Characteristic of Peter and Eugene Copper Horseman. Conflict Peter and Eugene in the poem A.S.

Some for some reason believe that the year when the poem "Copper Horseman" was written, - 1830. An analysis of biographical information allows one to unequivocally assert that Pushkin created it in 1833. This is one of the most advanced and bright works of Alexander Sergeevich. The author in this poem convincingly showed all the inconsistency and complexity of the turning point of domestic history. It should be emphasized that the poem occupies a special place in the work of Alexander Sergeevich. The poet in it tried to solve the relevance of the relationship between the state and personality at all times. This topic has always been in the center of spiritual quest for the author.

Features of the genre

According to the tradition, which has ceased for a long time, the poem is a work that has a lyrical or narrative. If it was originally more creation with historical, then for some time the poems began to acquire more and more romantic pain. It was associated with the tradition of popular in the Middle Ages. Even later, the moral-philosophical, personal problematics is highlighted on the fore. Lyric-dramatic aspects begin to strengthen. In the poem, at the same time, the central characters or one character are drawn (this is typical of the creativity of romantic writers) as independent personalities. They cease to be grateed by the author from the historical flow. Now it is not just blurry figures as before.

The image of a small man in Russian literature

A small person in the domestic literature is one of the cross-cutting topics. Many writers and poets of the 19th century appealed to it. A. S. Pushkin touched it one of the first in his story "Stationander". Gogol, Chekhov, Dostoevsky and many others became successors of this topic.

What is the image of a small person in Russian literature? This man is small in social terms. It is located on one of the lower steps of the public hierarchy. In addition, the world of his claims and spiritual life to the extreme is poor, narrow, filled with a variety of prohibitions. Philosophical and historical problems do not exist for this hero. It is located in a closed and narrow world of his life interests.

Eugene - a little man

Now consider the image of a small person in the poem "Copper Horseman". Evgeny, her hero, is the source of the so-called St. Petersburg period of domestic history. It can be called a little man, since the meaning of the life of Eugene is in the acquisition of the Meshchansky well-being: families, a good place, at home. The circle of family worries is limited to the existence of this hero. It is not profitable for him to his past, as he does not whine about the forgotten old NEF, not about honoring him. These features of Eugene for Pushkin are unacceptable. It is thanks to them that this character is an image of a small man in the poem "Copper Horseman". Alexander Sergeevich intentionally does not give a detailed description of this hero. He does not even have a surname, which indicates that in his place you can put any other person. In Figure, Evgenia reflected the fate of many such people whose lives fell at the St. Petersburg period of history. However, the image of a small man in the poem "Copper Horseman" is not statical, it is transformed along the narration. We will tell about it just below.

View of Peter and Eugene

Eugene in the flood stage sits, squeezing his hand with a cross (which seems parallel with Napoleon), but without a hat. Behind his back is a copper rider. These two figures are looking in one direction. Nevertheless, Petra's view is different from Eugene's glance. At the king, he was aimed at the depths of centuries. Peter does not care about the fate of ordinary people, since it solves mainly historical tasks. Evgeny, representing the image of a small man in the poem "Copper Horseman," looks at his favorite house.

The main difference between Peter and Eugene

You can reveal the following main difference, comparing Bronze Peter with this hero. The image of Eugene in the poem A. S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" is characterized by the fact that this character has a heart and soul, he has the ability to feel, knows how to worry about the fate of the man he loves. It can be called Antipode Peter, this idol on the bronze horse. Eugene is able to suffer, dream, sadness. That is, despite the fact that Peter reflects on the fate of the whole state, that is, it is concerned about the improvement of life of all people, in an abstract sense (including Eugene, who in the future should be a resident of St. Petersburg), in the eyes of the reader Eugene, and not the king becomes more attractive . It is he who awakens in us a living participation.

Flood in the fate of Evgenia

For Eugene Tragedia, flooding occurred in St. Petersburg. It makes from this unpreharny man of the real hero. Evgeny, it certainly brings him closer with the characters of romantic works, because the madness - the popular Eugene wanders through the streets of the city hostile to him, but the winds and the Neva, a rebellious sound of the winds and the Neva. It is this noise, together with the noise in his own soul, awakens in Evgenia what was the main sign of a person for Pushkin - memory. The hero leads to the Senate Square it is the memory of flooding. Here he meets with bronze Peter a second time. Pushkin perfectly described what was a tragically a great moment in the life of a humble poor official. He suddenly clarified thoughts. The hero understood what the reason for both his own misfortunes and all the diseases of the city was consistent. Eugene recognized the culprit of their, man, in the fatal will of which the city was founded. It suddenly was born hatred for this Halloon. Evgenia passionately wanted to take revenge. The hero raises the riot. He threatens Peter, coming to him: "To you!" We will conduct a brief analysis of the Bunt scene in the poem "Copper Horseman", which will allow us to open new features in the image of Eugene.


The inevitability and naturalness of the protest is born due to the spiritual evolution of the hero. The transformation of it is shown by the author artically convincing. The protest raises Eugene to the new life, tragic, high, which is in them in an inevitable close death. He faces the king to the future retribution. This threat is terribly terrible, as he is aware of a huge force, hidden in this little man who protesters who raised the rebellion.

