Who can wear pearls? Pearls: can an unmarried girl wear them or not? Interesting video: Mother of pearl and pearls

The nature of pearls is so unique that people could not ignore it even if they wanted to. The gem, extracted from living organisms, has an amazing iridescent hue and has become the oldest jewel on the planet.

History and origin

Pearl is a stone of organic origin. It is not a mineral, from the point of view of scientists, but according to a tradition that is about four thousand years old, it is classified as a precious stone. The cost of pearls was very high until the 20s of the 20th century, and subsequently decreased significantly due to the collapse of the market as a result of the work of Japanese pearl farms.

Pearls are formed in the organisms of various marine and freshwater mollusks and are a product of a natural rejection reaction to a foreign object that has entered the shell of a mollusk - a grain of sand, a shell fragment, etc. If this object comes into contact with the mollusk's mantle (the outer soft shell hiding under the shell), the mollusk covers it with a layer of the same material that makes up its shell. As a result, a pearl is formed.

In the same shell of an invertebrate animal, up to several dozen pearls of different shapes can form, but the more there are, the smaller they are, accordingly. Only those pearls that have a mother-of-pearl shell are valued.

Zoologists believe that any species of mollusk is capable of producing pearls, but they find pearls only inside some bivalves and gastropods, as well as in the shells of a single species of cephalopod - the famous nautilus.

Scientists believe that the first pearls were caught by fishermen by accident - discovered while catching edible bivalves. This happened about four thousand years ago, in the waters of the shallow Gulf of Mannar (a pseudo-sea between Hindustan and the island of Ceylon). Due to the fact that pearls are the only precious stone that does not require additional processing, they began to be used as jewelry, as well as as a monetary equivalent.

Pearls were very highly valued throughout the East - from Eastern China, the extreme point of mainland Asia, to North Africa - Egypt, Numidia and ancient Carthage. The importance of pearls for the ancients was so great that the famous Queen Cleopatra considered earrings with two large pearls to be the most valuable of her jewelry. Statues of gods and heroes were decorated with pearls, pearls were awarded for military exploits, and pearls were given for love. It was highly valued in all countries that had access to the sea, although prices varied depending on the color, size and shape of the pearl.

The origin of the Russian word “pearl” is associated with the Chinese name for this stone - “zhen zhu”, which came to our country through the ancient Turkic and Volga-Bulgar languages. In most European languages, the name has the Latin root perl. It comes from a no longer used word that denoted a specific type of shellfish that was harvested by the ancient Latins. In Russian, nacre is a synonym for pearls; in a more precise meaning, it is the “front” coating of a pearl.

Physicochemical characteristics

From a chemical point of view, it is a composite of an inorganic substance - calcium carbonate, and an organic substance - conchiolin, a horny substance produced by the mollusk. When examined under a microscope, a layered structure is revealed, with layers of different natures not touching each other.

The chemical formula of the substance is very complex, since conchiolin is a natural polymer of a protein structure. The hardness of pearls is low, 3–4 units on the Mohs scale. It is easy to drill, but cannot be sanded, since in this case the mother-of-pearl layer is erased. It is opaque, but individual pearls may be translucent (depending on the type of pearl).

ColorWhite, yellowish, silver, golden, cream, blue, green, black, gray, pink
TransparencyFrom translucent to opaque.
Density2.6-2.78 g/cm³

Mining locations

Pearls are obtained by opening the shells of marine and freshwater mollusks, mainly bivalves (the closest example is the mussel). The main areas for harvesting sea “wild” pearls are warm, shallow seas:

  • Gulf of Mannar;
  • Persian Gulf;
  • Red sea.

Cultured pearls are mined off the coast of Japan, as well as in some lakes in the Land of the Rising Sun. Cultivated pearls are no different from wild ones, except that on pearl farms the core of the future pearl is artificially placed in mollusk shells. After this, the invertebrate grows (and grows the jewel inside) under the supervision of specialists for several years.

Cultured mother-of-pearl is not artificial or counterfeit, but its price is significantly lower due to controlled production. However, it depends on the color of the pearl, its size, shine and other parameters. Some cultural specimens are valued as precious stones more than those generated by nature.

There are also freshwater pearls, which are mined in large and clean rivers in Asia, Europe and North America. Its cost is lower, since (on average) it is smaller than sea and less often has a regular spherical shape. The main suppliers of freshwater pearls are Russia, Germany and China.

Colors and varieties

Pearl colors range from milky white to various light shades of green, blue and pink. Available in silver, grey, deep green and black. Color plays an important role in the evaluation of pearls: black, deep blue and completely white (without the slightest shade of cream or gray) specimens are most valued, since they are the rarest in nature.

Mother-of-pearl gives a specific play of light on the surface - from soft yellow to blue and pink. This occurs because light interferes with the irregular, wavy surface of the pearl, which only appears smooth.

