The author of the picture is sister alyonushka. Composition based on Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka

The image of a Russian orphan girl, hardworking and kind, simple and modest, excited the artist's sensitive heart and inspired him to create the picture. However, this picture is not an illustration for a fairy tale. Vasnetsov created not a fairy-tale character, but a true image of a poor peasant girl. The painting "Alyonushka" was painted in 1881 and is in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Examining the picture

  • - How do you see Alyonushka? Does your idea of ​​Alyonushka differ from the artist's? (No, the artist portrayed the heroine, probably at the moment when her brother turned into a kid. Alyonushka is very sad and sad).
  • - What can you say about the title of this picture? (It resembles the Russian folk tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")
  • - Right. The idea of ​​the picture is inspired by a Russian folk tale. “I have always lived and still live in Russia,” VM said about himself. Vasnetsov. The artist's childhood was spent among the peasants. He knew the life of the people well, therefore, in the picture of V.M. Vasnetsov reflected not only a fairy tale, but also reality itself.

Comprehensive analysis of the picture under the guidance of a teacher

What impression does the painting make?

What feelings does it evoke?

Description of Alyonushka

Who do you see in the center of the picture?

Why did Vasnetsov depict Alyonushka in the center, in the foreground of the picture? (The artist wants us to immediately pay attention to her, she is the main character in this picture)

Where is Alyonushka located? (She sits on a rock by the lake)

Describe the pose of the girl. (Alyonushka sits alone by the lake on a gray cold stone, clasped her knees with her hands, bent over, laid her head on her clasped hands)

Why did she take this pose? (She sadly looks at the water, thinking about something sad. She sulked, drooped)

What is Alyonushka's mood? (Sad, bleak, gloomy, dull, joyless, crushed, dreary, sad, depressed; she thought)

What do you think is the reason for Alyonushka's sadness? (She had a trouble; she is sad about her brother, she has a hard, joyless fate, she was left alone)

What words can you use to characterize Alyonushka's grief? (great, great, inconsolable)

With the help of what the artist showed that she had a bleak fate? (Shabby clothes, a tattered shabby sundress, an old blue jacket that has faded from time to time, there are no shoes on the feet)

How does Viktor Mikhailovich feel about his heroine? (He loves her, regrets her. The face is shown kind, charming. This is a sincere, warm-hearted girl)

What artistic techniques does the artist use to draw attention to Alyonushka's face? (He made it light, and everything around is dark)

Description of nature

What can you say about the nature surrounding Alyonushka?

Describe everything that you see in the foreground and background.

What time of year is shown in the picture?

What are the details of this? (Yellow leaves are hidden on the water surface, birches are strewn with yellow leaves, thin quivering aspens froze in silent silence, gray gloomy dull sky)

Why do you think the artist chose autumn? (Autumn is a sad, sad season. Nature withers, dies. It causes sadness.)

The artist shows that nature is sad along with the poor girl.

By what means did the artist show this? (Young thin birches have become quiet. The aspens bent and bowed their branches to the water, in some places sedge leaves drooped)

Who else in the picture sympathizes with Alyonushka's grief? (Birds)

Why do you think so? (If they had fun, they would fly, frolic, and in the picture they are depicted sitting next to Alyonushka, as if listening to her melancholy, but they cannot do anything)

What colors does the artist use to create a sad, inconsolable mood? (Cold colors, dark colors create a sad impression)

Summarize what has been said. (Strong student)

The girl's pose, the expression of her eyes, clothes, season, dark forest, gray sky, cold, joyless tones of the picture evoke a sad, sad mood.

Attitude to the painting

Express your attitude to the picture, to Alyonushka? (The picture expresses sadness, the main character wants to be sorry, the image of Alyonushka evokes compassion)

What is Vasnetsov's attitude to Alyonushka? (He loves his heroine and has compassion for her)

Yes, the artist was very fond of this image. He tried to excite the viewer with the image of a simple, poor, but charming girl. This painting evokes feelings of excitement and anxiety, compassion and sadness. She leaves no one indifferent, makes us sad with the heroine.


The painting, based on Russian folklore, looks like the personification of the melancholy-kruchinushka of the people. This is not so much Alyonushka, who lost her brother Ivanushka, as all the female fairy-tale images that were tested according to the plot.

Nature is both a place of events and an active participant in them. Vasnetsov's landscape is psychological, it is a mirror of the souls of the heroes. Alyonushka, frozen on the stone, seemed to be lost in this tall grass. Her skirt is gathered like from meadow flowers, her hair is like sand, and her shirt is like stones.

The forest is young, but dark - you can see that it is easy to get lost in it and disappear. Or meet inadvertently other heroes of the Russian epic. The pond is mirror-smooth, as if no one lives in it: not a fish, not a frog, not a bird. Deathly silence and melancholy.


