Cognition. Cognition Independent work with verification according to the standard

Eibova Dilshad

Synopsis of directly educational activities on

formation of elementary mathematical representations

in children preparatory group 7 years of life

", from number 0»

caregiver: Eibova D. A.

Baikonur, 2019

NOD type: combined occupation by communicating new knowledge, consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as generalizing and systematizing knowledge.

Type of GCD: complex occupation

GCD theme: « Acquaintance with the composition of the number 10 from units, from number 0»

Age group: children of the seventh year of life

Integration of educational regions: Cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal: questions, conversation, explanations.

Game: didactic exercises.

Practical: problem solving.

Dictionary work: next and previous.

Activity management techniques children:

1) Goal setting technique.

2) Acceptance of the organization of practical activities: conversation, demonstration, explanation.

3) Methods of assessment and self-assessment: encouragement, self-esteem

Program content:

Target: acquire knowledge about composition of the number 10 from units, from number 0 to review and reinforce previously acquired knowledge.


1) Educational:

introduce the composition of the number 10 from units.

introduce the number 0.

2) Educational:

Continue learning to find the previous number to named, subsequent number to named.

Clarify ideas about the weight of objects and the relativity of weight when comparing them.

Continue to form ideas about temporary relationships and learn to designate them words: first, then, before, after, earlier, later.

3) Educational:

To improve the moral and volitional qualities of pupils through the development of perseverance, the ability to listen to the interlocutor, to make their own judgment.

Create on lesson environment of emotional well-being.


Didactic visual material

Demo material. Ball, matryoshka, pictures depicting the seasons, cards with numbers from 0 to 9, 9 cards with the image of mushrooms, a magnetic board, 3 opaque buckets with different amounts of peas.

Handout. Cards with numbers from 0 to 9, colored circles (10 pieces for each child).

Structure classes:

Introduction (3 minutes):

1) greeting

2) observation

3) familiarity with the topic of GCD

Main part (25 minutes):

1) game exercise "Name number»

2) game exercise "Let's collect colorful beads"

3) game exercise "How much is left"

4) game exercise "Mishkina porridge"

5) game exercise "What first, what next?"

6) game exercise "Name the Neighbors"

Final part (2 minutes):

1) reflection

2) analysis children's activities

3) summing up

Lesson progress:


caregiver: (children sit at tables) Good morning children! Let's see what the weather is like outside the kindergarten?

Children: cloudy, windy, rainy.

caregiver: Say it signs what time of year?

Children: autumn.

caregiver: Remember the name of the month.

Children: October.

caregiver: What day of the week?

Children: Wednesday.

caregiver: Right! Well done! And what is his account?

Children: the third.

caregiver: And on Wednesdays we are with you getting to know the numbers, geometric shapes, etc. You, as future students, need to be very careful, because this knowledge will be very useful to you at school. Today we Let's get acquainted with the composition of the number 10 and the number 0.

Main part:

game exercise "Name number» .

caregiver: on the board are depicted numbers from 1 to 10. Count them.

Children: (think)

D: ordinal count, reverse.

IN: U numbers have two neighbors: one one less number, it is previous, the other is one more, it is subsequent. Name the previous number five

D: (they answer, then stand in a semicircle).

The teacher passes the ball to the child, who calls number 4 and returns the ball to the teacher.

The teacher offers 3-4 more similar tasks to determine the previous and subsequent numbers to the one named.

game exercise "Let's collect colorful beads".

IN: You have pencil cases on your tables with a set of multi-colored geometric shapes. Look, nesting dolls came to visit us, let's count them. Make decorations for our nesting dolls - beads. The task is the following - the beads must consist from geometric shapes.

At the end of the assignment, the teacher clarifies: “How many beads did you take? How many beads of what color?

game exercise "How much is left?".

On the desk number row(from 1 to 9).

IN: lay out cards on the table with figures 1 to 9 in ascending order. Look at the board and check if you have completed the task correctly.

IN: Look at the desk. How many mushrooms are on the board.

