Game program “Day of First-Class Lessons. Scenario of a game program for first-graders “first-class first of September with rose Barboskina” Poems and wishes for Knowledge Day

After the ceremonial assembly, many schools traditionally continue festive events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge holiday. To have an interesting day of knowledge, you can use the script of this game program with competitions and entertainment. It can be held in the school assembly hall.

Game program for the holiday “Day of Knowledge”.

At the appointed time, children take pre-agreed places so that everyone can clearly see and hear what is happening in the prologue of the game.

Before the start of the game action, holiday songs are played. Then the director or head teacher of the school may speak, congratulating the children on the start of the school year.

At the end of the “official part”, a boy dressed as a “business man” emerges from the crowd of guys (although everyone immediately recognizes him as Pinocchio).

Buratino defiantly walks back and forth in front of the stage, looks at his watch, and is nervous.


Excuse me, young man, are we disturbing you?


Yes a little. Finish quickly... I have a business meeting here, and I don’t need any extra witnesses.


Meeting? What, right here and now?


Yes. We agreed to gather here with my business partners for a business meeting. Here are their business cards.

Presenter(looks at the cards)

Oh oh! By any chance, are your partners called Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat?



So. What are your common affairs?


Finance, you know. I gave them a loan of 5 gold. They promised to invest them in a profitable business - and 5 gold pieces would yield fabulous interest.


So. All clear. Isn’t this profitable business located in the Land of Fools?

Pinocchio: Maybe! And what?


Well then, young man, you will have to wait a very long time for your partners. Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox are famous deceivers. And most likely, they will simply pocket your money.

The indignant Cat and Fox emerge from the crowd.

Who are the deceivers? Who are the deceivers?!


We ourselves may be victims. We ourselves have been deceived.

They deceived me... they ripped me off like a stick.


Wait. I don’t understand anything yet. Do not make noise. Tell everything in order. Pinocchio:

Give me my money. Where do you put them?

Yes... No money. There were - and there weren't...


We, as honest people... decided to invest them... in a profitable business. We divided the entire amount into five parts. One coin was deposited in the bank.

Cat(pops the balloon) And it burst!


We invested the second money in JSC...

Cat(blows dust from palm): And it went bankrupt...


With the third money we bought a newspaper!

Cat(burns the newspaper): And it burned!


We invested the fourth money in show business!

But all our stars have gone out!


And we decided to bury only the fifth... on the Field of Miracles in the Land of Fools.

Pinocchio: And what?

Nothing. The soil there turned out to be ecologically dirty... Nothing grew.


So what will I do now? I wanted to buy Papa Carlo a thousand jackets... And now everything is gone...


Wait, Pinocchio. I think your grief can be helped. Let's try to find your money. And the guys will help us...

The presenter holds 5 competitions in which Pinocchio and the guys “earn money” and find 5 coins.


1st competition - “Let’s write a book ourselves”

On prepared cards, two first-graders and two graduates write the letters of the hidden word. On the back of one of the squares is a coin.

2nd competition - “Harvest”

Three first graders and three parents cut and eat candy hanging on strings. One of the candies has a coin wrapped in it.

3rd competition - “The song helps to build and live”

The presenter invites teams of children and parents to play “Guess the Melody.” Under one of the hidden notes there is a coin.

4th competition - “They love money”

Several humorous problems need to be solved. The answer needs to be “constructed” from the players of two teams - first-graders and graduates.

5th competition - “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

On command, you need to inflate 5 balloons as quickly as possible (teachers participate) so that they burst. One of the balls contains a coin.


Well, Pinocchio, keep your money!


Yeah! Now I’ll buy dad Carlo many, many jackets!


It is unlikely. The jacket costs a lot more now.

Now I know what to do. We need to invest them somewhere again.


Exactly! Let me put them in... (thinks)


And I seem to know, Pinocchio, where you should invest this money... I seem to know a business that will make you richer. By investing your money in this business, you will be able to visit any country in the world, you will conquer the entire Universe, all the laws of nature will be subject to you, all earthly and sea riches will belong to you. Everything you dream of will be yours.

Cat and Fox:

Is this really possible?


Yes! I actually know a place where all this is possible. (Whispers something in Pinocchio’s ear.)

Pinocchio goes behind the screen and performs mysterious movements. He comments aloud on his actions: “I take the gold ones... I put them down, crex-fex-pex...” Magic music sounds.


Here! Hooray! It has grown!

He brings out a large box on which is written “KNOWLEDGE” or “EDUCATION”. He takes a key out of the box.


Oh, what is this that grew here?


Key! It's golden!

Cat:(tests his teeth).

Deceived... Ordinary - iron...


Don't cry, Pinocchio. Everything is correct. Of course, this key is not golden. But it is he who will make you the richest person. After all, today he will open the door to the world of knowledge for you. And knowledge is the most important wealth for a person. A person who can read, write, count, knows no barriers, all roads are open to him, everything can be achieved by owning this magic key. Hold it, Pinocchio! (Hands over the key.)


What about all the guys? Can't they come with me?

