Mizaru, Kikazaru, Iwazaru: Why three Japanese monkeys have become a symbol of female wisdom. The story of three Japanese monkeys that have become a symbol of female wisdom

I see nothing, I hear nothing,
I don't know anything, I won't tell anyone...
"I can't see anything", lyrics L. Oshanina, music O. Feltsman, popular artists: Edita Piekha and Tamara Miansarova

Many people know the ancient oriental symbol - three monkeys, one of which diligently closes its eyes with its paws, the second - its ears, and the third - its mouth. But where they come from, what they are associated with and what they mean is less known.

Place of Origin of the Three Monkeys

There are many assumptions regarding the place where the three monkeys appeared: they are called and China, and India, and even Africa, but the birthplace of three monkeys - after all Japan. A confirmation can be a reading in Japanese of the actions expressed by the composition: “I don’t see, I don’t hear, I don’t speak” (when recording using kanji見猿, 聞か猿, 言わ猿 - mizaru, kikazaru, iwazaru). Negative suffix " -zaru" is consonant with the word "monkey", in fact it is a voiced version of the word " Sarah"(猿). It turns out that the image of three monkeys is a kind of pun or rebus, a play on words that is understandable only to the Japanese.

Religious roots

Undoubtedly the original religious significance of the monkey group. Often referred to as Buddhist symbol, but not everything is so simple. Yes, Buddhism adopted three monkeys, but it was not he, or rather, he alone was the cradle of three monkeys.

Religion in Japan has special properties: it is extremely malleable and at the same time resilient: throughout history, the Japanese met many religious and philosophical teachings, accepted and processed them, combining sometimes incompatible into complex systems and syncretic cults.

Cult of Kosin

Three monkeys are originally associated with one of the Japanese folk beliefs - Kosin. Based on Chinese Taoism, Kosin's belief is relatively simple: one of the main postulates is that in each person three certain observer entities ("worms") "live", collecting compromising evidence on their master and regularly going with a report to the Heavenly Lord during his sleep. In order to avoid big troubles, a cult follower needs to refrain from evil in every possible way, and those who have not succeeded in this, so that these internal informants cannot transmit something unseemly “to the center” in time, at the estimated time of “sessions” (usually once every two months) one must refrain from sleeping to hold vigils.

When the three monkeys appeared

The question of the exact time of the appearance of the three monkeys, apparently, cannot be resolved, partly because of the folk character of the faith, which has no centralization and no archives whatsoever. Adherents of the Kosin cult erected stone monuments ( coshin something). It is on them that one should look for the most ancient materially fixed images of three monkeys. The problem is that it is hardly possible to date such monuments.

Some certainty is given by the most famous of the three monkeys. For the Japanese, such a composition is known as "three monkeys from Nikko ».

Three monkeys from Nikko

Biological species of three monkeys

There are many options for the composition with the image of different monkeys (and not only monkeys), often, for example, chimpanzees covering their eyes, ears and mouth. Obviously, in Japan there must have been a different original source of the image. Most likely, as three monkeys should have been depicted japanese macaques(lat. macaca fuscata), which became famous in recent times « snow monkeys, basking in winter in geothermal springs in Hell Valley in the prefecture Nagano.

Image of three monkeys

Three monkeys have now dispersed almost all over the world, they are depicted in souvenirs and on household items, are used as interior decorations and garden sculptures, in many localities of the world there are monuments to three monkeys, they are used by street artists in graffiti and cartoonists in political satire , from can be found on the coins of Somalia and author's Russian nesting dolls. It is impossible to describe all the options, so we will try to limit ourselves to only some classical solutions.

Composition options

Scattered figures

Beginning with the classic Nikko monkeys, artists can depict the monkeys separately, without being limited by a general pose or arrangement. This decision leaves a lot of freedom, allows you to place the figures more lively and relaxed.

close group

Three isolated figures are too disunited, so artists often want to show a closer connection, the commonality of the three negative principles. One of the possible ways of interaction is in which the monkeys close their ears, mouth and eyes to each other. One of the factors that pushed the composition towards centripetal unification is the use of three monkeys in the form netsuke. Netsuke ( netsuke) - a piece of clothing, a keychain that allows you to kimono hang wearable things on a cord, for example, a wallet or writing instruments (there are no pockets in a kimono). The functional purpose determines the dimensions and requirements for the shape of the netsuke: the keychain must be round and fit in the fist. Three separate figures fit into such requirements badly. Monkeys are planted on top of each other, and pressed against each other with their backs, and forced to roll into a single lump.

