The image of Yakim Nagoya from the poem to whom. Heroes "Who in Russia live well" (N.A.Nekrasov): characteristics of characters

The poem Nekrasov "Who in Russia live well" tells the reader about the fate of various people. And these fate most of them are tragic. There is no happy people in Russia, everyone's life is equally hard and wretched. And therefore, reflecting on the read, experience sadness.
Jama Nagya is one of the men, with whom you have to face wanderers in your journey. The first lines in which it is said about this man is striking with their hopelessness:
In the village of Bosov
Nagya lives
He works until death,
Before half seemingly drinking! ..
The history of the life of Yakima Naked is very simple and tragic. He once lived in St. Petersburg, but broke, he went to jail. After that, he returned to the village, to his homeland, and began for inhumanly heavy, extinguishing work.
Since then, thirty years crashed
On the strip under the sun,
Under the bot is saved
From frequent rain,
Lives - with Sauho it is
And death will come Yakimushka -
How the earth fell off
What's on the hijacking ...
These lines talk about the life of a simple man, the only occupation and at the same time the meaning of the existence of which is hard work. It was such a lot that was characteristic of the main part of the peasant people - the absence of all joys except that drunkenness can give. That is why it is smeared and drinks to "half-term".
The poem describes an episode that seems very strange and causes the most surprise of the reader. I bought beautiful pictures for my son and hung them on the wall in the hut.
And myself is not less than a boy
He loved to look at them.
But suddenly the whole village caught fire, and Yakima was needed to save their novel wealth - accumulated thirty-five casual. But he first began to shoot pictures. His wife rushed to shoot from the walls of the icon. So it turned out that the witners "merged into one lump."
The man first of all during the fire saves what is more expensive to him. Yakim was the most expensive not money accumulated in incredibly hard work, but pictures. The viewing of the pictures was his only joy, so he could not allow them to burn. The soul of a person can not be content with a gray and poor existence, in which there is only a job that exhausts to powerlessness. The soul requires a beautiful, sublime, and pictures, oddly enough that it sounds, as if the symbol of something unattainable, distant, but at the same time hesitating hope, for a minute it allows you to forget about the wretched reality.
Description of the appearance of Yakima can not not cause compassion and pity:
Virginated Barin in Pahar:
Breast crawled; as added
Stomach; At the eye, at the mouth
Emitted like cracks
On dried earth;
And himself on the land-mother
Looks like: Neck Buura,
As a layer, sliced \u200b\u200bsliced,
Brick face
Hand - wood bark,
And the hair is sand.
An exhaust person appears in front of the reader who has practically no strength and health. Everything, absolutely everyone took his job. He has nothing good in life, so he still stretches for drunkenness:
The word is true:
We are pleased to drink!
We drink - it means that you feel strength!
Will come sadness the Great
How to stop drinking! ..
Work would not pumped
The trouble would not overcome
Hop does not chop!
On the image of Yakima Nazhogi, the entire tragic of the existence of a simple man is shown, he is a symbol of irresistibility and hopelessness, and this is what the author says, drawing these pictures.
The image of Ermil Girin differs from the image of Yakim Nazhogi. If Yakima has a complete submission of fate, there is not even the slightest hint of resistance, then Ermil appears stronger in front of the reader, he tries to somehow change his own immersion life.
Ermila had a mill. Not a god of message what wealth, but he could lose Ermil. During the bid, when Ermil honestly tried to win his own property, he needed a big amount of money. Ermil asks for only half an hour, during this time promises to bring money - a huge amount. The man turned out to be so resourceful that he went to Square and asked for all honest people. And since the day was the market, then Ermila was heard very many. He asked for people money, promising soon to give duty.
And the miracle is created -
On the whole market
Each peasant
Like wind, left left
Cropped suddenly!
The peasantry was filthy
Carry the money to Ermil
Give someone rich.
Nekrasov describes an atypical case. The person appeals for help, and absolutely unfamiliar people help him. Wanderers, having heard such a story, are very surprised why the people responded to the request of Ermila. And hear in response that Girin is a completely amazing person. He worked as a writer for a long time, helped everyone, without demanding anything in return:
Twenty years was small.
What will the Will Pisper "?
However, for the peasant
And the clerk man.
To him come to the first,
And he advises
And help will help;
Where enough power - will help
Not asks thanks,
And you will not take it!
Thanks to such a relation to people, Ermil was elected a burmist, despite his youth. He was fair, never allowed deception and meanness. Only one-one once allowed Ermil error. He wanted to save his Braga from Recutchin, so he sent the son of a poor peasant to the soldiers. But this act makes him repent, pain speaks in the shower:
Ermil himself,
Committed with recurrent,
Began to wander, sadness,
Does not drink, does not eat; Those ended
What's in a dress with a rope
Caught his father.
Here the son of his father repented:
"Since the Son of Vlasyevna
I put in a queue,
Powed me white light! "
Why suffers Yermil? Any unjust, unfair act seems to him a crime. This testifies to the nobility of a simple person. After Girin corrected his mistake, he refused his post.
The image of Yermil Girin is not less tragic, but it causes respect and admiration for the reader. In such an incredibly difficult conditions in which he is forced to live, he manages to show such positive features of his character as nobility, honesty, kindness, compassion.
Images of Ermila Girin and Yakima Nazhogo show the reader that, despite the difference in character, in relation to life, a simple person is conquered with fate and does not even try to protest. Jama Nagya lives in the close framework of his Mirka, in which there is only work and drunkenness. Ermil Girin is honest, deceitful, smart, but takes all the rules of the surrounding world. The life of a simple people inspires the reader a feeling of hopelessness and bitterness for humiliation, disasters and the suffering of Russian people.

The image of Matrena Timofeevna (on the poem N. A. Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia")

The image of a simple Russian peasantry Matrena Timofeevna is amazingly in a realistic. In this image, Nekrasov joined all the features and qualities characteristic of Russian peasant women. And the fate of Matrena Timofeevna is largely similar to the fate of other women.
Matrain Timofeevna was born in a large peasant family. The very first years of life were truly happy. All his life, Matrain Timofeevna recalls this carefree, when she was surrounded by love and care of the parents. But peasant children grow up very quickly. Therefore, as soon as the girl has grown, she began to help her parents gradually forgotten, they were still less and less than the time, the first place was faced with hard peasant work. But youth still takes his own, and even after a hard working day, the girl found a holiday time.
Matrena Timofeevna remembers his youth. She was good, hardworking, activity. It is not surprising that guys looked at her. And here it appeared narrowed, for which parents are married Matreus Timofeevna. Marriage means that now the free and free life of the girl ended. Now she will live in someone else's family, where they will be far from the best. When the mother gives her daughter to marry, she flashes about her, worries about her fate:
Parentar cried:
"... as a fish in the sea blue
Yurknesh you! like Solovushka
Fresh from the nest!
Not sugar sprinkled,
Not honey polita!
There is cold, hungry there,
There is a sleeper daughter
Will wind rains,
Pots are covered,
And people learn! "
In these rows, the sadness of the mother is clearly read, which perfectly understands all the lives of life, which will fall into a share of her married daughter. In someone else's family, no one will take part to it, and the husband himself will never interfere with his wife.
Matrain Timofeevna shares his sore thoughts. She did not want to change his free life in a parental home in a stranger family at all.
Already from the very first days in the house of the husband understood Matrena Timofeevna, how hard she will now have to:
The family was big,
Grumble ... I got
With the girl holi in hell!
Relations with the mother-in-law, mother-in-law and sinks were very difficult, in the new family, Matrey had to work a lot, and at the same time no one's kind words spoke. However, even in such a difficult life, which was near the peasant, there were no unwitched and simple joys:
Filipushka came in winter
Brought racks silk
Yes rolled on sled
In Ekaterinin Day,
And the hell was not like!
Patched, as I pegged
In the parent home.
We were alone,
Do not touch us - we have fun
Always with us in Lada.
The relationship between Matrey Timofeeevny and her husband was not always cloudless. The husband has the right to beat his wife if something is not satisfied with her behavior. And no one will defend the poor thing, on the contrary, all relatives in the family of her husband will only be happy to look at her suffering.
This was the life of Matrena Timofeevna after marriage. The days stretched monotonous, gray, surprisingly similar to each other: hard work, quarrels and replacements of relatives. But the peasant woman possesses truly angelic patience, so, without complaining, it makes all the burden that fell on her share. The birth of a child is the event that turns all her life. Now the woman is not so embittered on the whole white light, the love of the baby warms and pleases it.
Philip on Annunciation
Left, and on Kazan
I gave birth to my son.
As written was Demech I
The beauty is taken from the sun,
In the snow white,
In Maku's lip scarlet,
Black eyebrow at a sable
At Siberian Sat
At falcon's eyes!
All anger from the soul handsome man
Driven by an angels smile
Like Sunny Spring
Running snow from the fields ...
I did not worry,
That they are told - I work,
No matter how firing is silent.