Let's help the guys too. Let their teachers give them the magic keys to the Land of Knowledge today. And our high school students will open the door to this world for them. Have a nice trip, guys!

High school students take first-graders by the hand, hand them souvenir keys, notebooks with wishes, postcards, flowers, and accompany them to their classes to the accompaniment of solemn music.

Music is playing “They teach at school”

Presenter 1: Hello adults!

Hello children!

Today is an unusual day in the world -

Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -

The school has opened all its doors to everyone.

And don’t be sad, girls, boys,

According to games, ventures and fairy-tale books,

It all starts with school life,

We are going to the Land of Knowledge!

Young woman: Dressy!

Front doors!

So darling!

Combed, with bows

The girls are coming!

Young man: And the boys are great!

So cute

So neat

They carry flowers in their hands!

Together: All former pranksters -

First graders today.

Everyone is good today

They're waiting for people like them at school!

Presenter 2: We are going on a trip on this train.

You can get on the train

This train is moving fast:

From border to border -

Through the steppes to the blue mountains

On the green signal.

Presenter 1: He's rushing to school now

Come to our first grade party for a holiday.

You can't be late for the holiday -

Everyone knows this.

The First Class train is rushing,

Speed ​​is picking up.

Presenter2 : And our train makes a stop. Who's meeting us? Guess it!

My father had a strange boy,

Cute, wooden,

And the father loved his son -

Naughty...... (Pinocchio)

Right! This is Pinocchio from the fairy tale by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio!”

Music "Pinocchio" sounds

(Pinocchio enters, holding a book in his hands.)

What kind of book is this?
Pinocchio : I don’t know, because I can’t read.

Leading : So, let's see! This is the Primer. He will help us learn the alphabet and learn to read!

Pinocchio : Oh, how interesting! I really want to learn to read, what about you guys? (Yes!!!)
But first, let's play and solve the riddles!!!

1. There is a cheerful house.

There are a lot of agile guys in it:

They write and count there,

Draw and read! (School)

2. I know everyone, I teach everyone,

But I myself am always silent.

To make friends with me,

We need to learn to read and write. (Book)

3. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line,

Be able to write about them!

What am I? (Notebook)

4. Black Ivashka – wooden shirt,

Where he will hold his nose -

There's a trail there. (Pencil)

5. I love directness

I'm straight myself.

Make a straight line

I help everyone. (Ruler)

6. In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, eraser, paper clips, buttons –

Anything for the soul. (Pencil case)

7. Black, crooked, dumb from birth,

They will sit in a row and everyone will talk. (Letters)

Pinocchio : Well done! How interesting it is with you guys. Can I come to you sometimes to learn to read, write, and count.

Presenter1 : Of course you can Pinocchio. And our journey continues. Oh, what is that noise? It seems we have another guest.

(Baba Yaga flies in on a broom) “Ditties by Babok Ezhek” sound

Baba Yaga : What kind of meeting is this, what kind of assembly is this? What are the fees for?
Presenter2 : Oh, you scared us, Baba Yaga. And we gathered for the holiday.

Baba Yaga : How? What kind of holiday is this? So let's look at the calendar (takes out the calendar and flips through it) New Year has already happened, March 8th too, May 1st and May 9th have passed. There is no such holiday on the calendar. Why are you deceiving old grandma?

Presenter1 : We have a special holiday “September 1, Knowledge Day!”

Baba Yaga : Well, here we are. How many years have I lived, but I don’t know such a holiday. What kind of holiday is “September 1, Knowledge Day!”

Presenter 2 : And this means, dear Baba Yaga, that on this day all children go to school after the summer holidays and children who go to school for the first time. And we give them the key to the door of knowledge!

(Baba Yaga snatches the key from her hands)

Presenter1 : Baba Yaga return the key to the guys!

Baba Yaga : But I won’t return it! Who did you trust with such a valuable key? Let me give you guys a little test. If you pass the test, I’ll give you the key; if you don’t pass, I’ll keep it. Got it? Here is my condition!

Presenter2 : Well, guys, will you be able to pass the Baba Yaga test?

Children : Yes!

Presenter1 : Say your task, Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga : Let's pack our school bag!

So, children, if I name an object that you need to take to school, you

Clap your hands. If this subject is not needed at school, then don’t clap, just raise your hands up!!!

Textbooks and books,

toy mouse,

Clockwork locomotive,

Colored plasticine,

Brushes and paints,

New Year's masks,

Eraser and bookmarks,

Pencil case and notebooks,

Schedule, diary.

Student ready for school!

Presenter 2 : You see Baba Yaga, our guys are great, they know everything!!!
Baba Yaga: Really well done!!! Well, so be it, I will return the key to the Wonderful Land to you. But we will meet again, I promise you! (Leaves)

Presenter1: We continue our journey. Guys, who knows this hero? Let's get acquainted.
The song “Don’t Twist the Motley Globe” is playing.

PDDeshka: Well, it landed. Hello, oh, I mean hello! There are so many of you here! Let me introduce myself - I am the good sorceress of the road PDDeshka. I help pedestrians and drivers, but I came to you for the holiday for a reason, but for help.

