An essay on the story of Dostoevsky "White Nights. Characteristics of the dreamer from the story "White Nights" of Dostoevsky Love, which the dreamer survived


Municipal educational institution

"Volzhsky City Lyceum" of the Republic of Mari El

Abstract lesson on the topic:

"Is the dreamer happy?"

(According to F.M.Dostoevsky "White Nights", 9th grade)



Objectives lesson:

Training: shape text analysis skills

Developing: Develop emotional memory, attention, active, creative, associative thinking, oral speech, ability to analyze, compare, to make a conclusion.

Raising: educate love for the Russian language, careful attitude to the Word; Good luck, curiosity, the ability to see, hear, appreciate the beautiful in the world.


  • Picture of Queenji "Moonlight";
  • Pictures M. Dobuzhinsky to the story F.M. Dostoevsky "White Nights";
  • Portrait of F.M. Dostoevsky
  • Recording slow tool music;
  • Magnetic board (printed on sheets of statements about F.M. Dostoevsky, Aphorisms of the writer, etc.)

During the classes.

Teacher's introductory word.

Guys, hello, sit down. Please look at each other. Do not notice anything new? We are so accustomed to each other, to the image created by our stereotypes, which has never, probably, did not think about the fact that every person has a mystery, a mystery. And to touch this mystery today, the Great Russian writer F.M. will help us Dostoevsky. This is truly a brilliant writer. It is enough just to say that his novel "Crime and Punishment" stands the very first in the cycle10 great novels of the 20th century, prepared by Oxford specialists.

1848 year. Dostoevsky 26 years old. He seemed to himself a deep old man, who saw everyone and who survived: and the death of relatives, and unrequited, unspoken even love (to A.Ya. Panayeva), and the game of inexplicable fate, and the burden of short-term glory of the genius (the first story of Dostoevsky "Poor People" It was very favorably encountered criticized), wounded by ridicule of people, and, finally, despair of loneliness, a feeling of terrible emptiness from misunderstanding. ("Double" of Oszyan, "Mistress" of Lagan), and ahead - nothing and why write, and live for what? Well still, at this time next to you the same as you, the dreamer, friend Poet Alexey Plescheev.

And nights stood wonderful ... Famous Petersburg White Nights ... Feature of the North Summer - White Night has repeatedly attracted the attention of writers and poets. Let's try and we will feel the beauty of white nights ...

2) Poetic "five minutes"(Students under the record of instrumental music read poems of Russian poets about white nights) (see Appendix).

3) the continuation of the word teacher.

In 1848, in the journal "Domestic Notes", the most poetic and lyrical from the works of FM was printed. Dostoevsky "White Nights". Guys, write to the notebook:

FM Dostoevsky (1821 - 1881)

Sentimental novel. From the memories of the dreamer.

A small story and such an unusual name. Probably it is not by chance. Literary critic Y.mann determined 7 words of the name as seven keys to the stored castles of the "art mystery" stored for the seven castles. With these keys, we will begin our work on the work of F.M. Dostoevsky.

The writer determined the genre of his work asnovel . The fact is that in the 40s 19 century. Roman as a literary genre meant, above all, the invention of the personal life of ordinary people. No wonder the second meaning of the word Roman is a love story.

Will not forget the word "sentimental". What does it mean?

A response of the student. Sentimental (from Fr. Sentiment - feeling) i.e. addressed to the image of the life of the heart in the thinnest manifestations. So, in the work it will be important not what will happen to the heroes, but what they will feel, worry, how to perceive what is happening.

Dostoevsky called his work "White Nights"Do you think that hides this name in yourself? The name combines a romantic symbolism (the night - the time of dreams, the time of poetry) with an accurate indication of the heroes and St. Petersburg nature of the story on the St. Petersburg origin. And if you transfer the name of the story to French, it acquires an additional meaning - "sleepless nights". In such nights, it is not easy to sleep, it seems to happen something.

4) Conversation with a class of teacher.

  • From the memories of the dreamer. Guys, from which person there is a story. Why?

(Such a story sounds like confession, mental recognition).

  • Does the main character of the name?

(No, he is just called - a dreamer)

The image of the dreamer is one of the central in the work of the young Dostoevsky. And later, in 70 - her GG, Dostoevsky was going to write a big novel called "Dreamer." The topic of this whole life was worried about Dostoevsky. The image of the dreamer in the "White Nights" Autobiographies: behind him it stands the writer himself.

