The role of the monologues of the Chatsky in Comedy A.

And who are the judges? (meaning) - applies, as doubt that those who express their judgment on any question are worthy to judge this.

"Famuses (Chatsky)

Hey, cover the memory of the knot;

I asked I would silent, not a great service.


Let me, father. Here-from Chatsky, my friend,

Andrei Ilyich deceased son:

Does not serve, that is, it does not find it in that

But Zack: so it would be a business.

It is a pity, very sorry, he is small with his head;

And he writes nice, translates.

You can not regret that with the mind of the mind ...


Can you regret someone else?

And your praise to me annoy.


Not me alone, everyone also condemns.

And who are the judges? - for antiquity of years

To the free life of their entity is irreconcilable,

Judgment draw from forgotten newspapers

Times of the Ochakovskiy and the conquest of the Crimea;

Always ready for the journal

Sing all the song and the same

Not noticing about them:

What older, then worse.

Where? Specify us, the Fatherland Fathers,

What should we take for samples?

Isn't these robbing robes?

The protection against the court in friends was found, in relationship,

Magnificent coasoery chambers,

Where they bloom in feasts and mothers,

And where foreigners are not resurrected

Last lived in good features.

Yes, and to whom in Moscow did not clap mouth

Lunches, dinners and dancing?

Isn't you who else from Pelon

For ideas some incomprehensible

Dieta took a bow?

Forced all Moscow to be divided into their glory!

But debtors did not agree to delay:

Amours and Marshmallows All

Sold out alone !!!

Here are the ones who lived to the match!

Here to respect whom we must be on a lightness!

Here are our strict connoisseurs and judges!

Now let out of us alone

From young people, there will be: the enemy of the quest,

Without requiring no places nor enhanced in Chin,

In science, he injects the mind, the harsh knowledge;

Or in his soul his himself will excite the heat

To art creative, high and beautiful, -

They immediately: robbery! fire!

And they will give them a dreamer! Dangerous !! -

Mundar! One uniform! he is in their former life

Once shelled, embroidered and beautiful,

Their weak, reason poverty;

And we have a happy way for them!

And in the wives, daughters to the uniform the same passion!

I myself have been recking for it for a long time?!

Now, I don't fall into this for me;

But who b did not affect everyone?

When from the guard, other from the courtyard

Here for a while came:

Screaming women: Hurray!

And in the air the caps threw! "


Bulat Okudzhava

"Travel of amyran amilaxari)", 1971-1977: 1971-1977:

"- And who are the judges? - With Paphos, the background of Müfling from his heaven.

Oh, the judges ... - said the doctor, having twisted all, and his eyes were filled with tears, - your sarcasm, the gracious sovereign, does not have the strength, for I say not as a judge, but as a victim, like that. "


1) - the main character of the work. A young nobleman, the son of the late friend Famusov - Andrei Ilyich Chatsky. Chatsky and Sophia Famusov used to love each other.

2) - Moscow nobleman of the middle arm. Serves as managers in the executive place. He was married, but his wife died shortly after giving birth, leaving the spouse the only daughter sophia. Pharmuses were friends with the late father of Chatsky.

3) Times Ochakovskiy and conquering Crimea - The fortress and the city of Ochakov was taken by Russian troops 6 (17) December 1788 in the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791. The general command of the assault was carried out by Prince Potemkin, the army commanded the commander (1730 - 1800). According to the Yaski peace treaty of 1791, the fortress has departed Russia.

4) Nestor (approx. 1056-1114) - Ancient Russian chronicler, monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.

Hello resource users website - Today we offer you the text of the song. All information regarding the property rights are located at the owner of the song, information is provided solely for informational purposes.

And who are the judges? - for antiquity of years
To the free life of their entity is irreconcilable,
Judgment draw from forgotten newspapers
Times of the Ochakovskiy and the conquest of the Crimea;
Always ready for the journal
Sing all the song and the same
Not noticing about them:
What older, then worse.
Where, specify us, Fatherland Fathers, *
What should we take for samples?
Isn't these robbing robes?
The protection against the court in friends was found, in relationship,
Magnificent coasoery chambers,
Where they bloom in feasts and mothers,
And where foreigners are not resurrected *
Last lived in good features.
Yes, and to whom in Moscow did not clap mouth
Lunches, dinners and dancing?
Isn't you, who are me still with a bearing,
For ideas some incomprehensible
Dita took a bow?
That Nestor * Rogish noble
Crowd surrounded by servants;
Treating, they are in wines and fights
And honor and life has been saved again: suddenly
On them he updated the greyhound three dogs !!!
Or won one who is for clauses
On the fortress ballet slengled on many wagons

