Children meaning of life statuses. Statuses about children with meaning for everyone

Children need a role model more than criticism.

"AND. Joubert"

Learn to love someone else's child. Never do to someone else what you would not want done to yours.

"Janusz Korczak"

If children grew up in accordance with our expectations, we would only produce geniuses.

"Johann Wolfgang Goethe"

One child in a family is not enough, two is much more than necessary.

"O'Toole's Axiom"

The subjects that children are taught must be appropriate to their age, otherwise there is a danger that they will develop cleverness, fashion, and vanity.

When the sage was asked: “Is it worth spoiling children?”, he replied: “Be sure to spoil them, it is unknown what trials life has in store for them.”

Children never obeyed adults, but they regularly imitated them.

"D. Baldwin"

If a child has done something wrong, give him even more love - right now he needs it more than ever.

A little daughter is a great happiness. Her eyes, cheeks, mouth. It is impossible to look at her without smiling. I want to give my life for her laughter...

Little children are little troubles, but when they grow up they will be great.

Only children know what they want. They eat with their hands because it's so much fun. They paint on the wallpaper, making their room special. They don't want to be like everyone else. They do the hardest thing - remain themselves.

Instead of criticizing children, show them how to do it by example. After a while, they will unwittingly repeat after you.

My husband and I are thinking about getting a dog or a child. But we haven't yet decided which is better: ruining our carpet or ruining our life.

"Rita Rudner"

Children can only be compared to money: no matter how big they grow, we still perceive them as small.

It turns out that children are the most beautiful miracle on earth. Just think that there are little people in the world who hold out their little hands to everyone and think about everyone that he is good and kind. People for whom it doesn’t matter whether your face is beautiful or ugly, they are ready to kiss everyone with joy, they love everyone - old and young, rich and poor!

"Selma Lagerlöf"

Quotes about children

The only way not to become a fool is to have many children.

A child who is not loved by anyone ceases to be a child: he is just a small defenseless adult.

"Gilbert Sesbron"

Children start by loving their parents. Then they judge them. And they almost never forgive them.

Children's conversations are a kind of retelling of facts from their lives. Who bought what toy, whose dad works as a fireman, and so on. But these two, having only talked for a couple of hours, already knew the most important things about each other.

"Alexander Polyarny"

Be like children! They don't care about people's opinions, they always enjoy life.

I stopped drinking when I had children because I wanted to always be on my guard. I wouldn't want to miss a single thing the kids say or do. It is very important for me. When you have children, you act like you're on drugs. You are always focused. You're covered from head to toe in their little baby poop, but it's cool. That's why I stopped drinking.

I want happiness... such small happiness, with tiny arms and legs, and with your eyes.

Many people want to change the world for the better for their children. I want to change my children so that they can serve the world.

What a blessing it is to love your children!!! educate, scold, praise, teach, and very very very LOVE!!!

Adult life in order to fulfill your childhood dreams!

Children should not be loved because they are good, children should be loved just like that. In general, you just have to love.

- What should we give the child for his birthday?
- Love... And every day...

Women, what do you think about trying to tie a man to you as a child? Not only does he not love you, but he will not love this innocent creature either. A man loves the child of his BELOVED woman, and it doesn’t matter whether he is the biological father or not.

Memory is a children's room in which aged children try to play with old, broken toys.

Don't abandon your children! never ever! This is our little blood, our destiny! Children are gentle, sweet, like angels, our sons and daughters were sent by God!!!

The first pregnancy is for the wedding. The second is about money. Third - they wanted a girl. The fourth, fifth and subsequent ones - let them run, it’s a pity or something.

The most important happiness is that children are healthy! Laugh, play, cry! Our relatives in the world! There is no greater desire to wake up early and hear quiet breathing. Sleepy to hear: “Mom!”

How is childhood different from adulthood? As a child, when we fall, we break our knees, and when we grow up, we break other people’s hearts...

Nothing reminds you of age like having grown children.

We are married... And everything is different... Our alarm clock will be replaced by CHILDREN... Every year we are only... RICHER and HAPPIER than anyone in the world!!!

- A quiet child is not normal. He either has something in mind, or has already done something...