D: answer (correct answer is 9).

IN: Guys, show the corresponding card with figure.

The teacher begins to clean one circle from right to left, and the children show figure how many circles are left. When not a single circle remains, educator explains: "There is number, which shows that there is not a single item. This digit zero».

The teacher shows a card number 0, together with the children circles it in the air and lays it out in a row in front of number 1. Then reads poem:

Zero is like a hundred items -

From bracelets to berets:

Round table, ring, watch,

On a circle of sausage

Drum, bagel, drying ...

And on a bald head.

A. Usachev

IN: (call 3 children to the table on which cards with figures) Children guess the riddle, and find the answer among the proposed options.

How many pens does a cat have?

How many feathers does a mole have?

How many legs does a snake have?

Do squirrels have scales?

D: Justify your answer.

game exercise "What first, what next?".

On the flannelegraph there are pictures depicting the seasons. The teacher reads excerpts from poems to the children and offers to guess what time of the year they are talking about and find the corresponding illustrations.

IN: Blizzards flew to us,

The cracks were covered with snow.

There is frost on the window

He applied the painting with ice.

D: Winter

IN: Admire

Spring is coming

Cranes fly in a caravan

The day is drowning in bright gold,

And streams on ravines rustle.

I. Nikitin.

D: Spring

The teacher clarifies with the children which illustration needs to be put first, and which one later.

IN: It came to us

It's dry and warm!

Straight down the track

They walk barefoot.

V. Berestov.

D: Summer

The teacher asks the children after what time of the year summer comes and where the corresponding illustration should be located.

IN: She drops gold,

The cold of the birds steals ...

Goodbye, forest and meadow,

We are flying to the warm south.

O. Ivanenko.

D: Autumn

The teacher specifies the location of the illustration in the row. Children name the seasons in order.

Didactic game "Name the Neighbors".

The teacher makes riddles, the children guess them and determine the neighbors of a given time of the year, using prepositions before and after, or words before and after. (Spring is earlier than summer, and autumn is later)

IN: I am woven from heat,

I carry warmth with me

I warm the rivers

"Swim!"- I invite you.

And love for it

You are all of me. I…

D: Summer.

IN: In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly...

D: Autumn

IN: Powdered the tracks,

Decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled.

D: Winter

IN: She comes with a caress

And with my own story.

magic wand

will wave,

Snowdrop in the forest

will bloom.

D: Spring.

IN: well done!

Final part (2 minutes):

Reflection: Guys, you have emoticons on your tables (happy, sad and angry). Choose and upvote the emoji you see fit. if you occupation If you liked it, show a funny smiley, if it was not very interesting, a sad smiley, and if you were completely bored, then show an angry smiley.

Analysis children's activities: Children, what did we do today on lesson?

Children: repeated numbers digit and number O.

Children: repeated numbers, made beads for nesting dolls, learned more about digit and number O.

Children: ball game "Name number» , about subsequent and previous numbers.

What seemed easy?

D: riddles about the seasons

IN: What did you like the most?

D: collect beads for matryoshka.


IN: Guys, you are great fellows, you did a lot today! Let's raise our right hand up and pat ourselves on the head. Tell: "Oh, what a fine fellow I am!".

Abstract of a lesson on the formation of mathematical representations of preschoolers.

Teacher of additional education Korotchenko L.N.

The lesson is held with preschoolers 4-5 years old in the form of a trip to another time of the year. During the journey, children encounter

problematic situation, looking for ways to solve it. While playing in the classroom, they learn to navigate in space and on the plane.

about yourself. Improving children's counting skills. Thinking, attention, memory, imagination, skill develop


Topic: H Number 0. Number 0.

Tasks :

    Develop thinking, memory,Attention, speech, motor skills, creative abilities of children.

    Bring up kindness, respect for nature, accuracy, aboutorganization,self-discipline, ability to work in pairs.