One for all

In any case, the composition of ie three monkeys turns out to be visually overloaded for the netsuke format, but the carvers developed a “lighter” version: only one monkey uses all its four paws to cover its eyes, ears and mouth (eyes and mouth with the front, and ears with the hind limbs).

For the only monkey that replaces three at once, the name of the author-inventor of the composition is known. With a sufficient degree of certainty, one can name the master Masatsugu Kaigyokusai (懐玉斎正次) from Osaka, who worked in the 19th century. It is curious that such a composition, it seems, was repeated in Russia in the workshops of Carl Faberge.

fourth extra

Quite often you can meet groups of monkeys, expanded by the fourth or even the fifth figurine. The "extra" monkey either covers the crotch and calls either "not to do" (evil) or "not to have fun." Or a monkey sits quietly, not blocking anything from anything (there is a name “not to think”). It is difficult to say when and where the addition occurred, but it is unlikely for a long time and hardly in Japan.

to be so monkey

In Japan, compositions appeared that repeated three monkeys, but without monkeys, for example, pictures with geishas “I don’t see, I don’t hear, I don’t pronounce.” And nowadays it is customary to “monkey”: it is enough to ask “three wise monkeys” or “see no evil” in large Internet photo storage services (like Flickr) to see the faces of hundreds and hundreds of people. And the souvenir industry puts anyone in monkey poses, you can find "monkey" groups of almost all representatives of the fauna or characters of mass culture.

Sequence order

There is no one accepted order of monkeys in the composition. It is enough to look at the monkeys from Nikko and compare them with the koshin-to stela or the given photographs of modern works.

Cultural influence of the three monkeys

First of all, there is no doubt that the symbol of the three monkeys entered the world popular culture. The composition, if not popular, is recognizable in almost all corners of the Earth.

Mahatma Gandhi(Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi), a fighter for the independence of India, a teacher of the Indian people and an ideologist of non-violence, did not part with his beloved three monkeys, perhaps the only luxury he could afford. Now Gandhi's monkeys remain one of the main relics in the former residence. Bapu Kuti in an ashram located in a model village Sevagram countryside Maharashtra.

He left his personal impressions of the monkeys at the stable in Toshogu Rudyard Kipling Somalia 2006

Three monkeys featured on postage stamps Tajikistan and New Caledonia.

In the popular animated series "Family Guy" ( Family Guy) exists minor character Evil Monkey(English "monkey of evil" or "evil (vicious) monkey"). Embodying the childhood fears of one of the cartoon characters, Evil Monkey lives in a closet, scares and torments his master. In the name of the monkey, there is an obvious allusion-opposition to the English name of the three monkeys "no evil monkeys": if there are "monkeys without evil", then there must be a "monkey with evil".

Turkish film directed by Nuri Bilge Ceylan Nuri Bilge Ceylan), which received the 2008 Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Director, is called "Üç Maymun" (Tour. "Three Monkeys"). In the story, the characters are trying to get away from their family problems, trying not to notice and hush them up. That is, “three monkeys” are considered by the authors as a synonym for “ostrich position”.

A number of English-language books and films use a game with the phrase “I don’t see - I don’t hear ...” in the title, for example, the 2006 American horror film “See No Evil” (in the Russian box office “I See No Evil”), a 1989 comedy "See No Evil, Hear No Evil" ("I see nothing, I hear nothing"), the autobiographical book of the former CIA agent Robert Baer "See No Evil" ("Seeing no evil"), etc.

In Erle Stanley Gardner's detective story The Case Of The Mythical Monkeys (1959), a silk scarf depicting three monkeys serves as central evidence. The three monkeys are often featured on the covers of various editions of this book.

