Time and man. A person’s own time What does a person of his time mean?

We are presented with two extreme views of time, and we want to find a path somewhere in the middle between them. On the one hand, we are overwhelmed by the debilitating realization that life is short and death is just around the corner. Such natural observation is not confined to silence. The groan of sorrow turns into a lyrical language of lamentation using all means of poetic creativity. Folk wisdom is added to these lamentations when the passage of time is spoken of in metaphors with rich philosophical content.

Therefore, we talk about time, it is running out, meaning that its transience prevents modernity from taking root forever. We also say that our recent experience sinks into the past and - once it has got there - is no longer subject to change, although the memories of what we experienced are in danger of being destroyed from oblivion. We also say that the future, open to desires and fears, is uncertain, because undesirable events come too quickly, and desirable ones come too slowly, and in any case, everything that happens is very different from our predictions and calculations.

The antithesis of this elementary symbolization of our knowledge of time, which disappears in conditions of too short an existence, is the symbolism of the infinity of cosmic time, tirelessly returning to us in the form of large cycles - years, seasons, days. We speak of such a time as all-encompassing. Mentally we depict it as a kind of immovable container: that is why we say that our existence occurs “in” time, understanding by this cosmic metaphor the primacy of time in comparison with thought, which seeks to determine its essence and embrace its dimensions.

Undoubtedly, the measurements of time discussed below indicate that science has, to a certain extent, mastered a phenomenon that has not been subjected to any attempts to conquer it. However, these dimensions of time, immeasurable in themselves, only enhance the feeling of all-encompassing infinity, next to which the shortness of life looks like a striking contrast.

Other symbolic structures strive to bridge this gap between cosmic and human time. To assess their significance, we must look deeper into the nature of such disproportion and clarify some theoretical aspects of the double metaphorical nature of flow and all-encompassing time.


The main achievements of science in the field of cosmic time lie in a clear understanding of the mechanism for communicating increasingly large time periods. Do not forget that in the culture of the West, for example, the age of the world was long calculated to be only a few thousand years (sometimes the figure was 6000 years).

Even the story of overcoming such obstacles is interesting: less than a century ago, deep knowledge of geological eras forced us to admit that the Earth is much older than was then thought; the discovery of fossil animals and plants pushed the origin of life far into the past; The origins of man also go further back on the time scale, going back millions of years.

In turn, the concentric durations, which contain the origins of man, the origins of life, the origins of the Earth and the origins of the solar system, fit into the volumes of astronomical time, calculated in light years. Thus, the direct experience of the infinity of all-encompassing time is reduced to a level that is subject to control.

However, the disproportion between human and cosmic time is not only quantitative, there is also a qualitative difference between them, which is very important.

Let's return to the phenomenon of fleeting, instantaneous time. The concept of moment has two completely different opposite meanings depending on which of the two views we come from. From the point of view of cosmic time, which precedes consciousness and therefore has no reference point, an instant is nothing more than a certain break in the integrity of movement or, in general, changes in a dynamic system. To talk about a break means that any moment can be “now,” like a point on a time line.

However, for there to really be “now,” it must already exist in consciousness, which perceives it as a transition of the future into the past through the present. The real disproportion between cosmic time and lived time lies precisely in the gap between quantitative time and qualitative time, or, in other words, between time without the present and time with the present.

This incomparability can be explained in the form of a paradox: the question of the meaning of time arises in an insignificant, from the point of view of quantity, period of time, namely, in the consciousness that lies between life and death, that is, in the core of the living modern with all its capabilities to remember and provide . For example, thanks to imagination, you can expand the boundaries of memory to the infinity of sidereal time, and the ability to foresee - to the possible end of the world. However, in addition to the fact that the imagination drowns in excessive quantities, just as in the study of the category of the sublime in Kant, between the immeasurable past and the immeasurable future there will always be enough driving force, the experience of lived time, which does not belong to the manifestations of quality time.

Thus, taking the phenomenon of lived time as a starting point, one can appreciate the power of symbolic structures that mediate between cosmic and lived time and form what can rightly be called the “cultural” experience of time.

