How gallez refers to the broom. Gallery and brooms: relationships (for the novel "Oblomov")

The famous Russian writer I. A. Goncharov in 1859 publishes its next Roman "Oblomov". It was an incredibly difficult period for Russian society, which seemed to be divided into two parts. The minority understood the need and told for the improvement of the life of ordinary people. Most of the same landowners, baryans and wealthy nobles, which were directly dependent on their peasants. In the Roman Goncharov offers the reader to compare the image of Oblomov and Stolz - two friends, absolutely different in temperament and the strength of the Spirit. This is a story about people who, despite the internal contradictions and conflicts, remained loyal to their ideals, values, their own way of life. However, sometimes it is difficult to understand the true causes of such trust proximity between the main characters. That is why it seems to readers and critics so interesting relationships of Oblomov and Stolts. Next and we will get to know them closer.

Stolz and Oblomov: General Characteristics

Oblons - Undoubtedly, the main figure, however, the writer pays more attention to his friend gallery. The main characters are contemporaries, nevertheless turn out to be at all similar to each other. Oblomov - a person aged just over 30 years. Goncharov describes his pleasant appearance, but emphasizes the absence of a certain idea. Andrei Stolz is the peer of Ilya Ilyich, he is much thin, with a smooth dark color of the face, almost without a rug. Green Expressive Eyes Also is also opposed to a gray and turbid gaze of the main character. Oblomov himself grew up in the family of Russian nobles, who owned not one hundred fortress shower. Andrei was brought up in a Russian-German family. Nevertheless, he identified himself with Russian culture, professed Orthodoxy.

Relationships of Oblomov and Stolz

Anyway, the lines connecting the fate of the characters of the novel "Oblomov" are present. The author was necessary to show how friendship arises between the people of polar views and temperament types.

The relationship between Oblomov and Stolz is largely predetermined by the conditions in which they were brought up and lived in young years. Both men grew together, in the guesthouse not far from the crushing. Half's father served there as a manager. In that village, Verlev, everything was impregnated with the atmosphere of "Oblomovshchina", unevenness, passiveness, laziness, simplicity of morals. But Andrei Ivanovich Stolz was well educated, reading Viland, taught poems from the Bible, recalculated the illiterate reports of peasants and factory people. In addition, he read fasteners of Krylov, and with his mother disassembled a sacred history. The boy Ilya sat at home under the soft wing of the parental guardianship, Stolz spent a lot of time on the street, in communicating with neighboring guys. Their personalities were formed in different ways. Oblomov was wards of nurse and caring relatives, while Andrei did not cease to do physical and mental labor.

Secret friendship

The relationship between Oblomov and Stolz is amazing and even paradoxical. Differences between the two characters can be found a huge amount, however, undoubtedly there are features that are united. First of all, bugs and galleries are connected strong and sincere friendship, but they are similar in their so-called "life dream". Only Ilya Ilyich is sleeping at home, on the sofa, and Stolz in the same way falls asleep in his rich events and impressions of life. Both of them do not see truths. Both are not able to abandon their own lifestyle. Each of them is unusually tied to their habits, believing that this behavior is the only right and reasonable.

It remains to answer the main question: "What a hero need Russia: in a broom and gallery?" Of course, such active and progressive individuals, as the latter, will remain in our country forever, will be its driving force, they will feed it with their intellectual and spiritual energy. But you need to admit that without broken Russia will cease to be such as our compatriots have known for many centuries. Oblomov needs to raise, patiently and unobtrusively awaken so that he benefit homeland.

The main characters of Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" are brooms and galley. The writing must begin with the description of the writer's plan. Goncharov shows the gradual death of the human soul. Of course, the author was not the first one who brought a similar image on the pages of the work, but he portrayed it in such a scale and versatility, which literature did not know before him.