In the repertoire of the American group Sparks there is a song called "Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil".

Hear no evil (Monkey 1 says you shouldn't hear it)
See no evil (Monkey 2 says you shouldn't see it)
Speak no evil (Monkey 3 says you shouldn't speak it)

Skeleton-like character, mascot mascot, adorning the album covers and posters of the American thrash metal band Megadeth, with his own name Vic Rattlehead ( Vic Rattlehead) is depicted with eyes closed with a steel plate, ears plugged with some metal objects and a mouth tied with steel hooks.

Citizens of the ex-USSR one of the options for the name of the composition with three monkeys is known from the song “I See Nothing” by Oscar Feltsman and Lev Oshanin, which is the epigraph of this article. The song is popular Tamara Miansarova ( Madeleine Albright), known for wearing brooches containing symbolic messages for interlocutors or audiences, wore a brooch with the image of three monkeys to a meeting with Vladimir Putin in 2000 as a sign of attitude towards the situation in Chechnya.

Politicians are often depicted in the form of three monkeys. different countries on cartoons: the authorities are deaf and blind to the aspirations of the people and tend to hush up problems.


  • About three monkeys Japanese:
    中牧弘允 東方出版、1997.12、 ISBN 4885915449
  • About parallels with three monkeys in world religious and philosophical teachings:
    virgo_splendens Lectures on the Three Monkeys. Con. October - early November 2012
  • About three monkeys in netsuke:
    All about netsuke. Mythological plots / Comp. S. Yu. Afonkin. SPb: SZKEO Kristall LLC, 2006.-160 p., ill. ISBN 5-9603-0057-5
  • About three monkeys in the design of traditional Japanese edged weapons:
    Skralivetsky E. B. Tsuba - legends on metal. - St. Petersburg: LLC Publishing House Atlant, 2005.-328 p.: ill. ISBN 5-98655-015-3
  • On the Taoist influence on Japanese beliefs and art, including the origin of the Koshin cult and the connection of the three monkeys with it
    Uspensky M.V. On the Question of the Role of Taoism in Japanese Folk Beliefs (Based on Miniature Japanese Sculpture of the 17th-19th Centuries). Sat. Art and religion. Scientific works GE. - L .: Art, 1981, p. 59-75
  • About the teachings of Confucius: any edition of Lun Yu (exists in many translations), for example:
    Confucius. Aphorisms and sayings.-M. LLC "House of the Slavic Book", 2010.-320 p. ISBN 978-5-91503-117-2

There is a Japanese parable about three monkeys. One of them closes her eyes with her paws, the other - her ears, and the third closes her mouth. With his gesture, the first monkey says: "I do not see evil and stupidity." The second says: "I do not hear evil and stupidity." Third: "I do not talk to evil and stupidity."

Some netsuke depict Sambiki-sara - three monkeys, each of which covers either its mouth, or ears, or eyes with its paws. This plot is an illustration of the Buddhist idea "see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil." In Japan, it is associated with the main Shinto shrine of the Japanese - Toshogu Shrine. It is located in the city of Nikko and is the mausoleum of the all-powerful feudal ruler of Japan, commander and shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa (1543-1616). Having seized power in the country, he stopped the bloody feudal strife that had tormented Japan until that time. After his death, the magnificent mausoleum, the construction of which lasted from November 1634 to April 1636, became a kind of symbol of subordination to the central government. The exorbitant costs of building the temple so weakened the financial capabilities of the local feudal lords that they could no longer plot against the institution of the shogunate.

Toshogu includes a small but beautifully decorated Sacred Stable building. It once contained a horse, on which, according to Shinto beliefs, the gods themselves rode. In medieval Japan, a monkey was considered a kind of guardian spirit of horses. It is not surprising that the walls of the Sacred Stables are covered with openwork wood carvings, the main subjects of which are figurines of monkeys. One of the central panels depicts three monkeys, demonstrating their rejection of evil with their postures. These half-meter figures are widely known throughout Japan as "the three monkeys from Nikko".