That instant, when Eugene suddenly twisters, he turns into a person in his connection with the genus. It should be noted that in this passage hero is never named after. This makes it to a certain degree faceless, one of many. Pushkin describes the confrontation of the personification of the autocratic power of the Terrible Tsar and the person who is endowed with the heart. The promise of retaliation and direct threat is heard in the whisper of the twisted hero. For them, the statue revived, "marking" anger, punishes this "madman poor."

Madness Eugene

It is clear to the reader that the protest of Eugene unit, besides, he pronounces it in a whisper. Nevertheless, the hero should be punished. It is also symbolic that Eugene is defined as madman. According to Pushkin, madness is an unequal dispute. From the standpoint of common sense, the performance of one person against powerful state power is the most real madness. But it is "holy", since silent humility carries death.

"Copper rider" - the poem is philosophical, social. Pushkin shows that only protest can save the personality from the moral fall in conditions of violence. Alexander Sergeevich emphasizes that resistance, an attempt to indignant, to file a voice will always be the best way out than humble foulness.

Pushkin's last poem, one of his most advanced poetic works, is the result of the reflection of the poet about Peter 1 personality, about Russian history and the state and the place in it in it. That is why in this work it is so organically combined by the story about the fate of the ordinary resident of St. Petersburg, which affected during the flood - Eugene, and historical and philosophical reflections on the personality and activities of Peter, his meaning for Russia.

It would seem that these two heroes nothing can communicate with each other. One of them is the king, the great converter of the Russian state, and the other is the "little man", a poor official, not known to anyone. But the poet amazingly crosses their lines of life. It turns out that each of these heroes, despite all their multipleness, has its own "truth", its own world with full right to exist.

The truth of Peter, as shown in joining the poem, is the task of a great statesman who has conceived, contrary to everything, even the very nature, to create a beautiful city "in the fourth blast" and thereby "cut the window to Europe", which means change All the further history of Russia. At first glance, everything conceived by the "builder of the miraculous" was carried out: the city, the anthem that Pushkin was grew, was built, the element was packed, and he became the "Half of the half-one."

True, Eugene is connected with the dreams of the most ordinary person about the family, house, work. The hero hopes that "Some of himself arranged / shelter, alone and simple / and in it, the parsha will calm down." It seems that such life tasks are easy to implement, but everything collapsed due to the fact that during the terrible flooding of the Bride of Evgeny Parasha died, and he, without preparing this shock, went crazy. Who is guilty of this? Initially, it may seem that the answer is obvious: element that sweeps everything in its path.

But suddenly a different motive appears: during the flooding, the people of God's wrath and execution awaits. " Why did it happen? The answer arises in the culmination scene, when a year later, the crazy Eugene, a wandering around the city, it turns out next to the monument to Peter. By the moment, the mind of the unfortunate clarifies, and Eugene chases the Copper Istukan, embodying the second - merciless and cruel - Lick Peter: "Good, the builder's miracle! - / he whispered, viciously trembled, - / so much! .. ". After all, it was Peter, embodying his "truth", called the whole "will of the fatal under the sea" founded, condemning the suffering of its ordinary residents. The copper rider, the "idol on the bronze horse," is Grezden and merciless, because he is the embodiment of the state system, that "truth", which, "the Zdozy Iron" raised Russia on the pillars. Such a "truth", "written by whip," opposed and opposes the "truth" of an ordinary person.

That is why in the final scene there is a terrible fantastic chase of the copper rider for the unfortunate madness, and Evgeny dies. This tragic conflict of the "Truth" of state power and the "truth" of a person seems insoluble and eternal. "Where are you jumping, a proud horse, / And where do you lower your hooves?" - the poet drawn not only to the modern contemporaries, but also to us - their descendants. The riddle of the story remains unsolved, but Pushkin showed us that the "truth" human is equally important than the "truth" authority. Power, "Kumir" is only a dead statue, she is powerless against the human heart, memory, a living soul.

In the poem "Copper Horseman" Pushkin in figuratively opposes the state personified by Peter the first and ordinary person with his desires and needs.
In joining the poem, we can see the Peter reformer, the "full great Duma, who managed to conquer the element and build Petersburg, who eclipsed even Moscow. Petersburg and today is perceived as a monument to Peter Great.
But still Peter entered irrationally and somewhat thoughtfully, building the city is not in a favorable place. He could not fully conquer the element of the river. And she has repeatedly showed her temper. So in the fate of Evgenia Neva played a fateful role.
Petersburg was magnificent and beautiful for people of the highest light, but he often ruined people who were not bred by the authorities, people who did not have prosperity. So all Peter's reforms were aimed at improving life to know. They did not affect a small man, but they could destroy them at all.
In the poem, Eugene meets with a copper rider - the way Peter, who last time has undergone changes. From the king of the reformer, he turned into a stonestukan, at the form of which involuntarily start to experience anxiety. And for Eugene, this meeting was deplorable. He begins to seem that the copper rider is trying to catch up and destroy him.
Thus, Peter has several incarnations, but some of them can break and destroy the "small" person.

