Journalist Dmitry Kiselev. Dmitry Kiselev

Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselev is a famous Russian journalist and TV host, heads Mia Russia today, and also takes the post of deputy general director VGTRK. News issues use unfriendly rhetoric against the United States and the Ukrainian establishment. Some believe that the whole biography of the journalist Dmitry Kiseleva is associated with state propaganda, while others talk about him as a master of their affairs and this patriot.

Childhood and studies

The political observer was born on April 26, 1954 in Moscow. He grew up and brought up in the family of hereditary intellectuals. A relatives of the famous composer and conductor Yury Shaporin are relative. Dmitry's parents wanted their son to tie their future with music, so they gave it to the music section, where he studied the playing guitar.

Having received a school certificate, a young man submits documents to one of the metropolitan medical schools. The first formation did not come in handy. Following interest in foreign languages, in 1973 the future leading final program "Vesti Week" enters the Leningrad State University for the separation of Scandinavian philology. At that time, he caught fire with a dream to become a diplomat.

Professional activity

The TV presenter and journalist Dmitry Kiselev began to build her career immediately at the end of the highest educational institution. The first workplace was the guest handewoo, which he gave 10 years of his life. The duties of a young specialist included information coverage of events occurring in the Soviet Union for a foreign audience. Good diction, creative approach to business, responsibility - All these qualities allowed an ambitious journalist to light up before the bosses.

In the midst of the perestroika Dmitry refused to voice the official statement of the authorities about the unrest in Lithuania, as a result of which he was dismissed from Goseradio.

Since 1989, it starts working at the Central Television of the USSR as a parliamentary correspondent of the "Time" program, and then parties to the state of information and analytical transmission staff. In addition, his active cooperation begins with several foreign publications. In 1992 he became the leading "international panorama". Since the spring of 1995, after the death of Vladislav Listeyev, it becomes the face of the program "Peak Hour".

From 1997 to 2003, there are various programs on the following television channels:

  • Ren-TV;

From 2000 to 2004, he has been operating by the editor of the information service of the Ukrainian ICTV television company. In 2003-2008 Engaged in rating TV projects, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • "Morning conversation";
  • "Authority";
  • "Key +".

Dmitry Kiselev managed to prove himself and as a director. He is the authors of several documentaries.

In 2008, an experienced specialist becomes the right hand of the Head of Media Holding VGTRK, after which he leaves the Vesti Program, but after 4 years it returns to its former duties.

At the end of 2013, the International Information Agency "Russia Today" is created on the basis of RIA Novosti, which is honored with Dmitry Kiselev.

Personal life

The biography of the masted journalist is overflowing with interesting information about his love adventures. Today, Dmitry Konstantinovich is married and happy in family life, but before that, there were many women in his path, with whom he never managed to build a strong relationship. Most of the marriages were registered in the youth. The first stamp in the passport appeared in 18 years, And by the age of 23 years managed to divorce three times, and not to acquire children.

From the fourth marriage he has a son Gleb. The Sixth Spouse was a citizen of Great Britain Kelly Richdale, with which he was engaged in the project "Window to Europe". With his current wife, Maria Georgievna TV presenter met during his holidays in Crimea and soon made her an offer. Son Dmitry Kiseleva - Konstantin Kiselev - Born in 2007After 3 years, Varbara daughter appeared at the pair.

Criticism of opponents

After Kiselev rose at the helm of the Russian information agency today, a flurry of accusations for the creation of the Kremlin collapsed on him. Most of all, the Western media was performed in this, which before that did not particularly complained the lead, accusing him to homophobia.

In one of the releases of the current show "Historical Process", he called on the hearts of people of non-traditional sexual orientation who died in road accidents, because of what was faced with an angry reaction of bloggers who demanded a journalist to criminal responsibility for extreme expression.

In Ukraine, Kiselev was declared non-grants person. In 2014, the SBU against him was a criminal case. The "International Press Institute" headed by them was suspected of financing the militia.

The presenter is submitted to the sanction list of the EU, where he found himself among the Russian oligarchs and officials to which visa restrictions were introduced.

Favorite classes

Together with his close Dmitry Kiselev lives in a rustic cottage built in Scandinavian style. As the TV host himself admits, he took an active part in the construction of the house, mastering construction skills even a student.

