Ilya Oblomov is the main character of the novel. Quote portrait of Ilya Oblomov

The pinnacle of creativity of the talented Russian prose writer and critic of the 19th century Ivan Goncharov was the novel Oblomov, published in 1859 in the journal Domestic Notes. His epic scale of the artistic study of the life of the Russian nobility in the mid-nineteenth century allowed this work to occupy one of the central places in Russian literature.

Characteristics of the main character

The protagonist of the novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a young (32-33 years old) Russian nobleman, idly and carefree living on his estate. He has a pleasant appearance, the main feature of which is softness in all his features and the main expression of his soul.

His favorite activity is to lie listlessly on the couch and waste time in empty thoughts and dreamy reflections. Moreover, the complete absence of any actions is his conscious choice, because once he had a position in the department and was waiting for promotion on the career ladder. But then he got bored with it and left everything, making his ideal a carefree life filled with sleepy peace and tranquility, as in childhood.

(Old faithful servant Zakhar)

Oblomov is distinguished by sincerity, gentleness and kindness, he did not even lose such a valuable moral quality as conscience. He is far from evil or bad deeds, but at the same time confidently say that he positive hero, it is forbidden. Goncharov drew the reader terrible picture spiritual desolation of Oblomov and his moral decay. Old and faithful servant Zakhar - mirror reflection character of his young master. He is just as lazy and sloppy, devoted to the depths of his soul to his master and also shares with him the philosophy of his life.

One of the main storylines in the novel, which perfectly reveals the character of the protagonist, Oblomov's love relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya becomes. Romantic feelings for this young and sweet lady that suddenly flared up in Oblomov's heart arouse in him an interest in spiritual life, he begins to be interested in art and the mental demands of his time. Thus, there is a ray of hope that Oblomov can return to a normal human life. Love reveals in him new, previously unknown traits of his character, inspires and inspires a new life.

But in the end, the feeling of love for this pure and highly moral girl becomes a bright, but very short-term flash in the measured and monotonous life of the couch potato master. Illusions are dispelled very quickly, from the fact that they can be together, they are too unlike Olga, he can never become the one she wants to see next to her. There is a natural breakdown in relations. In the process of choosing between romantic dates and a serene sleepy state in which he lived most of his conscious life, Oblomov chooses the usual and favorite option for him to do nothing. And only in the house of Agafya Pshenitsina, surrounded by such usual care and an idle, carefree life, he finds his ideal refuge, where his life ends quietly and imperceptibly.

The image of the main character in the work

After its release, the novel received close attention from critics and readers alike. By the name of the protagonist of this work (at the initiative of the famous literary critic Dobrolyubov), the whole concept of "Oblomovism" appeared, which later acquired a wide historical significance. It is described as a real disease of modern Russian society, when young and full of strength people of noble birth are busy with reflection and apathy, they are afraid to change anything in their lives and prefer lazy and idle vegetative life instead of action and struggle for their happiness.

According to Dobrolyubov, the image of Oblomov is a symbol of serf society in Russia in the 19th century. The origins of his "disease" lie precisely in the serf system, in the technical backwardness of the economy, in the process of exploitation and humiliation of forced peasant slaves. Goncharov revealed to the readers the whole path of the formation of Oblomov's character and his complete moral degradation, which applies not only to one individual representative of the nobility, but to the entire nation as a whole. Oblomov's path, sadly, is the path of most people who do not have specific purpose in life and absolutely useless for society.

Even such noble and lofty feelings as friendship and love could not break this vicious circle of laziness and idleness, so one can only sympathize with Oblomov that he did not find the strength to cast off the shackles of sleep and live a new, full life.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is main character famous novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov". The novel is part of a trilogy with " ordinary story"and" Break. Ivan Goncharov very accurately and in detail managed to describe the portrait of the protagonist: his appearance, clothes, behavior, character, attitude towards others.
The quotation portrait of Ilya Oblomov presented below will reveal the character's character in more detail.

Ilya Ilyich's complexion was neither ruddy, nor swarthy, nor positively pale, but indifferent or seemed so, perhaps because Oblomov was somehow flabby beyond his years: from a lack of movement or air, or maybe that and another. In general, his body, judging by the dullness, is too white color neck, small plump arms, soft shoulders, seemed too pampered for a man.

…Of course, you; you are all sitting at home: how will you clean up in front of you? Leave for the whole day, and I'll clean it ...

... His movements, when he was even alarmed, were also restrained by softness and laziness not devoid of a kind of grace ... "" ... He will sit down, cross his legs, rest his head with his hand - he does all this so freely, calmly and beautifully ...

softness, which was the dominant and basic expression.