The image of Peter 1 in the poem is a copper rider (2 options)

In the poem "Copper Horseman" Pushkin is trying to assess the role of Peter in the history of Russia and the fate of people. The image of Peter in the poem "splits": it becomes not only a symbol of life movement, its changes and updates, but primarily embodies stability, unshakable state power. V. G. Belinsky wrote: "We understand the embarrassed soul, which is not an arbitrariness, and a reasonable will personifies in a copper rider, who in a non-heeked embroidery, with a spread hand, as if admires the city ...".

The poem "Copper Horseman" is the most difficult work of Pushkin. This poem can be viewed as a historical, social, philosophical or fantastic work. And Peter the first here appears as a historical face "on the shore of a desert waves", as a symbol - "over the most abyss", like a myth, like "Copper rider // on a ringing horse". It passes through a number of "embodiments."

In the "joining" Pushkin chanting the genius of Peter, who managed to raise the people on the feat of the construction of a magnificent city. It is not by chance that without calling the name Peter, Pushkin highlights the pronoun "he" italics, thereby equating Peter to God, his name is sacred. Peter is the creator of the city, which raised "from the darkness of forests, from the molding lot." Petersburg with its wide Neva and cast-iron fences, with "fence fences" and "warlike liveliness" - a monument to Peter-Creator. The greatness of Peter is emphasized by the brilliant realization of its bold plans:

... Young hail

Full countries of the Beauty and Divo

From the darkness of forests, from the molding lot

Ascended magnificent, proudly.

... ships

Crowd from all ends of the earth

To the rich pier we strive.

And Pushkin loves the creation of Peter, loves Petersburg with all his contradictions. It is not by chance that the word "love" is repeated in the "joining" five times. Peter himself seems to Pushkin the greatest, ingenious Russian leader.

But at the same time, Pushkin in the "Copper Horseman" in the face of Peter shows a terrible, antichelovic face of autocratic power. Bronze Peter in Pushkin Poem is a symbol of state will, power of power. But the creation of Peter is a miracle, created not for a person. "Window to Europe" burned the autocratic. The future Petersburg has conceived him as a state city, the symbol of the autocratic power, alienated from the people. Peter created a cold city, uncomfortable for a Russian person. He is cracked, which often emphasizes Pushkin in his lines:

By busy shores

Grounds slender crowded ...

... People were crowded.

The city created by the people was turned by Peter into the capital of the Russian Empire, he became someone else's people. A simple person, such as Eugene, is only a "manob". Petersburg "stirs" people, dries their souls.

In the climax episode of the poem, in the scene of the chase, the "idol on the bronze horse" turns into a copper rider. For Eugene, the "mechanical" creature, which became the incarnation of power, causing even a robust threat and reminder of retaliation.

For Pushkin, the acts of Peter the Great, and the suffering of poor Eugene were equally reliable. He was close to the world of Peter, was clear and his dream of his dream is - "Nago-hard to become a sea." He saw, as in front of Peter, the "powerful mistress of fate," was completed by the "defeated element".

But at the same time Pushkin was aware of which expensive price was paid for this triumph, which price was bought by a slender type of the military capital. Therefore, in his poem there is true depth, high humanity and severe truth.

So why is Eugene so stretches to Peter? And why do they seem to be connected with each other? Copper rider jumps behind him "by shocked bridge" ...

It would be strange if the events of the beginning of the century did not affect Pushkin's poem filled with thought about history and modernity. Herzen said that the Decembrists were successors of Peter the Great, even when they opposed absolutism, they logically developed ideas laid down in his reforms. The tragedy was that Peter called the dream of the Decembrists to life, but the empire founded by him suppressed and dispelled their uprising.

And, her teeth grieved, thumbs squeezing,

Like a black for black

"Good, builder miracle!" -

He whispered ...

And then the face of the Terrible Tsar, who looked from a terrible height on the poor Eugene.

Perennial occupation of Peter's history helped Pushkin to understand and reflect in the "copper rider" the true complexity of the policy of this self-container. Undoubtedly, Peter was a great monarch, because he made a lot of necessary and important for Russia, then he understood the needs of its development. But at the same time, Peter remained a dealer, whose power was anti-people.

The image of Peter 1 in the poem is a copper rider (3 options)

The poem was written in 1833 a copper rider in 1833, but during the lifetime of Pushkin it was not printed, since the emperor forbade. It is believed that the copper rider should have become only the beginning of the attacked Pushkin of a long work, but there is no accurate evidence to this.
This poem is very similar to Poltava, its main topics - Russia and Peter the first. However, it is deeper, expressive. Pushkin actively uses literary techniques such as hyperbole and grotesque (revived the statue of the bright example). The poem is filled with typical Petersburg symbols: statues of Lviv, a monument to Peter, rain and wind in the autumn city, flooding on the Neva ...
In joining the poem, the emperor Petra: he built Petersburg, without thinking about ordinary people, not thinking that life in the city in the swamp could be dangerous ... But for the emperor, the greatness of Russia was more important for the emperor.

The main hero of the poem is the young man named Eugene, an official. He wants a little: just calmly live with his ordinary life ... He has a bride - a pacach, a simple girl. But happiness is not happening: they become victims of the St. Petersburg flood of 1824. The bride dies, and Evgenia himself manage to escape, climbing one of the St. Petersburg Lviv. But, even though he survived, after the death of the bride, Eugene goes crazy.