Jewelers classify pearls by size, color, luster, thickness of the nacre layer, surface cleanliness (absence of defects) and shape. The most valuable specimens are those in the form of a perfect sphere with a thick layer of mother-of-pearl, without visible defects and with a bright shine. Pear-shaped and oval pearls, as well as irregularly shaped specimens, are less valued. But some connoisseurs have so-called “monsters” or “paragons”, which outwardly resemble figures of people or animals.

The shape and color of the pearl depend on the type of mollusk, the salinity and purity of the water in which it lived, as well as its temperature.

Types of pearls:

  • river - natural, small (up to 7 mm in diameter), white, cream, yellowish or grayish in color, shape varies from spherical to elliptical;

    Freshwater pearl necklace

  • "Tahiti" - cultivated, medium size (up to 12 mm in diameter), shades from silver to black;

    Pearls "Tahiti"

  • “Akoya” - cultivated, all colors except blue, diameter up to 14 mm;


  • “king” - natural, large (up to 22 mm), of all colors, with a thick layer of mother-of-pearl, found only in the southern seas;


  • "Mabe" - natural, very large, perfectly round in shape, color range - from silver through lead-gray to black;


  • "Kasumi" - cultured Japanese pearls of exotic colors, from gold to purple;


  • “Baroque” (as well as “paragons” and “monsters”) - small, up to 5 mm, different shades of white, gray and cream, irregular in shape.

    Baroque pearls

Products made from artificially grown or synthesized mother-of-pearl stones stand apart. Imitation pearls are always perfectly spherical in shape.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of pearls are associated, firstly, with its ability to diagnose the body, and secondly, with the ability to restore problem areas in organs associated with the removal of excess fluid from the body and the digestive tract. Pearls are suitable for those who suffer from stomach diseases associated with changes in acidity, and also have problems with the kidneys and liver, and, to a lesser extent, with the intestines.

The diagnostic properties of pearls are due to the fact that they change their color if the acidity of the upper layers of the skin changes in the owner. This in itself indicates unfavorable processes that have begun in the body. Some lithotherapists believe that if a pearl fades, loses its shine and becomes cloudy, this means the emergence of a tumor process in the body (mainly in the abdominal organs). Thus, mother of pearl signals when it is time to see a doctor to check the whole body. To some extent, it is able to “slow down” the development of the disease.

People suffering from conjunctivitis and other eye diseases associated with constant discharge from the eyes can wear pearls. It will help reduce the amount of discharge.

Magic properties

The magical properties of pearls are similar to healing ones. The main one is the ability to darken, fade, lose color if the owner is negatively affected (damage, the evil eye, other types of magical attacks). But at the same time, pearls are a very finicky stone. He wants to protect and protect only people who are pure in soul, and even among them he does not like those who are wayward, prone to fits of anger or pride.

Kasumi pearls with smoky surface

Pearls cannot stand people who are unable to keep their word, who are treacherous and deceitful. Including those who lie to themselves.

In different cultures, pearls are symbols of purity, purity, sincerity of thoughts and the prevalence of the divine (sublime) over the earthly (carnal). In Asian countries, jewelry with pearls is used as amulets and at the same time detectors of bad thoughts and intentions directed at the owner. The scope of application is wide: business transactions, love affairs, health and childbirth, maintaining peace and order in the family and so on.


Please note: the properties of pearls are such that this stone is not suitable for anyone. It should not be worn by weak-willed people who are prone to weakening self-concentration and depression, especially men who have problems with self-esteem and an unstable psyche. The magic of pearls is suitable mainly for women, for them it enhances classic feminine qualities - softness, maternal wisdom, gives femininity and charm. If pearl products are worn by men, then the characteristic features of a woman’s character are transmitted to them.

This is beneficial, for example, for business people, businessmen and politicians who could use a little flexibility and flexibility in negotiations. Pearls love such people, it brings them good luck and protects them from dangers. But for men with an initially labile, mobile psyche, especially creative ones, pearl talismans will lead to a personality disorder - even to a psychiatric diagnosis.

You should not wear pearls that previously belonged to another person if you are not sure of the personal qualities of the previous owner. It captures and stores for a long time the emotional and energetic impression of the previous owner. This means that your grandmother's pearl necklace may pass on some of her problems to you.

Zodiac compatibility

The magical properties of this stone are most widely manifested under the influence of the planetary forces of the Moon and Water (or more precisely, the Ocean). Pearl is not just a water stone, but a sea stone; astrology believes that of all the stones it is closest to the power that plays with the ebb and flow of the tides, moving huge masses of water across the surface of the planet. This stone has absorbed the strength, grandeur, suspiciousness and changeability of the Ocean, so it can be worn by most water signs.

Pearls are most compatible by zodiac sign with Pisces and Cancer. The exception is Scorpio, the most complex, dangerous and unpredictable sign. Scorpio is “dark” water, the cold, dark depths of the Ocean, where mysterious and scary creatures live. Therefore, Scorpios can only wear black pearls.