Vasnetsov worked on the painting in Abramtsevo on the estate of Savva Mamontov. By the way, there were a lot of those who found Alyonushka's similarities with the philanthropist's daughter Vera - the same famous "Girl with Peaches". The artist denied this and recounted a case of meeting with a peasant woman: “Alyonushka seemed to have lived in my head for a long time, but in reality I saw her in Akhtyrka when I met one simple-haired girl who struck my imagination. There was so much melancholy, loneliness and purely Russian sadness in her eyes ... Some kind of special Russian spirit breathed from her. "

Pond in Akhtyrka, 1880

Having made several sketches and sketches on the banks of the Vori River and by the pond in Akhtyrka, Vasnetsov returned to Moscow, where he was completing work on the painting in winter. Its original name - "Fool Alyonushka" - contained the very longing about which the artist wrote. A fool, that is, an orphan, abandoned by everyone, destitute. But even without this word, everything is felt, everything is clear.

The fate of the artist

Born into the family of a Vyatka priest and at first was going to follow in his father's footsteps. But in the last year of the theological seminary, he left his studies and went to St. Petersburg to enter the Academy of Arts.

At first, Vasnetsov wrote on everyday subjects. Subsequently, he developed the so-called "Vasnetsov style" - an epic and historical basis with a strong patriotic and religious bias.

Vasnetsov, 1891

Vasnetsov was both a religious, a portraitist, a decorator and a graphic artist. In addition, he was an architect - according to his designs, the church in Abramtsevo, the facade of the Tretyakov gallery, the Tsvetkovskaya gallery and his own house with a workshop in Troitsky lane were built.

During his lifetime, they began to call him the hero of Russian painting. To a greater extent, this is due to the volume of the cultural layer that he raised in his work. The breadth of themes and forms of embodiment, genre diversity and skill delighted contemporaries.

History of the masterpiece: "Alyonushka" Artist Viktor Vasnetsov. | Why was "Alyonushka" originally called "fool"

Viktor Vasnetsov - Alyonushka. 1881. Oil on canvas. 173 × 121 cm
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

The story was based on the fairy tale "About Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka". Alyonushka, tired of the fruitless search for her brother, sits in a lonely position on a large stone by a gloomy pond, bowing her head to her knees. Anxious thoughts about her brother Ivanushka do not leave her. Alyonushka is grieving - she could not keep track of her brother - and with her the nature around ...

The artist began work on the painting in 1880. First, he painted landscape sketches on the banks of the Vori in Abramtsevo, by the pond in Akhtyrka. Preserved 3 sketches of that time.


Pond in Akhtyrka 1880

Alyonushkin Pond (Pond in Akhtyrka), 1880

Sedge, 1880
In Vasnetsov's painting Alyonushka, the landscape is very magnificently painted in which Alyonushka is closely interconnected with nature, which is also saddened, like our heroine Alyonushka.
In the picture, not a single fragment distracts the viewer from the main thing, at the same time, every detail of the picture is material for thoughtful reflection.

Viktor Vasnetsov. Sketches for the painting "Alyonushka", 1881
Initially, Vasnetsov called the painting "Fool Alyonushka", but there is nothing offensive or ironic about the artist's attitude to his heroine. The fact is that the word "fool" in those days was called holy fools or orphans. Let's remember a fairy tale - after the death of their parents, Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka are left alone, and desperate to find a naughty brother, Alyonushka feels like an orphan, lonely and abandoned.

Some critics insisted that this is not a fabulous image, but the embodiment of the orphan lot of poor peasant women, which could be found in every village. An old sundress with faded flowers, disheveled hair, rough bare feet in Alyonushka give out not an abstract fairy-tale character, but a very real girl from the people.

The work was completed in the winter of 1881 in Moscow, after which Vasnetsov sent it to the Traveling Exhibition. The critic I.E. Grabar called the painting one of the best paintings of the Russian school.
Vasnetsov himself spoke about his picture as follows:

“Alyonushka” seemed to have lived in my head for a long time, but in reality I saw her in Akhtyrka when I met one simple-haired girl who boggled my imagination. There was so much melancholy, loneliness and purely Russian sadness in her eyes ... Some kind of special Russian spirit breathed from her.

Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov
Russian artist-painter and architect, master of historical and folklore painting.
Born on May 15, 1848 in the Russian village of Lopyal in the Urzhum district of the Vyatka province, in the family of the Orthodox priest Mikhail Vasilyevich Vasnetsov, who belonged to the ancient Vyatka family of the Vasnetsovs.
At first he was going to follow in his father's footsteps. But in the last year of the theological seminary, he left his studies and went to St. Petersburg to enter the Academy of Arts.

At first, Vasnetsov wrote on everyday subjects. Subsequently, he developed the so-called "Vasnetsov style" - an epic and historical basis with a strong patriotic and religious bias.

Vasnetsov performed in all kinds: he was a historical painter, and a religious, and a portrait painter, and a genre painter, and a decorator, and a graphic artist. In addition, he was an architect - according to his designs, the church in Abramtsevo, the facade of the Tretyakov gallery, the Tsvetkovskaya gallery and his own house with a workshop in Troitsky lane were built.

Viktor Vasnetsov died in Moscow on July 23, 1926, at the age of 79. The artist was buried at the Lazarevskoye cemetery, after the destruction of which the ashes were transferred to the Vvedenskoye cemetery.