    Introduce the number and number 0. Form spatial and temporal representations, the ability to navigate in space and on a plane, improve counting skills: quantitative and ordinal, consolidate knowledge of numbers and the ability to correlate the number of objects and numbers.

Equipment : a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of "magic" music, birdsong; butterflies with dots (from 0 to 9) on the paws according to the number of children, flowers with numbers from 0 to 9, colored tubes (analogues of cylindrical Cuisener sticks), a frog toy, a ball, handouts for appliquéing a summer landscape, the game "Fly" .

Course progress.

1.Org anizational m moment.

Sounds like magical music.

Children next to the teacher.

P.- What season is it now? (Spring.)

- What season comes after spring? (Summer)

- Do you love summer?

Let's fast forward for a few minutes at this time of the year to a forest clearing. Imagine that the bright sun is shining, birds are singing (the sounds of birds singing), flowers are blooming (flowers with numbers from 0 to 9 are hung around the office, a flower with the number 0 is upside down), various insects fly and crawl.

There are butterflies in our meadow. (Butterflies lie on the carpet according to the number of children. One of them differs in color, the other in size, the third in the shape of wings. Each butterfly has points from 1 to 9 on its paws.)

Be careful not to crush them with your feet. They are so beautiful and helpless.

2. Logic task

"Which butterfly is extra?"

Goals: development of logical thinking, attention.

Children name extra butterflies by size, color, shape.

3. Repetition of the past.

Rain game.

Objectives: consolidation of knowledge of numbers from 1 to 9, the ability to count and find the number corresponding to the counted number.

P. - When in summer the sun hides behind clouds and it starts to rain, insects crawl under the flower petals.

As soon as the sun hides (the lights go out in the office), help the butterflies find their flower.

(Children take one butterfly at a time, count the dots on their paws and run under the flower with the corresponding number. The teacher looks to see if the butterflies are mistaken.)

4.Problem situation. Introduction of new material.

Objectives: familiarity with the number 0, the number 0.

The sun is peeking out. Children play the game "Rain" for the second time.

The teacher, imperceptibly for the children, changes one butterfly with dots for a butterfly with an empty card.

Almost all butterflies find their flowers. Only one does not know where to fly. What to do? Under what flower should this butterfly hide?

Children offer their versions. All proposals are listened to.

There are children who already know the number 0. The flower with the number 0 is turned over.

P. - This zero is so pretty,

But it doesn't mean anything.

The children repeat the poem.

5. Fixing the new.

Children play the game "Rain" for the third time.

6. Ball game "Ball to the left, ball to the right"

Goals: development of the ability to navigate in space.

Children stand in a circle. One child is holding a ball. The teacher tells the children which way to pass the ball, left or right.

You can draw the letter P (right) on the right palm of the child before class.

7. The game "Frog".

Objectives: developing the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting, consolidating knowledge of colors.

In the clearing, colored steps made of logs (colored tubes) were “built” for children. Children count them first in the forward and backward directions, then in order from left to right.

At the request of the teacher, the children turn away, and at this time the frog hides behind a log. The teacher tells the children, behind which the frog hid in a row, if you count from left to right, the children name its color. You can play differently. The teacher calls the color of the log, and the children call its serial number (from left to right).

8. Game "Fly"

Objectives: the game helps to learn how to navigate in the space of the sheet, to consolidate the concepts of "left-right", "up-down", develops attention, memory.

After the walk we returned to the room. In the summer annoying flies bother. Let's catch them and put them in a bag.

A fly is sitting in the center of the room, which is trying to fly out of it. In one turn, she can fly only one cell. I will say where the fly flew, and you carefully follow its movement. As soon as she flies out of the room, clap your hands to catch her. If you managed to clap, then we put the fly in a bag, and if the fly manages to confuse you, then it flies out the window. Getting started. Fly up, fly right, fly right (clap)

At the end of the game, the teacher asks how many flies are left to fly (zero), how many are in the bag, how many flew out the window. The children show the answer on their fingers.

9. Application "Summer".

Goals: developing the ability to navigate on the plane, the ability to work in pairs.