From mothers, fathers of rejected children?!
Himself is immersed by the mind in the marshmallows and in Amrah,
Forced all Moscow to be divided into their glory!
But debtors * did not agree to the delay:
Amours and Marshmallows All
Sold out one one !!!
Here are the ones who lived to the match!
Here to respect whom we must be on a lightness!
Here are our strict connoisseurs and judges!
Now let out of us alone
From young people, there is an enemy of quest,
Without requiring no places nor enhanced in Chin,
In science, he injects the mind, the harsh knowledge;
Or in his soul his himself will excite the heat
To art creative, high and beautiful, -
They immediately: robbery! fire!
And they will give them a dreamer! Dangerous !! -
Mundar! One uniform! he is in their former life
Once shelled, embroidered and beautiful,
Their weak, reason poverty;
And we have a happy way for them!
And in the wives, daughters - the same passion for the uniform!
I myself have been recking for it for a long time?!
Now, I don't fall into this for me;
But who b did not affect everyone?
When from the guard, other from the courtyard
Here for a while came, -
Screaming women: Hurray!
And in the air the caps threw!

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As is known in the dispute, truth is born. Therefore, all works that have two opposing, based on caste distribution or social inequality, camp are of interest from the reader. In the comedy, all heroes are clearly shared on the basis of them from a social, social position. One way is Alexander Chatsky, who criticizes society, indicates that the actions and foundations for which they live are erroneous.

On the opposite side, everyone else is located, without looking at that, they are actively involved in defending their position or are passive observers for the development of the conflict.

Criticity of generation: what we go and what we value

Monologue "And the judges who? .." The second action of the fifth phenomenon is based on not so much a response to the Famusov society, as directed to a wide audience, goes beyond the scope of the novel, that is, focused on the reader, the audience in the theater. This contributes to the image of the scale of the problem - antimoral, deprived of nobleness and piety is the position of not only the environment of Famusov, but also the whole society as a whole. With this monologue of Griboedov shows the development of the conflict. It is here, we see a detailed description of all the vices of society.

While Chatsky traveled, the liberty of eloquence remained in the past, expressing the opinion different from the collective was not only not fashionable, but also in some expensive. The days of the Decembrists moved away and now speeches like this monologue are announced at secret meetings, so such manifestations in society becomes the subject of ridicule.

Alexander rudely criticizes the old generation, which is irreconcilable in free life. They plundered the Fatherland, brought themselves pockets with money and thought only about the dinners, receptions and receiving new ranks.

Circular lie and barter rule the world. Where this principle does not work, the new - gentity is connected.

Even foreigners who are not accustomed to such orders and are purchased with bribes.

Noble venoms-like spend their time. They rebuilt their gorgeous homes, and the fact of the matter is that there are tested techniques and feasts there, which are not very useful for the development of society and improving life.

Many of them acquired their own theaters, which is a sign of unprecedented wealth in society, but, unfortunately, such theaters arise not because of love for art, but because it is a way to stand out. The gentlemen belong to their serfs as the goods - they can easily sell them and take children from them. None of the serfs can be confident in the favor of the Barin - today he praises him, for the services rendered, and tomorrow it can exchange such behavior on the dogs. For the Chatsky, he humiliates such behavior, he sincerely understand why only he notices these obvious, in his opinion .

The predominance of military service over the rest of the activities

He pays special attention to military service. Arrivating that such a person who did not dress the uniform - otherwise such a person will be considered a bandwidth. Yes, and he himself just recently spread with this apparel and his post.

It's amazing that not only men, for whom such a service becomes primarily to earn a condition, but causes admiration and female representatives.

Particularly disappointing Chatsky, which is often hidden by ungiven urge and affairs. Such a commitment to military service is understandable to Chazkom.

The military always become the subject of praising in society, women indulge them with their attention, and the joyful exclamations do not cease to sound for them. For such people do not need to be eloquent or be able to interest society in a smart conversation. In order to turn out to be the focus quite just to wear uniform.

