Love in the life of Masters and Margarita. Development of the Love line of the plot in the novel M

And did not read - in the history of Lee, in the fairy tale, -
So I smooth was the path of true love.
V. Shakespeare

M. Bulgakov believed that life is love and hatred, courage and excitement, the ability to appreciate beauty and kindness. But love ... She primarily. Bulgakov wrote the heroine of his novel from Elena Sergeyevna - a beloved woman who was his wife. Soon after their acquaintance, she took on his shoulders, perhaps, most of his, master, terrible Neshi, became his Margarita.

The history of the master and margaritas is not one of the lines of the novel, but its most important topic. All events are converged to it, all the manyness of the novel.

They didn't just meet, they were fate on the corner of Tver and the alley. Love struck both as lightning like a Finnish knife. "Love jumped out before them, as a killer pops out from under the ground ..." - so describes the Bulgakov, the emergence of love from his heroes. Already these comparisons foreshadow the future tragedy of their love. But at first everything was very calm.

Having met for the first time, they talked as if they knew each other long ago. Bully broken love seemed to be burned by the people of Dotley, and she turned out to be a homely and quiet character. In the basement apartment of Master Margarita, putting the apron, housing, while the beloved worked on the novel. Lovers baked potatoes, ate her with her hands, laughed. In Vaza, not disgusting yellow flowers, and the beloved by both roses. Margarita first read the finished pages of the novel, hurried the author, promised him fame, began to call him a master. The phrases of the novel, which she especially liked, she repeated loudly and rapidly. He said that in this novel her life. It was for the inspiration master, her words strengthened faith in him.

Bulgakov very carefully and chastely talks about the love of their heroes. She did not kill black days when the Master's novel was crushed. Love was with them and during severe Master's disease. The tragedy began when the master disappeared for many months. Margarita thought tirelessly about him, for a minute her heart did not part with him. Even when it seemed to her that her beloved was no longer. The desire to learn at least something about his fate wins the mind, and then the Deviliad begins, in which Margarita participates. In all the demonic adventures, she is accompanied by a loving look of the writer. Margarita pages are the poem Bulgakov to the glory of his beloved - Elena Sergeyevna. With her, the writer was ready to make a "his last flight". So he wrote his wife on a donated copy of his collection "Dlavoliada". Material from site.

By the power of his love, Margarita returns masters from non-existence. A happy junction for all the heroes of his novel Bulgakov did not come up with: as it was before the invasion of the Satanian team in Moscow, and remained. And only for the master and Margarita Bulgakov, as he believed, wrote a happy ending: they are awaiting the eternal peace in the eternal house, which the master was given as a reward. Lovers will enjoy loveless, they will come to them those whom they love ... The Master will fall asleep with a smile, and she will be barely dreaming. "The master silently walked with her and listened. His restless memory began to surf, "the story of this tragic love is completed.

And although in the last words - the sadness of death, but there is a promise of immortality and eternal life. It comes true in our days: Master and Margarita, as well as their creator, is destined to a long life. Many generations will be read by this satirical, philosophical, but the main thing is a Lyric-love novel who confirmed that the tragedy of love is the tradition of all Russian literature.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • master Love Line and Margarita
  • Love Story Masters and Margarita
  • big love masters and margarita
  • overall on the subject of love masters and margities
  • master and Margarita Writing Love

Subject."Love is life!" Development of the plot's love line in the "Master and Margarita" novel.

Objectives: 1) trace how the storyline is developing the Master - Margarita; Reveal the beauty, kindness and sincerity of the Bulgakov heroes. 2) develop the ability to analyze, prove and refute, draw conclusions, think logically. 3) to educate respect for a woman, honesty, humanity, optimism.

    Teacher's introductory word.

So, the novel "Master and Margarita" about God and the feature, about cowardice as one of the terrible defects, immersible, terrible sin of betrayal, about good and evil, about repression, about the horror of loneliness, about Moscow and Muscovites, about the role of intelligentsia in society But before he is about the faithful and eternal, all-confining power of love and creativity.

"For me, my reader! Who told you that not in the light of the real, faithful, eternal love? Yes, it will be cut off his vile language!

For me, my reader, and I will show you such love! "

According to Bulgakov, love can withstand the elements of life. Love "is immortal and eternal."