According to the horoscope, the stone is not suitable for such zodiac signs as Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. Deep Water doesn't like Earth because he can't conquer it. Mother-of-pearl jewelry will try to suppress the will of representatives of earth signs - but there will be much fewer problems with fire signs.

Zodiac signCompatibility (“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - strictly contraindicated)
a lion-

(“+++” - fits perfectly, “+” - can be worn, “-” - is strictly contraindicated)

Compatibility with other stones

Pearls are incompatible with sapphire, which reflects the surface of water. He does not like proximity to the stones of the Earth, especially jasper, cacholong, morion and chalcedony.

Optimal proximity - with other water (except sapphire) stones:

  • emerald;
  • opal;
  • moonstone;
  • aquamarine;
  • alexandrite.

Acceptable partnership with Air:

  • amethyst;
  • uvarovitis;
  • topaz;
  • hyacinth;
  • chrysoprase;
  • smoky quartz.

Avoid proximity to Fire minerals, especially ruby, diamond and all types of garnets, including greenish grossular.

Application area

Pearls are a popular insert into expensive jewelry. It is used to create designer rings, necklaces, tiaras, beads, pendants and any other works of jewelry. The most valued are blue and black “wild” pearls, ideally round in shape and large in size, from 10 mm in diameter.

The traditional metal of the frame is white and yellow gold, less often platinum. Silver is rarely used in combination with pearls, and mainly with pearls of gray and silver shades.

How to spot a fake

Cultured pearls are not considered fake. But large beads of appropriate colors are often passed off as genuine stones. You can recognize a fake by the discrepancy between price and shape: artificial pearls have the shape of an ideal sphere, but are too cheap for their size. The cost of a natural, including cultured, spherical pearl with a diameter of 10 mm cannot be less than $100.

How to wear and care

There are a number of rules for wearing pearl jewelry. Firstly, etiquette requires a small number of pearls for young girls; if it is a necklace, then no more than one strand of pearls in it. Heavy headwear with mother-of-pearl is appropriate for older ladies to wear.

Secondly, products with colored pearls are worn only alone. A large number of green, pink or blue pearls is a sign of bad taste.

Rings with pearls are worn on the ring finger.

This stone needs to be carefully looked after. Protect it from direct sunlight, and after prolonged contact with skin, rinse with water without using a sponge. When cleaning products, only the gentlest “chemistry” is allowed, for example, tooth powder.

Best time to buy

This is the period when the Moon is at its greatest strength - that is, the three days of the full moon, the middle of the lunar cycle.

Please note that if you wear them frequently, pearls need to be “recharged” - placed in a transparent container with water and taken out at night under direct moonlight. 10–15 minutes is enough.

Pearls have been shrouded in legends and myths since ancient times. It was always expensive, elegant and impeccable, but at the same time, popular rumor believed that giving it would lead to misfortunes and troubles, and if the thread broke, it would mean grief. Is it so?

In Russian folk classics there is a proverb: “Large pearls with yakhont - good groom and bride,” which predetermines that pearls are an indispensable attribute of a family, a strong marriage, which is combined with thoughts of purity and nobility. The images of the Russian goddess Lada have a lot of pearl jewelry, which indicates its value to the family. In Rus', grooms gave pearls to their brides, which were used to decorate wedding kokoshniks.

Today it is generally accepted that those who do not have a lover, their soul mate, should not wear pearls. There is a legend that by acquiring the mineral, a lonely woman dooms herself to greater loneliness. But this does not apply to widows or divorced people. The mineral will give such people a new opportunity to find a family.

Seeing pearls in a dream

If you dream about pearls or products made from them, then according to dream books, this is a sign of a new, joyful event. Picking up a bracelet with pearls means quick wealth. If pearls are given in a dream, then this means a new acquaintance or marriage. In any case, pearls in a dream mean good luck, and a string of pearls means new events.

It is believed that wearing pearls is contraindicated for those who are weak-willed and weak-willed, prone to depression and nervous exhaustion. It can reduce activity, suppress, and negatively influence. But for those who strive for power and are prone to vanity, pearls can calm them down and help put everything in its place. Those who travel a lot or are engaged in creative activities should not wear pearl jewelry, as it can reduce their creative potential. The energy of the mineral is aimed at strengthening marriage. It is believed that if the pearls have darkened, then there will be either problems or troubles in the marriage.

Pearls - personal amulet

It is popularly believed that pearls can predict the future, and this especially applies to the health of the owner. If suddenly tarnished and discolored beads appear in a ring, beads or necklace, which is your favorite, then this indicates health problems or an upcoming unpleasant event. The owner of the jewelry should pay special attention to minerals, because pearls are alive and maybe they really know something that you are not yet aware of. Astrologers suggest wearing it only to those whose horoscope is a water sign: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio.