Lessons learned! ...Parents are hoarse, children are deaf!!!))

It’s not so scary to bring your child into the world, it’s much more scary to release him into an independent life...

Children love unselfishly. Until they are betrayed.

Some people don’t like children, some love all children, some love strangers, and some only their own, but none of us can resist the happy laughter of a baby.

I have three wishes, I will now reveal them to you - that dad would be kind, that he would love his mother, that my neighbor Seryozhka would give me candy!!!

Now that you are sending your child to school, another question has arisen! How much do parents' meetings cost at this school?

The child cursed. Mom grabbed her head, grandmother grabbed her heart, and only dad was proud: “And you say that my son doesn’t see me at all!”

The top of my son’s head... That’s the sweetest thing in this life... You’ll kiss... and you don’t need candy... And it doesn’t matter how old your son is... It’s still sweet to kiss...

A simple law of life. Parents take care of their children first. Then the children begin to take care of their parents.

In our rough times, many children suffer from tactile insufficiency. They just don't get enough affectionate touches. Hug your kids... Gently, gently... They will never ask you for it, but they really need it

The more often children laugh, the better their upbringing goes.

Love your child in any way - untalented, unlucky, adult. When communicating with him, rejoice, because a child is a holiday that is still with you.

Children are little rays of spiritual light that give birth to smiles in us...

“Every baby born into the world is a petal of the sun”!!!

Sitting at a class parent-teacher meeting, my mother scribbled on her son’s desk with a hairpin: “THE HANA FOR YOU...”

Children in Russia are very brave... They eat candies from the BABAEVSKAYA candy factory))))

Parents are the ones who have pictures of their children where money used to be.

Only parents experience the pain, happiness and sadness of their children.

We reach into the past, to our parents, and forward, to our children, into a future that we will never see, but which we want to take care of.

A nursery is a room in which children live. About 20-25 years...

Children with living parents have a huge advantage over others - to use their intelligence, experience and wisdom)))

Nothing can be more important than the happiness and health of the baby! Only a child’s soul can love so sincerely for everything and everyone...

Lessons learned!!! I became hoarse, and my daughter became deaf))))

Children need to be given wings and roots. Wings - so that they fly high, and roots - so that they always have somewhere to return.

Every mother thinks: how will I love my second child! If the first takes my whole heart. It’s just that when a second child is born, the heart becomes bigger...

The only thing more valuable than your own life is the life of your children!

Love and respect for parents, without any doubt, is a sacred feeling.

All parents want happiness for their children. And they don’t even know what it is...

After visiting the zoo, a child wrote in an essay about how he spent the weekend: “I saw a deer. He has our hanger on his head.”

There is no one more confident in the sincerity of his love than a child.

Throughout your life, you should not save on coffee, books, women, car tires and, of course, above all, children.

Building a house or planting a tree is not that difficult. It is much more difficult to raise a son so that in the future he will not be a “tree”...

Whatever the monetary costs of raising a child, personal example cannot be bought.

That child is wise who knows his own father.

How cool it is to drink tea in bad weather, at home, with your family!!!

It's so nice to have children at home! I walked in and tripped over a saucepan, fell, and luckily there was a pillow lying there! There are boots in the bathroom, soap in the kitchen, gingerbread cookies in the bedroom. And most importantly - EVERYTHING IS AT YOUR HAND!!!

When you have a daughter, it’s affection, bows, tenderness. And when you have a son, it’s pride!

Baby sleep time is a sacred and inviolable rest time for mom!

It’s scary to hear that now it’s EXPENSIVE and NEVER TIME to give birth to children!

As long as our parents are alive, we are still children...

Only a mother has the gift of relieving pain with just her presence!

It is usually our will to give our children our knowledge; and even more, give them our passions.

There is so much unreasoning love in a small child’s heart! Maybe because his mind isn’t bothering him yet?

Previously, children, getting up in the morning, ran to their parents... but now, taking the iPad in their hands, they hide so that their parents do not find them in the morning;)

Parents must take care of raising their children, just like children, they must honor and respect their parents!

Take care of YOURSELF, for the sake of your CHILDREN... no one CAN LOVE your child the way YOU love him!!!