Each pair of children are given application kits.

1 option.

The teacher "dictates" the drawing. For example: the sun is shining in the upper left corner, the frog is sitting in the lower right corner, the butterfly is flying over the frog, the cloud is floating in the upper right corner, the ball is in the lower left corner.

Children do the work under dictation, agreeing first who will put the first picture, who will be the next.

Option 2.

The teacher asks the children to draw their own picture. (Development of creative abilities).

After work, you can ask the children questions about the location of objects in the picture, the number of objects.

10. Summary of the lesson.

Emotional assessment of the lesson. Reflection of group and own activities.


. Suntsova A., Kurdyukova S. Learning to navigate in space. Workbook. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008.

Korepanova M. V., Kozlova S. A. "My mathematics" for older preschoolers. Methodical recommendations for teachers. -M.: Balass, 2008.

Peterson L. G., Kochemasova E. E. Igrolochka. Practical course of mathematics for preschoolers. Guidelines. - Ed. 4th, add. and revised / L.G. Peterson, E.E. Kochemasova. -M.: Yuventa Publishing House, 2010.

Presentation. Number 0. Number 0 Today we are again with you in the country of Mathematics, we will go to visit a very interesting and unusual resident. And, as always, the red little Fox cub and the smart Dwarf from the Forest School will help us with this. And first, try to find a pattern Look carefully and count how many balls are on each shelf. How do you think, how can you write that there is not a single ball on the last shelf? Among the inhabitants of the country of Mathematics there is a resident whose name is In mathematics, a special number "zero" is used, which can be written as a number. Our Zero does not mean anything, And in mathematics it is impossible without it. We cannot do without this figure, Learn to write it soon. Well, have you already painted a familiar and friendly oval? What does our zero look like, try to guess There is nothing easier: Looks like the letter "O". On a delicious bagel On a hoop that the sister turns early in the morning The full moon looks like Zero The round Earth looks like Zero Looks like Zero round clock that hangs in my grandmother's room. On the ball that is the favorite of all the guys And the gingerbread man from a children's fairy tale that ran away from everyone looks like zero. And the sun in the sky is as round as Zero. See guys, what an important figure On a number line, zero is always in front of all numbers. To some, Zero will seem like a simple number, Meaningless, empty. But if we add any number to it on the left, then we will write a completely different number. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 The Clever Dwarf asked the Little Fox problems, and he got so confused in them that he did not know the answer. Let's help him get things done. Well, who will be the first to answer? The little fox was given the task to write all the numbers in order. Look and say what numbers Fox missed. Chickens pecked at the threshing floor with a hen, one ran away, two hid, five went into the chicken coop. Look at the picture, and tell me, how many chickens are left with the hen? Masha collected 5 chanterelles in a basket, 5 honey mushrooms, and a white mushroom and sat down on a stump, rest a little and jumped and jumped from a birch, a red squirrel went down, found herself near the basket, 3 mushrooms, dragged away, and behind her a hedgehog, taking her back 3 -x chanterelles and honey agaric, ran away rather into a mink. Having rested a little, Masha looked into the basket, and was a little confused, tell her rather how many mushrooms are left ... Petya had 3 purple cubes and 5 yellow ones. He took paints and painted 8 cubes in green color. How many yellow and purple cubes does Petya have left. 3+5=8 8-8=0 Vera had 9 guests for her birthday, the cake was cut into 9 parts, the pieces were distributed to the guests, how many pieces of cake were left on the plate? 9-9=0 Subtracting the same number from a number always results in zero. 5-5=0 3-3=0 10-10=0 Today in the lesson you met with a special number Remember her, and make friends with her, she will be very useful to you on the way to knowledge in the country of Mathematics. And now the bell is ringing, which means the lesson is over.

Abstract of a lesson in mathematics

Introduction to 0.

Target: Introduce the number and number 0.


Educational: The formation of the number 0, its place in the number series.

Developing: The development of the logic of thinking, mathematical ingenuity.