Class: 5

Lesson presentation

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education : teaching students to write a description text for a painting

Upbringing: acquaintance of students with the life and work of the Russian painter V.M. Vasnetsov

Development: development of creative activity and aesthetic perception of paintings by students


  • the development of observation, the ability to peer into the phenomena of life (comprehension of the content of the picture);
  • the development of imagination, the ability, on the basis of developed observation, to create an artistic image, expressing one's attitude to reality, to build a text in a certain compositional form, beautifully, correctly, consistently, to express one's thoughts (tasks that contribute to the verbalization of spectator impressions, the use of language expressive means in writing (epithets , comparison, metaphor, personification);
  • the development of the ability to express in words not only the plot, but also the mundane content, which is hidden in the entire artistic structure.


  • computer
  • projector
  • screen
  • presentation
  • exhibition of literature about V.M. Vasnetsov
  • exhibition of reproductions of the artist

During the classes

1. Organizational moment (1 minute)

2. Introduction (1 minute)

Being an admirer of the work of any artist, as for the first time, you gaze at the long-familiar canvases, which still delight with the majestic depth, bright palette of colors, but, as before, are shrouded in a mysterious haze. Let's plunge into the magical world of the fairytale artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov today and enjoy the role of art critics, connoisseurs of beauty, "little" writers when working with the plot of the painting "Alyonushka".

A story about the life and work of the Russian painter V.M. Vasnetsova (student speech, 3 minutes)

"It's good to be the son of an artist after all!" - thought Volodya Vasnetsov, lying on the grass in the garden. No one has a home like theirs. Daddy invented it himself. What an amazing house! Fabulous tower-tower. Made of thick logs, folded, with a high tower. And the roof above the tower, curved like a tent, just like in fairytale palaces. The rooms are large. The furniture in the house is all wooden, solid, decorated with carvings, antique lamps, strips of colored tiles on the stoves, paintings and photographs on the walls. And it smells so amazingly of turpentine and paints!

Papa is a famous artist - Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. He is very strict, his word in the house is law. Even at the table, only he and the guests can talk, and children must listen and keep quiet. The most interesting thing about the house is, of course, on the second floor. A twisted wooden staircase leads upstairs. There is a workshop. Nobody is allowed to go there, especially when papa is working. And if someone comes in, he should not interfere and tell everyone what he saw there. It is not for nothing that an angel is painted on the wall by the door with a finger pressed to his lips - “the angel of silence”.

The workshop is huge, the ceiling and windows are tall - so that there is a lot of light. And papa's pictures are also tremendous - he even climbs a step-ladder to paint the top part. And on the canvases there is just anyone! Ivan Tsarevich rides the Gray Wolf. Baba Yaga flies in a mortar. Terrible! A fang sticks out of his mouth, and he holds the baby under his armpit! And here is Koschey the Immortal sitting on the throne, holding a bloody sword in his hand! There Princess Nesmeyana is yearning, The flying carpet flies over the mountains, over the valleys ... The frog princess is dancing at the feast: she waved her sleeve, and swans flew out of it. And, of course, three Russian heroes, proud and fearless.

Daddy says little. But sometimes in the evening you come to him, and he begins to talk about himself:

I grew up in a village, not far from Vyatka, there were ten houses there. There are six of us brothers, and we all share the same boots and sheepskin coats. In the summer it's good, all day on the street and in the forest we run barefoot, in only trousers. Well, in winter, more and more people sat on the stove and listened to fairy tales. The day is short, the nights are long and dark, and it seems that there will be no end to winter. Let's light a torch - a stick is so wooden, it burns, crackles, the fire is small, fluctuates from side to side, and the shadows walk around the camps. It seems that someone is about to jump out of a dark corner, either a devil or a Baba Yaga.

That is why they stand up as if they were alive in papa's pictures! And my grandfather, Mikhail Vasilyevich, was a priest in the church. A widely educated person himself, he tried to give children a versatile education, develop inquisitiveness and observation in them. The family read scientific magazines, drew, painted in watercolors. Great-grandmother Olga Alexandrovna was fond of painting in her youth. Papa was breathtaking with happiness when grandmother opened the lid of the old chest where the paints were.

Papa, too, at first wanted to become a priest, studied at the seminary, but then went to Petersburg, to enter the Academy of Arts. He was so not sure that they would accept him that, having passed the exams, he did not even show up to find out the results. I studied at the Drawing School for a year, when I decided to try my luck again at the Academy, I was surprised that I was enrolled in it last year.

At first, daddy painted pictures about poor people, and then he wanted to create a fairy tale ... He says that every nation has its own fairy tales, and in them the character is clearly visible. I remember his words: "I have always been convinced that the whole whole image of the people, internal and external, with the past and the present, and perhaps the future, is reflected in fairy tales, songs, epics, dramas."

One of papa's contemporaries wrote: “The talent of the artist must be great, his personality is bright and pure in order to take possession of the viewer, to fill him with a wave of genuine feeling! Such phenomena are not often encountered - Russia should be proud of such an artist as Viktor Mikhailovich. "

A story about a painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka" (student performance, 2 minutes)

Have you been to the Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery? Not?! Then I invite you to enter the magnificent fairytale hall. Look at one of the paintings ... Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov "Alyonushka".