To imagine the titanic work of such mediation, we must return to myths and mythical times. Cultural anthropologists strongly refer to what the French philologist and mythologist Dumézil called “great time,” whose function is to synchronize the cosmic time of a society and the people living in it. Dumézil conducted a unique and global "scanning" of time so as to order the mutual placement of cycles of different durations, including major stellar cycles, biological rebirths and social rhythms. In the regularity of the ritual, time is conveyed, whose rhythms are wider than the rhythms of ordinary action, due to which the manifestation of the myth takes on the additional meaning of “practical scanning.”

I am not going to address the problem of mythical time. I refer to those symbolic structures that can be placed directly at the point of deviation of the mythical and logical. It is at this intermediate level that one can place the time structures that the philosopher Krzysztof Pomian called “chronosophes” to distinguish them from the chronographs with which they eventually became intermingled.


At this level, history is divided into large periods, eras. This is a scanning of time, where the so-called epochal events are chosen as boundary pillars in the sense that some origins or foundations are associated with them. In mythical views of time, the most ancient chronologies are tied to such epochal events in history, which themselves are fundamental in the creation of the cosmos. In this case, political chronologies inherit religious periodization and retain the imprint of cosmic time.

Or let us remember the difference between the Golden Age, the Copper Age and the Iron Age, or the division into four kingdoms, with which the prophet Daniel interpreted the dream of Nebuchadnezzar (and saw a great statue with a golden head, silver arms, copper thighs and half-filled and half-clay feet). Later, St. Augustine divided the history of mankind into six eras, each of which should correspond to one of the days of the creation of the world and one of the age periods of life, and after them should come the eternal Sunday of eschatological time. These two divisions of time into periods deal with linear time, while Ibn Khaldun's chronology deals with cyclical time, where astral connections, the duration of dynasties and the time of human life are layered.

This half-theological and half-political periodization slowly receded into the background of European thought at the end of the Middle Ages, but the need for division of time is still felt in our textbooks. After all, the concept of the Renaissance evokes a form of periodization in which any innovation is attributed to the renaissance of antiquity. In turn, the idea of ​​development, which seems to recognize only simple linear time, gives rise to the need for new periodizations. In addition to the great division of time into ancient and modern, she puts forward the concept of universal history, where philosophers from Voltaire to Hegel divide time into dynasties or kingdoms (for Hegel these are the Eastern, Greek, Roman and Germanic periods).

The main task of these chronosophies is to establish a time higher than the ephemeral individual life or even the life of entire nations and the dynasties that ruled them, that is, a more human time that somehow ensures the transition from cosmic time to the time of mere mortals.

Chronographs have outlived the chronosophies with which they are intertwined, and therefore represent a powerful attempt at mediation, namely, an attempt to inscribe human time into sidereal time. This attempt consists in the invention of a third time, calendar time. Of course, we can emphasize the diversity of calendars, but we can also highlight their common features, which allows us to talk about this third time as a calendar time. The combination of such features makes it possible to calculate time: what fundamental event that opens a new era (the birth of Christ, Buddha, the Muslim Hijra, the beginning of a dynasty) is the starting point for dating later events.

Thus, chronological time is connected with chronosophical time, differing from the latter in that it gives us a reference axis, thanks to which it becomes possible to travel through time in two directions, namely from the past to the present and from the modern to the past, because our own lives are a fraction of those events that we mentally examine from top to bottom and from bottom to top. Finally, he owes a set of units of measurement (days, months, years), the names of which are used to designate established intervals between certain cosmic phenomena.

Thus, calendar time is a symbolic structure of mediation in the sense that it is inscribed at the same time in cosmic time (based on astronomical knowledge) and in human experience (based on major events that belong to collective memory and are marked by celebration).

To be continued.

We spend it, but don’t know where to earn money.

We lose him, but no one finds him later.

We carry it out, line it up, get ahead of it, kill it, and don’t notice it.

And it heals and teaches us, changes and makes us think.

What if we loudly and confidently declare to him, like a fairy-tale heroine: “You have no power over me, all-powerful time!”

Man is the only creature on Earth that has a sense of time.

Animals live in the moment, accumulating life experience at the level of unconscious reflexes.

Only a person can remember the past and simulate the future, thus feeling his place in the flow of time. However, at different times, people experienced their personal time differently.

What is time for a person?

“There is neither future nor past... There are three times - the present of the past, the present of the present and the present of the future. These three times exist in our soul, and I don’t see them anywhere else: the present of the past is memory; the present of the present is immediate contemplation; the present of the future is an expectation.”

Is a person an eternal time traveler, with power over him as much as he has power over his soul? Is time travel possible?

