The problem of understanding intelligence. Modern intelligence

In the story of A.P. Chekhov "Death of an official" Chervyakov is incredibly infected with the spirit of servility: having sneezed and splashed his bald head in front of the sitting general, the official was so frightened that after humiliated requests to forgive him, he died of fear.

Hero story by A.P. Chekhov "Thick and thin”, official Porfiry, met at the station railway school friend and found out that he was a secret adviser, i.e. moved up significantly in career. In an instant, the “thin” turns into a servile creature, ready to humiliate and fawn.

Molchalin, a negative character comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" I am sure that one should please not only "all people without exception", but even "the janitor's dog, so that it is affectionate." The need to tirelessly please is also his affair with Sophia, Famusov's daughter. Maxim Petrovich, whom Famusov tells about as a warning to Chatsky, in order to earn the favor of the empress, turned into a jester, amusing her with ridiculous falls.

In the story of A.P. Chekhov "Chameleon" police warden Ochumelov grovels before those who are above him in the ranks and feels like a formidable boss in relation to those who are below. He changes his opinions in each situation to the opposite, depending on which person - significant or not - is hurt in it: the general's dog or not.

N.V. Gogol-comedy "The Government Inspector". In this comedy, N.V. Gogol presents us with the world of city officials. The writer exposes bribery, embezzlement, sycophancy, strict observance of official subordination. All officials speak to Khlestakov obsequiously, with trepidation. They know that everyone takes bribes, so they immediately start thinking about how to bribe the auditor. It is characteristic that the merchants, who are under the bureaucratic world in the play, come to Khlestakov with "a body of wine and sugar heads." Officialdom is depicted in the play grotesquely. So, the tyranny of the Governor is limitless. He appropriates the money earmarked for the construction of the church, subjected the non-commissioned officer to the rods. trustee charitable establishments believes that a simple person "if he dies, then he will die anyway, if he recovers, then he will recover anyway," and instead of relying on oatmeal soup, he gives the sick one cabbage. The judge, confident that in his papers “Solomon himself will not decide what is true and what is not true in it,” turns the judicial institution into his own fiefdom. Dr. Gibner is unable to communicate with his patients due to complete ignorance of the Russian language. The finale of this mess, according to the writer, is natural - the imaginary auditor leaves, but the real auditor arrives, who will be able to punish the guilty.

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin - "The history of one city." This

the work is a bold and evil satire on the administrative arbitrariness that reigned in Russia. The writer creates grotesque images of mayors replacing each other in the city of Foolovo. Each of them has its own salient feature something different from the rest. So, Perechvat-Zalikhvatsky rode into the city on a white horse, "burned the gymnasiums and abolished the sciences." Another mayor, Brodysty, instead of a head had a vessel with an organ, giving out only two phrases: “I will not tolerate it!” and "I'll ruin it!" Major Pimple had a stuffed head. Thus, the city of Foolov near Shchedrin is a grotesque image of all of Russia.

A.P. Chekhov - the story "Thick and thin." In this story, the author raises the problem of bureaucratic subordination, servility. Its plot is simple. Two old friends meet, at first they are very glad to each other, they communicate easily, but then the “thin” learns that his old acquaintance occupies an important government post. And all the simplicity of communication is immediately replaced by the observance of bureaucratic subordination. "Thin" begins to talk to the "fat" obsequiously, curry favor with him. The second hero maintains equanimity and good nature throughout the story. Thus, the writer here opposes the slavish psychology of a person, which leads to servility, flattery and servility.

V.V. Mayakovsky - the poem "The Sitting Ones".

In this poem, the poet raises the problem of bureaucracy. We see officials coming to serve in institutions and a pile of papers, from which "fifty" are selected for the next meeting. Moreover, these meetings follow one after another, their subject matter is ridiculous: the theater department meets with the main department for horse breeding, the purpose of another meeting is to resolve the issue of “purchasing a bottle of ink by the Sponge Operative”. The lyrical hero, vainly seeking an audience with officials, is sincerely indignant. He breaks into one of the meetings and sees "half people". The hero from this scary picture"Mind gone crazy." The secretary calmly explains that the officials are "at two meetings at once." So in the plot of Mayakovsky's poem, a phraseological unit unfolds: "I can't be torn in two." The realistic, life situation merges in Mayakovsky with hyperbole, fantasy, and the grotesque.