Do you agree with this thought?

Our task is to read, analyzing individual episodes of the novel, to prove this thought.

The master tells Ivan homeless history. This is the story of Pontius Pilate, and the history of love. Margarita - earthly, sinful woman. She can swear, coat, she is a woman without prejudice. What did Margarita deserve a special mercy of the highest forces, managing the universe? Margarita is probably one of those hundred and twenty-two Margiti, which Koroviev said, knows what love is.

The love story of Master and Margarita is connected with the change of seasons. The time cycle in the story of the hero begins with winter when the master won one hundred thousand rubles and settled alone in the basement and began to compose a novel about Pontae Pilat. Then spring comes, "Share the Lilac bushes". "And then, in the spring, something much more delicious than getting a hundred thousand," the Master met Margarita was happening. The "Golden Age" of love lasted for heroes, while "the May thunderstorms went and ... the trees in the garden were dropped off after the rain broken twigs, white brushes," the "stuffy summer" went. Master's novel was completed in August, and with the onset of autumn in nature, autumn came for heroes. The novel was angry with criticism, the Master was injured. "In half October" Master fell ill. The hero burned the manuscript of the novel and, at the same evening, he was arrested along the denunciation of Aliasis Mogarych. The master is returned to his basement, where others already live, in winter, when "drifts hid a lilac bushes" and hero lost his beloved. The new meeting of the Master and Margarita takes place in May, after the Bala of the Spring Full Moon.

Love is the second way to ultrafreality, as well as creativity, leads to the comprehension of the "third dimension". Love and creativity - this is what can withstand the ever-existing evil. The concepts of good, forgiveness, understanding, responsibility, truth, harmony are connected with love and creativity.

    Analytical reading of individual heads of novel.

    Chapter 13 "The fact is that a year ago I wrote about Pilate Roman" - ".. and Pilate flew to the end."

What did you know about the master?

Why is the question of Ivan the homeless "Are you a writer?" Night Guest Surovo replied: "I am the master"?

What do the words of the master "It was a golden age"?

    There is also "White Mantle, Bloody Podbo ..." - "She came to me every day, I began to wait for her in the morning."

Let us turn to the scene of the Master and Margarita dating. Roman about Pilate was almost completed. For the Master, everything was clear, definitely, although they were tormented by the same name and boredom. And he went out to walk. There were thousands of people and disgusting yellow walls around, and a woman carried a disgusting yellow flowers ...

What struck the masters in Margaret? ("Unusual, no loneliness in the eyes of anyone")

Was something unusual in their conversation? What is unusually broken down the love of heroes?

The conversation is the most ordinary, there is nothing unusual in it, but the master unexpectedly realized that "all my life loved this woman." Unusual love of heroes, love at first sight. She affects the heroes not as a beautiful vision of "alarm of the worldly bustle", but as a zipper.

Teacher. Turn to the facts. Elena Sergeyevna Bulgakova, Wispeter's wife, wrote in the diary: "It was in the 29th year in February, on the oil. Some familiar staged pancakes. Neither I did not want to go, no Bulgakov, who for some reason decided that he would not go to this house. But it turned out that these people managed to interest the composition of the invited and him, and me. Well, of course, I was his last name. In general, we met and were there. It was fast, unusually fast, in any case on my part, love for life ... "

What is the life of the writer in reality at this time? At this time, Bulgakov dirty. Neither glory, nor wealth, no provision in society could give Elena Sergeevna by the author of the "White Guard". His early feuethms and stories were flawed and forgotten, the "White Guard" remained, his plays were defeated, what to talk about things like "Dog's Heart", - silence, full silence, and only on the unusual love of Stalin to "Turbine Days" It goes in the only country theater one of this play. Bulgakov became acquainted with Elena Sergeyevna in heavy, hungry years for him. And Elena Sergeyevna in the early30s - the wife of the large Soviet military leader of the Moscow Military District. Intercepting the advance, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov invited her somehow on a mug of beer. They snapped with a steep egg. But, according to her recognition, as everything was festive, happily.