The joy of the peasant from the birth of the son was not long. Work in the field requires a lot of strength and time, and then there is still a chest baby in hand. First, Timofeevna's Mattress took a child with him in the field. But then the mother-in-law began to reproach her, because with the child it is impossible to work with full self-dedication. And the poor Matrene had to leave the baby with grandfather Savely. One day, the old man had not heard - and the child died.
The death of a child is a terrible tragedy. But the peasants have to put up with the fact that very often their children die. However, Matrena is the first child, so his death was for her too heavy testing. And then there is still an additional trouble - the police come to the village, the doctor and becoming the Matrena is that she is in collaboration with a former convict Saint Sovetel's former convict. Matrena Timofeevna begs not to make an autopsy to bury the child without ruling over the body, but no one listens to the peasant. She hardly goes crazy from everything that happened.
All the hard peasant life, the death of a child can still be broken by Matrey Timofeevna. It takes time, her children every year are born. And she continues to live, raise their children, do hard work. Love for children is the most important thing that there is a peasant woman, so Matrain Timofeev is ready for everything, just to protect his beloved children. This is evidenced by the episode when he wanted to punish her son Fedot.
Matrena rushes into his feet to the landowner passing by the landowner so that he helped save the boy from punishment. And the landowner ordered:
"Podpa miniature
For infability, by stupidity
Forgive me ... and bubble bubble
Approximately punish! "
Why suffered the punishment of Matren Timofeevna? For its limitless love for his children, for readiness to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. The readiness for self-sacrifice is manifested in how Matrena rushes to seek salvation for her husband from recrucine. She managed to get to the place and ask for help from the governors, which really helps the Philip freed from recruit.
Matrain Timofeevna is still young, but she had to make it very much and very much. She had to survive the death of a child, hungry time, apartments and beatings. She herself says that she told the Holy Stranger:
"Women's happiness keys
From our free voyage
Abandoned, lost
God of God himself! "
Indeed, the peasant woman can not be called happy. All difficulties and severe tests that fall on its share can break and lead a person to death not only spiritual, but also physical. Very often this is how it happens. The life of a simple peasant woman is rarely long, very often women die in the heyday. It is not easy to read the lines telling about the life of Matrena Timofeevna. But nevertheless, it is impossible not to admire the spiritual power of this woman, who carried out so much tests and was not broken.
The image of Matrena Timofeevna is surprisingly harmonious. A woman appears at the same time strong, hardy, patient and gentle, loving, caring. She has to independently cope with the difficulties and trouble, which fall out to her family, does not see Matrena Timofeevna.
But, despite all the tragic, which you have to endure a woman, Matron Timofeevna causes genuine admiration. After all, she finds the strength to live, work, continues to rejoice at the modest joy, which from time to time falls on her share. And let her honestly admit that it is impossible to call it happy, it does not fall into the sin of despondency for a minute, continues to live.
The life of Matrena Timofeevna is a constant struggle for survival, and she managed to get out the winner from this struggle.

Poem Nekrasova "Who lives well in Russia?" - Encyclopedia of National Life

Nekrasov's poem "Who lives well in Russia?" It is customary to call the Epopea poem. The epic is an artistic work, with a maximum fullness depicting a whole era in the life of the people. In the center of Nekrasovsky work - the image of the collapses of Russia. Nekrasov wrote his poem for twenty years, collecting material for her "on the word". The poem is extremely widely covered by a folk life. The author wanted to portray all the social strata in it: from the peasant to the king. But, unfortunately, the poem was never finished - the death of the poet was prevented. Thus, the main theme of the work remained the life of the people. The life of peasants.
With extraordinary brightness and discouragement, this life appears. All adversity and troubles that have to tolerate the people, all this difficulty and the severity of its existence. Despite the reform of 1861, the "liberated" peasants, they turned out to be in the worst position: without having their land, they hit even greater cable. Through the whole poem passes the idea of \u200b\u200bthe inability to live further, about the severe peasant share, about the peasant ruin. This motive of the hungry life of a poor man, whom, "Tosca-misfortune" with a special force sounds in folk songs, which are quite a lot in the work. In an effort to recreate with the full picture of the people's life, Nekrasov also uses all the wealth of folk culture, all multities of oral folk creativity.
However, recalling the folk talent of expressive songs, Nekrasov does not soften the paints, showing immediately poverty and rudeness of morals, religious prejudices and drunkenness in the peasant life. The position of the people with marginal discord is drawn
The names of those places where the faithful peasants come from:
Tightened by province
County Terepiorev,
Empty parish
From adjacent villages -,
Zashgatova, Dryryavina,
Razovova, Znobishhina,
Gorleova, Neelova -
Faithful fault ...
The poem is very brightly depicted by the bladder, dyeing, the hungry life of the people: and "Haughty Muzhitsky, a holey with patches, humpback with Cozins," and "Hungry courtyards, abandoned by Barin on the arbitrariness of fate" - all people "who are not eating, unsolon-baked".
We face a whole network of bright diverse images: along with inactive hills like Yakov, Gleb, Sidora, Ipat, preserved genuine humanity and spiritual nobility of Matrena Timofeevna, the hero of Savelia, Yakima Nazhogi, Ermila Girin, the eloctors of Vlas, seven sense and others. These best of the peasants in the poem retained the ability to self-sacrifice, each of them has its own task in life, their own reason "seek the truth", but they all show that the peasant Russia has already awakened, came to life. There are people who appear, Which sincerity can say such words:
I do not need silver,
Neither gold, and let the Lord
To countrymen mine
And every peasant
Lived freely, fun
All Saint Rus!
For example, a peculiar nature of the national beloved is represented by Yakim Nag
peasant "righteous". Such naked is able to deeply understand what the power and weakness of the peasant soul is:
Each peasant
Soul that cloud is black
Angry, grazing - and it would be necessary
Thunder thunder
Bloody pouring rain
And all the wine ends!
Yakov Nagya lives the same hardworking, a bench life, like. And all the peasantry. But, by hanging his recalcitrant moral temper and pull to the sublime (story with pictures), Nekrasov is trying to outline in this image the desire of the peasantry to spiritual life, to show that in the souls of the people it is already brewing a protest against the existing living conditions. But while he is noticeable and does not declare himself.
Noteworthy and Ermil Girin. A competent man, he served as a writer, became famous for the entire district justice, the mind and disinterested dedication to the people. Ermil showed an approximate headman when the people chose him to this position. However, Nekrasov does not make an ideal righteous one. Yermil, spraul his youngest brother, appoints the son of V. Son, and then in the rustling of repentance, almost cums suicide. History Yermila ends sadly. He is imprisoned for his performance during the rebellion. The image of Yermila tells us about the spiritual forces in the Russian people, the wealth of the moral qualities of the peasant.
However, directly to the rebellion, the peasant protest turns into the chapter "Savely - Bogatyr Svyatrus". The murder of the German-Apritistant, which happened "spontaneously, unplanned, personifies the large peasant riots, which also arose spontaneously, as the answer to the cruel oppression from the landowners.
Savely-Bogatyr is the most positive way in the poem. In it lives the spirit of the rebellion, hatred for oppressors, but at the same time such humane qualities are preserved as: sincere love (to Matrey Timofeevna), the strength of the Spirit, the feeling of human dignity, the understanding of life and the ability to deeply worry the mountains of others. -Iless such heroes, and not meek and submissive were close to Nekrasov. The poet saw that the consciousness of the peasantry was awakened, the stormy protest against oppression was bought. With pain and bitterness, he was aware of the suffering of the people, but still looked at his future with hope, with faith in the "hidrant spark" of the powerful inner forces:
Rail rises
The strength in it seems uncomplicable.
The peasant theme in the poem is inexhaustible, multifaceted, the whole system of prosperity is devoted to the topic of searching for peasant happiness. Here you can remember the "happy" peasant Matreus Timofeevna, whose image absorbed everything that could survive and experience the Russian female peasant woman. Her huge power of will, with such numerous suffering and deprivation, was peculiar to all Russian women, the most disadvantaged and clogged beings in Russia.
Of course, there are still many interesting images in the poem: "Hall of the exemplary Yakov faithful", who managed to take revenge on his Barina, or working peasants from the head "last" who are forced to break the comedy before the old prince ducky, pretending that there was no cancellation of serf Rights, and many more other images ..
All these images, even episodic, create a mosaic, bright canvas of the poem,
echoes each other. Therefore, I can, I believe, call Nekrasov's poem "Who lives well in Russia?" Encyclopedia of folk life. The poet, like an epic artist, sought to the fullness of recreating life, to identifying the variety of folk characters. The poem written in the folklore material creates the impression of a folk song performed by many voices.