  • Guys and who isDreamer ? Dreamer is good or bad? (Guys Answers).

Guys, the famous critic Belinsky gave his interpretation of the image of the dreater.

(Speech with the message Belinsky about the dreamer).

So, according to Belinsky, the diversity went and is pronounced. Ambiguously referred to his hero and Dostoevsky himself

(Speech with the opinion of Dostoevsky).

Teacher . So, on the one hand, F. M. Dostoevsky claims that the ghostly life is sin, as it leads from true reality.

But on the other side?

  • Guys, and what about the other side?

Write down the problematic question of our lesson in the notebook.?

(D / s: Write an essay - reasoning on this topic). (On a magnetic board under the problem I am posting)

Whether man is a happy dreamer

Guys, every person understands the wordhappiness In its own way, but there is a common thing that unites, it seems to me that the opinions of all people. Turn to sensibledictionary of Ozhegova : (Record made on the board)

Happiness - 1) feeling and condition of full and highest satisfaction;
2) Success and luck.

Happiness - First of all, the feeling of harmony, consent with himself.

Tell me What condition does the hero show Dostoevsky at the very beginning?

(Answers: loneliness)

Of course, the dreamerLonely . Guys, can it be considered lonelinessHappy man? (No) (the answer is hung on the board). The infinitely lonely, embarrassed when he has to talk to people, the hero of the story is endowed with the ability to finely feel the beauty and poetry no wonderful corners of the city.

Guys, how does the dreamer perceive the city?

(Answers : He perceives the city in poetic. Each building for him is a living creature).

But most of all remembered the dreamer story with one house. Let's read the passage. (Reading the feedback (by heart) expressively see the application)

Guys, turn to the skill of Dostoevsky - artist. What paints use the author in passage? (pink ? Why?) "Karaul, a house paint in yellow paint!" Guys who do not like youyellow ? Is there a word in passage that could be put in one row with this word? (Bile).

Guys, literary critic V. Kolinov noticed (with the opinion of V. Kozhinovschoolgirl )

V. Kolinov noticed that during the life of Dostoevsky, yellow and bile wrote throughabout .

"This writing is somehow rougher and expressive. It would be worthwhile to restore this drawing: it would emphasize the most special meaning that Dostoevsky invested in this word. "

What value did Dostoevsky invested?

In the dictionary of Ozhegov the meaning of the wordbile - irritable, angry.

The heart of the dreamer does not accept anything bile, evil, ugly.

Is it comfortable to the dreamer in his loneliness? (Dreamer is alone, but soup it stretches towards people).

Hero , like all the dreamers, dreams aboutLove.

One day, fate sent himmeeting.

Walking by sleepless night on the Ekaterininsky Canal Embankment, the dreamer metgirl . Let us read the description of its appearance (reading a passage).

Guys, which is alarming you in this passage, what seemsillogical?

(Answer: The girl was in a premium yellow haired).

What do you think, why bile yellow color performs in the neighborhood with the word "premium "? (Answer guys).

What was the mood of the dreamer on the night when he met Nastya? (Good, cheerful).


The dreamer was drunk by the beauty of the St. Petersburg Summer Night. Having succumbed to her charm, the hero and the world perceives poetically. He feels harmony in everything, his mood is joyful, even unloved yellow color is not annoyed at such a moment.

Does hero know how to perceive and feel the beauty of the surrounding world? (Yes).

The ability to feel beauty is a gift of a happy or unhappy person?

(Happy. (On the board, fasten the sheet with the desired answer)).

The hero begins to meet with Nastya.

Did the hero like someone before her?(dream, ideal).

What attracted the hero in Nastya?(The fact that she is not a mistress).

Guys how do you understand the meaning of the wordNot a mistress? (answer).

The hero intuitively felt dreaminess, purity, naivety.

He realized that the love of Nastya would save him from fruitless dreamers and quench the thirst for real life.

In one of the meetings, Nastya asked the dreamer to tell her his story.

What did the dreamer answered? (I have no story).

Tell us briefly about the life of the dreamer(Answers).

What does the hero dream of?

What word can I describe the Being of the Dreamer? (Violent life).

What do you think does itunsettled life Dreamer happy man? (Not).

(At the board attach sheet: "unsettled life").