Educational: Cultivate a love of mathematics.

Equipment: planar characters of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"; number 0. Handout: on the tables of children are large pumpkin seeds, beans, colored sticks.

Course progress.

    Didactic game "What has changed?"

Purpose of the game: develop voluntary attention and short-term memory; cultivate honesty.

Material: a few small toys or other items familiar to children.

Game progress: several small toys or other objects familiar to children are placed on the table. A leader is selected who invites the players to remember what and in what order is on the table. Then the facilitator invites the participants to turn away, and at this time he swaps several toys and invites the guys to guess what has changed on the table. For each correct answer, the presenter awards a chip. The one who collects the most chips wins.

    - Guys, tell me, what is a fairy tale? (This is when, something magical).

- Would you like to get into a mathematical fairy tale? Then let's go on a journey.

Guys, come on, pick up binoculars (depict binoculars with your hands), what do you see? (An image of a kolobok appears on the board). (Kolobok ran away from his grandmother).

Let's take a look at the beginning of the story. (Children together with the teacher remember).

- ... Gingerbread man rolls, rolls, and the Hare meets him (the image of a hare appears on the board).

Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you!

Don't eat me Bunny, better let me solve problems.

Let's help Kolobok solve difficult problems, otherwise the Hare will eat him! (Children solve problems: a card from the card index "Feast of the Number", "Think, count, guess!" Tasks for ingenuity -0-:

There is an oak tree in the field. Oak has 3 branches. Each branch has 3 apples. How many apples are there?

(Not at all).

10 pears grew on a pear, and 2 less on a willow. How many pears grew on the willow?

(Not at all, since pears do not grow on willows).

The hare released Kolobok.

Did you guys guess what number we're going to meet today?

That's right, zero!

Why are we in this fairy tale?

How do you think? (Kolobok looks like 0).

What else does the number 0 look like? (card “what does the number look like?”).

Do not eat me, Wolf, it is better to ask difficult questions and interesting tasks!

(Card. Tasks in verses -0-). Problem about geese.

Seven angry geese
Seven desperate friends
They walk and roam: "Ha-ha-ha!"
Then the hostess called them: -
Do you want to eat? - Yes Yes Yes!
And the whole gang went
Seven angry geese.
Seven geese have gone to feed,
How many birds are left?

(Not at all).

During the task, children lay out pumpkin seeds and beans on their table. Show the answer, put the number 0 from the sticks. Let's show in the air how to write the number 0 correctly.

And now print this number with your finger on each other's palm, now on each other's backs.

You and Kolobok coped with the task. The wolf released the bun.

Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you!

Don't eat me, Bear, it's better to give the task to me and the children. (Card. Tasks in verses -0- ... Egorka was lucky again ..., Badger - ...)

Egorka was lucky again,
Sitting by the river is not in vain.
Two crucians in a bucket
And four minnows.
But look - by the bucket
There was a sly cat...
How many fish home Yegorka
Will it bring to our ears?

(Not at all)

Badger Grandmother
She baked pancakes.
Treated two grandchildren -
Two pugnacious badgers.
And the grandchildren did not eat,
With a roar, saucers knock.
Well, how many badgers
Waiting for supplements and silent?

(No one waits in silence, but two wait with a roar)

Children solve problems.

Released Bear Kolobok.

Rolls, rolls, Kolobok, and the Fox meets him.

Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you!

Don't eat me, Lisa, tell the guys what to do so that you don't eat me.

The fox invites the children to open the recipes and complete the tasks. Independent work children. The fox releases the bun.

Analysis, the result of the lesson:

Guys, if the Fox ate Kolobok, then what would be left of him? (nothing, zero).

What number are we talking about today?

What does this number look like?

If you liked the activity, then show the thumb up, and if you were bored, then show the thumb down.

Lesson topic: Let's get acquainted with the number and number 0.

Lesson objectives (subject):

Enter the number 0 as a characteristic of an empty set and a reference point on a numerical segment;

Learn to write the number 0;

Consider properties 0;

Strengthen counting skills within 9.