In the warm season prefers to get to the workplace on the motorcycle. Interested in motocross and auto racing, which did not better affect his health.

There was a period when the host held four horses, but after he received a compression fracture of the spine, hitting an accident, had to forget about horse sports.

Goning on the bike, Dmitry Kiselev also seriously injured "He entered the hospital with a rupture of knee ligaments, where he had to postpone a few operations, during the year he was forced to walk on crutches.

It is the founder of the Annual International Jazz Music Festival Koktebel Jazz Party, which takes place in the Crimean settlement Koktebel. At the advanced level owns English, French and Norwegian languages, can read in Swedish and Danish.

Feedback on Person

Since the leading program "Vesti Weeks" Kiselev is one of the most popular and discussed media, he has been chained the attention of the general public. On the Internet, you can meet both extremely angry reviews about Dmitry Konstantinovich, and praise his address.

The target audience was accustomed to seeing Kiseleva with a fierce defender of Russia, in the fluff and dust of the country's breaking enemies with their weight arguments. According to the colleagues of the beloved of the ruling party, in ordinary life it is completely different - more outdoor, responsive and peaceful person, with respect for the opinion of the interlocutor, even if he is on the other side of political barricades.

Previously, I watched the news on NTV, but recently I increasingly include TV channel Russia 1, where the odious leader of Kiselev works. His manner is presented to viewers even boring information I like. It can be seen that he is a professional to the bone's brain.

Georgy Rykov, Tolyatti

It was surprised when Dmitry Kiseleva learned from an interview with Dmitry Kiselev, Yury Dudu, that his native brother lives in the United States for a long time and in the negative key speaks of Russia. They probably, because of this, do not communicate, especially since the presenter threatened to turn America into radioactive ash.

Alla Sergeyevna, Lipetsk

One of the best leading on domestic television. With great pleasure I watch his program. Respes his homeland, honors her story. Repeatedly pointed to the inadmissibility of the use of nationality as an argument for criticism. There is no propagandist, but a publicist, indicating that in the West, journalists are not afraid to defend their point of view.

Dmitry Kiselev - Russian journalist and TV presenter, General Director of the Russian International Information Agency "Russia Today", Deputy General Director of Media Holding VGTRK.

Some believe that the whole biography of Kiseleva is associated with political propaganda, while others talk about it, as an outstanding and comprehensively developed journalist.

We bring to your attention the main events of Dmitry Kiseleva, as well as the most interesting facts from his life.

Biography Dmitry Kiselev

Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselev was born on April 26, 1954. He grew up and brought up in an intelligent musical family. As a child, the boy received musical education in the class of guitar.

Interesting the fact that he has to relatives to the composer and teacher Yury Shaporin.

After receiving the school certificate, Dmitry Kiselev successfully passed the exams in the local medical school. However, he never experienced special interest in medicine. For this reason, he decided to enter the university. A. A. Zhdanov in, choosing a Philology Faculty.

A television

After graduating from the university in 1978, Kiselev settled in Gosperary, where he worked for a long 10 years. During this time, he managed to acquire a lot of experience and honed the professional skills that the announcer should have.

In 1989, Dmitry Kiselev began working in the transfer of "time" as a TV presenter and political browser. On the eve, he was fired with Gosperary for refusal to inform the statements of the authorities about events.

Then Kiselev was part of the staff of the Vesti program, where it was one of the founders of the innovative format of television and broadcasting. At the same time, the journalist collaborated with various foreign publications.

In 1992, Dmitry Kiselev began to lead on the television "International Panorama", in which the events that occurred this week were discussed. Later as his own reporter, he worked in the Agency "Ostankino".

After the murder of Vladislav Leaf, in the spring of 1995, Kiselev claims the leading popular program "Hour Peak". In parallel with this, he drives the "window to Europe", but in a year leaves it.

In 1997, Dmitry began to lead the TV show "National Interest". She went on ether, both in Russian and in Ukrainian TV. Also Kiselev briefly led the news program "Events". After that, he worked as a journalist, both in and on.

In 2003, Ukrainian colleagues worked on the ICTV channel accused Kiselev in intentional distortion of facts. For this reason, the director of the TV channel Alexander Bogutsky decided to dismiss the Russian journalist.