What is the story of Nastya? What brings it closer with the dreamer? (Loneliness, reading a circle, dreams).

What dreams of Nastya? (Answers).

In one of the meetings, Nastya told the dreamer about what he loves the other.

How did the hero come to this message? (answer).

Do you think I loved the dreamer Nastya? Confirm examples from text. (Loved when you love - you want a good man).

Guys, one of my favorite poeets of Veronica is tunny there are such lines:

Smile, and crying heart

In lonely evenings

I love you, it means -

I wish you good.

Which of the Russian poets do we meet a similar attitude to love? (A. S. Pushkin "I loved you").

The hero of the "White Nights" is not known egoistic motivations. He is ready to donate to everyone for another and seeks to arrange the happiness of Nastya for a minute without thinking about the fact that the love for him Nastya is the only thing he can get from life: this feeling is disinterestedly, trusting and as clean as white nights.

How did the story of Love Nastya and the Dreamer end?

Nastya wrote a hero letter about what comes out for another. Let us turn to the skill of Dostoevsky - Psychologist. See how the mental state of the hero is changing after reading the letter (expressive reading).

What is called the reception used by Dostoevsky in phraseyoung old woman . What is it needed for? (Answers).

So, the hero experienced unrequited love

Is he happy? The answer is hanging on the board. (Not). Tested unhappy love, the hero returns to his terrible state -Loneliness.

Is there a happy dreamer happy?

(Answers. Working with those signs that are posted on a magnetic board).

Yes, at first glance, the dreamer seems to us a deeply unhappy person. However, hopeless tragedy is not here. Read the last lines of the work: (reading).

"A whole minute of bliss, is it not least for all life of human?"

The dreamer can appreciate every moment of life, every minute of happiness! (The last sheet is hanging on the board). And with gratitude perceives life asGod's gift . And this is not all given.

Happiness, according to Dostoevsky, this is not a life luck, but a simple, sincere manifestation of life, even if the sad or tragic, is the thought of Dostoevsky. Guys, learn to see the beauty around, appreciate happy moments, and then the whole phrase of Dostoevsky "Beauty will save the world", acquires, in my opinion, an additional meaning: the ability to see and hear this beauty will make humanity kinder, happier, humane. Stritch the lesson I want the poem of I. A. Bunin "Evening". (reading).

"Man is unhappy because he doesn't know what he is happy"

(F. M. Dostoevsky).

Application .

On the magnetic board at the end of the lesson, the scheme is obtained.

Poems about white nights.

("Poetic five minutes).

Azure arch

In the gloomy of water

Blilage, having his own admiring:

Barely - barely

Noise Neva,

In granite shores worrying ...

(A. Komarov "Night").


Breathes with happiness


Lighting night

Night night


North Daughter's sky.


Bleck with freshness sapphire

Sky, Air and Neva

And swimming in moisture peaceful

Green islands

(P. Vyazemsky "Petersburg Night").


The city is sleeping, the misfortune

Slightly flicker lanterns ...

There is far behind Nevy

I see the reflections of Zari.

In this far reflection,

In these flashing flashes

Awaken attached

Days of dreary for me ...



White Night Month Red

Floats in blue

Wanders the ghostly beautiful

Reflected in the Neva.

I'm lying and dreaming

The execution of the secret doom.

Whether you are good lighted

Red month, quiet noise? ...


The leaflets are hanging on the board throughout the lesson, on the left side - signs of a happy person, with the right - unhappy. Results are compared at the end of the lesson.

The image of the dreamer is one of the central in the work of the young Dostoevsky. The image of a dreamer in the story "White Nights" Autobiographies: It stands for Dostoevsky himself.

On the one hand, the author claims that a ghostly life is sin, it will lead away from the present reality, and on the other, it emphasizes the creative value of this sincere and pure life. "He himself is an artist of his life and creates her every hour in his arbitrariness."

"I walked a lot and for a long time, so I had already completely managed, according to my usual, to forget where I suddenly found himself from the outpost ... I suddenly found himself in Italy," the nature of me, a semicolon town, almost suffocated in urban Walls ... There is something inexplicably touching in our Petersburg, when she, with the onset of spring, suddenly will roll out his power, all the power given to it, will go down, discharge, will be wound with flowers ... "

In the dark St. Petersburg corners, where the sun never looks, hiding a poor dreamer, always confused, feeling guilty, with ridiculous manners, a stupid speech, giving away to self-destruction. The hero draws a self-portrait: the greenery, a grown kitten, which, sprinkling, with an offense and at the same time enthusiastically looks at nature and even "for handout from the Lord's dinner" brought by a compassional key.

