Autumn ball at school for high school students: script, competitions, costumes and everything you need to host a wonderful holiday! Autumn party: scatter the clouds of gray everyday life Script for an autumn ball in the style of a dude.

Svetlana Bondarenko

Start:Children line up in front of the hall in pairs. In the hall, Empress Elizabeth sits on a chair (throne). On either side of her are chairs for the kings and queens of the ball. Since the ball is double for grades 1-2 (3-4), there must be two kings and two queens of the ball. Music sounds (Padegras, the master of ceremonies, standing near the queen, announces each entering couple (count... and countess). Children go around the hall in a circle and stand in a circle.

Cer. - Your Highness! Today the best, most educated young people, the future of the state, gathered in this hall for a ball on the occasion of the Autumn holiday.

Ate. – This is a joyful event for my heart and eyes! I want to congratulate everyone on the holiday of grace and beauty, because golden autumn is the most wonderful time of the year. I declare this holiday open!

Cer. - Attention attention! Listen and don't say you didn't hear! By order of Empress Elizabeth, the progress of the ball is announced!

Today all the guests will dance and have fun in this ballroom. And for those who want to improve their skills in ballroom dancing, we invited a world-famous Dance Master. He is the one who will open the doors of the Dance School for you.

We will invite you to the Salon of Social Games.

From the wall newspapers that you prepared for the ball, we will choose the best and adequately reward their authors.

Poets, verse writers, everyone who feels the gift of expressing themselves in poetic style, take part in the Burime competition. Read poetry, look for new rhymes, compose odes and send them here, in this box. The best poet today will also be awarded.

One worthy girl will be chosen as Prom Queen today. Young ladies present in the hall, you can try your luck by taking part in this competition. Here you can see a chair with a sign “Prom Queen”; perhaps you will be awarded the crown of Prom Queen.

Brave young men will fight for the favor of the Prom Queen, and the winner will be proclaimed the Prom King.

You can also win an award for the best ballroom outfit.

But the main thing today is your carefree fun and joy!

Ate. - Well, now play, court musicians! Let the waltz whirl the youths! Have fun in this idle hour!

The dance master announces the dance, organizes the dancers, and shows “steps” throughout the entire ball. Sounds like "Contrance".

Cer. - Attention attention! Listen and don't say you didn't hear! We are announcing the start of voting for young ladies, one of whom will become Prom Queen. Stand in pairs and slowly approach the voting table, on which there are pieces of paper and pens.

During the ball, a unique coffee shop “Autumn Leaves” operates. Our waiters will now walk around the hall and hand out sweets and drinks.

And now - dance! Let us express our gratitude to the court musicians with thunderous applause!

Dance “Minuet” (1st or 3rd grade)

Cer.- Attention attention! Listen and don't say you didn't hear! It is with great pleasure that I announce the opening of secular games. In a variety of games you can earn means of payment - “leaflets” to take part in an unprecedented auction!

The dance master and master of ceremonies conduct the Fanta games. For a perfectly completed task, a “leaflet” is given.

Cer. - Attention attention! Listen and don't say you didn't hear! Registration of beautiful models for the “Best Ball Gown” competition begins!

Participating girls are given numbers that are attached to their dresses..

Cer.- Attention attention! Now there will be a parade of ballroom dresses, and we will choose the best one. All the contenders are unusually good-looking and their outfits are magnificent. Each girl must come up with a name for her outfit and present it worthily at the Fashion Show of the competition participants.

Girls are invited to beautifully walk through the entire hall to the sound of “Polonaise” to the Empress and at the end say the name of the outfit. The Empress chooses the best outfit, for which she is given a “leaf.”

Game "Who is dancing with whom." Cards are distributed to the ladies and gentlemen, and some say: banker, officer, sailor, astronaut, etc., while others say “I want to dance with the banker,” “officer,” “sailor,” etc. Thus, everyone unites in pairs and dance the Gavotte.

Cer. – And again during the ball there is a unique coffee shop “Autumn Leaf Fall”. Our waiters will now walk around the hall and hand out sweets and drinks.

Drinks and sweets are served. Then the garbage is collected.

Cer.- So, the poets and rhymers, they got their throats wet and ate some sweets. It's time to show your talents. Those who read poetry come to Empress Elizabeth, and those who want to show off their talent as a poet come to me for rhymes. The best of the best will receive "leaves".

Children on one side of the hall read poetry, and on the other, they compose and put their creations in a box. While the dance is going on, the Empress sums up the results

Cer. - Music to the hall.

Dance “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​(2nd or 4th grade)

Cer.- Ladies and Gentlemen! I ask you to answer me, what is the main event at the ball?

Yes, you guessed it. This is the choice of the Prom Queen and King.

Our girls are all dancing charmingly! But besides dancing, a real Prom Queen must be able to beautifully and majestically address her subjects while sitting on the royal throne, so now we’ll see if our queens can show off their eloquence. I announce the final competition for the title of Prom Queen!

The votes from the box are counted. Empress Elizabeth announces the prom queen of each class. (If several girls are selected, then you can hold a competition for the best gait of the queen with a book on her head, the best curtsey and the best knowledge of etiquette). Queens need to sit on the throne, take a majestic pose and say congratulations on the occasion of the holiday.

Cer.“And now it’s time to announce the prom king.”

Empress Elizabeth announces the king of the ball. (If there are several kings, then competitions are held for the best bow to the queen, the best dance with the queen, for speed and dexterity). The king is obliged to issue a decree with its inherent importance.

Cer. - Attention attention! Listen and don't say you didn't hear! It is with great pleasure that I announce the start of the auction. At the auction, lots can be purchased for “leaves”. Whoever earned the most will become the owner of the main lots. We have the following lots at auction... The starting price of lots is 1 “leaf”. For the item you like, you set a price that you consider acceptable, but not more than you have.

Cer. – And now, like true ladies and gentlemen, we end our ball with a beautiful departure. We all stand in pairs in one large column and play “Rucheek” to the melody of the mazurka. Our boys choose a mate from among the girls they want to go to class with.

Ate.– I consider this ball dedicated to the autumn holiday closed.