Barin Ilya Oblomov

From the beginning of the novel, the writer introduces the reader with nothing noticeable Barin is a typical image of Russian Baria. Low-lived, impoverished, loose, passive. The plot is deprived of action, intrigue. Absolutely incomprehensible seems apathy Ilya Oblomov. For all day, Ilya is on the couch in the felling bathrobe and everything reflects. Many ideas vitates in his head, but none finds further continuation. Oblomov has no desire to make communication. He tries not to disturb the peaceful course of life in a crushing. His lazy dreams interrupt only the petitioners who are coming on it. And the breakdown is still. It is so far from reality, which does not even notice the true intentions of his "guests". And here Goncharov enters that hero tolerates us. This is where the reason for this behavior lies. It was in childhood that the boy was brought up with a person who was unsuitable for a person. Through his desires, fencing from any action, Ilya inspired the idea that nothing needed to do is, there will always be the one who will do it for him. The typical position of the nobles living at the expense of the peasants.

Drive friend

The life of Ilya Oblomov is changing with the arrival of Andrei Stolz, an old friend. Oblons sincerely hoped that gallets in the power to change the current position, to bring it out of the state of the half. Indeed, there is a handsome young man who has gone and experience, and money. No wonder Goncharov compares it with a blood English horse. Unlike a friend of Stolz in "Oblomov" alien to dreaminess and laziness. He practices in everything.

It is impossible to say that the bugs have always been like now. In the days of youth, Ilya and Andrey together studied science together, rejoiced their lives, they sought something to something. However, then the lively and active Andrei could not carry Oblomov with his enthusiasm, and gradually this young barin revived in his estate the situation to which it was used to from childhood. Stolz in the novel "Oblomov" is the exact opposite of the chief hero and at the same time the closest person. And he helps to reveal the features of the Ilyusha, to identify and emphasize its advantages and disadvantages.

Friends since childhood

Heroes - childhood friends. These are two completely different in the nature of the person who brought fate. Ilya Oblomov from an early age was a family favorite. He lived in harmony with him and with the outside world. Ilyusha had everything he wanted. Native defeated him from all troubles. He grew up with a certain ballet fate, brought up on nanny fairy tales, in the atmosphere of laziness and serenity, without much desire to learn, to learn something new. Being a teenager, Oblomov gets acquainted with the gallery in the neighboring village of Verkhlovo. The little barin, accustomed to bliss in his estate, - Ilya, enters into a completely different world, energetic, new. Andrei Stolz's father earned her son to independence, racing German pedantic in it. From Mother friend Oblomov Stolz inherited love for poetry, from his father - craving for sciences, to accuracy and accuracy. Since childhood, he does not just help his father in matters, but it works and gets a salary. Hence the ability of Andrei to take bold and independent decisions, to respond for their actions. Even outwardly friends are completely opposite. Ilya is a complete, loose, sluggish man who does not know what labor is. On the contrary, Andrei - the tightened, cheerful, active person who is accustomed to constantly labor. Lack of movement for him is like death.

The "Bug and Stolz" table, located below, will allow more clearly to distinguish the difference in the characters.

Love in the life of heroes

Both are experiencing love in life in life. And in love is completely opposite to breakdowns and gallets. An essay by virtue of volume cannot cover the entire set of differences between the heroes of the novel. However, the topic of love should be considered.

When the boring weekdays of Ilya seeks Olga, he comes to life, out of the walked creature turns into an interesting man. Energy in the broom has a key, everything needs everything, everything is interesting. He forgets about the former habits and even wants to marry. But suddenly he is beginning to torment doubts about the truth of Love Olga. Infinite questions asked by the broomstick itself, in the end, do not allow him to change his life. He returns to the former existence, and nothing touches him. Andrei Stolz loves selflessly, passionately, giving a feeling without a residue.

Opposites come closer

In other words, we see that brookoms and galley (an essay reflects the generally accepted point of view) - completely dissimilar people who have grown in different medium. However, it is precisely this distinction and closer. Each of them finds in the other what lacks himself. Bakes attracts gallery calm and good moral. Conversely, in Andrei Ilya admires vital activity. The time of both is experiencing strength, but the friendship is only stronger.

Table "Oblomov and Stolts"

Ilya Oblomov

Andrei Stolts.


Oblomov - a generic nobleman living in accordance with patriarchal traditions.

Stolz - Son of German, managing the estate of the Russian nobility.


Brought up in the atmosphere of idleness. It was not accustomed to mental or physical work.

Since childhood, he was fond of science and art, early began to earn and make independent decisions.