"White Nights" is a story about the loneliness of a person who has not found himself in an unfair world, about the failed happiness. The hero is not known egoistic motivations. He is ready to donate to everyone for another and seeks to arrange the happiness of Nastya, without a minute without thinking about the fact that the love for him Nastya is the only thing that can get from life. The love of the dreamer to Nastya disinterested, trusting, and also clean, like white nights. This feeling saves the hero from the "sin" of the dreach and quenching the thirst for real life. But the fate of him sad. He is again alone. However, no hopeless tragedy in the story. The dreamer blesses his beloved: "Let your sky will be clear, and there will be a light and serene a cute smile of yours, let you be blessed for a minute of bliss and happiness that you gave another, lonely, thankful heart!"

This story is a kind of idyl. It is a utopia about what people could be if they showed their best feelings. It's rather a dream of another, beautiful life than the reflection of reality.

    • At the very beginning of the "sentimental novel", the author introduces us to the dreamer. In one of the St. Petersburg white nights there is a meeting and acquaintance of the dreamer with Nastya. He immediately reveals her about himself, about his monotonous, at first glance, life. She meets him reciprocating, and here, without noticing himself, the dreamer falls in love and stronger and stronger in Nastya. Of course, she understands his love for himself. With their relationship, the author reveals a lot of topics: the topic of love, hatred, [...]
    • The image of the dreamer is one of the central in the work of the young Dostoevsky. The image of a dreamer in the story "White Nights" Autobiographies: It stands for Dostoevsky himself. On the one hand, the author claims that a ghostly life is sin, it will lead away from the present reality, and on the other, it emphasizes the creative value of this sincere and pure life. "He himself is an artist of his life and creates her every hour in his arbitrariness." "I walked a lot and for a long time, so I completely managed, according to my way, [...]
    • Rodion Raskolnikov, the main character of the novel "Crime and Punishment" F. M. Dostoevsky, makes one of the most terrible, in terms of the Bible and Human morality, crimes - murder. He is a poor student, a difference, makes the decision to kill the old woman - the percentage of Alain Ivanovna. During the murder, he encourages death and her harmless sister Lizaven, which was also pregnant. The writer submits to the court of the reader is not just a killer, and the character of the tragedy, endowed with the mass of positive [...]
    • FM Dostoevsky is not just a classic of Russian literature. This is a genius, who managed to understand the mysterious Russian character and reveal many problems of Russian society, which are relevant today. His novel "Crime and Punishment" opens a series of epochal novels who made a writer truly world classic. It examined in detail human individualism, bordering with absolute egoism, which leads to the denial of all values \u200b\u200bof life. In addition to the accurate psychological analysis of a separate person, in [...]
    • We all look at Napoleons, two-legged millions of millions for us one ... A. S. Pushkin. Each age in the history of mankind is associated with some person, which expressed its time with the greatest completeness. Such personality, such a person is called great, genius and the like words. The century of bourgeois revolutions has long been associated with the consciousness of readers with the phenomenon of Napoleon - a small Corsican with a straight hair that fell on the forehead. He began with participation in the Great Revolution, which revealed his talent and talents [...]
    • In the center of attention of the 19th century writers there is a man with a rich spiritual life, a changeable inner world. The new hero reflects the state of the personality in the era of social transformations. The authorists do not bypass the attention and complex necessity of the development of the human psyche by an external material situation. The world's characteristic feature of the image of the world of Russian literature - psychologism , that is, the ability to show a change in the soul of the hero in the center of different works we see "unnecessary [...]
    • Porfirya Petrovich is an investigative affair, a distant relative of the Raulmichina. This is a smart man, cunning, insightful, ironic, outstanding. Three meetings of Raskolnikov with the investigator - a kind of psychological duel. Petrophry Petrovich has no evidence against Raskolnikov, but he is convinced that he is a criminal, and his task as an investigator sees either to find evidence or in his recognition. Here's how Porfiry Petrovich describes his communication with the criminal: "Seed a butterfly in front of the candle? Well, it's all [...]
    • Luzhin Svidrigaylov Age 45 years About 50 years old, he is already elderly. Pink and ospaneous man. Onsimal, which is reflected on the face. Wear curled hair and bundle, which, however, does not make it funny. The whole appearance is a very affordable, does not look like. Partly also because all the clothes are exclusively in bright colors. He loves good things - hat, gloves. Nobleman, used to serve in cavalry, has connections. The occupation is a very successful lawyer, surviving [...]
    • "Beauty will save the world," P. M. Dostoevsky wrote in his novel "Idiot". This beauty, which is able to save and transform the world, Dostoevsky was looking throughout his creative life, so in almost every novel there is a hero in which at least the particle of this beauty is enclosed. And the writer did not mean at all the external beauty of man, but its moral qualities, which turn it into a truly beautiful person who is capable of making a piece of light to their kindness and humans [...]