Pearls are a first-class gemstone, meaning they can compete in price with sapphires, emeralds and diamonds. It is of animal (organic) origin.

Properties of the stone

Organic origin is due to the process by which a nacreous ball - a pearl - is formed in a mollusk shell. The process of natural creation takes ten to twelve years, and the cause is the entry of a grain of sand or other foreign body into the shell, around which the “growth” of mother-of-pearl occurs.

In terms of chemical and physical properties, it is a composition of 85-86% potassium carbonate, about 12% comchiolin and 2-3% water.

Hardness on the Mohs scale is 2.5-4.

Density – from 2.1 (black) to 2.6 (regular) g/cubic. cm.

An opaque mineral consists of three layers, the thinnest is the third and is pearl nacre.

History of the stone

Pearls have been in demand since ancient times. White pearls are a classic, but there are different shades - pink, blue, yellowish, and black ones are especially valuable and expensive.

Pearls have a very short “life span” of a maximum of two hundred years, after which they fade due to drying. It loses its jewelry qualities as a jewel, so there are no historically valuable pearls with a centuries-long history of ownership by the imperial family, for example, like rubies or jade. But this does not mean that many legends and historical facts are not associated with it.

Already before our era, the mineral was known to the tribes of the East and India. The Aztecs of America also loved him. In Rus', freshwater pearls were used as jewelry and to decorate the clothes of rich people, to decorate weapons and icons.

The popularity of the mineral is easily explained - apart from its beauty, it did not require any complex processing.

The largest pearl, the “Pearl of Allah,” weighs about 6 kg and measures 24 by 16 cm and was found in 1934 off the coast of the Philippine island of Palawan. It got its name because of its shape, which closely resembles the head of a man wearing a turban.

Pearl of Allah

Nowadays, pearls remain one of the most expensive precious stones in the world. This is explained by the fact that its search and extraction is a complex and expensive process.

Types of pearls

  • River - as the name implies, it originates in river water. It differs in appearance, because the final result of the “ripening” of the jewelry, of course, depends on the composition of the water in which the “house” lies, as well as the properties of the secretion of mollusks, as a result of which the pearl is formed. River ones consist almost entirely of mother-of-pearl.
  • Marine - in terms of the chemical and biological composition of elements, compared to river, it is much richer. The layer of mother-of-pearl is thin, only the surface is pearlescent. In terms of softness, sea water is softer than river water. But in terms of shape and color, sea pearls have a clear advantage over river pearls.

White pearls are the most common type of mineral in color, both sea and river. The most valued is white with a blue or pink tint.

Black pearls are the rarest and most expensive of all types. It has a lower density than normal.

Golden pearls originate from the Philippines.

Silver pearl.

Green pearls can have different shades, for example, as in the photo, they can be dark olive.

Rainbow pearls - the name speaks for itself. It is also called iridescent.

Place of Birth

Natural pearls are currently mined in Iran, India and Tahiti. But it is grown in many countries, using special cultivation technologies.

Natural and cultured

Natural minerals are extracted from nature, but people have also learned to grow pearls. Cultured saltwater pearls are grown on the shores of tropical seas. The process is quite complicated because storms happen and there are also changes in water temperature. It should also be noted that only one pearl is “born” and grown in the shell, no matter how many grains of sand were initially deposited. River cultivation of precious organic minerals is carried out using a certain technology, which is simpler in relation to “sea pearl farms”. Several “peas” are laid in one shell; as a result, one mollusk produces from three to ten precious peas. On the part of humans, for 8-10 years, while the “harvest” is ripening, control of the water temperature is required, as well as turning the mollusks for an even shape of the peas.

Some river hatcheries use combined technology. With it, a hollow plastic ball is placed inside, not a grain of sand, and then, when it is overgrown with mother-of-pearl, the ball is removed and the void is filled. This results in a more even surface.

How much does natural pearl cost?

Natural, not grown or cultivated, costs tens of times more. One pearl can cost from 1,000 to 10,000 US dollars depending on its quality (size, color, shape). By comparison, cultured ones start at $100 and top out at $600 or $1,000 for black.

Large pearls of rare color and shape are exclusive and are therefore sold at auctions. Their price can reach 600,000 US dollars.

The magical properties of pearls

Even in Ancient Egypt, it was believed that pearls bring their owner unfading beauty and long life. Legends about Cleopatra say that she not only wore pearl necklaces, but also drank a drink made from pearl powder (with pomegranate juice or donkey milk - opinions differ here), and therefore retained her attractiveness for a very long time.

A string of pearls given to a bride for her wedding strengthens feelings and “guarantees” fidelity in married life. But you cannot give pearls for a wedding that someone has already worn or pass on by inheritance.

According to astrologers and magicians, the magical properties of pearls are best manifested when worn in the form of beads or necklaces.

If you use pearls as a talisman, you can pacify your pride, as well as get rid of other negative character traits - vanity, arrogance. Such a talisman will help you choose the right goal in life, as well as enter into profitable deals, establish friendly relationships, become more open and understand people better.