I live in the magical land of Traffic Lights. And we had a problem, our owner Svetofor Svetoforovich got sick and now the guys, just like you, can get into a dangerous situation on the road.

Presenter 2: Guys, let's help PDDeshka?! If you like to travel, then let's go to the magical land of Traffic Lights.

(Magic music sounds.)

PDAshka: Oh, guys, we didn’t even notice how we ended up with you in the country of Traffic Lights. To get to the Traffic Light itself, we will have to go through several tests, but you will learn a lot of new, useful and interesting things.

Presenter 1: And here we have our first test. The road signs got mixed up and they forgot what they mean. Help them, tell them what they mean.

(Signs are shown on the screen, children tell stories.)

PDDeshka: What a great fellow you are! How much do you already know? Do you know what traffic rules are?

(Answers from the audience)

Do you know when and in what country the traffic light appeared?

Presenter 2: Well, PDDeshka, you asked the guys such a difficult question, they are still first graders. Let me tell you about it better.

The first traffic light appeared in 1868. In the city of London, in front of the Houses of Parliament. And this year he turned 145 years old!

PDDeshka: How interesting everything is! Guys, here is the house of Svetofor Svetoforovich, we have arrived.

Let's all say hello together, Hello, Svetofor Svetoforovich.

All: Hello, Svetofor Svetoforovich!

Traffic light: Hello guys! Friends, but who are these children who came to my country? (He looks around the hall with a broad gesture.)

PDDeshka: This is, Svetofor Svetoforovich, students of the first grades of secondary school No. 122. They came to your country to cure you and become real pedestrians.

Traffic light: Yes, everything is clear to me. Welcome to my country! My country is huge, there are many people in it: road signs, pedestrians, drivers and a lot more, but unfortunately my country is a complete mess, I am very sick and cannot manage it.

PDAshka: Guys, we promised to help! You need to keep your word. Svetofor Svetoforovich, what needs to be done for you to recover?

Traffic light: Oh... for this you need to be brave and smart, and of course, correctly guess my riddles. Let's play the game "Traffic Light". When I raise the red circle, we stop, when I raise the yellow circle, we get ready to move, and if it’s green, then we move. Guys, we are now in the assembly hall, so we are moving in place.

(Music sounds, children play)

PDAshka: And you are doing well, but we didn’t just come here to play, we want to become real pedestrians.

Traffic light: Then you must study and follow the TRAFFIC RULES. The most important rule: Be careful, never rush and don’t play on the road. And in order to become real pedestrians, I have to test you.

And avenues and boulevards
The streets are noisy everywhere.
Walk along the sidewalk
Only on the right side.
Here to play pranks, disturb people
Be a good pedestrian

If you are traveling on a tram
And there are people around you,
Without pushing, without yawning,
Come forward quickly!
We know how to ride like a hare
Give way to the old lady

If you're just walking,
Still look ahead
Through a noisy intersection
Pass carefully.
Crossing at red light
When it's green - even for children

Well done! You have become real pedestrians!

PDAshka: Guys, well, our journey through the country of Traffic Lights has come to an end. In a few seconds you will find yourself in the Wonderful Land of Knowledge. Let's close our eyes and count to three. One two Three!!!
Magic music sounds

Presenter 1: Guys, we have reached the Wonderful Land of Knowledge. School graduates have prepared an order for you:

1. The desired hour has come:
You are enrolled in 1st grade
You, my friend, listen to us, We will give you an order.

2. Tell everyone about the school,

Cherish the honor of the school!

Always keep it in order

Books, copybooks, notebooks!

Be careful, be polite,

Don't forget to say hello!

4. You should know perfectly:

Fighting at school is indecent!

So that you are always cheerful,

Sing more good songs.

5. To always be healthy,

Eat porridge, kefir and pilaf!

Listen to dad, listen to mom

And the teacher too.....

6. You master the program,

If anything, we will help!

If you carry out the order,

Prepare for the second class.

Presenter 2 : Are you ready to fulfill the order?

And now, guys, you will say the first-grader promise. I will read the promise, and you will say “I promise” in unison.

    I promise everyone to be healthy

    And I won’t forget my promise!

    In chorus: I promise!

Presenter 1: School is a fun, carefree time, enjoy it!
Presenter 2: So, to summarize, I announce my decision.

All of you are enrolled in the school fraternity!

Our big school

The door was opened for you.

You will learn.

You are schoolchildren now!

Now let's all get up and dance a fun holiday dance!!!

Song: We are little children, we want to go for a walk.

(balloons are distributed)

Presenter1: Thank you, dear guys! See you again!

Game program for first graders on “Knowledge Day”
The song “They teach at school” plays. The presenter comes out.
Ved. Hello, dear children and dear adults!
Today, September 1, the whole country celebrates Knowledge Day. For you, dear first-graders, this holiday is special because it is the first. Exciting discoveries await you in the land of knowledge. I congratulate you all on the beginning of this difficult, but very necessary and interesting path.
Let's congratulate each other on the very first Day of Knowledge with loud, stormy, incessant applause! (Clap our hands)
The bell rings.
Ved. The bell rang, let's start our lesson!
Answer me honestly, did you enjoy going to school today?
Will you be a good student at school or lazy?
Aren't you lazy? And not stupid? I'll check it now!
Come on, answer me in unison, in rhyme and with enthusiasm!