Scenario for the autumn ball at the gymnasium in the style of “Hipsters”
The event is held in 911x classrooms
Goals: organize leisure time for children; develop their creative, communication abilities, sense of
Decoration: the back is decorated with plates and multi-colored balls.
Awards: crowns for the king and queen, certificates, colorful ties for boys, ribbons for girls
on the belt.
Progress of the event
Ved.1: Good evening, dear friends! The wonderful time has come, which we call in the words of the great
Russian poet "The Charm of the Eyes"
Ved.2: We invite fun to our cozy hall.
And we publicly announce that our Autumn Ball is open!
(Music sounds)
Ved.1: There is no place for gloomy faces here,
May this autumn day
Dance and have fun
No one will be lazy!
Ved.2: The smiles on their faces sparkle,
Today is Gymnasium Day at the gymnasium
Let's congratulate each other with the warmest applause!
Ved.1: There is a lot of beauty in our gymnasium!
I think it’s clear to all high school students:
There is no better gymnasium than ours,
And we all send festive, friendly greetings!
Ved.2: Today the most stylish personalities of our school gathered for our Autumn Ball.
Today we will rock and dance until we drop.
We invite you to spend an unforgettable evening in a stylish, filled
the excitement of the dudes atmosphere!
Ved.1: Hipsters - what is it? In general, where did this culture come from?
Ved.2: One of the brightest eras in Russia of the Soviet period was the 4060s of the last century. Exactly
At this time, a new youth subculture appeared, protesting against the dullness, monotony and
stereotypes of Soviet society of the post-war years, dudes.
(Two dudes come out)
Hipster 1:
We do not recognize the color gray
Our world plays with the whole rainbow.
Chanson, I don’t sing romances,
We are attracted to jazz and boogie.

Hipster 2:
When we walk down the street,
You turn around after us.
We are dudes, which is good
After all, we are not like everyone else.
Ved.1: We were all looking forward to this autumn ball, a king and
queen, and performances have also been prepared.
The competition tests will be assessed by a jury consisting of:
Ved.1: So, we invite 9 “A” class for our performance
9 “B” grade, 9 “B” grade, 10th grade, 11th grade. (class performances)
Veron: Now let's get acquainted with the chosen king and queen of the autumn ball from each
class, we ask you to come to us
9 "A"
Ved.2: 9 “B”
Lead 1: 9 “B”
Ved.2: 10th grade –
Grade 11 -
Ved.1: The first competition is especially for kings, and we will find out who the real king of boogie is. We ask you
go to the center and show your skills (boys dance to the music)
And now, dudes, the jury will choose the king of boogiewoogie.
Ved.2: I don’t know about the guys, but now we’ll decide which of the girls has the coolest bow.
I announce the “Queen of Style” competition. We ask our queens to come out.
You need to show off your stylish walk! (the girl introduces herself and walks around, taking
pose) and so on
And now you will have to dance along the stretched ribbon according to the music. (And the hall
supports) the tape is reduced to the lowest.
Our jury evaluates the completion of competition tasks.
Ved.1: The next competition is for fans, it’s called “RESTRUCTURE” From each class
you need 7 people, each of whom receives a letter. We will read the questions, and you will need to quickly
make up the correct answer from the given letters. The jury evaluates which team will be faster and
more resourceful. Gleb: So, let's begin.
Defeated all enemies
Heroic POWER!
Ved.2: Forests of dark beauty,
The red cheat is a FOX!
Gleb: A4 format, white and clean,
Everyone is familiar with white - LEAF!
Ved.2: Film with Viktor Tsoi,
Thread's inseparable friend is the NEEDLE!
Gleb: A place where young children are taken,
And a corral for cattle - a MENCH!
Ved.1: Spoils trees, gnaws stems,
Such a glutton, green - APHID!
Ved.2: Old woman, evil hag,

A woman everyone has known since childhood - YAGA!
Ved.2: Women’s eyes and hair are beautiful, and further
And most importantly, this is WAIST!
Ved.1: Student, scientist, hard worker,
You are a Hipster at our ball!
Ved.1: The next competition is “Literary”. To participate in it we invite both the king and queen from
each class.
Name the authors of poems about autumn. And guess the riddles.
a) Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous air
Invigorates tired forces,
Fragile ice on the icy river,
It lies like melting sugar.
Near the forest, like in a soft bed,
You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet faded,
Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet. (N. Nekrasov)
b) There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal
And the evenings are radiant. (F. Tyutchev)
c) The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
She stripped herself naked with a sad noise. (A. Pushkin)
d) Autumn. It showers our entire poor garden,
Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind,
Only in the distance they show off there, at the bottom of the valleys
Clusters of bright red wilting mountain ash. (L. Tolstoy)
Without a path and without a road
The longest legged one walks
Hiding in the clouds
In the darkness
Only feet on the ground. (Rain)
It flies, not a bird, Howls, not a beast. (Wind)
Yellow leaves are flying,
They fall, they spin,
And under your feet just like that
How they lay down a carpet!

What is this yellow snowfall?
It's just...(Leaf fall)
I came to everyone without paints and without brushes, but was able to brightly paint all the leaves (Autumn);
When it sits down, it turns green, when it falls, it instantly turns yellow, and when it lies down, it turns black (Leaf);...
The jury will check the correctness of the task.
Ved.2: In the meantime, our kings and queens are busy completing the task. Competition for fans - theater
Participants are invited (3 from each class), each of whom is given roles. (plates with
the names of the roles are hung around the artists’ necks)
Characters: King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Robber, Bear, Sparrow, Cuckoo,
Mouse, Horse, Oak, Throne, Sun, Window, Curtain.
You must play your roles based on what we will read.
(The task of the presenter is to give the artists the opportunity to take certain poses depicting
actions that the leader calls. Such necessary pauses will be indicated in the text
So, let's begin our performance, consisting of five actions.
Ved.1: Act one
Small birds - SPARROW and CUCKOO - flutter around the tree..., the birds chirp..., occasionally
they sit on branches to clean their feathers... A BEAR waddled past... He was dragging
A BARREL OF HONEY and waved away the BEES... A gray field mouse was digging a hole under an OAK...
THE SUN slowly rose above the crown of the OAK, spreading its RAYS in different directions...
THE CURTAIN is closing...
Ved.1: Act two
THE CURTAIN opens... There is a THRONE on the stage... The KING enters... THE KING stretches... passes
to the WINDOW. Having opened the WINDOW wide, he looks around... He wipes the traces left from the WINDOW
birds... Sits on the THRONE in thought... The PRINCESS appears with the step of a light doe... She
throws herself on the KING's neck..., kisses him... and they sit on the THRONE together... And at this time, under the WINDOW
A ROBBER is on the prowl... He is contemplating a plan to capture the PRINCESS... THE PRINCESS sits at the WINDOW...
THE ROBBER grabs her and carries her away... THE CURTAIN closes...
Ved.2: Act three
THE CURTAIN opens... There is a TURN on stage... THE QUEEN is sobbing on the KING's shoulder... THE KING
wipes away a stingy tear... and rushes about like a tiger in a cage... A PRINCE appears... A KING and QUEEN in
they describe in vivid colors the abduction of the princess... They stomp their feet... THE QUEEN falls at the feet of the PRINCE and
begs to save his daughter... THE PRINCE swears to find his beloved... He whistles to his faithful HORSE...,
jumps on him... and rushes away... THE CURTAIN closes...
Ved.1: Act four
THE CURTAIN opens... A spreading OAK tree stands on the stage... A light BREEZE blows its leaves...
Little birds - SPARROW and CUCKOO - are sleeping on a branch... Lounging under the OAK tree lies
BEAR... BEAR sucks its paw... Occasionally dips it into a BARREL OF HONEY... Hind paw... But
here a terrible noise disturbs the peace and quiet. This is the ROBBER dragging the PRINCESS... The animals are terrified
they run away... THE ROGGER ties the PRINCESS to an OAK... SHE cries and begs for mercy... But
here the PRINCE appears on his dashing HORSE... A fight breaks out between the PRINCE and