For men it is a symbol of wisdom, power and closeness to God.

For women it is a symbol of happiness and youth.

The healing properties of pearls

We have already noted one healing property - rejuvenation of the body if you take pearl powder.

If pearls lose their shine and become dull, this indicates that the person wearing them has health problems, which means that they act as a talisman and warn of a possible disease.

It also has the following healing properties, confirmed by time and experience of use:

  • memory improvement;
  • strengthening the psyche and a general beneficial effect on the human central nervous system;
  • liver healing;
  • restoration of the human urinary system;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

In addition, powder made from the mineral has a good effect on the treatment of eye diseases, cleansing the blood and the body as a whole. To do this, dissolve the powder in water, leave it to infuse for 12 hours, and then take it in quantities indicated by the traditional healer or specialist who recommended this healing method.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Pearls are suitable for Pisces and Aquarius; they will bring them luck and happiness. All other signs should pay attention to the following warnings and choose jewelry taking into account their character and profession. The mineral is suitable only for people who are strong in character and self-confident.

How to care for pearls

In order for a decoration or talisman to please with its beauty for as long as possible, certain conditions must be met. Since it is a soft organic mineral, it is “afraid” of chemicals, hard surfaces and dry air. Therefore, it is best to store jewelry in a separate box, lined with soft fabric. If the weather is very dry, you can place a plate of water next to the open box. You should not clean without first removing the pearl jewelry. After each time you put on a necklace or beads, before putting them to “rest” in the box, you should wipe them with a damp cloth. If cream or other substances get on the jewelry, you should wash it in soapy water (use baby soap), wipe it with a cloth and leave it to dry without closing it in the box. Subject to these simple care conditions, pearl jewelry will delight you with its beauty for many years, while sharing beauty and making you look younger.

Pearl jewelry has long been associated with femininity and elegance. The stone goes well not only with classics, but also with business style and casual wear.

There are several factors on which the correct wearing of mother-of-pearl depends:

  • age category;
  • type of appearance;
  • clothing style.


At all times, pearl jewelry was considered an attribute of mature women. However, the opinion of experts in the fashion world has changed dramatically. They claim that young girls can also wear pearls. But at the same time, each age corresponds to a certain size of pearls.

For example, small beads measuring 6.5 mm are suitable for a young lady. Otherwise, the girl will look older. For women 30 years old, the optimal diameter is 8 mm.

If your age exceeds 40 years, then you can safely wear 9 mm pearls. Well, older ladies should choose a stone with a diameter of 10 mm.

Appearance color type

Most often, pearls come in classic white, pink, cream, red and black colors. Each type of appearance requires an appropriate shade.

  • Girls with dark skin are better off wearing black or golden stones in jewelry.
  • Pink and red colors are a win-win option for white-skinned representatives of the fairer sex.
  • White and cream pearl, as you know, is a classic, so it will suit any girl, regardless of skin color.


It is believed that it is advisable for married women to wear mother-of-pearl stones as a pair, as the products have a positive effect on family relationships. Lonely unmarried girls should refrain from wearing beads with pearl earrings, as this will increase the feeling of loneliness.

There is an opinion that you should not wear a stone to a wedding. And not only for the bride, but also for the other ladies present. The fact is that in ancient times pearls were called tears of the sea. Perhaps this is why it is believed that at a wedding it can bring tears and disappointment to the bride.

But these are just superstitions and signs, and not all people believe in them. The most important thing is the combination with the outfit and consistency with etiquette.

How to wear pearls correctly

There are certain rules on how and with what to wear pearls:

  • you cannot wear several sets at the same time;
  • long earrings are not recommended to be worn with beads or pearl necklaces, with the exception of an evening look;
  • black pearls do not harmonize with pendants and stones of other colors;
  • You can combine pink pearls with white, but not with red or black.

If you wear a pearl necklace, then small earrings will be an excellent addition.

White mother-of-pearl harmonizes perfectly with a black evening outfit. And for a white suit, the ideal option is black pearls. The latter is more rare and, accordingly, its cost is higher. It is believed that black pearls are usually worn at funeral ceremonies. However, this is not the case; it is also perfect for daily use.

When wearing pearl jewelry, it is important to pay attention to the accompanying details of clothing; in no case should you overdo it. Colorful colors, clothes with flowers or polka dots, skirts with frills, shoes with round toes or bows, buckles - all this will not add attractiveness to the image, but will rather make you look older.

Noble pearl is combined with metal jewelry, with spikes and chains. In addition, it is considered a fashionable trend to decorate clothes and shoes with pearls.

Business style

Wearing pearl jewelry with office outfits is not so easy. There are a number of nuances. For example, a long string of pearls will not work; jewelry should be modest and not large. Flashy, voluminous pendants, rings and frilly necklaces are excluded. It is also not recommended to combine mother-of-pearl stone with precious metals: gold or silver.