Who walks with a bag of books
Going to school in the morning? (Student)

Meets us with a bell
Our spacious, bright... (Class)

Should always be in order
Your school... (Notebooks)

Whether you are a good or bad student,
He will tell us honestly... (Diary)
If you barely know,
Then you'll get the number (Two)
If you know everything,
Your rating will be (Five)
Well done, kids! Sorry, I wanted to say: well done, students!
Let's check which of you will receive what grades! I have a lot of grades, both good and bad (I take out a bag, show them squares with numbers from 2 to 5, put numbers 2 and 3 in a secret pocket glued to the bag, I suggest to the bravest ones that they pull out a grade for themselves from the magic evaluation bag, the children pull out 5 and 4)
It turns out that you will all be good students with excellent grades.

Presenter: Guys, to get to the land of knowledge you need to pass several tests.

Here's your first test:
First, I'll check with you what you're going to first grade with.
Well, tell me, what should every student have?
Children: Briefcase.
Do you know what should be in every first-grader’s briefcase?
So I'll check this now. If I name those items that should be in your briefcase, you shout “YES” loudly and clap loudly, and if they shouldn’t be there, then shout “NO” and stomp loudly!
If you are going to school,
Then you take with you in your briefcase:
In a squared notebook?
New slingshot?
Broom for cleaning?
Diary for A?
Album and paints?
Carnival masks?
ABC in pictures?
Torn boots?
Markers and pen?
A bunch of carnations?
Colored pencils?
Air mattresses?
Eraser and ruler?
A canary in a cage?
An album to draw on?
Chewing gum to chew?
Covered textbooks?
Plates, forks, spoons?
A sofa to lie on?
Cardboard to cut out?
Presenter: Well done, guys! Everyone passed the first test. But the next test will be more difficult, let's see what kind of attentive students you make!
I will read you a fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood!
(to the children) Listen to the fairy tale, and where I make mistakes, you should clap your hands together.

"Once upon a time there was a girl and her name was Yellow Riding Hood... No? Which one, Blue Riding Hood?... Sorry. Once upon a time there was a girl, and her name was Little Red Riding Hood. Once my mother made dumplings... Oh, pies! Once my mother baked pies and asked Yellow Riding Hood... That is, Little Red Riding Hood to take them to grandfather... And to whom?... That's right, grandmother.
Purple Riding Hood is coming... Excuse me, Little Red Riding Hood is coming, singing songs, collecting flowers, and a crocodile is meeting her... That is, a hippopotamus... And who? That's right, wolf! The Wolf tells Red Beret... That is, it says to Riding Hood: “Don’t sit on the tree stump, don’t eat the pie”... No? What does he tell her? Oh yes. “Where are you going, White Panama”... That is, Little Red Riding Hood.
The elephant recognized... That's right, the wolf, where Red Kerchief is going... Riding Hood, and ran the short way. He ran as fast as he could to the hut where Baba Yaga lives... That is, grandmother, and knocked on the door. And the kikimora... No, grandma, she answers him: “Who’s there?” - “It’s me, postman Pechkin!”... That’s right. "It's me, Little Red Riding Hood!" And he hears in response: “Pull the string, my child, the door will open.”
The wolf pulled the string and ate the grandmother. And when Little Red Riding Hood came, he hid under the bed... And where did he hide?... He changed into grandmother's clothes?... And then what happened?... And he ate Little Red Riding Hood too?... What a glutton!
Then the police came... That's right, hunters. They ripped open the wolf's stomach and seven kids jumped out... That is, grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood. Everything ended well, the wolf married Little Red Riding Hood... And who, grandma or what?... In general, the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - a cucumber... And whoever listened - well done!

I see you know fairy tales well, and now the third test:
Let's see if you know the letters, I will ask riddles, and you will guess.
This letter is on parade
Stands ahead of others
Heads the alphabet.
What letter is this? (A) showing the letter

The white lamb was a darling, he ran fast and loved to run, so quickly give me the answer starting with the letter, what is his name? (B) showing the letter

She is third in the alphabet.
You'll notice it right away.
What kind of pinwheel is this?
Vanka-stand up, cheerful? (B) showing the letter
Birds love this letter:
Pigeon, jackdaw, rook, turtle dove.
Who can tell me
And name this letter? (G) I show the letter
Well, you know the letters, well done, and now the very last test will see if you can count
The problems are not simple mathematical ones, listen carefully, don’t miss anything and count accurately.
1.Under the bushes by the river
May beetles lived:
Daughter, son, father and mother.
Who can count them? (four)
2. Six funny little bears
They rush into the forest for raspberries
But one of them was tired and fell behind his friends
Now find the answer:
How many bears are ahead? (five)
3. Five pies were in a bowl.
Lariska took two pies,
Another one was stolen by the pussy.
How much is left in the bowl? (two)

4. Once to the bunny for lunch
A neighbor friend came galloping up.
The bunnies sat on a tree stump
And they ate two carrots.
Who's counting, guys, is dexterous?
How many carrots did you eat? (four)

Presenter: You have passed the fourth test to the land of knowledge, the door is now open for you. Congratulations on your first day of school!
The bell rings.
The bell is ringing, the bell is ringing, and our fun lesson is over, you answered perfectly, and now the guys are recessing and we will watch a puppet show at recess.