1. Why does Svidrigailov assures Skolnikov that they are "one field of berries"?

2. Why in the novel of Dostoevsky, in which the central problem is philosophical, so much attention is paid to monetary calculations?

3. Why does the "economic idea" of the nudge cause a very painful, sharply negative Raskolnikov reaction, although these heroes are traditionally viewed as twins?

4. What are the legal and ethical aspects of the Crime of Raskolnikov?

5. Why in the epilogue of the novel from countless heroes of the novel is depicted only two: Raskolnikov and Sonya?

6. Why is it not a discussion with Petrovich Petrovich, and acquaintance with Petrovich, and familiarity and communication with Sonya, are encouraged to confess the confession in the murder of the Strong Straight and Lizavets.

7. Speaking about Raskolnikov, Rassakhin so estimates his position: "After all, this is the resolution of blood on conscience, it is ... terrible than the official permission to shed blood, legitimate ...." Is it confirmed or refuted this conclusion of the logic to deploy the events of the novel?

8. What kind of artistic goal is introduced into the narration of Skolnikov's dreams and how do they relate to the motives of the crime and the motives of the punishment?

9. (C1, C2) In which works of Russian classics, the life of a modest character ends under tragic circumstances and something similarity and difference in the interpretation of the images of this hero compared to the novel of Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"?

10. Why does the splitters sympathize with the tragedy of the Katerina Ivanovna tragedy?

General characteristics of the novel

Roman was created for 6 years. Printed during 1866. "I have my own special look at reality (in art), and the fact that most calls almost fantastic and exceptional, then for me it sometimes constitutes the very essence of reality," so the writer itself determined his creative method. Indeed, in the work "Crime and Punishment, the detective story and philosophical reflections, and the gospel text, and dreams, and their confessions, and letters were bugged. Non-seasoned and the genre of a detective novel: the criminal is known to the reader, almost all the heroes of the novel gradually penetrate into the secret of his crime, they all sympathize with Raskolnikov and are waiting for himself when he himself is repent and make a jaw. Thus, the attention of readers focuses on the mental state of the hero, for the causes of his crime. Probably, therefore it is difficult to believe that the whole action of the work is numbering in two weeks. A characteristic feature of the novel - the action in it slows down, it is accelerated. For example, the following events occur on the second day after recovery, the ranks in the morning, I talk to my mother and sister, who came to him, persuades them to break the relationship with a nuddle, introduces them to Sonya, together with Raulmichina goes to Petrow Petrovich, talks with him, then meets With a motley. I called him "Cleverman", then he sees a nightmare sleep, and, waking up, sees Svidrigaylova, talking to him, then, together with the Raughty, he goes to his relatives, understands that he is difficult to him with them, goes and goes to Son, hesides her story about yourself. Another characteristic feature of the novel can be considered the number of internal monologues of deployed descriptions of the internal state of the hero. Fantastic reality, which sometimes goes into painful dreams. As in a dream, the hero goes to a crime, and at the end of the third part he dreams, as if he committed a crime. Sudden arrival of Svidrigaylova is perceived as a continuation of sleep. In the novel, many accidents that affect the course of events: accidentally overhearding the split conversation that Lizavets will not be at home, the ax does not turn out to be in place, etc. Symbolic artistic details: The deadly blow of the Raskolnikov is like an ax, so the blade is drawn to the hero himself, Lizaven kills the edge of the ax, as if having a blow from herself, the cross of Sony was on Lizawa, innocently killed, passersby serve a split coin as a thicket, He then throws it into the water, Svidrigaylov sees something fantastic in the face of Madonna ("After all, the face of the Sicstinian Madonna is a fantastic face, the face of a sorrowful yurodiva, didn't you get into the eyes? ") In the pictures of the heroes, everything bizarkedly twisted: the nobility of the killer, the chastity of the harlot, the chairs of the aristocrat, the alcoholism of the official preaching the gospel. Heroes of Dostoevsky are painfully emotional, live in constant nervous tension. None of them is shown in labor, in everyday employment. They are constantly talking, arguing with each other about God, about the borders of human freedom, about the possibility of reorganization of the world. MM Bakhtin notes the novel polyphony, its multifaceted. Another feature is the psychology of the work. Dostoevsky explores the state of human soul in an extreme situation.

Another characteristic feature of the novel is the image system. Raskolnikov turns out to be a connecting link between two families - its own and marmalade. On the first line there is a love triangle: Dunya, Svidrigaylov and Luban, and on the second - a triangle family: Sonya, marmalands and Katerina Ivanovna. Raskolnikov himself, in addition, it turns out one on one in a duel with porphyria. According to such a scheme, it describes the character of the characters critic K. Mochulsky: "The principle of composition is a three-part: one main intrigue and two side. In the main thing - one external event (murder) and a long chain of internal events; In sideboards - the journey of external events, violent, spectacular, dramatic: Marmaladov has been pressing horses, Katerina Ivanovna, semi-dry, sings on the street and poured blood. Luzhin accuses Sonya in theft, the Dunya shoots Swidrigailov. Home Intrigue - Tragic, Side - Melodramatic "

I. Annensky builds a system of characters in another, ideological principle. In each of the characters, he sees one of the turns, moments of two ideas, which these characters are - the ideas of humility and the random acceptance of suffering (Molka, Lizaveta, Sonya, Dunya, Marmaladov, Porfiry, Marfa Petrovna Svidrigaylova) or the ideas of the Bunt, the requirements of life All sorts of benefits (Raskolnikov, Svidrigaylov, Dunya, Katerina Ivanovna, Raleshin).

After killing, it is impossible to communicate further with your relatives, "near", the splitters as if the magnet is attracted to the marmalade family, as if focused on all possible suffering and humiliation of a whole world. With this family, the topic "humiliated and offended" is connected, leading its beginning from "poor people." Marmalada himself represents a new decision of the topic of a "little man", showing how far Dostoevsky left from Gogol traditions. Even in the inecilious shame of his fall of the marmalades, it is understood not simply as a failed person, destroyed and lost in a huge city, but as a "poor spirit" in the gospel sense - a deep and tragically controversial nature, capable of self-safe repentance and therefore can be farewell and even gain for His humility kingdom of God. Katerina Ivanovna, on the contrary, comes to protest, Bunta against God, so cruelly broken her fate, but Bunta of the insane and desperate, bringing it to the sacred madness and terrible death ("What? Priest? .. Don't ... where you have extra Washkoe? .. I have no sins! .. God must have to forgive ... He knows how I suffered! .. And not forgive, it's not necessary! .. ") Unlike her Sonya confesses how And her father, Christian humility, but connected with the idea of \u200b\u200bsacrificial love. Raskolnikov This family seems to be a living embodiment of his own thoughts about the impotence of good and meaninglessness of suffering. And before and after the murder, he all the time reflects on the fate of the Marmeladov, compares it with his own and every time he is convinced of the correctness of his decision. At the same time, helping the marmaladov, Raskolnikov is saved for some time from their oppressive mental anxiety. From the pub of this family, the Guardian Angel Hero, Ideological Antipode, Skolnikov appears. Her "Decision" is in self-sacrifice, in the fact that she crossed through his purity, bringing his victim for the sake of salvation of the family. "In this, she is opposed to Romannikov, who all the time, from the very beginning of the novel (when he just learned about the existence of Sony from the confession of her father) measures his crime with her" crime ", trying to justify himself. It is before Sonya, he wants to confess the murder from the very beginning: she is the only one, in his opinion, who can understand him and justify. He leads her to the awareness of an inevitable catastrophe of her and her family to put a fatal question in front of it, the answer to which should justify his act: "Is it a puddle to live and make abominations or to remember Katerina Ivanovna? "But the reaction of Sony disarms him:" But I can't know God's fishery ... and who set me here: who to live, who would not live? ". And the role of heroes is unexpectedly changing. Raskolnikov first thought to achieve from Sony full of spiritual subordination, to make it with his like-mindedness. He behaves with her arrogantly, arrogantly and cold and at the same time scares the mysteriousness of his behavior. So, he kisses her leg with the words: "I bowed to all human suffering." But then he understands that he does not withstand the gravity of the death sin that he "killed himself," and comes to Sona for forgiveness. Raskolnikov despises themselves for needing Sona depends on her, it insults his pride, and therefore when he experienced a feeling of "hate hate" to her. But at the same time it feels that in it his fate, especially when he learns about her former friendship with Lizaveta killed by him, who even became her godfather. And when, at the time of confession in the murder, Sonya is removed from Raskolnikov with the same helpless children's gesture, with which it removed from his ax of Lizaveta, "Defender of all humiliated and offended" finally wonders. (Reading about the resurrection of Lazarus)