Some live in the past: they call on the past, wanting to stop it, constantly turning over “yesterday’s” victories or mistakes in their heads. Others constantly live for tomorrow: their plans, thoughts, fears for what does not yet exist. In both cases, a person gets confused in these times, misses the real present Time, never lives, but only hopes to live, missing out on what belongs to him...

For example, in psychotherapeutic trainings, people, changing their attitude towards certain situations that have already occurred in their lives or the lives of their family, change their present and future. By changing the view of the situation, the meaning of what happened, a person realizes a different reality and finds himself in a different space, which carries a completely different essence of his life. And this is within the control of every person!

Time is the only irreplaceable resource that a person has. You can strengthen your poor health, develop your intellect, and master missing professional skills.

But the clock hands cannot be turned back. The sand rustles quietly, counting down the remaining time.

How to use your time more wisely?

Wise use of time

Most often, a person takes Time without thinking, as something taken for granted. He proudly calls it “my time,” as if it were truly his property, as if man himself created it and it is subordinate to him.

Therefore, humanity often does not appreciate it and behaves as if it has an infinite amount of time at its disposal.

Time is easily wasted, squandered and killed, and no one is embarrassed to also demand time from others if it seems necessary.

Contrary to popular belief, man is by no means the master of his time. Time belongs to the Creator, and man only controls it. And each person is responsible for the time given to him...

For many people, time management comes down to doing as much and as quickly as possible. However, the qualitative aspect of time management is much more important than the quantitative one. For the most part, humanity lives according to the laws of three dimensions. When performing any action, a person uses his body, mind and heart.

For example, a person is at an important meeting, that is, his body is sitting at the meeting, and at this time his mind is aimed at resolving a family conflict, and his heart yearns for love. And a person is simultaneously in three places, in three different spaces, and his life energy and his given time are dispersed into three completely different life aspects.

He is “upset” - the energy is gone, time has passed, the result is disastrous. It doesn’t matter what a person does, what matters is where he is during this activity with his body, thoughts and heart.

When a housewife cooks borscht and completely devotes the allotted time to preparing this dish - both her heart and thoughts are with the borscht - then she has managed this period of time in the best possible way. And the head of a large department, sitting developing a new project, counting his dividends in his head, and being with his secretary in his heart, will waste this period of time.

It turns out, as in Krylov’s fable “The Swan, the Crayfish and the Pike” - everyone pulls the cart in their own direction, as a result of which it remains in place.

If a person, while doing something, manages to synthesize body, mind and heart, then he will concentrate all his energy on one thing, spend much less time on it and get the best results.

Time- this is a derivative expression of a person’s ability to use and apply the fire given to him at birth into life. Lack of time - lack of fire - a person acts with one physical presence, that is, with only one physical body. Today the Planet is developing according to different laws and, if a person, without restructuring, continues to live with only one physical part, he does not have time to do anything, he lacks the Fire of other presences.

For example, a person needs to solve some complex issue, he begins to run around familiar authorities, he believes that the more he “runs around”, the faster he will solve his problem. But he runs only with his physical body, that is, only with his physical presence.

If he connects his astral and mental bodies to solving the problem, that is, he does it with his soul and organizes everything logically, and acts in the synthesis of all his bodies, then he will cope with the goal much faster and better.

And if he also thinks through the meaning of what is happening to him and realizes the essence of the whole process - he connects higher bodies: the causal (karmic) body and the body of consciousness (budhic) - the result will be of a different quality and level.

A person is not only a physical body, it is a synthesis of physical and subtle bodies (today we know 32 human bodies). And how many bodies a person has developed, how many bodies he can manage, the more productively he will manage his time.

Effective time planning

Effective planning and management of your own time guarantees the absence of rush jobs and interference of fate?

Guarantee in life is the illusion that humanity is chasing. I will say this: being born on Earth, a person receives a guarantee that he will definitely have emergency jobs and life-changing situations. Overcoming them, he improves himself and rises to a new stage of development, and then there are other rush jobs, but of a different complexity.

Planning with time helps you overcome these tasks faster and move on. The calendar, the clock, the exact time signals on the radio - all this is nonsense. Each of us has our own calendar and our own special hours. When materialized, they will look strange.