THE BRIGADE... With one short blow, the PRINCE defeats the BRIGADE... THE BRIGADE under
OAK gives oak... THE PRINCE unties his beloved from OAK... Having placed the PRINCESS on a HORSE... he
jumps in himself... And they rush into the palace... THE CURTAIN closes...
Ved.2: Act five
THE CURTAIN opens... On the stage, the KING and QUEEN are waiting for the return of the newlyweds at the open
WINDOWS... THE SUN has already set behind the HORIZON... And then PARENTS see familiar silhouettes in the WINDOW
PRINCE and PRINCESSES on HORSE... PARENTS jump out into the yard... CHILDREN fall at their feet
TO THE PARENTS... and ask for blessings... They bless them and begin to prepare for the wedding...
THE CURTAIN is closing...
We invite all artists to take a bow.
Ved.2: The final competition of our program today “Startin”
The king and queen come to the center and show dance moves, the rest of the class becomes
around and repeats. And the jury will appreciate the most incendiary and well-coordinated team.
Ved.2: We ask the jury to sum up the results of our holiday, name the king and queen of the Autumn Ball, and
also winners in various categories (“The most stylish couple”, “The most incendiary couple”, “The most
resourceful couple”, “The most artistic couple”) (the jury announces the results and presents certificates)
Ved.2: Now let’s light it up to the fullest, we are announcing the start of the disco.
Reporter (Irek): Hello. Dear viewers! We are at the scene of the event in the assembly hall
secondary school No. 7. Graduates, their parents and numerous relatives gathered here. To me
managed to interview some fourth graders. Please, ...

1st speaker: Today “Sports News”, as you may have guessed, will be presented by Ilya.
Themed Autumn Ball in the style of the 80s
2015/16 academic year
Conduct a draw in advance to determine the order of speaking and presentations.
Decorate the hall
Buy chewing gum (5 pieces)
Elastic band (underwear) for jumping
Voting box and blue and red slips (issued by the jury)
1. Room decoration, lighting.
To convey the feeling of the 80s, it is advisable to make every effort to design
color music;
music center with powerful speakers;
wall newspaper or screen “Disco 80s”;

Show presentation
1 slide
“Disco” – translated from French means “disk storage”, abbreviated from
"discotheque" - disco. This was also the name of the night rooms where music was played,
recorded on records. At such discos, ordinary people through simple movements
plunged into the world of fun, music and glitter. Over time, a musical style with a rhythm of 100120
beats per minute also began to be called the word “disco”.
Another necessary elements of this movement were multi-colored light bulbs, neon
flashes, mirror balls, tall hairstyles and brightly colored clothes.
2 slide
The creation of disco style of clothing was influenced by John Travolta with his film “Fever
Saturday evening" (1977) and various pop groups that performed songs of that time. IN
in the Soviet film “Sorcerers,” Alexander Abdulov’s white suit fully corresponded
to the disco standard (ideal).
3 slide
Wigs in the style of “we are from the 80s” (Afro-dandelion ideally), leggings, pink glasses with colored
glasses, colorful shirts, bright plain turtlenecks, catchy dresses, beads, bracelets,
large earrings and flared trousers can be found among those parents whose hands are still
They cannot afford to throw away the memory of their lives.
4 slide
Blondes with colorful makeup and perm were in fashion; sideburns and let go
Shoulder length hair for men. Thick bangs and a mop of hair are very popular. In case of emergency
A woman's head can be decorated with a long scarf tied like a bandage on the forehead with hanging
5 slide
In those 80s, popular performers were Gloria Gaynor, Donna Summer, Diana
Ross, Bee Gees, Boney M, Arabesque, ABBA, Amanda Lear, Dee D, Italians Romina Power
(Felicita) and Al Bano, Toto Cutugno, Adriano Celentano.
6 slide
In the early 1980s, the Indian feature film “Disco Dancer” was created with Mithun
Chakraborty in the lead role. And Bappi Lahiri's songs "JimmiJimmi" and "I am a discodancer"
became instantly popular.
So, students will be the first to demonstrate their presentation.
And for you they perform ________________________________________________

Poetry competition.
For 2 people. Make a poem out of words. The one who can handle it faster wins.
Mouth is a sandwich
Game - hurray
Like - beautiful
Disco - bowl
Outfit - ritual
Sequins - stripes
Gifts - flying
Dancing - partying
In the meantime, the participants are composing, let’s play with the audience.
Getting to know your neighbor closely. Take turns complimenting the neighbor sitting next to you,
starting with the words: “I like you...”.
Let's check what poems our participants turned out.
2. Competition “The Biggest Bubble” (we call several 34 participants)
In disco times, chewing gum was hard to come by, so let's imagine what it's like
it was difficult and how much joy it brought to those who obtained scarce chewing gum. Chew
chewing gum and blow the biggest bubble.
Competition “Dance Marathon” (Calling the bravest and bravest 5 people)
A box with 80s attributes (clothing, accessories) is passed along to music.
stops, takes it out, puts it on. Then, to the sound of a disco song, show
best dance moves.
Competition "Yard Games"
Call 6 people - 2 teams of three.
Give a rubber band for jumping. Who will cope better with the task?
“simple” (3 levels)
“spread two” (3 levels)
"pedestrians" (3 levels)

