Characteristic of a nuddle crime and punishment with quotes. Peter Petrovich Luzhin - characteristic character

Because of his vile domogues, however, Her His honor was restored and someone Petr Petrovich Luzhnich Luzhin: "He is business and busy, and in a hurry to St. Petersburg, so he values \u200b\u200bevery minute.<...> Man he is a trustworthy and provided, serves in two places and has already has its own capital. True, he is already forty-five years old, but he is quite pleasant outdoor and can also like women, and indeed a person he is very solid and decent, a little only sullen and as if arrogant. But it may only seem like this at first sight.<...> And Peter Petrovich, at least in many signs, a person is very honorable. In the first one, he announced to us that he was positive, but in many respects it shares, as he himself put it, "the conviction of our newest generations" and the enemy of all prejudices. Much and also spoke, because somewhat as it were, and loves very much, so that he listened, but it is almost no vice. I, of course, understood little, but the Danny explained to me that he was a man although a small formation, but intelligent and, it seems good.<...> Of course, nor with her, nor from his part of special love here, but the Dunya, except that the girl is smart, - at the same time the creature is noble, as an angel, and for the duty will put himself to make the happiness of her husband, who in turn would become Take care of her happiness, and in the latter we do not have, depressing, a lot of reasons to doubt, although it's a veneer, acknowledged. In addition, he is a very pricing person and, of course, he will see that his own marital happiness will be the more or rather, what Dunechka will be happier behind him. And what are there any irregularities in the character, some old habits and even some disagreement in thoughts (which is impossible to get around in the happiest marriages), then on this expense Dunechka he herself told me that she hoped for himself; What is nothing to worry about and that it can move much, under the condition if further relations are honest and fair. He, for example, it seemed to me first as a sharp; But this can happen exactly that he is a straightforward person, and without fail. For example, during the second visit, he already received consent, in a conversation he was expressed that he was not before, not knowing the Duni, put the girl honest, but without dowry, and certainly such that had already experienced a distressive position; Because he explained that her husband should not be owned by his wife, but much better if the wife considers her husband for his benefactor.<...> I have already mentioned that Peter Petrovich is sent now to St. Petersburg. He has great things there, and he wants to open a public advocate in St. Petersburg. He has long been engaged in walking on various claims and litigation and the other day you just won one significant litigation. In St. Petersburg, he and therefore it is necessary that he has one significant thing in the Senate. Thus, a sweetkin, he can also be very useful, even in everything, and we already put it with the dunge that you, even from the present day, could definitely begin our future career and it was already clearly defined to consider fate. O if it was realized! It would be such a benefit that it is necessary to consider it not otherwise, as a sphere to us the greatness of the Almighty. Dunya is only dreaming about it. We have already risked to say a few words about Peter Petrovich. He put it carefully and said that, of course, since he could not do without secretary, then, of course, it is better to pay a salary to a relative than someone else, if only he is capable of office (I still haven't been able to be able to!), But Immediately expressed doubt that your university classes would not leave you time for classes in his office.<...> You know that, invaluable my kind, it seems to me that by some considerations (however, by no means belonging to Peter Petrovich, and so, according to some my own, personal, even, maybe, the old, Babiim Caprizam), it seems to me that I Maybe I'll do it better if I live after their marriage especially, as I now live, and not with them. I am quite sure that he will be so noble and delicate that he will invite me and suggest me not to be separated more than his daughter, and if he has not yet spoke so far, then, of course, because it is so expected; But I will refuse ... "
For insightful Skolnikov in these inaccurated words of the Pulcheria Aleksandrovna Characteristics-Portrait of a shallow soul of a grasp nuda is already given complete. Much adds the outer portrait of Peter Petrovich, given when he was first a visit to Rodion, his behavior: "It was Mr. Elderly years already, Pshaborny, Osano,, with careful and obese physiognomy, who began to stay in the doorway, looking around with an offensive -New surprise and as if asked to look: "Where did I get it?"<...