Markings on the calendar: “the smell of the sea. August 1983" And “Wine spilled on the bed. October 17, Jurmala". And instead of hands on the clock there are divisions: “kiss on the roof”, “meeting with N”, “dinner in Paris”. But it’s strange only for outsiders. You know what we're talking about.

This is your personal countdown. For whom does time flow slowly, and for others quickly? Which people have activated taste buds and which don't?

In Richard Strauss's opera "Der Rosenkavalier" there is the famous "monologue of time" of the marshal's wife, written by Hugo von Hoffmanstahl:

“Time is an amazing thing. When you live without thinking, it means nothing: but then suddenly you feel nothing except it, it is around us, it is also inside us. Its flow is imprinted on faces, its flow is reflected in the mirror, it flows in my dreams. And here between you and me it also flows silently, like an hourglass. There is no need to be afraid of him. After all, it is the creation of the father who created us all.".

Time is a subjective concept. It is reflected very well on people's faces. There are quite elderly people with beautiful young eyes and happy faces - as if time has just lightly touched them. And there are young people with the eyes of old people...

In our everyday life, we always notice that the passage of time seems different to us depending on external circumstances and our own internal mood. Sometimes it seems to us that time drags on forever and there will be no end to it, but at times it flies by unnoticed, sometimes we even want time to stop.

A person who knows what time is and knows how to manage it treats it with great respect.

One very beautiful Hollywood actress, quite elderly, when asked why you don’t do plastic surgery, answered:

“On my face is the story of my whole life. Every wrinkle is infinitely dear to me, as it reminds me of a certain time lived..."

I think that such people are fine with time; they do not need to hide wasted time behind artificially stretched masks or resort to other tricks. They managed the time allotted to them well. Thus, the discussion about time has come to an end. And the time allotted for these discussions again flowed away imperceptibly.

I hope that this time we managed to dispose of it correctly.

Question: " What's the most amazing thing in the world?»

Answer: " Know when is the right time to leave(Mahabharata)"

What is the value of time? This resource is much more important than money, since the money spent can be earned again, but the time spent will never be returned. There is a common saying: “Time and tide wait for no man.” This is as true as the existence of life on earth. Time runs continuously, without stopping. It waits for no one. Therefore, we should never waste our precious and priceless time without purpose and meaning at any stage of our lives.

Time is the most important value

We should always understand the meaning of time and use it accordingly in a positive way to accomplish some goal. Time is very precious for all of us. We must appreciate and respect the importance of time every moment. We shouldn't spend it on everything for the rest of our lives. Time is the main value in It can destroy a lazy person, but strengthen a hardworking one. It can give a lot of happiness, joy and prosperity to one, but it can leave another with nothing.

There is a saying that if we mess up time, it will destroy us and our lives. We must understand the value of time and move forward. An interesting fact is that this resource is free for everyone, but no one can buy or sell it. You can lose it, or you can use it usefully. He who loses time will never be able to gain it again. Time can ruin our health if we do not take our food in a timely manner or take our medicine at the right time. It is like a running river that flows constantly forward, but it never runs away.

The value of time in a person's life

We have to be very punctual according to the time and do all our work according to it. We must wake up at the right time, drink water in the morning, take a shower, brush our teeth, take a bath, have breakfast, go to school, go to work, have lunch, come home, do homework, go play, read in the evenings, have dinner and sleep at the right time. time. If we want to do something better in life, it requires proper commitment, dedication and full use of time.

Time is money?

Time is the main value on this earth. Nothing can compare with it. It always works in the forward direction only. Everything in this world depends on time, if we don’t have it, we have nothing. Most people value their money more than their time, but it is true that nothing is as valuable as time. It is what gives us money, prosperity and happiness, but nothing in this world can give us time. It can be used, but can never be bought or sold. Most people live their lives unconsciously. We must learn from other people's mistakes and also inspire others to succeed. We should use our time to do something useful so that time can bless us and not destroy us.

They say that time is money, but we cannot compare time with money, as lost money can be earned, but only lost time can never be earned by any means. Time is more than money and other precious things in the universe. Ever changing time shows the unique property of nature that “Change is the law of nature.” Everything in this world changes depending on time. People think life is long. The truth is that life is too short and we have so much to do, we must use every moment of our life properly and meaningfully without wasting time.

The price of one moment

What is the value of time? We can't measure its potential because sometimes just one moment is enough to win, while sometimes it can take a lifetime. In a minute you can become richer, and in another moment you can lose everything. It only takes one moment to make the difference between life and death. Every moment brings us many unique opportunities, we just need to understand the indication of time and use it.