Competition “Fashion show in disco style” (We invite the most stylish, fashionable and most
most importantly eloquent)
Show off your clothes to the sound of music and be sure to comment on the image.
Food competition. The jury tastes the finished dishes and gives comments.
Choose a disco queen and king. (Everyone present at the evening is issued a strictly
one piece of paper on which they write the name and surname of the King and Queen of the Autumn Disco
evenings - a blue leaf for the King, a red leaf for the Queen)
The jury counts the votes
Dance of the king and queen in a circle of dancers.
_Now let’s summarize. The floor goes to our jury.
Goal: To cultivate a love of beauty and nature. Develop aesthetic taste
creativity, a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, the ability to have fun and have fun.
Decoration: Autumn flowers, garlands of yellow leaves, branches of autumn trees, clusters
rowan berries, balls, on the table in a vase - vegetables, fruits; multimedia projector (presentation
on an autumn theme background)
Homework for classes:
1) Each class draws a card by lot with the name of the dance that needs to be
prepare (waltz, tango, twist, 80s disco, modern dance);
2) make a video clip on an autumn theme with the participation of children from the class.
Music by Vivaldi "The Seasons"
Host: Good evening, dear friends!
So autumn has returned to us again,
Unnoticed she entered her father's land:
All dressed up in gold embroidery -

Who named you, dear autumn,
And dull and sad at times?
Take a look at our lovely school
And open the autumn ball to us.
Autumn comes out (dances, spins, scatters leaves.) Music
Are you talking about me? Here I am!
Hello autumn friends!
Are you excited to meet me?
Do you like the forest outfit?
Autumn gardens and parks?
I came to your party
Sing and have fun.
I want to be with everyone here
Make strong friends!
Host: Hello autumn, hello autumn!
It's good that you came!
And we, Autumn, will ask you:
What did you bring as a gift?
Autumn answers: And as a gift, the magic of magic lines.
Our poor garden is crumbling.
The leaves have turned yellow and are flying in the wind.
Only in the distance it flaunts - there

At the bottom of the valleys
The brushes are bright red withering rowan trees.
It's frosty in the morning.
Yellow leaves are falling in the groves.
Leaves near the birch
They lie like a golden carpet.
In puddles the ice is transparent blue,
There is white frost on the leaves.
Host: Thank you! These lines are full of music. I propose that Autumn take a place on the jury and
We would like to welcome other members of the jury – ………………………………….
Ball is dancing. So let our evening be filled with dancing and fun. And so we
Waltz with a chair.
Before the ball starts, we will hold a training event for the gentlemen. Cavalier
must have strong hands and be able to hold a lady in them! So, take the chairs.
Raise them to the level of your chest and hold them tenderly, like a girl! Who is the best
knows how to handle a chair, he can later be trusted with a girl
Our holiday is called the “Autumn Ball”, and since the 18th century it was customary to call the ball
dance night. Therefore, we invite you today to take a trip to
time and find out how dance evenings took place in the 19th century, at the beginning of the 20th century, in the middle
20th century, in the 80s of the 20th century, and, finally, how they dance and have fun at dance
evenings now.

(Each class shows a dance prepared in advance)
18th century - a beautiful, enchanting, brilliant waltz. Gallant ladies and gentlemen are circling
in the rhythm of a waltz.
An excerpt from an ancient waltz will be shown by the students of ... the class.
(dance - waltz).
The turbulent and unpredictable 20th century has arrived. People's lives have changed dramatically. Along with
fast and energetic foxtrot appeared as an elegant and sophisticated waltz,
Charleston and tango. Tango, this dance that became fashionable at the beginning of the 20th century has now become
Watch variations on the classic tango theme prepared by students of..... class.
(dance – tango).
The middle of the 20th century has arrived. The twist is becoming a new fashionable dance, quickly
spread throughout the world.
Students ..... of the class prepared a dance that will help us imagine how they danced
twist in the 60s of the 20th century.
We are celebrating the 80s of the 20th century! This is the heyday of disco music. First
discos, lots of light and music, mirror balls under the ceiling and colorful outfits.
Meet the students... class! Disco 80s!!!
(dance-disco 80s).
People cannot live without fun, celebrations and dancing. But times change - and so does
fashion. This means that the dance form, costumes and music are changing.
So what does the 2012 dance party look like? Meet the students... of the class!
(modern dance).

Thanks for the musical numbers to all participants!
Competition with fans (general dance for fans) is held by Autumn
Presenter: And now our next competition. We invite girls and boys.
Dance on the newspaper
Couples dancing on a newspaper. The couple that stumbles will leave the sheet or tear it up -
is out. Then the most interesting part begins - the newspaper is folded in half, and the dance
repeats itself. After this, the newspaper is folded in half again and so on. She wins
a couple who managed to hold on to the newspaper until the end. (Includes a medley of various
dance music.)
Dance with a ball
Each couple is given a balloon, which the partners must hold between
foreheads (backs of heads, backs, bellies, shoulder blades, knees, at chest level - at the discretion
organizer; During the competition, the method of holding the ball at the command of the presenter can be
change), couples dance, preferably to fast music. The pairs that drop the ball are eliminated.
Competition with fans - “Guess the Vegetable” riddles
For each solved riddle - a prize (for example, candy)
1. What kind of head is this, just teeth and a beard? (Garlic)
2. Small, bitter, onion’s brother, a seasoning for food, and a control over microbes (Garlic)
3. Red Makar galloped across the field and fell into borscht (Pepper)
4. Round, not a month; white, not flour; bitter, not wormwood (Radish)
5. I was a child and didn’t know diapers; and the old woman began to have a hundred diapers (Cabbage)
6. What did they dig from the ground, fry, cook? What did we bake in ashes, eat and praise?
7. The yellow hen sulks under the tyne (Pumpkin)