Svetlana Senkiv
"Masha goes to school." Theatrical and game program for first graders. Day of Knowledge

Masha goes to school.

(theatrical - game program for first graders)

The stage is festively decorated. The Hare runs out to the music.

Hare: Hello, boys and girls. They say there will be a holiday soon - first of September. As today? Oh, I'm late...have you seen Masha? Masha - a little girl first grader. Is there Masha among you? No, where is mine? Masha? Masha planning to go again school. I can already hear her steps. Guys, let's greet Masha with loud applause and shout to her "hooray!".

Music for Masha's exit, but Grandma comes out. The hare claps and screams with the children

Hare: Masha?

Grandmother: Yes, Masha. But for you Maria Ivanovna!

Hare: Where is ours? Masha?

Grandmother: Oh, are you talking about my granddaughter? So she's still at home, going to school. And I am Masha’s grandmother – Maria Ivanovna. She's been gone for a really long time. I’ll go help her pack her briefcase, while you guys listen to how he sings...

Concert number.

It turns out Masha, dragging a huge bag.

Hare: What is this?

Masha: My briefcase, my grandmother packed it for me.

Hare: Let's see what you typed there.

Hare and Masha take things out of the bag and discuss their need for school.

Grandma comes out.

Grandmother: Masha is confused how are you going to go to school without a briefcase?

Masha: I'm with a briefcase (points to the bag)

Grandmother: These are your toys that you like will not be useful to school. And here is your briefcase (hands Masha a briefcase). Guys, do you know what should be in your briefcase? Let's check it out.

A game “What’s in the briefcase?”

Masha: That's it, that's it, I went to school(Masha grabs his briefcase and runs, encounters a bear at the door)

Masha: Oh...Mishka, Mishka, and I’m in I'm going to school.

Masha looks at the bouquet in the paws of the bear.

Masha: That's for me? (the bear shakes his head negatively) And to whom? And for whom? For grandma? For the guys?

Grandmother: Why are you Mashenka, this bouquet is for your teacher. Did you guys give flowers to your teachers?

Masha: Bear, give me a bouquet... now I’ll give it to the teacher. Oops! There are so many teachers, but only one bouquet. Mishka, Mishka, do you have any more flowers?

Hare: This is a bouquet for your teacher. And for all the teachers present, the guys and I will collect bouquets right now.

A game "Bouquet"

Several teams participate, each of which receives whatman paper with a drawn vase and flower stems. The players' task is to create a large, beautiful bouquet by gluing paper flowers to the stems. The result is a good mood, and the bouquet can be presented to the teacher.

Hare: For all first graders, their parents and teachers a musical gift...

Concert number.

Grandmother: Guys, do you know how to be friends?

Hare: Who is better at making friends, girls or boys? Understood nothing. We will determine the most friendly ones by applause.

Masha: Girls, let's clap loudly - clap loudly. 3-4!

Hare: No, boys are still more friendly. Boys!

Grandmother: A in school girls are friends with boys, boys with girls. Everyone is class friendly. Did you come with your classmates?

A game "Columns"

Several teams take part in the game, lining up in columns. Each team must move only to certain music, each has its own. Music sounds - the team moves around the hall, the rest are standing at this time, there is one common composition to which all teams move.

Masha: I'm so ready now! The school year can begin!

A bear comes out with a bell in his hands.

Grandmother: Let it sound for Masha and the guys first school bell.

Masha: Come on, Mishka, call!

All: Hooray!

Masha: I open it as announced, that is, I declare the academic year open!

The article contains poems, sketches, and congratulations for first-graders, which can be used when preparing a script for the Day of Knowledge holiday.

On Knowledge Day, a first-grader finds himself in a completely unknown environment. The task of the organizers of the holiday on September 1 is to ensure that the children adapt faster, and that their interest in school and learning does not fade away after their first visit.

Knowledge Day for new schoolchildren is an acquaintance with their first teacher, with each other. During the first meeting with children, the teacher reveals the abilities of first-graders. From this article you will learn how to arrange an interesting and memorable holiday on September 1 for first graders.

I really want to go to school!

Scenario for first graders on September 1

Leading: Good afternoon, boys, girls, their parents, grandparents. You have waited patiently and for a long time for the day to come - September 1st, and here you are - smart and beautiful, standing on your first school line in a real school uniform, and in the classroom your first book - the Primer - is waiting for you.

Congratulations to you all on the start of the first school year of your lives! See how many guests came to your party. Did you find everyone through the eyes of your family and friends? Wave your hand to them and say “Hello, guests, teachers!” (guests also wave their hands in response to greeting). I wish you all more knowledge and excellent grades!