If you are wearing a business shirt, the beads should be collarbone length. If it is a blouse, then it is no longer than its neckline. In this case, it is possible to wear the jewelry under the collar so that part of the beads is visible. This maneuver will allow you to concentrate attention on the neck line and give the image originality.

In business attire, combining different colors of natural pearls is a sign of poor taste. The best option is black or white mother of pearl. It goes perfectly with dark office trousers or a classic skirt, as well as a white blouse or shirt.

Everyday looks

Pearl jewelry is appropriate to wear not only at a party or in the office, but also in everyday life. With their help you can easily create a unique, memorable image.

A great combination would be a lace top, jeans and several long strings of pearls. Light-colored pumps can be an addition. Bright, catchy T-shirts or shirts can easily replace a top and will look no less stylish. They don't have to be the same color; polka dots or plaid also work great. Only the cell itself should not be larger than the diameter of the pearls.

In your everyday look, you can wear pearl jewelry of different colors - white and black. Instead of jeans, you can use shorts, pencil skirts and trousers. It is especially interesting if the bottom is combined with a shade of pearl, but you should not give preference to bright colors of the stone.

Pearl beads harmonize perfectly with a woolen cardigan or jumper, which is especially important in the cool season. The perfect addition is boots and beautiful jewelry.

Evening ensemble and retro style

If you follow all the necessary tips and recommendations, you can safely wear pearls and not look old-fashioned at all.

For evening wear, it is best to wear a long, rather than a short, string of pearls. A little black dress and a necklace made of natural precious stone are a traditional evening look.

But the dress can be replaced with a skirt or trousers with a top, and long pearl beads can be wrapped around the neck in several rows and tied in a knot. Get a spectacular evening look. This option goes especially well with an outfit with an open back and a deep neckline.

Jewelry sets - earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces - will look great at an evening celebration. In this case, it would be appropriate to use long earrings.

In addition, products with pearls are suitable for creating retro images, for example, in photo or video shooting. One of the best options is floral dresses combined with long beads. In addition to wearing a necklace, you can simply embroider the top of your clothes with pearls, which is also inherent in the fashion of the last century.

Pearls draw their history back to before our era. Yes, humanity has been interested in such a treasure since time immemorial. And the popularity and significance of pearls continues to this day. Let's look at why there is a lot of attention around pearls, and why they have always played a significant role in creating jewelry.

Yes, initially humanity did not delve as far as the properties of pearls. He received a calling in jewelry only because he did not need any processing. In essence, ready-made material was extracted. But, like any other gemstone, it has a certain effect on the body and health of people. And it is worth noting that this is not an easy component of decoration.

So let's dive into this issue a little more:

  • In general, each country has its own ideas about this stone. For example, in Greece pearls are a symbol of marriage, and in India they are considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity. But, in any case, its properties are aimed at protecting against many diseases and improving family life.
  • Also, a girl used to be given such a necklace for her wedding. It was believed that such a stone would protect her from her husband’s infidelity.
  • By the way, such a stone also helps to cope with unrequited love. After all, it brings peace to a girl’s life and spiritual harmony.
  • It also helps preserve youth and beauty. Perhaps that is why young girls do not wear it.
  • But! Much depends on which person gave it. If he is evil and has bad thoughts, then such a gift can only bring trouble.
  • If the young lady is too proud, narcissistic, greedy or deceitful, then the stone will also refuse to help her. Moreover, he will try to break such character traits and change the person for the better.
  • By the way, there is a version that the stone helps to smooth out conflicts and find a common language with many people. It also endows the owner with wisdom and restraint.
  • And also, he could protect the house from thieves, and the owner from the evil eye.

IMPORTANT: This stone cannot be passed on by inheritance. It can only have one owner. Otherwise, trouble will overtake both the former and the new owner.

Useful properties of pearls:

  • It should be noted that pearls have a positive effect on the nervous system, improve memory (or even help restore it), and also make the psyche more resilient and resilient.
  • It is also believed that such a stone has a positive effect on the liver and kidneys. And it can even overcome some of their diseases, or rather, recover from the disease faster. After all, as you know, without drug treatment it is very difficult to cope with any ailment.

  • Normalizes blood pressure. Moreover, both increased and decreased.
  • Improves the functioning of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract as a whole.
  • Pearls are also a good hemostatic agent. Especially in powder or tincture form.

IMPORTANT: You can make pearl water by steeping pearls in water (in a decanter) overnight. This water is very useful to take internally.

  • Fights eye diseases and even helps improve vision.
  • By the way, to cleanse the body and the entire circulatory system, you need to hold such a pebble in your mouth for 15-20 minutes.
  • Pearls can also indicate the presence of a disease. If it has lost its shine or, even worse, darkened, then you should take care of your health in the near future.