During the biography of 2003-2008. Dmitry Kiselev led several rating TV projects, among which were the "morning conversation", "authority" and "lead +".

In 2008, he becomes the Deputy Director General of the Media Holding "VGTRK".

In 2013, Kiselev took the position of general director of the international news agency "Russia today". According to the order, it, first of all, should have covered the policy of the Russian Federation and talk about the situation in the state.

Next year, the Agency expanded its activities. "Russia today" began its broadcast in dozens of countries, trying to show the audience their vision on the development of events in the world.

Criticism and scandals

After Dmitry Kiselev became the head of the news agency "Russia today", he began to criticize in many states.

The journalist was called "Prokremlevsky" or "missing" TV presenter, and also talked about its intolerance to representatives of sex minorities.

In the media, information has repeatedly appeared that the creation of "Russia today" is another attempt to take control of Press.

An even greater injury to Kiselev was subjected to Ukraine, where all the media called him "Kremlin's", "the passed propagandist" and "supporter of the Russian world" in the Crimea and in the Donbas. The situation for today, the TV presenter is prohibited from entry into the EU countries and Ukraine.

In 2016, it became known about hacking email Dmitry Kiseleva. Hackers said they managed to take possession of a huge number of information exceeding 10 GB. According to Hackers, they found a lot of compromising material relating to the money and real estate of the journalist.

Since Kiselev is one of the most popular and discussed leaders, it is one way or another turns out to be drawn into various scandals. Nevertheless, it continues to grow genuine interest from the Company.

Dmitry Kiselev knows 4 languages, is an expert on music, literature and art. It is honored to give him an interview for the honor of both domestic and foreign celebrities.

Personal life

There were many women in Kiselev's biography. Interesting the fact that under the age of 23, he managed to marry three times and divorce. To date, he has the seventh wife! But we will not run in advance, and consider all marriages in order.

The first wife of Dmitry Konstantinovich was Alena, with whom he met still in his youth. After marriage, their marriage did not exist and years. After that, His wives became Natalia and Tatiana, with whom he met at the university.

The fourth time Kiselev went under the crown when she worked on Goseradio. His beloved called Elena Borisov. In this union, they had a boy Gleb. A year after the birth of the firstborn, their marriage collapsed.

The fifth spouse in the biography of Kiselev became Natalia, but also with this girl Dmitry did not live for a long time. After parting with her, he fell in love with the Briton Kelly Richdale, with which he worked on the project "Window to Europe". However, living together just a year, the couple decided to part.

With the seventh wife Maria Georgievna, Kiselev met the Crimea. They began to meet and soon decided to sign.

Dmitry Kiselev with marine wife

Mary has a son Fedor from the previous marriage. At the moment, the couple had two common children - Konstantin and Barbara.

On the Internet, you can find accounts of Dmitry Kiselev in different social networks, but the fact that they belong to him is big doubts.

Kiselev and Dorya

In 2019, Kiselev became the guest of the Internet project "Duty", where he gave a big and interesting interview. Many critics and simple spectators liked how the journalist behaved before the interviewer.

Dmitry Kiselev and Yuri Dowe

There were a few moments when the blister, wanting to put in the awkward position of Kiseleva, turned out to be in a very confused and stupid position.

Dmitry Kiselev masterfully answered the most provocative issues and Circassied Yuri in unreliability with their information.

As a result, even those people who negatively belong to Kiselev marked his mind and the smelter, and the blow was a huge number of critical comments and accusations that he was "terribly prepared for the interview."

Dmitry Kiselev today

The provision for today Kiselev continues to be the program "Vesti Week". In addition, he attends different secular events and becomes a guest of different programs.

In 2019, a roller was removed with Dmitry Konstantinovich, in which he read Rap. In this composition, he glorified his homeland and spoke of her invincibility. At the end of the video, the presenter invited everyone to the Crimea on the rap festival.

Since Dmitry Konstantinovich continues to stay in the center of attention and is considered one of the most famous Russian journalists, fans will still see him in different projects.

Photo Dmitry Kiselev

Photo Dmitry Kiseleva with his wife

In this photo you can see the photo of Dmitry Kiselev with the wife of Maria. Photo Made at Festival in Koktebel.