> In the general form, Peter Petrovich was struck by something special, namely, something as it would have justified the name of the "groom", so unceremoniously this is now this. First, it was visible and even too noticeable that Peter Petrovich had hurriedly hurried to take advantage of several days in the capital, so as to be unfolded and stuffed in anticipation of the bride, which, however, was very innocently and permissible. Even their own, maybe even too complacent of his own consciousness of their pleasant change for the better could be forgiven for such a case, for Peter Petrovich consisted on the lines of the groom. Its all the dress was just from the tailor, and everything was fine, except that only that everything was too new and too obscured the famous goal. Even Schiegolskaya, Novekhonkaya, a round hat about this goal testified: Peter Petrovich somehow turned to her too respectfully and kept her in his hands too gently. Even the adorable pair of lilac, the real Juziress gloves testified to the same, at least one that they did not wear them, but only worn in their hands for the parade. In the clothes, Peter Petrovich prevailed the colors of bright and visible. It was a pretty summer jacket of a light brown shade, light light trousers, the same vest, just purchased thin underwear, the battered lightest gests with pink stripes, and that only it is better: all this was even to Petr Petrovich's face. The face of him is very fresh and even beautiful, and without that seemed younger than its forty-five years. Dark bundles nicely dilated it on both sides, in the form of a two boiler, and quite beautifully thickened near the lightbrifted garbaged chin. Even the hair, however, just just just with the selection, combed and curled by the hairdresser, did not imagine anything funny or some stupid species, which usually always happens when curled hair, for she gives the person an inevitable resemblance to the German, going under the crown. If, there was something in this pretty beautiful and solid physiognomy really unpleasant and repulsive, it happened from other reasons ... "
When Luzhin received a "resignation", lost the status of the fiance of Avdoti Romanovna and was put up for the threshold of Rodion, it was on him and sent his vitality to the vulnerable Peter Petrovich and precisely for these purposes a procurement with the prosecution of theft. By the way, due to the resignation, the characteristics of this character is complemented and specified: "The main thing was that he, until the very last minute, did not expect such a junction. He rushed to the last feature, not suggesting even the possibility that two beggars and defenseless women can get out of his power. The prosecution of this a lot was helped by vanity and the degree of self-confidence, which is best called self-love. Peter Petrovich, breaking through from the insignificance, painfully accustomed to admire himself, highly appreciated his mind and abilities and even sometimes, alone, admired his face in the mirror. But most of all, he loved and appreciated, mined by difficulty and all sorts of means, his money: they equal to him with everything that was above him. Recalling now with bitterness of the Dunya that he decided to take it, despite her loud about her, Peter Petrovich spoke quite sincerely and even felt deeply indignation against such "black ungratefulness". Meanwhile, woiling after the Dunya, he had already been convinced of the absurdity of all these gossip, refuted by the most Mapho Petrovna himself and long-stayed all the town, the hotly justified the Dunya. Yes, he himself would not be bred now from the fact that all this already knew and then. Nevertheless, he still appreciated his determination to exalted the Dunya to himself and considered it a feat. Chanitazing about it now by the Danube, he spoke his secret, the thought of them, to which he had repeatedly admired, and could not understand how others could not admire his feat. After visiting a visit to Raskolnikov, he entered the sense of benefactor, who was preparing to shake fruit and listen to very sweet compliments.<...> Dunya was just necessary for him; It was unthinkable to refuse her for him. For a long time, for several years already, he dreamed of marriage with the Slavs, but all the money ordered and waited. He has been thoughtful, in the deepest secret, about the girl with a fragrant and poor (certainly poor), very young, very pretty, noble and educated, very intimidant, extremely many misfortunes and quite in front of him, such that would consider him a whole life Saving his own, faded before him, obeyed, was surprised him, and he was alone. How many scenes how many sweet episodes created in the imagination on this seductive and playful theme, resting in silence from business! And so the dream of so many years has almost already been carried out: the beauty and education of Avdoti Romanovna struck him; Having helpless position it has rained it to extremes. There was even a few more than he dreamed about: the girl proud, characteristic, virtuous, upbringing and developing above him (he felt it), and such a creature will be slatefully grateful to him all his life for his feat and reverently destroy him And it will be infinitely and fully dominated! .. How there is no purpose, shortly before, after a long considerations and expectations, he finally decided to finally change his career and join a more extensive circle of activity, but with the more together, little, go, go And in the higher society, about which he has long experienced with a relaxistic ... in a word, he decided to try St. Petersburg. He knew that women could be "quite and very" to win. The charm of the charming, virtuous and educated woman could be surprising to brighten his way, to attract to him, create a halo ... And that's all collapsed! This current sudden, ugly gap has affected him as a thunder blow. It was some kind of ugly joke, absurd! He only clouded a droplet; He did not even have time and spoke, he just joked, carried away, and ended so seriously! Finally, after all, he even loved in his own way, he was already dominated over her in his dreams - and suddenly! .. No! Tomorrow, tomorrow, all this should be restored, it is necessary to fix it, and most importantly - to destroy this arrogant milk gathering, a boy who was the reason. With a painful feeling, he was remembered, too, somehow unwittingly, Rassakhin ... But, however, he soon calmed down from this side: "I would still put it with him next!" But who he was really seriously afraid, - so Svidrigaylova ... "
And finally, Natura Luzhina is additionally disclosed in his relationship with whose guardian he heard and who stopped at the arrival in St. Petersburg: "He stopped at his arrival in his Petersburg, not from alone only to the screed savings, although it was almost the main reason. But there was another reason here. He also heard about Andrei Semenovic, his former pet, as about one of the most advanced young progressors and even as a significant role in other curious and fabulous circles. It struck Peter Petrovich. These are the powerful, all-knowing, all despised and all the implanting mugs have long been frightened by Peter Petrovich by some special fear, completely, however, indefinite. Of course, he himself, and even in the province, could not make himself about this, although approximately, an accurate concept. He heard, like everything that exist, especially in St. Petersburg, some progressors, nihilists, accusers, etc., and so on., But, like many, exaggerated and distorted the meaning and significance of these names to ridiculous. He was afraid of all the way, now for several years, crushing, and it was the main foundation of his constant, exaggerated concern, especially with dreams of transferring their activities to St. Petersburg. In this regard, he was, as they say, frightened, how little children are sometimes scared. Several years ago in the province, still starting only to arrange your career, he met two cases, severely frown of provincially significant persons, for whom he clung to Dotol and who were patronized. One case ended for an derived person somehow especially scandalously, and the other almost a little bit even ended and very much trouble. That is why Petr Petrovich put, on arrival in St. Petersburg, immediately find out what was the matter, and if necessary, just in case, to run forward and search for our "young generations of our".<...> He had only sooner and immediately find out: what and how did it happen? In force these people or not in force? Are there anything to be afraid of him, or not? I will give him if he is doing this, or do not give? And if they give, then what exactly, and for what is the other way now they give? Not only: whether it is impossible to fake them somehow and immediately impede them if they are really strong? Needless to or do not it? Is it possible, for example, something to heal in his career exactly through their own? ..<...> No matter how rustling Andrei Semenovich, but still began to look at Petr Petrovich him inflates him and secretly despises and that "not such a completely this person." He was trying to state the Fourier system and the theory of Darwin, but Peter Petrovich, especially lately, began to listen to somehow sarcastically, and at the very last time - so even began to bore. The fact is that he, by instinct, began to penetrate that the Lebesites were not only a vulgar and silly man, but maybe the lniche, and that no one does not have connections in a cognizer even in his mug, but only heard anything from a third voice<...>. By the way, we note in passing that Petr Petrovich, at these one and a half weeks, willingly accepted (especially at the beginning) from Andrei Semenovich even very strange praise, that is, did not object, for example, and said, if Andrei Semenovich attributed his willingness to contribute to the future and fast device of the new Communes "Somewhere in the Meshchanskaya Street; Or, for example, do not interfere with DUNCH, if that, with the first month of marriage, it will make up the lover; Or do not baptize their future children and so on, and so on. - All in this way. Peter Petrovich, as usual, did not object to the qualities attributed to him and allowed him even a praise - before it was pleasant to him ... "
In the draft materials to the novel about the nuddle, in particular, it is said: "With vanity and love in yourself, to coquetry, petty and passion for a gossip.<...> He is a stupid. In his stupidity, something from Pushkinsky's miser baron. He bowed to money, because everything dies, and the money will not die; I, they say, from low rank and I want to be at the height of the stairs and dominate. If the abilities, communication and so on. I mutate, then the money is not worn, and therefore worship the money ... "

