Whether Madam Bovarie has a way out. Emma Bovarov from the novel "Mrs. Bovarov"

"Mrs. Bovarie", or Madame Bovarie (Fr. Madame Bovalar) - Roman Gustava Flaubert, first printed in 1856. It is considered one of the masterpieces of world literature.

The main heroine of Roman - Emma Bovarie, the wife of a doctor who does not live for funds and ridiculous extramarital connections in the hope of getting rid of the voids and the usualness of provincial life. Although the plot of the novel is pretty simple and even a banana, the true value of the novel - in the details and forms of the plot. Flaubert as a writer was known for his desire to bring every work to the ideal, always trying to pick up faithful words.

Publication History, Evaluation

The novel was printed in the Paris literary magazine "Revised de Paris" from October 1 to December 15, 1856. After the publication of the novel, the author (as well as two more publishers of the novel) was accused of insulting morally and together with the editor of the journal was brought to court in January 1857. The scandalous fame of the work made it popular, and the acquittal of February 7, 1857 made it possible that the published novel that followed in the same year in the same year. Currently, it is considered not only one of the key works of realism, but also one of the works that had the greatest impact on the literature at all. In the novel there are features of literary naturalism. Skepticism Flaubert towards man manifested itself in the absence of positive heroes typical of the traditional novel. Careful drawing of characters led to a very long exposure of a novel that allows it to better understand the nature of the main character and, accordingly, the motivation of its actions (in contrast to voluntarism in the actions of the heroes of sentimentalist and romantic literature). Hard determinism in the actions of heroes became a mandatory feature of the French novel in the first half of the XIX century.

Flaubert, preparing Madame Bovarie. Caricature of 1869.

The carefulness of the characteristics, accurate to the mercy of the drawing of parts (in the novel, exactly and naturally shows death from the poisoning of arsenic, the troubles for the preparation of the corpse to the burial, when the dirty liquid dirty dirty, etc.) were marked with criticism as a feature of writing manner Flaubert. This was reflected in the caricature, where Flaubert is depicted in the apron anatoma, exposing the body of Emma Bovar.

According to a survey conducted in 2007, the Liang Bakova novel is one of the two greatest novels of all time (immediately after the novel of Leo Tolstoy "Anna Karenina"). Turgenev at the time responded to this novel as the best work "in the entire literary world."

According to the literary critic Alexei Mashevsky, there are no positive characters in the novel: there is no hero who could be perceived by the reader as a hero. It can be said that the "death of the hero", the prostatever of which became the same Roman Richard Oldington, was coming back in the XIX century - in the "Mrs."


Wedding Emma and Charles

I spent five days over one page ...

In another letter, he actually complains:

I am afraid of each sentence, and it does not develop in any way. What kind of heavy paddle is my feather!

Already in the process of work, Flaubert continued to collect material. He himself read the novels who loved reading Emma Story, studied the symptoms and consequences of arsenic poisoning. It is widely known that he himself felt bad, describing the scene of heroine poisoning. So he recalled it.

Dreams of unearthly love are not always harmless, and a bright example of this is the beauty of Emma Bovarie. A girl who from the young age dreams about a romantic hero lost everything because of unwillingness to look at his own life without unjustified expectations. A loving husband, a submissive daughter and a pleasant house did not become a consolation for the heart that dreamed of knights, actions and dangerous adventures.

History of character creation

In 1851, after another unsuccessful attempt to write an outstanding literary work, fell into prolonged despondency. From the sad state, the man was brought by the editor Maxim du Kang, who recommended the writer to try his own strength, creating a novel, whose main thought will be prose.

The poet Louis Büil was present at the conversation reminded Flaubert about the tragedy, which was playing with the Demar family. The story of which familiar mentioned was well known to Gustauu, the writer's mother personally knew the victim's victim.