Statuses about love and love for children

Childhood is a world of incredible adventures and opportunities, when everything around is painted in the brightest colors and every moment is filled with magic. Growing up, people plunge into a whirlpool of worries and lose the ability to look at the world through the eyes of a child - admiring and being surprised by those around them. But with the advent of the baby, they again gain the opportunity to understand all the beauty of the universe.

We bring to the reader's attention selected quotes about children. Perhaps the thoughts of outstanding people will interest you and will be useful in raising the younger generation.

What do children teach adults?

The words of the song “Where does childhood go” from the film “Vesnukhin’s Fantasies” very accurately convey the bright sadness with which adults remember a wonderful time in their lives. And communication with children makes it possible to forget about problems at least for a while and return to the wonderful world of childhood. But, unfortunately, not many people manage to learn to understand it again. Therefore, it is useful to re-read and comprehend the statements and quotes of great people about children.

  • A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy, and to know how to demand what you want with all your might. (P. Coelho).
  • All children are artists. The problem is remaining an artist when you grow up. (P. Picasso).
  • Parents can learn a lot from their children, especially how to deal with life. (M. Spark).
  • Only where children gather is there a real chance for fun. (M. McLaughlin).
  • When I approach a child, he gives me two feelings: tenderness because he is, and respect for who he can become. (L. Pasteur).
  • The child is God's opinion that the world should continue to exist (K. Sandberg).
  • While we try to teach our children everything we know about life, our children teach us that life is everything. (A. Schwindt).
  • Adults are outdated children. (Dr. Seuss).

God's greatest gift to man is a child. With the advent of a baby, life takes on new colors and becomes more meaningful. Through His eyes the Lord looks at us and evaluates our actions. That's why quotes about children are so heartfelt and close to everyone.

  • Mother's hands are made of tenderness, so children sleep sweetly in them. (A. Kalam).
  • The only love I truly believe in is the love of a mother for her children. (K. Lagerfeld).
  • Remember that children, marriage and flower gardens reflect the kind of love and work they receive. (T. Hesberg).
  • Mother is the name of God in the mouths and hearts of little children. (W. M. Thackeray).
  • Children require love and sympathy much more than instructions and directions. (E. Sullivan).
  • The best thing parents can give their children is a few minutes of their time every day. . (O. A. Battista).
  • The love of parents for their children is always greater than the love of children for their parents. Their own children compensate for this injustice and inadequacy. (D. Eremin).
  • Children need your presence and love more than your gifts. (D. Jackson).
  • Children are the keys to heaven. (E. Hoffer).

Quotes and aphorisms: about children and education

There are many opinions and methods of education. Pedagogy does not stand still and develops with the times. Teachers around the world, however, have not come to common conclusions, but they are united on one thing - the child needs care and attention. Prominent people whose quotes about children are given below agree with this.

  • Someone whom the child does not love has no right to punish a child. ( D. Locke).
  • The best way to make children good is to make them happy. (O. Wilde).
  • If you have something to say to the world, write a book. And if you find it too difficult for adults, then write it for children. (M. Lengel).
  • We teach the child to walk and talk for the first year of life, and for the rest of his life to shut up and sit down. Something went wrong. (N.D. Tyson).
  • If you want your children to become better people, let them hear you say nice things about them to other people. (H. Ginott).
  • If people talk bad about your children, then they are talking bad about you. ( V. Sukhomlinsky).
  • Raising children is a creative endeavor and more of an art than a science. (B. Bettelheim).
  • Less worried that kids never listen to you, worry less that they are always watching you. (R. Fulum).
  • Everyone knows how to raise children, except those people who have them. (P.J. O'Rourke).
  • Before I got married, I had six theories about raising children. Now I have six children and no theories. (D. Wilmot).

About children and life

  • Children see magic because they look at it. (K. Moore).
  • Children are hands with which we can grasp the heavens. (G. Ward Beecher).
  • The most interesting information comes from children because they say everything they know and don't stop. (M. Twain).
  • A child is a ray of sunlight from the Infinite and Eternal. With the possibilities of virtue and vice, but as yet uncolored. And it depends on us whether he will choose the light or dark side. (L. Abbott).
  • The best thing you can pass on to your children and grandchildren is not money or other material things, but an accumulated legacy of character and faith. (B. Graham).
  • We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, but we forget who he is today. (S. Tauscher).