The prototypes of the nude were probably the name of which is mentioned in the draft materials to the "crime and punishment", and.
Curious analogies can be obtained between this rather unsightly character and the author himself, firstly, if we remember that the prototype of Avdoti Romanovna Romannikova was to some extent, and secondly, that just in the midst of the work on the novel 45-year-old Dostoevsky, Like 45-year-old Luzhin, launched a young girl () and walked the fiance ...

In the novel, Dostoevsky Luzhin appears by a man of forty-five years old, arrogant and obese. In essence, Luban is a dealer who in everything, first of all, is looking for benefits for himself. Luzhin, unlike the ideal heroes-criminals Skolnikov, is a real person. And Rodion turns out to be clearly not ready to understand that his ideals in reality are degenerated into similar characters: low, primitive, selfish. Therefore, it is very not surprising that the splitters feels such strong contempt for a nudge, but at the same time he finds a certain similarity with him, and it is very annoying.

The motives of actions are where the main difference between the nudine and the Raskolnikov is located. If there are only practical goals in the nudge, the Raskolnikov is in the power of "high ideas." Luzhin cannot love truly, he only wants to possess. He looks at the Dunya, like a beautiful thing that you can buy. Dunya, thinking that the Music Money will be salvation for her loved ones in their distress, at first agreed to marry him. But then, finally disappointed in his human qualities, meets a decisive refusal. All the attempts of the nudio to embarrass the Dunya with her mother and brother ends with a failure, he exposed him with a shame.

Peter Petrovich Luzhin is one of the central heroes of the famous novel "Crime and Punishment" of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Many people call him the doubles of Rodion Skolnikov, the main character, due to their similar characters and the availability of their own theories.

Luzhin is a forty-feather man, which because of his accuracy and the chopliness too followed his appearance and clothing. His clothes have always differed novelty, the presence of hats and gloves was obligatory for him even on the most ordinary day, and the hair always laid at the hairdresser. The hero was once able to get out of poverty, so now he has been inherent in self-love, arrogance and egoism. He sought to achieve success, wealth and high position in society in a fast way, going on heads and putting themselves higher than others.

The young man had his own theory of his wife. In his opinion, to take into his wife you need the girl who has experienced difficulties throughout life and was unhappy. The girl named the Dunya became a suitable option for him. Her family was on the verge of poverty, and therefore the speech of a nudio about his big capital and a happy family life in the future lead to the fact that the girl agrees to marry him. She makes this step for the sake of a family salvation, which loves very much. In fact, Dunya in the eyes of a nudge is just a thing that he uses for his own benefit.

Raskolnikov, Brother Duni, is the only person who was able to see the bad side of the poin. That is why he is against this marriage, but his opinion is not perceived seriously. The hypocrisy and meanness of the Mudny Dunya with her mother notice only when he is trying to embroider them with Rodion. Dunny is instantly disappointed in this person and refuses to offer a hand and heart. It affects and humiliates a nudio, because he considered himself a savior and benefactor, who, in his opinion, could create a great life to the girl.

Undoubtedly, Luzhin is a negative character of Dostoevsky's novel. Unfortunately, such people exist in modern society. Around a lot of false and hypocritical people, from which at any time you can expect meanness and betrayal.

Essay about Luzhina

Peter Petrovich Luzhin, although it is a secondary character, but still seizes the reader's attention and makes him think about the motives of the actions and sense of the life of this person.

Some researchers believe that several people can act as the prototype of this hero.

Perhaps they were Peter Andreyevich Karepin - her husband of Sisters Dostoevsky. He married an eighteen-year-old girl, while he himself was forty-five years old.

It is believed that the image of a nudio is written off from Dostoevsky himself. He also in his forty five years old watched the young Anna Snatkina - his future wife.

In addition, the name of Sizhina Pavel Petrovich - a friend Dostoevsky, who worked as a jury, is mentioned in Roman's drafts.

The author of the novel describes in detail how the character looks like, more precisely, as he tries to look good. But the reader very quickly understands that the beautiful rich costume is empty, as in an exiled egg. In this representative Osanist, a man is not visible to the soul. Perhaps that is why the writer when describing the appearance of the character bypass the topic of the eye. We do not know how his eyes look like, what his look and how he looks at the world. The eyes - the mirror of the soul, and the cute externally, there is no soul, his gaze is most likely absolutely empty.