Alyonushka walked through the forest. I walked around the spruce forest. I walked along the birch forest. And she went out to a dark pond-lake. A dark and deep lake. I'm tired. She sat on a pebble by the water. And the water in the lake is dark and heavy. Like lifeless water. It will not splash. It won't budge. Alyonushka is sitting on a pebble. Duma thinks. Not funny. Sad and sad.

Viktor Vasnetsov had the same feelings in his soul after he read the fairy tale about Alenushka in Afanasyev's collection of fairy tales. The artist had heard this tale more than once in childhood, it touched him deeper and stronger than others, the melancholy melody that came from the bottom of the river sunk into his soul, and the whole poetic situation of the tale with its triumph of truth. Vasnetsov thought about Alyonushka, and the idea of ​​his new composition became clearer and clearer.

“Alyonushka,” the artist later said, “as if she had lived in my head for a long time, but in reality I saw her in Akhtyrka when I met one simple-haired girl who struck my imagination. There was so much melancholy, loneliness and purely Russian sadness in her eyes ... Some kind of special Russian spirit breathed from her. Critics and, finally, myself, since I have a sketch of one orphan girl from Akhtyrka, have established that my "Alyonushka" is a natural genre piece! Do not know! May be. But I will not hide the fact that I really looked into the features of the face, especially into the radiance of Verusha Mamontova's eyes when I wrote “Alyonushka.” Here are the wonderful Russian eyes that looked at me and the whole world of God in Abramtsevo, and in Akhtyrka, and in Vyatka villages , and on Moscow streets and bazaars and forever live in my soul and warm it! "

Igor Grabar, with his characteristic clarity, defines the qualities of the picture:

"V. M. Vasnetsov in 1881 creates his masterpiece -" Alyonushka ", either a genre or a fairy tale, - a charming lyric poem about a wonderful Russian girl, one of the best pictures of the Russian school." (The whole story is accompanied by the music of PI Tchaikovsky "Seasons. October")

3. Making sense of the picture

So Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov became, whose "bright appearance ... is inextricably linked with kind gray-blue eyes, a long, light-blond beard converging with a" chisel ", with a huge semicircular palette, wide brushes, a drill and a long - once blue, and now a faded robe, picturesquely smeared with non-washable oil paint ", a little closer to us. "A true hero of Russian painting" - as his contemporaries called him. And now we have an amazing opportunity: to penetrate deeply into the world of one of the painter's magnificent creations.

  • Conversation with students on the painting (5 minutes)

(Conversation is a kind of work that is familiar to students, but no less effective. The role of the teacher is to direct the conversation in the right direction, not forgetting that the topic of the conversation is the work of V.M. Vasnetsov, his thematic and spiritual connection with the Russian people. conversations, students are invited to describe what they see, paying attention to artistic techniques, the language of painting, its expressiveness and expressiveness. The teacher pays special attention to the students' speech, its accuracy and imagery, notes the emotionality of statements.)

Take a close look at the reproduction of the painting. Who do we see in the center? (Alyonushka immediately attracts our attention. She is depicted almost in the center of the canvas, facing the viewer).

Why are there no other characters in the picture besides her? ( To emphasize her loneliness, the artist did not place other characters in the picture).

Why did V. M. Vasnetsov call his work "Alyonushka"? (Probably, the painter wanted his composition to be associated with the famous Russian folk tale).

Determine with the help of which morpheme the word "Alyonushka" is formed? (Suffix - ear).

What role does this suffix play? (The suffix has a diminutive meaning, which shows how dear this image is to the artist).

Take a close look at the central image of the painting. What is Alyonushka doing? ( She sits with her legs tucked under her, hugging her knees and bowing her head, fingers tightly clasped around her knees).

Where is she sitting? (Alyonushka sits on a stone by a forest pond)

What is she wearing? (She is wearing a dark gray shabby dress with flowers, an old faded blue shirt. Her feet are bare).

What is the expression on her face? (She has a sad, pensive, motionless look. She is sad, thoughtful, sulked. Deep brown eyes cover tears, brown hair scattering in tangled strands over her shoulders. The mouth is slightly open, as if the heroine is talking about something, referring to someone unknown) ...

  • Tasks that contribute to the verbalization of spectator impressions

- “According to folk legends, nature gains the ability to feel in harmony with a person, especially at the end of the day. Similar feelings, as I. Dolgopolov writes in the article “V. Vasnetsov ", are inherent in the artist himself. That is why the state of nature with the feelings of the heroine is so organically coordinated in "Alenushka". Let's take a closer look at the state of nature from different angles of composition. (Fragments of the painting are offered to students)

Why did the artist choose the autumn landscape? ( Withering of nature, sadness, but at the same time extraordinary beauty and an abundance of colors).