  • Flaubert described the death of the main character so in detail, which became the target for cynical illustrations. The writer was portrayed on caricatures in the form of a scientist exploring the heart of Emma.
  • Despite the explicit similarity of the plot with tragic events in the Maiden family, the author denied this influence on the history of Emma character.
  • The big fan of the novel became, which called "Mrs. Bovari" "the best, which happened to the literary world."


I do not regret anything. I do not blame anyone. And I'm not afraid of anything.
And I would give you everything, I would sell everything, I would work for you, would love alms to ask for one of your smile, in one glance, just for hearing thanks from you.
All feelings died in me.


  • 1856 - "Mrs. Bovari"


  • 1933 - Madame Bovarie (France)
  • 1937 - Madame Bovarie (Germany)
  • 1947 - Madame Bovarie (Argentina)
  • 1949 - Madame Bovarie (USA)
  • 1969 - "Sins of Madame Bovarie" (Italy)
  • 1989 - "Save and Save" (USSR)
  • 1991 - Madame Bovarie (France)
  • 2000 - Madame Bovarie (United Kingdom)
  • 2014 - Madame Bovarie (USA)

Finally was able to post a long ago promised review of the five shields of the novel. All as always: paintings are arranged in order from the very bad to the best. But it should immediately warn: none of these films liked me so much to leave it in the home collection. So "the best screening" is only a comparative characteristic. In fact, they are all boring, just some are delighted, and some are Salia-Valya.

1933 film, director Jean Renoir

To begin with, we define with the action time and age characters. The main events of the novel begin with the move of the four of the couple to Ionville and end with the death of Emma. These two events shares five years. There is no accurate dating from Flaubert, but the details allow you to approximately define the move time: Mrs. Bovarie loves to read the magazine "Illustration", founded in 1843, and the ruling king is mentioned during the agricultural exhibition. This can only be Louis Philipp, which ruled from 1830 to 1848 (the rest of the second republic began next). In the end, we get that Mrs. Bovarie settled in Ionvil between 1843 and 1848.

At the time of moving the doctoral family to Ionvil Emme Bovarie and Leon Dupei for 20 years, Charle Bovarie about 26 years old, Rodolph Bled - 33 years old, and Justneu is 9 years old. At the time of death, Emma, \u200b\u200brespectively, for five years more.

There is absolutely no film myself, I don't even know how to characterize it in general, so I will immediately go to the details right away.

The picture of the picture is slightly shifted over time relative to the original source - Charles and Emma get acquainted in 1839, and the main events begin with 1841. Fantasy costumes, from the "curtains".

Oddly enough, in no film, an attractive actress was invited to the role of Emma. Absolutely in all performers appearance is not enough that controversial, so also inappropriate for the image of Madame Bovarie. And the strange thing in this role looks Valentine Descener. Actress 41 years old, she has a hefty Schnopak, who has fallen a fallen face, a tired look, a loading figure (and on the corsets costumes saved) and red hair. With such source data, it's just ridiculous to depict a girl of eighteen years old, booming men crazy with a truly "brunette" temperament and a combination of amazing white leather with black hair and eyes. And when Mrs. Bovarie lies in bed with Leon, smoking the cigarette, the actress such a kind that the only association coming to the mind is a cynical tired slut with a client. With all its shortcomings, the whore Madame Bovarie was definitely not.

With the chalf, Bovarie, in the performance of Pierre Renoire, still more fun: (No, I, of course, I understand that "Casimir diamonds is the name, poster, cashier," and a significant part of the audience will be in a cinema for the opportunity to stand up on the son of the Renoire itself, and Family in a row is very profitable in the material plan (director of the film Jean Renoir and Pierre Renoir - Native Brothers), but the actor is 48 years old - he is room to play Ruo, not a young doctor! However, Monsieur Bovarie at all is not lucky with incarnations all the time Trying to make almost an old man. It seems that the book the cinematographers did not read.