Lynzhin is consistent and is a supervisory adviser, and this is a fairly high position for the time described in the novel. But at the same time, he made his fortune, having gone out of the bottom, as they say, "from the dirt in the prince." Luzhin highly appreciates himself and his mind, while he did not receive due education. He does not like anyone, besides himself and his money, who wishes to turn, so seeks to open the lawyer's office in the capital. It is for this that he decides to marry the Golkolnikov dun.

Luzhin believes that the marriage of the Dane will open place in higher circles of society for him and, of course, does not like her. The character believes that the husband should not be owned by his wife, while the spouse should be in Rabski is predicted with her husband. Moreover, the character believes that it is only necessary to love himself and it is from selfishness that the success of all your cases depends. That is why he is woven towards Avdwitho Skolnikova - a young, beautiful and educated, but very poor girl who agrees to marry him only for the sake of the ghostly well-being of his brother.

Raskolnikov, as later of the Danny, believes that this person is not worthy of respect and very good, which lies and the subitraft nature of Peter Petrovich still came out to the marriage and Dunya refused to marry him.

Option 3.

One of the figures of the work "Crime and Punishment" F. M. Dostoevsky is Luzhin Petr Petrovich. Because of the similar character, with the main character of the novel Rodion Raskolnikov, some readers consider the nudio to his twin. Luzhin is a man of forty-five-year-old age, which because of love for tidy and decency too closely cares for his appearance and how he dresses. His clothes were characterized by sophisticatedness and modernity, he always and in any weather wore a hat and gloves, and he always laid his hairstyle at the hairdresser.

Once Peter Petrovich managed to dig out of poor life, and therefore the hero is characteristic of pride, arrogant and egoism. Wanting very quickly to achieve significant influence in society, the wealth and success of Luzhin went on a break, putting his personality above the others. Luzhina had a personal point of view of the wives. At his point of view, it is necessary to marry only on that girl who was unhappy for all his life and experienced difficulties. The best choice for marriage becomes the girl of the Dunya. She agrees to marry him because her family lived in great poverty. For the save of his family, which she loves very much, the Danny makes this step.

But for the nuddle of the Dunya is just an ordinary thing that he can use for personal gain. Only Brother Duni, Raskolnikov, the only person who was able to see the negative side of the nudge, so he opposed this marriage with all their forces, but no one perceives his opinion seriously. Dunya with his mother saw hypocrisy and mean mozyland only when he tries to embroider them with Rodion. Dunya tears his relationship with his fiance and immediately conveyed in his former bridegroom, whom it humiliates and surprises, as he considered himself a savior and benefactor for her family, in his opinion he could make a beautiful life for a girl.

Luzhin Negative character of the work of Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Such people unfortunately meet and at the present time. Too many liars and hypocritical people around, from which at any time you can wait for meanness and betrayal.

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  • The mind of the pool went to the ownership of capital, in making career. Ajout, Nouveurish, and he in his own way broke the old patriarchal integrity, and he ranked herself to "new people" and thought to justify his dirty practice with modern theories, Lyzhzhin called himself a man separating the beliefs of our "generations of ours."

    Hence the idea of \u200b\u200bmarriage with the Duni, the plan, which he almost did not cover: Luzhin "put it, that before, not knowing the Duni, put a 'girl honest, but without dowry, and certainly such that already experienced a plight; Because he explained that the husband should not be obliged to be owned by his wife, but much better if the wife considers her husband for his benefactor. " The bride, he threatens that he would throw her if she won't obey her, he would not bloom with a kind, for whom she decided to take his hand.

    Marmalades and Luzhin are in the "Crime and Punishment" of the Poles of Social Differentiation in the Poreform Russia. The terrible world can not be shown, nor explained without a nudge, as well as without a marmalade family. The celebration of the puddles gives the novel a special color, perhaps, even more terrible than the death of marmalade. The nudies are hyenas and jackals that fed by the blood of disarmed, defenseless, the corpses of the fallen.