Every moment is a great store of new chances in life. If we realize the value of time late, we may lose both opportunities and the most precious time of our lives. This is a basic truth in life that we must never forget. We must use this value positively and fruitfully. This is a wonderful thing that has no beginning and no end. In it things are born, grow, decay or die. Time has no restrictions, so it constantly moves at its own pace.

Everything is on schedule

Our daily schedule such as classes at school, college, work, homework, sleeping hours, wake up time, exercise, food, etc. need to be well planned and organized according to time. We must work hard and never put off good deeds until later. Understand the value of time and use it accordingly constructively so that we can be blessed by time and not destroyed by it.

The most remarkable feature of time is its preciousness

The value of time is incomprehensible, and its power inestimable. His potential is something we cannot calculate. A minute is enough to win. The second is enough to make you the richest man in the world. A split second can save a person from death or vice versa. Therefore, if we want to succeed in life, we must outline what we are going to do with the minutes, hours, days, months and years at our disposal. This is the first step to success. Secondly, work cannot be postponed. "Tomorrow" may never materialize. We can only be confident in the present, which is in our hands. Procrastination and laziness are the ropes that strangle time. Thus, it can create us or destroy us, it all depends on how we use it.

Useful Habits for Saving Time


If you want to live a better life, you need to be punctual. People who understand the importance of time are always punctual and also successful in life. If a person is not punctual in his life, then he will have to face many unpleasant consequences.

Time management

A crucial factor for success in life is time management. For example, if a student does not study regularly, he may face problems during the exam. Time management is really important to become a successful person in life.

Don't get caught up in other people's plans

If we don't respect our time, it doesn't mean the other person will respect theirs. If we have no planned tasks, there will always be people on whom we will have to waste our precious time.

See the future

Our future is invisible, we all know that. Therefore, we must work and complete all assigned tasks on time in order to make it bright, since the economic and financial situations in the country are changing rapidly. Therefore, we must work and complete all assigned tasks in a timely manner in order to avoid chaos.

Time is the best medicine

It is true that time is the best medicine. It also helps to forgive a person for his mistakes.

Time management

Have you ever thought about its importance? We all know that time is precious, but do we live by appreciating it? We all have the same amount of time every day, and how you spend it makes you different from other people. Time management is one of the key differences between successful and less successful people when success is measured in financial terms.

Time is the only thing we use to measure so many other things, it is a stable beacon that connects us to our past and future. Our greatest achievement is proper time management. With excellent time management skills, you are in control of your life and destiny.

  1. We need to remember how short our lives are.
  2. Most of us spend our lives as if we had a couple more. The highest value of time is found in time management.
  3. The most important thing in our life is what we do now - wasted time means wasted lives.
  4. Know the true value of time - no idleness, no laziness, no procrastination, never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
  5. Time is a very precious gift from God - so precious that it is given to us instantly.
  6. Money can't buy yesterday, lost time will never be found. Time is the most valuable thing a person can spend.
  7. This is the essence of life - when someone asks you to give up your time, they are really asking for a piece of your life.
  8. Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are as many days in a year as you use - one person only gets a week's worth for the year, while another gets the full value for the week.
  9. Having a time and place for everything will not only help you achieve more, but you will also have much more free time than those who are always in a hurry.
  10. He who dares to lose one hour of his life has not discovered its value.

Ask any person: “Time, what is it?” They will answer you that this is a certain quantity with the help of which the intervals between life events are measured and it is expressed in specific units of measurement. But is it really that simple? For centuries, the most progressive minds on the planet, philosophers, mathematicians, and physicists have been arguing about the origin and essence of time, putting forward incredible theories about this phenomenon of the Universe.

Time in relation to our real life

Time, what is it in our daily life? To describe this concept, there are several definitions that highlight the main characteristics of time:

  • it has a specific meaning depending on the chosen measurement system;
  • time is used to measure the interval between certain events;
  • this is a parameter that describes the interaction of several processes;
  • time is always directed from the past to the future;
  • The time measurement system can have both a uniform and uneven scale.

The most familiar perception of time is associated with astronomy, where intervals are measured depending on the rotation of the Sun and Earth.