The image of St. Petersburg in the novel.. This city, the "city of polusumsmed" (so evaluates his Svidrigaylov), has an ominous effect on the heroes of the novel. His ominous influence of the city feels the Raskolnikov: "In an inexplicable cold, it has always visited him from this magnificent panorama; The spirit of dumb and deaf was full of this magical picture. " The main impressions of St. Petersburg Dostoevsky - unbearable stuffing, creating an atmosphere of crime, darkness, dirt and slush, which develops disgust for life and contempt for themselves and to others, as well as dampness and abundance of water in all kinds. Around Petersburg from the province quickly reborn, succumbing to the decomposing and reinforcing influence of the city -Propean crimes ..

For Dostoevsky, there is primarily not Petersburg of the palaces and gardens, and St. Petersburg Square with its noise and merchants, dirty alleys and income houses, kabaks and "houses of fun", dark closets and stairwells. This space is filled with an incluluscular number of people merging into a faceless and insensitive crowd, a fracturing, laughing and ruthlessly trapching all we have weakened in a brutal "struggle for life." Petersburg creates a contrast of the extreme crowded people with their extreme disunity and alien to each other, which creates hostility and mocking curiosity in the souls of people towards each other. All the novel is filled with endless street scenes and scandals: Knut's blow, fight, suicide (Raskolnikov sees one day, as a woman rushes into the canal with a yellow, "perficed" face, crushed by horses drunk - everything becomes food for ridicule or refirms. The crowd pursues the heroes not only on the streets: marmalades live in the passing rooms, and with all the scandalous family scene from different doors, "the arrogant laughing heads with cigarettes and tubes stretched out, in Ermomolds" and "fun laughed." The same crowd appears as a nightmare in Skolnikov's dream, invisible and because of the terrible, observing and viciously laughing at the feverish efforts of the distraught hero to complete his ill-fated crime.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel. Dostoevsky. In a letter to the editor of the Russian Bulletin, M.N. Katkovo so described his idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel: "The action is modern, this year. The young man excluded from the university students, the tradesman on the origin and living in extreme poverty, on frightness, in touching in the concepts of a certain strange "non-smoked" ideas that are in the air, decided to get out of his last position. He decided to kill one old woman, a titular adviser who gives money to interest. The old woman is stupid, dechah, sick, greeding, takes the Zhids percentages, evil and strank someone else's century, tormenting his younger sister in his employees. "She is not suitable anywhere," "What does she live for?", Is it useful to anyone? " etc. These questions are confused by a young man. He decides to kill her, abstract; In order to make a happy mother, living in the county, save the sister, living in companions from one landowners, from the co-prevailing claims of the head of this landowner ... Precise the course, go abroad and then all your life be honest, solid, steady in The execution of "humane debt to humanity" than, already of course, "the crime will be called", if it can be called a crime, this act, above the old woman, stupid, evil and sick ... Despite the fact that such crimes are terribly difficult to accomplish .. . He is completely randomly managed to make his company and soon, and successfully .. there is no suspicion of it and cannot be. This is where the entire psychological process of crime is deployed. Unresolved questions will be rewinding before the murderer, uncomfortable and unexpected feelings are tormented by his heart. God's truth, the earthly law takes his own, and he cums the fact that it is forced to bring himself for himself. Forced, although to die at the cortex, but jam again to people; The feeling of openness and disconnection with mankind, which he felt immediately for the commission of a crime, tortured him ... The criminal itself decides to take flour, to ates for his work .... a few cases that have recently convinced that my plot is not at all Eccentric. It is that the killer developed and even good approxies a young man ... In a word, I am convinced that my plot is partly justifies modernity "

About the main thought of his novel Dostoevsky says: "The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe whole art of the nineteenth century ... The thought of Christian and highly moral; Its formula is the restoration of the deceased person, crushed unfairly neot of circumstances, stagnation of centuries and public prejudice. This thought is the justification of the society humiliated and all revolved. "

Composition and genre of the novel. Consists of 6 parts and epiloga. 1 part - committing a crime; 2-6 - the punishment of the criminal (his psychological report), epilogue - repentance. Genre: Detective, Socio-Household Novel, Philosophical, Psychological.

Works in literature: Yermil Girin and Jaughty Naked

The poem Nekrasov "Who in Russia live well" tells the reader about the fate of various people. And these fate most of them are tragic. There is no happy people in Russia, everyone's life is equally hard and wretched. And therefore, reflecting on the read, experience sadness.

Jama Nagya is one of the men, with whom you have to face wanderers in your journey. The first lines in which it is said about this man is striking with their hopelessness:

In the village of Bosov

Nagya lives

He works until death,

Before half seemingly drinking! ..

The history of the life of Yakima Naked is very simple and tragic. He once lived in St. Petersburg, but broke, he went to jail. After that, he returned to the village, to his homeland, and began for inhumanly heavy, extinguishing work.

Since then, thirty years crashed

On the strip under the sun,

Under the bot is saved

From frequent rain,

Lives - with Sauho it is

And death will come Yakimushka -

How the earth fell off

What's on the hijacking ...

These lines talk about the life of a simple man, the only occupation and at the same time the meaning of the existence of which is hard work. It was such a lot that was characteristic of the main part of the peasant people - the absence of all joys except that drunkenness can give. That is why it is smeared and drinks to "half-term".

The poem describes an episode that seems very strange and causes the most surprise of the reader. I bought beautiful pictures for my son and hung them on the wall in the hut.

And myself is not less than a boy

He loved to look at them.

But suddenly the whole village caught fire, and Yakima was needed to save their novel wealth - accumulated thirty-five casual. But he first began to shoot pictures. His wife rushed to shoot from the walls of the icon. So it turned out that the witners "merged into one lump."

The man first of all during the fire saves what is more expensive to him. Yakim was the most expensive not money accumulated in incredibly hard work, but pictures. The viewing of the pictures was his only joy, so he could not allow them to burn. The soul of a person can not be content with a gray and poor existence, in which there is only a job that exhausts to powerlessness. The soul requires a beautiful, sublime, and pictures, oddly enough that it sounds, as if the symbol of something unattainable, distant, but at the same time hesitating hope, for a minute it allows you to forget about the wretched reality.

Description of the appearance of Yakima can not not cause compassion and pity:

Virginated Barin in Pahar:

Breast crawled; as added

Stomach; At the eye, at the mouth

Emitted like cracks

On dried earth;

And himself on the land-mother

Looks like: Neck Buura,

As a layer, sliced \u200b\u200bsliced,

Brick face

Hand - wood bark,

And the hair is sand.

An exhaust person appears in front of the reader who has practically no strength and health. Everything, absolutely everyone took his job. He has nothing good in life, so he still stretches for drunkenness:

The word is true:

We are pleased to drink!

We drink - it means that you feel strength!

Will come sadness the Great

How to stop drinking! ..

Work would not pumped

The trouble would not overcome

Hop does not chop!

On the image of Yakima Nazhogi, the entire tragic of the existence of a simple man is shown, he is a symbol of irresistibility and hopelessness, and this is what the author says, drawing these pictures.

The image of Ermil Girin differs from the image of Yakim Nazhogi. If Yakima has a complete submission of fate, there is not even the slightest hint of resistance, then Ermil appears stronger in front of the reader, he tries to somehow change his own immersion life.

Ermila had a mill. Not a god of message what wealth, but he could lose Ermil. During the bid, when Ermil honestly tried to win his own property, he needed a big amount of money. Ermil asks for only half an hour, during this time promises to bring money - a huge amount. The man turned out to be so resourceful that he went to Square and asked for all honest people. And since the day was the market, then Ermila was heard very many. He asked for people money, promising soon to give duty.

And the miracle is created -

On the whole market

Each peasant

Like wind, left left

Cropped suddenly!