8. Brother is a tomato, but he is not happy about the red gum; he grew up in purple clothes, he doesn’t blush even when lying down
9. Under a leaf by the fence, a little frog is sleeping in the garden bed, all green, pimply, and
tummy – whitish (Cucumber)
10. I grow in the garden, and when I ripen they cook a tomato from me, put it in cabbage soup and eat it like that
11. It’s very smooth to the touch, it tastes like sweet sugar, it’s reddish in color, and I like it
guys (Carrot)
12. He is a golden boy and they teach, there are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets (Kolos)
13. Itself is red, and the forelock is green (Beets)
14.The girl wrapped herself in leaves over the garden bed.
Only a curly strand came out.
She is dressed in golden chain mail - The grains are pressed tightly together (Corn)
15. I look like the sun, and I love the sun,
I turn my head behind the sun. (Sunflower)
16. Light green shiny barrel
The strong man exposed the sun... (Zucchini)
1. I came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves (Autumn).
2. He sees and does not hear, walks, wanders, prowls, whistles (Wind).
3. The beast is afraid of my branches, they will not build nests in them, my beauty and power are in the branches, tell me
quickly - who am I (Autumn).
4. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Sheet)
5. Very friendly sisters, they wear red berets. Autumn is brought to the forest
in summer (chanterelles).
6. They ask and wait for me, but when I come, they hide (Rain).
7. Under the ground, the bird made a cube and laid eggs (Potato).
8. There is a hat, but without a head, there is a leg, but without shoes (mushroom).
Leading. We invite boys and girls to take part in the next competition.
Gypsy girl with balloons
A class of 1 person takes part. Each student ties it to his leg
ball. Perform the “Gypsy” dance, while trying to burst as much as possible

balls from the contestants and keep your ball, but dance. Whose balloon burst?
leaves the game. (gypsy girl)
A couple of participants are required from each class. The guys have their hands behind their backs, the girls are holding
their partners by the ears. (Lezginka).
Presenter: Thank you so much to all the guys for such wonderful dances.
Autumn was spreading paint at the edges
I quietly ran a brush across the foliage
The hazel trees turned yellow and the maples turned red
In autumn purple, only the oak is green.
Thank you Autumn for being with us now.
We glorify you, Autumn, with poems.
We continue our autumn ball. And now, dear autumn, we will tell you
poems about you. Reading competition.
(Pull out cards with poems and read in turn)
(spectators play with the ball to the music)
They say that autumn means sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather...
Don't believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. She carries the soul
generosity, warmth to the heart from human communication, brings into our lives
unique beauty!
All classes show their "video clips on the theme "autumn"" in turn.

Host: So, dear guys, the long-awaited moments have arrived - summing up.
Autumn, we ask you.
Best Poetry Performer
Best video clip
For artistry
Best Dance Partner
Best Dance Partner
Best Dance
Best Chair Dancer
The most original dance on a newspaper
The most dexterous (dance with a ball on the leg)
Nimble couple (balloon dance)
Autumn performance: (Award ceremony takes place)
The sun also makes me happy
And the blue air is clean.
But it falls and falls
Dead leaves from the trees.
More scarlet rowan trees
Everyone is waiting for the girls to come over,
But the geese are late
“Farewell - goodbye” they shout.
Presenter: Time for business, time for fun.

The holiday continues
The disco begins after the hall has been prepared.
And Autumn, as the main guest, is invited to it.
Let us greet and thank everyone who took part and came to our celebration.
Autumn has fully come into its own today and we will celebrate its arrival.
We thank this autumn for bringing us all together for the autumn ball. Winter is ahead
spring, summer... And then autumn again. How many more of them there will be in our lives! We
We hope that golden lights will be lit for all of us in our school more than once
Autumn ball.

One of the most mysterious and unpredictable times of the year is autumn. So much has been written about it by famous poets and writers... But they are not the only ones who love and idolize this time.

All schools and preschools host various events dedicated to the golden time, the last reflection of the warmth and joy of summer.

Our script is for Autumn ball at school for high school students, but it is perfectly adaptable for holding events in the middle classes of a secondary school.
The script contains an interesting literary skit, competitions, games and amateur performances.

The children participating in the performance will be able to show their talents, discover and demonstrate their artistic abilities to their peers and teachers.

Ball decoration

Musical accompaniment of the holiday

1. Screensavers for competitions: children's laughter (club), Chuck Berry – Roll Over Beethoven, Paul Pritchard – Amazing Butterflies.

2. Music dance screensaver: Interface – Chi Mai (Remix Original Version).

3. Recording of "Viennese Waltz".

It is necessary to prepare several dance numbers in advance. The very first – the opening of the Autumn Ball – is a composition from the “Viennese Waltz”, which turns into Interface – Chi Mai (Remix Original Version).

Prepare several amateur performances. These could be songs about autumn, magic tricks, sports numbers, acrobatic sketches, and so on. The guys must think up a mini-concert for the “Autumn Ball” themselves.

For Queens And King of Autumn Signed ribbons and crowns will be needed.

Props and scenery

The autumn ball is traditionally held either in the school assembly hall or in the sports hall. The room must be decorated in the colors and motifs of the autumn theme.

Garlands of flowers and colorful leaves are hung along the walls and backdrop of the stage. In a swirl of yellow maple leaves there is a poster “Autumn mood!”

On the sides there are candelabra, the legs of which are also entwined with multi-colored garlands of flowers, interspersed with bunches of rowan berries.


1. Presenter. The girl is wearing a light top and dark bottom.

2. Leading. The boy is wearing dark trousers and a light shirt.

3. A.S. Pushkin. Dressed in a tailcoat. There is a cylinder on the head. Whiskers.

4. A. Tolstoy. Dressed in a traditional costume with a bow tie. Smoking pipe in hand.

5. S.Ya. Marshak. Round glasses on the nose. Hairstyle with a straight parting.

6. A. Tvardovsky. Dressed in a military uniform from the Great Patriotic War and a sword belt.

7. N. Nekrasov. Long jacket. Butterfly with pointed ends. Characteristic elongated beard.

8. M.Yu. Lermontov. Dressed in the uniform of an officer of the tsarist army.

9. F. Tyutchev. Dressed in a tailcoat. Instead of a tie - a dark bow. There are glasses on his nose.

10. S. Yesenin. Dressed in a gray suit. The shirt is unbuttoned a couple of buttons. On the head is a checkered cap or hat.

Note: If it’s difficult to find clothes for poets, you can simply make either badges or attach inscriptions to the costumes explaining who is who.

Scene #1

Dance and musical composition “Autumn Waltz”. The recording of “Viennese Waltz” and Interface – Chi Mai (Remix Original Version) is playing.

Presenter: Dear Guys! Today we are at a real Autumn Ball of the last century, where, believe me, you will be very interested!

Leading: And as you know, it was in those very times that all our great poets lived. Well, not all, of course, but many!

Presenter: And so, we decided to gather at our ball everyone who gave us, their descendants, the most beautiful poems dedicated to this amazing time of year - Golden Autumn!

Leading: Let's imagine, guys, while our teachers in different classes are selecting poems for us to learn, what kind of dispute can take place between the great poets who wrote them!

Sketch “Poetry battles of great poets about autumn!”

Appearing on stage in turn: A.S. Pushkin, A. Tolstoy, S.Ya. Marshak, A. Tvardovsky, N. Nekrasov, M.Yu. Lermontov, F. Tyutchev, S. Yesenin.