Today humanity uses several popular types of time:

  • Greenwich - uniform for the entire planet;
  • belt, which includes 24 belts and is very convenient for measuring time;
  • true, measured by a sundial at a specific point on the Earth;
  • average solar for a certain area;
  • in summer - change clocks to save energy resources;
  • stellar, used by astronomers.

As a scale for measuring time, quantities such as second, minute and hour are used within one day. For wider intervals - days, weeks, months, years, centuries, etc. To make it more convenient to monitor time changes, humanity has come up with many useful devices, ranging from calendars to super accurate watches with a stopwatch.

Modern concepts of time

The first device to measure time was a sundial. Their work was based on the movement of the sun. With the advent of more advanced devices such as digital watches, attitudes towards time have changed. They began to perceive it as an independent concept living its own life. But let's look at time, what it is, from different angles.

  • When measuring, for example, the speed of a runner, we compare his movement from one point to another with the stopwatch hands and their movement. And modern clocks, in turn, are created in the likeness of the sun and depend on the movement of our luminary. Thus, we compare the unknown speed of the runner with the abstract but known movement of the Sun - time. This simplifies the task of measuring various quantities: heart rate, speed of a car or plane, etc. But, if we exclude “time” from this dependence, then we can easily compare all these quantities with each other, which makes the concept of time autonomy questionable.
  • The direction of time is no less doubtful. We are accustomed to perceiving the order of events, dividing them into those that have already happened, are happening now or await us in the future. But few people realize that the present as such does not exist, or rather, it is a moment that immediately becomes the past. The past, which is memories, and the future, which is the product of imagination, can be measured. For example, as information recorded on tape. But what to do with reality, the present, which cannot be measured?
  • Scientists from different fields of science cannot come to a common opinion about what the phenomenon of time is.
  • Thus, physicists consider time to be a reversible quantity of the movement of material objects, where a certain sequence of events is used as a measurement scale. This principle became the basis for the creation of watches.
  • Philosophers insist on the irreversibility and direction of time from the past to the future. In mythology, time was considered cyclical, Leibniz argued that it is only a subjective perception of reality, Hegel classified time as an absolute spirit, supporters of dialectical materialism perceive time as a completely tangible and measurable form of moving matter.
  • From a psychological point of view, the sense of time depends entirely on the state and perception of each individual person.
  • Historians use time to most conveniently characterize events that occurred at a specific stage of human existence, during a year, century, era, etc.
  • With the development of Internet technologies, a new alternative value of bit time (1/1000 days) has appeared, proposed by the SWATCH company.

Modern science has tried to classify various ideas about time, as a result of which two main and completely opposite concepts have emerged:


Time, what is it according to relational theory? Adherents of this concept deny the existence of a separate independent concept of “time” in the universe. This is only a certain specific manifestation of the relationship between specific physical events. That is, time allows you to track the properties and changes of physical bodies.

To put it simply, time is as motionless as space. And its flow can be compared to the movement of a film, a sequential change of frames. But what happens over time if the entire film is unrolled? The result is a single picture consisting of a set of frames that exist simultaneously.


A radically opposite view of what it is, time, is offered by the substantial concept. Scientists insist on the existence of time as an independent substance, standing on a par with space, physical phenomena, bodies, and fields. The most famous supporters of the material concept are considered to be Einstein, Newton, Leibniz, Democritus, and the modern scientist Kozyrev.

  • At the time of Democritus, the separation of the concepts of time and motion was already visible. Using the example of atoms that move in emptiness, the scientist proved that time also flows when the atoms stop.
  • Isaac Newton believed that humanity perceives time as an empirical (relative) quantity for convenience. In fact, time is absolute and represents an unlimited, continuous flow, independent of the movement of physical bodies and directed only to the future. In this case, the word “flow” meant a collection of time particles. According to Newton, time is constant at any point in space, is determined by a single parameter T and can be used in any frame of reference.
  • Perhaps the most famous and widespread is the theory of relativity, developed by Einstein, where time is the fourth dimension. In his opinion, the past, present, and future simultaneously exist in the universe, separated by different dimensions. Starting with dinosaurs and ending with our exact copies and even the Universe itself. According to this theory, we have no choice, since the future and the past are determined and exist at the same moment. And here a lot of questions arise. If the past and future always existed, then more advanced civilizations would already be moving through time, and we would know about it.