    Luzhin is a Russian variety of French bourgeois, as Dostoevsky understood him and as described him in "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions." Luzhin is less rebound, less cultural, it is not at the end, but at the beginning of the process. Luzhin shines, as a new penny, he can even be called beautiful, but at the same time his beautiful and solid physiognomy produced an unpleasant, even repulsive impression. It fell, not a disgusting morally, sows gossip and invents gossip. Luzhin does not understand anything disinterested honesty or nobility. Exposed and expelled the dunge, he believes that he can still improve money. He saw her mistake predominantly in the fact that he did not give the dun with the mother's mother. "I thought them in a black body to press and bring them, so that they were looking at me as a providence, and they won! .. Ugh! .. No, if I gave them for all this time, for example, thousands of one and a half per dowry, for example, Yes, for gifts ... so it would be more important and ... Running! "

    "Crime and Punishment" is the classics of world literature. The romance is deeply affected by the proceeds and psychologism of heroes. Peter Petrovich Luzhin is a curious character whose role in the work is great. In a duet, this actually creates a duct system with the main character.

    History of creation

    In 1865, Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, being in Wiesbaden, wrote a letter to the publisher of the magazine "Russian Bulletin" by Mikhail Katkov. The writer reported that he had an idea about a new product, which he characterized as a "psychological report of one crime."

    In the novel, the writer told about the young man who was on the edge of poverty. When he saw the path to salvation in the murder of the old woman, he goes to a crime, boring the life of a grumpy nasty old woman, whose existence was not observed by anyone and do not need peace. The murder and robbery, as well as the flour of conscience, tested by the hero, resolved on these actions, are described by Dostoevsky in the novel "Crime and Punishment".

    Illustration for the novel "Crime and Punishment"

    Petr Petrovich Luzhin plays in the novel not the last role. The author describes the character in drafts, giving him the following characteristic: a vain pressure adviser, narcissistic and selfish, petty greed gossip. Luzhin extols the material benefits, considering the king of the one who has finance. Its respect is easy to buy, but the respect in response does not see this hero. The meaning of the name characterizes the identity of the hero. Luzhin chalk and pitiful, like a dirty reservoir, which is consonant with his last name.

    "Crime and Punishment"

    The acquaintance of the reader with a nuddle occurs in absentia. Pulcheria Skolnikova describes a man in a letter to his son Rodion. It is clear from it that Luzhin wovers to the sister of Raskolnikova Dun, a girl from a poor family who does not have emphasis. Beautiful, intelligent and noble maiden was good, but the bridal caused by gossip. Despite them, Lynzhin entered the decent and married Sisternikov's sister.

    Dostoevsky wrote that the appearance of the character is presentable, he kept a scoop. In adulthood, at 45 years old, Muzhin was picked up, kept strictly and followed himself. At first glance, a man made a pleasant impression of a trustworthy person with goals and ambitions. In fact, everything described was covered. Raskolnikov managed to see the larva, which Luzhin hid. Vanity, meanness and greed of men are revealed before Rodion.

    Having arrived in St. Petersburg, Luzhin apply a visit to the future relative. As a benefactor, he was preparing for praise and chanting, demonstrating self-confidence and self-confidence. Having embarrassed "from the dirt in the prince," he exaggerated the existing talents and abilities, exalting itself higher than it cost. Greed forced him to see him in everything and constantly recalculate money, both their own and others. With their help, Lynzhin touched over the surrounding.

    There was another flaw in it. The hero arranged the theory as to the fact that it is worth marrying, caking capital. He was waiting for a poor chosen one, talented and unborn. The lack of a material component in the position of the bride attracted a nudge, as he believed in the unfortunate destiny of such a girl. The man thought that the biography of the Nonferdannica was certainly saturated with the sorrows, so she will treat a potential spouse with admiration and reverence.


    Despite the outstanding indifference against strangers, Luzhin tried to look after every new person with whom his life was reduced. Man caped:

    "Every person must first examine himself, and closer to judge him."

    He did not hesitate his eyes to marriage and with ease voiced them:

    "The husband should not be obliged to be owned by his wife, much better if the wife considers her husband for his benefactor."

    As a person going on a crime, Luzhin understood that everything has permissible limits, violating who a person goes to a deal with his own conscience:

    "There is a trait in everything, for which to go dangerous; For, once shifting, it is impossible to grind back. " All actions hero carried out thought out and clarified.