Life position

Semi-free stagnation, dreaminess, no desire to change anything

Activity, practicality


Kind, calm, weak, lazy, sincere, dreamer, philosopher

Strong, smart, hardworking, driving

It is precisely those that are represented by the readers of brooms and gallets. The writing can be completed with the words of the author himself: "It was that more than any mind: honest, faithful heart! This is its natural gold; He has no passive to carry him through life. "

In the novel "Oblomov" wanted to oppose the Western and Russian culture Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov. Bugs and gallets - two key images of the work. Roman is built at the reception of antithesis. It is implemented through the opposition of the two characters of the work. Largely opposite galleries and bugs. In Russian classical literature there are many works built in this way. This, for example, "Hero of Our Time" and "Eugene Onegin". In foreign literature you can also find such examples.

"Oblomov" and "Don Quixote"

With "Oblomov" most erects the novel "Don Quixote" Miguel de Servantes. In this work, contradictions are described between the reality and representation of a person about what an ideal life should be. This contradiction applies, as in the "Oblomov", to the outside world. Like Ilya Ilyich, Hidalgo is immersed in dreams. Oblomov in the work surrounds people who do not understand him, because their submission of them is limited to its material side. True, these two stories are diametrically opposite: an insight comes to Alonso before dying. This character understands that in his dreams was mistaken. But the bugs do not change. Obviously, in this outcome and is the difference between Western and Russian mentality.

Antiteza - the main reception in the work

With the help of antithesis, you can morely draw the identity of the heroes, because everything is coming in comparison. It is impossible to understand Ilya Ilyich, removing the gallery from the novel. Goncharov shows the advantages and disadvantages of their characters. The reader at the same time can take a look at himself and his inner world. This will help to prevent mistakes that made the heroes of brookoms and galley in the goths of Goncharov "Oblomov".

Ilya Ilyich is a man with an invalid Russian soul, and Andrei Stolz is a representative of the new era. In Russia, there were always those and others. Stolz and Oblomov are characters, through the interaction of which, as well as through their interaction with other heroes, the author comes the main thoughts. Olga Ilinskaya is a link between them.

The value of childhood in the formation of characters of heroes

Childhood in the life of each person is important. The personality during this period is not yet formed. Man, like a sponge, absorbs everything that the world surrounding. It is in childhood that the upbringing occurs, from which it depends on what person will be in adulthood. Therefore, an important role in Goncharov's novel is played by the description of childhood and education of future antipodes, which are Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz. In the chapter "Sleep Oblomov" the author leads a description of the childhood of Ilya Ilyich. He remembers the crushing, his native village. After reading this chapter, we understand where immobility and taciousness appeared in the nature of this hero.

Childhood Ilya Oblomov

Stolz and brooms brought up differently. Ilyusha - as a future barin. Many guests and relatives lived in the house of his parents. They all praised and caressed the little Ilyusha. It is sophisticated and fed a lot of "creamy", "crackers", "buns." Food should be noted, it was the main concern in the crushing. She paid a lot of time. The whole family resolved the question of which dishes will be for dinner or for lunch. After lunch, everyone was immersed in a long sleep. So passed days: food and sleep. When Ilya has grown, he was sent to learn to the gymnasium. Knowledge of Ilyusha Parents did not interest. It was important only a certificate that he passed various sciences and arts. Therefore, Ilya Oblomov grew up uneducated, scored boy, but kind in the soul.

Childhood Andrei Stolz

Hald is just the opposite. Andrei's father, according to Nationality, the German, with a small years, brought up independence in his son. In relation to her child, he was dry. Focality and severity are the main features that his parents have invested in the education of Andrei. All days of the family took place in the work. When the boy grew, his father began to take him to the bazaar, in the field, forced to work. At the same time, he trained his son sciences, German. Then Stolz began to send a child to the city with instructions. Goncharov notes that he never happened so that Andrei had forgotten anything, it was not heated, reeded, gave slip. The Russian nobleman, the mother of the boy, trained his literature, gave spiritual education to her son. As a result, the gallery became a smart strong young man.

Farewell to the native home

Let us turn to the scenes that describe how galleries and bugs left their native villages. Oblomov escorted with tears in his eyes, they do not want to let go of an expensive child - it feels the atmosphere of love for the boy. And when the native house leaves gallery, the father only gives him several instructions regarding the waste of cash. At the time of farewell, they even have nothing to say to each other.