Poets prove to each other who is the best at writing about autumn.

A.S. Pushkin:

“The sky was already breathing in autumn...”

I'm here alone! One by right!

I have never seen competition!

In Russian literature I am a Star!

A. Tolstoy:

"Autumn. The whole poor garden is crumbling..."

Sorry, my friend, but it's not my fault!

What about this time,

I will give all poets a head start!

It’s better not to write about autumn!

I am a Star - no need to make things up!

S.Ya. Marshak:

"In October, in October!"

I wrote it on the table!

And about the leaves falling,

I'm always happy to compose!

So, fellow writers,

You are not leaders at all!

I wrote about the rain -

I became a Star a long time ago!

A. Tvardovsky:

“Blueness appeared between the thinning tops!”

These are all my poems! Come to your senses, you guys!

N. Nekrasov:

My syllable will stop you

I will say the opposite.

"The mournful wind drives

The clouds are flocking to the edge of heaven!

F. Tyutchev:

Stop arguing immediately, friends!

I write better about golden autumn!

And you should all be in harmony, in unison,

To say briefly: BYE!

“There is in the primordial autumn,

A short but wonderful time!

A. Tvardovsky:

"The webs are floating

Above the sleepy stubble..."

Go away guys

We're alive for now!

M.Yu. Lermontov:

“The leaves in the field have turned yellow!

And they spin and fly!”

Children at school from all the poems,

Only mine want to teach!

S. Yesenin:

“The golden foliage began to spin,

In the pinkish water of the pond..."

Well, why swear like that? Don't know…

I still can’t find better lines!

Indignant screams are heard behind the stage. Knock on the door.

Pushkin: And this, in fact, who else wants to get into our already very “friendly” and large company?

Lermontov: So these are other poets who also wrote about autumn! Oh, so many of them!

(The musical theme “Amazing Butterflies” plays. The poets all get scared, grab their heads, someone gets into a boxing stance. They freeze in such poses, then bow and leave.
This is followed by amateur performance numbers).

Scene #3

Presenter: Our Autumn Ball is in full swing! It's time to play!

Leading: Are you ready to show your wits, speed and sense of humor if needed?

All in unison: Yes!

Presenter: Well, then let's start! Our first competition is called...

Competition No. 1 “Mixed leaves”

For the competition you need real leaf shapes or cut out from multi-colored paper: oak, birch, poplar, apple and willow. These leaves are scattered chaotically on the floor of the hall.

1. 10 people are divided into teams of 2 participants.

2. Each team is given the name of a tree whose leaves they need to collect.

3. The team that collects all its leaves correctly and quickly wins.

Prizes in all competitions can be autumn items and things: umbrellas, raincoats, hats, scarves.

Competition No. 2 “Autumn Gifts”

1. 3 desks are placed in a row, with 6 chairs next to them.

2. 6 participants sit on chairs at their desks. The guys are blindfolded.

3. An autumn gift (vegetables, fruits, nuts, pine cones, etc.) is placed on the table in front of each player.

(For example: distribute to the participants (1 item each) a potato, onion, pine cone, mushroom, pear, apple. In the next round, swap them or replace them with other autumn gifts).

4. The task of each player is to determine by touch what he got.

5. The one who correctly guesses the object time after time wins.

Competition No. 3 “Ballroom autumn outfits”

This is a massive competition. It will fit perfectly into the scenario if the holiday is celebrated together in all classes at once. You will need a lot of colorful leaves, threads, cones, twigs and other autumn attributes.

Each class chooses its Queen and its King of Autumn. The task of each class is to create outfits for them from prepared autumn materials. For example, boys from their classmates dress up the king, and girls dress up as the queen. Allowed time for preparation: 15-20 minutes.

At the end of the time, a competition is held between all pairs of kings and queens for the best outfits.
The winner is chosen based on audience applause and comments.
The winners are awarded ribbons and crowns.

Competition game No. 4 “Autumn Associations”

The presenter names the words, and the guys must name the autumn association for this word.

Examples of words that the presenter asks one by one:

1. Tree.

4. Vegetable garden.

Possible responses of the children to the words of the presenter:

1. Leaves.

2. Rain or puddles.

3. Day of knowledge or study.

4. Harvest.

5. Rye, wheat.

7. Red, yellow.

8. Wet.

9. Leaf fall.

10. Halloween.

Scene #4

The chosen King and Queen of Autumn are opening an Autumn disco!

Students dance and communicate in a free style.

The disco should not exceed 2 hours in time.

At the discretion of the school management, you can arrange a “sweet table” with tea.

A few words about costumes

Kids are delighted with costume events, these can be both balls and masquerades, as this is a great opportunity to show off their new look. In addition, during such celebrations, various competitions are held in a friendly and fun atmosphere.

Autumn holidays are also organized in the form of a masquerade, which requires the creation of an appropriate costume: elegant, bright, unusual and memorable.

For the simplest Autumn outfit, it is permissible to take an ordinary dress, and then complement it with voluminous appliqués, a suitable headdress, and an apron.
To decorate the accessories accompanying the costume, you will need bright autumn leaves, images of autumn flowers - chrysanthemums and asters, and, of course, rhinestones and sparkles.

But you can not take a ready-made base, but start making a costume for the Autumn Ball with your own hands.

1. The fabric for the outfit must be chosen correctly; the main shades are “autumn” (yellow, sand, lemon, orange, red). The result should be a suit that has a warm, sunny color.

2. An Autumn outfit can take the form of a dress or loose cape. It’s simple, especially since it will later serve as the basis for another costume, for example, if you want to transform into a fox, a squirrel, a bright butterfly or fire. It is important that the fabric is light and airy.

3. For the dress you will definitely need a headdress - a hat or a crown, which should contain autumn motifs, that is, images of yellowed leaves and various gifts of autumn. The material for creating jewelry will be fabric or cardboard, and thin wire will be needed to make the base.
Instead of a crown, you can use a hat decorated with beads, bright organza, ribbons and lace.

4. Of course, real autumn leaves will look quite original, but it’s better to do without them: such decorations will not last long due to their fragility! It is better to use cardboard, from which a leaf layout is cut out, and then autumn leaves are created using starched fabric in bright colors. Look for ready-made autumn leaves in stores that sell handicraft supplies.

5. We complement the autumn ball gown with a wide belt of red or orange color, onto which beads, sequins, ribbons, and sparkles are sewn. Elements of openwork embroidery and applique will also look great.