What objects (phenomena) of nature must be considered in order to determine the role of nature in this picture? (Pond, water, forest, trees, foliage, sky, stone, birds, grass, time of day, state of nature)

Task 1 (5 minutes)

Target setting: select supporting words, phrases for the listed objects (phenomena) that will help convey the mood and state of nature

The pond is a whirlpool, deep, calm, thoughtful, unclouded, bottomless, mysterious, quiet backwater

Water - black, dark, transparent, clear, mirror

The forest is a dense spruce forest, alert, gloomy, lively, sympathetic, a wonderful corner of Russian nature, they ate like guards

Trees - young slender sad birches, thin tender aspens

Foliage, leaves - golden, fallen, chilled, yellow like swans

Grass - sharp green, like arrows, sedge stalks

The sky is cloudy, gray, dreary

The wind is light, playful, gentle

Stone - gray, white combustible

Birds - chirping swallows, little bird-friends

Time of day - twilight, quiet evening, setting sun

The state of nature is quiet, sad around, autumn sadness and deep silence

Let's turn to the color tones of the picture. What colors prevail in the picture? (Dim, deep cold tones of dark oily red-brown, dark green paints. Brown grass, reddish autumn foliage, yellowed greens emphasize the general brown-green tone of the picture. sedge greenery, pink flowers on Alyonushka's sundress and a blue blouse.Using bright, contrasting colors, the artist enhances the impression created by the painting).

Pay attention to the composition of the painting. Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov uses a leisurely, detailed letter, clearly depicting each element of the picture, the composition is built on a strict rhythm, on the smooth flow of the lines of the heroine's figurine with a bowed head and tilts of plants, which brings melodiousness to the picture, showing the close relationship between man and nature, which protects peace girls.

How are the trees in relation to the heroine? (They closed in a semicircle behind the heroine's back, sheltering her from the hostile world. Symmetrically, right and left, as if embracing and soothing, stopped at the same distance young slender aspen trees, on one of which are chirping swallows - cute bird-friends. All objects are depicted on eye level, thus, nature and Alyonushka form a circle of friends who are ready to lend a helping hand to another).

Task 2 (2 minutes)

So our close acquaintance with the picture of V.M. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka". Now we have to plunge into the enchanting world of creativity. It is important for us not only to tell about what is depicted in the picture, in the form of an essay, but to try to penetrate into the soul of the heroine, convey her feelings, express our impression. Before starting your creative work, you need to carefully think over the components of the work, draw up a plan.

Target setting: you are offered three options for the plan, determine the one that seems to you suitable for your possible presentation of the future essay, try to determine what the chosen option is of interest to you. It is possible that none of the options will be acceptable, and you will try to compose your own. (Essay options are offered to each student on cards)

Option 1

  • Artist V.M. Vasnetsov and his painting "Alyonushka".
  • The girl at the pool.
  • Nature sympathizes with Alyonushka.
  • Painting paints.
  • What thoughts and feelings does the painting evoke?

Option 2

  • The name of the painting and its author.
  • Information about the artist.
  • The general impression that the painting makes:

Description of Alyonushka (the place where she sits, posture, clothes, hair, hands, thoughts of the heroine, mood, etc.);

Description of nature (pond, forest, sky, trees, birds, grass, wind, time of day, state of nature, etc.);

The color scheme of the painting paints;

Composition of the painting (arrangement of trees, Alyonushki, their relationship)

  • Conclusion.

Option 3

  • What picture will I describe?
  • Who is depicted in the picture?
    a) appearance (clothing, facial expression);
    b) posture;
    c) emotional state.
  • Harmony of feelings of man and nature.
    a) a description of the autumn landscape (what is shown);
    b) how nature conveys human feelings (how did the artist manage to convey the melancholy and sadness of Alyonushka with the help of paints?)
  • The peculiarity of the picture (what this picture draws attention to, what makes it special, which I especially liked)
  • Describe how you feel when you look at a painting. What mood do you have?
  • Conclusions (what is the artist's idea, what idea the author wanted to convey to the viewer).

Task 3 (5 minutes)

Every person writing is familiar with a situation where you don't know where to start. From what thought to push off, so that the composition begins to acquire harmony and consistency.

Target setting: each of you has colored cards on which the task related to the preparation of the introduction to the essay is indicated.

(Students are offered multilevel assignments. This form of work makes it possible to approach students individually, taking into account their abilities, level of development and training).

Red card

Exercise. From the proposed words, make sentences to get the text of the introduction of your essay.

V.M. Vasnetsov, Russian, artist, famous

Pictures, "The Frog Princess", his, everyone, "Sleeping Beauty", are familiar, "Heroes", well

Became, "Alyonushka", one of, a picture painted, bright, in 1881, a painter

(VM Vasnetsov is a famous Russian artist. Everyone is familiar with his paintings "The Frog Princess", "Sleeping Beauty", "Heroes". One of the brightest paintings was "Alyonushka", written by the painter in 1881).

Yellow card


Autumn. The shore of a forest lake ...

(A lonely sad girl sits on a white-burning stone by the water. How much sadness and longing in her eyes! Tears are dripping, and golden leaves-swans fly down).)

Green card

Exercise. Continue the text you started by writing 2-3 sentences that will become the introduction to your essay.

Dear friend! You've probably seen the paintings of V.M. Vasnetsov "Carpet-plane", "Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf". But…

(But today I want to tell you about the wonderful painting "Alyonushka", which you can see in the State Tretyakov Gallery. She deeply moved me.).