The peasantry was filthy

Carry the money to Ermil

Portrait of a screwed naked-poor peasant. Just as seven wanderers, is a collective manner of the Russian man. The appearance description of Yakima cannot but cause pity. He has a "sleeper breast" and "indentible" belly, the hair resembles sand. At the same time in the description of the appearance of the hero, the other side of his image is manifested - this is a person who is inextricably linked to the Earth, to such an extent that he himself began to resemble the "lump of the earth", on the "Plast, His Sliced", "in the village of Bosov, I live He works until death, drinks to half dead! "

The story of Yakim Nazhogi. His troubles and adversity. The history of the life of Yakima Naked is very simple and tragic. He once lived in St. Petersburg, but broke, he went to jail. After that, Renovated to the village, to his homeland, and began for inhumanly heavy, extinguishing work. "Since then, thirty years crashed on the strip under the sun, under the bot rescued from the frequent rain, lives, it will be sick, and death will come with a yakimushka. How the land will fall off, that in the dryness of the sleeper ... "

How does the hero talk about life, what does and what does it deny in the peasant shink? Yakim understands that the peasantry is a great strength; He is proud his belonging to him. He knows what the power and weakness of the "peasant soul". Skima refutes the view that the peasant is poor because he drinks. And the peasants agree with him: "Drink-it means that we feel strength!"

The moral qualities of the Hero of Nekrasov creates a realistic portrait of the peasant-worker in Yakima Nagod. ❖ Skim sees public injustice towards the people ❖ it shows the manifestation of spiritual requests. "The spiritual bread is above the garbage bread"

The idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness 1. It appears before us is not a simple peasant. Despite the hard labor, he did not inquiring the soul, he knows how to appreciate the beautiful. So, he collected various pictures for her son, "he won them along the walls, and he loved to look at them." When the village began in the village, and Zaba Yakima began to burn, he rushed to save not hidden money, and favorite pictures. In his life, the main thing is not only the work and drink, but also contemplation of the beautiful. 2. Because of the heavy peasant lobe and began to drink, alcohol helps him forget. "Sadness will come the Great, so stop drinking!. . . The work would not dump, the trouble would not overcome, the hops do not thwart! "

Why are the wanderers happy? They did not recognize the hero because she worked on a naked all the time, worked for wear and constantly suffered all the punishment, and when he did not work then. So the vodka did not give him due to the fact that he recognized him happy, but rather, because there were surprised that this expectant, the perfic man, during a fire rushed to save not her, though small savings, and the pictures that bought Son: "There was a case with him: he scaled his son's picture, waved them along the walls and his own no less than a boy loved to look at them. The dismicement of God came, the village caught fire - and it was a hundred thirty-five in the whole century, Yakimushki was accumulated. Most likely to take the uncertain, and he first began to tear off the wall; The wife of his meanwhile with icons was tired, and then the hut and collapsed - so faded it! They merged into a lump of the chatkoviki, for that lump give him eleven rubles. . . "Oh brother is kind! Saying pictures cost! But I didn't hang them back in Izbu, I suppose?"

Veretnikov Pavlusha "The gathering of Folklore, who met men - seekers of happiness - at a rural fair in the village of Kuzminsky. This character is given a very scarce exterior characteristic ("He was a ballad, and he wore a red shirt, / tripped cloudy, / lubricant boots ..."), a little known about his origin ("What kind of title, / didn't know the men, / However, called "Barin"). Due to such uncertainty, the image of V. acquires a generalizing nature. Live interest in the fate of the peasants allocates V. from the environment of indifferent observers for the life of the people (figures of various statistical committees), eloquently exposed in the monologue of Nazhogi. The first appearance of V. in the text is accompanied by a disinterested act: he cuts out the peasant with a car, buying shoes for his granddaughter. In addition, he is ready to listen to someone else's opinion. So, although he hurts the Russian people for drunkenness, but convinced of the inevitability of this evil: Having heard Yakima, and he himself suggests him ("Yakimu Veretennikov / two scaling raised"). Seeing genuine attention from a reasonable Barin, and "the peasants open / the mily in the shower." Among the alleged prototypes of V. Folklorists and ethnographers Pavel Yakushkin and Pavel Rybnikov, the Democratic Movement of the 1860s. The character is obliged to be a journalist P. F. Veretnikov, a few years in a row attending the Nizhny Novgorod Fair and published reports about it in Moscow Vedomosti.

Vlas - Old Town Village Large Vakhlaki. "Service with strict Barina, / carried a burden on the conscience / involuntary participant / his cruelty." After the abolition of serfdom V., he refuses the position of the pseudo-burmarist, but assumes the actual responsibility for the fate of the community: "Vlas was the soul of kind, / hurt for the whole Vakhlachin" - / not for one family. "When the follow-up hauding with death Free life "Without a barbecue ... Without grant ... Without a stick ..." Replaced for peasants with a new caring (gravbbu with heirs for walking meadows), V. becomes a petition for the peasants, "lives in Moscow ... was in St. Petersburg ... / And there is no sense! "Together with youth, V. broke up with optimism, is afraid of a new one, forever sullen. But his daily life is rich in invisible good deeds, for example, in the chapter" PIR for the whole world " His coin the peasants collect money for the soldier of Ovsynikov. The image of V. is deprived of external concreteness: For Nekrasov, he is primarily a representative of the peasantry. Heavy fate ("Not so much in white-named / panel rubbish, / as the peasant / hurt ..." ) - The fate of the whole Russian people.

Girin Yermil Ilyich (Ermila) - One of the most likely applicants for the title of lucky. The real prototype of this character is the peasant A. D. Potanin (1797-1853), who managed by the attorney by the estate by the Orlova, which was called the alone (according to the name of the former owners - the princes of Odoyevski), and the peasants were crossed in Adovshchina. Potanin became famous for extraordinary justice. Nekrasovsky became known for his honesty to feather lumps even in those five years, which served as a writer in the office ("Houdoral conscience is needed - / a peasant with a peasant / penny"). With the old prince, Jurlov was fired him, but then, with young, unanimously elected the Burmistrome of the Adovshchina. For seven years of his "reign", only once cried the soul: "... from recruitchin / smaller brother Mitria / enveloped he." But repentance in this offense almost led him to suicide. Only, thanks to the intervention of a strong Mr. It was possible to restore justice, and instead of the son of Nenil Vse. Mitrius went to serve, and "the prince himself cares about him." G. resigned, removed the mill "And he became the former / all of the people of love." When the mill decided to sell, G. won the auction, but he did not have money with him to make a deposit. And then the "Miracle of Creativity": G. Recruited the peasants to which he turned for help, in half an hour he managed to collect a thousand rubles in the market.

G. Moves not mercantile interest, and the Bunctric Spirit: "It's not the road to me a mill, / offense is great." And although he had everything that was needed / for happiness: both calm, / and money, and honor, "at that time, when the peasants are given by speech about him (the head" Happy "), in connection with the peasant uprising, Located in Ostrog. The speech of the storytellor, the gray-haired pop, from which it becomes known about the arrest of the hero, unexpectedly interrupted by outsiders, and later he himself refuses to continue the narration. But for this inconsembly, it is easily guessed as the cause of the rebellion and the refusal of G. Helping in his gratefulness.

Gleb - Peasant, "Great Sinner". According to the legend, behaved in the chapter "Pier to the whole world", Ammial-Widovets, the participant of the battle "under Achakov" (possibly, Count A. V. Orlov-Chesmesky), complained by Empeatrian eight thousand souls, dying, entrusted the older G. Your testament (free for these peasants). The hero was seduced by the money joined him and burned his will. This "Judene" of the sin of the men tend to regard as the most important of ever committed, because of him, they will have "forever to start." Only Grisha Dobrozlono-Wu managed to convince the peasants, "that they are not the defendants / for the Gleb of the Okayanny, / All of the Wine: Fasten!".

Dobrons Grisha - A character appearing in the chapter "Pier to the whole world", the Epilogue of the poem is also devoted to him. "Grigory / face is thin, pale / and hair thin, curly / with a shade of red." He is a seminarist, the son of the parish dejacious trifon from the village of Large Vakhlaki. The family lives in extreme poverty, only the generosity of the Vlas-Cross and other men helped put on the legs of Grisha and his brother Savva. The mother of their domain, "Bathers Unrequited / for everyone, who anyone / helped her on a black day," died early, leaving for himself a terrible "salty" song. In the minds of D. The image of it is inseparable from the image of the Motherland: "In the heart of a boy / with love for the poor Mother / Love to all Wachlachin / merged." Already at fifteen years, he was determined to devote the life to the people. "I don't need silver, / neither gold, and give the Lord, / So that the feet of my / and every peasant / all-having fun / all saint Rus!" He is going to Moscow to learn, while they, together with his brother, help with men: write letters for them, spread "the provisions about the peasants coming out of the serfdom", work and rest "with the peasantry on a par". Observations over the life of the surrounding poor, reflections on the fate of Russia and its people are checked in a poetic shape, D. songs know and love peasants. With his appearance in the poem enhances the lyrical beginning, the direct author's assessment invades the story. D. was noted "the seal of the gift of God"; A propagandist revolutionary from the folk medium, he must, on the thoughts of Nekrasov., serve as an example for the progressive intelligentsia. In his set, the author invests his beliefs, its own answer to social and moral issues set in the poem. The image of the hero gives the poem a composite completion. The real prototype could be N. A. Dobrolyubov.