We hope the reader was interested in the statements and quotes we selected about children. And the article will conclude with the words of the famous Indian scientist and statesman Abdul Kalam: “Children are one third of the Earth’s population and our entire future.”

I want happiness... such small happiness, with tiny arms and legs and with your eyes. Statuses about children

Happiness is soft warm palms, candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa... What is happiness? It’s easier not to answer! Everyone who has children has happiness! Statuses about children

Having a baby is like getting a tattoo on your forehead. To decide to do this, you need to know for sure that you want it. Elizabeth Gilbert

It’s good when you have children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, but it’s bad if this is the only thing you have. Statuses about children

The best way to make a child good is to make him happy. Oscar Wilde

If you know how to diagnose a child’s joy, the intensity of his joy, then you should have noticed that the greatest joy is the happiness of overcoming a difficulty, achieving a goal, an open secret, the joy of victory and the happiness of independence, mastery, possession. Janusz Korczak

Children teach adults not to become completely immersed in a task and to remain free. M. Prishvin

Children have neither a past nor a future, but unlike us adults, they know how to use the present. Labruyère

Children have their own special ability to see, think and feel, and there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this ability with ours. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood. Pablo Picasso

Growing up, children become adults or poets. Sergey Fedin

No one in the world feels new things more than children. Children shudder at this smell, like a dog at the scent of a hare, and experience madness, which later, when we become adults, is called inspiration. I. Babel

You will never be able to create wise men if you kill naughty children. Jean Jacques Rousseau

There are children who are sharp-minded and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. They are usually hated in schools and are almost always considered hopeless; Meanwhile, great people usually come out of them, if only they are educated properly. Jan Amos Comenius

Every child is to some extent a genius and every genius is to some extent a child. Schopenhauer

The ability to stoop to the child’s instincts and control them is inherent only in a sublime and strong soul. Michel Montaigne

You say: children tire me. You're right. You explain: we must descend to their concepts. Lower, bend, bend, shrink. You are wrong. We get tired not because of this, but because we need to rise to their feelings. Rise, stand on tiptoes, stretch. So as not to offend. Janusz Korczak

Everything is good and beautiful in harmony, in accordance with itself. Any precocious maturity is similar to childhood molestation. V. G. Belinsky

Let childhood mature in childhood. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Anyone who does not remember his own childhood very clearly is a bad teacher. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

A child brings a wonderful song of silence into the mother’s life. From the long hours spent near him, when he does not demand, but simply lives, from the thoughts with which his mother diligently envelops him, depends on what she will become, her life program, her strength and creativity. In the silence of contemplation, with the help of a child, she grows to the insights that the work of an educator requires. Janusz Korczak

Raising children depends entirely on the attitude of adults towards them, and not on the attitude of adults to the problems of education. Gilbert Chesterton

Each child should be applied to his own standard, encouraged to his own responsibility, and rewarded with his own deserved praise. It is not success, but effort that deserves reward. John Ruskin

A person who truly respects the human personality must respect it in his child, starting from the moment when the child felt his “I” and separated himself from the world around him. Dmitry Pisarev

Parents do not understand how much harm they cause to their children when, using their parental authority, they want to impose their beliefs and views on life on them. F.E. Dzerzhinsky

In fear that death will take the child from us, we take the child from life; By protecting him from death, we do not allow him to live. Janusz Korczak

Everyone must go into a duel with fate in their own armor. Vladimir Levi

If we want to achieve real peace in the world, we must start with children. Mahatma Gandhi

If the mother sees that the child has done well, she must certainly praise him, express her approval to him and thereby please his heart. 'Abdu'l-Bahá

Don’t hit a child, so that you don’t take it out on your beloved grandchildren. Ilya Gerchikov

Your child needs your love most precisely when he deserves it least. E. Bombeck

Someone whom the child does not love has no right to punish a child. John Locke

A child who suffers less abuse grows up to be more self-aware of his dignity. Friedrich Engels

Be truthful even towards a child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie. L. Tolstoy