    • In the novel "Crime and Punishment", F. M. Dostoevsky showed a tragedy of the person who sees many contradictions of his era and, confusing finally in life, creates the theory that goes against the main human law. The idea of \u200b\u200bRaskolnikova that there are people - "creatures trembling" and "right with", finds a lot of refutation in the novel. And, perhaps, the brightest exposure of this idea is the image of a marmalade siek. It was this heroine that was destined to divide the depth of all soul flour [...]
    • The Hero of the Roman F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" - a poor student Rodion Raskolnikov, forced to reduce ends with the ends and therefore hateing the strengths of this in the fact that they trample the weak people and humiliate their dignity. Raskolnikov very sensitively perceives someone else's mountain, trying to somehow help the poor, but at the same time he understands what to change anything is not in his power. In his suffering and exhausted brain, the theory gives rise, according to which all people are divided into "ordinary" and "unusual." [...]
    • The topic of a "little man" is one of the central themes in Russian literature. She was touched in their works and Pushkin ("Copper Horseman"), and Tolstoy, and Czechs. Continuing the traditions of Russian literature, especially Gogol, Dostoevsky with pain and love writes about a "little man", living in a cold and cruel world. The writer himself remarked: "We all got out of the" Gogol "sinels. The theme of a "little man", "humiliated and offended" was particularly strong in the novel of the Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". One [...]
    • The human soul, her suffering and torment, the flour of conscience, moral fall, and the spiritual revival of man has always been interested in F. M. Dostoevsky. Its works are found a lot of characters endowed with a truly treble and sensitive heart, people, good in nature, but for one reason or another of those who have been on the moral day, who have lost respect for themselves as a person or sowed their soul in morally. Some of these heroes never rise to the previous level, but become real [...]
    • In the center of Roman F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" is the character of the hero of the 60s. XIX century, the difference, poor student Rodion Skolnikova. Raskolnikov commits a crime: kills the old woman to the percentage and her sister, harmless, simple-minded Lizaveu. Murder is a terrible crime, but the reader does not perceive the Raskolnikov negative hero; He appears the hero of tragic. Dostoevsky endowed his hero with perfect features: Raskolnikov was "wonderful good, with [...]
    • The Roman Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" simply abounds with symbolic details, nuances carrying hidden subtext in its meaning. This work can rightly be considered a sample of symbolism in the Russian literature of the XIX century. The main character of "Crime and Punishment" - Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov. In his very estate, the motive of blood is hidden: "Rodion", from the ancient Greek - a resident of the island of Rhodes. But this is not the only meaning of the name. Staroslavyansky "ore" (blood) takes its beginning here. And it is not yet [...]
    • Roman F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" raises a number of social, psychological and moral problems, forcing the reader to seriously think about finding answers to many questions facing the person and humanity as a whole. Each character in the work of its own life and choice demonstrates the result of this eternal human search and fatal mistakes on this path. The main character of the novel - Rodion of Raskolnikov - a young man tormented by the thought of his own purpose and [...]
    • Roman F. M. Dostoevsky named "Crime and Punishment". Indeed, there is a crime in it - the murder of the old woman, and punishment - the court and Katorga. However, for Dostoevsky, the chief was the philosophical, moral trial over the Raskolnikov and its inhuman theory. The recognition of Raskolnikova is not fully connected with the debate of the very idea of \u200b\u200bviolence in the name of the good of humanity. Rassowing comes to the hero only after his communication with Sonya. But what then makes Skolnikov go to a policeman [...]
    • F. M. Dostoevsky was a real humanist writer. Pain for man and humanity, compassion for meal human dignity, the desire to help people are constantly present on the pages of his novel. Heroes of Dostoevsky's novels are people who want to find a way out of a life deadlock in which they were for different reasons. They are forced to live in a cruel world that enslaves their minds and hearts, makes act and act as people would not want, or no matter how they did, being in others [...]
    • Former student Rodion Romanovich Romanovski - the protagonist of "crimes and punishment", one of the most famous novels of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. The surname of this character tells the reader about many: Rodion Romanovich is a man with a split consciousness. He invents his own theory of fissioning people into two "discharge" - on the "highest" and "trees of trembling". This theory of Raskolnikov describes in the newspaper article "On Crime". According to the article, the "highest" are endowed with the right to cross through moral laws and in the name [...]
    • One of the strongest moments of the novel "Crime and Punishment" is his epilogue. Although it would seem to have the clima of the novel for a long time passed, and the events of the visible "physical" plan had already occurred (a terrible crime was conceived and soded, confession was committed, it was performed by punishment), in fact only in Epilogue Roman reaches its genuine, spiritual peak. After all, as it turns out, making recognition, the splitters did not repent. "That's one, he recognized his crime: only that he did not charge [...]
  • The writing