Bulgakov never lost himself outwardly. Many contemporaries of the writer were simply shocked by the studied shoes, monocle, strict troika, intolerance to the familiarity. And this is at that time, when he was hired to the wipers for the unsure of the funds, but also the wipers did not take a person with such "White Guard Glory." There were such moments when I wanted to get a revolver from the hidden place. All this was not a secret for margarita from the novel, nor for real, intelligent, beautiful Elena Sergeyevna.

But back to the heroes of the novel.

    There's "And who is it?" "" ... I said that in this novel - her life. "

Why did the master responded to the question of Ivan "Who is she?"?

What are the happiest pages of the novel? ("She came and first donated apron ...")

What is the happiness, because everything is more than prosaic: apron, kerosecan, evaporated fingers? After all, almost poverty?

Teacher: On the possibility of being with your loved one in any conditions, even the most unfavorable, says great literature, convinces life, resembles CNT. You know the Russian folk proverb "With a cute paradise in a slash, would be cute in my soul." Mikhail Afanasyevich spoken Elena Sergeyevna with gratitude: "There was a whole world against me - and I am alone. Now we are together, and I'm not scary to me. " In life, as in the novel, joy, happiness is not in wealth. Let us turn to the pages of the novel that convince us in this.

    Chapter 19. "The beloved name was Margarita Nikolaevna" - "She loved him, she told the truth"

Is only a beloved become Margarita for the master?

Teacher: And now the novel is written, given to print. The wizard will say: "I went to life, holding it in my hands, and then my life was over." The novel was not printed, but the article "The Egging" appeared in the newspaper, in which the critic warned everyone and everyone that the author "I made an attempt to drag into the press of the apology of Jesus Christ."For the wizard, there is a difficult time ...

    Chapter 13 "I was so carried away by reading articles about myself ..." - "It was her last words in my life."

What was the complicity of Margarita in the Master Affairs?

Teacher: The Master's novel was injured, and then the master disappeared: he was arrested by the denunciation of the alcohol of Mogarych, who wanted to occupy the Master's apartment. The returned Master found that Mogarych occupies his apartment in the basement. Not wanting to bring the misfortune to Margarita, realizing that he is nothing but love can not give her, the Master is in the Psychiatric Medication of Stravinsky. What is Margarita?

    Chapter 19. "Even I have a truthful narrator ..." - "... But it was already too late."

What does Margarita be swearing?

Could she leave the masters?

Margarita "healed in the same place", but has her life remained formerly?

Who became Margarita for the Master?

    The final word of the teacher.

In the basement, Master Margarita experienced the happiness of great love, refusing her name from all the temptations of the world, immersed with the master in the thoughts on the completion of the book, which entered the flesh and the blood of her life, became its meaning. Margarita is not just a beloved masters, she became the guardian angel of the author of the novel about Pontius Pilate, the guardian of his beloved.

    The outcome of the lesson.

Subject. "Love is life!"

Objectives: 1) reveal the kindness, beauty, sincerity of the feelings of Bulgakovskaya heroes; 2) Develop ability to analyze, prove and refute, draw conclusions ,.Fine logically; 3) to educate humanity, compassion, mercy.

"... the measure of evil, vice, the carriage of waga defines the measure of truth, beauty, disinterested good. It restores balancebetween good and evil and it serves good. "

(V. A. Domansky)

I.. Reiteration.

    How the master metand Margarita? Is it really an accident?

    Tell the "story" of their love?

    What is the difference between the Master and Margarita from Moscow residents of the 30s?

    Were there happy Master and Margarita before meeting with each other? Whether only beloved
    became Margarita for the master.

    Why did the master disappear? What is the reason for such a act?

He just could not see his beloved unfortunate, could not accept her sacrifices. He is confused refuses its novel, burns it.

II.. New topic.

1) Teacher's word.

Margarita remains in ignorance, feelings overwhelm it: she regrets the burned manuscript,he is silent for his beloved health, hopes to cure him, save. Despair, confusionreplaced with determination to hope. The situation requires a deed.

2) Reading chapter 19 "Even I have a truthful person ..." - ", .. and with a ringing in a dark room
closed the castle ", (p. 234-237 (484))

    What feelings is experiencing Margarita after the wizard disappearance?

    What conclusion does it come to? What influenced it?

    What does the fact that Margarita keep the masters?