Hello dear readers. In this article, you will learn what the problem of intelligence is in modern world. Find out the meaning of this concept. Check out the examples. Find out what traits an intelligent person is characterized by. You will know what you need to do to become one yourself.

Concept definition

Intelligence (translated from Latin means thinking, understanding) is a set of qualities of an individual that meets the expectations of a cultural society. There are also other definitions of this concept.

  1. The ability to think, the ability to make independent judgments about the universe, about the manifestations of human actions.
  2. Tolerant character, nobility, intelligence and reliability of words.
  3. A combination of able-bodied mind, noble soul and truthful heart.
  4. The ability to understand, accept everything new, always respect the opinions of other people, demonstrate their emotions, and not allow interference in the personal space of another person.
  5. The ability to endure rudeness, uncivilized behavior with perseverance, to fight back injustice. Such an individual has high moral values developed sense of nobility.

You need to know what are the benefits of intelligence:

  • allows you to show emotions, acquire new knowledge;
  • gives freedom, allowing you to express your thoughts;
  • an intelligent person can understand the meaning of the common good;
  • rewards with forces to resist evil injustice and crude civilization;
  • self-confidence and abilities, self-confidence;
  • an intelligent man or woman has the opportunity to show interest in life, to be friendly to people around him.

Characteristics of an intellectual

An intelligent person can be betrayed by the presence of certain qualities, especially if we consider an intellectual of the old school.

  1. Pure patriotism, which is manifested by real actions.
  2. Feeling compassion for the pain of other people and animals.
  3. Soft, polite, compliant character.
  4. The absence of a rude attitude towards any person, even if he behaves rudely towards an intellectual.
  5. Craving for everything beautiful.
  6. The ability to forgive people.
  7. Sincere truthfulness, decent attitude towards others, respect.
  8. Craving for education, constant self-development.
  9. In the speech of such an individual, quotations and aphorisms are often used. catchphrases, no rude phrases.

Examples in the modern world

V Everyday life man meets on his way intelligent people and does not betray this significance, but it is they who make our life better, improving its quality, they preserve spiritual and moral values.

An example of intelligence is a person who shows good manners, while not behaving pretentiously, does not engage in narcissism. Such an individual does not condemn anyone for wrong actions, while trying to determine their cause.

An example of intelligence is the writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1970. At one time, the political system tried to destroy him, he was sent to camps, into exile, censorship was imposed, but he could not be broken. Alexander Isaevich faced cancer and was able to defeat him. He was not only educated, he also helped others and society in general. He tolerated the personal shortcomings of people, while resisting social vices. Solzhenitsyn was a man of strong spirit, body and mind.

The situation with intelligence in the modern world is under threat. The fact is that today the problem of personality degradation is acute, the consequences of the media, social networks. However, one must understand that human values ​​will be preserved at any time, there will always be a place for compassion, the ability to put oneself in the shoes of other people, treat them with respect, and be tolerant. A sharp mind, along with inner freedom, a deep soul and a craving for everything beautiful, will always occupy a significant place in the process of evolution.

The current intelligentsia is not much different from the representatives of the last century. Such people are strong, they have a kind soul, they do not boast of their achievements, deeds, they do everything to change the world for the better.

How to become an intellectual

  1. Much attention needs to be paid. This is not about fantasy or romance novels but about classical literature.
  2. Education plays an important role. You need to understand that not every person with a higher education is an intellectual, while all intelligent people are highly educated.
  3. Most great importance has the right upbringing. If I raise a child, I instill respect for other people, the ability to listen to others, the ability to be sensible about the point of view of each individual, then he will begin to develop the makings of intelligence.
  4. Educational activities and charity also allow you to become an intellectual.
  5. The inseparability of actions from words. A person who aspires to become an intellectual will certainly be responsible for his words and actions.

Now you know what the essence of intelligence is. People should believe that intelligence is the culture of the soul. This is not an indicator of the level of education, these are actions that correspond to moral principles. Humanity vitally needs individuals with a bright soul, who will point to the need for pure relationships without commercialism, the need to gain knowledge with subsequent development and spiritual growth.

(1) What is classic literature? (2) What is classical Russian music? (3) What is Russian painting, in particular the Wanderers? (4) And this, among other things, is also the Russian intelligentsia and intelligentsia, from which came the creators who were able to express the mindset, aspirations and everything that we call the spiritual world of the people.

