. It is necessary to remove the auxiliary lines and draw a panda, as shown in the figure. When the image of the bear is ready, you can start decorating it. As everyone knows, the panda's muzzle has dark places only in the area of ​​​​the eyes, nose and ears. Do not forget to draw nails for your teddy bear. And you can also depict a reed stalk in his paws, this is a favorite plant of pandas.

Depicting a cat

Talking about something for children, you should not lose sight of everyone's favorite puppies and kittens. After all, kids usually begin to learn the process of drawing from them. So, in pencil? In the form of two flattened circles, depict the head and torso. To make the picture more symmetrical, you can draw a vertical line. The next step is drawing the eyes. To give them more expressiveness, make the tone at the bottom much lighter than at the top. Please note that all lines must have a smooth transition. In the form of an inverted triangle, draw a nose, from which lines will go to the ears and eyes. The cat's mouth is depicted as an inverted English letter Y. That, in principle, is all, it remains only to correct the shape of the animal with soft lines.

Depicting a dog

The body of an animal consists of two circles, one bigger size(head), the second smaller (torso). Further, inside the circle denoting the head, we draw slightly curved lines, the intersection center of which is slightly shifted to the lower left corner. Then smoothly connect the torso and head. Having drawn the eyes and nose, we get a cute puppy. Clearly draw the lines of the muzzle. Don't forget to draw the ears, mouth and eyebrows. It remains only to draw the tail sticking out the top.


So we studied the question of how to draw an animal in stages with a pencil. As you can see, there are no difficulties here. The main thing is to follow our advice step by step - and your child will quickly master all the subtleties of drawing their favorite animals.