But Enena Manson, playing the first wife of the doctor, unexpectedly ten years younger than his heroine (she 35). However, the role of her episodic, the face does not show the role, and the quality of the film leaves much to be desired, so in this case the age of the actress is not particularly important: heavy, ugly, and the rest and do not see. By the way, this is the only film in which the first Madame Bovari was shown in the frame.

Here is the age of actor Fernan Fabra completely coincides with the age of Rhoderf - to him at the time of dating with Emma 34 years. The first lover of the heroine in this formulation is very specific: a sort of pretentious hlust with manners of a card cheeler. When I read the book, quite otherwise imagined the brunge. But I must admit that it was this person that could death to hit the "creature with the imagination of Dyatla." So this Rodolph was closer to the book image rather than my fantasies. Yes, perhaps, this is the best Rodolph of all.

Leon here is Chernovolos, although it is not born with himself, and much older than it follows (Daniel Leauruto 31 years old). However, compared with the leading roles, this is a trifle.

Viscount - the main erotic Guest of Madame Bovarie - turned into a bald bearded old man.

The role of Justin is completely passing, and his boyfriend is playing 20 years old.

1949 film, director Vincent Minnelli

The main canvas of the work remained, but the characters changed almost everything, the motivation of the heroes is also. This is the only option in which I feel sorry for someone, except for little berti: here Charles Bovarie deserves certain respect and even sympathy.

Suits in the style of "Hollywood Chic" - not to history, no relationship do not have a relationship. The North Doha is especially impressive, which Emma pulls on himself, although in the original source it is clear that the temperature in Normandy does not fall below zero.

Jennifer Jones is another actress, who does not give rest the fact that not she played Scarlett. Do not care that the country is different, do not care that the time is the other that the nature of the other and the proposed circumstances are also the others - we will still copy the facial expressions and gestures Wivien Lee. Actress 30 years old (in my opinion, five years difference with heroines - still a bit too much, but at least not twenty - already well), she is dark-haired and dark-eyed, but her appearance is some kind of rude, uncompatible.

Charles Bovarie in his almost forty (van Heflin 39, and he looks at forty with herbs) has not been married yet, and Emma becomes his first spouse. He is a very decent and noble man. Probably, so the screenwriter has retained his life.

Rodolpha plays handsome Louis Jourdan - a miracle as good! "He is only 28 years old, but the actor looks a little older, just for 35 years."

Leon Svetlovolos and Light-eyed, but looks like 40 years. I was very surprised to find out that Alpha Chellena is there only 29.

The role of the viscont was united with Rodolf's role, but Justin was picked up well - Larry Simsu is only 15.

2000 film, director Tim Fayevell

This film has two (in addition to boredom, but I have already spoken about it) a huge drawback: hesitatin and sex. About it is not clear why the inserted discovery says meaninglessly - you will have to retell a full film, I will tell you better than I did not please the "bed" scenes.

It would seem that the material quite justifies the use of intimate scenes: this is not "Jen Air" with Victorian morality, this is a story about the love relationship of a passionate Frenchwoman. But then the ambush is lighted: sexual experiences are the same expressive agent, as well as all the other, and therefore, the director, which includes sex scene in a non-specialized film, must be aware that he does it and what he wants to express it. And when the sequeline is the character of a plug-in musical number, and its exception from the video order does not change anything in the perception of the picture, the expressive means loses its meaning, because nothing gives the mind or a heart. Slimming sexual act - a piety, here to beat him and make it an indispensable detail of the narration - the task is not easy. However, some moves in this direction at the director were: he tried to beat sex in the carriage and even used interesting finds for this, but by that time the film crew had completely discredited himself, clearly demonstrating that the audience was held for the idiots - when Madame Bovarie For the first time appears on the screen naked, traces of a swimsuit on her body are clearly visible ... This hacktur put a fat cross on all the efforts of costumes and decorators to create visibility of the 19th century (and costumes, by the way, are quite high-quality). After such a laired, any attempts to give a stupid finchon, highly artistic species are doomed to failure.