In general, pearl jewelry has always been more popular among women. No, of course, men (especially those of noble birth) also decorated their outfits in every possible way or wore other attributes. And they also resorted to such jewelry as pearls. But its effect on the female body requires special attention.

  • Yes, all of the above points apply to both women and men. It equally produces a general strengthening effect.
  • But it should be noted that pearls help with various female diseases. For example, it will help relieve pain during menopause or help improve general condition during menopause.
  • Such a stone will help a woman feel the joys of motherhood. After all, the stone in question will allow pregnancy to proceed calmly, and childbirth will be quick and without complications.
  • Such decoration will protect single women from non-reciprocal love and even help them meet their soulmate.

  • For married ladies, it promises a happy family life and obedient children (or simply the stone will give the owner a lot of peace of mind in the matter of raising them).
  • And in general, it acts as a charge of calm and prudence. After all, the life of any woman is full of surprises and experiences. And with such decoration the girl will be in harmony with herself and the world around her.
  • And, of course, it is useful to take it orally (for example, drink pearl water) or wash your face with such water to preserve beauty and youth.

Black pearls: properties

Very attractive, alluring and incredibly expensive. Yes, among all varieties of pearls, the black type is considered the rarest, and it is much more expensive than the others. By the way, its meaning and impact on life, as well as the health of the wearer, is slightly different.

  • It is immediately worth noting that black pearls act like a fireman for overly emotional individuals. He has great calmness and prudence, bestowing them on his master.
  • But you should wear it very carefully. Below we will look in detail at whom pearls are suitable and for whom they are strictly contraindicated. The fact is that black pearls can also have a negative effect - it can evoke sadness and melancholy. Naturally, if you choose it incorrectly.
  • This stone (and any pearl in general) is considered more of a feminine stone, since it is with such a mistress that she can reveal her full potential.
  • But young and unmarried girls should avoid such pearls. Because it can cause depression.
  • But for widows and divorced women, on the contrary, it will help overcome sadness and make it easier to survive separation.
  • Black pearls are strictly prohibited for men! It will only bring more trouble, sadness and bad weather.

  • There is even a product name for the face “Black Pearl”. We will not delve into its composition and examine for the presence of crushed black pearls. But this stone really helps rejuvenate the skin. Yes, it works great against wrinkles. And for a clear result, it is enough to wash your face with water infused with pearls.
  • Another property of black pearls that cannot be ignored. It not only calms, but forces the mind to look at the world soberly. It will protect you from rash actions (or unnecessary purchases).
  • Overall, it has a positive effect on the immune system. It will help improve relationships with people, as well as smooth out conflicts - both at work and at home.
  • And, of course, if the stone has dimmed or lost its shine, then this indicates future illnesses or family problems.

Gray pearl: properties

Pearls come in various shades. Available in white, cream, pink, gold or brown. It can also be blue or green. Gray color is, of course, no exception. It also occurs in nature. It can be darker or lighter, and sometimes comes with a blue or pink tint. Nature has not stinted on imagination in this matter.

  • Its properties are the same as those of pearls of other colors. It has a positive effect on overall health, prevents aging and calms the nervous system.
  • But such pearls are not recommended for unmarried girls to wear, as they can create depression and melancholy. It is not contraindicated for widows, but, for example, black pearls will have a more favorable effect.
  • You also need to take into account that pearls must be worn in pairs. That is, there should be a pair of jewelry with pearls. Otherwise, he will induce sadness, irritability and even aggression.
  • The gray color harmonizes well with a business suit, but this stone does not like everyday fuss. And also those who occupy a leadership position and have a very domineering character. He can take this part of the power for himself.

  • It is also undesirable for weak-willed people to wear it, since they can become even more dependent on the opinions of others. And in a neglected state, depression and disappointment in the world around you will appear.
  • It should be noted that gray pearls help fight migraines.
  • For married women, it is considered ideal as it will help strengthen marital bonds and avoid unwanted quarrels.

Freshwater pearls: properties

Everyone knows that there are two types of pearls: sea and river (there is no need to go into details - the names speak for themselves). Overall, the two species are not very different from each other. They can also come in different colors and sizes. But! Freshwater pearls have a matte shine and a slightly oval shape, and are also significantly smaller in size. And their properties also have some differences.

  • The main difference is versatility. Sea pearls are more suitable for married women. River stone can also be worn by young girls. It does not carry any negative energy.
  • He is a great assistant in love affairs. It will help single people find a soul mate, married people - improve family relationships, and widows - quickly learn to enjoy life again.
  • Just like sea pearls, it serves as a source of longevity and physical strength.
  • It also has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases immunity and improves well-being.

  • Freshwater pearls are more suitable for women (sea pearls, in principle, too). It makes them softer and more flexible, as well as calmer and more balanced. But for a man, you must admit, these are not the most necessary qualities.
  • And one more thing you need to know - this stone does not like to travel. He must not only have one owner, but also one place of residence. Otherwise, he may show his character and turn his help in an unfavorable direction.
  • He also doesn't like small children. This does not mean that you cannot have a child if there are freshwater pearls in the house. It’s just that, for example, teachers shouldn’t wear such jewelry at work.