    I. Features of the genre, compositions of F. Dostoevsky

    "White Nights".

    II. The image of the storytellor in the story.

    1. Heart, full of love.

    2. Poet, dreamer, romantic.

    3. Altruism Hero.

    4. Dreams and reality.

    III. Petersburg Dreamer in the perception of the modern reader.

    I do not know how to silence when my heart speaks.

    F. Dostoevsky

    F. M. Dostoevsky identified the genre of his work "White Nights" as a "sentimental novel." The narrative in the work is conducted from the first person, on behalf of the romantic hero, the dreamer, idealist, a person with a rich inner world.

    From the first pages we guess in a storytellor suffering, an exalted soul. His heart is full of love, he gives her people who do not know about his existence, "those who are used to meet in the same place, at a well-known hour, a whole year." He admits: "Of course, they do not know me, but I know them. I know them briefly; I almost learned their physiognomy - and admire them when they are cheerful, and Handrew when they bind. " His tenderness applies to inanimate, but those who become such relatives, items: "I, too, are familiar at home. When I go, everyone as if it runs forward me to the street, it looks at me to all the windows and almost says: "Hello; How is your health? "

    Perhaps this was done by severe reality, salvation from which he is looking for in dreams. But most likely, we are dealing with a poet, a person who observes the world under a special angle of view, creating their reality. He admits: "I create whole novels in dreams." The poet is typical of romance to life, he is capable of a drop of water to see the ocean, in a fleeting smile - a promise of happiness. Our hero in the girl, meeting late in the evening, saw a wonderful stranger, "guessed" the sublime nature. Fate provided a real gift to the dreamer: the opportunity to save the girl from the unclear lovela, showing the knightly nobility. He really behaves in a knight: seeing the stranger who flashed in front of the strangers, manifests a sincere sympathy for her. And, as it happened more than once, falls in love with her, more precisely, a portrait in the imagination, "as he fell in love more than once" Ideal, in the one that dreams of dream. "

    "St. Petersburg Dreamer" is a person, prone not only to contemplation, but also to activities. To fall in love at first sight in Nastya, without knowing her at all, he tries to help her arrange her happiness with a loved one, although it will be a real catastrophe for him. And the catastrophe occurs: Nastya, who has already decided to associate with him, leaves him, saying, of course, words of gratitude, writing in a messy, but quite romantic, corresponding to the nature of their relationship letter: "Oh love me, don't leave me because I I love you so much at that moment, because I deserve your love, because I will deserve it ... "

    It is believed that the "St. Petersburg Dreamer" failed to realize himself in relations with Nastya. Is it so? In my opinion, it was in such a unhappy, but beautiful love story that his romantic nature was supposed to be realized. He talks about himself: "I am a dreamer; I have so little real life, "but what is the actual life for him? Could he be descended from the heights of poetry on the broken, prose land?