Some statements of the theory of relativity, such as time dilation or an increase in body weight with acceleration, have been proven. However, how to explain the paradox of “twins”, when one of them goes on a space journey and the other stays at home? According to Einstein's theory, the traveler's time will slow down as he moves relative to the Earth (another measurement system). But at the same time, the twin located on Earth also does not stop moving relative to its brother along with the planet. It turns out that the time on the clock upon return should be the same? In Einstein's time, time dilation was associated with acceleration. But after the invention of the particle accelerator, it became clear that acceleration does not matter in time dilation calculations.

As you can see, until now no one can say with complete confidence what time exists and why it slows down.

Doesn't time exist?

Slovenian scientists came to this conclusion, completely changing the understanding of what time is in the Universe. They confidently deny the existence of the fourth dimension and Newton’s theory of the absoluteness of a temporary measure moving according to its own laws. The new paradigm does not exclude time as such, but changes the view of its absoluteness. Time is not considered as a physical entity expressed in a quantitative quantity, but as one of the dimensions of real space, which makes the Universe “timeless”. What does it mean?

Problems with determining time began when the theory of relativity collided with quart physics. For a long time, scientists have been trying to bring global physical laws, the existence of the smallest particles and the theory of the structure of light to a common “denominator”. With confidence that everything in the Universe is interconnected, brilliant physicists calculated the universal equation, but it turned out that time has no place in this equation. The more the behavior of atoms, photons and other tiny particles is studied, the less significant time becomes, which is perceived by humanity quite subjectively.

Disputes about the concept of “time” continue continuously, new theories and original research appear. It is up to you to decide which concept to perceive as true. But there is hope that soon we will be able to unravel the mysteries of our vast Universe.

We spend it, but don’t know where to earn money.

We lose him, but no one finds him later.

We carry it out, line it up, get ahead of it, kill it, and don’t notice it.

And it heals and teaches us, changes and makes us think.

What if we loudly and confidently declare to him, like a fairy-tale heroine: “You have no power over me, all-powerful time!”

Man is the only creature on Earth that has a sense of time.

Animals live in the moment, accumulating life experience at the level of unconscious reflexes.

Only a person can remember the past and simulate the future, thus feeling his place in the flow of time. However, at different times, people experienced their personal time differently.

What is time for a person?

“There is neither future nor past... There are three times - the present of the past, the present of the present and the present of the future. These three times exist in our soul, and I don’t see them anywhere else: the present of the past is memory; the present of the present is immediate contemplation; the present of the future is an expectation.”

Is a person an eternal time traveler, with power over him as much as he has power over his soul? Is time travel possible?

Some live in the past: they call on the past, wanting to stop it, constantly turning over “yesterday’s” victories or mistakes in their heads. Others constantly live for tomorrow: their plans, thoughts, fears for what does not yet exist. In both cases, a person gets confused in these times, misses the real present Time, never lives, but only hopes to live, missing out on what belongs to him...

For example, in psychotherapeutic trainings, people, changing their attitude towards certain situations that have already occurred in their lives or the lives of their family, change their present and future. By changing the view of the situation, the meaning of what happened, a person realizes a different reality and finds himself in a different space, which carries a completely different essence of his life. And this is within the control of every person!

Time is the only irreplaceable resource that a person has. You can strengthen your poor health, develop your intellect, and master missing professional skills.

But the clock hands cannot be turned back. The sand rustles quietly, counting down the remaining time.

How to use your time more wisely?

Wise use of time

Most often, a person takes Time without thinking, as something taken for granted. He proudly calls it “my time,” as if it were truly his property, as if man himself created it and it is subordinate to him.

Therefore, humanity often does not appreciate it and behaves as if it has an infinite amount of time at its disposal.

Time is easily wasted, squandered and killed, and no one is embarrassed to also demand time from others if it seems necessary.

Contrary to popular belief, man is by no means the master of his time. Time belongs to the Creator, and man only controls it. And each person is responsible for the time given to him...

For many people, time management comes down to doing as much and as quickly as possible. However, the qualitative aspect of time management is much more important than the quantitative one. For the most part, humanity lives according to the laws of three dimensions. When performing any action, a person uses his body, mind and heart.

For example, a person is at an important meeting, that is, his body is sitting at the meeting, and at this time his mind is aimed at resolving a family conflict, and his heart yearns for love. And a person is simultaneously in three places, in three different spaces, and his life energy and his given time are dispersed into three completely different life aspects.