(5) A person who calls himself an intellectual, thereby taking on very clear moral obligations. (6) The measure of intelligence was not only beliefs, and morality, and creativity as such, but also actions.

(7) A person who offended a servant, an unfamiliar passer-by, a peasant who came to the market, a beggar, a shoemaker, a conductor, was not accepted in an intelligent environment, they turned away from him, but the same person who taunted the authorities aroused complete confidence.

(8) Careerism was not encouraged in any way, but in some cases it was tolerable: if a careerist "did not forget the poor and his own dignity" - something like this was the rule.

(9) Enrichment was despised, especially in cases where the wealthy person did not provide material assistance to anyone. (10) It was not shameful to come to a rich person, if not with a demand, then with an insistent request to donate to such and such social and good needs.

(11) Precisely because intelligence provided for the morality of an act and way of life, it was not an estate, and Count Tolstoy was an intellectual, and a artisan was one.

(12) The code of intelligence has never been written anywhere, but was understandable to everyone who wanted to understand it. (13) He who understood him knew what was good and what was bad, what was possible and what was not.

(According to S. Zalygin)


Sometimes it is difficult to clearly define what is intelligent behavior and what is the opposite of it. How is an intelligent person different from the general mass? Are there any special rules for a person to become intelligent? Writers, sociologists and philosophers have been thinking about this for more than one generation.


The problem of intelligence is also raised by the Russian writer and publicist S. Zalygin. He tries to correlate the very concept of intelligence and its embodiment in the life of society.

A comment

The author wonders what Russian literature, music, painting are, inextricably linking these concepts with the intelligentsia and intelligence, which helped the masters of the word and painting to express the features of the world around them, the inner aspirations of the common people.

Further, the author tells about the high moral responsibility of a person who calls himself an intellectual. The main measure of intelligence is not only beliefs, morality or creativity, but also actions. A person who offends the disadvantaged and needy was not accepted in an intelligent environment. At the same time, the person who yelled at the authorities aroused confidential respect.

Thirst for profit and career growth were not welcomed, especially if at the same time the person did not help the disadvantaged. It was very important not to lose one's own dignity and to donate to public needs.

Author's position

S. Zalygin says that the code of intelligence has never been written, but is understandable to everyone. Anyone who has understood the very essence of intelligence knows what is good, what is bad, what can be done and what cannot be done.

Intelligence does not depend on the social affiliation of a person, it is a special inner quality.

own position

I agree with the author that intelligence is not education, talent or morality. These are all the listed features, which in a special way have developed into a single internal state that does not allow a person to lose his own dignity and humiliate the dignity of others.

Argument 1

Surrounding intelligence is estimated by the ability of a person to behave in various situations, in a society of people. Another important criterion of intelligence is spirituality. L.N. Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace" presents us with true intelligence in the person of one of the main characters - Andrei Bolkonsky.

Prince Andrei is a strong, strong-willed man, intelligent, educated, with deep patriotic feelings, mercy and spirituality. Elite with his cynicism and lies repels Bolkonsky. Gradually abandoning the rules by which he lives high society, Andrei tries to find happiness in military operations.

Having passed a difficult path on the battlefields, the hero affirms compassion, love and kindness in his soul. These traits make him a true intellectual. Many modern young people could take an example from him.

Argument 2

In another work, the writer, on the contrary, claims the lack of intelligence among his heroes. A.P. Chekhov in the comedy "The Cherry Orchard" reflects on memory and shows the life of the impoverished nobles of the late 19th century, who, through their own stupidity, lose their family estate, dear to their memories The Cherry Orchard and closest relatives and friends.

They do not want to do anything, they are not adapted to work, they are not fond of reading or understanding the sciences, they do not understand anything about art. In other words, in the heroes of the comedy, the reader observes a complete absence of spiritual and mental work. Therefore, despite their high origin, it is difficult to call them intellectuals. According to A.P. Chekhov, people are obliged to improve, work hard, help those in need, strive for the highest manifestation of morality.


In my opinion, to be a real person, a Man with a capital letter, means to be an intellectual. Intelligence is the ability to subordinate one's life to the laws of mercy, kindness and justice.

Two meanings that use the word " intelligentsia”, and, accordingly, “intelligence” in the modern world: functional and social.