Formation of universal educational activities (UUD):

- personal: ability for self-assessment based on the criterion of success learning activities.

- regulatory: the ability to determine and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of a teacher; evaluate the correctness of the tasks in the lesson; plan your action in accordance with the task; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion, based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made.

- cognitive: the ability to navigate in their system of knowledge, to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher; acquire new knowledge, find answers to questions using a textbook, your own life experience and information obtained in the lesson.

- communicative: the ability to formulate their thoughts orally; listen and understand the speech of others; jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication at school and follow them.

Planned results:

- personal: be able to conduct self-assessment based on the criterion of success of educational activities.

- metasubject: be able to determine and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of the teacher, evaluate the correctness of the tasks in the lesson, make the necessary adjustments to the actions after its completion(regulatory UUD) ; be able to navigate in their system of knowledge, to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher; acquire new knowledge, find answers to questions using a textbook, your own life experience and information obtained in the lesson(cognitive UUD) ; be able to formulate their thoughts orally, listen to and understand the speech of others, jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication at school and follow them(communicative UUD) .

- subject: be able to find the origin on a numerical interval, understand the properties of 0, learnwrite the number 0, will consolidate counting skills within 9.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, computer, presentationpowerpoint; for students: a textbook, a notebook on a printed basis, a fan of numbers, chips, a ruler.

Lesson script

I Motivation for learning activities (preparing the class for work)

Teacher: Hello guys, today a guest will come to us at the lesson, but you have to guess what the name of this guest is.

"I'm mixed with sour cream,

On the window it's cold

Round side, ruddy side


(Slide 1 with the image of Kolobok)

What story is this character from? (From Russian folk tale"Kolobok").

Well done boys! Gingerbread man is going on a trip to the kingdom of "Nulyandiya" and calls us with him, Shall we go?

So the journey begins.(Slide 2 kolobok roll along the track)

II Updating of basic knowledge. Verbal counting (students perform tasks that train individual abilities for learning activities, mental operations and learning skills)

Teacher: look, the gingerbread man stopped, blocked the way, some kind of beast, but who do you think it is?(Slide 3 with a picture of a hare)

The bunny does not want to let us through until we complete his task. You are ready? Prepare fans with numbers.

Silent game

2+1 2-1 6-2

4+1 4-2 5+3

5+2 8-4 7-5

6+3 3-2 2+6

9-7 4+2 7-6

Now show the number on your fans:

Teacher: we did itwith the task of the bunny, rolled on?(Slide 4 On the way, the gingerbread man met a wolf(Slide 5c image of a wolf).

We need to complete the task of the wolf in order to travel further. You are ready? Prepare a fan with numbers.

Teacher: We have completed this task and continue on our way.(Slide 6 bun roll along the path). Who do you think we will meet on our way? (student answers).

So the bear met.(Slide 7 with a picture of a bear).

Teacher: Let's complete the task that the bear came up with for us?

Here are the numbers for you:6, 5, 7, 1, 2, 4,8, 3, 9

Tell me everything you know about these numbers?(natural, unambiguous).

What numbers are called natural?(which are obtained by counting objects).

Why are they unique?(one digit is required to write these numbers).

Teacher: you did a great job with this task, but we still have a long way to go, it's time to go further(Slide 8 bun roll along the path).

III goal setting (students independently find a solution to the search problem)

Teacher: look, we already see the gates to the kingdom "Nulyandyu", but who is standing in front of them?(Slide 9 with a picture of a fox).

Guys, what happened in the fairy tale when the gingerbread man met the fox?(she ate it) . But this will not happen on our journey. We need to answer the fox's question and help the kolobok get into the kingdom.

Who lives in the kingdom "Nulyandiya"?

And the textbook will help us answer the question. Open and see what our lesson topic will be called (in the process of this work, students report that in the lesson they will get acquainted with the number and number 0).