It is curious that in Japanese the phrase "see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing" sounds like "mizaru, kikazaru, iwazaru." The Japanese word "monkey" sounds similar to the ending of each of these three verbs - "zaru" or "zaru". Therefore, the image of monkeys, illustrating the Buddhist idea of ​​rejection of evil, is the result of a peculiar play on words in Japanese iconography. Netsuke masters often reflected this theme in their works.

Three Mystic Monkeys with covered eyes, ears and mouth mean the following: "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil."

There are many assumptions about the place where the three monkeys appeared: they call China, India, and even Africa, but the birthplace of the three monkeys is still Japan. A confirmation can be the reading in Japanese of the actions expressed by the composition: “I don’t see, I don’t hear, I don’t speak” (when written using the kanji 見猿, 聞か猿, 言わ猿 - mizaru, kikazaru, iwazaru). The suffix giving the negation "-zaru" is consonant with the word "monkey", in fact it is a voiced version of the word "saru" (猿). It turns out that the image of three monkeys is a kind of pun or rebus, a play on words, understandable only to the Japanese. So....

Undoubtedly the original religious significance of the monkey group. Often it is directly called a Buddhist symbol, but not everything is so simple. Yes, Buddhism adopted three monkeys, but it was not he, or rather, he alone was the cradle of three monkeys.

Religion in Japan has special properties: it is extremely malleable and at the same time resilient: throughout history, the Japanese met many religious and philosophical teachings, accepted and processed them, combining sometimes incompatible into complex systems and syncretic cults.

Cult of Kosin

Three monkeys are originally associated with one of the Japanese folk beliefs - Koshin. Based on Chinese Taoism, Kosin's faith is relatively simple: one of the main postulates is that in each person three certain observer entities ("worms") "live", collecting dirt on their master and regularly setting off during his sleep. with a report to the Heavenly Lord. In order to avoid big troubles, a cult follower needs to refrain from evil in every possible way, and those who have not succeeded in this, so that these internal informants cannot transmit something unseemly “to the center” in time, at the estimated time of “sessions” (usually once every two months) one must refrain from sleeping to hold vigils.

When the three monkeys appeared

The question of the exact time of the appearance of the three monkeys, apparently, cannot be resolved, partly because of the folk character of the faith, which has no centralization and no archives whatsoever. Adherents of the Koshin cult erected stone monuments (koshin-to). It is on them that one should look for the most ancient materially fixed images of three monkeys. The problem is that it is difficult to date such monuments.

Some certainty is given by the most famous of the three monkeys. For the Japanese, such a composition is known as "three monkeys from Nikko."

Three monkeys from Nikko

Nikko is one of the oldest and most famous religious centers in Japan. It is located 140 km north of Tokyo. The attitude of the Japanese towards Nikko can be assessed by the saying "do not say kekko (Jap. great) until you see Nikko." And the most famous attraction of the wonderful Nikko is the Shinto shrine Toshogu, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and in national treasures Japan. Toshogu is a complex of structures decorated with rich, expressive wooden carvings. The secondary outbuilding of the complex - the stable - became world famous thanks to the three monkeys carved on it.

In addition to being famous, the Nikko monkeys can give us a precise upper bound on the appearance of the symbol. The construction of the stable with its decorations is confidently attributed to 1636, so by this time the three monkeys already existed as a single composition. It is possible to carefully postpone the time of the appearance of three monkeys by 1-2 centuries before their depiction in Nikko, it is unlikely that the monkeys in the Koshin cult were borrowed from the stable of the sanctuary, it is more logical to assume the opposite direction of borrowing, and the symbolism should be sufficiently formed and widely known.

The meaning of the three monkeys

The meaning of the composition is often misunderstood: it is easier for a Western person to see in three monkeys a kind of collective ostrich, sticking his head in the sand in the face of problems.

So what do monkeys symbolize? If we recall the Japanese reading-pun (I don’t see - I don’t hear - I don’t pronounce) composition, we can understand that it serves as a visual expression of the corresponding negatives.