Two environments, two characters and their influence on each other

Two completely different media are the villages of Oblomovka and Verkhlovo. Oblomovka is a kind of paradise on Earth. Nothing happens here, everything is calm and quiet. In power in Uppervo, the father of Andrei, the German, who suits the German order here.

Common character traits have brooms and gallets. Their friendship, which existed since childhood, led to the fact that, communicating, they influenced some of each other. Both heroes were raised together for some time. They went to school, contained by the father of Andrei. However, they came here, one might say, from completely different worlds: once and for all, a manner, no violated order of life in the village of Oblomovka; And the active labor of the German Burger, who embarrassed with the lessons of the mother, causing the interest and love of art.

For further development of relations, however, Andrei and Ilya lacking communication. Gradually move away from each other, adult, bugs and gallets. Friendship of them, meanwhile, does not stop. However, it is hampered by the fact that the property situation of these two heroes is different. This Barium, nobleman is bugs. This is a 300 shower owner. Ilya could not do anything at all, being on providing its fortress. Everything else from Stolz, who was only a Russian nobleman. He independently had to support his material well-being.

Oblons and galleries in the novel "Oblomov" in mature years have become completely different. It has already been difficult to communicate. Stolz began to eat echidia and make fun of the arguments of Ilya, so distant from reality. Differences in characters and views on life in the end led to the gradual weakening of their friendship.

The importance of friendship from Goncharov

A red thread on this novel is a thought of friendship, about what role she plays in a person's life. A person in cooperation with others can show its true entity. Many forms have friendship: "Brotherhood", chasing by Pushkin, mercenary, friendship for one reason or another. In addition to sincere, in essence, everyone else is just a form of egoism. Andrei and Ilya friendship was strong. She tied them, as we have noted, since childhood. Roman Goncharova helps readers to figure out why friends are friends and galley, which role friendship plays in human life, due to the fact that it describes the many of her peripetia.

The value and relevance of the novel "Oblomov"

The novel "Oblomov" is a work that does not lose its relevance to this day, since it reflects the essence of the life of people who is eternal. The author's offered by the author (the portrait is presented below) the antithesis excellently conveys the essence of rock history of our country, which is marked by these two extremes.

The Russian person is hard to find the golden middle, mix the desire for well-being, the activity and diligence of Andrei Stolz and complete wisdom and light, the broad soul of Oblomov. Probably in each of our compatriot, as in our country itself, these extremes live: gallery and bugs. The characteristic of the future of Russia depends on the one of them will take the top.


Causes of friendship between galley and broom

Friendship between the broom and gallery began at the time of their school studies. At the time of dating, the characters were similar in nature and had common hobbies. Little Ilya is depicted in a curious child who was wondering. He wanted to know the world around him and recognize as much as possible as possible, even the young man he was still preparing for the fact that his life would "acquire other, wider sizes," he was full of different aspirations and hopes, was preparing for an important role in society. However, due to the "greenhouse", "Oblomovsky" raising and influence of relatives, the hero remains on the spot, continuing only to hope and plan, never turning towards actions. All the activity of Oblomov goes into the world of dreams and dreams, which he himself comes up with and who lives.

Andrei Stolz was the same curious child as Ilya, but he was not limited to the knowledge of the world and allowed him even a few days to leave the house. And if the education of the upbringing has killed an active, active principle, then the death of his mother influenced the formation of the personality of the gallery, who gently loved her son. Strict, a little moto father could not give the son of all the love and spiritual heat, which he lost after the loss of Mom. Apparently, it is this event that is conjugate with the need to manage the father to go to another city and independently build a career, produced the strongest impression on the young Andrei Ivanovich. Mature gallery - a person, which is very difficult to figure out his feelings, moreover, he does not understand love, as it cannot cover it with a rational mind. That is why many researchers compare Andrei Ivanovich with an insensitive mechanism, which is incorrectly incorrect - in fact, Stolz, no less peaceful and kind man than bugs (remember how often and absolutely disinterestedly he helps a friend), but his whole sensuality is hidden deep Inside his soul, incomprehensible and inaccessible even the hero itself.

The relationship between the gallez and Oblomov begin as a friendship of two very similar in nature and nature of personalities, but different education makes them completely different and even opposed characters, which, nevertheless, continue to see each other, then important and close, which brought them closer in school years.