However, this picture has certain advantages in addition to the costumes: its creators, at least read Roman Flaubert. The actors at least tried to bring in line with the original source. True, Emma did not save it: she is ugly, it looks like a slave to St. Jurah, is old (Francis O'Connor 33 years old), with wrinkles around the eyes and faded breasts.

But Charles Bovarie looks pretty fresh, although Hugh Bonneville is 37 years old. He was covered with a lower part of the face with curly beard, he is lasted, as it should be on the book, looks at his wife and daughter good-naturedly and with great love. Yes, this could be a doctor of Bovari.

The first wife of Charles died from Chakhotka before his dating with Emma.

Greg Wayz externally suits the role of Rhodolph: interesting, dark-haired, even the years he is exactly as much as necessary, but on the acting qualities he, alas, does not pull on this role - there is absolutely no broth in his performance, even the expression of the face practically does not change .

Hugh Densey, playing Leon, 25 years old, he is a light, pretty and in his face there is something puppy. This is the best Leon of all, almost on the book.

Viscount here is simply wonderful: high, slim, precipitated, with firing glance and aristocratic manners. He is playing a professional dancer Adam Cooper. What a pleasure to watch, how he dances waltz with Madame Bovarie. In my opinion, this is the best scene in the whole film!

Justge here playing Joe Roberts - a 16-year-old boy. However, Rolly is again passing.

Mrs. Maya, director Ketan Meht

Oddly enough, the creators of the film, very freely attributed to the letter of the novel, managed to keep the spirit of the work. Even the eternal Indian attachment to the music numbers in this case played a positive role.

India. Judging by the costumes - the very beginning of the 80s. The forty-year-old married doctor Charu Daza arrives at the call to the huge, once luxurious, and now launched and gradually the collapsing palace. There lives the European Education of Maya with his old father.

Doctor became interested in the unusual behavior of Maya, and soon fell in love. Just in time the doctor's wife died, and he married Maya.

The girl was schizophrenic. She constantly needed new sharp impressions. For the sake of them, Maya contacted first with a rich neighbor Rudra

and then with a young guy from the neighboring city - Lalit.

There are no analogues of the viscont in this formulation, but there is a theme of the first love of a teenager to the chic wife of a neighbor is missing in the rest of the screen.

The ending was converted to mystically fabulous. By the way, I was very surprised that the film was shown a naked woman: it seemed to me that it was not accepted in India. Yes, in contrast to the 2000 version of the year, the intimate scene is quite appropriate.

Film 1991, director Claude Shabrol

This is the closest one to the original source with excellent actors, although chosen mindlessly.

Costumes are mixed: part is quite historical, and part is fantasy.

Isabelle Yupper 38 years old, she is old for the role of Emma, \u200b\u200bredhead and light-eyed. The appearance of the actress allows you to do at least a beauty, at least a straw, the director preferred to persevere it - Emma walks with shadows under the eyes of the eyebrows and eyelashes, except for several points when the eyes of the actress tint and Madame Bovarie instantly becomes pretty.

Charles Bovarie plays Jean-Francois Balm. He is a very subtle actor and plays perfectly, but he is 45 years old. That says it all.

Christof Malavwa is almost forty. He has a specific, a little amorphous appearance, resembling Anatoly Vasilyeva in the film "Crew." Such a type does not fit at all with the image of the Rinolph.

Luca Belvo is thirty, and his appearance for Leon Dupyuya is a slightly accurate.

On the role of Viscount Claude Shabrol took his son Thomas. As a result, the erotic dream accepted the appearance of a plug-in point.

Justna's role is performed by the thirty-year Yves Verkhovlen. It is necessary to say that this character does not have almost nothing to do with the novel.

Charles, Emma, \u200b\u200bRodolph, Justin

Despite the Mussasting, it is still the most intelligent and good film "Mrs. Bovari".