Music and poetry contribute to a deep perception of works of art, awareness and experience of their themes. Pay close attention to what is happening on the screen now, listen to the enchanting sounds of music.

(Video clip for the song "Alyonushka", lyrics by A. Usachev, music by A. Pinegin, performed by E. Romanova using fragments from the animated film "Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", Soyuzmultfilm studio, Moscow, 1953

The sun rolled into the thicket, the gloomy forest around the wall,
Alyonushka was disgusted with how she should live alone now.
There is no dear mother with her, no dear father,
Tears drip onto the pebbles by the forest lake.
Who will dispel bitter thoughts, who will help her in trouble?
Only one reed with sedge is reflected in the water.
And my dear side is getting sadder and sadder,
It's a pity Alyonushka does not know what will happen next to her.
The girl will meet happiness and will find her love,
Oh, how fun it is to hope, knowing the fairy tale in advance).

What is the reflection of the picture of V.M. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka" in this video clip and music? (A sad song, performed in a very gentle, ringing voice, the plot of an animated film to a famous fairy tale, which gave the idea of ​​writing a picture, and the painter's canvas itself merged together, giving the audience new sensations and impressions of an already known masterpiece).

(All the tasks of the lesson fulfill one of the main tasks of the teacher - to make it clear to children that in art nothing is depicted just for the sake of the image - otherwise it is not art. The image is only a practical goal, a product of labor, but through it the artist always expresses his attitude to the depicted person, their thoughts and feelings.

The practical activity of students, activity on the perception of art, when they act as a spectator, mastering the experience of artistic culture, has a creative character. Only in the unity of the perception of works of art and their own creative practical work is the formation of the figurative artistic thinking of children.

A very important methodological principle is the unity of perception and creation. Training provides for a harmonious balance of theory and practice. Even the most interesting story of the teacher is not enough, the participation of the students themselves is necessary. The understanding of the true value of art should be strengthened in the minds of children from lesson to lesson dedicated to working with canvases of artists.)

4. Lesson summary

Concluding our lesson, I would like to know how well you remembered and imbued everything that was said today. You are asked to resolve several situations.

Situation 1

Your friend wrote a letter and told about the life and work of the artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan. What artist can you tell us about after today's lesson? (About Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov).

Situation 2

You watched with enthusiasm the game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire", heard the question, which painting belongs to the brush of the artist V.M. Vasnetsov, and the answers:

А "March" В "Morning in a pine forest"

C "The Ninth Wave" D "Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf")

What is the correct answer? (D "Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf")

Situation 3

You and your mother are going to go to Moscow on summer vacation. Discussing the program of the trip, she asked, I wondered, in which museum it would be possible to see the picture of V.M. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka". Give your mom an answer. (Painting by VM Vasnetsov "Alyonushka" is kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery).

5. Reflection.

If you enjoyed the lesson, did a good job and are confident that you can successfully write your essay at home, raise the green chip

If you liked the lesson, you did a good job, but you feel that it may be difficult to write the essay, raise your yellow chip

If you didn’t like the lesson, you didn’t learn anything interesting, you feel that you cannot cope with writing an essay without outside help, raise the pink chip.

6. Homework.

Write an essay based on the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka"

The remarkable composer S.V. Rachmaninov said: "The highest quality of any art is its sincerity." Today we have been fully convinced of this.

From the writings of students

“Alyonushka sits on a large stone, sad and sad. The cheeks are ruddy, the mouth is open, and in the eyes there is a deep melancholy. She is wearing a sundress and a blue blouse, her bare feet are tucked under her. Before her is a calm gloomy pond, the water in it is cold. Sedge stalks shot up like arrows. Fallen leaves, like swans, float along the smooth surface of a quiet backwater. A dense, dense forest falls asleep in the coming twilight. The yellowed birches, like guards, protect the orphan. Little songbirds, like girlfriends, sympathize with the poor girl.

I admire this picture, feeling delighted, because V.M. Vasnetsov was able to show a deep understanding of the soul of the Russian people. "
(Slinkina Ekaterina)

“Alyonushka walked through the dense forest. She sat down on a large pebble and sulked. Slender aspen pity the girl. The swallow girlfriends sing a sad song. In the dark, mirror-like water of the pond, leaves float like butterflies. Sad eyes, head bowed to the knees. Alyonushka thinks sad thoughts ... "
(Nikolaeva Svetlana)

“Sad Alyonushka sits on a pebble with her hands folded on her knees and her head bowed. Sad about something about his own. In an old sundress with red flowers. Around the girl there is a fairy forest - the orphan's protector. Thin aspen trees nearby comfort her. A pensive pond, mirror water is deep ... "
(Shipitsyna Sophia)