The magical properties of pearls

The main magical properties of pearls are the preservation of youth and strengthening family ties. At least, this has been thought since time immemorial. All the properties of pearls have already been indicated above. But there is one more aspect that needs to be addressed. Pearls are not always just strung on a string. And what material the frame is made of is a significant indicator.

Very often pearls are combined with silver. But it is important to understand how compatible a stone is with a given metal. To do this, let's look at the properties of pearls in silver:

  • The first and most important meaning is a warning. The fact is that both pearls and silver tend to darken if a person is sick or will be overtaken by an illness in the near future.
  • Another important condition is a good person and good intentions. Taken together, pearls and silver can make this known. Pearls can even crumble or become deformed if a person is greedy and deceitful.
  • Silver is a noble metal that also purifies and tries to outshine bad character traits. If a person has a lot of them (or they are too weighty), then the silver jewelry with pearls will turn black.

  • Such decorations protect their owner from the negative influence of others. That is, it will help remove the veil of deception or slander. It will also help protect your home from thieves.
  • Such jewelry will help improve relationships with people, especially with colleagues at work.
  • By the way, pearls and silver do not like betrayal. Therefore, it is better to wear them for those who are faithful to their chosen one. And in some countries it is believed that, on the contrary, it can warn against fornication.
  • They also have a positive effect on the reproductive and urinary systems. That is, they help, for example, with kidney stones or various female diseases. They also help solve the problem of infertility.

It is important to understand that pearls are not for everyone. As you remember, men are highly discouraged from wearing this stone. Well, women will be able to get advice according to their zodiac sign. So which zodiac sign suits pearls:

  1. Aries. It is immediately worth noting that Aries is a fire sign that is under the protection of the Sun. And, since pearls belong to the water element and are considered a moonstone, it is not advisable for Aries to wear pearls. It can even harm and deprive you of that natural energy and enthusiasm.
  2. Taurus . But for Taurus it is even useful to wear a stone. However, they do not have an ideal combination - the stone will not fully reveal all its qualities. But! It will help Taurus become more balanced and less hot-tempered. Pearls will especially help you not take your anger out on others.
  3. Twins. This is the most fickle sign of the zodiac. Therefore, pearls will help them make the right decision and not change it for the next hour. Moreover, it will calm down their overly active temperament a little, and also protect them from stupid actions.
  4. Cancer. This is a water sign, so pearls are a good match for Cancers. Pearls will help him in health matters, especially in terms of the nervous system. It is also a stone of fidelity, so it will protect Cancer from all kinds of temptations. A Cancer woman will be helped to reveal her inner potential and find harmony with the world around her.
  5. A lion. Another fire sign under the auspices of the Sun. Therefore, such people should not wear pearls. And black pearls should be avoided altogether. Leos have very strong personalities, and it is believed that pearls can take away some of this strength.
  6. Virgo. A bit of a controversial issue. It has already been said that the stone is not suitable for overly domineering and overly weak-willed individuals. Therefore, if Virgo is persistent enough, then pearls can help her avoid rash actions and deception. If Virgo is too dependent on other people’s opinions, then the stone can completely suppress her.
  7. Scales. Overall, a very calm sign. Therefore, with such a stone they will become even more balanced and reasonable. The stone will have a positive effect on the owner’s health and will also help in family life. And even unmarried girls will be able to find a match.
  8. Scorpion. Although this is a water sign, pearls are not suitable for Scorpios. This is a too stubborn and hot-tempered sign, which will only cause a negative reaction from the stone. True, you can wear black pearls. It is believed that it will help in matters of the heart.
  9. Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the third fire sign, so pearls are not its birthstone. Water will extinguish the fire, which will have a bad effect on the health and luck of Sagittarius. But! You can wear black pearls only if everything is going well and smoothly for Sagittarius. Just to enhance the positive energy.
  10. Capricorn. Pearls suit Capricorns well. It can help them calm down their character a little and allow them to adequately assess the situation. But astrologers recommend choosing only sea pearls.
  11. Aquarius. A sociable sign that even needs pearls to protect against lies, gossip and rash actions. But during periods of sadness, Aquarians should avoid such a stone, since they can even fall into depression.
  12. Fish. Pearls are ideal for Pisces. They are in the same element, the stone will help not to commit unnecessary actions. It will also improve communication with people and make them more balanced, especially when contacting the outside world. It will also protect Pisces from unrequited or unhappy love.

The beauty of pearls is simply mesmerizing in its simplicity. After all, at first glance, it is a simple stone, but it is capable of decorating and charming with its tints. Choose the best option for jewelry with pearls, but remember that such jewelry is not suitable for everyone.

Video: “Properties of pearls”