Elena Alexandrovna - Governor, Mostrose Baryna, Savior Mature. "Good was, I was smart, / beautiful, healthy, / and the children did not give God." She sheltered the peasant after premature birth, became the godmother of the child, "all the time with the lodelock / rushed as with his relatives." Thanks to her intercession, it was possible to rescue Philip from recruitch. Matrena extols its benefactor to heaven, and criticism (O. F. Miller) rightly notes in the image of the governors of the echo sentimentalism of the Karamzinsky period.

Ipat. - Grotesque image of the faithful cold, the Barquish lacquer, which remained a faithful owner and after the cancellation of serfdom. I. Praises that the landowner His "His own / in the trolley did", I kicked in the hole, saved from cold death, on which he himself before the obedience. All this he perceives as great blessings. For the wanderers I. causes a healthy laughter.

Korchagin Matrena Timofeevna - The peasant woman, the third part of the poem is devoted entirely to its life. "Timofeevna Matrain / Osanovy Woman, / Wide and Tight, / Year thirty-axis. / Beautiful; Hair with smarter, / eyes are big, strict, / eyelashes richest, / Surov and smoothed. / On it, the shirt is white, / yes Sarafan's short, / yes sickle over the shoulder. " Glory is happy leads to her wanderers. M. agrees "Soul to lay out" when the men promise to help her in the harvest: suffering in full swing. The fate of M. is largely suggested by Nekrasov published in the 1st volume of the "Kingdom of Northern Territory" collected by E. V. Barsov (1872), the autobiography of Olonetskaya Printing, I. A. Fedoseeva. The narrative is based on its crying, as well as other folklore materials, including "songs collected by P. N. Rybnikov" (1861). The abundance of folklore sources, often almost without changing the text "peasant", and the very name of this part of the poem emphasizes the typical of the fate M.: This is the usual fate of the Russian woman, convincingly testifying that the wanderers "started / no matter - between women / / Happy search. " In the parent house, in a good, non-passing family, M. lived happily. But, having married Philipp Korchagin, the Lacket, she fell "with a maiden will in hell": superstitious mother-in-law, drunkard beetor, senior slander, on which the daughter-in-law should work like a slave. With her husband, however, she was lucky: only one day it came to the beatings. But Philippe only returns home from earnings in winter, during the rest of the time for M. No one to stand up, except for the grandfather Savelia, father of Sveck. She has to endure the harassment of Sitnikov, the Lord of the Manager, who ceased only with his death. The consolation in all the troubles is becoming for the peasant of her firstborn de fly, but the child dies in the absence of Savelia: it is eaten by pigs. Above the murdered Marthe Mother makes the wrong court. It does not guessed the boss in time, it becomes a witness of abuse of his child.

For a long time, K. can not forgive the Savely of his irreparable cross. Over time, new children appear at the peasant, "once / don't think nor sadness." Parents of heroine, Saveliy die. Her eight-year-old son Fedot is threatened with a punishment for raving someone else's sheep of Wolf, and his mother falls instead of him under rose. But the greatest tests fall on its share in the lack of town year. Pregnant, with the children, she herself likes himself hungry wolf. The recruit set deprives her last intercession, her husband (he is taken out of turn). In delusion, she draws terrible paintings of the Soldiers, Soldiers' Soldiers. She leaves the house and runs to the city where he is trying to get to the governor, and when the Swiss for a bribe allows her to house, rushes to the legs of the governor of Elena Alexandrovna. With her husband and newborn, the heroine is returned home, this case and secured the reputation of the lucky and nicking "Governor". Its further fate is also abundant by the troubles: one of the sons was already taken to the soldiers, "the Siberian God of Siberian ... I visited three times." In the "Babi Parable" summarizes its tragic story: "The keys from the happiness of female, / from our free volatili / abandoned, lost / god himself!" Part of the criticism (V. G. Avseenko, V. P. Burenin, N. F. Pavlov) met the "peasant" in the bayonets, Nekrasov was accused of implausible exaggerations, false, delusted by the simpler. However, even disreterars noted separate successful episodes. There were also reviews about this chapter as the best part of the poem.

Kudyar-Ataman - "Great sinner", hero of the legend, told by God's wanderer Ionushka in the chapter "Pier to the whole world." Lutty robber unexpectedly repented of his crimes. Neither the pilgrimage to the coffin of the Lord nor the Help do not bring his soul to calm down. The waters, which came to K., promises him that he deigns forgiveness when he cuts "the same knife that robbed", century-old oak. Years of vain efforts marked in the heart of the elder doubt in the possibility of performing the task. However, the Tree collapsed, sculpting with the ink of the burden of sins, "when the hermit in the rustling of a mad anger killed the Pan Glukhovsky passing passing by his calm conscience:" Salvation / I don't have tea for a long time, / in the world I read only a woman, / gold, honor And wine ... how many horses of the gulp, / municipal, to try and hang, / and glanced, as I sleep! " The legend of K. is borrowed by Neksov from the folklore tradition, but the image of Pan Glukhovsky is quite realistic. Among the possible prototypes - the landowner is the Glukhovsky from the Smolensk province, sentenced to his fortress, according to a note in the "Bell" of Herzen dated October 1, 1859

Naked Yakim - "In the village of Bosov / Yakim Nagya live, / he works to death, / before half-term drinks!" - So the character itself determines itself. In the poem, he was trusted to speak in defense of the people on behalf of the people. The image has deep folk roots: the speech of the hero is replete with paraphrased proverbs, riddles, in addition, the formulas similar to those characterize its appearance ("Hand is a woody bark, / and the sand"), are repeatedly found, for example, in folk spiritual Stee "About Egoria Khorobrom." The people's idea of \u200b\u200bthe inseparalness of man and nature Nekrasov rethinks, emphasizes the unity of the worker with the Earth: "Lives - with the Sauho it's a little, the death will come with a Yakimushka" - / how the earth will fall off, / that in the sneezer ... Empty as cracked / on dried earth<...> Neck brown, / as a layer, dry sliced, / brick face. "

The biography of the character is not entirely typical for the peasant, rich in events: "Skim, the old man is poor, / lived ever in St. Petersburg, / Yes, pleased to be in prison: / With a merchant, they wondered! / Lypochka encouraged, / he returned to his homeland / and he took him to hust. " During the fire, he lost most of his good, since the first thing I rushed to save the pictures that I bought for my son ("And myself was not less than a boy / loved to look at them." However, in the new house, the hero is accepted for the old, buys new pictures. Countless adversity only strengthen its firm life position. In Chapter III of the first part ("Drunk Night") N. Pronounces a monologue, where his beliefs are formulated extremely distinctly: a cortish work, the results of which are going to three tools (God, King and Mr.), and sometimes they are destroyed by fire; Disasters, poverty - all this is justified by a Menietary drunkenness, and it is not worth measuring the peasant "on the meringue of the Lord." Such a point of view on the problem of people's drunkenness, widely discussed in journalism of the 1860s, is close to the revolutionary-democratic (according to N. G. Chernyshevsky and N. A. Dobrolyubov, drunkenness is a consequence of poverty). It was not by chance that this monologue was subsequently used by populists in their propaganda activities, repeatedly corresponded and the correspondence-chatted separately from the rest of the text of the poem.

Obolt-Oboldiev Gabril Afanasyevich - "Barin round, / pasty, puzzy, / with cigaroge in the mouth ... Rumyantsky, / Osseany, additive, / sixty years ... Captivity Mideto, / Hungarian with Brandenburi, / Wide pants." Among the eminent ancestors O. - Tatarin, a campus of wild beasts, and casnocrad, intricate arson of Moscow. The hero is proud of his pedigree. Previously, the Barin "Ichilled ... The Sky of God, / Went the Tsarist River, / Sorid People's Cassen / and thought to live so much", but with the abolition of the serfdom "the Great chain broke out," the Great chain broke out, "the big chain broke out / Other - on the man! ". With nostalgia, the landowner is remembered by the lost benefits, explaining that it is not sad about himself, but about Mother's Motherland.