“The name of Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is well known to all art lovers. He created a wonderful fairy gallery. "Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf", "Three Heroes", "Baba Yaga" and many other paintings delight many generations. Among them there is a touching work "Alyonushka", written in 1881.
Autumn. The shore of a forest pond. Alyonushka sits on a stone thinking a great thought. Her bare feet were drawn in, and she laid her sad head on tightly clenched hands. An old sundress and a blue blouse for the heroine. The expression on his face is sad, his eyes are full of tears, his mouth is slightly open, he sighs with grief.
A large gray stone has a pool, the water in it, like a black mirror, reflects the entire appearance of Alyonushka. Young aspen, like girlfriends, bow their camp nearby, and their leaves whisper among themselves, and swallows echo them. These songbirds are barely visible against the background of a dense forest, which, like a guard, quietly and sternly protects the heroine from a hostile world.
Dust. The sky is cloudy. The breeze barely moves the foliage of the yellowed birches. The state of nature is sad, quiet, sad, everything goes through her grief together with the orphan.
V.M. Vasnetsov used cold, gloomy, dark colors that convey sadness and loneliness. But in contrast, there are also bright shades of colors that serve as an expression of hope, faith and love.
The artist managed to convey the state of the Russian soul in difficult moments of life and the complete harmony of nature in sympathy for her. "
(Rybin Mikhail)

Don't be too harsh. They are still learning. The main thing is that they have a great desire to learn. So, everything will work out !!! I believe in them, my students !!!
Efimenko Natalia Viktorovna


  1. Bakhrevsky V. Viktor Vasnetsov. Series "ZhZL". - M., 1979.
  2. Vetrova G. Great canvases // Who lives in the mansion? V. Vasnetsov "Heroes". White City, 2005.S. 40.
  3. Vetrova G. The Tale of the Storyteller. Vasnetsov. White City, 2005.
  4. Kudryavtseva L. Vasnetsov. - M., 1999.
  5. Poston. Viktor Vasnetsov. - M., 2007.
  6. Shilova E. Viktor Vasnetsov. Album. - M., 2004.

Literary-musical composition

"Museum of one painting

V.M. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka"

(for children of primary and secondary school age)

(Children sit in a semicircle in front of a screen in the twilight. The lesson uses a video presentation with pictures and illustrations and a video presented in the text)

1. Introduction:

"I am a storyteller, an epic, a guslar of painting!"

V.M. Vasnetsov

“All my life I have been striving as an artist to understand

to unravel and express the Russian spirit "

V.M. Vasnetsov

(A recording of the Russian folk song "Spilled, Spilled, Fast River" is played)

... Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman, and they had a son and a daughter. The daughter's name was Alyonushka, and the son's name was Ivanushka. The old man and the old woman died. Alyonushka and Ivanushka were left orphans. Alyonushka went to work once and took Ivanushka with her. Here they are walking along a wide field. Ivanushka wanted to drink.

Sister Alyonushka, I'm thirsty.

Wait, brother, let's get to the well.

The heat is falling from my feet, and the well is far away, the sun is high ...

This is how this famous and beloved Russian folk tale about Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka begins from childhood.
Probably many years have passed since you first heard this tale, but nevertheless it, simple, uncomplicated, continues to excite you with its deep poetry and sincerity. The image of an orphan girl, a hard worker and a suffering woman, simple and modest, hardworking and kind, runs through many works of Russian folklore.

In different fairy tales, her fate develops in different ways, various trials and adversities fall to her lot, but the main idea of ​​these fairy tales is the same - this is the victory of a light, noble principle over dark and evil forces.

(Reading the poem "Girl in the Forest" to the sound of the instrumental version of the song "Spilled, Spilled, Fast River")

What are you crying about, girl

In the brooding wilderness

By the lake where they waver

Gray reeds?

Why did the tears flash

And they pour on the grass! " -

“I'm waiting for a little mermaid,

I call her, I call!

Nobody responds, -

And I'm bored alone!

It's so unfriendly around

And the forest is so empty.

(M. Pozharova)

2. Presentation of a masterpiece:

(Presentation of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka")

The touching tenderness and deep poetry of the tale about Alyonushka excited the sensitive and responsive heart of the artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. There are many paintings in Russian art that captivate and excite us from childhood. But, perhaps, in the power of the embodiment of feelings, in the depth of penetration into the world of fabulous images, "Alyonushka" is hardly equal in world art.
... Among the dense forest, a pond strewn with golden leaves froze. The gloomy autumn sky hung low. Young fir-trees with greenery beginning to darken froze in silence; under the light oncoming breeze, the leaves of slender aspens seem to whisper. The sad, brooding Russian autumn has already come into its own. A quiet sadness is spread in nature, which is beginning to fade.

Not the triumphant golden autumn attracts the artist's attention, but the first time of autumn wilting, the quiet sadness of young trees trembling under the gusts of the cold wind. There is some kind of special touching in these fragile and thin, like the girl herself, trees on the bank of the creek. But not only nature is in tune with the mood of the girl, in harmony with her state of mind.