Original language: The original is published:

"Mrs. Bovarie" (Madame Story., FR. Madame Bovalary.) - Roman Gustava Flaubert, first printed in 1856. It is considered one of the masterpieces of world literature.

The main heroine of Roman - Emma Bovarie, the wife of a doctor who does not live for funds and ridiculous extramarital connections in the hope of getting rid of the voids and the usualness of provincial life. Although the plot of the novel is pretty simple and even a banana, the true value of the novel - in the details and forms of the plot. Flaubert as a writer was known for his desire to bring every work to the ideal, always trying to pick up faithful words.

Roman printed in the Paris literary magazine " Review de Paris"From October 1 to December 15, 1856. After the publication of the novel, the author (as well as two more publishers of the novel) was accused of insulting morally and together with the editor of the journal was brought to court in January 1857. The scandalous fame of the work made it popular, and the acquittal of February 7, 1857 made it possible that the published novel that followed in the same year in the same year. Currently, it is considered not only one of the key works of realism, but also one of the works that had the greatest impact on the literature at all. In the novel there are features of literary naturalism. Skepticism Flaubert towards man manifested itself in the absence of positive heroes typical of the traditional novel. Careful drawing of characters led to a very long exposure of a novel that allows it to better understand the nature of the main character and, accordingly, the motivation of its actions (in contrast to voluntarism in the actions of the heroes of sentimentalist and romantic literature). Hard determinism in the actions of heroes became a mandatory feature of the French novel of the first floor. XIX century Coloring the provincial life, in which all the deformities of the bourgeois culture were condensed, makes it possible to attribute Flaubert to the number of writers focused on the "antiprocial" topics. The carefulness of the characteristics, accurate to the mercy of the drawing of parts (in the novel, exactly and naturally shows death from the poisoning of arsenic, the troubles for the preparation of the corpse to the burial, when the dirty liquid dirty dirty, etc.) were marked with criticism as a feature of writing manner Flaubert. This was reflected in the caricature, where Flaubert is depicted in the apron anatoma, exposing the body of Emma Bovar.

According to a survey conducted in 2007, the Liang Bakova novel is one of the two greatest novels of all time (immediately after the novel of Leo Tolstoy "Anna Karenina"). Turgenev at the time responded about this novel as the best work "in the entire literary world."


Wedding Emma and Charles.

Charles Bovarie, graduating from a college, by making a mother begins to learn medicine. However, it turns out to be not very intelligent, and only natural diligence and mother assistance allow him to pass the exam and get a doctor's place in Tooste - provincial French town in Normandy. He is married by the Mother's efforts on the local widow, an unavailable, but provided a woman who is already forty. Once, going on call to the local farmer, Charles meets the daughter of Fermer, Emma Ruo, a pretty girl to which his attraction arises.

After the death of his wife, Charles begins to communicate with Emma and after some time it is decided to ask her hands. Her long widowed father gives consent and suits a lush wedding. But when young begin to live together, Emma very quickly understands that he does not like Charles. However, he loves her and truly happy with her. It is illuminated by a family life in a deaf province and in the hope of changing something insists on moving to another city. However, this does not help, even the birth of a child, girls, nothing changes in its attitude to life.

In a new place, she meets a fan, Leon Dupyui, with which she has a relationship, while Platonic. But Leon dreams of the metropolitan life and after a while leaves to Paris. After some time, Emma meets the Rodolf Bled, a very wealthy person and famous Lovelas. He begins to care for her, and they become lovers. During this connection, she begins to put in debts and spend money without the resolution of her husband. Relationships end when she starts dreaming and prepare for running from her husband abroad with her lover and daughter. Rodolpha does not suit such development of events, and it breaks the connection that Emma suffers very hard.