3) But what does Margarita take in the name of the salvation of love?

a) ch. 19 pp. 242246 (496) "Redhead looked around and said mysteriously ..." - "... I agree to go to hell on the kulichki" I will not give! "

b) gL 20 p. 247 "The cream is easy to grip" - "Goodbye. Margarita. "

- How does Margarita characterize the fact that she leaves her husband a note?

in) gL 20 p. 250 "At this time behind Margarita." "" ... jumped on the riding brush. "

- Who turns Margarita for the sake of the Master?

4) Teacher's word.

True love is always sacrificing, always heroichna. No wonder it created so much legendsno wonder there so much poets write about it. True love are submissive all obstacles. The power of love sculptor Pygmalion revived the statue created by him - Galatia. The power of love is discouraged by the diseases of loved ones, bring out of grief, saved from death.

Margarita is a very bold, decisive woman. She knows how to enter into martial arts, ready to stand up for his happiness, stand up at any cost, even if necessary, to sell the soul to the devil.

    Research by the teacher of the Episode of the Armor of the Apartments of the Latowsky.

    Analysis of the scene "Satan Ball".

but) The beginning of chapter 23 to "From this they will scare

    whati had to experience Margarita in front of the ball?

    What advice to the ball gives her koroviev?

b) Guests on the ball p. 283-287 "But here suddenly something crashed down ..." - ".. It was pulled in a fixed mask of the lead."

- What were guests on the ball?

Attached rags gathered on the ball. Lifting a pa staircase, they kiss the queen bala is Margo.

in) Tests who fell to the share of Margarita on the ball. P. 288 "So passed an hour and passed the secondhour". - "... the flow of guests Redes.". ". 8.89, 290.

- What physical trials fell to the share of Margarita?

P. 291-294 "She, accompanied by Koroviev, was again in the Balnom Hall." And until the end of the chapter.

- What had to experience Margarita on the ball? And all for what? Is it worth the game of the candle?

- Who most of all remembered Margarita on the ball and why?

Margarita had to suffer a lot of tests, probably, more than once, see the gallows, coffins. On her eyes murder happened barona Maygel. But I most remembered young woman with restless eyes. Once she, seduced by the owner of the cafe, where he served, gave birth and strangled the child with a handkerchief. And since then for 300 years already, waking up, she sees that nasal a handkerchief with a blue cut.

7) After the ball. GL 24 rzo-304 "Perhaps I have time...»-«... so it's not in the account, I'm nothing
did not do. "

    For what margarita suffers torment on the ball? What does she ask Woland about? Why?

    Did anyone expected this request from her? How does this episode characterize Margarita? About whatsoul quality says this act Margarita? What is the above love for her?

    Why did the waga fulfill Margarita's request, moreover, he allowed Margarita himself to express Freeda?

All were touched by mercy of Margarita, when she asked Woland, almost demanded, in order for Frida to stop serving that scarf. No one expected this request from her. Wave thought she would ask about the wizard, but for this woman there is something that is higher than love.

Love for the Master? Combined in heroine with hatred for her persecutes. But even hate not B. a condition to suppress mercy in it. So, defeating the apartment of criticism of the Latunsky and frightened adult inhabitants of the writer at home, Margarita soothes the requested child

8) Make a conclusion, what qualities does the author give up his heroine? For what purpose shewas the deal with the devil?

Bulgakov emphasizes the uniqueness of their heroine, its limitless love for the master, faith in his talent. In the name of Love Margarita makes a feat, overcoming fear and weakness, defeating circumstances, without requiring nothing for himself, she "creates its own fate ", following high ideales beauty good, justice, truth.

Sh. Lesson's result

One of the greatest novels of the 20th century - "Master and Margarita". In this work, several storylines. The main is the story of Love Masters and Margarita. Does the heroine of Bulgakov prototype? Why exactly this name the author endowed the lover masters?

Prototypes of Margarita

Regarding the history of the image of the chief heroine, the researchers have no consensus. However, Roman Bulgakov is one of the most controversial works in the history of literature. Writer created his heroine on the basis of literary sources. But the features of real women are also visible in this image.

In the early editorial office, Bulgakov called the Hero Faust. The main female character in the work of Goethe was the name of Gretchen (Margarita). In the process of working on the work of the writer collected materials also about two historical figures. Namely, Margarita de Valua and Margarita Navarre.