... Without these whims, he somehow did not feel the master over him.

…Is that you, Ilya? Andrey said. - And I remember you as a thin, lively boy ...

He was a man of about thirty-two or three years of age, of medium height, of pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with no definite idea, no concentration in his features.

In general, his body, judging by the matte, too white color of the neck, small plump hands, soft shoulders, seemed too pampered for a man.

... Most of all, he was afraid of imagination, this two-faced companion, with a friendly face on one side and an enemy on the other, a friend - the less you believe him, and an enemy - when you fall asleep trustingly under his sweet whisper ...

... Ilya Ilyich also received a lot of soft, velvety, even passionate looks from the crowd of beauties ...

The thought walked like a free bird across the face, fluttered in the eyes, settled on half-open lips, hid in the folds of the forehead, then completely disappeared, and then an even light of carelessness glimmered in the whole body. From the face, carelessness passed into the poses of the whole body, even into the folds of the dressing gown.

Oblomov, a nobleman by birth ...

Strange man! The more complete her happiness was, the more thoughtful and even ... more timid she became ...

Oblomov, a nobleman by birth, a collegiate secretary by rank, has been living without a break for the twelfth year in St. Petersburg.

... the waist rounded, the hair began to climb mercilessly, thirty years turned out ...

…Some people have nothing better to do than talk. There is such a calling.

1. The lifestyle of Ilya Ilyich,
2. Stolz as the antipode of Oblomov.
3. What is Oblomovism?

This word is Oblomovism; it serves as a key to unraveling many phenomena of Russian life...
N. A. Dobrolyubov

The hero of I. A. Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" is a thirty-two-year-old landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, "of medium height, pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with the absence of any definite idea, any concentration in facial features ...". Just as there was no idea in his facial features, so there was none in his life. Once he went to the service every day, but after he sent the document instead of Astrakhan to Arkhangelsk, he quit. He was afraid of possible reprimands from his superiors. Previously, he thought that officials are one family, and the boss always takes care of the subordinate. He was cruelly deceived, and he was tired of writing endless papers in the service. After his dismissal, he first stopped wearing a tailcoat instead of a dressing gown, and then he stopped shaving. Gradually, lying on the couch became for this young man necessity, sometimes he did not get up from the sofa even to wash.

Life is in full swing around Oblomov - former colleagues, friends come, people get married, go to visit, work, but Ilya Ilyich does not care. He cannot even make an effort to write to the headman in the village to deal with debts or move out of a rented apartment. Oblomov "was proud that he did not have to go with a report, write papers, that there was scope for his feelings, his imagination." But Ilya Ilyich does not use this scope for imagination either. As soon as something catches fire, it instantly cools. While he is dreaming, he can at least be robbed, which is what the cunning Tarantiev does. Oblomov sees his destiny in family happiness and caring for the estate. How many plans he made while lying on the couch! And like castles in the air, they collapsed without coming to life. Ilya Ilyich believes that his inner life is very rich, but no one sees this, only friend Andrei Stolz and servant Zakhar, who is lazy just like his master, and also a liar.

The hero is unable to solve his problems, and all the "friends" let his requests fall on deaf ears, hurrying somewhere. One hope for Ilya Ilyich - an old friend Stolz - he can settle everything. Stolz, the same age and friend of Oblomov, half German, half Russian, "good bursh", as his father called him, was energetic and active from childhood. This is the complete opposite of the main character. After graduating, he worked for his father in a boarding school as a tutor for a salary. By the age of thirty-two, Andrey managed to retire, get a house, and earn capital. This person does not need advisers, he will calculate everything himself, pedantically in German. Therefore, for Oblomov, he is the solution to many problems. Sometimes a friend can even encourage Oblomov to leave the house and visit guests for a whole week. A doctor's visit to Oblomov brings unpleasant news: with such a lifestyle, he will die from a stroke in two or three years. Stolz awakens Oblomov's thoughts to travel around the world, Ilya Ilyich is full of determination and strength, inspired as never before. But as soon as Andrei leaves, he is again overcome by apathy. He did not go abroad, but still by inertia he gets up at seven in the morning, puts on a tailcoat, writes and reads.

Having met Olga Ilyinskaya through Stolz, Ilya Ilyich falls in love. But after explaining, he decides that he made a mistake. Although Olga dissuades him from this, the balance is already upset. Soon Oblomov returns to his former way of life again. He postpones the wedding for a year, moves into an apartment. Olga sees what is happening to him, and they part. From the shock, Oblomov begins to have a fever, and a few years later we see Ilya Ilyich in his former position - he arranges Oblomovka in his apartment. Mistress Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna becomes his wife. Olga marries Stolz. Two years later, Oblomov dies from his lifestyle.