Raise your children without reprimanding them. Protect your childhood from comments and reproaches. Parenting without criticism is the best thing you can give your children. S. L. Soloveichik

Children do not need teachings, but examples. Joseph Joubert

You will deceive an adult with your words, but you will not deceive a child; He will not listen to your words, but to your gaze, your spirit that possesses you. V. F. Odoevsky

If you understand that we can educate others only through ourselves, then the question of education is abolished and one question remains: how should we live ourselves? Lev Tolstoy

Children copy their parents and this is an absolute manifestation of their love. Boris Novoderzhkin

The song that a mother sings at the cradle accompanies a person throughout his life. Henry Ward Beecher

The principles laid down in a person’s childhood are like letters carved on the bark of a young tree, growing with him, constituting an integral part of him. V. Hugo

Sweets, cookies and candies cannot raise children into healthy people. Like bodily food, spiritual food should also be simple and nutritious. Robert Schumann

A “No” said with deep conviction is better than a “Yes” said only to please or, worse, to avoid problems. Mahatma Gandhi

Much can be achieved through rigor, much through love, but most of all through knowledge of the matter and justice, regardless of personalities. Johann Goethe

To educate a person intellectually without educating him morally means to raise a threat to society. Theodore Roosevelt

Love for a child, like any great love, becomes creativity and can give the child lasting, true happiness when it enhances the scope of the lover’s life, makes him a full-fledged person, and does not turn the beloved being into an idol. F. E. Dzerzhinsky

Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require sacrifices. P. Buast

Every spoiled child has his share of being an outcast. Alfred Adler

If you don't know what your children are like, look at their friends. Xunzi

As soon as the children become obedient, the mothers become afraid that they are about to die. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Children's games are not games at all, and it is more correct to look at them as the most significant and thoughtful activity of this age. Michel Montaigne

No, the child has a sense of duty that is not imposed by force, gravitates toward order, and does not refuse rules and responsibilities. He just wants the burden not to be unbearable, so that it does not break his back, so that he meets with understanding when he staggers, slips, gets tired, stops to take a breath. Janusz Korczak

Children often start stealing when they feel deprived of something very important to their lives. Alfred Adler

Very often, children's restlessness, disobedience and desire to break the rules are nothing more than an unconscious cry for help, an inept attempt to interest themselves, attract attention and receive at least a drop of care and warmth, which they so lack. Oleg Roy

Children do not steal things, not money - children steal unpaid love. Vladimir Levi

Children are holy and pure. You can’t make them a toy of your mood. A. Chekhov

You shouldn't go to extremes with children.
And for your worries and efforts
Grumpily reproach for ingratitude:
They didn’t ask you to give birth to them. E. Sevrus

Children don't owe anyone anything! Makarsky

Give children the opportunity to make mistakes. You give them life, but you have no rights to it. Olga Anina

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself.
They came from you, but do not belong to you.
You can give them your words, but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts.
You can learn from them, but not teach them, for their souls live in the Valley of Tomorrow, where you cannot even visit in your dreams... Gibran Kahlil Gibran.

A child is not a lottery ticket that should win in the form of a portrait in the magistrate's meeting room or a bust in the foyer of the theater. Each has its own spark, which can be struck by the flint of happiness and truth, and perhaps in the tenth generation it will flare up with the fire of genius and, having glorified its own race, will illuminate humanity with the light of a new sun.
A child is not the soil cultivated by heredity for the sowing of life; we can only contribute to the growth of that which fiercely and persistently begins to strive for life in him even before his first breath.
Respect... pure, clear, immaculate holy childhood! Janusz Korczak

Children and parents: the best statuses and sayings, quotes and aphorisms of the greatsabout love for children, righteducation andhappy childhood, about family and children, with meaning.

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Children are sincere without embarrassment and are not ashamed of the truth, but for fear of seeming backward, we are ready to betray what is most precious, we praise the repulsive and assent to the incomprehensible. Boris Pasternak. "Doctor Zhivago"

If you want to raise good children, spend half as much money and twice as much time on them.

Every parent has the most beautiful child in the world!

The closest person to a woman is her child.
Because only he saw her heart from the inside...