In the spring of 1930, Bulgakov met the secured married lady. The first meeting with her took place on the street of the 1st Meshchansky. Called this woman Margarita Smirnova. Perhaps acquaintance with her partly inspired the writer to create a tragic female image.

Elena Sergeevna

And yet the main prototype of the heroine of the famous novel is, perhaps, the third wife of Bulgakov. It was thanks to the faithful companion of the prose, the work was published. The novel was not completed. Bulgakov lost sight at the end of life, and the last chapters wife recorded under his dictation.

Once there happened an interesting case. Elena Sergeyevna called the editorial office of the "New World", agreed to meet with Twardovsky. In the Cabinet editor, it appeared after a few minutes after the call. On the question of which transport she took advantage, the woman calmly replied: "Bear."

Elena Sergeyevna had an external similarity with Margarita. She, as well as the heroine of the novel, slightly mowed one eye. Anna Akhmatova was familiar with his wife Bulgakov, once dedicated to her a poem, in which there were words "sordogne", "on the eve of Novolunya".

"I'm poisoning Latunsky!"

In favor of the version that Elena Sergeyevna Bulgakov is the main prototype, says, of course, not only the external similarity, but also an amazing devotion. The love story of the master and Margarita pierced, unforgettable. In the feelings that the heroine is experiencing to his beloved, there really is something witch. It is enough to remember the story that happened in the apartment of Latunsky.

Attacks critics were subjected, of course, the author of the novel. His wife once, after reading the article about "Bulgakovshchina", cried in the hearts: "I will poison Lithuanian!" The prototype of the Latunsky is precisely this critic and playwright, known today, first of all, their attacks on the work of the Great Writer. In 1926, he published a derogatory article about the work of the "Turbine Days", in which the term "Bulgakovshchina" was used for the first time. In the chapters of the novel, telling about the history of Love Master and Margarita, the reader meets the Word created by Latvian: Pilatina.

In the ultrasound of Goethe, Bulgakov does not make the head of the ladder, but the achievement to contact the devil. The name of Margarita has fallen on a matter of deal. Those to meet with your loved ones, it ТО was a risk than hustling. And at the climax in the history of Love Master and Margarita in the Roman Bulgakov.

Combining Fair

The work on the book was launched in the twentieth kits. It was originally called "Rοman ο Devil." There was not even the masters and Margarita to the Mint in the neighbor. In 1930, Rtoman was sudden to autly himself. It is only a few of the black and there, there were a lot of discouraged leaf.

Through two, the writer decided to return to a minister of the Promotion. It was originally in Rtoman in Margarita, and then the master. Five years later, everyone is aware of the name "Master and Margarita". In 1937, Mikhail Bulgakov, I rewrote the Rοman. At this eight. The writer has fallen on behalf of the writer, Nο Corrections were no longer any.


From what began the history of love masters and margaritas? The meeting of the two lovers was such a non-attendant. Going in the street, Margarita carried away the clock yellow flowers. The masters had not been red against Margarita, but the vigorously in her eyes. It was also unhappy as οn. This extraordinary meeting and the start of the non-attendant the history of love masters and Margarita. When analyzing the conversion of the Bulgakvoy, attention should be paid to certain facts from the biology of the writer. It suffered to try hardie and the attack, and the feelings have moved to the pages of Rοman.

Let's go back to achieving, the history of love in the "Master and Margarita" romance began with the Quality. The first meeting of the Germans on Tver, where is always crowded. Nο In the day of the day, the central Mοvskaya street was empty. Woman sprinkled Her, whether he likes her flowers, Nο a service that the rods suggests, and Margarita seen a bouquet into a ditch.

The master will tell Ivan, what about anyone broke out a sudden, comparing a deep feeling with the "killer in the alley." Love and really have been incomprehensible and was not designed for a happy quantity, because the woman was married. Master in TT Time was working on the book, I did not receive the editors. And he is important to find a person, a quantity would like to pursue the mercy of the High Soul. Name to Margarita and became those people, dividing with the master all the senses.

Margarita came out of the day in the day with yellow flowers, so that you will see anyone. Otherwise, it would be used. Life, there is no love, bad and empty. Nο on this story Master and Margarita does not end.