Vasnetsov's painting Alyonushka, inspired lyrically in a fabulous way, according to the well-known Russian fairy tale Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka, although the prototype for writing this picture was a really real girl, the artist noticed in the Akhtyrka estate, deciding to write it in his conceived picture. The image of this simple Russian girl with a somewhat sadly melancholy gaze prompted Vasnetsov to create a picture of Alyonushka, translating his creative color and lyrical fairytale relationship, from which a purely Russian spirit, breathes in the conceived picture. Sister Alyonushka, tired of searching for her lost brother Ivanushka, sits in a lonely position on a large stone, sadly leaning her elbows on her knee by a gloomy pond, in a dense coniferous forest, she is dressed in a Russian dark gray shabby sarafan, barefoot, her eyes reflect sadness and sadness, where are you, my brother Ivanushka, maybe the evil Baba Yaga turned her brother into a goat, all the time these disturbing thoughts do not leave Alyonushka that she did not follow her only brother, even nature itself is sad with her.

3. Dialog.

In Vasnetsov's painting Alyonushka, the landscape is very magnificently painted in which Alyonushka is closely interconnected with nature, which is also saddened, like our heroine Alyonushka. In the picture of Alyonushka, not a single fragment distracts us from the main thing, at the same time, every detail of the picture is material for thoughtful reflection.

Look at the color scheme of the painting, and you will feel that it is no coincidence that the artist resorts to soft tones of dark green, blue, yellow, red-brown colors of nature. Autumn faded, yellow-brown colors of the landscape, echoing the color of the dress, the girl's hair, complement the main lyrical sound, create a mood of quiet sadness, sadness. And at the same time, the artist introduced other tones into this modest color scheme, contrasting with the autumn colors of nature. These are pink flowers on the girl's sundress, the delicate blueness of her sweater, the bright green of sedge and a light streak of dawn that appeared in the dark sky. The introduction of these bright sonorous tones further enhances the emotional impact of the painting.

What can you say about the nature surrounding Alyonushka?

Describe everything that you see in the foreground and background.

What time of year is shown in the picture?

What are the details of this?

Why do you think the artist chose autumn?

The artist shows that nature is sad along with the poor girl.

By what means did the artist show this?

Who else in the picture sympathizes with Alyonushka's grief?

What colors does the artist use to create a sad, inconsolable mood?

Vasnetsov himself spoke about his picture as follows:
“Alyonushka” seemed to have lived in my head for a long time, but in reality I saw her in Akhtyrka, when I met one simple-haired girl who struck my imagination. There was so much melancholy, loneliness and purely Russian sadness in her eyes ... Some kind of special Russian spirit breathed from her.

How do you see Alyonushka? Does your idea of ​​Alyonushka differ from the artist's?

What impression does the painting make?

What feelings does it evoke?

Why did Vasnetsov depict Alyonushka in the center, in the foreground of the picture?

What is Alyonushka's mood?

What do you think is the reason for Alyonushka's sadness?

What words can you use to characterize Alyonushka's grief?

With the help of what the artist showed that she had a bleak fate?

What artistic techniques does the artist use to draw attention to Alyonushka's face?

How does Viktor Mikhailovich feel about his heroine?

Why Vasnetsov painted this picture?

This film will help answer the question in more detail.

(Video film "Life and work of V.M. Vasnetsov")

4. Re-referring to the introduction.

Let's go back to the beginning of our meeting and once again listen to the poem:

What are you crying about, girl

In the brooding wilderness

By the lake where they waver

Gray reeds?

Why did the tears flash

And they pour on the grass! " -

“I'm waiting for a little mermaid,

I call her, I call!

Nobody responds, -

And I'm bored alone!

It's so unfriendly around

And the forest is so empty.

M. Pozharova

What is common in the mood of a poem and a picture?

5. An appeal to the hero of a masterpiece.

Looking at the picture, it is impossible not to empathize with Alyonushka - the artist shows her tiredness and sadness so heartfelt and vividly. Both the girl herself and the nature around her are written so realistically that it seems: take a step - and you will find yourself on the shore, you will smell the water, you will be able to talk to Alyonushka.

Dear guys, imagine that we can talk to Alyonushka, what would you say to her, advise how you would support her?

6. Reflection.

Guys, I ask you to continue the phrase:

Seeing the painting "Alyonushka" I felt ...

Turns out…

7. Donating associations.

Today I do not want to end the lesson on a sad note, because the fairy tale has a happy ending.

There is such a legend. After the Moscow society learned that the peasant woman with whom Viktor Mikhailovich wrote his "Alyonushka" very happily married, the village girls who came to work in Moscow always stopped at the picture. They believed that "Alyonushka" would share her happiness with them.

In those days, many fairy tales were composed by the people and written by various Russian writers, but all these fairy tales were imagined only mentally in the minds of the people, in the picture of Alyonushka the artist was able to visually express his work with pictorial means, as in many of his other fairy works, saturated with Russian epic and Russian spirit.

The sun has sunk into the thicket,

Gloomy forest around the wall.

Alyonushka got upset,

How can she live alone now?

There is no dear mother with her,

No birth father.

Tears are dripping onto the stones

Near the forest lake.

Who will dispel bitter thoughts,

Who will help her in trouble?

Only one reed with sedge

Reflected in the water.

And darling side

Everything is sadder and sadder.

It's a pity Alyonushka doesn't know

The girl will meet happiness

And his love will find

Oh how fun it is to hope

Knowing the tale in advance.