His madness is caused by the awareness of his own impotence before the elements, which accomplished in St. Petersburg. He begins to be angry with the emperor, who allowed such troubles in his name. And thus, angerly Peter: One beautiful night when he approaches the monument to the emperor, it seems to him that the copper rider (the equestrian statue of Peter's first on the Senate Square) comes off from his pedestal and chasing him all night through the streets of St. Petersburg. After such a shock, Eugene does not stand - the shock was too strong, in the end, the poor fellow died.

In this poem, Pushkin compares two truths: the truth of Eugene, a private person, and the truth of Peter - state. In fact, the whole poem is their unequal conflict. From one strand, it is impossible to make an unequivocal conclusion, who is right: both persecute their interests, both positions have the right to exist. However, the fact that in the end Evgeny is still surrendered (dying), makes it possible to understand that, according to Pushkin himself, Peter's rights. The greatness of the empire is more important than the tragedy of small people. A private person is obliged to submit the will of the emperor.

Interestingly, in addition to Peter, Alexander first appears in the poem. He looks at the flood from the palace balcony and understands: With God's elements, the kings do not cope. Thus, Pushkin builds a hierarchy: the emperor is higher than a simple person, but God is above the emperor.

A poor official living in Kolomna is opposed to Peter the Great Poem is opposed. Evgeny, according to the poet, the misunderstanding remains of the once glorious and noble kind; He was a descendant of people, "former and in troops, and in the Council, and in Voivodeship, and in Answer." As a person brought to the deplorable state of the Petrovskaya table of ranks, Eugene more than anyone could not sympathize with the "miraculous builder" and his reform.

Evgeny completely reconciled with his modest position - "Signs notable and does not fuss about the late man, or about the forgotten stainer." All the thoughts of Eugene focused on small personal interests. On the eve of the famous flood, he was in a rather unfortunate arrangement of the Spirit; The river was playing and threatened to get out of the banks, because of which Eugene had to be for two or three days not to see the pair he loved and on which he hoped to marry. Premonitions did not deceive Eugene.

Neva swollen and roared

And suddenly, how the beast is worse

The boiler is bubble and sebble - rushed to the city.

Among the terrible flooding, Eugene was engaged exclusively with his love, suffered by fears for the fate of his parac, who lived "in the dilapidated house, nearby for waves, almost at the bay." Sitting riding on a marble lion, without a hat, scary pale, surrounded by violent waves, he was indifferent to the "evil disaster" and only dreamed of a parse.

Meanwhile, the wind was dot, and the water began to decrease. The river was still worried, but the pavement opened, and Eugene could not resist and, risking to die, crossed with a carefree carrier through an still foaming and turbulent Neva on the other side.

Filling from a dreary expectation, he "familiar street runs to the familiar places", but in the place where Parash lived, he did not find anything already. The surveying waves took the house in which his dreams lived, his love. Full of gloomy care, he walked around for a long time, loudly interpreted himself with himself and suddenly, hitting his hand in his forehead, caught.

His mind did not charge heavy test. Since then, stunned by the noise of inner anxiety, he silently wandered out, full of terrible doom. The flood, accompanied by emptying, thousands of suffering and death, has passed, since it "covered was the bugger" - concerns and generosity of Emperor Alexander the first. Dissatisfaction and Ropot on the "Miraculous Builder" for choosing such an uncomfortable, low-albele and dangerous place, gradually silent for St. Petersburg. I could not calm down only poor crazy.

The next autumn, Evgeny, who slept from the pier, woke up from the splash of waves. For a while he was awakened by consciousness. The terrible picture of a stormy night reminded him of the past horror. He went to wander and found himself on the square with which he watched the destructive action of the flood. He learned the house, in front of whose porch "With a raised paw, as alive, stood watchdog lions, and straight in the dark embroidery over the fencing rock, the idol was sitting on a bronze horse." The face of Peter the Great breathing strength and energy. With a powerful hand, he pulled up the ultieu, and the wild horse mounted under it on rapids.

Suddenly, the consciousness of Eugene draws all the circumstances under which Petersburg was founded; He remembered whose adamant will caused his real disaster:
Circle down idle on the village of Half Miir.
Madman Poor bypassed his chest chest.
And the eyes of wild brought
"Good builder miracle! -
He whispered, viciously tremble, -
So you! .. "
He became buried

Before predetermined Istukan
And, her teeth grieved, thumbs squeezing,
As a worked force of black ...

Without finishing his threats, Evgeny, however, went to run. He understood all the audacity of his actions, in his soul spoke to reproach conscience, and his confused imagination introduced itself
... that the Terrible Tsar,
Instantly angry marriage
The face quietly appealed ...
He rushed to run, and all night it seemed to him, as if Peter pursues him, as if
Sketch hand to embroidery,

Her rider is copper
On a ring-racing horse ...

From this night he could see for a monument to Peter. When he had to go through the square, he worried, lowered embarrassed eyes and removed the worn out the cardus. Soon, Eugene found dead on a small island, at the seaside at the threshold of the paracted waves of the destroyed house, and here were betrayed.