In the photo below, General Director of Mia Russia Today, Dmitry Kiselev and his wife Maria in front of the Tafee award 2016 award in the "Evening Prime" category in Moscow.

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Few of those who watch Russian news programs do not know such a person as Dmitry Kiselev. This is a domestic journalist and famous. Which during his dizzying career was able to reach not only a very responsible position of the Director General of the Domestic International Inform Agency "Russia today". But also managed to take the post of Deputy General Director of the All-Russian State Telephone of the Company. Many still follow the transfers that he leads with great interest.

Growth, weight, age. How old are Dmitry Kiselev

Kiselev, of course, not an artist, but, nevertheless, a public person, regularly glowing on television. An experienced and in demand journalist, TV host. Therefore, it is not surprising that he has many of his fans who are interested in many details about this person. For example, its growth, weight, age. How many years Dmitry Kiselev is not a secret. He is already 64 years old. With a rather high increase in 177 centimeters, a man weighs 80 kilograms, but a small presence of excess practically does not spoil his appearance. Career is only in the mountain.

So, an example, quite recently it became known that Dmitry Kiselev was appointed ambassador to the United States, by decree of the president. The journalist was delighted with a new appointment. But the US Secretary of State turned out to be completely different. According to him, the arrival of Kiseleva will be the reason for the breaking of diplomatic relations with the Russian capital. And almost an announcement of war.

Biography and personal life Dmitry Kiseleva

Dmitry Kiselev - a native of the Russian capital. He was born in April 54, in the family of musicians.

After school, Kiselev decided to enter the capital's medical school. But graduating from him, decided not to receive higher education in the field of medicine. Instead, I entered the separation of the Scandinavian mythology of Phil-fak them. Zhdanov. He graduated from the university in the 78th year.

Dmitry Kiseleva's biography and personal life are impressive with their dizzying takeoffs and drops. His professional activity began to unfold immediately after he graduated from the university. The Soviet Goseradio was the first official job. There Kiselev worked about ten years, taking a post in one of the sectors, which was responsible for coverage of foreign life. A high level of responsibility, constant control is not only about what you say, but also about how you do it - the young journalist coped perfectly with this difficult task.

Changes the place of activity in Gosearevo, Kiselev began to work in the news department of the "time". There, he first became the leading responsible for visiting political situations.

While in the Soviet state began fundamental changes, Kiselev was fired from the company. Just for refusal to read the official statement of the authorities about the events that occurred in one of the republics. But for a long time, Dmitry did not light up - he was taken to work in the transfer "News". Where he became a "legislator" of a completely new format of television and broadcasting. In addition, starting close cooperation with colleagues abroad.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Kiselev becomes the leading information transfer "Panorama". Somewhat later he was directed to Helsinki.

When V. Levisyev, Kiselev, who had already managed to earn and experience, and a certain authority, was killed, and a certain authority, took his position. In about the same period, he began to lead the "window to Europe", but he left in a year.

Later, he began to lead a talk show, which was not only on the Russian RTR, but also in Ukrainian ICTV. For some time Kiselev led the "Events" news program. At the beginning of the two thousandths due to the Ukrainian colleagues, Kiselev was removed from work on charges of distortion of information provided.

For the six years, the famous journalist led news and socio-political programs, including "national interest". In addition to this, in 2008, Kiseleva appointed deputy general director of the All-Russian State Tele-Radio Company. The new position made him leave the post of leading news, but already four years later, he again appeared before the cameras. With the spread of the Internet, the popularity of Kiseleva began to grow. And not in the most flattering meanings. In particular, users began to disassemble the words leading to quotes and create memes. The most commonly used was the Kiselev-meme with the phrase "coincidence? I do not think. " Quotes in such a format quickly scattered over the network.

At the end of 2013, the International Inform Agency "Russia today" was organized. Kiselev was appointed general director of this company. At about the same time, the press began to say that Dmitry Kiselev officially left VGTRK, quit permanently. However, this information was just no more than hearing. And the press service of the TV channel with ease of them refuted.

A year ago, Dmitry Kiselev returned from a trip to the Crimea with a broken face. The press immediately began to publish articles as if the famous journalist was deliberately beaten. Kiselev himself denied all guesses about beating, saying that he was injured as a result of an unsuccessful fall.