The basis that unites different religious and philosophical currents (including the Kosin cult) is the goal of personality development - the achievement of enlightenment, opposition to everything untrue (in English, simply “evil” - that is, evil) inside and out. For example, Buddhists have mechanisms that can be illustrated by monkeys, this is the development of peculiar "filters" that do not allow the untrue to reach consciousness, a Buddhist must "not hear" "evil". One of the English-language versions of the name of the composition of the three monkeys "no evil monkeys" - "monkeys without evil." If a person observes the principles portrayed by monkeys, he is invulnerable. But in fact, the three monkeys are a reminder poster, like the Soviet “Don't talk!”, A call to maintain purity (equally ethical and aesthetic).

Sometimes a fourth monkey is added - Shizaru, symbolizing the principle of "doing no evil". She may be depicted covering her belly or crotch.

Well, that is, do not yet dissolve what you have below the belt ...

Three monkeys: Three monkeys image of three monkeys, symbolizing the Buddhist idea of ​​non-action of evil, renunciation of the untrue "Three Monkeys" TV game on the Muz TV channel "Three Monkeys" (Üç Maymun) Turkish film of 2008 ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Three monkeys (meanings). Three monkeys Genre TV game Presenter(s) Garik Bulldog Kharlamov Country of origin Russia Language Russian ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Three monkeys (meanings). "Three Wise Monkeys" at Toshogu Shrine in Nikko, Japan (UNESCO World Cultural Heritage) ... Wikipedia

This page is proposed to be merged with Apes. Explanation of reasons and discussion on the Wikipedia page: To unification / December 14, 2012 ... Wikipedia

MONKEY- and humans belong to the order of primates (Primates), the class of mammals, the subtype of vertebrates and the type of chordates. The prosimians (the former detachment Prosimii) are now also attached to primates in the position of the suborders of Lemuroidea (for example, Lemur ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

- (Anthropoidea, Primates, Pitheci, Simiæ) constitute the highest group in the class of mammals, to which, according to most modern zoologists, man also belongs as a representative of a special family (Hominidæ). Systematic significance ... ...

- (Anthropoidea, Primates, Pitheci, Simiæ) constitute the highest group in the class of mammals, to which, according to most modern zoologists, man also belongs as a representative of a special family (Hominid æ). ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Musical group Name = Flying Monkeys Photo = Years = 2004 to this day Location = Drezna Country = Russia Genres = indie rock post-punk alternative rock Composition = Alexey Guskov vocals, bass guitar Alexander Shevyakov drums Mikhail Chistov ... ... Wikipedia

The orangutan genus (Pongo), like the gibbons, is an Asian form of anthropoids. It includes one species of common orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) with 2 local subspecies: the orangutan from the island of Kalimantan (P. p. pygmaeus) and the orangutan from the island ... ... Biological Encyclopedia

Night monkeys ... Wikipedia


  • Tarzan is the adopted monkey. Return to the jungle. Tarzan and His Beasts, Edgar Burroughs. The book includes three action-packed adventure novels from the world-famous cycle created by the classic American Literature Edgar Rice...
  • Three Monkeys, Stefan Mendel-Enck. Stefan Yigal Mendel-Enk seems to be to Swedish Jews what Woody Allen was to American Jews. The debut novel "Three Monkeys" (2010) is an irreverent tragicomedy about three generations ...

Symbolic group of three monkeys paws covering eyes, ears and mouth appeared in the East, according to most sources. More specifically, the "birthplace" of the three monkeys with a high degree of certainty is called Japan. This is confirmed both by historical artifacts and linguistically.

The prohibitions expressed by the composition "do not see, do not hear, do not speak" (when recording using kanji見猿, 聞か猿, 言わ猿 - mizaru, kikazaru, iwazaru) consist of an action verb and an archaic suffix giving a negation " -zaru". So this suffix is ​​consonant with the word "monkey", in fact, is a voiced version of the word " Sarah"(猿). It turns out that the image of three monkeys is a kind of pun or rebus, a play on words that is understandable only to the Japanese.