So what is oblomovism? The key to the character of the hero gives us his dream. He dreams of the village of Oblomovka, where even thunderstorms are on schedule, and all the relatives treat him, seven years old, with sweets. The universal afternoon nap brings down everyone like a disease. No one in Oblomovka is disturbed by passions. Living is so comfortable. Her owners are not burdened by anything. Even the fourteen-year-old barchuk puts on stockings Zakhar. Oblomovka is the ideal and the norm for Ilya Ilyich. And he comes back to her. It is easier with her than with Olga - she does not require Oblomov to change.

N. A. Dobrolyubov in the article “What is Oblomovism” (1859) called the main character a symbol of feudal Russia. It is in the feudal system that the origins of this disease lie, in the technically backward economy of the nobility, in the exploitation of the peasants. This way of life comes into conflict with the new bourgeois nobility. Dobrolyubov speaks of such characteristic features of this phenomenon as moral slavery, nobility, idleness, parasites, and social uselessness. According to the critic, Oblomov is the same "extra person", only of a different age and temperament, the last of them. The author showed us the evolution and degradation of Ilya Ilyich, and this phenomenon can be called national. Dobrolyubov defined it as "our indigenous folk type." Sadly, this is the path of most people who have no purpose in life. Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov considers his hero “the embodiment of sleep, stagnation, immobility, dead life, crawling from day to day, in one person and one setting, and at the same time Oblomov absorbed the main features of the national character, one cannot treat Oblomov unequivocally, in which we despise both the best and the worst sides of the national character, we do not accept Oblomovism (laziness, apathy, inaction), but we see in it both generosity, and nobility, and honesty, and purity.

Oblomov was killed by the habit of getting what he wanted without difficulty, and he became more dependent on Zakhar than the servant himself was on him, the master. Oblomov asks Stolz for help even in small matters, because he cannot solve anything on his own. Oblomov initially had everything that Stolz did not have, so he does not need to work hard to get a position in society. In this hero, according to Dobrolyubov, the collapse of serfdom is reflected.

Oblomov is the main character of the novel of the same name by I.A. Goncharova. The surname of the character is telling, because his life is broken and devoid of all aspirations, because he does not know how to overcome difficulties.

Ilya Ilyich is a nobleman, and from childhood he was pampered. That Oblomov, whom we see in the main part of the novel, is the result of parental upbringing, the features of which are revealed through Oblomov's Dream. You can see a lively and cocky boy in him, who, as is typical of his years, is full of energy and desires. But the parents in every possible way suppress the playfulness of the child, he is surrounded by servants (Vaska, Vanka and Zakhar), who do everything for their master. Even socks were forbidden to be put on.

Not only parental education sowed the seeds of laziness in the soul of the hero. The village in which he was brought up was called Oblomovka. The way of life of the Oblomov family was typical for the inhabitants of this place. One gets the feeling that time has left the village, people there are only concerned about household chores. Another Ilya Ilyich would never have been able to get out of here, laziness and abstraction from the vain life are transmitted genetically here and are thoroughly rooted under the influence of an atmosphere of idleness and boredom.

So, the features of education and the "frozen time" of the village made the hero a typical nobleman of the 19th century. He spends his days lying on the couch, does not want to manage the estate, and refuses to go out into the world. He used to serve in the department, but after several years of boring work and expectations of promotion, he chose the lifestyle in which he appears before us. The bathrobe is a symbol of laziness; in it, from dawn to dusk, Oblomov, lying on the sofa, eats, dreams and sleeps. The situation in the apartment of Ilya Ilyich is apathetic, the atmosphere of Oblomovka moved and settled in the rooms of St. Petersburg.

Just once in his life, Ilya Ilyich was ready to leave his sofa and dressing gown again, as in childhood, when a feeling of love took possession of his heart. Her name is Olga Ilinskaya. But the passionate desires for change stopped and forever remained at the stage of unfulfilled. The roots of laziness, invested in childhood and rapidly developing in St. Petersburg, have sprouted in the heart, leaving no room for ardent love. Then Oblomov will find a wife who will bring to the ideal a viscous and measured lifestyle, surround him with care, but will not change anything in his soul at all (Agafya Pshenitsyna).

Oblomov is taken as a negative image, although he cannot be called such. Goncharov portrays his hero as a dreamy, morally pure and kind person. He became a hostage to circumstances that broke his personality inside. Nobility, contempt for servants and laziness were brought up in him, but they did not deprive him of the ability to think, to penetrate the essence of things. So, in a conversation with Stolz, he accuses his compatriots of servility, spreading gossip, false words and anger, but all this is as vicious as inaction.