Finally, it is possible to move away from the depressed state only when she again meets Dupuy's returned from the capital, who resumes his courting. She is trying to refuse him, but can not. Emma and Leon come into contact with them for an excursion to Ruang Karet. In the future, the relationship with the new lover is forced to deceive her husband, intently more and more lies in a family life. But it is confused not only in lies, but also in debt, vested with the help of the owner of Mr. Lera. It turns out to be worst. When a rivochetor no longer wants to wait and appeals to the court in order to remove the property of spouses in the expense of debt, Emma, \u200b\u200btrying to find a way out, turns to her lover, to another acquaintance, even to Rodolph, formerly lover, but unsuccessfully.

Desperate, she secretly from the pharmacist, Mr. OME, takes arsenic in a pharmacy, which immediately takes. Soon it becomes bad. Neither a husband nor an invited famous doctor can help her, and soon Emma dies. After her death, Charleu opens the truth about the number of debts on her, and then - and the presence of relationships with other men. Shocked, he turns out to be unloaded and soon dies.

History of creation

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel was filed by Flaub in 1851. He just read the first version of another work - "The Temptation of St. Anthony," and was criticized them. In this regard, one of the friends of the writer, Maxim du Kang, the editor of La Revue de Paris, offered him to get rid of the poetic and high-speed syllable. To do this, Du Kan advised to choose a realistic and even a weekday story associated with the events in the life of ordinary people, modern Flauber of the French burghers. The plot itself was suggested by the writer by another friend, Louis Büil (it was his novel) who reminded Flaubert about the events related to the Demar's family.

Eugene Demar learned surgery under the leadership of Flaubert's father - Achille Clefohas. Without possessing any talents, he was able to take a doctor's place only in the deaf French province, where he married his widow, his older woman. After the death of his wife, he met a young girl named Dolphin Kuturier, then turned his second wife. Romantic Nature Dolphins did not carry, however, boredom of provincial borders. She began to spend her husband's money on expensive outfits, and then change him with numerous lovers. The husband warned about the possible treasures of his wife, but he did not believe it. At the age of 27, confusing in debt and losing attention from men, she committed suicide. After the death of Dolphins, her husband opened the truth about her debts and her details of her change. He could not take it out and in a year also died.

Flauber was familiar with this story - his mother supported contacts with the Demar's family. He grabbed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel, studied the life of the prototype, and in the same year he began to work, which turned out to be, however, painfully hard. Flaubert wrote a novel for almost five years, sometimes spending entire weeks on separate episodes and even months. There were written evidence of the writer himself. So, in January 1853 he wrote Louise Kole:

I spent five days over one page ...

In another letter, he actually complains:

I am afraid of each sentence, and it does not develop in any way. What kind of heavy paddle is my feather!

Already in the process of work, Flaubert continued to collect material. He himself read the novels who loved reading Emma Story, studied the symptoms and consequences of arsenic poisoning. It is widely known that he himself felt bad, describing the scene of heroine poisoning. So he recalled this:

When I described the scene of Emma's poisoning, I so clearly felt the taste of arsenic and felt so really poisoned that two attacks of nausea, completely real, one by one, and the monster from the stomach of the entire lunch.

During the work, Flaubert has repeatedly reworked his work. Roman's manuscript, which is currently stored in the municipal library

Gustave Flaubert.

French Prosaik-Realist, considered one of the largest European Writers of the XIX century. He worked a lot on the style of their works, putting forward the theory of "accurate words". The most famous as the author of the novel Madame Bovarie.

Gustave Flaubert was born on December 12, 1821 in the city of Ruan in a small bourgeois family. His father was a surgeon in the hospital Rouen, and his mother's doctor's daughter. He was a junior child in the family. In addition to Husty in the family there were two children: older sister and brother. Two other children did not survive. Childhood Writer spent insanely in the dark apartment of the doctor.

The writer studied at the Royal College and Lyceum in Ruang, starting from 1832. There he met Ernest Chevalé, with whom he founded the publication of "Art and Progress" in 1834. In this edition, he first printed his first public text.