IV Discovery of new knowledge (raising questions, proactive cooperation in the search and collection of information by students)

Teacher: why do you think the bun wanted to get into this kingdom so much? (it looks like the number zero)

What else does the number 0 look like?(student answers)

It is called zero or zero and denotes "nothing" by it.(Slide 10)

A little history from the kolobok. (Slide 11)

It is believed that zero was first written in India, but some scholars think that zero appeared even earlier among the Babylonians. But everywhere it was designated and called a circle. In the language of ancient India, "circle" - "sunya". The Arabs translated this word into their own language, and our zero became known as "sifr". (slide 12, 13)

Doesn't it really remind you of something? Right! "cipher" - "number". And the word "zero" itself arose later (from the Latinnullum- nothing).

Teacher: well, the bun says goodbye to us and thanks for the help, and our lesson continues(Slide 14).

Working with chips (one student works at the blackboard, the rest in their places).

Put in 4 chips, remove 1 chip, how much is left?(3)

- remove 1 more, how many chips remain?(2)

- how much is left if one more chip is removed?(1)

- What if you remove the last one?(no one)

The number 0 indicates that there will be no item left. Show the number 0 on your fans.

Determining the place of 0 in the natural series of numbers.

- if the place for the number 0 is in the natural series of numbers?(No)

Let's remember what a natural number is?(what we call when counting objects)

What is greater than 1 or 0?(choose a comparison sign)

What else can be said about the number 0?(if zero is less than one, then it is less than any natural number)

And yet there is such a series of numbers in which 0 has taken its place of honor, only this series cannot be called natural.

Think about where you could meet such a series of numbers?

Our today's guest also wants to tell you, pay attention to the screen.(Slide 15, showing a ruler, speedometer, thermometer)

And in the city of Budapest there is even a monument to the number 0 and it looks like this(Slide 16)

V Decreasing physical minute “A ball is flying across the sky”

Balloon flying across the sky

The balloon flies across the sky

But we know, up to the sky a ball

Never arrive

(children show movements: flies - wave their hands,

ball - a circle in the air with your hands,

in the sky - point your finger up,

we are a gesture to ourselves,

we know - a gesture on the head,

no way - denial of the head.)

Teacher: what number does the balloon look like?

VI Primary fastening (selection of the most effective ways of solving tasks by students)

Textbook work (work in pairs)

Drawing up a task according to the drawings using the number 0.

Look at the pictures and answer the questions “How many pies are on the plate on the left? How many pies are on the plate on the right?

Try with your neighbor to make a problem according to this picture.(listening to multiple couples) .

Notebook work

Number letter 0(the children examine the sample and start writing after the teacher shows how to write the number 0, then the children write a series of dots, inserting the missing numbers).

Section drawing.

Independent work(students compare numbers, place the signs ">", "<», «=»). Затем меняются тетрадями со своим соседом и проверяет его работу).

VII Summarizing

Who are we traveling with today?

What did we study in class today?

What number did we learn to write?

Who first began to denote zero?

VIII Reflection ( control and evaluation of the process and results of activities by students)

What did you like about the lesson?

What are our goals today?

Have we been able to achieve them? Why?

Let's evaluate our work in the lesson.

PutRed a circle in a notebook, if you did it beautifully and neatly,blue - if you think that your work did not turn out the way you wanted,green - if you did not complete the work.


    Mathematics: Grade 1: a textbook for students of educational institutions: in 2 hours. Part 1 / V.N. Rudnitskaya. – 4th ed., revised. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2011. – 144 p.: ill. – (Primary school XXIcentury).

    Mathematics: Grade 1: Workbook No. 1 for students of educational institutions / V.N. Rudnitskaya, T.V. Yudacheva - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2012 - 48 p.: ill. – (Primary school XXIcentury).

    Mathematics: Grade 1: teaching methods / V.N. Rudnitskaya, E.E. Kochurova, O.A. Rydze. - 3rd ed., Rev. – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2012. – 352 p.: ill.

    Volina V.V. The holiday of the number - M .: AST-PRESS, 1996. - 304 p.