How I want to be a child again. Things are different for children. When they like someone, they just come up, hug him tightly, kiss him on the cheek, and say, let's be friends.

Undressing a sleeping child is like defusing a bomb; one sudden movement means minus 4 hours of sleep...

I want our love story to run around the house.

Hello, hello, they're calling from the kindergarten. Your turn has come!
- Thank you, my son was drafted into the army yesterday: D

Sometimes I want to go back to my childhood, where I was truly happy. Because they just let you out into the street.

Only a mother is capable of the impossible for the sake of her children.

Children who are not loved become adults who cannot love.

Fathers and sons are a problem of the past. Children without fathers are the problem of the present.

Only children can truly love. They love sincerely, with all their tiny hearts, not knowing what lies and betrayal are!

Two pieces of dirt came from the street... They say that they are my children... I’ll go wash them off - they seem similar in voice...

Only when you have children do you understand that there is a life more valuable than your own.

As a child, instead of a computer and the Internet, I had a childhood.

Bring back my childhood, time passed slowly there...

Childhood is the only time that can be called heaven. The most global problem there is being late for cartoons.

Childhood is something that we have lost in time, but have kept within ourselves.

Childhood is incurable.

I ask you to return your childhood for a reward.

When children are born, the house disappears: order, money, peace of mind, relaxation - and HAPPINESS comes!

Children mean worries, difficulties, screaming, noise, chaos. But when you approach them sleeping, straighten the blanket, kiss their nose, cheeks, and you understand that this is the greatest happiness in life

Our happiness is our children, there are no better ones in the world; like butterflies fly, they fill our lives with meaning. Without children there is no life, but boredom: there is no warmth and no comfort; no fun, no fire, no continuation of you.

Happiness is soft warm palms, candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa... What is happiness? It’s easier not to answer! Everyone who has children has happiness!

Mommy, did you have a dream? - Was! - And now? - And now he’s walking next to me and asking questions!

Oddly enough, children are shown on TV thousands of ways to kill a person, but it is forbidden to show even one way of how this person was conceived.

Only he knows how much I love him... He saw my heart from the inside!

For me, gold is not what glitters, but what runs, laughs and turns everything upside down.

Happiness cannot be bought, but it can be born!

Your child’s first three grades at school are a competition between parents: who draws, sculpts, glues better...

Mother to son: Every trick you make is another gray hair on your head! The boy looked at the gray-haired grandmother - I see you were a little weird in your youth too.

If you don't know what your children are like, look at their friends.

If you don't know what your children are like, look at their friends. (Xun Tzu)

In a family, children and dogs always know everything, especially what is not talked about. (Françoise Dolto)

No, I can’t have children, but I can say: “Well, kinder, are you crazy? Well, what did you do? (Zemfira)

Children are capable of experiencing strong feelings, but are not able to understand them. And even if they understand it partially, they don’t know how to talk about it.

By what right does a person believe that he can do whatever he wants, under the mere pretext that he is 2 years old? (F. Begbeder. “Romantic Egoist”)

If a child is guilty, then his parents should be put in a corner.

You should not start quarrels with a woman in whom maternal feelings have awakened. All the morality of the world is on her side (Erich Maria Remarque. “Three Comrades”)

God gives us children so that death does not seem like the biggest disappointment in life.

Anyone who wants to return to childhood has most likely not left it yet.

When everything around you is amazing, nothing is surprising - this is childhood. (A. Rivarol)

Midlife crisis - awareness of how cruelly you were deceived in childhood.

Thinking that all children are angels is a misconception that can be dangerous for you.

First love is the last toy of childhood.

When a child grows up, he ceases to understand many things.

Would the boy you were be proud of a man like you? (Laurence Peter)

A child gives birth to parents. (Stanislav Jerzy Lei)

First we are taught to walk and talk, and then we are forced to sit and be silent.

No matter how much you teach children good manners, they still naturally tend to imitate their parents.

Baby: loud noise at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other

A person screams loudest about himself when he is in diapers; then gradually lowers his tone.

Childhood is the happiest years of life, but not for children

Childhood is the light at the beginning of the tunnel.

Children are our consolation in old age and help us reach it faster.