    It is difficult for the modern reader to take seriously the Hero - a storyteller of the story "White Nights". It annoys his naivety, impracticality, he sometimes is too tall-looking speech. An annals takes because he could not, he wishes to fight for his love. But ... it is impossible to tear away from reading. You think: whether there are such people in the world, or only "in the thirtieth unknown kingdom, and not we, in our serious-preserving time" can they exist? And, agreeing on and internally protesting at the same time, reread the last lines of the story: "My God! A whole minute of bliss! Didn't it ever do this for all my life? "

    FM Dostoevsky writes the story "White Nights" in the last months of the fall of 1847, soon, already in 1848, the work publishes the Magazine "Patriotic Notes".

    Previously, the writer has already been interested in the theme of the "Petersburg Dreamers", on this topic in 1847 they were written by several Faken Articles, which entered the Big Watchon "Petersburg Chronicle". But these articles Dostoevsky published almost anonymously, signing fens with letters "F.M.". Later, criticism found that part of the material from Faketon was included in the story "White Nights" - a description of the life of the heroes, their characteristics.

    The story is dedicated to A.N. Plescheyev, friend of youth of Dostoevsky, and some critics argue that Plescheev became the prototype of the main hero. Some, however, object to the fact that the image of the main character is the image of the youngest Dostoevsky, and the author no longer leads the story of the first person, hinting towards autobiographicity.

    Analysis of the work

    Genre features, composition, maintenance of the story

    The writer accompanies the story with two subtitles: "sentimental novel" and "from the memories of the dreamer." Both subtitles talk about belonging to a story to a certain genre and literary flow. The first is straight, the second is indirectly, because the distributed method of presenting in the sentimental literature is exactly diary records, memories, retrospectives. The writer calls the story by Roman, also on the basis of sentimentalist views. For the same reasons, the main character of the story does not have a name, the author calls him just a "dreamer."

    However, the genre "White Nights" is definitely not sentimentalism in its pure form, rather, "sentimental naturalism", because the place, and the heroes are quite real, moreover, there is deeply social and relate to the suspension of the Dostoevsky category of "small people." But in the story "White Nights" there are traces of utopia, because the heroes were too clean, too sterile, honest in their feelings.

    The epigraph of the story was the verses of I. Turgenev "Flower", the lyrical hero of which breaks down the flower, peacefully growing in the shade of the trees, and pins it to the loop. Turgenev reasoning: beautiful flowers are growing for minute pleasure (they read people - they live), but a man takes them with the powerful hand, tears and circumsides the ambulance (read - seduces, first loves and exalt, then leaves). Dostoevsky several reincarnates the approval of Turgenev, making it a question from him: « Il was it created in order to stay although any moment, in your neighbor your heart? ".That is, Dostoevsky comes to the conclusion that sometimes touch love, go along the edge of irrelevant happiness - this is all life, this only memory can be devoted to himself, as the dreamer does.

    Compositionally the story consists of 5 chapters, 4 chapters are dedicated to nights in St. Petersburg, the latter is called "Morning". Construction is symbolic: romantic nights are the stages of consistent love of the main character to the main character, the stage of its development, and at the end he, morally perfect, stands on the threshold of his morning - insight. He gained love, but undivided, while in the morning of his insight he is inferior to his love to another, get rid of dreams and, experiencing a real feeling, makes a real act.

    The morning at the same time and dispels empty hopes, and breaks up a series of beautiful meetings, it becomes the beginning and end of the drama of the hero.

    Plot story

    The story story: a young man, from whose person is being conducted, came to St. Petersburg 8 years ago. He works, and in his free time considers urban landscapes and dreams. Once he saves on the sea embankment, which is pursuing drunk. The girl tells the dreamer that she is waiting on the embankment of his beloved, which was going to come for her exactly a year ago by appointing a meeting for these days. For several days, the girl is waiting for him, but he does not come, and it begins to cover despair. The dreamer communicates with Nastya, takes the transfer of the letter to her beloved, and he himself falls in love with the girl. Loves and Nastya, and they are even going to get married, as suddenly the old Beloved appears again and takes Nastya. It comes a cold drooping Petersburg morning, the dreamer feels sobering and emptying.

    main characters

    The main character of the story is the dreamer - the image of a lonely person who has fallen in love with the author, fully isolated from the outside world and living in a closed circle of his dreams.