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Oblomov is the main character in the novel by I.A. Goncharov. The purpose of the writer when creating his image was:

  • show the typical features of the outgoing patriarchal Russian nobility,
  • reveal some of the mysteries of the Russian national character.

The image of Oblomov in the novel

In the hero of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, Goncharov displays the image of the latter " extra person in classical Russian literature. The character and his character are revealed by the writer through childhood pictures, a portrait, a system of images and the relationship of the hero with the rest of the characters in the novel.

Childhood and life in Oblomovka

Formation of Oblomov's character

  • patriarchal way of life Oblomovka

“It was some kind of all-consuming, invincible dream, a true likeness of death”, “primitive laziness, simplicity of morals, silence and immobility”;

  • attitude to work (the quiet course of life is disturbed

"diseases, losses, quarrels and, by the way, labor",

labor as an unpleasant necessity;

  • fabulousness of existence, departure into the world of dreams. Oblomov

“unconsciously sad at times, why is a fairy tale not life, and life is not a fairy tale”;

  • the desire of parents to protect their son from the anxieties and efforts of life, to present all the blessings of life

“somehow cheaper, with different tricks”;

  • upbringing result:

"those seeking manifestations of power turned inward and drooped, withering"

  • boarding school

“out of necessity”, “serious reading tired him”, “poets touched ... to the quick”;

  • attitude to the service (romantic idea of ​​the service as a family, clash with reality - resignation).

Oblomov is a typical image of a nobleman of the 60s, his life reflects the fate of generations who lived at the expense of other people's labor.

Oblomov - as the last image of the "superfluous person in Russian literature

Goncharov's conclusion: the nobility, talented, gifted, having high ideals, leaves the historical arena, it loses its vitality, is defeated when confronted with reality (Oblomov "was preparing for the field", but then he realizes that all members of society are "dead, sleeping people" then social activity loses all meaning for the hero).

The character of the hero Oblomov

In the image of Oblomov, Goncharov sought to display, in addition to the personal characteristics of the hero, also individual traits of the national character.

For example, the following character traits are most prominently presented:

  • lethargy, inactivity, laziness

“lying with Ilya Ilyich ... was his normal state”;

  • daydreaming, understanding one’s lack of will, looking for someone to blame outside

"... burning reproaches of conscience stung him, and he tried with all his might ... to find the guilty one outside of himself and turn the sting on him, but on whom?";

  • subtlety of feelings (Oblomov listens to Olga's singing -

“A dawn shone on his face from the bottom of the soul of resurrected happiness,” “For a long time he had not felt such cheerfulness, such strength, which, it seemed, all rose from the bottom of the soul, ready for a feat”;

  • natural mind slowly dying

"I painfully felt that some good, bright beginning was buried in it, as in a grave, perhaps now dead ... "

  • self-esteem (protection of Agafya Tikhonovna, when Stolz speaks disparagingly of her:

    "She is still my wife."

“To go forward means to suddenly throw off a wide robe not only from the shoulders, but from the soul, from the mind; together with dust and cobwebs from the walls, sweep the cobwebs from your eyes and see clearly!

Oblomov's test of love

This literary move traditional for Russian literature. Ilya Ilyich is a hero who cannot stand such a test. Stages love story character and Olga Ilinskaya:

  • a meeting sparked by Stolz's idea to awaken the hero to life;
  • changes in Oblomov's life caused by communication with Olga

“no sleep, no fatigue, no boredom on his face”, “you can’t see a bathrobe on him”, “sits with a book or writes”, “As soon as he wakes up in the morning, the first image in the imagination is the image of Olga”;

  • a happy feeling

“lived and felt life only with Oblomov”;

  • hero's doubts

Why does she love me? Why do I love her?

  • the decision to abandon the beloved, the twofold reason for the breakup: on the one hand, the understanding that life with him will not be happy for Olga (Ilya Ilyich's letter to Olga), on the other hand, the fear of change

“love is a difficult school of life”;

  • bright feelings caused by the hero in Olga

“This is a crystal, transparent soul; there are few such people; they are rare; these are pearls in the crowd!”;

  • love of Agafya Tikhonovna - deification of Oblomov

"decided that the ideal of his life had come true, although without poetry."

Losing everyone

“she realized ... that God put a soul into her life and took it out again; that the sun shone in it and faded forever.

Oblomov in the system of images of the novel

The figurative system of "Oblomov" is built centrifugally, all the characters are located around the figure of the main character:

  • Stolz as a contrast to the image,
  • Olga and Agafya Tikhonovna as women who love a hero, ... -
  • a type of patriarchal servant who largely repeats the habits and nature of his master.

The peculiarity of the relationship of all the heroes of the novel to the hero is respect and love.