The hypocritical, idle, ignorant despot, who sends the appointment of his estate is to "the older name, / the dignity of the noble / maintain hunting, / pearts, any luxury / and live someone else's labor." In addition to everything, O. also cowardly: he takes unarmed men for the robbers, and they will not soon manage to persuade him to hide the gun. The comic effect is increasing due to the fact that the accusations of their own address sound from the mouth of the landlord itself.

Ovsynikov - Soldier. "... there was fragile to feet, / high and even to the extreme; / On it a furout with medals / hung, like on a pole. / But not to say that the kind / face had, especially / when the old one has reduced the old one - / damn! The mouth will face, / eyes - what coals! " With the orphan-niece of Ustinyushka O. drove around the villages, earning the life of the Rait, when the tool deteriorated, composed new goddes and performed them, playing himself on spoons. At the heart of O. songs are folklore sentences and rare poems recorded by Nekrasov in 1843-1848. While working on "life and adventures of Tikhon Cane. The text of these songs fragmentally outlines the life path of the soldier: War under Sevastopol, where he was crippled, a negligent medical examination, where the wounds of the old man rejected: "Second-free! / For them and penny, "follow-up poverty (" Well, with George - in the world, the world "). Due to the way, O. is relevant both for Nekrasov and for the later Russian literature the theme of the railway. The cast iron in the perception of a soldier - an animated monster: "In the face, the peasant snorts, / presidate, deceit, kwykat, / soon the whole Russian people / cleaner sweeps!" Klim Lavin explains that the soldier cannot get to the St. Petersburg "Committee on the wounded" for justice: the tariff at the Moscow-Petersburg road increased and made it inaccessible to the people. The peasants, the heroes of the head "Pier on the whole world", are trying to help the soldier and general forces are collected only by Rublichko.

Petrov Agap - "Rough, uncomplete", according to Vlas, man. P. did not want to put up with voluntary slavery, reassured him only with the help of wine. Caught to follow the crime scene (carried in a log of the Lord's forest), he broke down and explained his real situation in Barina in the expressions of the most impartial. Klim Lavigne dragged the brutal violence over P., while drinking it instead of spanking. But from transferred humiliation and excessive intoxication by the morning of the next day, the hero dies. Such a terrible price pay peasants for voluntary, albeit temporary, refusal of freedom.

Polivans - "... Mr. low kind", however, small funds did not interfere with the manifestation of his despotic nature. He is inherent in the entire range of defects of a typical serfdom: greed, misfortune, cruelty ("with relatives, not only with peasants"), creature. To the old age, the Barin took their legs: "The eyes are clear, / cheeks are red, / chubby hands like white sugar, / yes on the legs - shackles!" In this misfortune, Yakov became the only support, "friend and brother" for him, but for the faithful service, the Barin reproached him with black ungratefulness. The terrible revenge of the Hall, the night, which P. had to spend in the ravine, "Mars of birds and wolves driven out", make the Barina repent ("sin, sin!" Kazy me! "), But the narrator believes that he will not be forgiveness:" You, Barin, Calp of Approximate, / Jacob's faithful, / remember to the Judgment Day! "

Pop "For the assumption of Luke, the ass" there is a fun, / freely in Russia. " A rural priest who meets the wanderers on the way the very first, refutes this assumption: he has no rest, no wealth, nor happiness. With how difficulty "gets a gram / Popovsky Son", Nekrasov himself wrote in the poetic play "Restored" (1859). In the poem, this topic will appear again in connection with the image of the Grisha Dobroblon Seminar. Restlessly by the priest: "Botting, dying, / born to the world / do not choose time," no habit will protect with the compassion dying and orphans, "every time it sweats, / down the soul." Pop in the peasant medium uses dubious honor: folk superstitions are connected with him, he and his family are permanent characters of obscene jokes and songs. The wealth of the same Popovsky was previously due to the generosity of the parishioners-landarers, with the abolition of the serfdom of those who left their estates and diverted, "as a tribe of the Jewish ... on the Far Stranger / and in Russia's Rus." With the transition of the Raskolnikov under the supervision of the civil authorities in 1864, the local clergy lost another serious income article, and from the peasant works "Kopeyki / Livally".

Saveli. "Svyatrussky's hero," With a huge cross grivy, / tea, twenty years, not a short, / with a big beard, / grandfather breathed. " Once in a fight with a bear, he damaged his back, and in old age she bent. The native village of C, crested, is in the forest wilderness, and therefore, the peasants live relatively freely ("I didn't get to us for the Zemskaya police per year"), although they suffer from the landlord's atrocities. In patience and consists of the richness of the Russian peasant, but there is a limit to any patience. S. falls into Siberia for the fact that we lived in the land of the hated German manager. Twenty years old KORGOV, unsuccessful attempt to escape, twenty years of settlement did not lay in the Bogatira Bunctar Spirit. Returning after the amnesty home, he lives in the family of his son, mother-in-law Matrena. Despite the honorable age (according to the audition fairy tales, grandfather a hundred years), he leads an independent life: "The families disliked, / in his corner did not let." When he was told by the religious past, the fun answers: "Heartless, yes not a slave!" Tempered by harsh fishing and human cruelty, petrified heart S. was able to melt only the greatness of Dema. The accident makes a grandfather of Demushkina death. His grief is awesome, he goes to repentance in the sandy monastery, trying to pour the forgiveness of the "angry mother." Having lived one hundred and seven years old, he pronounces a terrible sentence to the Russian peasantry: "Men are three roads: / Kabak, Ostroga yes Katorga, / and Baba in Russia / Three loops ... in any race." The image with, in addition to folklore, has socially polemical roots. Saving Alexander II from the attempt on April 4, 1866 O. I. Komissarov was Kostromich, Countryman I. Susanin. The monarchists in this parallel saw the proof of the thesis on the Zeidelubia of the Russian people. To refute this point of view, Nekrasov settled into the Kostroma province, the original Votchin Romanov, Buntar C, and Matroin catches the similarity between him and the monument to Susanin.

Trofim (Trifon) - "A man with a kiddy, / relaxed, thin / (the nose is the eastern, like the dead, / as the hand-skinned rake, / like the needles of the legs are long, / not a man - Komar)." Former bricklayer, inborn sweet. Amented to the provocation of the contractor, he "demolished one in extremes / fourteen pounds" on the second floor and was relieved. One of the brightest and terrible images in the poem. In the chapter "Happy" T. praises with happiness, which allowed him alive to get from Peter to their homeland, unlike many other "feverish, hot workers", which were thrown out of the car when they began to wander.

Utyatin - "Light! / Like hares Winter, / all white ... nose with a beak, like a hawk, / mustache gray, long / and - different eyes: / one healthy glowing, / and left - muddy, cloudy, / like a tin grumb! ". Having "wealth is exorbitant, / chin an important, genus venel", W. does not believe in the abolition of serfdom. As a result, the dispute with the governor splits paralysis. "Do not care, / and cut it off." The prince's sons are afraid that he will deprive their inheritance in favor of side daughters, and persuade the peasants to pretend to be serfs again. The peasant world has dialing "cloudy / dismissed Barina / on the rest of the clock." On the day of the arrival of the wanderers - seekers of happiness - in the village Large Vakhlaki, the conserves finally dies, then the peasants arrange a "feast to the whole world." The image of W. has a grotesque character. The absurd orders of the Barina-Selfar mixes the peasants.

Shalashnikov - A landowner, former crook owner, military. Taking advantage of the remoteness from the provincial city, where the landowner was standing with his regiment, the Cedian peasants did not pay the lifesta. Sh. Decided to knock out the lifts by force, Dral peasants so that "the brains are shocked / in the heads." Savely recalls the landowner as an unsurpassed wizard: "I knew how to smoke! / He squeezed the skin so much that worn a hundred years. " He died under Varna, his death put an end to the relative prosperity of men.