Thus, Eugene is one of the victims of the Petrovsky case - the foundation of the new capital on the seashore, and Peter the Great is an indirect culprit of his death. Pushkin sympathizes to her hero. The poet pity this person, whose happiness collapsed with the death of the bride.

Pushkin with tenderness describes a modest, but hot love of Eugene, since not everyone is able to love so much, not everyone will die of grief on the verge of a hut, in which the girl once lived.

But the North city is like a foggy ghost, we, people, pass as shadows in a dream. Only you are through the century, constant, weddorn, with a hand, we are flying on horse.
V.Ya. Bruisov

Before the poem "Copper Horseman" (1833), Pushkin acted several times to the image of the king of the reformer: in the Poem "Poltava" (1829), in the incomplete novel "Arap Peter the Great" (1830), in materials to the "History of Peter Great". Throughout the work, Petra estimated the poet in different ways.

At first Peter appeared to Pushkin an exceptional historical personality. "The genius of Peter broke out beyond his century," Pushkin wrote in "Notes on Russian history of the XVIII century" (1822). This view of the king was reflected in the Poltava poem, where Peter is depicted as a romantic hero:

Leaves Peter. His eyes
Shine. His face is terrible.
Movement Fast. He is beautiful.
He is all like God's thunderstorm. (Iii)

Peter is depicted as an active sovereign, "over inspired" (III), who knows what is needed for his power to continue reforms for the benefit of Russia, the victory is needed over Swedish troops and over Carl. Therefore, he actively interferes in the Poltava battle. His behavior is contrasted with gloomy, the lethargy of the wounded Swedish king. Before Swedish troops

In a rocking chair, pale, real,
Suffering the wound, Karl appeared. (Iii)

Poem Poltava ends with rows, where the poet recognizes the extraordinary merit of Peter before Russia and in the military, and in political, and in administrative, and in cultural fields. Modern Russia, according to Pushkin, is primarily the creation of Peter the Great:

In citizenship of the northern power,
In her militant fate
Only you erected, the hero of Poltava,
A huge monument to myself. (Epilogue)

However, the poet saw in the king and the extreme manifestation of self-leveling - direct despotism. "Peter despised humanity, maybe more than Napoleon," continues Pushkin in "Notes on the Russian history of the XVIII century." In the incomplete novel, "Arap Peter the Great" Peter is portrayed more realistic than in Poltava. On the one hand, the king is represented as a wise statesman who is in permanent works and concerns about his power. Ibrahim observes Peter during the dictation of decrees, while working in a lathe workshop, etc. The king closely refers to his favorite: he understands that Ibrahim needs to marry, because the African feels strangers and lonely in Russian society. The king himself is looking for and wipes him the bride - Natalia from the Boyarsky genus Rzhevsky.

On the other hand, in Peter Pushkin, not only the state wisdom and humanity, but also an autocraticity, when he does not want to delve into the circumstances of a separate person, for example, does not want to ask the feelings of the bride itself, and, helping Ibrahim, the king crashes Natasha's life. In other words, in the novel, the author notes as the positive features of Peter's character (active activity, state wisdom, sincere care for pets), and negative (unceremoniousness, unwillingness to delve into the vital problems of their subjects, the belief that everything is subject to him).

A critical attitude towards Peter does not prevent the poet to recognize the outstanding merits of the king and surprise its energy, working capacity, the breadth of his soul. The poem "Stans" (1826) is written as a peculiar instruction of the new king Nicholas the first one, which the author calls in everything to be similar to the Great Fatherland. The poem marks the creative activities of Peter, his patriotism:

Automatic hand
He boldly sowed the enlightenment,
Not despised the country's native:
He knew her destiny.

In the poem "Pier Peter First" (1835), the poet emphasizes the generosity and wisdom of the king, who knew not only to repulse enemies, but also to multiply the number of their supporters and friends. Pier in the "Peterburg-Town" the king arranged not because he celebrates the military victory; Not because he celebrates the birth of the heir; Not because it rejoices a new ship:

Not! He matched with the subject;
Guilty blame
Releasing, having fun;
A mug of foaming with him one;
And he kisses him in the man

Leveled with a heart and face;
And forgiveness triumphs
As a victory over the enemy.

In the "Copper Horseman", the features of power and self-balance in the image of Peter were adjusted to the limit. In the entry, the king is depicted as a far-sighted statesman: Pushkin cites Peter's reasoning, why a new capital should be built. These are military targets ("We will break to threaten to threaten the Swede"), and state political considerations ("to cut the window to Europe"), and trading interests ("All flags will be with us"). At the same time, Petr seems to not pay attention to the fact that the river floats in the Chelny fisherman, that "here and there" black is black; For him, the shores of the Neva are still deserted, he is passionate about the Great Dream and does not see "little people." Further, the introduction follows a description of the beautiful city, which was built on the frying swamps, on the low Nevsky shores and became the Redness of Russia and the pride of Russia, the symbol of the power of the country, which even the nature conquers. So, Peter in the accession is presented as a true creative genius, which "creates all of nothing" (J.-Zh.RUsso).