Music about school is playing.

First presenter:
Quiet, reverent and affectionate

Leaves fall at your feet

This is autumn enchantress

She asked to visit us.

The maples are quietly rustling in the yard

This morning of smiles and light,

The sun is shining brightly in the window.

Play, say goodbye to summer!

The classroom walls are bright,

The floors smell like paint

Golden autumn looks through the windows,

And for everyone to see the leaves in the school garden

They circle quietly, flying smoothly.

Every autumn he comes to school

First-graders noisy round dance,

Joyful, thoughtful, cheerful,

The teacher will lead you to knowledge.

Second presenter:
There are different holidays throughout the year
And today is our holiday
First graders go for the first time
To your friendly school class!
First-graders are greeted by 11th grade students.

1st graduate:
Glad to see you guys
For the first time at our school,
Your boss is coming soon
Your family will show you the class.
2nd graduate:
School will help you grow up,
And will open the path to knowledge,
You just have to be very brave
You should quickly step into it.
3rd graduate:
First grade is starting for you,
We're at the end of the road
All we got here is
We wish you to find it.
4th graduate:
So that parting words remain
By your side until the end,
We sent gifts
Happy messenger to you.

Senior students give gifts to newcomers (school supplies, ABC books). The presenter announces the ceremonial handover of the Golden Key to future knowledge to the sounds of the song “They teach at school, they teach at school”

teacher: Today you are setting off on an amazing journey - to the land of knowledge. In this country you can get to know each other better, play and learn a lot of interesting things. Which one of you guys can tell me what they teach at school?

After the children answer, teacher continues:
-That’s right, at school they teach you to write and read, count and draw, but you will also learn to be friends and help each other.
- Who can tell where your lessons will take place? ( Children answer - in class)
- That's right, you will study in a beautiful, cozy classroom. I hope that you will really enjoy studying there. Well, now, let's get acquainted. My name is (teacher's name). I am your first teacher. You and I will spend 4 whole years together and, I hope, become inseparable friends! After the holiday we will get to know you better. Now let's show the guests how we prepared for September 1st.

Pre-prepared first-graders perform:
1st student:
Just left kindergarten
Get your backpacks straight into your hands,
Now we will study
We are no longer kids.
2nd student:
We will try at school,
Difficult letters to learn
For good grades
Carry them in your diaries.
3rd student:
We asked mom and dad
Come here quickly
To sit at a new desk,
Read poetry in the ABC book.
4th student:
We make promises to you
Become successful in everything
And exemplary behavior
We won't let anyone down.

The first lesson is an exciting moment for first-graders

First graders who have just performed stand in a row with the students in their class. The lineup continues with a small concert prepared by high school students for guests and parents. Schoolchildren dance and sing several songs about their school years. In the final part he speaks head teacher.

Today is a very important day
For those who strive for knowledge,
For their parents, teachers,
Who is not afraid of responsibility?
Now you will hear the call,
It will sound for you for the first time,
And you will go to class,
Where the walls will become your home.

The high school student picks up the first-grader, passes the bell into her hands, sits her on his shoulder and walks in a circle along the students lined up in a line. After the first bell rings for new schoolchildren, helium-inflated balloons fly into the sky.

Speaking military training teacher with the words: “Stand at attention along the construction site, to the right.” There is silence. The anthem of the Russian Federation is played, after which students give bouquets to teachers and the school principal. Schoolchildren go to their home classes for the Peace Lesson, and first-graders are taken to their class by graduates.

Song about school for September 1st

The closer the holiday is to September 1, the more often the organizers need to find a good song dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. We offer you the following songs.

Hello school!
The first day of September was filled with leaves.
Autumn flies like a bird along native roads.
Summer ended yesterday
It's time for everyone to go to school,
And the bell calls us back to class.
Calls are pouring over the country.
In the morning, students go to school again.
We return to the cheerful classroom with friends.
Hello school! We can't separate.
You, teacher, taught us all to dream,
And your lessons will not be forgotten.
Let us be schoolchildren for now,
We know for sure
All our bright dreams will come true.
We will sing, we will live, we will love life
And the Fatherland, blooming under the sun.
We will never forget
Our school years
And calls calling for lessons!

Day of Knowledge

In all cities and villages
Calling marches sound.
Full of enthusiasm and fun
Smiles on the faces of the guys.
Beautiful mothers in parade
They walk in a row with bouquets
An elegant holiday is coming to us
Always on the first day of September.
Magic door with miracles
And the secrets of school sciences
Will open on the most joyful day
A teacher is a mentor and friend.

Poems about school

In this section you will find poems about school, Knowledge Day, and the first teacher. The poems presented here from modern authors will help diversify the holiday scenario.


I suddenly read in a book:
"School" meant "leisure".
In Ancient Greece it was like this:
The time has just come
Take a break from all your work,
Every resident was ready
Talk about the fate of the world,
Delighting your ears with the lyre.
Time slowed down.
"School" every person
I read it like heaven...