Society strive to admire new discoveries, discuss scientific hypotheses of research, but at the same time no one understands that, in order to do something weighty in science, yes, in fact, as in any kind of activity, it is necessary to deal with this long period of time, and Sometimes, and all your life. People having a predisposition to the sciences and wishing to devote their own life to this, the society will not only ignore but immediately trying to suppress their dust and intentions, forcing himself to feel the outcast. The same fate comprehends those who choose the ministry Mellengene "In his soul, God himself will arise the heat to the arts creative, high," the surrounding feeds to such a type of activity, and such a person who decided to become a leader of art becomes the subject of ridicule. As a result, in front of such people it turns out the situation with a difficult choice - to throw a matter to which you have a predisposition or to move to public opinion and tolerate mockery and reproaches from the surroundings.

Despite the fact that many aristocrats, and not only they love to spend time in theaters, read books, the idea that someone must write them and this someone should be not an amateur for whom literary activities - Hobbies , and a professional for whom it will be everyday work, alien to society. The ability not to understand such simple truths leads the Chatsky to confusion.

From the point of view of the theory of literature

The most common in the text rhetorical questions: "And who are the judges?", "Not these, robberies are rich?". They contribute to the awareness of the catastrophe occurring in the minds of the intelligentsia.

Present in the monologue of the metaphor, help brighter to pass the essence of the statements: "They sing the same song to the same and the same" - adhere to the same principles; "The traits do not resurrect" - they will not be the reason for the renewal of the past principles in the society; "The mouths did not clamp" - here it is said that a good reception can cause defaults about some injustices, bribery helps solve many difficult issues with a light way.

For the expression of contradictions propagated by society, Griboedov uses contradictions. The uniform is opposed to poverty and morals, free life is a hostile attitude, and noble deeds to save lives are equivalent to the exchange of dogs.

Thus, the monologue "And the judges who? .." marks the development of conflict. Alexander points out that the individuals who risked to contradict the generally accepted polls are expelled from society - surrounding with horror are watching the activities of such people, they are like Belmu for them. Chatsky claims that society is already dying - deceit, lies, foaming, zagazynost - ordinary, natural things and, unfortunately, they are ideals and examples to follow, and what is really useful, causes disgust.

And who are the judges? - for antiquity of years
To the free life of their entity is irreconcilable,
Judgment draw from forgotten newspapers
Times of the Ochakovskiy and the conquest of the Crimea;
Always ready for the journal
Sing all the song and the same
Not noticing about them:
What older, then worse.
Where, specify us, Fatherland Fathers, *
What should we take for samples?
Isn't these robbing robes?
The protection against the court in friends was found, in relationship,
Magnificent coasoery chambers,
Where they bloom in feasts and mothers,
And where foreigners are not resurrected *
Last lived in good features.
Yes, and to whom in Moscow did not clap mouth
Lunches, dinners and dancing?
Isn't you, who are me still with a bearing,
For ideas some incomprehensible
Dita took a bow?
That Nestor * Rogish noble
Crowd surrounded by servants;
Treating, they are in wines and fights
And honor and life has been saved again: suddenly
On them he updated the greyhound three dogs !!!
Or won one who is for clauses
On the fortress ballet slengled on many wagons
From mothers, fathers of rejected children?!
Himself is immersed by the mind in the marshmallows and in Amrah,
Forced all Moscow to be divided into their glory!
But debtors * did not agree to the delay:
Amours and Marshmallows All
Sold out one one !!!
Here are the ones who lived to the match!
Here to respect whom we must be on a lightness!
Here are our strict connoisseurs and judges!
Now let out of us alone
From young people, there is an enemy of quest,
Without requiring no places nor enhanced in Chin,
In science, he injects the mind, the harsh knowledge;
Or in his soul his himself will excite the heat
To art creative, high and beautiful, -
They immediately: robbery! fire!
And they will give them a dreamer! Dangerous !! -
Mundar! One uniform! he is in their former life
Once shelled, embroidered and beautiful,
Their weak, reason poverty;
And we have a happy way for them!
And in the wives, daughters - the same passion for the uniform!
I myself have been recking for it for a long time?!
Now, I don't fall into this for me;
But who b did not affect everyone?
When from the guard, other from the courtyard
Here for a while came, -
Screaming women: Hurray!
And in the air the caps threw!