In 1849, he completed the first edition of the "Temptation of St. Anthony" - the philosophical drama, which later worked all his life. In ideological terms, it is imbued with the ideas of disappointment in the possibilities of knowledge, which is illustrated by the collision of different religious directions and the corresponding doctrines.

"Mr. Kazov" or "Madame Story."- History of creating a novel

Madame Bovalary.

Flaub Flaubs brought publication in the magazine of the novel "Mrs. Bovari" (1856), the work on which began in the fall of 1851. Writer tried to make his romance to realistic and psychologically. Soon after, Flaubert and the editor of the journal "Review de Paris" were brought to justice for "insulting morality." The novel turned out to be one of the most important precursors of literary naturalism.

The novel was printed in the Paris literary magazine "Revised de Paris" from October 1 to December 15, 1856. After the publication of the novel, the author (as well as two more publishers of the novel) was accused of insulting morally and together with the editor of the journal was brought to court in January 1857. The scandalous fame of the work made it popular, and the acquittal of February 7, 1857 made it possible that the published novel that followed in the same year in the same year. Currently, it is considered not only one of the key works of realism, but also one of the works that had the greatest impact on the literature at all.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel was filed by Flaub in 1851. He just read the first version of another his work for friends - "The Temptation of St. Anthony" - and was they criticized them. In this regard, one of the friends of the writer, Maxim du Kang, the editor of La Revue de Paris, offered him to get rid of the poetic and high-speed syllable. To do this, Du Kan advised to choose a realistic and even a weekday story associated with the events in the life of ordinary people, modern Flauber of the French burghers. The plot itself was suggested by the writer by another friend, Louis Büil (it was his novel) who reminded Flaubert about the events related to the Demar's family.

Flauber was familiar with this story - his mother supported contacts with the Demar's family. He grabbed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel, studied the life of the prototype and in the same year he began to work, which turned out to be, however, painfully heavily. Flaubert wrote a novel for almost five years, sometimes spending entire weeks on separate episodes and even months.

R lawn characters novel

Charles Story.

Boring, ambitious to the tightness, without charm, wit, education, but with a complete set of banal ideas and rules. He is a tramman, but also a touching, miserable creature.

Emma Ruo

The daughter of a wealthy peasant from the farm Berto, Dr. Charles Story's wife. A married couple comes to a small provincial city of Ionville. Emma, \u200b\u200bwho received education in the monastery, is distinguished by a romantic and sublime idea of \u200b\u200blife. But life turns out to be quite different. Her husband is an ordinary provincial leakage, a person's mental attitude, "the conversations of which were flat, like a street panel." This becomes the reason that Emma rushes in search of love romantic adventures. Her lovers - Rodolph Bled and Clerk Leon Dupui - vulgarists, egoers who throw Emma for the sake of personal benefits.

Real prototype - Dolphin Dolphin-Mar, Iron's wife from the city of Ri near Rouen, who deceased at the age of 26, having poached arsenic. However, the writer himself assured that "all the actors of his book is fictional." The theme of a woman who is bored in marriage and discovering "romantic" aspirations arises in the early story of Flaubert "Passion and Virtue" (1837), then in the first novel called "Education of Senior".

"Mr. Kazov" Summary of the novel

Charles Bovarie, graduating from a college, by making a mother begins to learn medicine. However, it turns out to be not very intelligent, and only natural diligence and mother assistance allow him to pass the exam and get a doctor's place in Tooste - provincial French town in Normandy. He is married by the Mother's efforts on the local widow, an unavailable, but provided a woman who is already forty. Once, going on call to the local farmer, Charles meets the daughter of Fermer, Emma Ruo, a pretty girl to which his attraction arises.