Not so long ago, the president appointed him to the post of ambassador of Russia to America. Kiselev turned out to be very "for". But in the USA, this news was perceived with much smaller enthusiasm.

Family and children Dmitry Kiseleva

Dmitry Kiselev's family and children are a special part of his life. First of all, it is worth starting with the fact that a man married was as many as seven times! But none of these marriages (three of whom were student) did not last long enough, so that you could talk about a strong family. All that is known about all its chosen is only names.

He also has three children from different marriages. Gleb's son gave birth to him the fourth spouse, and the daughter of Varychka and Son Kosta - the last, seventh wife. Interestingly, among his chief there was even a foreigner - a certain Englishwoman named Kelly Richdale for the sixth spouse Dmitry. But this marriage did not last longer than one year.

Son Dmitry Kiseleva - Gleb Kiselev

He became the firstborn of the famous lead. Gleb was born in fourth marriage, when Dmitry was married to a woman named Elena. But long, family idyll did not last. And the negligent father left the family when the little son barely fulfilled the year. Now the son of Dmitry Kiseleva - Gleb Kiselev is already an adult man who is 31 years old.

He is professionally engaged in information technology and lives in a civil marriage with a girl, not related to television. With the Father, a young man did not communicate for a long time. Their communication was restored, only when Gleb became a teenager. Now the father and son have a normal smooth relationship.

Son Dmitry Kiseleva - Konstantin Kiselev

Son Dmitry Kiseleva - Konstantin Kiselev - appeared in the last moment, seventh marriage of the TV presenter. Now the boy is eleven years old and he is studying at school, and even quite well. According to Kiselya-senior, his younger son looks like his mother, but in a warehouse of character more reminds him of himself. Like many children, this boy loves animals.

He grows the usual child who does not mind to drive with friends into the ball on the street or go hiking. Perhaps in the future his opinion will change more, but at the moment the boy sees himself in the future popular artist or a famous football player. One way or another, he wants to be a public person, like his father.

Dmitry Kiseleva's daughter - Barbara Kiseleva

Three years after the birth of the youngest son, the famous TV host became the father of the girl. Dmitry Kiselev's daughter - Varvara Kiseleva is now studying at school. She has been eight years old. Father adores the baby, calling his little princess. Now the jam is already eight years old. Like many little girls, she loves beautiful dolls, dancing and drawing. And still engaged in music.

Despite the even very young age, a little vamrya is a very large ambitions. The girl wants to become a professional actress. And so professional, in order to certainly deserve Oscars in the future. Or even the golden palm branch at the Cannes Film Festival.

Dmitry Kiseleva's wife - Maria Kiseleva

Dmitry Kiseleva's wife - Maria Kiseleva at the present time the seventh and so far the last companion of the life of this non-permanent man. Maria Kiselev is there than boasting. In addition to the fact that she presented a well-known journalist of two children, she became the only woman who was able to keep Dmitry so long. Their marriage lasts more than ten years. Although before that, all the love unions of Dmitry Kiseleva barely withstood the deadline in one year.

They met when Maria was still a student faculty of practical psychology. Dmitry made her an offer, a year after the acquaintance. In addition to success in personal life, a woman seeks heights and in the life of professional. She graduated from three universities, all with a red diploma. At the moment, studying in the fourth and is going to work as a psychotherapist.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Kiseleva

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Kiselev - these are resources that first attract fans of the journalist and the people who are interested in. According to Dmitry himself, he has no pages on social networks. Since he did not like the comments of people in their address. Of course, he has a profile in instagram, and a slightly more nine hundred people are signed on the TV presenter.

However, it is unlikely that he really led him - there is only one video and two photos, and they were loaded three years ago. And comments there, for the most part, are really not the most flattering. Wikipedia can tell the brief biography of Kiseleva, a little about his personal life, professional awards, the formation of a career and political views.

To the political observer and journalist, Dmitry Kiselev, the attitude of the ambiguous and television viewers, and in colleagues. It is called "Putin's propagandist." The publication "Interlocutor" led the words of the radio host and Columnist Dmitry Gubin that in the youth of Kiselev "taught not to fade, and he himself did not just rusted - it was a penny knife." And at the same time, he noted that the TV presenter was given to the profession entirely, there were no hopeless situations for him.