Translation of the lyrics of the song Chatsky - Monologue "And the judges who"

Who Are the Judges? Over The Years Drevnostey
To Free Life Their Enmitry Irreconcilable,
Judgments DERIVE from the forgotten newspapers
The Times of Ochakov and the Conquest of the Crimea;
Sing the Song All The Same
Not Noticing About MySelf:
What is Older The Worse.
Where, show us the fathers of the fatherland, *
Which We Must Take for the Samples?
Not these, Mugging Rich?
Protection from Court Found in The Friends, Relatives,
Gorgeous Soruda Chamber,
Where Are Bottled in Feasting and Extravagance
And Will Not Raise Foreign Customers *
The Past Life of the Most Wretched Features.
And Who in Moscow Did Not Clamp Their Mouths
Lunch, Dinner, and Dancing?
Not, Who You Wish to See Me With The Clothes
For Ideas of Some Obscure,
Days Took on A Bow?
The Nestor * Villains Noble,
Surrounded by a Crowd of Servants;
GO Overboard, They Wine and Watch the Fight
And Honor and His Life Saved More Than OnCe: suddenly
Or That Still, for austere
From Mothers, Father EXCLUDED CHILDREN?!
ITSELF Mind Immersed in Sefirah and Cupids
Made Whole of Moscow ADMIRE Their Beauty!
But Debtors * Not Agreed to the postponement:
Cupids and Marshmallows Are All
Here Are The Ones That Have Lived Up to Gray Hairs!
NOW Let One of US
Of The Young People, There Is The Enemy of the Pursuit,
IT DOESN "T Require Any Places, Nor In Rank,
OR In His Heart, God Himself Will Excite Fever
To the Creative Arts, High and Beautiful -
Uniform! ONE UNIFORM! He Remained in their Household
Once Sheltered, Embroidered and Beautiful,
Their Mental Fraildy, Poverty Of Mind;
And We for them in a Way Happy!
And The Wives, The Daughters - To His Uniform The Same Passion!
Now to me childish not to go;
Here to come, -
Women Shouted: Hurrah!

The comedy "Woe from Wit" is the most famous work of Alexander Griboyedov. In it, he revealed many interesting and important topics, gave an assessment to his contemporaries. The author himself associates itself with the main character - Alexander Chatsky, it is in his replicas that the writer's thought is sound. The main ideas most often sound in the monologues of the character. They play a very big role in the ideological sense of the comedy. In the whole of the work, six monologues are represented, and each of them from the new side characterizes the hero and develops the plot.

One for 25 fools

Analysis of the monologue of Chatsky "And the judges who?" Shows how much this passage is different from ordinary speeches of heroes. The statement of the chief character goes far beyond the situation in which he found himself, and it is not intended to "Famovsky" society, but to the reader. This monologue is almost most important throughout the work, because it expresses the development of a social conflict, and an ideological meaning of the whole comedy appears.

The writer created a certain passage defined in which this excerpt is explained from a psychological point of view as "Contrudar". But the analysis of the monologue of the Chatsky "And the judges who?" It suggests that he is much "wider" on his ideological and artistic role. Alexander Andreevich could confine themselves to the ulcer replicas and they fight back from his opponents. Chatsky wished to pronounce unfolded, accusatory speech. "And who are the judges?" - asks the protagonist of the Scalozub and Famousov, but his replica is mainly not related to them, but all the "Famovskoe society".

"Laughter through tears"

One Alexander Andreevich remains the only reasonable person in the whole work, it is surrounded by fools from all sides, and this is the trouble of the main character. Analysis of the monologue of Chatsky "And the judges who?" It shows that Alexander Andreevich cannot find a common language not with individual personalities, but with all conservative society. The replicas of the main character do not make it ridiculous, the comical situation, rather, creates rocks to his reaction to the answer of Chatsky. The reader sympathizes Alexander Andreevich, in this case the comedy is already moving to the drama.

Confronting society

The analysis of the monologue of the Chatsky speaks how difficult it is to come in society, in which other moods and ideas reign. Griboedov in his comedy warned readers about changes that occurred in the circles of the Decembrists. If earlier free-rope could safely perform with their speeches on the balas, now the reaction of the conservative society has increased. The Decembrists are conspired, rebuild the activities of societies in accordance with the new rules.

Analysis of the monologue of Chatsky "And the judges who?" It shows that this speech could only be pronounced in closed meetings of secret societies in a circle of like-minded people, and not in the living room Barin. Unfortunately, Alexander Andreevich does not recognize this, since recent years weathered and stayed far from his homeland. He is not aware of the moods that reign in society, he does not know about the reaction of the authorities and the environment on such bold speeches, so he pronounces his monologue to fools who do not want, and they cannot understand it.