After the death of his wife, Charles begins to communicate with Emma and after some time it is decided to ask her hands. Her long widowed father gives consent and suits a lush wedding. But when young begin to live together, Emma very quickly understands that she no longer loves Charles and that before that she did not know what love was. However, he loves her without memory and is truly happy with her. It is illuminated by a family life in a deaf province and hoping to change something insists on moving to another (also provincial) city of Ionville. It does not help, and even the birth of a child from Charles does not cause her overwhelming feelings (the scene, when she, beating from life, pushes her daughter in a rumming of indignation, and she hits that it does not cause regret with the mother).

In Ionville, she meets the student, Assistant Notary Leon Dupui, with whom they talk to the pretty of the capital's life on dinners in a restaurant, where Emma comes with her husband. They have a mutual attraction. But Leon dreams of metropolitan life and after a while leaves to Paris to continue learning. After some time, Emma meets Rodolf Bled, a wealthy man and famous Lovelas. He begins to care for her, saying words about love, whom she so lacked from Charles, and they become lovers in the forest, "under the nose" has nothing suspects in love with her husband, who himself bought Emma Horse to make her horses for Rodolph in the same forest. Wanting to make Rodolph pleasant and give him an expensive whip, she gradually climbs into debt, signing a lack of leverage, a blank shop, and spending money without the resolution of her husband. Emma and Rodolph are happy together, they often secretly meet and begin to prepare to run from her husband. However, Rodolph, a single person, is not ready to go to it and breaks the connection by writing a letter by reading which Emma is falling and breaks down to bed for a long time.

Gradually, it recovers, finally move away from the depressed state, it is possible only when in Ruang, a rather major town near Ionville, she meets the returned from the capital of Leon. Emma and Leon first come into contact after a visit to the Ruan Cathedral (Emma is trying to refuse, not to come to the cathedral, but in the end, it does not dare herself and comes) in the carriage hired by them, which half a day rushed along Ruang, making up a riddle for local residents. In the future, the relationship with the new lover is forced to deceive her husband, say that on Thursdays she takes the piano classes in a woman in Ruang. It is entangled in debts, vested with the help of a lavel leather.

The trust of the property at the Charles is a trust at the disposal of property, Emma secretly sells it that brought a small income of the estate (it will open the charlery and his mother later). When Leray, collecting bills signed by Emma, \u200b\u200basks his friend to submit to the court, who decides to remove the debt property of spouses, Emma, \u200b\u200btrying to find a way out, refers to Leon (he refuses to risk the sake of his mistress, warp several thousand francs from the office), To the Ionville notary (who wants to join it in touch, but she is disgusting). In the end, she comes to the former lover of Rodolf, who did so cruelly with her, but the required amount does not have, and selling things (constituting the situation of his interior) for the sake of it does not intend.

Desperate, she secretly in a pharmacy Mister Ome takes arsenic, after which comes home. Soon she gets bad, she lies in bed. Neither the husband nor the invited famous doctor can help her, and Emma is dying. After her death, Charleu opens the truth about the number of debts on her, even the treasures - but he continues to suffer on it, tearing relations with his mother, keeps her things. He is even meeting with Rodolf (going to sell a horse) and receives the invitation of Rhodolph to drink with him. Rodolph sees that Charles knows about the treason of his wife, and Charles says that he is not offended, as a result of which Rodolph recognizes the challeum in the soul. The next day, Charles dies in his garden, his little daughter is found there, which the mother of Charles is then passed. A year later she dies, and the girl has to go to a spinning factory to earn money.

The cause of Emma's death lies not only in the disaster between the dream and reality, but also due to the oppressive bourgeois medium in which Flaubert characters live. The image of the main heroine of the novel is complicated and contradictory. Monastery education and the bone meshchansky environment led to the limitations of its horizons.

Sources - Wikipedia, RLSpace.com, Hazardi.Ru, Litertark.Info.

Gustave Flaubert - "Mrs. Bovari" - a brief content of the novel (world classic) Updated: December 8, 2016 by the author: website