Themed Autumn Ball in the style of the 80s

2015/16 academic year

Conduct a draw in advance to determine the order of speaking and presentations.

Decorate the hall

Buy chewing gum (5 pieces)

Elastic band (underwear) for jumping

1. Room decoration, lighting.

To convey the feeling of the 80s, it is advisable to make every effort to decorate the room.

color music;

music center with powerful speakers;

wall newspaper or screen “Disco 80s”;

On the ceiling there are large shiny stars made of foil, gramophone records, a children's guitar and a homemade disco ball suspended on threads.

2. Clothing, makeup, disco style hairstyle.


So we are starting our Autumn Ball in the style of “Disco 80s”

But first, we will select representatives from teachers who will keep order at the holiday, give reasonable comments and at the end of the evening will present certificates to the participants of our autumn ball.

(3 people are selected in advance)

You must be active, appropriate to the time and place, and then perhaps you will be able to win the title of Queen and King of our autumn disco evening. During the evening we will observe all participants and choose by popular vote.

Show presentation

1 slide

Disco” – translated from French means “disc storage”, shortened from “discotheque” - disco. This was also the name for the night rooms where music recorded on records was played. At such discos, ordinary people plunged into the world of fun, music and glitter through simple movements. Over time, the musical style with a rhythm of 100-120 beats per minute also began to be called the word “disco”.

Other necessary elements of this movement were multi-colored light bulbs, neon flashes, mirror balls, tall hairstyles and brightly colored clothes.

2 slide

The creation of the disco style of clothing was influenced by John Travolta with his film “Saturday Night Fever” (1977) and various pop groups that performed songs of that time. In the Soviet film “Sorcerers,” Alexander Abdulov’s white suit fully corresponded to the disco standard (ideal).

3 slide

Wigs in the style of “we are from the 80s” (Afro-dandelion is ideal), leggings, pink glasses with colored lenses, colorful shirts, bright plain turtlenecks, catchy dresses, beads, bracelets, large earrings and flared trousers can be found at those parents whose hands still cannot afford to throw away the memory of their lives.

4 slide

Blondes with colorful makeup and perm were in fashion; sideburns and shoulder-length hair for men. Thick bangs and a mop of hair are very popular. As a last resort, a long scarf tied like a bandage on the forehead with the ends hanging down can decorate a woman’s head.

5 slide

In those 80s, popular performers were Gloria Gaynor, Donna Summer, Diana Ross, Bee Gees, Boney M, Arabesque, ABBA, Amanda Lear, Dee D, Italians Romina Power (Felicita) and Al Bano, Toto Cutugno, Adriano Celentano.

6 slide

In the early 1980s, the Indian feature film “Disco Dancer” was created with Mithun Chakraborty in the title role. And Bappi Lahiri’s songs “Jimmi-Jimmi” and “I am a disco-dancer” instantly became popular.

So, students ________________________________________________________________ will be the first to demonstrate their presentation.

And for you they perform ________________________________________________


    Poetry competition.

For 2 people. Make a poem out of words. The one who can handle it faster wins.

Mouth is a sandwich

Game - hurray

Like - beautiful

Disco - bowl

Outfit - ritual

Sequins - stripes

Gifts - flying

Dancing - partying

In the meantime, the participants are composing, let’s play with the audience.

Getting to know your neighbor closely. Take turns giving compliments to the neighbor sitting next to you, starting with the words: “I like about you...”.

Let's check what poems our participants turned out.

2.Competition “The Biggest Bubble” (we call several participants 3-4)

In disco times, it was difficult to get chewing gum, so let’s imagine how difficult it was and how much joy it brought to those who obtained scarce chewing gum. Chew gum and blow the biggest bubble.

    Competition "Dance Marathon" (We call the bravest and bravest 5 people)

To the music, they pass a box with attributes of the 80s (clothing, accessories), the music stops, they take it out, and put it on themselves. Then show your best dance moves to the sound of a disco song.

    Competition "Yard Games"

Call 6 people - 2 teams of three.

Give a rubber band for jumping. Who will cope better with the task?

- “simple” (3 levels)

- “one-two-three” (3 levels)

- “pedestrians” (3 levels)

    Competition “Fashion show in disco style” (We invite the most stylish, fashionable and most importantly eloquent)

Show off your clothes to the sound of music and be sure to comment on the image.

    Food competition. The jury tastes the finished dishes and gives comments.

Choose a disco queen and king. (Everyone who is present at the evening is given strictly one piece of paper, on which they write the name and surname of the King and Queen of the Autumn Disco evening - for the King - a blue piece of paper, for the Queen - a red one)

Dance of the king and queen in a circle of dancers.

Now let's summarize. The floor goes to our jury.

The school always holds extracurricular activities for children of all ages. Children usually carefully prepare for them - they rehearse songs, dances, learn poems, act out entire performances, and make costumes. One such event that requires such preparation is the Autumn Ball. It is held in late October or early November, when autumn is in full swing. If you are also planning to hold an autumn ball now, then this article will help you prepare everything for it.

When preparing for the autumn ball, be sure to invite all the school students or only those classes for which the script you prepared is designed. You don’t need to make separate postcards for invitations; you can create a poster and place it in the hall or on an information stand.

We suggest you make this version of the poster:

  1. First, you need to cut out as many leaves as possible from colored paper. Take different paper - yellow, red, orange, yellow, brown, pink (you can even brown).
  2. Write the title in pencil on whatman paper: “Autumn Ball.”
  3. Under the inscription, write the date and time when the holiday should take place. You can use either gouache paints or felt-tip pens for this.
  4. On the side of the title draw a bunch of viburnum. Line the branch with a brown felt-tip pen. For leaves, use the pieces of green colored paper that you prepared for the title (you will just need to make a little more green ones).
  5. Take red napkins and crumple them into balls. Glue them to the places where you want the viburnum berries to be located.
  6. All that remains is to paste over the main inscription with multi-colored leaves. It is best to use dry glue for this.

Don't rely only on this option. In the age of information technology, you can make beautiful posters using graphic editors on your computer. It's more modern and beautiful. However, if your goal is to give free rein to children’s imagination and creativity, then a DIY poster on paper will be relevant.

Name and motto of the autumn ball, photo

The autumn ball can be themed. This means that just against the autumn background you can hold a beautiful literary evening or a classical dance competition. Some can even hold beauty contests, which is very important, not only among girls, but also among boys.

Here are several options for calling the autumn ball:

School autumn ball

The autumn ball at school is an event that children look forward to after Teacher's Day. At this holiday, they can show themselves, show their best sides, have a disco and forget about schoolwork for a short time.