    Dreamer is a 26-year-old resident of St. Petersburg. It is formed, but poor, has certain perspectives, but does not have everyday desires. He serves somewhere, but does not converge with colleagues and other others - for example, women. He is not interested in no household side of life, no money, no girl, he is constantly immersed in ghostly romantic dreams and in periods of contact with the surrounding world is experiencing a painful feeling of alien to the world. He compares himself with a dirty kitten, who does not need anyone in the world and having a response and hostility. However, he would not be irresponsible if they needed in it - after all, people are in contrary, he would be ready to help someone, capable of empathy.

    The dreamer is a typical "little person" (social status, inability to act, immobility, imperceptibility of existence) and "an extra person" (he himself feels like that, despising only himself for his unnecessaryness).

    Main heroine, 17-year-old girl Nastya, opposed to a dreamer as an active, acting character. Despite the external fragility and naivety and young age, she is stronger than the dreamer in finding happiness. The writer uses many words with dimensional suffixes - "eyes", "handles", "premium", emphasizing the childhood and the immediacy of the image, his playfulness, foulness, like a child. HOWS A child, in heart, this is a real woman: skillfully use the help of an adult man, but at the same time, by explicitly recognizing his sensitive and indecisive nature, he persistently noticing his feelings. At a critical moment, however, when it becomes clear that her beloved threw it, alive oriented and finally notices these very feelings. At the time of the appearance of a potential husband, looks at the feelings of the dreamer as friendly participation. However, is it worth blaming a girl in changeability? In the end, the main happiness, she was rightly waiting for a whole year, and in the fact that he almost moved to the dreamer, there is no insincerity - the life of a lonely fragile girl in a large and hostile St. Petersburg is not easy and dangerous, she needs support and support.

    Nastya writes a dreamer a letter in which thanks for participating in her story. Having received a letter, the dreamer does not feel sad - he sincerely wishes happiness to the girl and, repeating the idea of \u200b\u200bthe epigraph, says that a whole minute of bliss with Nastya is what is enough for life and human life.

    The contemporaries of Dostoevsky saw the French utopian ideas in the story, which they were all passionate about. The main thesis of utopists of the 1840s was the desire for a silent feat, sacrifice, the abandonment of love in favor of other people. These ideas were deeply devoted to Dostoevsky, so the type of love described by him is so ideal.

    Dostoevsky wrote a lot of wonderful works and one of the most memorable works is "White Nights" of Dostoevsky. The work will not leave anyone indifferent. Here, together with the heroes are experiencing their feelings and try to become on the side of this or that hero. However, there is no positive heroes, nor negative. There is only a real sense of love and it is unpredictable. He does not order a heart, so we see exactly the ending and, probably, such an ending is best. The dreamer will continue to live in his world, among such familiar courtyards and streets of St. Petersburg, dreaming about beloved. The heroine of the novel, which went on the call of the heart, will prove his happiness with his beloved.

    "White Nights" Dostoevsky Summary and Analysis

    The story "White Nights" of Dostoevsky and a brief content at first introduces us to the hero of the work, with a dreamer. Here does not appear his name, and it is little described its appearance. We only know that he is a small official who for eight years of living in St. Petersburg did not have a single acquaintance. But the city itself knows very well. He lives in his world and in his dreams in love with the ideal of the girl created by him. The author depicts his lonely eccentric, sensitive, disinterested, sincere and open, he is timid with women, not touchy. Once he met a lively and real girl Nastya, which was saved from a drunkard. Very often in the work of the White Nights Dostoevsky to Nastya applies diminitious words. So she opened the "his intelligent eyes", "worship all his childish, is irrebated by a cheerful laughter."

    Nastya - brunette with beautiful eyes, "premium" with "black curls". She lived with her grandmother and waited for her beloved man who went for a year, but promised to return and we learn about it from her story. She told a lot about him and constantly waiting for him a news, but there was nothing. Instead, they met every white night with a dreamer who loved the girl and she felt his love. In one of their regular meetings, Nastya said that he would forget his love if the dreamer would love and they decide to be together. But, not long it was the happiness of the dreamer, because Nastya met the tenant, in which he was in love. Her love turned out to be stronger, so she, choosing the second man, left the dreamer lonely, devastated.

    Someone him may, and condemns, for not concerned for the girl, however, it seems to me that the dreamer came correctly, as a real in love, who understands that the girl gave the heart to another and only with him she will be happy, but Here with the dreamer it will only exist. He wanted only happiness. Well, and the dreamer, he definitely meet his woman, loves her and will definitely acquire his personal happiness, at least he really wants to believe it.