Features of friendship Oblomov and galley in mature years

Stolz, at any convenient case, trying to "stir", to activate the Oblomov, to force it to act "now or never", whereas Ilya Ilyich gradually, unknowingly for both heroes instills the very "broomstorm" values \u200b\u200bthat Andrei Ivanovich and to which The result came to a calm, measured, monotonous family life.


The topic of friendship in the novel "Oblomov" is revealed by the example of the relationship between the two opposed heroes. However, the differences between the broken and galley are only an external character, since both of them are personalities that are in constant search for their own happiness, but they failed to reveal completely and realize their entire potential. The images of the heroes are tragic, as neither is constantly striving forward, active gallery, nor passive living in the illusions of obcomments do not find harmony between the two main principles - rational and sensual, leading to the death of Ilya Ilyich and inner confusion and even greater tangle of the gallery.

Test on the work

Why galley and bug friends?

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel "Oblomov" arose by the end of the 1950s of the XIX century, at the same time Goncharov in the "literary collection with illustrations" published the chapter "Sleep Oblomov", which later became a composite center of the work. Fully Roman was published in 1859 in the journal "Domestic Notes".

All the work of Goncharova was built on the antithesis, which helped the author better reveal the characters of the heroes, to identify the author's intent. In the novel, the central heroes are opposed - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Andrei Ivanovich Stolz.

From the first pages of the novel, starting with the portrait characteristics of the heroes, the reader notices the difference between them. Antipode "Walked not in the summer", bored and apathetic Oblomov is gallery, the whole compiled "bone, muscles and nerves", energetic and calculating. However, despite all the differences in the heroes, the friendship of Oblomov and the gallery lasts for many years. What is the reason for the close friendship of heroes?

The secret of the long friendship of Oblomov and Stolz, first of all, is that the heroes are familiar with childhood. Goncharov shows how years of childhood, a common study brings together such different characters: "They associated their childhood and school - two strong springs." Drawing pictures of life in a crushing, the writer draws attention to the scenes of the joint games of children and notes that the gallery was like his accepted in the family of broom. Being from nature in the curious and active boy, the bugs are happy to explore the world around the world. According to Goncharov, it is precisely the difference in education determines the various formation of characters. In the composition of "Sleep Oblomov", a great place was given to the school years of heroes: if the parents of Oblomov had left a child at home, they poured him, then the father of the gallery from an early age taught Andrey to work and earn, educated in it hardworking, purposefulness.

The relationship of the gallery and Oblomov are preserved in mature years, remaining the same trust as in childhood. The reason for this is the ability to appreciate the best qualities of each other. Stolz, despite the apathy and laziness of Oblomov, saw him "clean", "Crystal" soul. Oblomov, in turn, sincerely appreciates the best features of the gallery: businesslikeness, deep mind, decency. Running from real life in the beautiful world of dreams Ilya Ilyich and rational, all the controlling Andrei Stolz find each other in each other that they cannot reveal in themselves.

Friendship of heroes is built not only on mutual understanding and empathy, but also on mutual assistance. It is the arrival of the gallery contributes to the life of Oblomov diversity, introduces him to Olga Ilinskaya and thereby contributes to the transformation of Ilya Ilyich. In turn, only next to the broomstone gallery acquires sincere equilibrium, calm, may reflect on the meaning of life. In the episode of the dispute of heroes (2 part, 4 chapter), the worldview of each of them is revealed. On the reflection of Oblomov on meaninglessness and emptiness of secular life and romantic dreams of life in the village of Stolz exclaims: "Yes, you poet, Ilya!" So gallets recognizes mental beauty, elevation of a friend.

The theme of the friendship of potters in the novel "Oblomov" discloses on the example of the relationship between two heroes, the characters and lifestyles of which are opposed to each other. However, the differences between the broom and gallery are only external, since both heroes are individuals who are in constant search for their own "I", but I have never managed to reveal to completely and realize your entire potential. The images of the heroes are dramatic, as neither constantly active, calculating gallery, nor living in the illusions of obcomments do not find harmony between the two main principles - rational and sensual. This leads to the death of Ilya Ilyich and the inner conflict of the gallery.