Already in the first part of the poem, where the rebellion of the Elements (flood) is shown, Peter turns into a "proud iducane" - the monument to E. Falcon, wonderful on its emotional expressiveness. The copper rider is depicted as a creature higher. The descendant of Peter, Alexander the first, humbly states in the poem: "With God's elements, the kings do not cope" (i), and Peter on his bronze horse towards the elements, and the waves that get around the monument, like mountains, can do nothing with it :

Above the outraged Nevyu
Stands with a simple hand
Moid on a bronze horse. (I)

In the second part, describing the man's riot, the copper rider is named by the Lord of the fate, which his fatal will direct the life of the whole people. Petersburg, this beautiful city, built "under the sea" (II). In other words, when Peter chose a place for the new capital, he thought about the greatness and wealth of the state, but not about ordinary people who would live in this city. Because of the grand-container plans, the king collapsed the happiness and life of Eugene. Therefore, Mad Evgeny reproaches the copper rider and even threatens him with a fist: in the soul of a madman, a protest is born against violence of someone else's will over his fate.

Peter in the poem becomes a symbol of a soulless Russian state, which burns the right of a "little man." The statue in the sick imagination Eugene comes to life, the copper rider is becoming "illuminated by the Luno pale" (II), and becomes a pale rider on a pale horse ("Revelation of John the Cologovo" 6: 8), that is, the biblical way of death. This is what Pushkin comes, thinking about the great creator of new Russia. The copper rider pacifies-frightens the rebeling "little man." As Nevskaya water, after flooding, he climbed back in the river bed, and in state life everything quickly came to the "former order" (ii): the rust of the crazy single did not change anything in society, and Evgeny died away from people, on the threshold of the house, Where I dreamed of finding happiness.

In conclusion, we can say that over the years, Pushkin's critical attitude towards Peter Great intensified. In the materials to the "History of Peter Great", the author flees the reforms of the king, which there are "the fruits of the mind of extensive, fulfilled benevolence and wisdom", it leads in detail those decrees that testify to the "leaduality and barbarism", "injustice and cruelty". These different estimates of the Pushkin historian were reflected in his artwork.

At first, the poet belonged to the king as a bright person, a fair and wise sovereign, a generous and humble person. Gradually, the image of Peter becomes complex and controversial, in it, along with state wisdom and appropriateness, there are devils, confident that he has the legal right to retire and break the fate of people in his own understanding.

In the "copper rider" introduced the final of the Evolution of the image of Peter in Pushkin Creativity: there are no human features in Peter, the author calls his "idol on the bronze horse" - not a furious element, nor human troubles concern him. The emperor appears the symbol of the Russian bureaucratic state, alien to the interests of ordinary people and serving only itself.

Since the poem is the latest major work about Peter, it can be argued that Pushkin came to a multilateral view of Peter's cash, which combines and respect, and sharply critical attitude.

Pushkin's last poem, one of his most advanced poetic works, is the result of the reflection of the poet about Peter 1 personality, about Russian history and the state and the place in it in it. That is why in this work it is so organically combined by the story about the fate of the ordinary resident of St. Petersburg, which affected during the flood - Eugene, and historical and philosophical reflections on the personality and activities of Peter, his meaning for Russia.

It would seem that these two heroes nothing can communicate with each other. One of them is the king, the great converter of the Russian state, and the other is the "little man", a poor official, not known to anyone. But the poet amazingly crosses their lines of life. It turns out that each of these heroes, despite all their multipleness, has its own "truth", its own world with full right to exist.

The truth of Peter, as shown in joining the poem, is the task of a great statesman who has conceived, contrary to everything, even the very nature, to create a beautiful city "in the fourth blast" and thereby "cut the window to Europe", which means change All the further history of Russia. At first glance, everything conceived by the "builder of the miraculous" was carried out: the city, the anthem that Pushkin was grew, was built, the element was packed, and he became the "Half of the half-one."

True, Eugene is connected with the dreams of the most ordinary person about the family, house, work. The hero hopes that "Some of himself arranged / shelter, alone and simple / and in it, the parsha will calm down." It seems that such life tasks are easy to implement, but everything collapsed due to the fact that during the terrible flooding of the Bride of Evgeny Parasha died, and he, without preparing this shock, went crazy. Who is guilty of this? Initially, it may seem that the answer is obvious: element that sweeps everything in its path.

But suddenly a different motive appears: during the flooding, the people of God's wrath and execution awaits. " Why did it happen? The answer arises in the culmination scene, when a year later, the crazy Eugene, a wandering around the city, it turns out next to the monument to Peter. By the moment, the mind of the unfortunate clarifies, and Eugene chases the Copper Istukan, embodying the second - merciless and cruel - Lick Peter: "Good, the builder's miracle! - / he whispered, viciously trembled, - / so much! .. ". After all, it was Peter, embodying his "truth", called the whole "will of the fatal under the sea" founded, condemning the suffering of its ordinary residents. The copper rider, the "idol on the bronze horse," is Grezden and merciless, because he is the embodiment of the state system, that "truth", which, "the Zdozy Iron" raised Russia on the pillars. Such a "truth", "written by whip," opposed and opposes the "truth" of an ordinary person.