What parts does a school autumn ball usually consist of:

  1. During the school day, during breaks, you can organize drawings for various prizes, present gifts to all students or to some specific age group.
  2. After classes, a festive concert is held, to which, in addition to children, you can also invite adults - teachers, parents, and employees of the educational institution.
  3. After the concert, it is quite acceptable to hold a sweet table so that everyone who performed and remains for the continuation of the holiday can refresh themselves.
  4. The tea party should be followed by a disco, where children can change into their regular clothes. If the disco is themed, then you can stay in costumes.
  5. After the holiday is over, be sure to notify everyone about its results. This could be a wall newspaper with photographs.

Modern schoolchildren spend most of their time on social networks, so it is not necessary to create a wall newspaper; it is enough to post information in the school community on a social network.

Decoration for the autumn ball:

To create the right holiday atmosphere, you need to decorate the hall and school in an autumn style. For this, today you can use anything, as long as the decorations at least remotely hint at the fact that an autumn ball is being celebrated.

We will present you with several options for decorating the school and the hall in which the event will be held. We recommend sticking to one style when decorating so that the look is complete and logical.

schools, photos

  1. You can take a herbarium, mix it with bright artificial or seasonal fresh flowers and put it in bright vases. Vases, by the way, can be made from pumpkins or colored cardboard.

  1. Decorate the inside of clear vases with leaves and place a small candle inside. You will get a very beautiful lantern that will add magic to any interior.

  1. You can make a composition of seasonal vegetables and flowers, and place it all in old barrels. Place these blanks on window sills, along corridors and foyers.

  1. Hang the herbarium on strings, which should be treated with phosphorus in advance. You can simply attach the prepared leaves to the rope with clothespins.

  1. Buy a New Year's streamer and glue a fairly large autumn leaf to one end of each ribbon. Such decorations can be attached to the ceiling throughout the school.

hall, photo

Dresses and suits for the autumn ball, photos

King and queen of the autumn ball, photo

As we already mentioned, beauty contests are often held at autumn balls. An event is organized where boys and girls compete in beauty and talent. The purpose of such a competition is to choose the King and Queen of the autumn ball.

Such competitions can be held in any class, but the events are most interesting if they are held among high school students.

How to make a crown for the autumn ball with your own hands

The winners of the beauty contest at the autumn ball must wear winning crowns on their heads. Of course, you can purchase plastic versions in the store; these accessories will look beautiful. But the autumn ball is a creative event, so it’s better to try to make crowns with your own hands.

We offer you such crown options:

Option #1 :

  • Cut out a template for the crown from thick cardboard:

  • Cover it with gold wrapping paper.
  • Decorate the crown with artificial stones in the right places according to your idea (they can be purchased at a hardware store).

Use a heat gun when making the crown. It will help you make a durable product.

Option No. 2 :

This option is more suitable for a girl, because such a crown looks elegant and feminine:

  • First you need to make the frame of the crown from gold wire. To make the product durable, use either dense wire or wind the frame several times.
  • String beads onto different wires, and then wrap the resulting blanks around the crown.
  • An artificial stone or a golden-colored bead must be attached to each point.

Autumn ball scenario for primary school children

A fun scenario for an autumn ball for high school students

Interesting fun competitions for the autumn ball at school

Option #1

Option number 2: “Who can eat the apples faster?”

All the apples are tied to ropes. The challenge is for the participants to eat the apples, but they are not allowed to use their hands to support the fruit.

Option number 3: “Harvest the potato harvest”

Potatoes are scattered on the floor. Participants are blindfolded and given a bucket. They need to fill their buckets with potatoes while the music is playing. The one with the fullest bucket at the end will win.

Option #4: “Fear Factor”

The participant needs to run while listening to music in galoshes many sizes too big with a broken umbrella. He needs to run around the trees (you can take people as trees), return to the starting position and eat the dish on the plate. To make everything look very funny, you can pour corn sticks into a plate, but pour mustard over them not with caramel.

Modern songs remade for the autumn ball at school

Option No. 1: To the tune of the song by the group “Mushrooms” - “The ice is melting between us”

Open your eyes, everything gradually and let everyone notice you here.

The holiday will give us this moment and the rain outside is not a hindrance.

While we are here on this stage, let the hairs on all of you stand on end.

We will all perform in front of you, we have prepared what we have wanted for a long time.

Problems will not find us here, only we are in this world now.

Time will freeze at this moment, I will remember everything that happens forever.

Applaud us loudly, loudly, that's all we need.

We will take everyone to the ends of the earth to repeat everything again in a new way.


We will melt the ice in our hearts, let everyone recognize us now.

We will dance in the rain, and under the snow, and under an umbrella.

Option No. 2: To the tune of the song by F. Kirkorov - “The color of mood is blue”

And we ran away from the ridiculous bustle,

Not a bit of embarrassment, because we are standing on stage.

Ball, we were brought together by the autumn ball.

That's it, let's start the carnival!


We will sing a lot of songs, play and dance with all our hearts.

Autumn mood color. We're all in suits and makeup.

We will sing a lot of songs, play and dance with all our hearts...

Option #3: To the tune of the song by S. Loboda - “I am a superstar”

Today we will show you so many good scenes.

And we are new, new, we will sing songs today, we will conquer you.

You will find us in gloss. We're almost foreigners there.

You wanted to come and watch us perform now

Show your talents.


Today, today, today we, and tomorrow you.

Let's remember our holiday -

Today let everyone be a Superstar.

Star! Superstar! Star!

Option No. 4: To the tune of Ani Lorak’s song “Crazy”

Each of you in this room today knows our name.

We are not like everyone else. We want it to be

Today at the holiday everything is beautiful and sweet -

So that the ball turns out just amazing.

And you draw your conclusions -

And clap for us with all your heart.


Come on, everyone, raise your hands higher!

Wave to us, drive away sadness and boredom.

Have fun shaking the skies.

We invite you to the autumn ball!

Option No. 5: To the tune of the song by the group “Time and Glass” “And we are in style”


And we're at the ball!

Don't even think about canceling it -

And stay with us.

We'll have this ball today

Decorate, and we're at the ball!

Don't even think about canceling it -

And stay with us.

They put on their outfits, ate and drank tea.

The negative was removed and everyone was invited to the hall.

We will be in style at the autumn ball.

Option #5:

Autumn balls are always memorable for children, so be sure to include such a bright event in your educational plan! School is not only academic everyday life, it is also interesting years of creativity, holidays and love!

Video: “Autumn ball at school”