Rοman ο Pilate

Margarita's family meetings with each other's eyes are brilliant, they are trapped in their passion and love. Master will go to her rust. For some reason, she sewed a black cap and embroidered the letter "M" on it. With this molding, it became known to call the Mastersmith, Powhing Maju, predicted to him. Re-reading the Rtoman, it ТО ТО полововали in the soul of the phrase and made an opportunity, what in this way of her life. Nο in it was life, of course, not for her, nο and masters.

Khnets happiness

The writing of the "History of Love Masters and Margarita" Plempties write more often than any other bulgaki prove. The disclosure of this topic does not require deep ponds in the mythology and history of Christianity. It would seem that it could be easier? Nevertheless, briefly the history of love masters and Margarita to influence and proguelyzing unfortunately.

Critics οvrge Рοman ο sawthe. At this, a happy period in the life of the Bulgak's German life. And it's not about how to facilitate, it's not otherwise, and the Motor did not have a guilty. Criticism killed in the master everything alive. Neu does not have any strength to live, write. Helly deprived you to experience privileged people with pleasure. I have forgotten from the previous life. The Margarita Nick's will not go out of the memory of the memory. This writer, lots, how do you say: There is no longer any love, nothing can be destroyed.

BUT MASTER RUSSES ARMAGE IN YOU MANUAL, NTU OPTO DISTRIBUTION CALLS CALLS ON THE FURNACE TSU. Margarita is trying to see their feelings. Nο master disappears. Margarita stands up.

The referee of the devil

Margarita has seen a lot, the hopeful hoping has fallen. It has fallen what the Squirt will meet with the master. In this day in Alexandrian Garden, I met Azazelle. Name to hinted to her, what a meeting with the mastering lots. Nο, it was about to turn into a witch. Life without a master for her was a clear torment, and the correspondence has been on a deal with the devil, without hesitation.


How much did the date not bring the Radii Margarita. The master is trample, it does not affect and do not want to be happy. And there, it does not like it, what is it like a detail, which is cured. She will be able to save the wizard, make it the same. Arguaby Margarita Vottituits. They are logged in in peace, where they begin to dream of the future. To the situation, the master of the wizard was survived. Margarita sees them in the hands of Europe, Nο for the proven nitch, it has learned to be surprised. "Hands do not go," the progress of the phrase, which has become a key in the root.

Already nothing will seem to make masters and margarita happy. In the world of hypocrisy and lies, they will always suffer. And there is a pedestrian to install to them azazelle. Lovers drink wig, brought them, and die. Do not deserve light. Nο, they deserve a pitch. Master and Margarita fly away from the world in the world.

An unusual love story makes Bulgakov's Roman one of the most popular works of world literature. As already mentioned, the book has several storylines. However, the history of the Master and Margarita, in contrast to the description of the events that occurred before and after the execution of Yeshua, is understandable to everyone, regardless of age and literary preferences.

In the novel "Master and Margarita", the themes of history and religion, creativity and daily joy are closely awakened. But the most important place in the novel is the history of love masters and margaritas. This storyline adds the product of tenderness and piercing. Without the subject of love, the Master's image could not be completely disclosed. The unusual product genre - the novel in the novel - allows the author at the same time, and delimit, and combine biblical and lyrical lines, develop them full of two parallel worlds.


Love between the master and Margarita flashed as soon as they saw each other. "Love jumped between us, how the killer pops out from under the ground ... and struck us both both!" "So tells Ivan a homeless master in the hospital, where he falls after his rejection critics of his novel. It compares the flooded feelings with a zipper or a sharp knife: "So the lightning strikes! So strikes the Finnish knife! ".

The wizard first saw the future beloved on a deserted street. She attracted his attention, because "carried in the hands of disgusting, disturbing yellow flowers."

This mimosa became like a signal to the master that in front of him his muse, with loneliness and fire in the eyes.

And the master, and unfortunate wife of a rich, but unloved husband, Margarita, were completely lonely in this world to their strange meeting. As it turns out, the writer was previously married, but he does not even remember the name of his ex-wife, which he does not keep in his soul, no memories or warmth. And he remembers everything about Margarita, the tonality of voice, the way she said when came, and what did in his basement room.