From Wikipedia:

Functional meaning and Latin origin of the word "intelligence":

The concept of "intelligence"

From the “Dictionary of a Practical Psychologist” by S.Yu. Golovin:

I. Bestuzhev-Lada believes that

The expression of intelligence in man

From the "Psychological Dictionary-Reference" Dyachenko M.I., Kandybovich L.A.:

The manifestation of human intelligence

From the "Psychological Dictionary-Reference" Dyachenko M.I., Kandybovich L.A.:

Who can be intelligent?

I. Bestuzhev-Lada believes that

*Bestuzhev-Lada Igor Vasilyevich (born 1927) is a Russian scientist, historian, sociologist and futurologist, a specialist in the field of social forecasting and global studies.

What is inherent in an intelligent person?

* Internationalism (from Latin inter - “between” and nation - “people”) is an ideology that preaches friendship and cooperation between nations.

The main signs of intelligence are a complex of the most important intellectual and moral qualities from the “Dictionary of a Practical Psychologist” by S.Yu. Golovin:

The words "intelligent" and "intelligent" are paronyms. Do not confuse them.

From the express reference book by E.D. Golovina “Distinguish words: Difficult cases of modern Russian word usage”:

What do modern young people understand by intelligence?

1. his behavior does not create difficulties for others
2.must understand art
3. wishes that everything living and surrounding him be harmonious. …
4. at least out of the corner of my ear I heard about the ten commandments
5.Emits some special light, this is called spiritual beauty.
6.High morality
7.high level of knowledge and being coincide
8. is distinguished by internally free thinking and emancipation of the spirit
9. characterized by the desire to acquire new knowledge, interest in history and genuine art
10. wants to understand the other
11. striving for spiritual perfection (no need to understand the connection only with religious faith)
12.First of all, sincere
13. cannot put his own benefit above the interests of other people
14. Feels not very comfortable in the corridors of power
15. we can recognize an intelligent person by his simplicity
16. will not insist on his own, will definitely listen to another
17.very fine mental organization - they feel good about others
18. the power of good prevails
19. always a patriot who cares about the fate of the Motherland
20. reflections on the fate of their people are characteristic

Many scientists, sociologists and publicists think that bribery and dishonesty reign in the modern world and that intelligence has lost its truth, therefore Soviet writer F.A. Abramov touches upon the problem of the essence of intelligence.

In his article, F. Abramov tells us that those who are usually called mentors and spiritual shepherds can only discuss bureaucratic arbitrariness, without protesting or indignant at all.

Also, the literary critic Fedor Alexandrovich wants to convey to us the idea that even an ordinary, simple postwoman has the most precious wealth - the honesty and incorruptibility of a hardworking person, unlike superior bribe-takers and corrupt officials.

The author believes that the essence of true intelligence is to be an educated, literate and honest person. It is necessary to develop in oneself such qualities as conscientiousness, decency, dignity. Do not forget that simplicity, responsiveness and kindness are also especially appreciated by the surrounding people.

I agree with the author, because in the modern world there are very few truly intelligent people left, people who are interested in the level of education and spiritual development in our country, do not stop learning and love to constantly learn something new, try to understand and accept every person, humanely treat all people and animals. I believe that now it is very important for everyone to develop themselves from different sides and cultivate worthy positive qualities in themselves.

In his story “The Mask”, A.P. Chekhov shows us the whole essence and truth of the “intelligentsia”, when an unknown man in a mask appeared at a charity masquerade ball and began to behave demandingly and impudently with those around him.

The intellectuals who were there cursed, asked him to leave, threatened him with protection only until the moment when the man took off his mask and turned out to be a local millionaire known for his scandals. And then everyone around was frightened, quieted down, began to apologize to an influential person. Thus, Anton Pavlovich shows us the wrong, dishonest intelligentsia.

In Boris Vasiliev’s novel “Don’t Shoot White Swans,” the teacher Nonna Yuryevna admires Yegor Polushkin, a simple, uneducated, but very sympathetic man who devotes his whole life to his beloved work, creative development, and helping others. According to Nonna Yurievna, Yegor is much more intelligent than someone with three diplomas.

In conclusion, I would like to say that intelligence is a quality that is inherent only in worthy people, and in order to join the ranks of the intelligentsia, you need to develop culturally, read and learn more, love nature and people, cultivate responsibility, justice and conscientiousness.