The oldest known depictions of the three monkeys are also found in Japan. Most likely, the composition of three monkeys first appeared in the local Japanese cult Ko-shin. In China, this teaching (Geng-shen in Chinese, 庚申) is well known and elaborated in the Taoist canon, practices of gen-shen have been described since ancient times and can be considered part of the living Taoist tradition. In Japan, the ritual practices of Ko-shin were first carried out among the educated nobility at the imperial court, and only after that they gained some distribution among the wider population, gaining the support of individual Buddhist schools. At present, the cult of Ko-shin in Japan has almost completely disappeared, and if it has survived anywhere, it has either degenerated into banal regular parties with alcohol, or has turned into cultural reconstructions.

Brief background: in the East, the magic of numbers has always been honored and the monkey is considered not only as an animal: it is also a number or, if you like, one of the phases of the universal cycle. If we recall the now especially popular eastern "animal" calendar, in which alternating years are indicated by one of the 12 animal symbols, one can also see a monkey among them. The monkey occupies the ninth position in a cycle of 12 phases. When 10 tons are added to 12 animals. "Heavenly stems", Associated with 5 primary elements, an even larger cycle of 60 phases is formed. Any events are cyclical, the development of all situations can be decomposed into 60 phases until the next turn. There are large, sixty-year and small, sixty-day cycles. Especially celebrate the 57th day or year, which is considered extremely unlucky. And this 57th phase is called “ko-sin”, where “ko-” (庚) is one of the primary elements, usually called metal, and “-sin” (申) is a monkey.

From the Chinese Taoists, the Japanese learned about the three entities ("worms") that live in the human body. They tempt their carrier into committing various rash acts, and then regularly, on the night of that very "monkey" day of ko-shin, when the carrier falls asleep, they go with a denunciation of his misdeeds to higher powers. Followers of a folk cult (Ko-sin in Japan, Geng-shen in China) hold collective vigils every 60 days to prevent the three worms from contacting the supreme deity.

Japanese cultists often depict the six-armed, blue-faced punishing deity Shomen Kongo (靑面金剛) on scrolls and stone carvings. Sometimes one, two or three monkeys became his attribute companions (apparently, the importance of the monkey day influenced). Gradually, it was the three monkeys (probably because of the three internal worms in man) that began to predominate, and the postures became unambiguous (recall the homophony of reading actions expressed by monkeys). Most likely, it was in this way that a stable composition with three monkeys was formed, but for a very long time it did not receive independence, remaining an attribute somewhere under the feet of the blue-faced deity.

Three monkeys gained fame and fame in Nikko (日光), one of the historical religious and cultural centers of Japan. Nikko's most famous attraction is the Toshogu Shinto Shrine (東照宮), famous for the intricate carvings that adorn the buildings. Some compositions that make up the decoration of buildings are recognized as masterpieces, for example, a sleeping cat or three monkeys. Monkeys do not decorate the central building of the sanctuary complex, but only the stable. Moreover, the carved panel with the composition “I don’t see, I don’t hear, I don’t speak” is not the only one, but among the various monkey poses, the Japanese singled out these three figures. Since then, these are the most famous three monkeys in the world, the standard of composition, even any symbolic group of three monkeys can be called "Three Monkeys from Nikko".

Monkeys from Nikko are interesting to us in historical terms because they give a well-defined, materially fixed upper limit for the appearance of a symbol. The construction of the stable with its decorations is confidently attributed to 1636, that is, by this time the three monkeys clearly existed as a single composition.

A much earlier example is provided by Buddhist literature. Monk Muju, in his most famous book, A Collection of Sand and Stone, sometime between 1279 and 1283. wrote down a poem in which three monkey negatives are mentioned by name, and in the parable-commentary to this poem, these negatives are directly called monkeys. That is, in the XIII century. at least one Buddhist monk knew and appreciated the pun on which the symbolism of the three monkeys is based.

Legends call the name of the first Japanese who depicted three monkeys, this is the founder of a branch of Buddhism tendai, the great teacher Dengyo-daishi (Saichō, 最澄). He lived in the 8th-9th centuries. and he is credited with many "discoveries" included in Japanese culture. Dengyo allegedly could bring the symbol of three monkeys from China along with the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, tea, etc. But, nevertheless, the legends remain legends. We see the three monkeys as more of a Japanese endemic than a symbol that came from the mainland. In general, at the Tendai school and its cult center - Mount Hiei near Kyoto, there are extremely many coincidences associated with three monkeys, so the cultural and geographical localization of the symbolism is very likely there.