I'm collecting my briefcase again.
The times would come
To make the school fall in love.

Favorite school

How I love school, mom!
In the morning noisy crowd
We come to class the very best...
This class is of course mine.

There is no more beautiful school in the world:
It's cozy and warm here.
And with our teacher
I admit, we were lucky.

Doesn't swear angrily
Even if he puts “two”,
And he will show it in a businesslike manner,
Where the mistake is, let us know.

May there be many lessons at school,
We will overcome, no problem!
Start at the door
Our school years...


When I go for a walk on my day off,
I try to avoid it
But a sunny bunny in a clean window
She will always wink at me from afar!

Home school anthem

Everything will pass and maybe
I'll get tired of everything when I get old,
But while you're learning
In this school - rejoice.

Glory, glory to the school
And teachers,
After all, they teach us
And very diligently.

Glory to our Motherland,
Wise and beautiful.
We will increase with labor
Its power and strength.

Glory to all those who decide
The most difficult task -
Transformation of ignoramuses
To the opposite.

If you ever
You will rank with the greats
Don't forget this anthem
Like your relic.

Starting school is, first of all, a game!

Scenes for September 1

If you are looking for funny miniatures about school, then pay attention to the following scenes for September 1st. They will amuse both students and their teachers. Let the “infusion” into the new school year be colored with humor and laughter. Small miniatures can be played by schoolchildren of different classes.

1. Method of education.

Teacher: He’ll go to the board, he’ll go to the board... Ivanov will go to the board!
Ivanov: Why immediately Ivanov?! Look, Aniskina, she doesn’t go to the board at all!
Teacher: Because Aniskina always does her homework. And you, Ivanov. You don’t do it and therefore you are called to the board.
Ivanov comes to the board.
Teacher: So, let’s say you have four apples, divide them equally between you and Sergeev.
Ivanov: I’m four, Sergeev doesn’t have one!
Teacher: Why?
Ivanov: I haven’t liked him since first grade, he’s all so positive.
Teacher: Okay, then divide the apples between you and your best friend.
Ivanov: I'm three, my friend is one.
Teacher: And now why is that?
Ivanov: I love apples more than a friend, so I’ll take three for myself.
Teacher: Then divide the four pears.
Ivanov: My friend is four, I have none.
Teacher: And now what?
Ivanov: I don’t like pears at all, let him take it all.
teacher b: Ivanov, this is not the correct answer!
Ivanov: Which one is correct then?
Teacher: And you will now have the correct answer in your diary, give it here.
Ivanov: I know the right answer - it's a two!

2. Question and answer

Teacher: Who wants to get an A in my subject?
Ivanov holds out his hand.
Teacher: Oh, Ivanov, commendable, commendable. Come on, come out.
Ivanov comes to the board.
Teacher: Now we will have a mini test. I will ask questions, and you will quickly answer them. Understood?
Ivanov: Yes, I understand, but how quickly should I respond?
Teacher: So fast to get it right
Ivanov: Okay, I'm ready.

- the greatest traveler?
- Frog traveler.
- name the parts of a flower?
- flower, pot.
— a dense forest, is this?
- a forest where you can take a nap.
- How long does a mouse live on average?
- it all depends on what kind of cat lives in the house.
- Why is time in Europe ahead of time in America?
- because America was discovered later, and time lags there.

Teacher: Yes, Ivanov. I didn't expect this. He answered so quickly. Well, let's sum it up: five for answers, five for resourcefulness. The result is three.
Ivanov: Thanks I was trying.


When the holidays end and school time comes, it’s so hard for children to stay in class for a long time, bent over yet another textbook.

Organize competitions for children on Knowledge Day, and let the winner be the one who didn’t waste time in vain during the summer, practicing speed, resourcefulness, and resourcefulness. Children will have fun, compete and laugh heartily, and teachers will check how prepared they are for school. You can have a simple tea party with fun competitions, riddles and funny tasks.

Details: prepare vegetables and fruits cut into 1x1cm cubes. Toothpicks, disposable plates, napkins. Eye patches.
Place equal numbers of fruit and vegetable cubes on plates. It is better to hold this competition not against time, but so that the participants in the game can try each cube and identify it correctly. The player who guesses the most dice wins. Why does he receive the “Apple” prize?

Requisites: sharpener, ruler, plastic pencil (since it produces the longest shavings when sharpening) Anyone can participate in this competition. Task: within the designated time, carve out as long a curl as possible. The winner can be chosen for both the largest number of curls and the longest curl. The winner will receive a pencil sharpener.

Props: cookies or sweets, in the same quantity for each player. Both boys and girls participate in the game. At a signal, it is necessary to lay out the pyramid as high as possible within a certain time. The player whose pyramid turns out to be higher and turns out to be the most stable wins. The winner receives a sweet prize.

Props: soda bottles, balls. Soda bottles are placed in a row, not very close to each other. Two players are called to participate in the competition. Everyone is given a ball. Players stand behind the line so that there is no tread. The task is to knock down as many bottles as possible within a given time. The winner is awarded a bottle of lemonade.