That is why in the final scene there is a terrible fantastic chase of the copper rider for the unfortunate madness, and Evgeny dies. This tragic conflict of the "Truth" of state power and the "truth" of a person seems insoluble and eternal. "Where are you jumping, a proud horse, / And where do you lower your hooves?" - the poet drawn not only to the modern contemporaries, but also to us - their descendants. The riddle of the story remains unsolved, but Pushkin showed us that the "truth" human is equally important than the "truth" authority. Power, "Kumir" is only a dead statue, she is powerless against the human heart, memory, a living soul.

A poor official living in Kolomna is opposed to Peter the Great Poem is opposed. Evgeny, according to the poet, the misunderstanding remains of the once glorious and noble kind; He was a descendant of people, "former and in troops, and in the Council, and in Voivodeship, and in Answer." As a person brought to the deplorable state of the Petrovskaya table of ranks, Eugene more than anyone could not sympathize with the "miraculous builder" and his reform.

Evgeny completely reconciled with his modest position - "Signs notable and does not fuss about the late man, or about the forgotten stainer." All the thoughts of Eugene focused on small personal interests. On the eve of the famous flood, he was in a rather unfortunate arrangement of the Spirit; The river was playing and threatened to get out of the banks, because of which Eugene had to be for two or three days not to see the pair he loved and on which he hoped to marry. Premonitions did not deceive Eugene.

Neva swollen and roared

And suddenly, how the beast is worse

The boiler is bubble and sebble - rushed to the city.

Among the terrible flooding, Eugene was engaged exclusively with his love, suffered by fears for the fate of his parac, who lived "in the dilapidated house, nearby for waves, almost at the bay." Sitting riding on a marble lion, without a hat, scary pale, surrounded by violent waves, he was indifferent to the "evil disaster" and only dreamed of a parse.

Meanwhile, the wind was dot, and the water began to decrease. The river was still worried, but the pavement opened, and Eugene could not resist and, risking to die, crossed with a carefree carrier through an still foaming and turbulent Neva on the other side.

Filling from a dreary expectation, he "familiar street runs to the familiar places", but in the place where Parash lived, he did not find anything already. The surveying waves took the house in which his dreams lived, his love. Full of gloomy care, he walked around for a long time, loudly interpreted himself with himself and suddenly, hitting his hand in his forehead, caught.

His mind did not charge heavy test. Since then, stunned by the noise of inner anxiety, he silently wandered out, full of terrible doom. The flood, accompanied by emptying, thousands of suffering and death, has passed, since it "covered was the bugger" - concerns and generosity of Emperor Alexander the first. Dissatisfaction and Ropot on the "Miraculous Builder" for choosing such an uncomfortable, low-albele and dangerous place, gradually silent for St. Petersburg. I could not calm down only poor crazy.

The next autumn, Evgeny, who slept from the pier, woke up from the splash of waves. For a while he was awakened by consciousness. The terrible picture of a stormy night reminded him of the past horror. He went to wander and found himself on the square with which he watched the destructive action of the flood. He learned the house, in front of whose porch "With a raised paw, as alive, stood watchdog lions, and straight in the dark embroidery over the fencing rock, the idol was sitting on a bronze horse." The face of Peter the Great breathing strength and energy. With a powerful hand, he pulled up the ultieu, and the wild horse mounted under it on rapids.

Suddenly, the consciousness of Eugene draws all the circumstances under which Petersburg was founded; He remembered whose adamant will caused his real disaster:
Circle down idle on the village of Half Miir.
Madman Poor bypassed his chest chest.
And the eyes of wild brought
"Good builder miracle! -
He whispered, viciously tremble, -
So you! .. "
He became buried

Before predetermined Istukan
And, her teeth grieved, thumbs squeezing,
As a worked force of black ...

Without finishing his threats, Evgeny, however, went to run. He understood all the audacity of his actions, in his soul spoke to reproach conscience, and his confused imagination introduced itself
... that the Terrible Tsar,
Instantly angry marriage
The face quietly appealed ...
He rushed to run, and all night it seemed to him, as if Peter pursues him, as if
Sketch hand to embroidery,

Her rider is copper
On a ring-racing horse ...

From this night he could see for a monument to Peter. When he had to go through the square, he worried, lowered embarrassed eyes and removed the worn out the cardus. Soon, Eugene found dead on a small island, at the seaside at the threshold of the paracted waves of the destroyed house, and here were betrayed.

Thus, Eugene is one of the victims of the Petrovsky case - the foundation of the new capital on the seashore, and Peter the Great is an indirect culprit of his death. Pushkin sympathizes to her hero. The poet pity this person, whose happiness collapsed with the death of the bride.

Pushkin with tenderness describes a modest, but hot love of Eugene, since not everyone is able to love so much, not everyone will die of grief on the verge of a hut, in which the girl once lived.

But, from the soul, sympathizing with the grief of his poor hero, Pushkin is entirely on the side of Peter, as it understands the need and benefit of its transformation. He reveals all the insignificance of Eugene, the pettyness of the interests he lives. What a striking difference between the ideals of two people!

Evgeny dreams of "Meshchansky happiness", about money, about the ranks, and Peter the Great, one man's hand shocked all of Russia to the ground, awakened it from a century-old sleep, with the turnout of the genius laid the city in the swamp to cut the window to Europe. What a bold comparison: Eugene and Peter the Great, Nobility and Genius, Pigmey and Titan.