Kiselev himself explained in a long interview that propaganda is "the spread of ideas, information, ideological position, and the" news of the weeks "promote healthy values, healthy patriotism." World news agencies, for example, Associated Press or Reuters, do the same - interpreting events, form views and system of values, but Russia is not obliged to agree with them.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselev - Native Moskvich. He was born in April 1954 in an intelligent musical family. Kiselev is a relative of the famous composer and conductor Yuri Shaporin. Dmitry also received music education in the classic guitar class.

At the end of the school, Dmitry Kiseleov entered one of the medical schools of the capital. But after his end, I decided not to continue my medical education, but became a university student in Leningrad, choosing a philological faculty, Scandinavian philology. He graduated from the university in 1978.

A television

The professional biography of Dmitry Kiselevova began immediately after graduating from the university. The first workplace of Kiselev was in the Gostarevo USSR. Here, the journalist worked more than 10 years in one of the most prestigious and important sectors responsible for coverage of the country's life abroad. High Responsibility, Control over every word, intonation - with these requirements, the young journalist Dmitry Kiselev coped perfectly.

In 1988, Dmitry Kiselev is moving to the "time" program news department, where he becomes the lead and leads political faults.

During the break and cardinal change in the USSR, Dmitry Kiselev was dismissed from Gosperary. He refused to read the official statement of the government about events in one of the republics. Soon he was taken to the Vesti program, and the man becomes one of the creators of the new format of television and radio, actively cooperates with foreign colleagues.

In 1992, Dmitry Kiseleov begins to conduct the information program "Panorama". Later, he was sent to Helsinki as his own correspondent, where she worked for the Ostankino agency.

In 2017, Dmitry Kiselev works the leading "West of the Week" and remains the general director of the Russian news agency.

Personal life

The personal life of Dmitry Kiselev always remained very saturated. It had many women, official and unofficial marriages. The first spouse of the TV host was the classmate of Alyona, with which the 17-year-old Dima studied in the medical school. Young people officially married, but broke up, without living and years.

The following 2 official marriage happened at Kiselev, too, in early youth, when he studied at the University of Leningrad. The wives called Natalia and Tatiana.

The fourth marriage of Dmitry Kiselev was registered when he worked for Gosperary. Wife called Elena Borisov. In this union, the first-mention of Dmitry - Son Gleb appeared. When the boy was fulfilled a year, the family broke up.

The fifth wife was named after Natalia, but this Union turned out to be fleeting. After Natalia in the personal life of Dmitry Kiselev in 1998, the English businesswoman Kelly Richdale entered. And again - a quick divorce.

At the Jazz Festival in Koktebel, Dmitry Kiselev met his current marius spouse. She was already married and the Son of Fedor was growing independently. Now Dmitry and Mary already have two joint children - Konstantin and Barbara. The family lives in the Scandinavian house built on the Kiselev project in the Moscow region.

In 2016, a number of media attributed to the nephew of Dmitry Kiselev, Sergey, the presence of German citizenship. Allegedly, the German passport did not prevent the young man to go to Ukraine, to the zone of hostilities under Gorlovka, and fight on the side of the Russian army.

On behalf of the TV host, accounts are underway in "Instagram" and in "VKontakte", that's not everything is clear with their affiliation. In "Instagram", in addition to the photo, a roller is placed in which Dmitry is divided by a link to "VKontakte". On the latter page, it is indicated that accounts in

Kiselev Dmitry Konstantinovich - Russian journalist and TV presenter, General Director of the Russian International Information Agency "Russia Today", Deputy General Director of VGTRK.


Kiselev Dmitry Konstantinovich, 26.04.1954 year of birth, native of Moscow.

Relatives. Most of the Kiselev marriages were registered during the youth: twenty-twenty for years he was divorced three times, and for the first time he married eighteen years. The sixth wife (from 1998 to 1999), Kelly Richdale, was the British, he worked with her on the program "Window to Europe".