But with the biological prototype of the three monkeys, it’s easier: if the symbol appeared in Japan, then most likely the only monkeys living in the country were depicted - Japanese macaques (lat. Macaca fuscata).

About principles and names

Turning to the theme of the story of the three monkeys, one cannot but consider separately the issue of the principles symbolized by them, and independently of the prohibition to see, hear and speak and the prohibition to see, hear and speak precisely evil.

Three "no"

Analogies of a stable bunch of denials or prohibitions to see-hear-speak can be found in many religious and philosophical teachings of both the East and the West. In this sense, the principle expressed by the three monkeys is much older than the monkeys themselves.

The most frequently remembered quote from Confucius

In addition to Confucianism, Taoism is also indicative, in which the central concept - Tao - is apophatically described through three negations:

If with a high degree of probability it can be assumed that the visual composition with monkeys appeared in the environment of the Koxin cult, which has undeniable roots in Chinese Taoism, it would be very tempting to assume that it illustrates precisely the Taoist principle. However, there is no evidence for this, and material evidence rather refutes this assumption.

Against evil

In English and in general Western culture monkeys are often referred to as “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” (do not look at evil, do not listen to evil, do not speak evil), which significantly shifts the meaning of the symbolism (see the Philosophy of the Three Monkeys section). It is enough to recall the Taoist understanding of the dual unity of opposites or the desire not to build boundaries in definitions and judgments in order to give rise to persistent doubts about the presence of evil in the original understanding of symbolism. Indeed, in Japanese it is 三匹の猿 (three monkeys) or 見猿, 聞か猿, 言わ猿 (do not see, do not hear, do not speak). Apparently evil comes from the West.

If not with absolute certainty, then with a very high degree of probability it can be argued that the ban on seeing, hearing and speaking evil existed in Western culture before acquaintance with the symbolism of the three monkeys.

In the history of the United States there is an outstanding figure who laid many of the foundations of the American nation - Thomas Paine ( Thomas Paine) - an Englishman, but one of the "founding fathers" of America.

In his letter we see familiar denials:

At the time of writing these lines, Japan has long been pursuing a policy of self-isolation and any relations with the outside world were minimal, so the possibility of the influence of Japanese monkeys on Payne's work can be ruled out.

And in order not to be limited to the New World, we will give an example from Europe

In the old church of St. Paul in Roquardine ( Wrockwardine, Shropshire ( Shropshire), England) in the 19th century. was reconstructed, during which new stained-glass windows were inserted. In one of the compositions, three angels hold scrolls with imperatives, which will later be written on the figures of three monkeys: “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” (do not look at evil, do not listen to evil, do not speak evil)

It can be concluded that the exotic symbol that came from Japan met with the principle of rejection of evil already familiar to the West, which led to a rethinking and added popularity to the three monkeys.

Alternative origin theories

The theme of the origin of the three monkeys cannot be considered exhausted without revealing the theory of the origin of symbolism outside of Japan. As mentioned above, in Japan, the composition of the three monkeys is often considered borrowed from China. This point of view is shared, in particular, by the long-term researcher of the topic, Michio Iida (飯田 道夫). Judging by the article in the Chinese section of Wikipedia (Chinese), China also agrees with this theory. But China is only an intermediate link here. The symbolism of the three monkeys, as if, came along the Great Silk Road not from anywhere, but straight from ancient egypt. Among the images of the Egyptian sacred baboons and in the vastness of all Asia up to Japanese islands researchers are trying to find hard evidence for the existence of the composition of the three monkeys before its appearance in Japan. So far, as far as we know, no such evidence has been found, although a significant number of interesting artifacts with unclear or controversial interpretations have been selected.

While respecting the opinion of adherents of the non-Japanese theory, we, however, will take the liberty of calling it only an alternative one until really decisive arguments appear.