Yakov - "Pro Hop of the approximate - Yakov faithful" tells in the chapter "Pier to the whole world" the former yard. "People of the Khopovsky title - / Bully dogs sometimes: / than difficult punishment, / those Mileu of the Lord." So I was. Until Mr. Polyvanov, having lost his nephew on the bride, did not return that in recruits. The approximate holding was drove, but in two weeks he returned, squeezing over helpless Barin. However, "Mutil His Enemy". I. J. Polyvananova to visit his sister, halfway turns into the damn ravine, straightens the horses and, contrary to the fears of the Barin, does not kill him, but leans himself, leaving the owner alone with his conscience. This method of revenge ("drag dry dust" is to hang in the possession of the offender to make him suffer all his life) was indeed known, especially in Eastern nation. Nekrasov, creating the image of Ya., Refers to the story, which A. F. Horsis told (in turn he heard it from the worst of the volost government), and only slightly modifies it. This tragedy is another illustration of a fellowship of serfdom. The rubbish of Nekrasov, Grisha Grisha summarizes: "There is no crepe - there is no landowner, / before the loop of the adjusting / diligent slave, / no crepe - there is no yard, / the suicide of the imaginary / villain."

Above his poem, N. A. Nekrasov worked for a long time - starting from the 1860s and up to the end of his life. During his lifetime, individual heads of work were published, but completely saw the light only in 1920, when K. I. Chukovsky decided to release the full collection of the compositions of the poet. In many ways, the work of "who in Russia live is good" is built on the elements of Russian folk art, the language of the poem is close to the one who was understood by the peasants of that time.

Main characters

Despite the fact that Nekrasov planned in his poem to highlight the life of all classes, the main characters "who in Russia live well" is still the peasants. The poet draws their lives in the dark colors, in particular, sympathizing with women. The most prominct images of the works are Ermila Girin, Jaughty Nagya, Savely, Matrena Timofeevna, Klim Avalanin. At the same time, the world of the peasantry appears before the reader's eyes, although the main focus is made on it.

Often, schoolchildren get as a homework to describe the heroes of "who in Russia live well" and their characteristics. To obtain a good assessment, it is necessary to mention not only the peasants, but also about the landowners. This is the prince of Uttatin with his family, Obolt-Oboldov, generous governor, managing-German. For the work in general, the epic unity of all acting heroes is characterized. However, along with this, the poet presented a lot of personalities, individualized images.

Ermila Girin

This hero "Who in Russia live is good", according to those who are familiar with him - a happy man. The surrounding people appreciate him, and the landowner show respect. Ermila is engaged in socially useful things - contains a mill. He works on it without deceiving ordinary peasants. Girin enjoys confidence in all. This manifests itself, for example, in the situation of collecting money on a orphan mill. Ermila turns out to be in the city without money, and the mill is put up for sale. If he does not have time to return for money, she will come to Altynnikov - it will not last anyone. Then Girin decides to refer to the people. And people are combined to make a good deal. They believe that their money will go to good.

This hero "Who in Russia live is good" was a writer and helped learn a diploma to those who do not know her. However, the wanderers did not consider Ermila happy, because he could not stand the most difficult test - power. Instead of his native brother, Girin falls into the soldiers. Ermila repents in the deed. It can not be considered happy.

Jim Nagoya

One of the main characters "Who in Russia live is good" is like naked. He determines himself so - "it works to death, drinking to death." The history of Naked is simple and at the same time very tragic. Once he lived in St. Petersburg, but he went to jail, lost the estate. After that, he had to settle in the village and began to be overwhelmed. In the work he is entrusted to protect the people himself.

The spiritual needs of a person are indestructible

During the fire, it loses most of the nizhnyh, as it is accepted to save pictures that purchased for his son. However, in its new, the dwelling is accepted for the old, buys other pictures. Why does he decide to save these things, at first glance, which are simple trinkets? A person tries to preserve what is more expensive to him. And these pictures turn out to be more expensive than money hurned by Hell labor.

The life of the heroes "to live well in Russia" is an incessant work, the results of which fall in foreign hands. But the soul of man cannot be content with such an existence, in which there is a place only for endless labor. The spirit of naked requires something high, and these pictures, oddly enough, are a symbol of spirituality.

Endless adversity only strengthen its life position. In the III chapter, he utters a monologue, in which it describes in detail its life - this is a cortish work, the results of which are in the hands of three shareholders, disasters and hopeless poverty. And by these disasters, he justifies his drunkenness. It was the only joy for the peasants, the only occupation of which had a grave work.

Place a woman in the work of the poet

A significant place in the work of Nekrasov is also occupied by women. Their share of the poet considered the most difficult - after all, it was on the shoulders of the Russian peasant, the debt of the upbringing of children, preserving homemade hearth and love in the harsh Russian conditions. In the work of "who in Russia live well", the heroes (more precisely, the heroine) bear the hardest cross. The most details of their images are described in the chapter called "Drunk Night". Here you can face the difficult fate of women working in cities. The reader meets Dariuska, who was dismissed from the insane work, women who have the situation in the house worse than in hell - where the son-in-law is constantly taken for the knife, "that loose will kill."

Matraine Korchagin

The climax of a female topic in the poem is part called "Peasant woman". Her main character is Matroin Timofeevna for the names of Korchagin, whose life is a generalization of the life of the Russian peasant. On the one hand, the poet demonstrates the gravity of her fate, but on the other - the increhensible will of Matrena Kurchagin. The people consider it "happy", and the wanderers go to the way to look at this "miracle."

Matrena gives back their persons and tells about his life. She considers her childhood the happiest sometimes. After all, her family was caring, no one drank. But soon came the moment when it was necessary to marry. Here she seems to be lucky - the spouse loved Matreus. However, she becomes younger than you, and she has to please all and everyone. It could not even count on a good word.

Only with the grandfather Savely Matren could reveal the soul, cry. But even grandfather, although not in his will, but caused her terrible pain - did not see the child. After that, the judges accused of murdering the baby Sam Matreus.

Is the heroine happy?

The poet emphasizes the helplessness of the heroine and the words of Savelia tells her to endure, because "we can not find the truth." And these words become a description of the whole life of Matrena, who had to survive and losses, and grief, and resentment from landowners. Only once she managed to "find the truth" - "pour out" the spouse from the unfair soldiers at the Elena Alexandrovna's landowners. Perhaps that is why Matrena began to call "happy." And perhaps because it, unlike some other heroes, "to live well in Russia," did not break, no matter what adversity. According to the poet, the share of a woman is the hardest. After all, she has to suffer from a cure in the family, and worry about the life of loved ones, and carry out unbearable work.

Grisha Dobrozlonov

This is one of the main characters "to live well in Russia." He was born in the family of poor Deca, who was also lazy. He was the image of a woman who was described in detail in the chapter under the name "peasant". Grisha managed to understand his place in life already at a young age. This was facilitated by labor hardening, hungry childhood, generous character, vitality and perseverance. Grisha became a fighter for the rights of all humiliated, he stood for the interests of the peasants. In the first place he was not personal needs, but social values. The main features of the hero are unpretentious, high performance, the ability to compassion, education and a sharp mind.

Who can find happiness in Russia

Throughout the work, the poet is trying to answer the question about the happiness of the heroes "to live well in Russia." Perhaps it is Grisha Dobrons - the happiest character. After all, when a person does a good deed, he has a pleasant feeling of his own value. Here, the hero saves the whole people. Since childhood, Grisha sees unfortunate and oppressed people. Nekrasov considered the ability to compassion the source of patriotism. The poet has a man who is making the people, raises the revolution - this is Grisha Dobrons. In his words, the hope is reflected on the fact that Russia will not die.


Among the heroes of the poem "to live well in Russia," as it was indicated, there are a lot of landowners. One of them is Obolt-Owdow. When the peasants ask him about whether he was happy, he only laughs in response. Then, with some regret, recalls the past years, which were full of prosperity. However, the reform of 1861 canceled the serfdom, although it was not communicated to the end. But even the changes that occurred in public life cannot force the landowner to work and read the results of the labor of other people.

To be another hero of "who in Russia live is good" Nekrasova - Uttatin. He all his life "Cordell and Daryl", and when the public reform was granted, then he had enough hit. His children to get the inheritance, along with the peasants play a real performance. He is inspired that he will not remain anything, and the serfdom is still dominant in Russia.

Grandfather Savely

The characteristic of the heroes of "who in Russia live is good" would be incomplete without describing the image of Santa Savelia. The reader gets acquainted with him when he lived a long and hard life. In old age Savely lives together with the family of his son, he comes from mother-in-law. It is worth noting that the old man dislikes his family. After all, households do not have better characteristics.

Even in the native circle of Savelia is called "branded, religious". But he does not take offense at it and gives a worthy answer: "Heartless, yes not a slave." This is the character of this hero "to live well in Russia." A brief description of the character of Savelia can be supplemented and the fact that it is not off sometimes to hang over the members of his family. The main thing is that it is noted when meeting this character - this is his difference from the rest, both from the Son and from the other inhabitants of the house.