He is “upset” - the energy is gone, time has passed, the result is disastrous. It doesn’t matter what a person does, what matters is where he is during this activity with his body, thoughts and heart.

When a housewife cooks borscht and completely devotes the allotted time to preparing this dish - both her heart and thoughts are with the borscht - then she has managed this period of time in the best possible way. And the head of a large department, sitting developing a new project, counting his dividends in his head, and being with his secretary in his heart, will waste this period of time.

It turns out, as in Krylov’s fable “The Swan, the Crayfish and the Pike” - everyone pulls the cart in their own direction, as a result of which it remains in place.

If a person, while doing something, manages to synthesize body, mind and heart, then he will concentrate all his energy on one thing, spend much less time on it and get the best results.

Time- this is a derivative expression of a person’s ability to use and apply the fire given to him at birth into life. Lack of time - lack of fire - a person acts with one physical presence, that is, with only one physical body. Today the Planet is developing according to different laws and, if a person, without restructuring, continues to live with only one physical part, he does not have time to do anything, he lacks the Fire of other presences.

For example, a person needs to solve some complex issue, he begins to run around familiar authorities, he believes that the more he “runs around”, the faster he will solve his problem. But he runs only with his physical body, that is, only with his physical presence.

If he connects his astral and mental bodies to solving the problem, that is, he does it with his soul and organizes everything logically, and acts in the synthesis of all his bodies, then he will cope with the goal much faster and better.

And if he also thinks through the meaning of what is happening to him and realizes the essence of the whole process - he connects higher bodies: the causal (karmic) body and the body of consciousness (budhic) - the result will be of a different quality and level.

A person is not only a physical body, it is a synthesis of physical and subtle bodies (today we know 32 human bodies). And how many bodies a person has developed, how many bodies he can manage, the more productively he will manage his time.

Effective time planning

Effective planning and management of your own time guarantees the absence of rush jobs and interference of fate?

Guarantee in life is the illusion that humanity is chasing. I will say this: being born on Earth, a person receives a guarantee that he will definitely have emergency jobs and life-changing situations. Overcoming them, he improves himself and rises to a new stage of development, and then there are other rush jobs, but of a different complexity.

Planning with time helps you overcome these tasks faster and move on. The calendar, the clock, the exact time signals on the radio - all this is nonsense. Each of us has our own calendar and our own special hours. When materialized, they will look strange.

Markings on the calendar: “the smell of the sea. August 1983" And “Wine spilled on the bed. October 17, Jurmala". And instead of hands on the clock there are divisions: “kiss on the roof”, “meeting with N”, “dinner in Paris”. But it’s strange only for outsiders. You know what we're talking about.

This is your personal countdown. For whom does time flow slowly, and for others quickly? Which people have activated taste buds and which don't?

In Richard Strauss's opera "Der Rosenkavalier" there is the famous "monologue of time" of the marshal's wife, written by Hugo von Hoffmanstahl:

“Time is an amazing thing. When you live without thinking, it means nothing: but then suddenly you feel nothing except it, it is around us, it is also inside us. Its flow is imprinted on faces, its flow is reflected in the mirror, it flows in my dreams. And here between you and me it also flows silently, like an hourglass. There is no need to be afraid of him. After all, it is the creation of the father who created us all.".

Time is a subjective concept. It is reflected very well on people's faces. There are quite elderly people with beautiful young eyes and happy faces - as if time has just lightly touched them. And there are young people with the eyes of old people...

In our everyday life, we always notice that the passage of time seems different to us depending on external circumstances and our own internal mood. Sometimes it seems to us that time drags on forever and there will be no end to it, but at times it flies by unnoticed, sometimes we even want time to stop.

A person who knows what time is and knows how to manage it treats it with great respect.

One very beautiful Hollywood actress, quite elderly, when asked why you don’t do plastic surgery, answered:

“On my face is the story of my whole life. Every wrinkle is infinitely dear to me, as it reminds me of a certain time lived..."

I think that such people are fine with time; they do not need to hide wasted time behind artificially stretched masks or resort to other tricks. They managed the time allotted to them well. Thus, the discussion about time has come to an end. And the time allotted for these discussions again flowed away imperceptibly.

I hope that this time we managed to dispose of it correctly.

Question: " What's the most amazing thing in the world?»

Answer: " Know when is the right time to leave(Mahabharata)"