After their first meeting, Margarita began to come every day to his beloved. She helped him in his work on the novel, and herself lived this difficulty. For the first time in his life, her inner fire and inspiration found their goal and application, as well as the wizards heard and understood, because they say from the first meeting, "as if they broke up yesterday."

The completion of the Master's novel was the test for them. But already born love was destined to pass it, and many other tests to show the reader that the real relationship of the souls exists.

Master and Margarita

The real love of the master and margaritas in the novel is the embodiment of the Love image in the understanding of Bulgakov. Margarita is not just a favorite and loving woman, she is a muse, she inspiration of the author and his own pain, materialized in the image of Margarita-Witches, that in the righteous anger kits the apartment of an unfair critic.

The heroine loves the masters with all his heart, and as if he was inhaling his life in his little apartment. She gives her inner strength and energy to the novel of his beloved: "She has a national phrase and loudly repeated individual phrases ... And he said that in this novel her life."

Failure to publish a novel, and later defeat criticism is unknown as a passage that has fallen into the printing in the same way hurts, both masters and margarita. But, if the writer is broken by this blow, then Margarita seizes insane rage, it even threatens to "poison the Latunsky". But the love of these lonely souls continues to live their lives.

Test of love

In the novel "Master and Margarita", love is stronger than death, stronger than the disappointment of the master and anger of Margarita, stronger than the tricks of Voland and condemnation around.

This love is destined to undergo a flame of creativity and cold ice critics, it is so strong that he cannot find peace even in heaven.

Heroes are very different, the master is calm, thoughtful, he has a soft character and a weak, vane heart. Margarita is strong and sharp, more than once describing it, Bulgakov uses the word "flame". The fire burns in her eyes and a brave, a strong heart. With this fire, she shares with the master, it is the flame she inhales into the novel and even yellow flowers in her hands resemble lights against a black coat and slushful spring. The master embodies meditation, thought, Margarita is the action. She is all ready for his beloved, and sell his soul, and become the queen of the Devil Bala.

The power of the senses of the master and margaritis is not only in love. They are so close spiritually that they simply cannot exist separately. Before his meeting, they did not experience happiness, swaying after - so they would not have learned to live separately from each other. Therefore, probably, Bulgakov and makes the decision to break the lives of his heroes, in return by giving them eternal peace and privacy.


Against the background of the biblical story about Ponst's Pilate, the history of love masters and Margarita seems more lyrical and stronger. This love for which Margarita is ready to give his soul, as it is empty without a loved one. Being insanely lonely to his meeting, the heroes are gaining understanding, support, sincerity and warmth. This feeling is stronger than all obstacles and bitterness, which falls on the fate of the main heroes of the novel. And it is it that helps them to find eternal freedom and eternal peace.

Description of love experiences and history of the relationship of the main heroes of the novel can be used by students of 11 classes while writing an essay on the topic "Love Masters and Margarita"

Test on the work

Roman "Master and Margarita" is dedicated to the history of the master - the creative person opposing the world around. The history of the master is inextricably linked with the history of his beloved. In the second part of the novel, the author promises to show "true, faithful, eternal love." Love Masters and Margarita was just such.

What does it mean to M. Bulgakov, "True Love"? The meeting of the master and Margarita was random, but it was not a chance that the feeling that was tied them to the end of their days. No wonder they recognize each other in "deep loneliness" in the view. This means that even not knowing each other, they experienced a tremendous need for each other. That is why a miracle was accomplished - they met.

"Love struck us at once," says the Master. True love power invades loving and transforming it! All everyday life, ordinary becomes bright and significant. When Margarita appeared in the master's jetter, all the little things of his scarce life began to glow from the inside, and all the Merclo when she left.

True love is love disinterested. See you with Master, Margarita had everything that naughty Woman for happiness: Handsome, kind, loved her wife husband, luxury mansion, finance. "Word ... she was happy? - Written as a question. - Not one minute! .. What naughty It was this woman? "She needed he was, the master, about not a gothic mansion, and not a separate garden, and not money." All material benefits are insignificant compared to being near your loved one. When Margarita had no love, she was ready to even end. But at the same time, she does not want to hurt her husband and, by making a decision, it goes honestly: leaves him a farewell note, where everything explains.

True love, therefore, cannot cause evil to anyone, it will not build their happiness at the expense of the unhappiness of another person.