"Copper Horseman" - a work imbued with symbolism. In his creation, A. S. Pushkin concluded a deep meaning. The poem is trying to decipher not only historians and literary criticism, but also ordinary readers. The image of Peter 1 is ambiguous.

A.S. was written Pushkin in 1833. In the life of the poet, she never was published. Nikolai first confronted the release of the work in print, because she considered that Peter the first is wrong with the form of tyrant and autocrat. There is a version that Pushkin contrasted the image of Peter's reformer of Nicholas first. But in the very image of Peter, the author sees inconsistency, he notes in him and a despot and a great man who has played a significant role in the history of the Fatherland.

From the very first lines of the work in front of readers, the image of a great reformer appears, which commands "laying degrees called the arrogant neighbor" among the harsh edge of the swamps and lakes. Petersburg, built by Peter first, is opposed to Moscow. The new city was designed to make a change in the established and outdated way of life, which asked Moscow at that time. Pushkin chants the built city: "Whether in Hrad Peter and Stop Nepolebimo," according to him, before him "Even the old Moscow" fed. "

The image of Peter 1 is concluded in the magnificent sculpture of the copper rider, who tightened to a high rock on his bronze horse towards his grand creation. Pushkin boldly calls his "Lord of Fate," "Half of the half-one." The superhuman power is clearly exaggerated, on its background there is a modest personality of the second hero - Eugene, in which the collective image of metropolitan citizens is presented. The conqueror of the elements and the ordinary representative of the Society met on the banks of the Neva, personifying two extremes: exorbitant human power and rendered to the insignificant image of the metropolitan faceless crowd. The city, which was created by the will of Peter, became alien for people, he dries their souls.

Pushkin sympathizes poor Eugene, affected by the power of Peter the Great, but the goal of Acts Peter is clear to him, his desire to "become a solid foot at sea", the element has come under the rule of the autocrat, the capital is approved, there is protection from the sea, Russia becomes a great power. But what price all this is achieved?

In this confrontation, the inconsistency of the interests of one person goals and the tasks of the whole state seems. Should the will of one, a separate person taken from the crowd will conquer the will of the whole state, is there really the happiness of every person connected with the well-being of the whole country? Such a question was supplied by the author. Pushkin himself does not give it an accurate answer on him, he offers the reader to draw conclusions on his own. Truth, as often happens, is in the middle, there is no state without a person, but also to take into account the interests of each individual personality is not possible. Perhaps this is the work dilemma.

In this work, the author tried to draw the attention of the reader to the problem, which exciting people of that era - the conflict of the state and personality of man. The image and characteristic of Peter I in the poem "Copper Horseman" will be presented in two bits. On the one hand, Peter is a strong and bold man, producing reforms for the benefit of the people, with another self-liberal Samodor, forcing it to obey and blindly obey.

Image and characteristics

The image of Peter I in the poem A.S. Pushkin personifies the state and limitless power over the people. Peter I is a historical person. It is he who is the founder of St. Petersburg, the city on the Neva. In contrast, the sovereign is the usual hard worker Evgeny, whose hopes for a happy life were broken.

At the very beginning of the poem, Peter appears in the image of the reformer, in the head of which

"Full of great doom."

Choosing a place for the capital, Peter firstly thought about the greatness and wealth of the state, but not about people living in it. He managed to accomplish a dream, build a city on the Neva, became one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

"Write a hail of Peter and Stop Nepolebimo."

"Forest raised from the darkness, from the molding lot."

The capital of the Russian Empire turned out to be someone else's for the people. He had no place among these columns and majestic monuments.

"According to the busy shores, the grims are clumsy ... crowded a lot of people."

In joining the first part, Peter's name is not mentioned. Pushkin calls the creator of St. Petersburg "He".

"He stood on the shore of the desert waves, the Duma of the Great Polon."

Later it becomes clear that the idea to build a city off the shining river coast was doomed to failure. The unbalanced river expressed his protest in the form of terrible floods sent to the people.

Petersburg was the perfect city for rich and noble people. On the fate of ordinary mortals he was spit. He just knew them, like an unnecessary thing. Peter tried to improve the lives of those who and so everything was fine. From his reforms suffered ordinary people, powerless something to change.

In the second part of the work, Peter appears in the image of a stone idol. Monument, located on the Senate Square. The copper rider as if fleeing a high rock on a bronze horse to admire his creation from above. Pushkin will transfer Peter the Great a hundred years ahead, turning an animated image of his favorite hero in his sculpture. The greatness and power of the copper rider involuntarily inspire the fear of everyone who faces her nose to the nose. No wonder the author awards him with the sublime epithets of the "Lord of Fate", "Half-Mair".

Pushkin idealized Peter, comparing him with the demigod, in parallel, giving it to understand how small and insignificant Eugene in comparison with him. They collided on the banks of the river, representing two extremes. One of them is power and power, another unwindiness and pity.

In the final part of the work, the copper rider came to life, starting to the chase for Eugene. This scene again makes it clear that a simple person is unable to fight the state alone. It's like a drop in the sea.