Seventh wife (since 2005) - Maria Georgievna Kiselev (born July 15, 1976), graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical State University (teacher of geography in English), then - the Academy of Foreign Trade and in 2010 - a non-state educational institution "Institute of Practical Psychology and Psychoanalysis "(Moscow). In 2012, he defended his dissertation on the topic "The influence of individual-psychological features of patients with cardiovascular diseases on the effectiveness of psychological accompaniment of postoperative recovery" (Scientific leaders - Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University Yuri Zinchenko and Leo Beria), Candidate of Psychological Sciences. From December 2013 - a permanent guest, and later the leading program "Alter Pars" on the radio station "Watch FM".

Joint children: Son - Konstantin Kiselev (born 2007) and daughter - Barbara Kiselev (born 2010); Son Mary - Fedor. Son from fourth marriage - Gleb Kiselev (Rod. 1987).

There is an elder brother emigrated from the USSR in the 1980s and currently living in the United States. As of 2019, the brothers do not support relations with each other for personal reasons. His son Sergey Kiselev, who lives in Germany and having the citizenship of this country, took part in an armed conflict in the east of Ukraine on the side of the pro-Russian People's Republic, where he had served before the title of deputy commander of the platoon. For the service on the side of the people's republics received a prison sentence in Germany.

Hobbies. In 2011-2013, he was the founder and head of the Ukrainian culinary-elite club "Skovoroda", named after the philosopher and the poet Grigory Frying. Among the club's friends, one time you visited his monthly meetings in Kiev, were People Poroshenko and Olya Bezin.

Owns four foreign languages: English, French, Norwegian and Swedish.

Awards. Memory medal January 13 (January 11, 1994) - for his contribution to the international recognition of the Republic of Lithuania and in honor of the celebration of the Day of Freedom defenders and the third anniversary of the tragic events from Vilnius Telbashni. Awards on April 3, 2014 decree of President Lithuania gave fungauskite. By signing the document, Grybauskayt said that Kiselev discredited the title of awarded awarded award, and in its ether mocks the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof freedom and democracy. Deputy General Director of the NTV TV channel Tatiana Mitkov, in the live evening of the Evening release of the program "Today", said that in Solidarity with Kiselev, he abandoned her awarded the same medals, and asked "Lithuanian President Mrs. Mrybauskaite to strike me from the lists awarded." Order of Friendship (May 5, 2011) - for great merits in the development of domestic broadcasting, culture, press and many years of fruitful activities. The Order "For Merit Before Fatherland" IV degree (February 13, 2014) for the achieved labor successes, a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the merit in the humanitarian sphere, strengthening the legality, the protection of the rights and interests of citizens, many years of conscientious work. Order Sergius of Radonezh 2 degree (ROC, 2014).


  • He brought up in the musical environment, he is a nephew of the second wife of the composer Yury Shaporina, graduated from a music school in the classic guitar class.
  • He studied in the French special school and in the medical school number 6 in Moscow.
  • In 1973 he entered the Leningrad State University.
  • In 1978 he graduated from the department of Scandinavian philology of the Philology Faculty of Leningrad State University named after A. A. Zhdanov.

Labor activity

  • After graduating from the university, he worked in the Norwegian and Polish editions of the central broadcasting on the foreign countries of Gossel's USSR.
  • In the period from 1988 to 1991 was the correspondent of the program "Time" of the Central Television of the USSR.
  • From 1991 to 1996, the night issues of news 1 channel led, at the same time, from 1995 to 1996 was the leading program "Peak Hour".
  • From 1997 to 2003, a Talk show "National Interest", which came out first to Ren-TV, then on the channel "RTR", and since 1999 - on TVC.
  • In 2000, together with the program switched to the Ukrainian ICTV channel.
  • In 2003, he returned to the TV company "Russia", where he became the leading daily information and analytical program "Vesti +". There was also the leading transfer "Details with Dmitry Kiselev" and the socio-political talk show "National Interest".
  • In 2006, Kiselev became leading, paired with M. E. Sith, Evening release of the Vesti program.
  • In 2008, he became Deputy General Director of the Holding "VGTRK". After that, the destination left the "Westa", but continued to maintain the programs "Vesti Week", "Historical Process" and "Authority". It is also the author of the documentary series about the collapse of the USSR ("USSR: Wreck") and several documentaries.
  • In 2013, he became the general director of the International Information Agency "Russia Today", created on the basis of the liquidated RIA Novosti.