You can always find a worthy replacement for competitions and quizzes - these are games. Schoolchildren will willingly take part in games, especially if they are interesting.

For this game you will need a jump rope 1.5-2 m long. Several people can participate at the same time. All participants stand in a circle. The leader stands in the center of the circle. He takes a jump rope in his hand (you can take a rope or cord with a soft ball tied at the end) and says: “Catch, fish, big and small!” begins to rotate the rope so that its end falls under the feet of the participants. The participants' task is to ensure that the jump rope does not touch their feet. To do this, when approaching the feet of the “fishing rod,” you need to jump so that the rope passes under your feet. If one of the participants steps on the “fishing rod”, then he is considered caught and at the same time changes places with the leader. The game can be limited in time or played until all participants are in the role of leader.
This fun game is designed for all participants, who stand in a circle, holding hands tightly, and choose a “sparrow” and a “cat.” The “sparrow” is placed in the center of the circle, and the “cat” is placed behind the circle. The “cat’s” task is to run into the circle and catch the “sparrow”. The rest of the participants should not let the “cat” near the “sparrow”. The game continues until the “cat” catches the “sparrow”. In this case, the game ends and a new “sparrow” and “cat” are chosen.
In this game, all participants need to be divided into pairs. The pairs line up on one line drawn by the leader. At some distance (about 3 m) another line is drawn. Participants stand with their backs to each other and grab their partner with their arms bent at the elbows. At the leader’s signal (ring the bell, clap your hands, say: “One, two, three - pull!”), the pairs rush to the indicated line. Having reached the mark, they return.
In this case, first one participant walks facing forward, and then vice versa. The winner is the pair that returns to their place faster than the others.


When preparing a quiz for schoolchildren, you can use the questions presented below.

  • The highest school mark in Russia is... What?
    (Five, five)
  • What is the verbal equivalent of a school grade of “five” called? ("Great")
  • What do you call both a student who gets only A's and an employee who performs his duties perfectly? (Excellent student. And a student is also called an A student)
  • What is the name of a coin or a sum of five kopecks? (Penny, nickel)
  • What do you call a small round area and a cramped, limited space in general? (Piglet)
  • What is the name of Winnie the Pooh's pink friend? (Piglet)
  • What are the five fingers of the hand together with the palm called? (Quintuple)
  • What do you call a work week with two days off? (Five days)
  • What is a short production meeting called? (Five minutes)
  • What is the name of the five-year economic development plan?
  • (Five-year plan)
  • What digits must a number end with in order for it to be divisible by five? (Zero or five)
  • What does the number five look like in the binary number system?(101)
  • Which Latin letter plays the role of the Roman numeral five? (Letter "V")
  • What is the name of a musical ensemble of five people? (Quintet)

Waltz on September 1

The waltz on the September 1 holiday will be a real highlight. Therefore, be sure to include it in the script and teach it to schoolchildren.

Video: waltz for September 1

Inscription September 1

If, when preparing for the holiday of September 1, there is a need for a beautiful inscription, then you can choose the one you like in this section. A spectacular inscription sometimes immerses you in a festive school atmosphere better than any words.

Inscription Day of Knowledge

Inscription First-grader

Postcards for September 1

How to make a postcard for your favorite teacher on September 1? Look in this section at a selection of photographs of beautiful greeting cards, and your imagination will tell you what the card you like is made from and in what order.

Postcard School bell

First class postcard

Drawings on the theme of September 1

What drawings are associated with Knowledge Day? Of course, a book, school supplies, autumn flowers and lots of yellow leaves. Opened book with bookmark Wishes to first-graders on September 1

First-graders need special attention on Knowledge Day. A selection of poems for those who are going to school for the first time is mandatory when preparing the holiday script.
To a first grader from his parents.

You will remember this day forever:
The school will accept you for the first time.
Will open its doors wider -
And the school week begins,

And behind it is the second, quarter, year...
Your school period will flow by,
He will walk, he will run, he will rush,
Just have time to get an A+ in your studies!

This is still in the future, now
You will go to first grade for the first time.
There is still a small amount of knowledge,
But over the years you will overtake us.

First grader

A bouquet of flowers in your hands
And a new backpack behind me,
There is excitement and delight in the eyes,
You squeeze your mother's hand tightly.

Today is your main holiday,
You are going to school for the first time,
You are a first grader, you are big!
Now everything will be different.

Wishes for a first grader

On the first day of autumn,
Joyful, cheerful,
In a cheerful mood
You'll run to school.

You'll see me after summer
There are frizzy friends there,
And in everyone's bouquets
Festive asters.

You'll be there until May
You are now working hard.
We wish you
Study well!

Very dear to mom
Every little step you take
Bring "fives"
More for her, my friend!

Poems-wishes for Knowledge Day

Summer is over and it's tenderly calling
The kids are all at their desks at school.
And with books a new, magical flight
The Day of Knowledge will give you again.

And on the first day of autumn, the day of September,
School friendship meets you.
And childhood years, a silver lining,
The light of goodness is shining on you.

Video: First time in first grade